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Disgusting. The pure bullshit of disgusting harem that I've seen on WebNovel is disgusting. Not just harem, but people getting wayyyyyy too comfortable on this app like deadass. Some of y'all weird ass niggas should have kept y'all disgusting ass fetishi's to yourselves. Again if what you're reading applies to you, you're a disgusting piece of shit😐

Also, I'm back, but I missed so much of school that I have a lot of work to do, so chapters will be coming out late.


It was the day of the raid.

As of now there was an army of warships and three airships headed to the north of Jeju island. The broadcast hadn't started yet since they only wanted to capture the action and give everyone time to get their nerves together.

Multiple guilds were here with their main job being to protect the broadcast towers that were on the ships. Up in the sky, inside one of the ships were Koreas S-ranks.

Jin-woo stood on his decision of not going and was even more sure that he didn't need to go thanks to Ming-yoo and Jin-cheul being there.

Well of course that was if nothing unexpected happened. The main forces were focused on the north while other guilds were called by the association to be sent to the south of the island.

The Knight Guild, The Fame Guild, The Reaper Guild, The White Tigers Guild, and finally The Hunter Guild. In total there was 5,000 of them which was only a tenth of all of the people who had awoken abilities in the entire country.

"I'm the cameraman from the official hunter report center. Nice to meet you." A guy said with a big smile. It was the only way he knew to mask his nervousness and fear.

"The raid will be filmed live on tv. You also won't have to worry about my mistakes since there's a 10 minute delay in recording, the editing team will handle it." He added.

Currently Baek Yoonho, Choi Jong-In, Lim Tae-Gyu, Ma Dongwook, Min Byung-Gyu, Cha Hae-In, Woo Jin-Cheul, and lastly Sung Ming-yoo, all sat in the plane as they made their way to the island.

"I still can't believe cameraman was deployed to a dangerous place like this." Yoonho said.

"It's fine. I'm also an A-rank and being a hunter was my side job so I'm use to dangerous situations." He said as he touched the sword next to him.

"Don't be scared. The reason you were allowed to come here was probably because the chairman was sure his plan would succeed. And them." Dongwook said as he pointed to Jin-cheul who was in a suit with his sunglasses on.

Across from him was Sung Ming-yoo who was sitting laidback with his right leg over his left knee. He wore black pants with black hightop van, a black shirt and a black coat with fur lining on the hood.

Out of everyone there, these two were the calmest.

"I still don't know if it's confidence or arrogance, but I know they're out of our league, so if any problems arise then they should have it handled.

"Um, excuse me. Have any of you been able to contact Hunter Sung Jin-woo?" Cha Hae-In as them.

"He's spending time with his family. He won't be showing up anytime soon." Ming-yoo said.

"Ehh, wouldn't everything be closed since everyone would be watching the raid? So he'd just be watching the raid go on?" Baek Yoonho asked.

"Maybe." He said hunching his shoulders.

The airship had finally made it to the coast of Jeju island. The Japanese team had already gone down and they were now going through the city. Well what used to be a city. Now it's just a ghost town.

There were white any carcasses everywhere. It seemed as though they were killing each other.

The Japanese team split into four teams.

"This is A-Alpha. Respond in order." Goto said over the coms.

"This is B-Beta."



"Everyone, release it now!!" Goto announced. On his signal they all released their magical energy as huge pillars of colors shot to the sky. Everyone felt the wave of magical energy wash over them.

At first Ming-yoo was surprised that they can get like that when they're all together and going all out, but if he tried a bit he could beat them all together.

"That's their signal!!" Baek Yoonho said. The ants shot from their tunnels and headed towards the energy signals. The hatch to the airship that Koreas team was on, opened up and there were 10 ants flying their way.

Ming-yoo stood up and looked out at them as they got closer. His right arm started coiling with lightning as he shot it forward at them ants.

Lightning shot out from his hand as it bounced from ant to ant, completely vaporizing their bodies.

"These ants are about as strong as A-rank, but they're more or less just scouts. They have a bit or elemental resistance, but not much. Their exoskeleton should be easy to crack for the brawlers and as long as you put power behind your swings everyone else is good." Ming-yoo said.

"Now that thats been made clear, I think it's about time we completely our mission." Jin-cheul said as he and Ming-yoo jumped from the airship and smashed into the ground.

Jin-cheul rolled his sleeves up and jumped into the air. Once he was coming down he smashed his leg into the ground, making it cave in on itself as the ants went in the air.

With a wave of his hand Ming-yoo shot out a huge wind blade that cut all the ants in half.

Seeing this, the others also jumped down and started helping out.

"I think you guys should hang back. The chairman said you'll be needed incase something unexpected happens and as backup. I don't think you should tire yourself out this early." Ma Dongwook suggested.

Ming-yoo and Jin-cheul decided to go with this since killing the ants didn't do anything for him anymore anyway.

Jin-cheul was a bit reluctant since he wanted to test out his power, but he decided to restrain himself till the queen has to be killed.

For the time being they went on to kill ants that cane their way while Ming-yoo just kicked a few away. As they made there way to the mountain that the ants used to make their tunnels, they came across an open area with several holes in it.

The jamming signal had been sent out and now we had one full hour to beat the ants and the queen. The moment they entered the opening, they could see the sky from above them.

Ming-yoo put up a net of lightning over the opening, so that ants won't be able to get back inside the mountain through that hole.

"These tunnels should lead to the queen or at least a work space for the ants." Choi Jong said as he slammed his hands to the ground.

"With this it should be easier to find out where to go." He added as balls of fire materialized and started shooting from every tunnel in the room.

Every tunnel but one.

"This way." He said as they walked towards the tunnel that didn't have a fireball explode inside it. After only a few moments of walking into the tunnel there were three ants that were headed their way.

Lim Tae-Gyu used his bow and made three magic arrows and killed them easily.

"These guys seem weak. Are they the queens body guards? Nah, they don't have the strength." He said with a sigh.

As everyone continued to walk through these tunnels with Choi Jong leading the way with a fireball, they made a left and all of them widened their eyes in shock.

"W-what is this!?" Baek Yoonho asked in shock. Sweat dripped down their faces as they stood at the entrance of what looked like a hatchery.

There were thousands of eggs throughout this open space. Looking further inside the cave they saw that sitting on a small mountain of dirt there was one huge egg that had already hatched.

"The queens chamber must be near by." Choi Jong said.

"Which means those were guard ants. Weren't they way too weak though?" Chae-In asked.

"There must be organization type guards. So those must have been first or second generation guards." Ming-yoo suggested.

"How many generations do you think there are?" Cheul questioned.

"At the least I'd say four, but for now…" Ming-yoo's words trailed off as he swept his hands across the air.

A wave of lightning swept over the whole area as all of the eggs were completely vaporized to nothing.

[Host is already max level. Host will cease to gain experience from killing monsters.]

Ming-yoo ignored the message since he had already guessed this might happen.

Everyone besides Jin-Cheul staggered as they saw what he just did. They couldn't put together how a mage had the physical capabilities that he did, but had this much power.

Baek Yoonho silently cursed that he couldn't get him or Sung Jin-woo in his guild, but soon focused back on the task at hand.

"With the hatchery taken care of we can get to the queen." Jin-Cheul said. Baek Yoonho nodded his head as his eyes turned yellow.

"The queens to the rear. Eight guards in front of her." He informed us.

"I can handle the queen. Hunter Chae-In, would you mi d taking care of the queen?" Dongwook asked.

"Leave them to me!" She said with a serious look. The ants they would be fighting could be confirmed to be S-rank since they would be protecting the queen.

With that in order, they dashed off through the tunnels and as soon as they saw the guards and queen, Choi Jong formed a huge dragon made entirely of fire. With a swift motion he threw the dragon towards two ants and they were completely destroyed.

With the battle starting everyone started fighting. Baek Yoonho, knew how strong these monsters were, so he used his full body transformation. He grew in size as white hair covered his whole body. His nails turned to claws and he started looking like a bi-pedal lion.


He jumped forward and with his bare hands he easily squashed the heads of two ants. Ma Dongwook was using his shield and spear to occupy the queen as Chea-In, used an agro spell.

She easily killed the two ants with her sword as purple blood flew everywhere. Ming-yoo and Jin-Cheul just kicked the last two away from them as everyone else seemed occupied.


Somewhere in America

A man with blonde hair that was neatly combed to the side was watching the video of the raid and he seemed disinterested until he saw Ming-Yoo use his lightning.

"Who is that?" He asked the man standing next to his desk. He was inside an office watching it live from a flatscreen TV.

"That would be Koreas 11th S-rank hunter, Sung Ming-Yoo. He's a mage type hunter." The man said.

"He and Sung Jin-Woo must be related?"

"We don't know yet. There's an info lock that even our best hackers can't get into."

"I see."

The man continued to watch the TV as the raid continued.

Jin-Woo's Apartment

"Are all S-ranks that strong!?" Jin-Ah asked as she watched the raid with her mom and Jin-Woo.

"He's a special case." Jin-woo said as he looked off to the side. He glanced back at the television as a thought ran across his mind.

'Maybe I should have gone to the raid. I wonder if 100 is the max level or if I could get stronger.'

"Who's stronger between you guys?" Jim-ah asked.

Jin-woo hunched his shoulders, but he did wonder who would win if they ever fought. Meh, he stopped thinking about it since Ming-yoo doesn't seem like the type of fight for no reason and so was he.

All around South Korea people were watching, waiting for the moment they struck down the queen. They watched as the count of guards got lower and lower. Although this was happening they saw two hunters that were just standing there.

This irritated them a bit. While the other hunters were fighting there were two of them that was just standing there kicking away the ants that came to them.

While they did see Ming-yoo use his lightning they wanted to see him actively trying to fight with the ants. They haven't seen anything from Jin-Cheul other than him standing there kicking away some ants, but he wasn't trying to help fight the queen or anything.

At the moment it wasn't even about them completing the raid. Most of the people watching just wanted to see a good fight from all the S-ranks.

They had never seen how hunters fight or what they can do in general. All they heard were words from other hunters and now that they can see this, they wanted to see all of it.

While the other's were putting on a "show" for them, the other two were just standing there.

The only ones that actually cared about the raid were the families that once had their child of family lost because of the last attempts on the Island raid.

As the fight with the queen continued everyone suddenly felt as if someone had too the weight if the world itself and dumped it on their backs.

Sweat dropped from their body as their eyes widened and their pupils dilated. Their breathing hitched as their bodies started shaking violently.

Everyone felt this effect, But Ming-yoo. Jin-cheul felt the pressure, but on a way less scale. It was more like someone had just thrown tons of weight on his back. He was sweating a bit, but other than that he was fine.

Ming-yoo's golden eyes glowed as his aura exploded around his body to combat the other. There was no enemy in sight, but they could feel it. They all could feel it.

A few kilometers out was a huge ant that seemed to be at least 8 or 9 feet tall. Ant wings were flapping from its back as it shot towards the mountain at sound breaking speeds. It's eyes glowed red as it blasted off. It's goal was to find the "King" of the humans.

He could feel it. The disconnection of ever ant that was killed, the connection of the queen was weakening. He had a job and that was to protect the queen with his life. He set out to eat everything to gain strength, but he might have been gone too long.

The other ants were dying fast, the queen was getting killed and he felt the energy of the strongest thing there at the moment.

Who else could it be if not the king.

If he couldn't protect his queen then he'll avenge her.

With a disgusting war-cry it sped up towards Jeju island. With his speed it didn't take him anymore than three minutes and in that time Ming-yoo didn't sit there and wait. He saw that from the pressure alone, everyone but Jin-Cheul seemed out of commission.

He killed the queen with a quick punch that burst a whole through her body and he got everyone back to their senses. He had the healer give buffs to everyone but himself a d Jin-cheul.

The cameraman was up and everyone was back in shape as they waited for whatever the cause of that energy was to come here.

Luckily they didn't have to wait as something blasted through the wall of the cave they were in.

A huge dust cloud was up, but they could see a tall, lanky, black figure standing in the smoke. It's silhouette was just as they expected.

A huge ant that was bigger than the rest, obviously stronger than the rest and possibly smarter. It swiped its claws and sharp blades of wind were headed towards them.

Ming-yoo used his wind manipulation to disrupt the attack before they could hit them.

"Alright, I'll be handling this one." Ming-yoo said seriously as he took his hands out of his jacket pocket and stepped forward.

He staggered and stopped as the ant started twitching. Seeing that it might be attacking, Ming-yoo shot forward, but a huge wave of magic was released as the ant let out a scream.

Ming-yoo was knocked back a bit as he combatted the energy with his own.

As the dust cleared up there was now two more identical ants stand on both sides of it. They gave off the same energy and Ming-yoo was finally starting to feel it. The pressure started to weigh on him as a bead of sweat dropped down the side of his face.

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