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69.87% I'm ruby rose / Chapter 58: 5

Capítulo 58: 5

[party has decided to stay]

[all other dungeon will be closed for the next 15 days]

[10% EXP boost]

[temporary removal of level cap]

[kill count]




Nora:6, 787






Ruby :50,435

[you will be teleported to the next dungeon in 1 minute]

"what the fuck"

"seems right" I said as I looked at the hologram

"no, no it doesn't, how do you have, more than 50,000 kills" Weiss shouted as I turned to her with a smile

"I didn't stop killing for a single second, even when the boss used summon" I said tilting my head to the side

"how where you still able to move"

"I don't think you all understand the gap between us, but it doesn't matter well be move on to the next level so be prepared for anything" I said as I as a magic circles appeared below us

'this writing its the same as' I thought as I looked for my note book

'shit it was destroyed, huh whatever I've got most of the information in my head so, nothing lost' I thought as the we where teleported away

[welcome, you are the first to enter a dungeon and as such you will receive an LV10 skill apron completion, so clear the dungeon and you will get your reward]

"it seems we where correct, but we only have a month and we don't know how big this dungeon is" Onyx said as I went to the wall and placed my hand on it

"five floors, were currently on the first and have to work our way down, there are different monsters here, stronger then the ghoul but weaker then the Oni or on the same level but stat wise they are different and... Nevermide" I said as I pulled my hand from the wall

"how could you tell all that"

"I have very powerful sense, other than that have you guys level up or what course I'm level 22"

"let's see-" time stopped as I looked at my status

Elite Dragonoid/human


Skill Points: 30,050

Ruby Rose


HP 30,701/20,555

MP 39,122/1007

SP 67,698/1999

Offense : 20,281

Defense :15,009

Magic : 49,601

Resistance : 50,435

Speed : 78,999



Detection is a skill that combines all of the main Perception Skills into one. The System/Skill List combined are as follows:

Magic Power Perception

Physical Perception

Material Perception

Danger Perception

Motion Perception

Heat Perception

Reaction Perception

[since host already possessed these skill we've combined them into one]

[error more unknown skills and abilities]

[host possess more abilities that reveal around Perception an error has occurred]

[Processing ..... Processing..... Failed skills of host can not be read as such these skill shall appear as unknown and only new skills given by system shall appear]

[know skills of host have been named if you wish to see say skills]

[sins of host have been identified, would you like to receive these as your title or do you wish for the system to hold them]

'I don't need them same with any other new skill, hold them in storage or whatever, they will come in handy when need'

[receive, new skills and titles shall be held by system till host wishes for them as such system will stay in its diffult mode till needed ] it said

'it seems the system is more of a personal system than a world voice, unless

"-what I got" I finished my sentence as all of this took less then a second

"ohh I jumped five levels and my stats got"

"yeah" they said as I looked at they stats to see a big jump in a some stats

'it seems Jaunes Amp skill did it job' I thought then looked at Onyx stats to see 10,000 to his Offense and Magic

'must have taken it from the Oni and ghouls, but other than that he's other stats seem normal'

"hy Ruby what did you get"

"nothing I haven't used my point and I've only gone up two levels, ask me in a few days" I said as I yawned

"but that not important, right now you still weak from fighting rest up I'll explore a little to map out our root so we don't spend more then a month" I said as I started walking away

"wait let me joi-"

"no Penny, you can still fight if need be so it would be best for you too stay on guard, I'll be back in a day at most" I said as my body broke apart in rose and flew away

"leave her be, she has a point we are all tired from fight and our SP is low and will take time to recharge"

"yeah we'll set up camp, two will stay on guard and the others sleep and we'll switch till we're all full" Jaune said as I decided to leave since there was something I felt that irritated me

'I hope they didn't do what I think they did' I thought as I moved down the floors as I passed through the floor and went to the source of what I was feeling as I got to a clear as I reformed

"I know your there, come out" I said simply as the was no movement for a few seconds as I sighed and made my scythe into a shotgun as I pumped it with darkness and aimed at up

"WAIT WAIT WAIT DON'T SHOOT DON'T KILL ME" it shouted in japanese as it dropped from the ceiling as I looked at it to see a white spider as I pointed my gun to the side and fired, as it looked to the side as I blow up a giant snakes head as it started to shake in fear and she slowly turned to me as my eyes turned black

"you understand fear, good that will keep you alive" I said as my darkness disappeared but miss spider was still shaking

"huh oh right, here" I said as my hand glowed silver as she calmed down

"wg-wh-what do-do you w-w-want" she said in English as I sighed

"(it's okay I understand Japanese and I'm not here to hurt you I just want to know, where you reborn here and is there a giant spider under this dungeon)" I asked knowing the answer but had so hope that I was wrong

"yes my classmates and I die in an explosion, I think abd when I woke up I was in an egg"

"I see do I look familiar to you"

"yes you where part of an American web series that played on YouTube, but you seem different" she said as I went to a wall and slammed my head hard enough to cause the whole cave to shake, before I went back to her calm

"huh I see, have you gone out yet" I said as she shook her head in a no motion

"I was going to but I felt you coming and"

"no matter I simply wished to see what this was and found you a seemingly smart spider, that look familiar, but do you know D"

"huuuuuuuuu" she gasped as I rolled my eyes

"DID SHE SEND YO-" she shouted and immediately stopped as I looked her in the eyes

"lower your voice"

"sorry, so did she send you"


[so this is the famous Ru-]

"I don't care, I have no time for irritating mind games, why did you call" I said

[you do know I'm a god right, I can kill you with a thought]

"go ahead little girl" I said as the was a pause as I smiled as I felt something for a second before it disappeared

"you can't, can you" I said

[hmm I simply don't want-]

[she can't and will never be able too, ruby your worlds have not been mashed up more like an open portal that links them, in a way since our system was more like] darkness voice boomed in as the world around us lost its color

[DARKSOULS, well the difficulty anyways, HY LITTLE SOUL] light shouted as I greeted back

"hello light darkness, light how are you two"

[hello Ruby, and little spider] light said to us but little spider was still in shock

[anyways this was more of an experiment that no one was supposed to find out but while we where speaking to other you, you somehow crossed a portal the size of a pin head and the gravitational field of a star]

"my semblance is way more powerful then some might think, as long as I'm in my rose form nothing exists"

[I see, anyways get back up this is not your world]

"whatever, it was nice meeting you little spider, maybe I'll see you again and help in your war" I said as I turned into my rose form and flew back the way I came as I reformed in the first floor as I closed my eyes

[oh so you can freely enter this space now] darkness asked as he looked at me

"yes you've done it so many times that I remember the feel and copy it but I only got here because you pulled me in"

[ohh it doesn't matter little soul, I'm guessing you here to talk about or to other you]

"yes, Ive thought long and hard about this and wish to speak to her"

[hmmm okay]

"and before that you two seem to be in good moods"

[of course we would be, one of our world has become balanced and the other has magic, it's like watching your child successed after failing time and time again and the fact that you gave us the recipe to healing the other less damaged worlds] darkness said a little to happy for my liking as light teleported other me who was in heavy armor

"huh why did you call me here" she asked as she looked at me

"heavy armor, why"

"it looks like I'm a demon lord, which I am but that doesn't matter clone me"

"we both know your the clone so don't come here with that bullshit"

"she's right your the clone and your just stronger" light said as he floated by

"yeah anyways why am I here"

"your going to stay in dxd aren't you" I said to her as she nodded

"yeah something happened and I don't think I can just leave"

"I know huh what do we do now then cause I don't have the time to fight you just give me my gun and my dragon power" I said as I waved my hand boredly

"here's your guns but I don't know-" she was cut off by light

"I Do!" he shouted as he did a pose

"what's up with him"

"he's been like that for a while now and darkness seemed... Kind"

"I see so they've finally decided to destroy the multi-verse"

"seems so"

"what happened to the kind little girl" light said as a dark clouds appeared under his head

"they realized that they were going to die"

"this is never happening again ever, but anyways since your not fusing back your souls will begin repair themselves so if you two where normal I would say a few years"

"buuuuut it's you two, so give it an hour"

"I see.... Give me my guns" I said as she stepped back

"really" she said as I stepped forward

"Im letting you keep Carnage" I said as she sighed

"fine let me just say my good byes to my babies" she said as I nodded as she took out and gave them a long hug

"here" she said as she looked away as I took them

"thanks now"

"get out" darkness said as I found myself back in the cave as I rolled my eyes

[Darkness and light LV???, Petal Burst speed increase ×??? , darkness light mode increases stats by??? %, dragon mode??? Unlocked]

[skill overpower system, update... Unneeded Ruby is an abnormally]

"that seems right, anyways let's-" I stopped for a second to adjust to my sense getting turned up to a thousand again

"huh I should have just told her to keep them" I said as a window popped up

[evolution is now available]

"interesting but not know" I said as I went back to the others

"your back" Blake said as I passed

"yes" I said simply as the others came

"so did ou find anything"

"no I got the layout of this floor, it will take us a week and a few days with monster attack" I said as they looked at me

"if it will take a week how" Jaune asked

"same reason why your sword is over there" I said as I pointed at the far end of the room

"what wait how"

"anyways we should get a move on, we've already lost a day" Onyx said as everyone nodded and packed

"where there any attacks"

"multiple wild mutant animals, they where strong, but nothing we couldn't handle" Penny said as I nodded

"it's only the first floor, anyways let's go" I said as the others began to move out, I walked in front as I lead them to a few hot spots with a high monster population

"get ready and exact a fight" I said as we walked as I turned around and back handed the one how was trying to grab me into a wall

"RUBY" a few shouted as I raised an eyebrow as I looked at the one in the wall

"I don't like you touching me in any way, you're on your second strike I will break something next time" I said as he got up and whipped the blood of his mouth

"what where you going to ask anyways" I said as I crossed my arm

"I was going to ask that you not fight and while I know this is asking a lot"

"very well then" I said as I stabbed my scythe in the ground and sat down

"I won't fight, I'll wait for you all to complete, but I hope you all know that I will expect the same" I said as I took out my headset and switched on my music and watched as they fought wave after wave of monster and when they where done I lead them to another and another as they continued to fight and level up, I did not bother or interfere with their fights even when they where backed into a corner and it became life and death, I did not interfere

"were nearing the boss room" I said as we turned the corner to to a giant door

"Finally we here-" Jaune stopped as I held my scythe in front of him

"Rudy what's wrong is there a monster"

"no I simply wish for you all to stay behind and wait as I do this alone" I said simply without care

"what are you talking about Ruby" Onyx said

"it's only fair, since I did as you asked, I did not help nor did I fight the last five rooms and as such I expect you all to do the same" I said as I walked towards the door

"wait RUBY!!" yang shouted as I stopped and stood there

"whaaaaatttttt" I said in an annoyed tone as l stop

'what the fuck, did I grow a heart...I should kill it, I should kill it.... When I have time'

"I just wanted to..... I..... I don't think you should do this" she said as I looked at her for a second

"Penny make sure they don't get in my way" I said as I went to the door and placed my hands on it as magical symbol appeared all over the door

"what th-"

'these don't seem to complicated hmmm they look more like runes from DXD... Let try creating a second set with my dragon magic' I thought as I raised my hand as I made different magic circles as this took me about a day in my time

"-e hell is this" Jaune said as time resumed

"magic seals, it seems that the system also has its own magical system" I said as I crossed my arm

"if I had to guess, the must be a key, scroll or something to give us the answer but I don't have time for that so" I said as I placed my hand on the door as the runes began to change as I slowly pushed the door open as the room lit up

As I sighed and began walking forward as I took out my guns before I span them around

"5 hundred..... Is that all" I said

[is it time for killing]

[I hope it is]

[ohh it is sister full power act-] I slammed the guns together

"I am in no mood to figure this out, be silent" I said as I hundred of roars

"let's get this party started" I said as I threw my guns into the air and played a song on my scroll

[devil trigger] as they all attacked with weapons in hand as they all stabbed me

"RUBY" Yang Nora shouted as the others looked in horror

As they all where all about to attack as I raised my hands up as I caught my guns

"hm so you all wish to dance" I said as I jumped into the air as I span around in the air as I fired Mercy killing all the monsters as I landed the monsters dropped, I ducked as a monster passed over me, I kicked it into the air, I disappeared as screams of pain could be heard as gunshots and laughter filled the room and red rose fall like rain

This went on for a good minutes before everything went silent as blood flowed and in the middle was Ruby with blood all over her, since she wasn't using her speed

"hehehe" giggling could be heard as ruby looked up

"are you just going to stay there, why don't you come down, little mouse " she said

[Boss has appeared]

"YOU KILLED THEM, MY CHILDREN" a voice said as the room began to can as black roots began to grow out of the ground as a giant flower appeared as it opened a naked tree lady appeared but I payed her no mind as my hand glowed purple

"YOU DARE IGNORE ME YOU DISGUSTING HUMAN I'LL-" she couldn't finish as her head was blow off

"be quite" I said as a shout could be heard as I jumped back as lightning hit where I was standing as I began to side step multiple attacks from above with little effort

"ENOUGH OF THIS" a load irratited voice said as a giant lightning bolt struck the middle of the room as a giant orc with lightning flashing off his body with as axe in hand

"oh my what an.... Ugly little rat" I said as he slashed up as a lightning slash followed as I stepped to the side as he began to rapidly slash his weapon releasing attack as I dodged his attack and walked forward

"INSACT WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU THERE WILL BE NOTHING LEFT OF YOU" he said as I took out my sword as my hand began to vibrate

"sorry to disappoint you but" I said as I dashed forward as I jumped up with my sword raised as I slashed down as he raised his axe and blocked my strick as the ground beneath him cracked

"YOU WHERE ABLE TO MATCH MY STRENGTH IMMPRESSIVE" he said as his axe cracked with lightning as his muscles increased in size as he pushed Ruby into the air

"this is" he said as he released a massive slash of black electricity

"POWER" he said as the blast swolled Ruby

"real" a voice was heard as the attack was cut in half as the slash exploded, Ruby landed but something was different her she had horns, he hand where claws as her hair was longer


"you said something about power, correct" I said as I began to walk towards him as he growled and ran at me with axe in hand

"YOU WILL NOT PLAY WITH ME" he said as he brought his axe down on me but before it could hit I swang my hand to the side creating as gust of wind, throwing him into the wall

"I want to show you something" I said as I as I exploded with aura, it raged for a few seconds before it began to shifted and turned, form into a skeletons upper body as I raised my hand as the skeleton coped

"I'm not done" I said as I brought my hands together, as black energy began to form an unstable blade of darkness

"say your piece, pray to what ever God you believe, cause this one's fresh out of marcy" I said in a dark tone as he opened his mouth and fired a beam

"this is what true power looks like, now DISAPPEAR" I shouted as I brought my hand down as the skeleton followed me every move as the sword slammed into the ground slicing the orc and its attack in two, but the was no explosion, no there was just silence as the room began to break apart revealing a door

"R-R-RUBY" a voice said as I looked behind me to see the others walking towards me a bit scared

[duo to fear, towards ruby rose, Amp has become unstable]

'what the FUCK.... Huh humans are creatures that fear, what they don't understand, let's give this skill a weakness' I thought as I violently moved my aura

"hy are you guys okay" I said as I took a step forward before I dropped to my hands a knees as my eye nose ears and mouth began to bleed heavily, as my aura lashed around me wildly

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH" I screamed out in pain as a jet of energy blasted out of my mouth for a few seconds as it stopped I partly turned into my rose for as cracks appeared on my skin as I fall back seemingly "passing out"

'how annoying, I have to put this act on so I can enjoy the fruits of someone else power..... Nuh that's not it, I was in a hurry to get a dungeon with zero work that I overlooked the idiots I was going with' I thoughtas a few ran to me as I stopped my heart

'no I didn't overlook that Nora asked me to come with and they need one more person as I saw it was a good chance for Penny to make new friends other then me' I thought as I heard them panicking as Nora tried to wake me

'do I care about these two to that extent that I would sacrifice my own time and comfort just for them' I asked myself as Nora's hand where charged with electricity as Penny gave her instruction on how much energy to put and where to strike

"CLEAR" she said as an electric shock went through my body

'and it was not just them, I know I would do the same for, Xenovia, Neo and strangely Yang.... Huh I don't know how to deal with this and I think I'll save it for later' I thought as on the fifth shock I gasped as I opened my eyes and sat up but as I did so Nora, Penny and Yang jumped on me as they all gave me a deep hug as they cried a lot, as I felt the emotion in the room

'disappointment, jealousy, anger, worry, sadness, happiness... Looks like I'm going to be dealing with this for a while... Best ignore them, they are only trash'

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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