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81.95% The Crimson Gardevoir / Chapter 98: Light Setback

Capítulo 98: Light Setback

The next day, after a few hours of walking towards the next town, Max and Scarlet decided to search for the perfect spot to settle. After all, they were about to spend two whole days there, so they took their time in finding a spot that was relatively easy to find and access and was located near a large lake to refill their water tanks when they needed to. After coming across a clearing that had just that, the module was placed down and everything was set up, everyone was left to their own devices while Max and Scarlet were inside, in the bedroom.

{Ohhhh, yes! That's it, right there…} Scarlet exclaimed in relief.

"You liked that?"

{Of course. Why wouldn't I?}

"Wasn't it painful for you?"

{It did a little bit, but afterward… *sigh* I'm in heaven.}

"Alright, understandable. But holy shit, Scarlet. How can such a small body be so tight and tense? You're worse than Aurora, and she's half steel-type." Max commented, just being done with a muscle knot in the gardevoir's lower back.

{Well, nobody's ever offered or given me a massage ever since I was born, so…}

"Oh… Right. I almost forgot how rough you had it. No wonder your muscles are so tense."

{Yeah. Being tortured, raped, and experimented on your whole life can do that to you.}

"You tell me."

{But, regardless of what I've been through, or what I will go through, I'm just lucky that I- *CRACK!* OOWW!} She screamed in pain as if a hammer slammed into her upper back area when Max applied pressure there.

"Holy shit! That's a big one there."

{*hiss* Fuck! It hurts like hell!} She groaned.

"I don't even doubt it. Unfortunately, you'll have to bear with it a little so I can take care of it."

{...Ghra. Go ahead and get it over with already. Just… don't push too hard.}

"I'll try to make it as painless as possible for you."



{…No, but do it anyway.}

Seeing as he was actually hurting Scarlet, despite it being a physical therapy session, Max reluctantly reapplied pressure to her upper back where it hurt the most. Scarlet did her best to repress her grunts and growls of pain by pressing her face against the mattress to muffle her cries, albeit with little success. She would tighten her grip on the bed sheets each time Max applied pressure until the pain slowly but surely dissipated until he stopped.

"Alright, that's gonna be it for now. It got red rather quickly, and it's not wise to massage an inflamed muscle." Max told her before moving on to her neck.

{Ghwa…! I'm not complaining. Oof! That, however, feels pretty good.}

"I'll get back to it later. You know, I was thinking... It's pretty amazing. Your body is almost identical to ours. Your muscles…" Max started, rubbing her trapezes. "Along with your skeleton. Your spine, vertebrae, and shoulder blades… it's incredible." He continued, rubbing her most visible bones.

{Heh, it doesn't take much to marvel you.} Scarlet mocked playfully.

"Maybe, but still…"

{We're both bipedal, so it's not that unusual.}

"I know, but since evolution made you white and green, hem… orange in your case, psychic powers, small frame, no feet… A-Actually, never mind. I guess I am too easily impressed."

{Hehe. I dare anyone to tell you that you're not a good trainer. It takes a dedicated human to say things like that. I'm flattered that you have such an interest in my skeleton, of all things.}

"Are you mocking me?" Max suspected as he raised an eyebrow.

{Haha! Just a bit. I'm being honest as I say this, but my bones were the last thing I was expecting you to admire.}

"Why wouldn't I? Everything about you is interesting. Skin, bones, hair… the only thing left would be your organs, but I can't go see that for myself."

{Unless you cut me open.}

"See now, that's horrifying. Why would you say that?"

{Hehe. Revenge. But while we're on the subject, didn't you do some research about my species back at the mansion? Surely you at least saw a diagram of our internal organs.}

"I did. However, if I were, to be honest, I prefer if I stick to just pictures in science books. I've seen enough real blood and gore for one lifetime, however, it didn't stop me from wanting to know about you guys better."

{You're unstoppable when you want to be. I'm proud of having you as a master.}

"Oh, stop it, you," Max replied, exaggerating his embarrassment. "Anyway, your insides are where you are so much more different than us. Even though they have the same functions as ours to remain alive, you have two or three organs that we don't. One of them was the Osphio… Ostfo… the organ that regulates your psychic powers. I didn't know using them required a special fluid."

{…Apparently, neither do I.}

"As for the organs that exist in human bodies, they're all shaped differently. Your heart is thinner than ours, but a bit more elongated and it touches the inner parts of your crest. Your kidney, while smaller and similar if we excluded the location, looks a little bit like a human brain. As for the rest of your organs, they're all made out of stronger tissues."

{Wow. You actually did your research, master. I'm impressed.}

"Really? Thanks, I- Wait a second… you already knew all of that, didn't you?"

{Hihi!} She giggled. {Kinda.}

"Why didn't you tell me?"

{Because I like listening to you speak with such passion.}

"*sigh* Why am I not surprised? You always have been the smart one, even more so for a psychic-type."

{Oh, come on. There are pokemon out there that are smarter than me. Alakazam's are rumored to have IQs of fifteen-hundred, after all.}

"First off, I don't have one, and second, I don't care. Third, I have a gardevoir, and that's good enough for me."

{Why? Is it because I'm that annoying?}

"Definitely." Max jested, causing both of them to chuckle.

{By the way, the organ you're talking about is the Osphiomalastrus. It regulates our psychic energy by cooling down and weakening our central nervous system if we use it too much. It works a bit like how your body releases chemicals into your muscles to prevent any permanent damage, as they can't be in constant use at full capacity for long periods of time. Even just a little too much physical strain is enough to rip some tendons apart and such. Same goes for your brain.}

"I see."

{We also have another organ that prevents us gardevoir from being sucked into the black holes that we create.}

"You're kidding, right?"

{Why would I joke about that? Tell me why I, a living being with the power to create black holes, wouldn't be able to protect itself or others from the very thing that would instantly kill us along with everything around us? Our species would already be extinct if it was the case.}

"Well, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that it sounds crazy that such a thing already exists. I… can't really understand how."

{Who said that you had to understand it perfectly? I myself don't get everything that you humans consider the norm, but things are the way they are, that's all there is to it.}

"Alright, I get you. And what's the name of that said organ?"

{It's a very complicated word that even I have trouble pronouncing.}

"You talk pokéspeech. How could it be hard for you to pronounce it?"

{You're not a pokémon, you wouldn't understand.}

"Charming. Anyway, there's one thing I never could understand, though."

{What is it?}

"You have an organ to help you with your psychic abilities, but what about everything else?"

{You mean… with non-psychic moves?}

"Yeah like, how can you or Bonny use fire-type, ice-type, or any moves outside of your typing?"

{Hmm… it's a little hard to explain, but I'll try to simplify it as much as I can. You see, the fundamental difference between humans and pokemon is our ability to harness our energy and use it to do whatever we want.}

"Harnessing your energy?"

{How could I put it…? Nearly all pokemon have receptors, or glands, or whatever you want to call it, in their bodies to be able to use that energy.}

"Receptors? Like a nervous system?"

{Not really. You wouldn't be able to see them if you were to look through an x-ray or diagram. They're there, but at the same time, they're not.}

"Uh, I'm afraid you lost me there."

{Simply put, parts of those receptors are in our physical bodies, while the others are located somewhere else. For lack of a better term, you could say that they're in our soul or something like that.}

"Okay, I think I'm starting to get it," Max said.

{Think of those receptors as some kind of energy converters, which could be used to perform any move that would aid in that pokémon's survival, so long as they have the will to learn it. For example, to use Blaze Kick, Bonny's body and soul must transform and morph her energy to produce a flame around her legs. All of that while changing her leg's skin composition to withstand the sudden increase in temperature.}

"And this all happens in less than a second?"

{Hm hmm. It's one of those things that just happens on instinct. It's best not to think about the specifics.} Scarlet confirmed.

"I see. I guess it would suck if she were to accidentally burn herself while using it."

{It would be dumb, you mean. I think I read somewhere that some pokémon can suffer from a disability that affects how their receptors regulate the 'mon's energy, preventing them from performing moves properly and even resulting in serious injuries.}

"So basically, it means that all pokemon can learn pretty much every move out there."

{Well, yes and no. Those receptors have what you humans qualify as 'affinities'.}

"Affinities? You mean like how some moves are easier to learn than others?"

{Kinda. There are limits as to what moves we can and can't use. The same can be said for egg moves, but that's a different can of worms entirely. Along with having a partial influence on our typing, those affinities are also what can make a move stronger when the move is the same typing as the user. And don't even get me started on the moves we're just incapable of learning.}


{For example, you'll never see a fire-type pokémon like Dusk using a water-type move like Hydro Pump.}

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Water trumps fire, so it would just harm her more than anything else."

{Even if by some miracle she's able to learn one, her body would just constantly fight it due to the incompatibility, causing a bunch of complications that would take too long to explain.}

"I see. Wait, how do you explain that you, a psychic-type pokémon, can learn Shadow Ball, a ghost-type move then?"

{Good question. My my, getting really smart over there, aren't you?} Scarlet praised him.

"Being with you has some benefits."

{At the very least. Anyway, let's just say that there's some exception. Through the development of a pokémon species, one can learn to use normally incompatible moves and pass them on through its genes. Shadow Ball for gardevoirs is an example.}

"Huh. Who knew that a massage session with a gardevoir could be so instructive?"

{Always happy to help you learn about the incredible world of Pokémon.}

Max did his best to take all of this knowledge to heart as he finished up Scarlet's back massage. "Alright. Your back is done. You can flip over," he said, moving away to let her turn.

He then went over to her again and resumed the massage, starting with her shoulders and deltoids.

"About time I got to your shoulders. They are stiff as fuck."

{Take your time.} She told him cheekily with a grin. {I'm liking the view I have.}

"Aaand this is the part where I have to fight your approaches so I can finish my job."

{Please, I'm a pokemon that can control herself. However…}


{Would it be too much to ask if you can do that while you're naked?}

"*sigh* I knew it. I don't know what's up with this position, but you all get horny when I'm looking over you like this."

{Just imagine that we switched places and you will understand. You, underneath any one of us, and our hot, naked bodies touching each other while making you feel good.}

"...Okay, you're right. I get it now. Although technically, there's a bit of a bonus when going for the front. The back is where all the difficulties are."


"And maybe it's not necessary if I make you that horny for nothing."

{It's never for nothing. I'll contain my lust and release it when the time is right.} She assured him with a smug face.

"Uh-huh…" Max replied skeptically, now lying on her chest. "Well, let's see where it leads us, then."

{Oh! Are you implying something?}

"That depends, what are you inferring? You're free to think whatever you want."

{Sure I am.} Scarlet replied, also skeptically.

Max then moved on to her abdomen and was now at the front of her legs.

{Oof! It won't feel so good there.}

"Mad-Ji really made you work them out. Considering you've barely used them that much, it's no surprise they're so sore."

While massaging her legs, Max couldn't help but appreciate how well they turned out over the last year and a half. Scarlet had made an effort to make real use of them, thanks to a little "encouragement" from Mad-Ji. Since they weren't really built to walk for long periods of time, it was hard for her to develop any real muscle in her legs, much less the rest of her body. Luckily, she did manage to obtain a little bit of that leg muscle, even though it's barely noticeable. They were still small, but the subtle change was enough for Max to make him hungry for them.

"You have really nice legs." He commented, gently rubbing them.

{And after that talk about "staying professional," you go and say something like that?}

Upon hearing her, Max quickly realized what she was talking about.

"Sorry. I lost my focus a little."

{Well, don't do it too often if you want to see the end of it.}

With a regained composure, Max resumed his massage and a few moments later, he was finally done.

"*sigh* There we go. I'm finally done with my last client. No tips are necessary."

{Congratulations. Now come here, you.} She commanded before using her power to drag Max over her on all fours. {Thanks, master.} She sincerely said with her arms around his neck.

"You're welcome, beautiful. Just a heads up, you'll probably feel pretty sore tomorrow, so…"

{Uh huh.} She acknowledged, not looking that attentive while staring at his eyes.

"Something wrong?"

{No. I just want to stare into the eyes of the man of my life. Can I do that?}

"Of course, you can. That way, I can do the same."

{Staring at the man of your life?}

"More like 'mon of my life, but yeah. You and your big dick."

{Hihi. Feel free to play with it anytime.}

"Thanks, but maybe later."

{Haha. *sigh* What did I do to deserve a wonderful human such as yourself?}

"Some pretty nasty things, that's for sure."

{You think so? Well, I wonder what will happen if I do even more nasty things.} She wondered with a naughty face.

"One way to find out."

With a raised eyebrow, Scarlet pulled Max into a kiss. The couple made out for a brief moment before Max backed up.

{...I'll let you have one more day to rest. You better be ready, because I won't hold back.}

"I'll keep that in mind, but what about you? You will barely be able to lift your arms."

{If you're the one molesting me, I don't think I'll need them.} She stated with a smirk.

"Eh, fair enough."

After another quick kiss, Max moved away and jumped down from the bed before helping Scarlet to sit up.

"You know what would be good this evening?"


"Some marshmallows and sausages around the fire. Matter of speech, that is."

{...I guess.} Scarlet replied, sitting at the edge, not sounding that enthusiastic.

"What's wrong?"

{You know, my bad experience with hot dogs and such.}

"Ah, but that's why we bought plant-based sausages made specifically for pokemon like you. You should be able to digest them properly."

{Maybe… the taste wasn't that bad, but not especially good either.}

"Maybe they'll taste differently now that they're plant-based."

{...I suppose.}

"I'm not forcing you, but…"

{No, it's fine. I promised you that I'll give it a try.}

"Great. Just go and I'll join you in a moment."

{Alright.} Scarlet acknowledged.

She tried to stand up but stumbled in her step all of a sudden as she nearly lost her balance.

{Shit.} She cursed, resting a hand on the wall to help her not fall.

"Heh, I guess your body isn't used to being so relaxed." Max chuckled.

{Looks like it. It's even worse than when I get a couple of orgasms.}

"Need some help?"

{I'll be fine, thanks.} She refused, leaving the wall.


Max then let her pass first. Once she was outside, he went over to the refrigerator/food storage for some snacks. Both the marshmallow and sausage packages were rather large so the entire group could enjoy them. After grabbing his snacks and closing the fridge, he walked outside to join Scarlet and the rest of the group.

"Look what I've got, girls," Max announced when showing them the packages.

{What's that?} Bonny wondered.

"Something very nice, you will see," Max replied, sitting down. "Damnit. Do you know what we forgot?" He asked his gardevoir.


"Long forks to put those near the fire."

Scarlet then looked at the heating ball.

{...Yeah, that would have been a good idea.}

"And we can't just go to a store right now. We're pretty far away now and they're probably closed anyway."

{Hm…} Scarlet pondered.

"Oh! We could use branches."

{Dammit! I was about to say the same thing.} Scarlet said, amused.

"We are so alike."

{Do you want me to get you some?} Dusk proposed.

{We'll both go. It shouldn't take long to find sticks when…} Scarlet said, gesturing to the wilderness around them before standing up.

With Dusk following, they both ventured into the forest and returned with five branches about thirty seconds later.

"Just five?" Max mentioned.

{Me and Dusk will just make our food float, so we don't really need them.}

"Fair enough." Max conceded.

For the next couple of minutes, the group enjoyed their roasted treats while chatting. They all loved it, with the carnivorous pokémon sticking to sausages while the others preferred marshmallows a bit more. For Max though, he loved both equally.

"...So the guy called the park to learn more about what he's getting himself into, and he was greeted with, 'Yee-haw! You've reached Dragon Isles, Rados' number one dragon pokémon extravaganza. You've seen 'em on TV, now come see 'em live! Dragon Isles. You're gonna love this park,'" Max narrated a joke, making the girls laugh, before continuing. "Then the operator says this: 'For Spanish, press two.' 'Oh, I gotta hear this.' He presses two, and what he hears is, 'Beep! I don't speak Spanish, but you're still gonna love this park.'"

The girls laughed hard at the joke, some with tears in their eyes, others almost dropping their snacks in the process. Even Luna could be heard laughing along, although it was more of a chuckle than laughter.

{Hahahaha! Dumb human jokes are the best ones.} Scarlet said while roasting a marshmallow near the fire with her powers.

"I could tell some smart ones, but I don't get all of them myself, so…"

{And you would just hurt yourself.} Aurora jested before munching on a piece of toasted sausage.

"Hehe. Probably."


Upon hearing the echoed voice and recognizing it, Max turned towards Dusk, who was sitting next to him.


Instead of answering, Dusk popped out a well-roasted sausage from her mouth while facing him.

"Huh? Wait… did you roast the whole thing directly in your mouth?"

"[Maybe…]" She replied. "[Do you want it?]"

"...Sure." Max accepted before extending one hand.

[Nuh uh. Not with your hand.]

"Huh? Oh, I see."

{Ooh. Nice move, Dusk.} Scarlet praised. {I'm impressed.}

{Tsaww. Here she goes, making points with master.} Bonny commented, slightly jealous.

Max then neared his face towards Dusk, grabbed half of the sausage with his teeth, and chomped down on it. It was a little wet due to the delphox's saliva, which would have disgusted some, but not Max. Since it was his beloved Dusk and he knew that she always had really good hygiene, he didn't mind it at all.

{Halfway there, master.} Scarlet stated, resting her head against one hand, staring intently at them.

Now done with his bite, Max saw that Dusk was a bit eager to give more. Holding it in place, Dusk had to keep half of what was left, forcing Max to go move his lips closer to hers while trying to grab the rest. At that exact moment, Dusk moved forward and made their lips touch before pushing the rest into Max's mouth before stealing a kiss from him and letting him go.

{Nice job, master.} Scarlet praised, with her and half of the group lightly applauding.

"...It's not like it was hard," Max replied after swallowing the piece.

{It was still fun to watch, though.} Bonny commented with a satisfied smile. {Don't you agree?} She asked Aurora, gently hitting her with one elbow.

{...It was definitely something.} The lucario admitted, sounding a bit disinterested.

{You rock, Dusk.} May complimented.

{Thanks, but…} Dusk retorted, a bit embarrassed. {It was just a wild idea that appeared suddenly. I hesitated a bit to do it, though.}

{Did it taste better?} Scarlet asked Max, curious.

"Being roasted inside her own mouth did add a bit of extra flavor, so yeah, kind of." He answered, making the gardevoir laugh a little.

*Koff* *Koff* *Koff*

Suddenly, Sally's coughing brought everyone's attention to her. She was holding a sausage in her hand while coughing like she was choking on it.

{Sally! Did you really try that yourself?} Bonny asked, almost scolding her.

{I- *Koff* *Koff* …was sure I could- *Koff* *Koff* …do it. *Koff*.}

"Your morphology isn't the same as Dusk, Sally." Max pointed out. "Her snout is much longer than yours."

{That was- *Koff* really stupid of me. *Koff* I know.}

The group laughed as she was having trouble breathing, not at her, but more at the situation she created. Then, as their laughs slowly died down, the group heard some noises coming from the forest. Normally, they wouldn't mind cracking branches as they'd hear that quite often. However, this time, the noises were getting louder and were gradually getting closer. Sensing danger, Luna quickly stood up, shortly followed by the others.

{Stay close to me, master.} Scarlet instructed.

"Why? What's going on?" He asked, getting beside the gardevoir.

Then, to answer his question, a couple of trevenant appeared from the woods, both of them not happy to see them. As the girls were getting ready to fight, more trevenant emerged from the woods and began surrounding them until they were outnumbered.

{What's the meaning of this?} Scarlet demanded firmly.

{Go away! You're not welcome here!} Said one of them.

{Why? Are we in some kind of claimed territory?}

{Go away! Go away!} They all exclaimed while becoming more agitated.

"Whoa! Calm down, all of you! Can we at least know why you want to chase us away?" Max intervened, taking a few steps forward while staying close to Scarlet.

{We don't allow evildoers in our forest!} Another one exclaimed.

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about?"

{We said go away!} Yet another one loudly said before charging and tossing an Energy Ball at Max, which got blocked by Scarlet's Protect.

{Big mistake, little fucker.} Scarlet growled before tossing a Shadow Ball at the attacking trevenant, propelling it a couple of meters away.

The other trevenant immediately went into combat mode, ready to attack the girls who were also about to step into action when Max stopped them.

"Everyone! Stop!" Max yelled, putting everyone at a halt. "I don't know why you think we are 'evildoers,' but you clearly don't want to hear us out. Give us a couple of minutes to pack up our stuff, and you'll never see us again." He told the trevenant, who seemed to have calmed down upon hearing his words.

{A-Are you serious, master?} Scarlet said, disagreeing with his decision. {We can't let them chase us away like this.}

"We'll find another spot. If we can solve this peacefully, then it's better for everyone."


"We'll find another one, Scarlet," Max repeated in a slightly harsher tone.

Deciding not to go against his words, Scarlet reluctantly abandoned the idea of fighting, along with everyone else. It took roughly two minutes for Max and Dusk to pack everything, all with a pack of trevenant staring menacingly at them the whole time.

"Let's go," Max said with the module on his back.

The girls followed behind him while staring at the trevenant with angry looks on their faces, who then freed a pathway so they could leave.

{What the fuck was that?!} Scarlet blurted angrily once they were back on the walking path, away from the trevenant. {We could have easily taken them on.}

"I highly doubt that they were the only ones. If we were to engage them in battle, reinforcements would've arrived and we would have been trapped in a near-endless battle."

{He has a point.} Aurora supported him.

{Pff. So what if the fight dragged on for a bit? I could've killed them all on my own.}

"Maybe so, but no matter how small the risk is of all of you being hurt or injured, that doesn't change the fact that it's still there. I'm sorry, but if we are given the choice to avoid conflict, then that's what we'll do."

{Tsk. That's stupid.} Scarlet said softly.

"Huh?" Max replied, confused.

{Not what you said, but the whole situation.} She clarified, quite mad. {For fuck's sake… Luna?! Did you do anything?} She suddenly exclaimed, looking at the zoroark.

{Excuse me?} Luna retorted, looking quite offended. {What gave you the idea that I had anything to do with this?}

{I don't know. You're the one who's always away from the group. For all we know, you could've done something to provoke those trevenants.}

{...Are you being serious right now?} Luna inquired, getting rather aggressive with the gardevoir, which was a rarity for her.

"Calm down! Both of you!" Max commanded, letting the silence settle for a few seconds. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked Scarlet, disappointed in her attitude.

{Then how do you explain what just happened?}

"I can't, but accusing your friends is downright cruel and wrong, especially without any kind of proof. I thought better of you."

Realizing her mistake, Scarlet tried her absolute hardest to calm down and see the situation with a more level head.

{*Sigh* Goddamnit… I'm sorry, Luna.} She apologized, more sincere than she ever was before. {It's just that… Hmmng!} She growled with clenched teeth.

{...What… happened?} Sally asked, a bit afraid of speaking.

"I don't know, but I'm confident that none of us did anything to them," Max said while looking at Luna with trustful eyes, making her calm down as well. "...But if any of you did do anything, you would have told me, right?"

{Told you what exactly?} Aurora asked, feeling a bit upset as to what he meant.

"I know that none of you could've done something to provoke those trevenant, but… we just got back on the road. How did we get tagged with being 'evil doers' or whatnot? If they knew about the assholes we've met, they would see what true evil is."

Upon hearing that, Scarlet suddenly stopped and became lost in her thoughts.

"Scarlet?" Max called out, stopping with everyone.

{No… she did not do that…} She mumbled, as if she was trying to convince herself.


Scarlet then looked at Max in the eyes.

{It's her. I'm sure of it!} She said, accusing someone she seemed to know.

"What do you mean? Who's 'her'?"

{That fucking bitch! If I ever get my hands on her, you can bet your ass that I'll paint the whole damn region with her blood!} Scarlet yelled as she punched a nearby tree.

"Scarlet!?" Max called out.

{...It's that piece of shit, Qsalyla.}

{What? What about her?} Bonny inquired.

{This may sound a bit far-fetched, but knowing how much of a scumbag she is, it's possible. It's possible that she may have spread false rumors about us.}

The group then looked at each other, pondering the idea of it being true.

{Rumors can travel pretty far, especially in a year and a half. I really hope this isn't the case, but it's possible that she tried to turn the entire wild population against us.}

"...You're kidding, right?" Max asked, not wanting to believe that.

{So far, it's just a theory. Maybe we just got unlucky and ended up in a territory full of dumb trevenant who hate humans and other pokémon.}

{I guess the only way to find out is to keep moving and paying attention to our surroundings.} Aurora mentioned.

{...There's not much more we can do about it.} May agreed.

{Oh no… I hope all of this was just a misunderstanding.} Dusk said, a bit worried.

"Are you sure? It could've been the vespiquen."

{It's a possibility, but I doubt it. One wouldn't be dumb enough to mess with or lie to a psychic-type. She wouldn't risk it.}

"...Well, at least they didn't seem to openly accuse us specifically, but were more about being suspicious and not wanting to take any chances."

{What could she have said about us?} Sally wondered, getting slightly scared.

{I don't know, but she definitely tried to make us look like the bad guys.} Bonny theorized.

"For now, let's not panic. As Scarlet said, we could've just been unlucky. We'll find another spot further down the road and see what's going on."

{We're going to have to be more vigilant. I'm not sure that we'll be encountering any reasonable pokemon like those trevenants in the future.} Luna mentioned.

"Yeah, you're right. Shit! I just hope it's not true." Max growled before resuming his walk.

Suddenly, after taking a couple more steps, Max began to get dizzy and weak, almost throwing him off balance.

{You okay?} Scarlet asked, holding him by the arm.

"Yeah. I think I'm just really tired."

{It's weird it got you all of a sudden.} Aurora stated.

"Eh, don't worry about it. A good night's sleep and I should be fine."

{Let's find a good spot quickly, then.} Scarlet said, holding Max by the hand to quickly catch him if he lost balance again.

Unfortunately for the group, they walked for quite a long time before finally finding a suitable spot to camp as well as get as far away from those trevenant as possible. Luckily, Max seemed to have gotten a little better over time, as nightfall began to approach. They then arrived at a small plain zone, where the space between the road and the forest was rather large, and decided that it would suffice for now.

"Let's stay near the road for tonight," Max said before going offroad.

He walked a couple of meters before dropping and expanding the module.

"We should stay inside until tomorrow morning. The less visible we are, the less we will be spotted by pokemon that can snitch on us." He said while starting to head inside.

{I think it'd be best if I stay outside tonight.} Luna told them.

"Why?" Max asked, disagreeing.

{I need to get to the bottom of this story. I'll do some reconnaissance to see what's really going on.}


{They probably have only our appearance to go off of, so I'll just change mine.}

"I see. Even though Qsalyla said that there was a zoroark in the group, no one can actually tell."

{That's exactly what I was planning on.}

{Mind if I borrow your ability? I think I'll give you a hand for part of the night.} Scarlet asked the zoroark.

{Go ahead.}

As soon as Scarlet touched her, Luna changed into a liepard and ran towards the woods, with Scarlet changing into a gothitelle to follow her.

{I'll be back later, master.} She said to Max in a reassuring way.

"Alright. You two be careful."

{We will.} She assured him with a smile before teleporting away.

The girls then followed Max inside, with him locking the door behind him to make sure no intruder could get in. Max then sat at the table and placed his hands on his forehead.

{...What are we gonna do if Scarlet's suspicions are true?} Bonny asked, who took a seat in front of him.

"...I don't know. I guess if it's true that Qsalyla did spread rumors about us, we'll have to somehow prove them wrong."

{Surely the humans and pokemon we've met until now can help us?} May suggested.

"How? Their towns are miles away, and for those living in the wild, we don't even know where they are. They could be on the other side of the region for all we know."

{Well, what can we do, then?} Sally asked.

"I don't know, Sally. That's what I'm trying to figure out." He replied a bit abruptly.

{...S-Sorry for asking, then.} Sally replied as she flinched in her seat, with the girls quickly noticing how Max's response affected her.

{No need to be a jerk with her, Max.} Bonny scolded, upset. {She only wanted to help.}

"...I know, I… *sigh* Sorry, Sally. I didn't mean to." He apologized before motioning her to get near.

After she did, Max moved a bit away and made her sit down so he could pull her into a gentle hug.

"I truly am sorry, Sally. I shouldn't talk to you like that." He apologized, rubbing her head.

She was still looking scared, but being in Max's arms seemed to have calmed her down a little.

{If we're lucky, maybe our 'reputation' isn't taken that seriously by everyone and it didn't get that far. Even if it's a one-and-a-half-year-old rumor, maybe some pokémon forgot about it.} Aurora theorized.

"...Maybe, but can we really say that luck has always been on our side?"

{We can't be unlucky all the time.} Dusk mentioned.

"You're right, but mostly, probabilities aren't really on our side either."

A silence then settled, with no one knowing what to say anymore.

"...Until we get news from Luna and Scarlet, there's nothing we can do about it for now. Who knows, we might just be getting worked up over nothing."

{I really hope so.} Bonny said.

{Me too. It could get in the way of reaching the Rados League, among other things. And who's to say she didn't try spreading those rumors amongst humans?} Aurora suspected.

"I have a small doubt on that, though."

{How can you tell?} May wondered. {She really seems hell-bent on destroying our lives one way or another.}

"Maybe, but I hardly see her getting amongst humans to spill her shit. She hates humans even more than Scarlet, and that's saying something."

{If you ask me, I just think she hates everything.} Bonny shared.

"You might be right on that, Bonny."

It was at that moment that Max suddenly felt a bit dizzy again.

{You should go lay down.} Dusk advised, noticing.

"Maybe. I'm pretty exhausted."

{Good idea. I mean, that's some bad news we just had.} Bonny pointed out.

"Yeah. I'll try to forget it for now." Max said, standing up. "What about you guys?"

{We'll join you in a moment.} Aurora replied.


Max then walked inside the bedroom and laid on the bed after removing a few pieces of clothes. After quickly falling asleep, the girls stayed up a little while longer to discuss what actions they should take if push comes to shove. Before getting too deep in their discussion, they decided to drop the subject believing that being worried right now would only lead to more unnecessary stress. They then joined Max under the blankets.

The next morning, Max awakened and opened his eyes to notice that he was the only one on the bed. With a much bigger headache than yesterday, Max sat at the base of the bed before starting to cough uncontrollably. Upon hearing that, the bedroom door opened up with Scarlet's head popping in.

{Are you alright?} She asked him worryingly.

"*Koff* More or less." He answered before coughing again.

Getting closer, Scarlet put a hand on his forehead and focused.

{...Oh, poor master. You've come down with a fever.}

"Just a fever? Then it's fine." He told her before trying to stand up.

However, dizziness and fatigue hit him hard as he fell back on the bed.

{You're clearly sick, master. You should rest for today.} She advised him.

"I can't really afford that. *cough* *cough* Not only might we be in a sticky situation, but I promised to spend time with you girls."

Again, Max tried to stand up and managed to stay on his feet this time, only to find himself almost fainting.

{Max, stop being stubborn for once and be reasonable. You're in no shape to do anything.}

"I won't do too much, I promise."

As Max approached the door, Scarlet sighed and stopped him with her psychic powers. He then immediately started to float towards the bed again.

"What are you doing?" Max inquired, unamused.

{I'm sorry, master.} She apologized before gently dropping him on the bed and pulling the blanket over him. {But I won't let you go out in that state.}

"Come on. It's not the first time I got sick. I'll be better in a few hours."

{We'll see in a few hours, but until then, you are to be confined to this bed.}


{No ifs, ands, or buts. This is not up for debate.} She asserted.

"...Tsk. Ghra!" Max growled, dropping his head on the pillow while being upset.

{You always take care of us, master, so for once, let us take care of you.}

"I don't… *sigh* Whatever."

{I'm sorry again, master. I'm gonna find some herbs and berries that will help you get better faster.}

"Yeah, yeah." Max retorted in a contemptuous way.

Scarlet knew that Max's anger wasn't directed at her, so she decided to leave him alone.

{I love you, master.}

"*sigh* Me too…" He replied in a rather disinterested tone.

She then closed the door behind her and joined the girls who were all around the table.

{Is he okay?} Sally asked, worried.

{He's sick, but if we pamper him for a little bit, he will be.} Scarlet reassured the cinderace as she sat down at the table across from the others.

{That's a relief.} Bonny said, after softly sighing. {So? Any news?}

{Kinda, but not really good news.} Scarlet began with crossed fingers after briefly looking at Luna, who was resting against the fridge's door.

{Oh no…} Dusk expressed, fearing the worst.

{We can't really tell where the rumors are coming from or who started them, but they do exist.}

Upon hearing her, the group looked at each other in an uncomfortable manner, as their suspicions were unfortunately confirmed.

{...What's the word on the street?} Aurora questioned.

{Luna's the one who asked around the most, but there are a few versions to this story. But the most recent one is that there's a particular human with a red gardevoir traveling the region, training his team to kill any wild pokémon they find or something like that. Some even believe that we have a couple of victims in our lives already and that I'm some sort of power-hungry monster.}

{This is not looking good for us.} May shared.

{But I do wish luck to those who want to try something on us, especially master.} She affirmed firmly.

{I guess it means that our journey is compromised.} Bonny stated.

{Maybe it doesn't have to be that way.} Aurora mentioned.

{How? We're public enemy number one now.}

{I doubt it's that bad. Not every pokemon will believe these rumors, but a huge portion of them do. From what Scarlet and I learned, it's very likely that it didn't spread amongst humans.} Luna shared.

{She hates humans so much that she probably doesn't want to get near them. Not even wanting to spread rumors about her worst enemy would make her want to interact with them.} Aurora said.

{I think it's something more centered in the wilderness.}

{Maybe she was counting on the thought that wild pokemon would eventually get us.} Dusk theorized.

{I wonder about that…}

{You don't seem to believe that much.} Bonny said.

{I know the likes of Qsalyla. They're soulless monsters that want to see those who looked at them wrong suffer. She wants me and will want to get her hands on me herself. No, I think she just wants to weaken our mental energy for the fun of it. And that's just a little something she does to kill time. That's how much of a scumbag she is, more than rotten to the core.}

{Tsk. Maybe we could spread a counter-rumor, or something like that…}

{We could try, but I doubt it will work. Most of the time, intelligent creatures will believe the first piece of information they receive. If we start spreading a rumor stating that the first rumors were all lies, pretty much everyone will think that it's a strategy to get us clean. Not to mention that all that information probably traveled far within that year and a half, so our 'counter-rumor' would take too long to outweigh the first one.}

{Well, can't we at least try?} May asked.

{I agree.} Dusk followed. {It's better than doing nothing.}

{...True, but…} Scarlet replied.

{If we don't try to dissipate it, not only will it not help, but it would look like we want to keep that "evil" reputation. Might as well prove that it's not true.} Aurora mentioned.

{Like Luna said, some probably don't believe those rumors, so maybe they could help us somehow.} May pointed out.

{I agree that we should do something, don't get me wrong, but as for how to do it…} Scarlet pondered out loud.

{And… What will we tell master?} Sally asked.

Everyone's reactions indicated that they had just remembered a crucial detail.

{...Dammit, you're right. He's sick and is not in good shape, just to add salt to the wound. Maybe… it would be best to spare him additional stress factors. He's already pissed that he can't keep his promise to spend quality time with us.}

{We can do that another time.} Aurora blurted out as she smacked her paw against the table. {We have more important matters to attend to right now.}

{I get that, Aurora, but don't sound so inconsiderate.} Scarlet scolded. { You know how he is, he was looking forward to spending time with us just as much, if not more, than we were.}

{Ugh, I know, but…}

{Wait a sec. You're not actually suggesting we… lie to him, right?} Bonny said, not 100% sure that she likes the idea, especially after remembering the last time they lied to him.

{Don't make it sound worse than it already is.} Scarlet retorted. {I'm not saying we should lie to him, more like… minimize the truth a little.}

The group then seriously considered the suggestion.

{...You know how much I hate lying and keeping secrets, but…} Aurora started. {...Maybe this time, it's for the best.}

{A-Are you sure?} Bonny asked.

{Not really, but if Scarlet says he's sick, then adding more stress will only make his condition worse.}

{...That's a good point.} Bonny said, starting to agree.

{What about you?} Scarlet asked, looking at Luna.

{If you're all on the same page and think it's for the best, then I'd rather not talk to him than lie.}

{Works for me I guess. We will tell him as soon as he gets better, but knowing him, he'll probably get mad, so everyone brace yourselves.}

{Maybe he won't get mad.} Sally intervened. {Surely he'll understand if we told him that we did it so he could get better and not be so worried, right?}

{She brings a solid point.} Bonny approved. {He's not the overly impulsive master we used to know. He's stronger, and wiser, and resorts to logic and reasoning most of the time. He's more mature now.}

{...You're right, but he still won't be too happy about it.} Scarlet mentioned.

{Can't win them all.} Aurora affirmed.

{Poor master. It pains me to know that he's sick and not feeling well. On top of all this rumor talk…} Dusk shared, worried.

{That's something we can deal with.} Scarlet affirmed. {If we get him some berries to help with the flu and nurse him constantly, I give him two days until he's back on his feet.}

{With the number of powers and moves you know, you're best for the role of being his personal doctor.} Bonny pointed out.

{Maybe, but if we all do a little something for him, it will make him so happy that he might just heal even faster.} Scarlet half jested with a small smile.

{Heh. So we're his nurses now? If only…} Aurora commented.

{Anyway, before we do anything, I just want to suggest to you guys that as far as we know, we're enemies of the entire wild pokémon population, so it would be best to at least move around in at least pairs from now on. We may be stronger than ever, but that doesn't mean we should get careless.} Scarlet advised.

{Is it really that serious, Scarlet?} Sally asked.

{I don't know. Maybe I'm just being paranoid for our master's safety again, but I don't want to take any risks.} The gardevoir confirmed. {And as for Max… we'll keep the full truth safely under wraps until he gets better, not a minute before.}

{If it really helps him…} Bonny agreed.

{It won't worsen his state at the least. *Sigh* Speaking of which, I'm off to get those berries for him.} Scarlet announced before standing up. {If I'm lucky, there might be some more efficient herbal medicine we can find in the wilderness, so I'm gonna try to find some. Do you want to help me, Luna?} She asked the zoroark.

{Of course. Anything for our little pup.} Luna accepted.

{In the meantime, can I trust you, girls, to take really good care of him?} Scarlet asked the others.

{It shouldn't be that hard.} Aurora acknowledged, with the rest of the gang doing the same.

{Great. He has a fever, so his body needs to be cooled down regularly. So I'm sorry, Sally and Dusk, but please do be careful when you're around him. Your fire-typing and high temperature could worsen his condition.}

{...Understood.} Dusk said, both her and Sally looking slightly sadder.

{Just put a cold towel on his forehead until I get back.}

With the girls nodding, Scarlet and Luna leave the module while the rest of the gang tries to make the best of what they've been given.

{...Well… talk about a shitty start to the day.} Bonny commented with crossed arms.

{You're telling me.} Aurora agreed.

{Let's try to stay optimistic.} Dusk suggested. {At least around master for the time being.}

{*Sigh* You're right.} Bonny conceded. {He doesn't need that kind of stress right now.}

{You guys have seen worse anyway, right?} Sally said.

{More or less.} May replied. {We've been in tough situations before, but being infamous is a first for us.}

{Don't forget that we're a team, girls.} Dusk reminded them. {If we all stick together, nothing will stop us.}

{Mhmm, well said.} Aurora approved with a smile.

{You're right.} Bonny conceded, slightly smiling too. {We have a chance to be the best team in the world. I couldn't hope for anything better than this.}

{Me too.} May agreed.

{Do you want to be the one to take care of master?} Aurora asked the lopunny.

{Huh? I mean, not that I'm complaining, but why me specifically?}

{You heard Scarlet; Sally and Dusk won't do good if they go near him for too long. May's a little too small, and my paws aren't exactly made for nursing someone back to health. That only leaves you as the best candidate for the job.}

{...I…} Bonny started, looking at everyone else.

{She's right, Bonny.} May confirmed. {Besides, he will surely appreciate your fluffiness.}

{Well, my paws aren't so good, either.} Bonny mentioned while looking at one of her paws. {I have only three fingers and they're pretty claws at this point, so…}

{As long as you have at least two opposing fingers on each paw, you should be fine.} Aurora assured her.

{...They all can oppose each other if I want, so I guess… Alright. I'll do it, even though I'm not that familiar with being a nurse.}

{It's easy, actually.} Aurora said. {All you have to do is monitor him and take care of his needs while making sure his fever doesn't get any worse.}

{I just had an idea; Wouldn't Healing Pulse help him?} Sally asked.

{A disease isn't like a wound, so it can't be healed the same way.} Dusk told her. {But now that you mention it, it could give his body a "helping hand"?}

{Ahh, I see what you did there. And that's actually not a bad idea, Sally.} Bonny praised them with a wink.

Sally blushed with an embarrassed smile while Dusk chuckled at her own pun.

{Well, let's do it then.} Bonny said, standing up to head into the bathroom.

Leaving the girls behind, she went inside the bedroom with a small wet towel. Once she was inside, she approached the bed from the side and moved next to Max.

"*Cough* *Cough* Great. I died and now an angel has come to get me."

{Rha…} Bonny softly complained with a smile. {That's not funny.} She added before dropping the cool towel on his forehead.

"Why are you smiling, then?"

{So that you don't feel bad about yourself.}

"Hehe. You're too kind. *Cough*"

{Tsk. I gotta say that it pains me a little to see you so sick and fragile.}

"You don't have to stay, then. Not that I want to chase you away, but if it's too hard for you, I can manage on my own."

{Until Scarlet is back, I'm your designated nurse. Sorry master, but you're stuck with me.} She assured her with a confident smile.

"Really? You're my personal nurse?" Max replied, making her nod. "In that case, would you please give me your… special treatments?" He asked in a lewd manner while caressing her closest thigh.

Liking the touch, Bonny bit her lips a little to keep her lust under control. At this point, she began to hesitate. Max's proposal was turning her on but wondered if it would be okay to do it in his current situation.

{I don't know… you're sick and probably really tired.} She pointed out.

"You're right, so I can't be the one moving." He hinted.

Bonny then realized that if she was the one doing all the work, she won't tire him out.

{Well…} She started, a claw on her chin with a lewd smirk. {As long as it helps you feel better, I guess Nurse Bonny can prescribe you her special medicine.}

She then went under the blanket where Max was and began crawling over him until her head was right above his groin. She couldn't see anything under the blanket but knew where she was regardless and put a paw on Max's junk over his underwear.

"Ooh…" Max groaned lightly when he felt Bonny rubbing his manhood, slowly growing in size.

{At least you seem healthy down here.} Bonny commented.

After a short moment of stroking his member, Max became hard enough for her, causing Bonny to gently pull his underwear all the way down and toss it off the side of the bed.

"You didn't have to throw my boxers across the room," Max commented.

{Be quiet and let the professional do her work.}

Max then immediately felt a warm and soft tongue touching the base of his penis before slowly moving up to the tip. He felt it another few times before feeling Bonny's tongue briefly give Max's balls some attention before moving back up again. She then grabbed the base and stroked up and down his shaft with one paw while giving his tip the same attention with the other, maintaining a slow and steady pace all the while.

{Oh! Vigorous for someone who's supposedly sick.} She commented.

"Can you blame me- Ooh, fuck…!" Max started before feeling Bonny's mouth coil around his gland.

Now getting to the real fun, Bonny used her tongue even more while gently sucking in his pre-cum and pumping him very gently, just to add a little something extra to please him even more. She then pulled the foreskin all the way down and moved her head forwards as far as possible, making Max's tip hit the back of her throat. She stopped there as she almost took the whole thing in her mouth before moving back up. Leaving it completely, Bonny went back to her tip-licking for a brief moment before going back down on his dick again. This time, however, she stuck to a slightly faster pace as she sucked him hungrily, but skillfully.

"Oh! Yes, Bonny! You're such a- hrgh! Dirty little rabbit." Max expressed, softly clenching his fists in pleasure.

{You think so? I'm just starting.} She confidently replied.

Bonny then became more voracious, twisting her head around while sucking, gently nibbling his shaft… she was starving for his essence. After a few moments of sucking later, she went for the final stretch: She grabbed Max's thighs with both of her paws and sucked him faster and harder.

"Oh shit…! I'm almost…! Hrrgh…!" Max moaned before orgasming a few seconds later, spurting his seed inside the lopunny's mouth.

After coming down from his long-lasting orgasm, Max breathed heavily as he began to feel lightheaded. Still sucking him for a few seconds after he was done, Bonny finally left his member and popped her head from under the blanket, close to his.

{I see that you liked it. You almost choked me.} She told him with a lewd expression.

"Sorry, but we can't say that you weren't thoroughly enjoying it yourself."

{How could I when I have that large dick of yours in my face?}

"I don't know. I'm not used to having one near mine, so I can't really say for sure."

{Well, it's not like I wanted to help you or anything. Now, how about we get to your second treatment?} She coaxed while pressing her slit against Max's shaft.

"I think you're more ready than I'll ever be," Max commented, feeling her hot and very slippery womanhood.

{What can I say? I'm just that great of a nurse.} She boasted.

As soon as she was done speaking, Bonny grabbed Max's rod and gently lowered herself onto it.

{Oh god!} The lopunny exclaimed, already making a light ahegao face.

After getting used to his dick, Bonny began moving up and down at a slow and steady pace, wanting to be as gentle as possible as to not shake Max too much.

{How… does it… feel for you?} Bonny asked, coiled in the blanket with only her head visible.

"Feels… very nice. You're so good at your job, nurse."

{Hihihi… Glad to hear it.}

For a little while, Bonny bounced up and down on Max's member until she was about to come. However, she knew that it would never arrive at her current pace, but it was very close. Despite herself, she went a little faster, making the mating session a bit rougher. She then bent backward and moved in a way that would make her orgasm quicker.

{Yes! It feels so freaking good! I'm coming…! I'm… coming!} She shouted before her entire face went stiff with a complete ahegao face.

A couple of seconds later, Bonny relaxed and stopped moving.

{Damn! I think… you're the one that healed me.} The lopunny said, slightly panting.

"Well, I guess we can call that equivalent exchange."

{Hehe. I like this nursing job.}

At that moment, the door opened, instantly making Bonny look behind her to see the red gardevoir standing at the door with her arms crossed.

{Oh. H-Hi, Scarlet. Back already? As you can see, I'm taking good care of our patient.}

With a raised eyebrow, Scarlet bent down and grabbed Max's underwear.

{This is your definition of "taking care of our sick patient," nurse?} She said, making it wave a little.

{Well, heh heh…} Bonny chuckled nervously.

{*Sigh* Why am I not even surprised?} Scarlet replied, dropping the underwear back on the ground. {You've done well. I'll take it from here to help him with his physical health, not just his morale.}

{I… hem, yes. Of course.} The lopunny complied.

Unplugging herself from him, Bonny headed outside the room.

{Try to not make a mess on your way to the bathroom.} Scarlet jested before Bonny opened the door.

With Bonny briefly sticking her tongue out and peeling her eyelid down at Scarlet behind her back, she finally left, making Max chuckle a little.

{That lopunny, I tell you.} Scarlet commented, floating next to Max to sit.

"Don't get mad at her, I'm the one who enticed her."

{It doesn't matter who enticed who, the result would've been the same. Now hold still.} She told him, showing him two different types of medicinal herbs.

"What are those?"

{Herbs Luna and I found that are gonna help you get better. This one can be applied to your neck when crushed into goo and this one can be made into a tea for you to drink.}

"I see. Are you okay? You sound upset."

{I'm fine. Well, maybe a little upset, but I'm fine. Here, I'll get that tea ready for you.} She answered rather quickly while materializing a mug in the air close to her.

"Why? Is it… because of Bonny?"


Her silence alone was enough for Max to get his answer.

"I think it's the first time since I've known you that I've seen you be jealous of Bonny."

{I'm not jealous.} She affirmed, making the herbs float while boiling the water in the mug with Fire Punch in her hand and using her psychic power to crush the herbs. {It's just that there are other things in life than just mating.}

"You're not wrong, but since when does Bonny's lust bother you?"

{It doesn't. It's just that you're sick and you need real care.}

Then, Max found the way she was speaking to be rather strange for her character. Without needing to say a word, Scarlet quickly noticed his suspicion.

{...And…} She started, looking like she was struggling a lot to speak. {She… stole my idea.} She softly said.

"...Oh. I think we found the problem here."

{Look, I'm trying my best to not lash out in anger and spite, okay? So don't judge me, or I'll never do it again.} She blurted out, getting way too defensive.

"Whoa, whoa. Calm down, will you?" Max retorted, surprised at how she went from zero to pissed in a second. "I'm not judging you. You know I don't judge. From what I am, I can't afford to be judgemental, actually."

Now feeling embarrassed, exposed and a bit angry, Scarlet looked away while blushing before dropping the remaining herbs into the boiling water.

"I'm proud of you, Scarlet. I know it's hard to express our true selves but you're getting better and better every day."

{S-Shut up! Nothing is ever too hard for me.}

While saying so, she wasn't able to keep eye contact with Max.

"If you say so. Who could have guessed? The great and powerful Scarlet, who isn't afraid of any pokemon, is afraid of expressing her true feelings to others."

{Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!} She blurted while slapping Max on his chest, madly blushing.

"Haha, stop! I'm sick, remember?!" He told her with a smile, trying his best to defend himself against her. "Hehe. Let's say I didn't hear anything today."

{Good. Because you didn't.}

It was obvious that she was trying very hard to make some changes to her outlook on life. Since she was made a certain way, given her past, she almost had to deconstruct and chisel away at herself before becoming something better, both inside and out. However, it would be a long, long time before she feels complete, which will cost her a lot of willpower. That was what Max simply loved about her; her dedication to him, herself, and her friends. When she wants something, there is nothing in the world that could stop her, not even herself. Like he told her before; she was strong and powerful in more ways than one.

"You're an incredible force of nature, Love." Max praised.

{Hmpf. If I really was, a lot of things would be different by now.}

"Oh really? Like what?"

{Like… I don't know. Stuff.}

"I see."

{...*Sigh* You should sit up.}

After he did as told, Scarlet put some of the herbs she crushed, now looking like a wet paste, onto her fingers and rubbed it under his jawlines. Max quickly felt his entire neck start to feel hot inside as well as outside, not to mention that it tickled him a little.

{That should ease the symptoms a bit.} She explained as she finished applying the goo. {And this…} She continued before making the mug float in front of him. {Should give your immune system a little boost.}

"Thanks." He said, taking the tail of the mug. "Oh-! *gags* Both smell pretty bad."

{Good and truly efficient medicine doesn't smell or taste good. The worse it smells, the stronger it is.}

"Like farts?" He said with a smirk.

{Ugh, gross! You idiot!} She scolded, slapping his shoulder.

"Hehe. I knew I would get to you, eventually. You're easily grossed when it comes to that stuff."

{Can we change the subject already? I'm already feeling nauseous.}

"Heh heh, sorry about that. I forgot it was that bad." He apologized before taking a sip. "Eurk! It's a bit worse than I thought it would be."

{But you'll see. With just that, you'll feel a difference as soon as tomorrow morning.}

"...That would be nice. I still wasn't able to keep my promise."

{Don't fret about it, master. We understand that we can't be in control all the time and that it's not your fault.}

"Still… I shouldn't make promises that I'm not hundred percent sure I'll keep."

{Shit happens, master.}

"...I guess. Anyway, any news of what's going on out there?"

There was the question she was hoping to avoid.

{...I… we didn't get much information, so I suppose it's not that bad of news.}

"...I see. Looks like we were just unfortunate, then." Max replied, taking another sip.


"If I'm doomed to stay in bed for today, what are you gonna do?"

{I don't know. I'll see in time. But for now, taking care of you is my main priority.}

"How noble of you, but I hope you don't plan on staying next to me all day long."

{Why not? I already spent days and weeks at the same place, so a single day doesn't scare me.}

"Maybe, but you have a life to live yourself."

{My life is you.}

"*sigh* I appreciate it, but your life can't directly depend on mine constantly."

{Why not?} She repeated.

"Because you have the right to experience and live stuff too. New meetings, discoveries, nice and bad things, etcetera and etcetera."

{That's why I want you to get better fast so I can live all of that with you.}

"Oh my god. You're like this, huh?" Max retorted, knocking on his head.

{So?} She asked after shrugging her shoulders.

"*sigh* Alright, I give up," Max said, dropping his head against the wall.

{Is it that bad that I want to spend time with my lover?}

"You forgot a lot of details in that sentence. No, it's not, but… nevermind."

{Go on. Speak your mind.}

"There's more in life than just me, Scarlet. I love having you around, I won't deny it, but I have the feeling that you miss a lot of opportunities and pass next to your life by caring only about me."

{...I love you, master, but it's my life, and I do whatever I want with it. If I want to waste my life by sticking to someone, it's my choice. Though, I never once thought that I was wasting it by being with you.}

"I know, but-"

{You don't get it yet, do you? You are what you humans call "my other half". I'm not complete, empty even, without you. What's the point of living if you're not there?}


With him looking at her, Scarlet knew too well he didn't have a reply for that.

{You may be my trainer, master, and I'll do whatever you wish me to do, but you can't control my life. Those are my decisions and no one will dictate to me how to live my life, not even you.}

Max then took a few seconds to realize that she was serious… and right.

"...You're right," Max admitted, looking forward. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to sound oppressive or anything, I just-"

Suddenly, Scarlet interrupted him with a hand on his shoulder.

{I know, master. You just want what's best for me, even if it means putting your nose where it doesn't belong. I appreciate the concern, sincerely, but if I'm sad because of my decisions, I'll be the only one to blame.}

Max then took a moment to appreciate her beautiful eyes.

{I'm fine and happy with how things are right now. Some things could be better like it will always be, but I have everything I could ask for already. I don't need more.}

"...Alright, I get it," Max replied with a smile. "You really are the stubbornness incarnate."

{Honeying words won't get you anywhere. Well, actually, it might, but… you know, principles and all.}

"Haha! I love you so much." Max laughed.

{Same.} Scarlet replied with a smile, briefly pinching his nose.

"Hehe. You're right. I shouldn't tell you how you want to live. I'm sorry."

{It's alright, master. Let's just pretend we never talked about it.}

"Eh. Works for me."

A little while later, Max was done with the awful medicinal tea. After Scarlet teleported the mug away, Max laid down on the bed again. Immediately after, Scarlet put a hand on his forehead.

{You have a headache, don't you?} She guessed.

"Just a small one."

{Your temperature is a little high as well.}

Then, Max felt her hand getting a bit cold, meaning that she was using Ice Punch. Briefly smiling at the thought, Max sighed briefly.

{Stop worrying about that. You will have plenty and plenty of other weekends to spend with the girls.}

"I know, but it sucks that at the moment I want to do something, something happens to stop me."

{We all get those moments, and it doesn't happen that often. You're just mad because you were eager to please them.}

"Is it bad?"

{Who said it was?}

"Tsk. Maybe."

{I know you think that we deserve every bit of happiness you can provide us, but we are big girls, master. We will survive a tiny deception every now and then.}

"It doesn't mean it's fun for anyone."

{*sigh* And after that, you complain about me being stubborn. What a hypocrite.} She insulted playfully.

"Who cares if I have a pretty face?"

{Pfaha! Never before have I been so mad by something I totally agree with in my life!}

Scarlet then lightly laughed for another brief moment.

{See? I don't need to go far to live new things. You always manage to surprise me from time to time.}

"Hehe." Max chuckled.

He then raised one hand to caress Scarlet's forearm of the arm that was on his forehead.

"You know, sometimes, I think that we're meant for each other."

{Of course. We have so much in common and you're the best pokemon caretaker.}

"Yeah, but that's not exactly what I mean. I believe that, no matter how our life could have been, we would have found each other and got together nonetheless."

{I guess we'll never know for certain, but it's very plausible. It's like we both were created for the other one.}


{Haha. That's a nice thought that I can get behind.}

Then, a couple of seconds later, she let go of his forehead.

{I'm gonna let you rest a little. I'm gonna tell the others that they can visit you later.} She announced, standing up.

"Aw shucks! It was nice having you around."

{I'll come see you again later.}

With a smile, Scarlet left. When out, she laid against the closed door, her smile having faded away.

{How is he?} Aurora asked, with everyone around the table.

Sighing, Scarlet went towards them.

{He will be fine with rest and good care.} She answered.

{He must be feeling bad for not being able to keep his promise.} Dusk said, feeling a bit sad for him.

{He does…} She confirmed, resting against the fridge door with crossed arms. {So if you plan on visiting, try to not mention it.}

{I really feel bad for him.} Sally started. {He was looking so enthusiastic when he announced that.}

{Yeah. The little stars in his eyes were very cute.} Bonny said with a smirk.

{He really is kinda unlucky.} May mentioned.

{Yeah, but we're not better ourselves.} Scarlet mentioned.

{Maybe he shared a bit of his bad luck with us.} Bonny jested.

{I don't think so. I believe that none of us were under a good star before we got to know him.}


{Wait! I just thought of something.} Sally exclaimed.

{What is it?} Bonny asked.

{He wanted to spend time with us today, but even though he's sick, what's preventing us from spending time with him anyway?}

The girls then all looked at each other.

{You mean like, going there and staying with him a little while one by one?} Aurora inquired.

{Hm hmm.} Sally confirmed.

{...That's… actually not half bad of an idea.} Scarlet conceded.

{Why didn't we think of that earlier?} Aurora wondered out loud.

{Because we don't have Sally's intelligence.} Bonny said, looking at the cinderace with a small smile.

{What? No… I…} Sally stammered, awfully embarrassed.

{It was so simple that we overlooked it.} Aurora said.

{At least we have one problem solved.} Scarlet affirmed, looking even more morose.

{...You did what you think is best.} Luna reassured her, knowing why she was making that face.

{Doesn't mean I like it nonetheless. *sigh* I hate lying to him.}

{I agree with Luna, even though I don't like it either.} Dusk said. {But you know, Scarlet… as soon as he gets better, you can immediately tell him what you did and that it was for his health and you were worried that it could deteriorate it. I know him, we all do, so I'm sure he will understand and won't be mad.}


{She has a point.} Aurora approved. {It's not like we were completely lying to him if you tell him right after he's back on his feet.}

{...I guess.} Scarlet conceded. {I know I may overreact a little for a simple flu, but I don't want to take any chances anymore.}

{Well, from what I've seen, I think he doesn't dislike being a bit pampered by us a little.} Bonny pointed out.

{That's very likely of him. As soon as he can fondle any of us, he won't mind any situation.} Aurora joked.

{Don't make him look worse than he really is.} Scarlet replied with rolling eyes, half amused. {But objectively... it's not entirely false.}

{The worst is that you girls make it sound like it's a bad thing.} Bonny said.

{It's not, I'm just accusingly contradicting facts.} Aurora jested some more.

{Anyway, let's stay careful and vigilant. We're not in the forest, so we shouldn't be that exposed to danger directly, but we never know.} Scarlet instructed.

{Maybe we can try, on the contrary, to clean our names a little.} May suggested.

{It's kinda risky.} The gardevoir pointed out. {If we stay put, we are more likely to be left alone, but if we try too much, it could envenom the situation.}

{Well, we have to do something, somehow.} Bonny said. {I don't know about you, but for my part, I don't want to be seen as a mean and evil pokemon for the rest of my life.}

{Neither do I, but we have to think strategically. A situation like this is always delicate and never easy. A reputation is hard to build, but very easily destroyed. Ours got carried in the mud before we even started to have one.} Scarlet argued.

{...This is gonna be a hard one.} Aurora said with crossed arms.

{*sigh* I guess that as long as everyone here knows the truth, it doesn't matter much.} Bonny mentioned. {We don't care much about what others think.}

{Normally, if situations like last night or worse weren't that much of a concern, I would agree. You're right, fuck what others think, but if it degrades our quality of life…} Scarlet said.

{What I'm concerned about is that not all pokemon are mentally sane out there.} Luna mentioned. {If it gets out of control, being outside would become more dangerous.}

{And thus, exposing master to greater danger.} Aurora stated.

{Ghaa! Goddamnit!} Scarlet cursed out loud, rubbing her hair vigorously. {Why do things like that always happen to us? And me, wanting to give him a bit of independence when out there. Fuck!}

A silence then settled for a moment.

{...There's… In the end, there's nothing we can concretely do about it.} Aurora stated.

{There has to be a way.} Scarlet affirmed. {No way I'm letting some fuckers or who knows what crush master's ambition.}

{How… is it different from regular wild pokemon attacks?} Sally inquired.

{Random and isolated cases of frenzied pokemon can't really be compared to well-organized raids, Sally.}

{...I see.}

{Don't you think you're exaggerating a little with those 'raids'?} Aurora asked her.

{*sigh* Maybe. I don't know.} The gardevoir admitted, rubbing her forehead in annoyance.

{I agree with Aurora.} Luna said. {For now, and since we don't have any plan of some sort, worrying about that mindlessly won't get us anywhere. We can't do much for now, so might as well try to live normally for the time being.}

Scarlet then took a deep breath.

{...You're right. If we all stay vigilant and look after each other's back, it could be more or less like usual.}

{...Well? What do you guys want to do?} Bonny asked, resting her head on one paw.

{One of us could go spend her 'quality' time with master. Since he's sick, one at a time will do.} Scarlet answered.

{Who's first?} May asked.

{We could do the same thing as we did with the massage to decide.} Dusk proposed.

{Alright. Let's do that.}

The girls then gathered closer and played a game they invented together. It was similar to rock, paper, scissors, but more complicated and useless add-ons.

{Yoopie! I won!} Sally exclaimed.

{I can't believe it. I'm last again.} Scarlet complained, quite mad.

{Here's a piece of advice: Don't do gambling games.} Aurora told her.

{I hate luck-based games.}

{It's not so bad. Just tell yourself that if you're last, you're gonna be the one to tuck him in.} Dusk reassured her.

{...I guess.} The gardevoir acknowledged, less mad. {You can go see him whenever you want.} She told the cinderace.

{Awesome!} Sally exclaimed before going towards the bedroom.

{He's sick guys, so try to not nurse him too much, even if he's the one flirting.} Scarlet said.

{Sure thing.} Sally replied with rolling eyes before entering the bedroom.

For the rest of the day, the girls alternated their visit with Max. The human was very delighted by the thought and enjoyed his moments with them. Since he was bedridden, there wasn't much they could do, but they tried to occupy themselves in the meantime. Talking, watching shows or movies on television, weak and light tickle fights, simple snuggling, etc. They were mostly going with the first thing that was coming to their mind, but after all, the moment was about being with their master more than anything else. To everyone's surprise, Max managed to convince Luna to take a nap with him. She stayed until he woke up from his nap, which was almost an hour long. There, she left to have proper and undisturbed sleep, where another one could take her place. We are now at Scarlet's turn to have her moment with Max. After Scarlet gave him another herbal tea, they both were relaxing in front of a movie.

{...How much do you bet that the culprit is the blonde girl?} Scarlet affirmed.

"It's very likely. Movies like this became pretty predictable. However, some manage to surprise us. Who knows, maybe it's the yoga teacher."

{Really? We saw him for only two minutes so far. Clearly, he has nothing to do with the story.}

"One way to find out."

Then, they watched the movie until the end.

{Well, it wasn't that bad. I mean, it's noticeable that they actually put some effort on that one.}

"Depends on what. Turning out that it was the guy hiring the main character being the true fucker isn't that much of a surprise."

{In my opinion, that movie pretty much nailed the 'never trust anyone' aspect of our reality.}

"Thanks for comparing a human like me to that motherfucker."

{Tsk. I wasn't talking about you.}

"Hehe, I know. I just wanted to nag you a little." Max said, lying on his back on the bed.

{*sigh* If only I could smack you behind the head.} She retorted, doing the same.

"What's preventing you from doing so?"

{Love, and actual respect, the thing you don't have.}

"Oh, I do, now? Do you see that?" Max retorted, flipping the bird an inch away from her.

Instead of getting mad, she suddenly licked his finger, taking him by surprise.

"Ah! Jokes on you." Max retorted, licking the same place as her.

{Eh. As if it wasn't the plan for the start.} She replied proudly.

"Of course."

{But I can lick something else if you want.} She hinted seductively, moving her head on his chest.

"Eh. That's tempting, a lot, but I'm afraid I'll pass this time."

{Too tired?} She guessed, with him nodding with closed eyes. {I figured. You're barely able to stay awake. Oh well, at least I tried.} She acknowledged, hugging him from the side.

"I'm sorry. That day with the girls was very tiring."

{I bet it was. None of them must have spared you.}

"Interestingly enough, they actually did."

{Really? That's surprising.}

"More or less. I know you all have a minimum of intelligence and a good judgment, so I'm not that surprised that they went easy on me."

{Hpmf. I know a girl or two that must have found it quite difficult.}

"Is being considerate that hard?"

{Per se, no, but when you have a master like you, it is. Nom nom nom!} Scarlet expressed, faking to eat his neck.

"Hehe!" Max laughed at the ticklish action. "I never knew that having a hot trainer like me was that torturous." Max boasted playfully.

{You have no idea.} She approved, kissing him a few times on the neck. {Do you want to sleep alone tonight?}

"Alone? Why?"

{To have an optimal rest.}

"It's fine. I'm feeling a bit better already, thanks to you, so no. Besides, I sleep better when I have all of you to watch over me in my sleep."

{Hehe. Alright. I'm gonna tell the others.} Scarlet announced before leaving the bed.


After Scarlet left, it didn't take Max very long to fall asleep. Later, they all joined in while being careful not to disturb him.

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