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84.96% The Crimson Gardevoir / Chapter 102: Cheeky Halt

Capítulo 102: Cheeky Halt



"Look at you, sitting there with that smug grin, acting so tough."

{Says the scared little human who's shaking in his shoes.}

"So, you wanna fight me, is that it?"

{Ha! It won't be a fight, it's gonna be a one-way ass whooping.}

"Bring it on then, bitch."

{Prepare to be annihilated, sucker.}

With that, Max and Scarlet stopped their staring contest from across the module's table and began to arm wrestle. They were surprisingly evenly matched, both having their arms shaking due to neither of them getting the edge over the others. Despite having smaller but slightly more defined arms, Scarlet began to push harder, slowly bringing Max's hand lower and lower.

"Oh no, you don't," Max assured her.

Putting in more strength, Max moved their hands back to their starting position and was even pushing Scarlet back.

{You little…}

Even though Scarlet put more power into her arm, Max kept getting further and further. Then, as she was halfway down, Scarlet smiled. With Max a bit confused, she regained the upper hand again, only this time she used everything she had. Not only did it all happen rather quickly, but Max was starting to get tired, his strength slowly depleting. Then, after a rough battle and using all of her entire physical strength, Scarlet made the back of Max's hand hit the table.

{YES! I win!} Scarlet exclaimed loudly while raising her fists in victory.

"Godamnit…" Max growled.

{Pay up, Max. Hand over my prize.} She demanded a bit arrogantly.

"No need to be so demanding about it," Max retorted, pushing her a plate that had one large cookie on it.

{Yummy! Om nom nom!} Scarlet vocalized before hungrily biting the cookie.

"Well, that's that. I guess you can't win them all," Max sighed, resting his head on one hand and looking away in slight frustration.

Alerted by some taps, Max looked back at Scarlet happily munching on her cookie, before seeing her break it in half and handing it to him.

"What are you doing?"

[Sharing, as you can see.]

Touched by her kindness, Max chuckled.

"No thanks, Love. You won fair and square. You deserve it."

[I insist. You put up a good fight and I want to please you.]

Smiling, Max took it, knowing that she wouldn't take "no" for an answer.

"Do you pity me that much?" Max asked, biting a piece himself.

[No. I just love you that much.]

"Haha. That's Scarlet logic for you."

[All for you to understand more easily.]

"Fuck you," Max chuckled. "*Munch* Still… You're one strong gardevoir," he added, moving his arm around due to the slight soreness.

{*Gulp* For you to make me go all out, you're hella strong yourself. Physical strength may not be our best attribute, but we're still overall stronger than your average human.}

"Tss. Compared to Luna or Bonny, it doesn't matter much."

{Come on, master. Stop comparing a battleship to a paper boat, will you?}

"And I take it that I'm the paper boat?" Max inquired, looking at Scarlet suspiciously.

{...Well…} The gardevoir started before dropping her elbows on the table and resting her head on her crossed fingers. {What if I told you you're a really sexy paper boat?}

"Hm… I'd say you'd be forgiven."

{Awesome.} The gardevoir replied with a wide smile.

Suddenly, they felt the module shaking ever so slightly.

"Oh. I think Bonny is back with the water tank."

{Great. That means we're ready to leave, then.} Scarlet said, both standing up. {I wonder why she wanted to do it this morning.}

"We were getting low on water, so she wanted to refill the tanks while we were still close to a water source," Max explained while they exited the module.

{Ah, right. There's a lake not too far from here.}

"All that's left is to boil it, but it can wait until our next stop this evening."

{True.} Scarlet conceded before her eyes glowed blue and made everything outside disappear. Then a moment later, Bonny, May, and Dusk appeared from behind the module.

{All done, master.} Bonny told him while wiping her hands.


{I'll wait until we set up camp again to boil the water.} Dusk said.

"Sounds good. It's like we're on the same wavelength."

{Ready when you are.} Bonny informed him.

"Great. Girls! We're leaving!" Max loudly called out.

Further away, Aurora and Sally, the latter of which tried to mimic the lucario's movements, stopped their morning tai-chi-like exercises to join him. Shortly after, Luna joined as well, and Max shrunk the module and they all were ready to leave. He recalled his team except for Aurora and they walked for a while until it was close to noon.

{...So, I was wondering, how close are we to the next human settlement?} Scarlet asked Max, who was walking alongside her and Aurora.

"Let me see…" Max replied, taking out his pokédex to do some research. "Before reaching BoonTown, we'll have to pass through a small village named Ricossto on the way."

{It didn't really answer the question.} Aurora pointed out.

"Well… from here to BoonTown, we still have about a week and a half before reaching it."

{And for the other one?}

"We should… oh. That's convenient, we should reach it this afternoon."

{It's Friday today, so what are your plans for this weekend?} Scarlet inquired.

"Hmm… I said that weekends are reserved for you girls… Well, if this village isn't that interesting, we can just pass it and settle somewhere like always tonight. If it is nice, however, maybe we could spend the weekend there."

{...I can work with that.} Aurora agreed.

{Personally, I'm not sure. An entire weekend surrounded by disgusting humans…} Scarlet complained in disdain.

"You can always copy Luna's ability, so you can turn into something that will make them leave you alone. Just try to ignore them as much as you can."

{Easier said than done. Not only are they ugly, but they stink.}

{Okay, now you're just being a drama queen.} Aurora nagged a little.

{Oh, excuse me for not being a human lover like any other pokémon.} Scarlet retorted, upset.

"Girls, please don't fight. What do you mean 'they stink'?"

{What is there to explain? They reek of wickedness and evil, even when they act all innocent and caring towards their so-called "partners." *scoff* Please… They can't fool me.}

Upon hearing her, Aurora couldn't help but to audibly contain a laugh.

{And what's so funny, lucario?} Scarlet demanded.

{*snickers* Nothing… It's just that you're sounding like one of those cartoon villains who love to monologue every time they come on screen.}

{I can be a real villain if you want.}

"Okay, break it up you two… Also what the hell, Scarlet. What's with you?"

{Me? She's the one trying to piss me off.}

{I'm actually not.} The lucario disagreed.

"She was just teasing you a little. You've been kind of grumpy for a moment now. Is it because I called you 'pretty cherry' this morning?"

{...No.} She replied with crossed arms, looking away.

"*sigh* I'm sorry if I offended you."

{I don't think it's that.} Aurora pointed out. {Remember? She's always like this whenever we approach a city or village.}

{Can you mind your own business, Aurora?} Scarlet retorted.

"Scarlet! Can you calm down for a bit?" Max asked assertively.

{Tch… Whatever. Looks like I'm the bad guy, again.} She growled.

"...And you, can you not tease her so much when she doesn't feel like it?" Max softly asked his lucario, gently petting her.

{I was only stating facts, but sure.} Aurora complied, in a slight contentious tone.

Still having her arms crossed, Max tapped on Scarlet's arm and presented his hand, meaning that he wanted to take hers. With a loud sigh, she took it while still looking away with a very light blush.

"Sorry that I forgot."

{...It's okay. It's been a while, so…}

"I believe in you, Scarlet. You can do it. You have improved so much since I first met you. I'm so proud."

{You're doing a bit too much, now.} Scarlet replied, her face turning even redder.

"But I believe what I say. I'm sorry for making you go through that."

{You have nothing to apologize for. I'm the one that hates humans with a passion. You had nothing to do with that.}

"But you're doing it nonetheless because of my ambition. No one is clean in that story."


"But I'm very happy and grateful that you're doing this for me."

{*sigh* I'll do my best.}

"Thanks, Scarlet," Max finished before kissing her hand.

Then, after a couple more hours of walking, they arrived at the border of Ricossto, a plain village that didn't have much to offer.

"Hmm… doesn't look that interesting," Max said while looking around.

{Indeed.} Scarlet approved, now in a normal gardevoir appearance.

"Let's skip this town and settle down at the border, what do you say?"

{Your call.} Aurora said, not objecting.

{If it'll get us to BoonTown faster…}

Then, as they were progressing through the village, Max noticed a couple of trainers with at least one or two pokemon outside with them.

"...That's odd." Max commented.

{What?} Aurora inquired.

"For a village this size, there are quite a lot of trainers around."

{...Now that you mention it…} Scarlet said, looking around.

As they continued walking, they saw a trainer walking with a bayleef next to him.

"So you really liked it, huh?" The male trainer said to his bayleef.

{Uh, yeah! It was awesome!} The male pokemon replied happily with a wide smile. {Thanks for bringing me there.}

"Haha. No problem, buddy," The human said, petting his pokemon.

Having rather curious natures, both Max and Scarlet looked at each other before nodding.

"Excuse me!" Max called out to the trainer with the bayleef.

"Huh? Yes?" The trainer answered, a bit uncomfortable from being approached by a complete stranger.

"Sorry to bother you, but I just heard you and noticed that there are quite a lot of trainers around here. Is there something going on here?"

"Oh, you're a trainer as well. Should have known because of your two pokemon. To answer your question, no, nothing's really happening here, but most of them are probably here for the famous 'Cheeky Barn'."

"Cheeky Barn?" Max repeated, looking at his pokemon.

"Not the best name, I admit, but it delivers and that's what matters."

"What are you talking about, exactly?"

"To put it simply, it's a place where a trainer's pokemon can go to… relieve themselves."

"Relieve themselves…?"

{Can we go now? I'm starving!} The bayleef urged, gently pushing him.

"Alright, alright. Sorry dude, but as you can see, he's pretty impatient. If you're interested, it's about six blocks further that way and it will be on your left. See ya. Okay, you're hungry, I get it…" The trainer said after complying with his pokémon's desire and walking away.

"...The Cheeky Barn, huh…" Max mumbled.

{Let me guess; You want to check it out?} Aurora said.

"It's something that seems popular amongst trainers, so it'd be dumb to not at least see for ourselves."

{I'm curious as well. I just hope it isn't something too human.} Scarlet commented.

"Only one way to find out."

With that, the three of them followed the somewhat vague directions they received and continued towards where the trainer pointed. Walking past six roads and turning left as instructed, they grew nearer and nearer to the edge of the village's vicinity.

{Are you sure we are on the right path?} Aurora asked after a couple of minutes without encountering anything.

"To be honest, I don't know."

{We must be if we take him into consideration.} Scarlet said, pointing at a lone human walking on the other side of the road, seemingly having a pokeball belt.

"Let's continue, then."

They then walked for another few minutes until they were approaching the end of the road.

{I think that guy was just messing with us.} Aurora commented, a bit annoyed.

"I don't know what it is, but surely it's something that wants to be inconspicuous."

Arriving at the very end, they then noticed a dirt road to their left that led to a building resembling a barn.

"Do you think that's it, right there?" Max said.

{Hard to tell. There is no sign or anything.} Scarlet stated.

"A barn usually has a large door, but this one doesn't have any. It instead has a normal one, I think," Max pointed out, unable to see clearly from a distance.

{Let's check it out, then.}

A moment later, they reached the building where they eventually saw a sign on the door that had 'Cheeky Barn' written on it.

"I guess this is the right place."

Max then proceeded to enter, where he was immediately astonished upon entry to see that the inside had nothing to do with a barn. Without being fancy, it was elegant and looked like any typical office. A bit further down, they saw a woman behind a counter.

"Hello, sir!" The woman greeted them soon after they entered.

"Hi." Max greeted back while approaching the counter.

When up close, he noticed that the woman looked a bit old, looking to be in her seventies at least.

"We're kinda new here and we heard about this place," Max began to explain. "So we were wondering where we were exactly."

"A first-timer? Ah, they're always so cute and adorable." She expressed gleefully. "You are at the Cheeky Barn, where trainer's pokemon can get the physical attention they need."

{Physical…} Aurora started.

{...Attention?} Scarlet finished.

"...Wait! Is this some kind of pokemon brothel?"

"The term is quite pejorative, but in a sense, yes and no."

"So you have predefined pokémon living here until a pokemon wants to have sex?"

"Not really. We have a couple of pokemon, yes, but they all are dittos."

"Dittos? So it's a ditto farm?"

"I know we don't have the best image, but I can assure you that we have our customers' satisfaction at heart. So far, we've barely had any complaints, and we've been open for quite a long time."

"I see. Well, thanks for the info," Max said, about to leave the counter.

"Maybe some of your pokémon would be interested," she said, trying to convince him.

"...Well…" Max replied, grabbing his chin as he pondered.

{I'll say it right away; I'm fine.} Scarlet told him.

{Same here.} Aurora agreed.

"...I know, but… is there a place where I could release my team to ask them?"

"Certainly. We have a waiting room right over there," The woman said, gesturing towards the door to their right.

"Okay, thanks." He acknowledged before taking the door with his two pokémon.

{Are you alright?} Aurora asked, a bit surprised by his spontaneity.

"Yes, don't worry. It's just that… Let's release the others first," Max said before calling his entire team.

{Whoa! Where are we?} Bonny asked, looking around alongside the others.

"A place called the Cheeky Barn and it's basically a ditto brothel," Max explained.

{A ditto… brothel?} Sally repeated, not sure if she understood.

{What do you mean by that?} Dusk asked.

"In short, it's a place where trainer's pokémon can go to have some… fun of their own since they're always with their trainer. Also, while traveling, I'm led to believe that you won't stumble across your species' male counterparts all that often, so…"

{Okay, but what does this have to do with us? What do you have in mind?} Aurora asked.

"Well, here's the deal; You all love me and of course, I feel the same way about you. However, I think I haven't been very fair with all of you, as of late. I mean to say that sometimes, I get… frisky with other pokemon here and there while all you girls have is, well, me."

{I don't see a problem there.} Bonny stated with crossed arms.

"Maybe not you, but…"

{Can you stop beating around the bush and tell us what's on your mind already?} Scarlet urged.

"*sigh* Alright. Feel free to decline, but I just thought that it would be fairer for everyone if I offered you the chance to mate with a male of your species, or in this case, the next closest thing."

Upon hearing him, the girls all looked at each other in genuine confusion.

{...Why would we want that?} Bonny questioned with a concerned face.

"Honestly, I don't know. Being with me all the time prevents you from having that experience. Almost none of you've ever mated with anyone else besides me, so I think that it's a bit improper and unnatural to not experience it at least once."

{...I understand what you mean, master.} Dusk started. {But… mating isn't why we're with you. We stay because we want to take care of you and vice versa.}

"I know, but… are all of you really okay with living your entire lives not knowing how it feels to be with a male of your species? You know, with them being perfectly adapted for you."

{...Well…} May began. {I have been asking myself that question…}

"Think about it; mating without the need to mega-evolve."

{There's something I don't understand though; Why are you so eager to ask us to have sex with someone else?} Aurora asked.

"I told you; For fairness."

{I don't mean to burst your bubble, but if we really wanted that, we could have looked around and fucked a male on our own.} Bonny pointed out.

"Maybe, but this place is more controlled and supervised. You'd have it exactly how you wanted."

{...Will you… get mad if we refuse?} Sally asked shyly.

"Of course not. Since a ditto can take any form it wants, I'm just offering you all a safe opportunity to… y'know, cut loose."

{I agree with Dusk; I'm not that much into mating in the first place to want to do it with a male lucario.} Aurora said.

{I… don't really want someone other than master… to touch me.} Sally shared.

"As I mentioned, it was just a proposition," Max justified with raised hands.

{You okay, Bonny?} Scarlet asked the lopunny, who seemed to have spaced out for a moment.

{You… said a ditto can take any form it wants, right?} Bonny said, looking at Max with surprised eyes.

"I did."

{Does that include… humans?}

"I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I think as long as it's a living thing, they can. Come to think of it, I've even read somewhere that they can even change into inanimate objects."

Bonny then stared at Max for a short moment.

{...How many dittos are there in here, exactly?}

"That, I don't know. Probably at least a couple in order to run a place like this."

{...Alright, master. You've managed to convince me. Can we do it right now?} She started, getting oddly impatient.

"I… Are you sure? What about you, girls?"

{...We'll think about it.} Aurora replied, looking at Bonny suspiciously.

"Okay, then."

Bonny then immediately grabbed one of his hands and pulled him outside before dragging him next to the counter as soon as she noticed it.

"My my. Looks like someone likes the idea." The woman said with a smile. "Lopunnies always have been quite ardent, to begin with."

"You got that right," Max conceded, looking at his oddly overly excited pokemon. "How much is it to borrow a ditto?"

"Thirty dollars per hour."

"Hm. Pricey, but not that expensive either. Oh well, she was convinced rather quickly, so thirty dollars isn't that much."

Then, Max felt Bonny tugging on his pants to get his attention. Looking at her, he saw Bonny getting very embarrassed while discreetly showing him three fingers.

"Wha- Seriously!?" Max exclaimed in astonishment. "Well then, is it possible to borrow three at the same time?"

"Three? Oh my! That's pretty rare. She's very needy."

"Heh… You have no idea." Max commented, looking at Bonny, who was oddly avoiding his gaze.

"Well, it's gonna be ninety dollars per hour, then."

"Alright. Do I pay now, or…?"

"You pay afterward, since we don't know for how long your pokemon will be… occupied."

"Alright. Well, see you later, then," Max wished for Bonny.

{Wait.} Bonny said before pulling him away.

"Uh, excuse us," Max told the woman, who only smiled in return.

{Is it possible that… you can come too?}

"Me?" Max whispered. "Why?"

{I… kinda want something… but it's a bit embarrassing to say it here.}

"...Well, it's pokémon only, so I doubt I can."

{But… maybe we can try to sneak you in.}

"Seeing you propose something like that, I'm almost scared to see what your plan is."

{Scarlet could get you in.}

"...I guess."

{Great. Let's go.} She said, pulling him close to the counter again.

"I think she's ready."

"Excellent. This way Miss, if you would…" The woman said while motioning Bonny to follow.

With her doing so, Bonny took one last look at Max before disappearing through a hallway. With an inquisitive mind, Max walked back to the waiting room.

{What's gotten into her?} Aurora asked.

"Not sure, exactly. She asked for a ditto and headed towards who knows where," Max lied.

{How come she changed her mind so fast?} Aurora wondered.

{You know her. When it comes to sex…} Scarlet mentioned.

"Yeah, and she wanted you to bring me to her when she's ready."

Scarlet then looked at Max in confusion.

{...So in short, she's acting weirder than normal.}

{Now that I think about it, she changed her mind when Max said they can change into anything.} Aurora pointed out.

"She also seemed a bit embarrassed earlier… Maybe it's a little fantasy that she's a bit too shy to share."

{Bonny? Shy about a sex fantasy? If I didn't know better, I'd say that's a sign of the apocalypse.} Aurora jested.

"Maybe she has some very embarrassing kinks. Who are we to judge?"

{I'm not. She's just particularly hard to follow right now.}

A moment later, Scarlet received a signal.

{She's ready.} She informed Max while standing up. {If anything, I suppose her kink involves you in some way.}

"I guess…" Max said before taking Scarlet's hand. "Oh, and if you change your mind, you can go see the woman at the counter. I'll pay later," he told the others before she teleported both of them to another place.

They arrived at a very basic but spacious and well-presented bedroom, with the only furniture being an oversized bed without a cover. Bonny was sitting at the edge of the bed with three dittos moving around her.

{Three?!} Scarlet exclaimed in surprise. {You said it was one ditto.} She said to Max.

"She seemed pretty embarrassed about it, so I told a bit of a white lie."

{*sigh* Of course you'd cover for her. Why three, though?}

Instead of answering, Bonny motioned her to come nearby. When near, she bent forward and let Bonny whisper in her ear.

{...Holy shit!} She exclaimed again, with wide-opened eyes. {You naughty, crazy bunny!} She added with a wide grin. {Why didn't I figure it out sooner?} She continued with a hand on her forehead.

"What did she tell you?"

Chuckling, Scarlet got near him and put a hand on his shoulder.

{Once again, master, you're about to prove how much of a caring and over-the-top trainer you are.}

"Huh? What do you-" Max expressed before she teleported away. "...Why do I have the feeling that things are about to get weird?" He said, looking at Bonny.

{I… really hope it doesn't…}

"...Alright. Tell me what's on your mind."

{Well…} She started while playing with her fingers nervously. {Promise me that you won't mock me or see me as a… cock-hungry slut.}

"Of course, I promise. Why would I think that?"

{Because it's a… pretty personal demand.}

"For you to say that, I'm actually almost scared," Max jested with an awkward smile.

{You promised me!} Bonny retorted fervently.

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to. I was just trying to make you feel more comfortable."



{Well… the thing is… you'd usually end up in a t-threesome or more with everyone, so… I was thinking that, m-maybe I could… too?} She stammered, clearly very embarrassed.

Then, Max started to slowly put the pieces together.

"I… think I understand where you're going…" Max replied with an interrogative expression.

{Of course, I'm not forcing you, but… I really wish for the real you to be here.}

"So, if I understood correctly; You want me and those dittos to…"

Instead of answering, Bonny looked away in shame.

"...I see."

{...Oh, who am I kidding? You probably do think of me as some sort of slut…}

"Hey now, Bonny…" Max reassured before sitting next to her and pulling her into a hug. "First of all, I'm the last one to be able to judge as I do it very often like you said, so it would be very hypocritical. And secondly, you're not a slut for having a few fantasies. I'm glad that you trust me enough to share them."

{I just don't want you to think that you're not enough.} She said, hugging him back.

"I understand your concern, people would probably think that indeed. But I'm not like those 'people'. If it's something that flourishes you, then it's fine."

Bonny then looked at Max before smiling and hugging him strongly.

{Thank you, Max. I love you so much!}

"Love you too, sexy bunny," Max replied, petting her before she broke the hug a moment later. "So, do you wanna have at least one male lopunny, or…"

Bonny then looked at him skeptically.

{I don't think you fully understood what I wanted.}

"I didn't?"

{I don't want three other random males… I want three other you's.}

"...Oh. That's… a bit unexpected, though I should have seen it coming."

{I don't know a lot of males besides you, so who could I choose?}

"Fair enough."

{Your dick is simply the best. I love it so much that I have fantasized multiple times that you had more than one.}

"That's my ardent Bonny right there."

{But now that I have the opportunity to have more…} She explained before looking at the ditto, who were waiting for them with foolish grins on their faces.

"Why three?"

{Because four dicks is a more reasonable amount. Oh god… feeling four of my master's dick… I'm getting wet just by thinking about it.} She said with twitchy legs.

"Well, that's a bold request to say the least," Max said before standing up. "We pay by the hour, so we better start soon."

{Please, do!} Bonny urged.

"So three other me's, huh…" He mumbled, looking at the dittos while undressing.

{Ditto!} Said one of them.

"Huh? Why can't I understand what it says?"

{No one understands them, not even other pokemon. In that form, at least.} Bonny explained.

"Really? That's… very strange."

{They are really strange creatures, but when it comes to their abilities…}

"Okay, so all I have to do is to tell them to change into me?"

{I want three exact replicas of you, so if you share a bit of your DNA, they will be perfect clones.}

"I see. How do I do that?"

{Just let them feel your hand for a few seconds and it should be enough.}


Now butt naked, Max kneeled before the dittos and presented one hand to them.

"So… Can you three copy my appearance?"

All three of them then stared at Max for a few seconds before they jumped on him.

"What the-!" Max exclaimed before quickly standing up in surprise.

With one on his knee, one on his left elbow, and the last one on his right shoulder, Max grimaced at the texture with Bonny giggling at the scene. It was similar to those slime toys that felt a bit cold when taken out of the jar. Even though he felt his limbs getting wet, it was still dry when the dittos finally dropped down.

{Ditto!} One exclaimed before they all morphed and changed their bodies to look like Max, all naked.

{Oh… my…} Bonny said, getting overly excited.

"Okay, that's… kinda weird." Max commented, looking at his other-selves. "Disturbing, even."

{T-There's four… f-four… I c-can't…} Bonny expressed as she began taking deep breaths, her lust going into overdrive.

"Are you sure you don't want to at least experiment with other fo-"

{DON'T TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME!} Bonny screamed in desperation.

"…Okay then. Four me's it is, then," Max said with a smile, posing a little.

{Please… you… come c-closer…} She asked, paws on her cheeks and slightly drooling, unable to choose which one to look at.

With an awkward smile, Max approached Bonny with his junk aimed at the right level. Then, the three ditto sided next to him, making Bonny have four penises hanging a couple of inches away from her.

{They're… incredible…} She said, feeling very lightheaded and already breathing quickly.

She then extended her arms and touched all four of them.

{They're exactly the same.}

Next, she grabbed the dicks of the two dittos at her sides and began to pump them.

{...Exactly the same…} She repeated.

Whilst pumping the other two, Bonny began to suck Max's.

"Oof! Aggressive at the very start, huh?" Max commented after instantly feeling Bonny's burning passion.

Going for a deepthroat after only two seconds, Bonny eagerly tried to swallow Max's rod before leaving it and going for the third Ditto's free dick and did the same. While doing so, her lower half was twitching and her legs were hastily rubbing against each other.

{...Pfa!} Bonny exclaimed after leaving it. {They're… *pant* Exactly… the same…} She repeated again. {I can't take it anymore!} She added after pumping the other two vigorously for a few seconds and leaving them.

She then backed up until she was lying in the middle of the bed.

{Please…} She pleaded while spreading her legs. {Fuck me!}

Smiling, Max got on the bed alongside the three dittos.

{Just one rule, boys; My vagina is restricted for my master only, okay? Everything else, you can use however you want.~}

"How thoughtful of you," Max said, on all fours over her. "What a naughty and perverted little bunny I have…" He added before kissing her vigorously for a couple of seconds.

{...Kisses are also limited to just my master.} She specified while lustfully staring into Max's eyes.

"Let's relieve you a little…" Max proposed before moving down.

Soon enough, Bonny felt Max's tongue pressing against her overflowing entrance, making her moan pretty loud despite Max giving as gentle licks as possible. In the meantime, the three dittos surrounded Bonny; One getting over her with its dick in her face while the other two closed in on each side of her head. She immediately grabbed the manhoods of the two dittos beside her and opened her mouth to allow the third one to shove its penis inside, gently face fucking her. Getting over-stimulated from the extreme pleasure she was receiving, she went cross-eyed and was already approaching her first orgasm thanks to Max's work. Not even a minute later, her body went very stiff and the lopunny reached one of the strongest orgasms she'd ever experienced, with her loud moan being muffled by the ditto already occupying the space in her mouth. Alongside that, she also experienced her first female ejaculation of the session, spraying Max's face with her body fluids. This caused Max to separate for a moment.

"...Geez. You're really enjoying yourself, huh?" Max commented with a grin while wiping his face.

{Ahh… Fuck!} She exclaimed after dropping her head down to free her mouth. {It's… This pleasure… It's a dream come true! Oh god! It's… too much… but I want more! Eat me again, master!} She commanded before sucking on the ditto again.

"Alright…" Max complied. "But only one more time. You're not the only one who's needy."

{Just… one more time… then you can fuck me! And you better do it hard!}

"From how turned on you seemed to be, no doubt it's gonna be very quick," Max commented before going down on the bunny again.

Being taken care of by four identical human manhoods, Bonny didn't even last thirty seconds before she climaxed once more, slightly staining Max's face a second time.

{Oh my god! I've never felt… so alive…I don't want this to stop.} Bonny commented, slightly panting from the very intense orgasm she just had.

"Heh… ask and ye shall receive. Alright, guys, step aside," Max commanded the dittos before crawling over Bonny. "You're just at your second orgasm and you're already a squirming mess?" Max nagged playfully.

{I'd like to see you do better… *pant* when you feel an orgasm like… *pant* what I just had.} Bonny retorted.

"I can always ask Scarlet to arrange that for me, but I can do that another time. Right now, I have more important things to do."

{I bet you- Khyaa!} Bonny exclaimed after Max pulled her up to make her sit on him while he was on his back.

"Sorry, Bonny, but I want you… I need you, now!"

{Hihi. You know…} She started before moving her face an inch away from his. {Seeing you that eager for my body is what turns me on the most.} She finished before going for an aggressive kiss.

Immediately adding some tongue play, Bonny made out with Max for half a minute before stopping.

"Eeugh… Was that really necessary?" Max asked, looking at Bonny in slight disdain.

{Oh, come on. It's your own dick that went in my mouth.}

"Yeah, but…"

{It's not like it was someone else's.}


{Great. Now stop being a little bitch and fuck me already!} She urged him.

"With pleasure."

Firmly grasping her hips, Max lifted the lopunny in the air before making her drop on his shaft, the movement so swift and easy thanks to her dripping wet womanhood.

{AAH!} Bonny loudly moaned with her tongue out, alongside Max who let out a small grunt.

"Damnit! You feel so good!" Max commented before moving her up and down immediately at a rough pace.

{Ahh! AAH! And… so do you… Oh! Yes!} She replied in an ahegao-like expression.

"You're… so hot… too…"

As the two became intensely lost in the pleasure of sex, two of the ditto approached them from their sides. Bonny immediately grabbed their shafts and began sucking on one while pumping the other with delighted moans, switching between the two every ten seconds or so. The third didn't know what to do at first but was tempted to try something, so he got on his knees behind Bonny and grabbed her hips. She instinctively knew what he had in mind, causing her to stop the ditto in its tracks.

{I've never done it… there… so if you want to get there… half your size.} She requested the third ditto.

Immediately complying, the ditto made its penis twice as small as normal and went for the last orifice, making Bonny experience her first-ever double penetration. It was uncomfortable for her at first, but due to her ever-growing lust, she got acclimated very quickly. It even enhanced the pleasure she was already experiencing once she got used to this feeling, resulting in her moans turning into screams.

{Holy shit!} Bonny cursed in pure pleasure as Max and the ditto were synchronizing their movements.

Over the next hour, Bonny had the time of her life being gangbanged by four Maxs at once, barely enduring her multiple orgasms which took a minute each. They chained and switched positions every now and then until Max couldn't go on after his third orgasm. Now collapsed on the bed, Max and Bonny were lying next to each other, with the dittos back in their original forms looking quite fatigued.

{…} Bonny weakly cursed. {That… was… in… credible…} She added, sounding as if she was on drugs.

"*pant* Twelve times. Congrats on breaking your own record, you insatiable bunny," Max said, satisfyingly looking at the ceiling.

{I… f-feel… sore. I… can't feel my body... anymore.}

"Looks like we made quite the mess," Max commented, looking at the bed, which had the stains of sex fluids to show for it.

{Totally…worth it…}

"Haha. Glad you had a blast."

{I…love you… so much… master.} She affirmed, lazily turning her head towards him with a small smile. {I'll never forget… what you did for me… this evening.}

"Don't mention it. So long as it puts a smile on your face…"

{And as long as you're with me… it will always stay. Thank you, Max… my master.} She added, slowly rolling to hug him.

"You're welcome, my little cinnamon bun," He replied, rubbing her back.

{Is that… your nickname for… me?} She asked tiredly.

"Do you like it?"

{...I love it.}

Max chuckled, and the two stayed in each other's arms for a moment to rest.

"...Let's get back to the others. They must be tired of waiting for us."

{Yeah. I'll apologize to them later.}

Then, as Bonny moved away so Max could sit up, Scarlet appeared in front of them.

{Oof!} She started, waving a hand in front of her face. {This room just reeks of sex… What the hell did you guys do?}

{Sorry. It's my fault.} Bonny replied, lazily sitting up. {I just couldn't get enough, even with 3 Maxs. I tapped out after my twelfth orgasm.}

{T-Twelfth?} Scarlet repeated, looking at them with a raised eyebrow. {Was it really that good?}

{*sigh* You have no idea.}

{I see. Well, I'm happy for you, then.} Scarlet sincerely said without smiling.

{...Wanna try it out for yourself?} Bonny asked with a grin.

{...Seriously?} The gardevoir retorted with a skeptical face and crossed arms.

{Well, yeah. Why wouldn't you?}

{Me? Mating with someone other than master? I think those excessive orgasms must've damaged your brain a little bit. There's no way in hell I'll let anyone else touch me besides master.}


{I said… No. Fucking. Way!} Scarlet fervently replied.

"She was just joking, Scarlet. No need to get upset," Max told her, trying to calm her down, making the gardevoir huff.

Suddenly, Bonny stood up and grabbed one of Scarlet's hands.

{Come here for a sec.} She whispered before pulling her away from Max. {What's wrong with you?}

{What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?} Scarlet whispered as well. {The hell are you trying to do?}

{Tell you that this is your chance.}

{What the fuck are you talking about?}

{Haven't you told me before that if given the chance, you would like to mate with two Max's?}

{I… maybe. But that was just small talk.}

{So you're telling me that, while getting wet might I add, just by thinking about it was casual talk to you?}

{With you, yes. Our conversations are mainly about sex.}

{...Touché. But that's beside the point, you still shared that you'd like it.}

{Yeah, but…} Scarlet replied, looking at Max.

"Something wrong?" He curiously asked.

{No, no. Don't worry.} Bonny reassured him.

"Alright. I'll get dressed in the meantime."

{Wait.} Bonny said, stopping him.

"Huh? Why?"

{Hold on for a minute.}

{When I said that, I meant in the sense that he was multiplied. I'm not fucking something that resembles him.}

{They're dittos, Scarlet. They can be a perfect replica of master. They literally become exact copies of him, as if he cloned himself.}

{But they are not him.}

{Well… yes, but actually no. *sigh* Look, I know you're against the idea of mating with someone other than master, but this is the closest you'll ever get for a threesome in your favor. Like I said, just imagine that he cloned himself.}

{Why are you so eager to get into my sex life like this?}

{Because you're my friend, Scarlet. It would be criminal of me to let you miss that opportunity. Don't lie to me, I know you want to try it.}

Sighing, Scarlet looked at Max and the dittos.

{...I do, but… Master is the only one who's allowed to touch me.}

{And if a ditto changes into him, you won't break that rule. I mean c'mon, I just felt their dicks. I promise you, you won't be able to feel the difference. }

{Well, kinda…}

{And I don't want to be mean, but…} Bonny whispered even lower, with Scarlet barely able to hear her. {Dittos are hardly considered pokemon to begin with. With very limited thinking, abilities, and willpower… They're basically living sex toys. Would it really be considered cheating if one changes into a vibrator for you to use?}

{Well…} Scarlet answered, rubbing the back of her neck. {Not… really…}

{With dittos, it won't count as mating with someone other than master. I promise you.}

Scarlet then got thoughtful while looking at Max, who was poking a ditto that seemed to find it amusing.

{...I… kind of want to try it, but…}

Scarlet then grimaced while lost in her train of thought, as if she was overworking her face muscles and brain.

{Ghrr, dammit! I hate you. Fine, I'll do it.} She growled at Bonny before walking towards Max.

{Yes! Can I watch?} Bonny enthusiastically asked.

{I don't care. Just stay in your corner and shut up.} Scarlet commanded a bit aggressively.

With Bonny smiling and going to the far end of the bed, Scarlet hardly sat next to Max, crossed arms and looking mad.

"So… What's going on?" Max asked nonchalantly.

For a moment, Scarlet didn't answer and only tapped one finger on one of her arms while glaring at the dittos, making them very uncomfortable.

" Um…Scarlet?"

{The show is over, now get the fuck out.} She commanded them.

Scared, all three of them turned to leave the room.

{Except you.} She said, pointing at the one that seemed less tired, making it stop. {Get over here.} She ordered, pointing a meter away from her.

Very unsure and intimidated by Scarlet's scary and angry face, the ditto slowly moved back close to them.

"So… You want to terrorize it for fun?" Max guessed, making Scarlet glare at him. "What? You're not answering."

Scarlet then let out an angry sigh.

{...Bonny managed to convince me to try something.} She started.

"Really?" Max replied, looking at Bonny behind, who just waved at him with a grin. "What is it?"

{I'm not as slutty as her, but… something… like that, I guess.} She answered a bit reluctantly.

"Like that? You mean like a fivesome?"

{No. Just… three… would be enough.}

"Three? Oh, you want a threesome?"

Not answering, Scarlet looked away with a mix of embarrassment and anger.

"You, I and another me, right?"

{*Sigh* I can't believe I'm doing this. I always told myself that no one else than you will touch me anymore.}

"Well, a ditto barely counts."

{See? Thanks, master.} Bonny said.

{I told you to shut up, or else I'll throw you out myself.} Scarlet blurted at Bonny with a blushing face.

{Sorry.} The lopunny replied before mimicking zipping her mouth.

"Well, I don't mind. Though, I might need your help to bring back my lust."

{Don't worry about that. Anyway…} She began before slightly bending towards the ditto. {Listen here, you little shit; You're gonna change into master. However, if there's so much as an atom that's different from him, I'm gonna erase you from this world in the most painful way possible.} She threatened with glowing eyes and a tiny Shadow Ball in one hand. {Do I make myself clear?}

The ditto answered by fervently nodding with its entire body.

{...Good.} The gardevoir said before making her Shadow Ball vanish. {Now change.}

Scared of Scarlet's threatening manner, the ditto complied and changed into Max again, with Scarlet immediately inspecting every square inch of it.

{...So far, so good.} She said after a moment. {Even the brainwaves are really convincing.}

"I shared a bit of my DNA, so it should be a perfect copy."

{Yet, the fact that I know it's not you is what's bothering me.}

"And what if I help you to take your mind off of that?" Max proposed before moving his head closer to her and began kissing her neck.

For a short moment, Scarlet stayed adamant while glaring at the ditto until the pleasant sensation slowly seeped into her. She slowly but surely gave in when Max started to caress her thighs. Her face eventually changed into a more lewd expression and she was slightly breathing faster.

{Aah… master…} She moaned softly.

With his hand moving over her belly, Max began tracing it ever so slightly, causing Scarlet to instinctively spread her legs a little so Max could access her womanhood. Whilst making out with her, Max delicately started to rub her most sensitive part, the gardevoir's desire growing and her entrance getting wetter by the second.

"...Well, that should do it," Max said after removing his hand.

He then stood up and moved next to the ditto, placing an arm over its shoulder as a passive way of telling it that it's got nothing to fear.

"We're all yours."

Scarlet then grabbed Max's dick in embarrassment, before turning her head while raising her other hand and stopping to glare at the ditto. She stared at it menacingly for a few moments, expressing its newfound fear of her with Max's face.

(Even the way it looked scared is identical to master.) She thought.

Very slowly, Scarlet reached her hand towards the other Max's shaft.

(...Dammit. Why the fuck am I doing this? There is no turning back once I touch it. Maybe I should just… No! Come on, Scarlet. You wanted this. Don't let insignificant details stop you. It's master. It's master. It's master.)

Then, when at hand-reach, she stopped again.

(This is it…)

Lacking a bit of willpower, Scarlet closed her eyes and tried using her anger to give herself a small boost. After a few tense seconds had passed, she grabbed the ditto's penis.

{...It's official now. I touched someone else other than you, Max. I've cheated on you.} Scarlet shared a bit coldly.

"You didn't, Love. Like Bonny and I said, it doesn't really count."

{Still…} She added, sounding slightly upset.

She then seized the penis in her right hand.

{Same texture, same warmth, same softness…} She commented.

"It's basically me," Max pointed out.

She then kept inspecting the ditto's member until Max grew a bit impatient.

"Feel free to start whenever you want."

{Don't push me, alright?} She retorted abruptly while glaring at him.

"Alright." Max complied with raised hands.

Sighing, Scarlet finally started and began pumping Max with her left hand before doing the same with the ditto, albeit reluctantly.

{...There's practically no difference.} Scarlet commented as their members were getting harder and harder. {It really is the same sensation as having you in my hand.} She added, looking at the penis in her right hand.

"See? You're not doing it with someone else," Max told her.

A few seconds later, she began stroking both members a little faster while switching her gaze between them.

{It's… interesting.} She commented, slowly but surely starting to get into it.

"Does it turn you on a bit more?"

{Not… yet. I'm still getting used to it, but… I guess it does… in a different way.}

"Two of my dicks for the price of one. Is it not enticing?"

{I prefer quality over quantity…}

"But what if you can have both?"

{I… guess…}

Scarlet managed to stop her strokes for a moment and took a step back to get a proper look at the two Maxs. She looked at the two, pretending that she really was about to get intimate with two of her lovers, ignoring the fact that one of them was a ditto. It was until then that she began to feel a strong wave of pleasure at the thought of that.

"...I knew it." Max said with a small smug.

{S-Shut up.} The gardevoir retorted with embarrassment.

{You go, Scarlet.} Bonny whispered to herself.

A moment later, both penises were at their most erect states, with Scarlet giving handjobs to both. When she saw them start to leak precum, her lust began to rise.

{Oh my god… At the same time. It's almost like a mirror.} Scarlet said, a bit amused.

"Except we're both real and at your service," Max mentioned.

{Hmm. You always know what I want to hear.} The red gardevoir said seductively, briefly rubbing her legs together.

Now giving in to her lust, Scarlet leaned her head towards Max and put his tip in her mouth, consuming what had been leaked. She then spent a bit of time attacking his gland with her tongue before leaving it.

{...Tasty.} She commented with lewd eyes.

"The contrary would have been troublesome."

{And now… you.} She said while looking at the ditto with less enthusiasm. {...You better be exactly the same as him, or else you know what's gonna happen.} She threatened.

"Come on, give the little guy a break. If you scare him too much, things may change despite themselves."

{*sigh* I'm trying. I really am. It's already an accomplishment that I'm touching someone else other than you.}


{Something else. Yeah, yeah. Whatever.}

"...But I'm very proud of you." Max shared, rubbing her hair. "You're improving every single day."

{...Doesn't mean it's easy.} Scarlet said, going a bit red.

"I know you. Whether it's easy or not, you always achieve your goal."

{Not… always.}

"But you always come close."

{*sigh* Better continue before the mood is killed.}

"Sorry. I just wanted to point that out."

{It's okay. Well, here goes nothing.} She said while looking at the ditto's shaft, slowly pumping it.

Aggressively telling herself that it was Max in front of her in her head, Scarlet slowly moved closer.

{I'm… sorry, master.} She said before quickly putting the tip in her mouth before she changed her mind.

"*sigh* She's so cute." Max commented while looking at Bonny, who just replied with a wide smile in agreement.

The gardevoir then sucked off the ditto the same way she would with Max before leaving it.

{...Exactly the same. Not bad.} She said softly with a tiny smile.

{This is it. The moment of truth…} Bonny silently commented.

Finally having made up her mind, Scarlet began to pump them with more passion before starting to suck Max's dick. She hungrily gave him head before switching to the ditto while still pumping him vigorously.

[Fuck! Two of… Master's cock! I don't… think I can stop myself!] She telepathically exclaimed since her mouth was busy. [I know I shouldn't love this, but…]

"For my part, I love seeing you so turned on," Max said.

{… *gasp* Oh god!} She exclaimed ecstatically between a switch.

During her blowjobs, her legs began to squirm out of control, constantly rubbing against each other due to her genitals heating up. After a few more moments, she couldn't take it anymore and separated from their dicks.

{*gasp* I want to be fucked so bad! But… I want something first!}

Stopping with the blowjobs, Scarlet then proceeded to pump them very vigorously in order to make them come that way. To give a little help, she sent weak waves of pleasure into their bodies, slightly increasing their sensitivity.

"Oh yes, Scarlet!" Max moaned softly.

Then, right as she felt that their orgasms were close, she pulled their shafts closer to her and pointed them at her face. A few seconds later, the two came and spread their seeds all over Scarlet's face, with some flying into her open mouth.

{Oh, fuck… Yes!} Scarlet exclaimed in pure pleasure, ecstatic from the dirty action.

Since they were two of them, Scarlet had a double helping of semen sprayed all over her face, more so than she was used to.

{So… lewd…} She commented while taking a big portion onto her fingers before swallowing it.

"Phew! You're rarely into facial treatment."

{Let's say that today… is a special occasion.} She said while licking her fingers and looking at Max with hungry eyes.

"Hehe. Now that's the perverted gardevoir that I'm used to."

{Care to fuck this slutty gardevoir?} She asked while spreading her legs, showing a drenched pussy after using her power to clean her face.

"Very much so, yes. However…"

Now walking towards her, Scarlet was expecting Max to push her down before ravaging her vagina but got surprised when he saw him kneel.

{What are you- Ghaa…}

Wasting no time, Max got his head in between her legs and gave her clit a generous lick, savoring her love juice.

{You're just… as perverted as me. Khyaa!}

He then quickly lapped most of it before going for her cherry, relentlessly but gently assaulting her clitoris.

{Fuck! I'm turned on so much that… you! Come here!} She commanded the ditto.

As soon as it was within arm's reach, she grabbed its shaft and moved the pokémon closer, and aggressively sucked it. On the other hand, Scarlet pushed Max's head forward to make him go on her entrance harder. The overwhelming lewdness and pleasure quickly made Scarlet reach her climax, causing her to orgasm a minute and a half later. Leaving the ditto's shaft, Scarlet dropped backward and held herself up with her hands behind her.

{Shit!} Scarlet cursed, slightly panting. {That was…}

{Amazing, right?} Bonny finished.

{...Very. So much so… It's not often that I get that excited so quickly. Damn!}

{See? I told you that you wouldn't feel the difference, didn't I? You really can be-}

{One more word, lopunny, and you'll get no sex with master for a week, understand?!}

{Hehe. Sorry.} Bonny apologized with a smug grin on her face.

{But as pleasant as it was, it's not enough. I need something more… fulfilling.} Scarlet said, looking at Max with a predatory face.

"I agree. Your little flower is starting to tempt me… A lot."

{Then come get it and shove that nice and big cock of yours inside.} She suggested strongly.

"...On your knees," Max instructed with a grin.

{As you wish, master.}

Right as he gave the order, Scarlet got on all fours in front of Max on the bed, swaying her ass at him. Max then immediately grabbed her hips and thrust his erect member into the horny gardevoir.

{Ahh…! Yes! That's the stuff!} She moaned in bliss as soon as Max touched her womb.

"Glad you like it," Max agreed, still enjoying her usual tightness.

Before getting started, he nudged the ditto with his elbow and pointed in front of Scarlet. With the ditto nodding, it got on the bed in front of Scarlet while Max began to fuck her from behind. With the gardevoir barely noticing the ditto due to the extreme pleasure, the morphing pokemon more or less forced its way inside Scarlet's mouth. Being lost in the moment, she didn't resist and let the momentum of Max pounding her do the job for her. Meanwhile, with Bonny, she was enjoying the show they were putting on, especially when Scarlet's ahegao face was on full display. Max then grabbed Scarlet's arms and pulled them back to get a better grip on her, while the ditto grabbed her head and began face-fucking her. The pleasure she experienced was so great that Scarlet couldn't help but orgasm once again.

With Scarlet wanting more, she laid on her back with her head positioned at the foot of the bed while the two switched positions. Now, Scarlet was back to being face fucked by the ditto while Max grabbed her legs and lifted her hips to pound her some more. They tried a few other positions until Scarlet came six more times, with Max only coming once and the ditto twice. About forty minutes later, both Max and Scarlet were lying next to each other on their backs, the ditto a bit further away on the bed, almost reduced to a puddle from how exhausted it was.

{...Damn… } Scarlet said, panting. {That was…}


{...Something like that.}

"Still having regrets?" Max asked with a small smug.

{...I don't know. I'll tell you… later.}

{Damn, Scarlet.} Bonny started, lying on the other side of Max. {You took them both like a champ.}

{...Oh my God. I can't believe I actually did that.}

"To be honest, I'm surprised as well. I never thought that you'd be willing to do something like this one day," Max said, resting his hands behind his head.

{Same here. I also didn't think you'd be willing to let your girlfriend get fucked by someone else.} Scarlet mentioned, turning her head towards him.

"Well technically, it wasn't someone else. It was still basically me, in a way."

{That is true.}

{I'm very glad you allowed me to experience this, master. I'll be forever grateful to you for that.} Bonny said, hugging Max.

"It was nothing. There's still a bit of selfishness since you haven't experienced someone else other than me, but whatever makes you happy."

{Who would want to do that anyway?} Scarlet said. {Not me, that's for sure.}

{Personally, I'm satisfied enough with you.} Bonny followed.

"Y-You are?"

{Why, yes. Well, if we ever come across another ditto one day…}

"Ah, there it is. I knew there was a catch…" Max jested with a smile.

{If it's master's wish, I won't mind doing something like this again.} Scarlet mentioned before hugging him as well. {But he alone is plenty enough.}

"Aww, you girls… Oh shit!" Max exclaimed.

{What?} Bonny replied.

"I forgot about the others! They must be bored and annoyed out of their minds right now from waiting for us."

{They'll survive.} Scarlet stated. {If they were so impatient, they would have barged in here already.}

"Still… Now that we're done, we can join them."

{In a minute. I want to enjoy my post-sex cuddling session a bit more.}

{Same.} Bonny said.

"*sigh* Alright," Max complied, wrapping his arms around them so he could gently caress them.

Five minutes later, they were completely satisfied and freed him. Once Max got dressed, they were about to leave when Scarlet stopped Max.

{Wait. I don't think you're supposed to be in here. Pokémon only, remember?}

"Oh shit, you're right. I almost got busted."

{*sigh* Pretty sure you'd already be in jail already without me.} Scarlet jested.

"Probably," Max replied, playing along. "So I take it you'll meet up with us in a bit?" He said to Bonny.

{Of course. Let me just clean myself up a little bit.} The lopunny answered.

Scarlet's eyes suddenly glowed blue while staring at Bonny, startling the lopunny as all of her stains have been removed in less than a second.

{Oh. Thanks.}

{You could have just asked.} The gardevoir mentioned.

{I guess I could've.}

"Say, mind carrying that ditto back to the lady at the front? He seems way too worn out."

{Sure thing.} Bonny agreed.

{"He"?} Scarlet wondered. {I thought dittos were genderless?}

"Yeah, but it's belittling to call them 'it', don't you think?"

{*sigh* That's our master. Too kind for his own good, sometimes.}

"Am I, now? I'm ready when you are." Max said, presenting one hand to her.

{Here we go, then.} The gardevoir said, grabbing Max's hand with seductive eyes before teleporting away.

{Aah!} Bonny exhaled before dropping on her back. {What a day…}

She then relaxed a moment while taking deep breaths.

{Well, let's not make them wait any longer.} She said before jumping on her feet down the bed. {Come on, little guy.} She told the ditto before picking it up. {Sorry to make you go through all of this.}

{Di...ttoo.} The slimy pokemon expressed weakly.

{Hehe. Ditto indeed.}

Leaving the room with the ditto in tow, she immediately headed back from where she arrived. Then, as she walked down the hall, one of the other doors opened with a familiar mawile stepping out of it.

{*sigh* That was good. Not as good as with master, but still-}


{WAH! Bo-Bo-Bonny? You… I-I thought you were already done?} The mawile asked, surprised and a little embarrassed that she's been caught.

{Just finished, actually. Those dittos are incredible.}

{What happened to yours?}

{He went through both me and Scarlet.}

{Ouch… I'm surprised it's still alive.}

{It's still breathing… barely.} Bonny jested. {Hold on… what do you mean by "yours"?} She asked, looking suspicious.

{Um, I uh… I just…}

{And why are you coming out of one of those rooms?}

{That one? Oh, I-I was trying to find a-} She poorly tried to justify, avoiding Bonny's gaze.

{And why are you fidgeting your legs with your hands behind your back like that?}

May tried to form the words, but all that came out of her mouth was unintelligible stammering.

{And why do you suddenly look so nervous? And why are you sweating so much? And why do you smell so funny? And-}

The lopunny then quickly put two and two together and gave May a smug grin.

{Ohh… I see what's going on here.}

{N-No, listen Bonny! It's not what you think!} May protested.

Bonny tilted her head to the side and stared at May with a smirk.

{Y-You've got to believe me, it was all a misunderstanding. I-} May's argument was falling apart as Bonny kept staring at her, causing the mawile to stomp her feet in a brief fit of anger. {Listen to what I'm telling you! You better listen to me, Bonny!}

{You had sex with a ditto, didn't you, May?} Bonny replied in a smug tone of voice. {You're such a cutie. Our little May is growing up.}

Unable to defend herself, May then just groaned in embarrassment. {Please, don't tell master.}

{Huh? Why?}

{Because I… don't want him to think that I want someone else other than him.}

{Come on now, May. He's literally the one who proposed it.}

{I know, but…}

{What are you so afraid of, May?} Bonny asked, kneeling down to get on her level.

{I…} May started, rubbing the back of her neck.

{Tell me. Why do you want to keep it a secret?}

{...Ever since I fell in love with master, I always wanted to mate with him like you guys. So I waited, and I eventually managed to achieve it through mega-evolution, which made everyone happy. However, today, I did it with a ditto like it never meant anything.} She explained with a hint of sadness.

{You know Max won't see it that way, right? I wouldn't say anything if he said that it would make him sad, which would be pretty hypocritical in my opinion, but he told us that it was okay. Again, he offered this to us.}

{Still… I'm feeling like I have no respect for the relationship we have.}

{...I see. Personally, I don't think that's the case, but you do what you think is best. I won't snitch on you, if that's what you're worried about, however, you shouldn't hide it from him. You know how he dislikes secrets.}


{And I'm sure he won't mind at all. Plus, I was on my way to return this little guy, so might as well go do that and join the others.} Bonny said before turning to resume her walk.

Without adding anything, May turned as well and followed her.

{You shouldn't be ashamed of your decision, May. Like I said, I won't say anything, but keep in mind that I find it very disrespectful to hide things from him. He doesn't have to know every single aspect of your life, sure, but trust should work both ways.}

{...I… just thought that I was stronger than that.}

{That's something only you can know, May. And I'm pretty sure I already know the answer, but what did you do with that ditto?}

{I did what he suggested and… had it turn into a male mawile.}

{Oh, and how was it?}

{Well… it was decent, I'd say. I don't know if the problem came from this particular ditto, but doing it with master is way better. It wasn't bad, I still felt some pleasure, but it wasn't as good as I thought it would be.}

{At least you can continue your relationship with Max with that in mind. Plus, I kinda agree with his idea of letting us at least try a male of our respective species, so now you can confirm for sure that humans are better for you.}

{I guess. And what about you? Did you try one?}

{Nah. I basically have zero interest in male lopunnies. Master turns me on enough already, so I'm plenty satisfied. I'm a one hundred percent human meat consumer, hehe.}

{You say that like it's supposed to make me feel better for what I did.} May mentioned, not liking what she heard.

{Err- Sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. That's just who I am, so you don't have to think and be like me. You'd still be my friend either way.}

{...*sigh* At least now I know I wasn't missing anything. I mean, I've never really mated with anyone in my base form before today, but doing it in my mega-form with Max is way better.}

{You got that right, and I think you're really starting to mature a bit, May.}

{Yeah… I guess you're right. Thanks, Bonny.} May said as she began to cheer up.

{Anytime. So… What does a mawile's penis look like?}

{It kinda looks like a large worm, only the base is wider than the shaft.

{Hm. Six out of ten, wouldn't recommend.} Bonny commented, disdainful in her head.

{Haha, maybe. I didn't dislike it, although that might just be because it's another mawile. But I prefer master's any day of the week.}

{That's why I won't try a male lopunny, because I already know that master is the best.}

{What about other species, though?}

{Hmm…} Bonny hummed while thinking. {Nah. As exotic as it sounds, I think I'm good.}

The two arrived at the counter after a few moments of walking and Bonny dropped the ditto on the counter, smiling at the woman before heading back to the waiting room.

{Are you sure you don't wanna have a go with a male lopunny?}

{I'm sure, May. My life will be fulfilled without knowing what my male counterpart feels like. Besides, I can always ask Max to bring me back here if I ever change my mind. And that's a big "if".}

{So simple.} May commented with a tiny smile before arriving in front of the waiting room's door.

{You know me.}

With May making an unsure face, Bonny opened the door and walked inside.

"Ah, there you are," Max said before standing up. "And you found May, too. Now all I need to do now is to pay so we can leave." He added before heading outside.

May and Bonny then exchanged glances, the rest of the girls quickly catching on as to why she's so nervous.

{Technically, if he doesn't ask, I don't have to tell him….} May mentioned with a tiny grin.

{Pretty sure the price will give it away.} Scarlet said, arms and legs crossed on a chair.

{Dang. I forgot about that…} May said, facepalming.

{Relax, May.} Bonny reassured her. {It's not like you're in danger or anything.} She added before choosing a chair to sit on.

{Don't tell me you're regretting it now, are you?} Aurora engaged.

{Well… maybe.} May replied, before sitting in a chair herself.

{If it's chipping away at you this much, just talk about it with him.} Luna suggested.

{She's right, May.} Bonny said. {Whether you regret it or not, you should tell him. It'll only hurt you more if you don't. Either you tell him now and get it over with or tell him later and risk things getting… ugly.}

{...*sigh* You're right. I'll tell him now.} May finally conceded, looking uncomfortable.

A moment later, Max came back.

"Well, looks like some of you changed their minds," He said.

{Was it that pricey?} Scarlet wondered.

"Not that much, but more than I thought it'd be. This whole session cost two hundred dollars. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that Scarlet, Bonny, and I are the only ones responsible."

{Is that a problem?} Bonny asked.

"Of course not. I'm just surprised since no one agreed at first."

{Technically, I didn't say that I wouldn't agree to it.} Luna mentioned.

"Now that I think about it, you were pretty silent when I asked everyone. So you ended up borrowing a ditto?"

{Four, actually.}

"F-Four?!" Max repeated, astonished alongside the other girls.

{What? I'm a lady who's "hard to get".} The zoroark answered almost proudly.

"True. Satisfying you is a challenge."

{Not really. I'm always satisfied whenever we mate, little pup.}

"I know, but I was referring to-"

{Don't worry, I know what you mean. As soon as you know how I work and what drives me, you'll find that I'm very easy to please.}

"Really? I don't suppose you want to teach me?" Max asked seductively.

{I could, but doing so would be pointless.}

"Why?" Max replied a bit offended.

{Because, try as you might, you wouldn't understand if I told you now.}

"How can you be so sure without trying?"

{Call it a hunch.}

"Okay. Try me, then."

Luna then looked at Max with a raised eyebrow.

{...Become stronger than me first. Only until then will you know my secrets.}

"Stronger than you? Like, physically?"

{Both in body and in mind. The same goes for your hunting and combat skills as well.}

"But…" Max expressed, looking at the others. "That's impossible. You're a pokémon, you all get so much more out of training than I do. How am I supposed to even catch up to any one of you girls' level, let alone surpass it?"

{I'm terribly sorry. You're gonna have to figure it out yourself until that time comes.}

{Why are you so reluctant to tell him?} Scarlet questioned, not appreciating her attitude very much.

{Because like I said, doing so right away would go against what I'm trying to teach him.} Luna answered nonchalantly.

{I'm not sure I follow.} Bonny commented.

{Me neither.} Scarlet agreed.

"*sigh* Alright," Max said before things got heated. "I hear you, Luna. I'll respect your wishes and I'll legitimately try to figure it out on my own," he shared, making Luna look at him with grateful and loving eyes. "I don't know if the task is even possible for me to achieve, but what I can promise is that I'll continue caring for all of you equally. That was the condition we made to have multiple "mates", right?" Max quoted.

No one said anything for a short moment until Luna broke the silence.

{...Thank you, little pup.} Luna said with a shy smile. {Just so you know, nothing's impossible. I have faith that you'll reach that level one day, I just know it.}

{Why bother saying all that stuff, though?} Scarlet asked. {You could have avoided this if you just kept quiet.}

{I'm just too honest for my own good.}

"Anyway…" Max intervened, softly clapping his hands. "If everyone's done everything they wanted to do, shall we get a move on?"

{Oh yes, please.} Bonny said in relief. {I'm way too worn out.}

"I kinda figured," Max said before taking her pokeball to call her back. "Who wants to walk?"

{Ooh! Me! Me!} Sally answered enthusiastically.

{It's been a while since I have, so mind adding me?} Dusk asked.

"Not at all. Anyone else?" He inquired without receiving any answer. "Alright."

He then put Luna and Aurora in their pokeballs.

{Master?} May shyly said as it was her turn to be recalled.


{There's… something I need to tell you…}


{Well, I guess we'll wait outside.} Scarlet announced before standing up. {Come on, girls.} She said while gesturing to a confused Dusk and Sally to follow, leaving Max and May alone.

{Why did we leave without them?} Sally asked when out.

{Just to let them have some privacy.} Scarlet answered.

{Ah, I see now. May did seem a little embarrassed. I wonder why.} Dusk questioned.

{That's something that's between her and master.}

The three of them waited outside for roughly two minutes until Max joined them.

"All set." He announced.

{So, master?} Dusk engaged.


{Today's Friday, so what's your plan?}

Max then looked above him.

{The sky should be getting dark in a few hours, so we got some time to cover some decent ground before then.}

{No tour around the village?} Scarlet asked.

"Besides that barn, this place seems rather boring, so no."

{Whatever you say.}

"Let's go, then." Max announced before the small group headed towards the village's exit.

[So, did you manage to reassure her?] The gardevoir asked.

[Kinda. She felt pretty guilty about it, but she now believes that she did nothing wrong. Out of anyone in the group, she had a solid reason to think that.]

[Which is…?]

[She never had sex in her normal form, so it's normal for her to want to try it with her own species. I can't really blame her.]

[I guess…]

[Still… There's something wrong about her reasoning, I can feel it.]

[She's just a bit harder to figure out, Max. One day she's living her dream by finally being able to have sex with you, then she's off mating with a ditto to get herself a "real" male the next day. It's… a bit of a contraction if you ask me.]

[True, but I don't think she did it just for the sake of mating. She wanted to know how it feels doing it in her normal form.]

[In that case, why didn't she just ask the ditto for a tiny version of you?]



[I… don't know. Maybe she wanted to, but since her ditto never saw me transform, she couldn't.]

[Good point.]

[I wonder how the ditto got changed into a male mawile, though. I didn't see any around.]

[They're dittos, master. Sexually trained dittos at that, so they must've remembered a lot of pokemon they interacted with.]

[That's also a good point. Anyway, it's not really our business what she does or not, right?]

[Hmm… more or less.]

[What, you think she doesn't have the right to have some privacy?]

[That's not it. We all agreed that I'm basically your 'girlfriend' or 'wife' or whatever idiotic names humans came up with, right?]

[I prefer the term 'lovers'.]

[I like it too, but it might not be the most appropriate.]


[I'll get to that point eventually. Then, we also agreed that the others would be your 'mistresses' so to speak, their priorities more or less based on their seniority.]

[Is it really the case?]

[Like I said, more or less. We don't even have to resort to some sort of social hierarchy since we all get along so well and can have some 1-on-1 time with you whenever we want. However, we're all in love with you and vice-versa, and even if some believe that loving more than one person is impossible, we're all considered your lovers.]

[Ah. I get it now.]

[All I'm really saying is that May is just as much your lover as the rest of us are. She has the right to have privacy, I agree, but the fewer secrets there are between lovers, the better.]

[As much as I agree with you, not everyone sees it the same way you do.]

[I know, but I personally think that those who keep secrets, regardless of how big or small, are less trustworthy than most.]

[I see what you're trying to say, but sometimes, they might have a good reason to hide things. And between lovers, it's better to do that than make the other sad or angry for no valid reason, or maybe even protect them in some way.]

[...I suppose…]

[You'd be the first to agree that we don't always do things fairly to protect those we love and care for.]

[...Yeah. That, I can understand.]

[Then that resolves her case. And since she's the only one who did it, we can stop here. Well, there's Luna too, but that's a different can of worms altogether.]

[Alright. Anyway, I don't think we'll ever come across dittos any time soon.]

[You'd like that, wouldn't you?] Max inquired with a smug glance.

[Not especially.] She replied with her cheeks slightly red.

[Haha. Alright. If we do, then I promise that we'll do that again.]

[You will? *Ahem* I mean, sure, if you want to.]

[Hehe. Such a naughty gardevoir that I have.] Max commented before gently slapping her buttcheeks. [I'm so lucky.]

[Yes you are. Be grateful, human, that I let you touch this beauty.] Scarlet replied playfully while pointing at herself.

A couple of minutes later, the four of them exited the village and continued their journey for a few hours before stopping further away to settle for the weekend.

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