Even though there were only two people in the room, the rising tension couldn't get any more intense as Fury glared at Technomarine. He still couldn't believe that the difficulty level of Dungeon Spire was as Technomarine stated.
"Plunder... the number one superhero... was defeated?" Fury clenched his fists, trying to suppress the anger that rose up within him. Everything that he had worked hard for and planned went down the drain. Not only was the number one superhero dying in the Dungeon, the government and the SAO decided against his will to destroy the Dimensional Portal that didn't mean any harm. And throughout all of these, he was as helpless as a newborn rat— there was nothing he could do but stand in the sidelines and watch.
"Sir! You have to see this!"
2nd chapter update today since I missed an update the other day. Once again thank you all so much for the support and I hope you continue reading this novel.
Have a great read everyone ^0^