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13.53% The Crimson Gardevoir / Chapter 7: First Battles

Capítulo 7: First Battles

The next morning, a few hours after the sun had risen, Max started to wake up.

"Wha… Already morning?" Max grumbled.

Wanting to get up, Max felt he had a bit of difficulty doing so, now noticing Scarlet resting on top of him.

"It's morning, Scarlet. Time to wake up," Max announced.

[I'm already up, master.] She responded before turning around to face him.

"And yet, you're still lying on top of me."

[Can't I? Besides, I like being on top of you.] She replied with a small, perverted grin.

"Let me guess, to show dominance?" Max jested.

[It's not really how a gardevoir shows dominance.]

"And how do gardevoirs show that?"

[You don't want to know.]

"Eh, works for me. Where are the others?" he asked, unable to spot the other girls.

[Bonny went for a quick bath and Dusk is out resting in the sunlight.]

"Alright then, we too should-"

Max wanted to stand up but Scarlet stopped him.

[Op pop pop. Not so fast, little human.] Scarlet told him while wagging her finger. [Do you really think I'll let you go that easily?] She now looked at him with a mischievous grin.

"Um... yeah?" he said, wearing a confused face.

[Well, think again.]

Suddenly, Scarlet planted a kiss on Max's lips, to which he returned with the same energy. After half a minute of passionate kisses, Scarlet separated.

[I'm not usually this active in the morning, but sometimes, you just set a fire down there.] She lustfully remarked.

"But I didn't do anything."

[You don't have to. I must admit, however, that last night contributed quite a bit for that.]

"What about last night?"

[Don't worry about that. What matters now is that you need to take your pants off this instant!] She commanded as she pulled his pants down, revealing his morning wood.

Scarlet was acting a bit more aggressive than usual, but he let it slide because he supposed that she probably just has a hormonal boost, and also because he didn't mind getting intimate with his favorite gardevoir. Skipping foreplay, Scarlet aligned herself and she immediately lowered her now slippery entrance on Max's shaft, letting out a moan of relief.

[Aaah! That's so good. I know you suggested that I mate with a gallade, but I don't think he would be able to fill me up as much as you are.] Scarlet lustfully commented.

Not wasting more time, she immediately started moving her hips up and down a bit forcefully. Max wasn't complaining one bit as her insides were feeling a bit tighter than usual.

Scarlet went faster and hard on him as minutes went on, but thanks to the fact that Max just woke up, he was able to hold back his orgasm for more time. A moment later, Max could now feel Scarlet's orgasm reaching its peak, her vaginal muscles throbbing sporadically. After another minute, it was now impossible for Max to endure it, spreading all of his seeds inside Scarlet and triggering her own orgasm. After both ride out their ecstatic bliss, Scarlet resumes riding her human.


[I want more!] She told him with a predatory face.

Not really in a position to argue, Max had no choice but to let her enjoy his still hard member one more time. Being more sensitive due to his previous orgasm, the pleasure was hitting him like a Thundershock attack. Unable to resist it, Max grabbed Scarlet by her waist and helped her go down and up, increasing the force of his thrusts. It seemed to please her as her moans increased in volume. After a while, Max felt another orgasm nearing, but the gardevoir's one came faster than his and crushed his shaft once again, making him blow his load sooner than he wished, both cumming together again.

[I think we are getting better at being in sync.] She softly shared, now satisfied.

"Yeah. Your own orgasm increases mine, which is really nice," Max replied, catching his breath while lazily resting on his back.

After regaining her composure, Scarlet lifted herself from him.

[Come on, you lazy bone, we have a road to take.] Scarlet blurted before winking at him and leaving the tent.

"Yeah. Sure. Right after you sucked my energy out?" Max muttered.

Putting his pants back on, Max packs away his sleeping bag. Going outside, the tent is enveloped in blue and packs itself inside Max's backpack.

"Glad to see that you're back in shape."

[Nothing that a good sleep couldn't arrange.] Scarlet answered with a lively smile.

"Indeed. Girls, we're leaving," Max loudly called.

Soon enough, Bonny appeared from the woods with Dusk, running to their trainer's call.

"Are you girls feeling hungry?"

{I already ate, master.} Bonny informed him.

{M-me too.} Dusk shyly added to the buneary's statement.

"Good. But before we leave, I think it will be a good thing for me to take a bath. Do any of you know where I can find a water source?"

{I do.} Bonny said, raising her paw.

[I think that your clothes also need a little wash-up.] Scarlet commented.

"Maybe, but I don't have a washing machine."

[Well, I guess Scarlet the Psychic will save the day again.] Scarlet arrogantly stated.

"With my clothes?"

[You'll see.] She replied while gently pushing him, signaling Max to start walking.

With that, Scarlet and Max followed Bonny to the water stream she went at yesterday. Arriving at it, Max noticed that it was big enough for him to submerge into and properly clean himself.

"Thanks, Bonny, you can wait for me at the campsite with Dusk."

{Alright, master.} Bonny replied before turning to leave.

"Gardevoir, gard?" Scarlet asked Bonny.

{Not really.}

"What did you ask her?" Max inquired, undressing when Bonny was not in sight anymore.

[Just if Dusk had taken a bath, too.]


As Max put his clothes on the ground near the water stream and went in the water while complaining that it was cold, Scarlet could already feel the little bunny staring from behind a bush.

"What was your idea with my clothes, again?"


Using her powers, Scarlet created a big, psychic bubble inside the stream before bringing it outside, completely filled with water, and put her master's clothes inside of it. Then, she started to spin everything at a fast speed.

"Damn! That's very convenient," Max exclaimed.

[I don't want to brag that psychic pokemon are the best, buuuut…]

"Yeah, yeah, you already said it like a thousand times."

[It's still true.]

"You're lucky that I can't prove you wrong," Max said with fake disappointment.

[Hehe.] Scarlet giggled.

After a minute or two, drops of dirty water were coming out of the water ball. When no more were coming out, Scarlet took out the wet clothes and put the water back in the stream.

"Ahah! How are you gonna dry them now?" Max expectantly demanded with a grin, wanting to mess with her a bit after he was done cleaning himself.

Briefly looking at him, Scarlet then started to make the clothes spin in circles at a very fast speed, now looking at Max with a victorious grin.

"Fuck you," Max retorted, defeated and a bit upset.

[Anytime.] She teased him further with a seductive face. [It will take a couple of minutes for them to be completely dry.]

"Alright, I'll just enjoy the water on my skin, then. My hot and smooth skin…" Max teased, trying to break her focus.

[I can't hear youuu…] She replied, having perfect control over herself.


After some minutes, Max's clothes were finally dry.

"Shit. I remembered that I don't have a towel." Max cursed while getting out of the water, dripping everywhere.

[*sigh* So hopeless.]

Suddenly, Max's body began to glow in blue from Scarlet's power. Then, all the water that was on Max went back to the stream, making him completely dry.

"You know, it could be almost annoying at how very convenient your psychic powers are."

[You know what could be annoying?]



In an instant, Max felt waves of pleasure running through his entire body.

"What the…?! S-stop it," he growled in pleasure, hardly able to stand still.

Not listening, Scarlet continued to increase his pleasure until he was rock-hard a few seconds later.

"Maybe... this is not the right time... for that," Max said with some difficulty.

[Hmm... I guess you're right.] She conceded while stopping her power. [Here you go.] She gave him his clothes with an innocent smile before heading back towards the camp.

"What? You're just gonna leave me like this after making me this hard?" Max complained.

[You said it yourself, it's not really the time for that. It sure would be a shame if someone sees us.] She mockingly acknowledged before disappearing into the woods.

*sigh* "That gardevoir, sometimes," Max grumbled while getting dressed, a bit frustrated that he's stuck with blue balls.

After calming himself and his penis, Max went back to the camp where everyone was waiting for him, with Bonny and Scarlet giggling together.

"Alright, time to leave. Girls, return," Max announced, putting Dusk and Bonny back in their pokeball.

"Okay, Scarlet, let's go. We have two days at most before reaching Coaltown," Max told her after securing his pokeballs in his belt.

[Right beside you, master.] Scarlet happily replied.

Both of them got back on track and resumed their travel. Besides some squirrels passing by on the road and some breaks here and there for some snacks and rest, their walk went quite peacefully. When the day was almost over, they decided that it should be time to set camp again for the night. Their search for a good spot took them a bit longer than expected until they finally found one, but the clearing was a lot smaller than the previous one.

"There's not much space but this should do."

[As long that there is enough space in the tent, this place is okay.]

"I suppose," Max replied, putting his backpack on the ground.

As he went to unpack it, the backpack glowed blue before the tent began to get set by itself. When pitched, Max still had a hard time getting used to the fact that Scarlet sets everything so quickly.

"You sure you want to do that all the time?"

[I already told you; this is nothing for me and it saves us a lot of time.]

"...Alright, if it's what makes you happy," Max complied, not wanting to rely on others too much.

[It does.] She replied while kissing his cheek. [But you'll have to excuse me, master. I need to be alone for a moment.] She added while heading further in the forest.

"Where are you going?" Max asked, surprised that she requested that.

[Don't worry, master, I'm just gonna refresh myself a bit in the woods. I'll be back later. Take this time to improve your relationship with Bonny and Dusk.]

"...Okay. But…"

Without any other word, Scarlet left to the depths of the woods, disappearing from his sight.

"Well, she's not chained to me, but I hope she's safe," he mumbled while taking out his pokeballs.

"Come out, girls."

Then, both Bonny and Dusk appeared from their respective pokeball in front of Max.

{Hi, master. I was starting to feel lonely in that thing.} Bonny told him.

"Yeah, sorry I made you travel in that," he apologized while petting Bonny's head.

{It's not a big deal, master. It spares me the walking.}

"Hehe, you lazy bunny," Max teased a little with a smile and tickling Bonny for a bit, making her laugh.

{W-Where's Scarlet?} Dusk inquired.

"She said she wanted to be alone for a bit," he responded, not liking that idea.

{Oh… Okay.} Dusk softly replied.

{Is Scarlet okay, master?} Bonny asked, a bit concerned.

"I think so. I guess she was alone for so much time that every now and then she wants to be alone, hard habits come back."

{…I hope she is.} The buneary expressed, worried for her, too.

"At least I'm happy to see that you two seem quite close now."

{Ah, hem… Well, you know, she's nice and all and... I am too, so there's no reason for us to not be nice to each other, hehe.} Bonny nervously jabbered.

"Yeah, she really is. So what do you girls want to do?"

{I don't mind training again. I want to get stronger!} Bonny expressed enthusiastically.

"Sounds good to me. What about you, Dusk? Do you want to join us?"

{Well, m-maybe not today.} She shyly responded.

{Come on, Dusk, don't you want to get stronger to protect our master?} Bonny intervened.


"That's alright, Bonny. If she doesn't want to, don't insist. Whether she wants to fight or not, I'll still love and care for her," Max shared while gently petting the fennekin's head.

Those words affected Dusk in an unexpected way; they touched her quite a lot.

"Besides, I still have you and Scarlet to protect me," he added while scratching Bonny's chin, which made her squeak in glee.

Again, his words overwhelmed her. He said he loved her, but all she was able to do for him was just merely appreciating him and not being capable of standing up for him. She felt a bit left out and wondered if she even had the right to be at his side like the other two. They may not know each other a lot yet, but it wasn't a reason to say no.

"We don't have a sparring partner for you, though," Max commented to Bonny.

{I…} Dusk started.

"What is it, Dusk?"

{I… I too want to train.} Dusk shyly and nervously accepted.

{Really?! Hooray!} Bonny exclaimed in joy.

"Are you sure, Dusk? You don't have to force yourself."

{Yes… B-Bonny is right. There's no need for me to be at your side if I can't protect you.}

"Dusk, you don't h-"

{I-I want to do it, master.} She interjected with a mix of nervousness and confidence.

"…Very well, if it's your choice," Max responded, unable to say no to Dusk's determination.

{I-It is.}

"Alright, but on one condition."


"Since I already fought with Bonny and she already knows a little bit about battling, you'll be training with me, and Bonny will be the evil pokemon who tries to attack us," Max explained, using a suspenseful tone at the last part.

{Graaah!} Bonny growled, trying to be scary as much as possible, which was a failure in Max's eyes, her being too cute for that.

{…Okay.} Dusk nervously agreed.

"Since this is your first fight, it would be the best option to start and teach you the basics. But first, I want to know your moveset."

Max then withdrew his pokedex and scanned Dusk.

"Let's see..." he muttered while pressing 'personal info'. "Okay, Age: 8 years old; Nature: Timid." (Obviously) he thought. "Gender: Female; Height: 1.03 ft.; Weight: 18 lbs; Ability: Blaze; and finally, Known moves: Tackle, Scratch, and Bite. Good, but I wonder what the Blaze ability does."

Max then searched in the pokedex the information about abilities. When finding it, he reads the ability's description.

"Blaze: Fire-type moves are 1.5 times stronger when the pokemon is in danger of fainting. Neat," he said before putting away the pokedex. "Alright, Dusk, are you ready?"

{I-I think so…} She nervously responded, trying to stay determined.

Bonny then walks a bit further and faces them, with Dusk standing in front of Max.

"Okay, girls, we don't have much space to work with, so don't overdo it."

{Sure, master.} Bonny acknowledged.

"Good. Let me use this and we'll begin."

Max then used his Ergowatch and pointed it at Dusk and Bonny respectively to activate the protection for both of them.

"All set. If you don't mind, Bonny, we'll start."

After Bonny nodded and got in a defensive stance, Max ordered Dusk to attack.

"Dusk, use Tackle."

Dusk then charged at Bonny with a… moderately slow speed. Bonny easily dodged it by moving sideways peacefully.

"Hem… Use Tackle again, but a bit faster this time, Dusk," Max commanded.

Dusk repeated the move with a slight increase in speed, at which Bonny dodged it again the same way.

{Come on, Dusk, you'll have to go faster than that.} Bonny spoke, a bit discouraged.

{S-sorry… I'll try my best.} Dusk answered, not feeling very confident.

"Okay, Dusk, again."

Once again, Dusk slowly charged at Bonny, but this time, the buneary didn't dodge to let Dusk have a chance to hit her. But unfortunately, seeing she was getting close enough and noticing that Bonny would not dodge, she reduced her power to the point that she just lightly bumped into her.

{Was that okay?} Dusk asked.

{Well…} Bonny started, feeling a bit bad for her.

"Bonny, we'll stop for a minute," Max informed while walking towards them.

Dusk was afraid that he was mad at her and started to tremble in place as Max was approaching.

"Okay, Dusk, we'll try a little something," he told her while getting on his knees in front of her.

{W-what is it, master?} She inquired, relaxing when she saw that he didn't seem the least bit mad.

"I want you to hit me with your Tackle attack."

{W-What? I-I can't d-do that!} Dusk stammered, shocked at the suggestion.

"If you're scared of hurting me, don't worry, you won't. If you hurt me even a little, I'll tell you, okay?"


"I know that you're doing your best, Dusk. So in return, I have to ask you to trust me. I'll tell you when it will be enough."

{I'm not sure…} Dusk hesitated.

"Please, Dusk, trust me."

{…O-Okay.} She finally accepted his suggestion.

"Good girl. Now... hit me with Tackle." Max commanded while straightening his spine and contracting his upper body muscles.

Dusk then steeled herself, ran at Max, and hit him directly on his chest with the same power she used against Bonny.

"Do it stronger than that."


"Stronger, Dusk," he firmly commanded again.

Dusk took some steps back, ran again, and hit him a bit harder.

"Stronger!" he ordered.

Dusk hit him again.


Dusk hit him once again with more power, and this time Max could now feel slight pain.

"Even stronger!" he almost bawled.

At this point, Dusk was getting a bit annoyed and frustrated and tackled Max hard enough to make him fall on his back.

{Oh no!} She exclaimed, running towards her master. {I-I'm so sorry, master, I-I didn't mean to.} She fervently apologized, now beside him with small tears forming on her eyes.

*cough* "D-don't be, Dusk, I'm alright," he calmly reassured her while petting her head.

{Did I hurt you?} She asked, really concerned.

"A bit. Lost some air from my lungs but I'll live. That right there is the sweet spot, Dusk. I want you to hit as hard as that when you use an attack. Don't hold back," he professed while sitting up.


"Don't worry, I don't mind a little pain. I'm used to worse, anyway. Humans are more resilient than you think. In a minute or two, I won't feel anything at all."

{I'm glad you're okay, but, can we not do that again, please? I don't like hurting you, master,} Dusk pleaded.

"Understood. In return, just show everyone what you're made of," Max encouraged, petting her head.

Those words seem to give her the confidence she needed.

{Alright, master, I won't deceive you.} She declared with a confident tone.

"Heh, I know you won't. Are you ready to resume our battle?"

{Yes, master.} She answered vigorously with a few embers coming out of her ears.

"Atta-girl. Ready, Bonny?"

{Ready, master.} Bonny responded while getting in a fighting stance again, followed by Dusk in front of her.

"Okay, Dusk, use Tackle."

Dusk then quickly charged at Bonny, now barely moving out of the way.

"Again, Dusk."

The fennekin then quickly turned around to charge at Bonny, missing to connect again.

"Once more, Dusk, use it until you hit her."

(I'll show my master that I can do it...)Dusk began monologuing internally.

She charged again at Bonny but missed.

(...I need to be strong...)

Each time she used Tackle, her speed was increasing little by little.

(...I'll prove to Bonny and Scarlet that I have my place with them...)

Bonny barely dodged the unrelenting attack.

(...I won't stay down anymore...)

As the next Tackle attack brushed against Bonny, more embers were coming out of her ears.

(...and I'll show to everyone… that I can and will… protect my trainer!)

After her last attack missed, Dusk turned around with even more embers coming out of her and shot a quite powerful Ember attack at Bonny, which projected her a few inches, landing on her back.

"Woah, what was that?! Dusk, Bonny, are you alright?" Max demanded while rushing towards them.

{I'm... okay, master. That attack was pretty strong.} Bonny remarked, having a bit of difficulty getting up.

Dusk didn't respond but was panting a little.

"Dusk, are you okay?" Max asked, kneeling before her.

{Master… am I… strong enough… to be with you... now?} She inquired with her eyes filled with hope.

"...Dusk, you're perfect to me the way you are since the very start. Otherwise, I wouldn't have chosen you."


Dusk then pressed her head on Max's torso in a very affectionate way.

(Master… even though I'm shy and not very confident about myself, you still want me and accepted me for who I am. I can't say it but… I think I love you, master.)Dusk thought while being patted on the head.

"Okay, girls, I think it's enough for tonight. Let's go to sleep. But first, Dusk, I want to see what new attack you've learned."

{Sure, master.}

Max then pointed his pokedex towards her to scan her again. When the data appeared, Max went to the 'Known moves' section.

"Tackle, Scratch, Bite and… Ember. Cool, you did learn a new move. That's awesome!" Max praised.

{T-thanks.} She embarrassingly replied.

"Good. Time to hit the hay, then."

Both Dusk and Bonny nodded before heading towards the tent to get in. Not seeing Scarlet outside or inside the tent, Max was starting to get a bit worried.

(Well, she's a grown-up girl and she's still free. But I wish that she's doing okay out there.) Max thought.

Max then went inside the tent and unpacked his backpack, doing the same thing as yesterday with the sleeping bag. Bonny went to her usual place, lying against Max's side, but this time, Dusk followed her, lying down next to her with her back touching her master.

"I'm really proud of you, Dusk," Max repeated, scratching the fennekin's head.

{Yeah, you were awesome.} Bonny agreed.

{Thank you.} Dusk smiled, blushing under her fur.

Those words boosted her self-confidence a bit more as she pushed herself a bit more into Max's side. They all then closed their eyes and waited for slumber to take over. Bonny and Dusk were asleep after only a few minutes, but for Max, it was a bit more difficult, unable to stop thinking about Scarlet. She was acting a bit strange lately, which was bugging him. After a while, as Max was feeling a bit drowsy, he heard the tent's zipper opening and knew it was Scarlet. She lied down next to him without saying a word, her back facing him.

"Are you feeling okay?" Max whispered.

[Yes, I am.] She answered, her tone oddly cold.

"Glad to hear," he replied before caressing her shoulder with one hand.

She didn't seem very responsive, so Max tried something else.

"Dusk learned a new move today."

[Really? That's nice. What did she learn?] She asked with an indifferent tone.


[Well, it's a must for a fire-type pokemon. It's nice to see that they are already making progress in training.]

"Yeah. She now knows four moves."

[I don't know the name of them but I know more attacks than that. She has a long way ahead before getting really strong.]

"How many moves do you know?"

[Eight. Maybe ten.]

"Ten? How many moves can a pokemon learn?"

[Don't know.]

"Oh. Okay."

Since it seems that she doesn't want to keep talking, Max decided to leave her alone. After a moment of silence, Scarlet spoke up.

[I'm… I'm sorry.]

"About what?"

[About my recent behavior. Mostly this morning.]

"It's okay, Scarlet, you probably have your reasons."

[That's the problem, I do. But I shouldn't get on you for that, even if it resurfaces or…] She shared, her voice laced with worry.

"What are you talking about?"

Scarlet turned around and hugged his side with an arm around his chest, staying silent.

"If anything is bothering you, Scarlet, you can always tell me. I don't like seeing you like this."

[I know, master, I know. It's something that will pass, don't worry. I just want to stay calm for tonight.]

*sigh* "I won't force you to do anything, so I have no choice but to comply."

[Thanks, master. It means a lot to me.] She thanked, tightening her hug.

"You're welcome. Goodnight." Max wished.

[Goodnight, master.] She returned.

With that, they both closed their eyes and got ready for dreamland.

(You don't have to know, master… You don't have to.) Scarlet thought before falling asleep.

The next morning, Max awakened alone in the tent. Sitting up and rubbing his eyes, he took a moment to start up his brain.

"They all must be outside," he mumbled.

After packing up the sleeping bag, Max went outside and still saw no one around. Wanting to go search for them, Scarlet appeared from the woods with a bunch of fruits and edible mushrooms.

[Here's breakfast, master.] She announced while handing them to him.

"Thanks, Scarlet. I really need to fill up my bag with different rations of food in the next town. I don't want to only eat fruits for the rest of my life."

[Are all humans this picky about food?]

"No, it's just that we like to have variety."

[Humans are complicated for nothing.]

"Says the female psychic," Max quipped.

Upon hearing him, Scarlet glared at Max, her eyes glowing blue before engulfing the human.

"Ghaa. Not again!" he growled while flinching from a sudden wave of pleasure roaming his body.

Scarlet only smiled before her eyes glowed brighter.

"Haaaww! S-stop it," he demanded, trying to contain his groans of pleasure.

[Hihihi.] Scarlet giggled.

"Ghaaawd dammit, Scarlet!" he exclaimed, falling to his knees from a pretty intense pleasure wave striking him, making his breakfast fall to the ground.

Before touching the ground, Scarlet stopped them with her psychic powers, making them float in the air around Max.

[That's what you get, undisciplined human.] She lectured before helping her master get up.

"You really don't like the truth, do you?" Max taunted.

Scarlet's eyes began to glow again.

"Alright, alright. Sorry, Miss Scarlet. I won't be disrespectful anymore," Max politely apologized.

[That's a shame. I really like punishing you.] She commented, her eyes back to normal.

"Heh, I wonder how you would feel if I were to punish you."

[Hmm...] She hummed with a thoughtful face. [I don't recall seeing you trying.] She continued with a grin.

"…Good point," Max concurred while staring at her blue crest.

[Don't even think about it.]

"I'm not stupid... I'll wait to get you by surprise."

[Well, I suggest you don't fail because I sure won't afterward.]

"Haha, you're cute when you get all defensive and angry."

With a smile, Scarlet used her powers to place the floating breakfast into Max's arms.

[Eat up. I'll go get the others.]


After Scarlet left in the woods, Max sat beside the tent to eat. A few minutes after he was done, Scarlet was back with Dusk and Bonny.

"Okay, girls, let's go."

Max stood up and put them back in their pokeball. When everything was packed up, Scarlet and Max returned to the road, continuing their trip towards Coaltown.

"Alright, judging by the map, we should arrive in the late afternoon to our destination," Max informed, looking at his pokedex.

[If everything goes well, that is.]

"Don't jinx us, please."

[What's a jinx? A pokemon?]

"No… well, yeah, it's a pokemon but that's not the point. It's an expression."

[What does that mean, then?]

"It means don't imply that something bad will happen because more often than not, it happens."

[Oh, I think I get it... I sure hope you won't suddenly take me hard on the side of the road.] She teased out loud while looking at him with the corner of one eye.

Face palming, Max tried to ignore her perverted thoughts. For a couple of hours, everything went well until the sky started to get gloomy.

"Looks like it will rain soon," Max noted while observing the sky.

A moment after he said that, a few drops started to fall on them.

"And now I'm gonna get wet."

[Getting wet isn't that bad, master.] Scarlet suggestively commented.

Max looked at her with an unamused face, knowing what she meant.

[Rhaa, fine.] The gardevoir complied.

Scarlet then raised her hands in the air and in an instant, they no longer felt the raindrops.

"Psychic power?"

[Psychic power.]

"Is there anything you can't do?"

[If I ever find out, I'll tell you.]

As they continued walking, the rain was getting quite heavy, but thanks to Scarlet, both of them stayed dry. A little while later, Max saw a rabbit running from the side of the road to the other, as if it was being chased by something.

"Did you see that?"

[Umm, it was a wild animal, right?] Scarlet sarcastically replied.

"Gha, I know that. What I-"

Then, both of them saw that the rabbit was indeed being chased by something, or rather, a pokemon. Stopping in the middle of the road, a poochyena was searching around for his prey, his eyes then landing on Max and Scarlet.

"Chya! Chya chya," the pokemon barked at them.

"What does he want?" Max asked Scarlet.

[He thinks we stole his prey.]

"Woah, calm down, little one, we didn't take it."

[He probably can't understand you.]

"Then tell him."

[He won't listen to reason. They're stupid pokemon.]

The poochyena then got in a fighting stance.

[Guess we have no choice.] Scarlet said while raising a blue, glowing hand.

"Wait!" Max stopped her. "Maybe this is a good opportunity for my team to have a real fight."

[For someone reluctant to fight, you sure are quick to throw your pokemon on the battlefield.] Scarlet jokingly remarked.

"Now that I know they risk nothing, it's worth a try."

[Who are you gonna pick?]

"I don't think Dusk is ready yet, so Bonny it is."

Max then withdrew Bonny's pokeball and set her free in front of the poochyena. Quickly, Max activated his Ergowatch to protect Bonny from any injuries.

"Damnit! Sorry, Bonny, I forgot about the rain," he apologized when he saw Bonny's fur getting wet from the rain.

{Do not worry, master, I don't mind getting a little wet.} She reassured while getting in a fight stance herself.

Scarlet, who had lowered her glowing hand by now, looked at Max.

"Shut up, Scarlet," Max ordered, not needing telepathy to know what she was thinking.

[I didn't say anything.] The gardevoir replied, feigning an offended face.

"Okay, Bonny, this will be your first real fight. Can you handle this?"

{Of course, master. I won't let anything happen to you.}

"Thanks, Bonny. Shall we begin with a Tackle attack?"

{As you wish.}

Bonny then charged at the poochyena, successfully landing a direct hit, projecting him backward. Recovering, the poochyena shook his head a bit before attacking Bonny with Bite.

"Bonny, watch out!"

Being quite fast, Bonny didn't react quickly enough and got hit by the attack.

{Ghaa!} Bonny slightly shouted.

"You okay, Bonny?" Max inquired, feeling worried.

He knows that she won't sustain any sort of grave injury, but regardless, he couldn't help being worried.

{Yes, master, I'm fine. Just took a bit of damage.} She assured after shrugging off the wild pokemon.

Making some distance, the poochyena was ready to attack again.

"Alright, Bonny, focus on his movement, and as soon as he nears you, dodge him and chain with an Ear Punch."

Doing as told, Bonny waited patiently for the poochyena to move. Despite being fast, Bonny was able to dodge him when he launched himself towards her for another Bite attack and hit him with an Ear Punch, sending him flying two or three meters away.

"Good job, Bonny."

After a few seconds, the poochyena stood up a bit painfully and faced Bonny again.

"Go for Tackle."

Bonny dashed towards her opponent and landed a heavy hit, making the pokemon fall and roll a bit further. This time, he had more trouble to get back up. Now on all fours, the poochyena decided to give up and fled to the woods.

"Nice job, Bonny! You did it!" Max congratulated.

{I did it! I did it!} Bonny shouted in joy as she ran towards her master, jumping in his arms.

"Training sure has made you stronger already."

{Yeah.} She agreed with a smile.

"If you train more, you'll get even stronger. Won't that be awesome?"

{I'll do my best, master.} She happily replied.

"Now, take a small rest, you deserve it," Max said before sending her back in her pokeball.

[Was it really your first battle?] Scarlet inquired.

"Uh, yes. Why?" he asked, putting back the pokeball in his belt.

[Then maybe you're naturally good at pokemon battles.]

"Oh, come on, it wasn't that good," Max replied, embarrassed.

[Hihi, I always knew that you would be a good trainer.] She affirmed while hugging one of his arms.

"W-well, we should keep going."

[Right beside you.]

They both resumed their walk towards the next town. A few hours later, the rain had stopped and Max decided to take a break and have a snack. After eating and feeding all of his pokemon, Max and Scarlet carried on with their destination for a few more hours.

"There it is, Scarlet. Coaltown," Max announced, spotting the town in the distance.

[Woo-hoo, another human-filled place.] Scarlet expressed with a fake tone of joy.

"Cheer up. This one should be better since it's a smaller place."

[*sigh* Alright, I'll try my best.]

"...You know, I don't want to force you to go inside the place if you really don't want to."

[So you want me to wait outside instead?]

"I don't really want that, but if you think that it would be the best thing to do..."

[If it means being away from you, I would rather be in a human place.]

"Okay… if you say so."

[Look, since you seem worried about me, I promise you that if I ever feel too uncomfortable, I'll leave the place, okay?] Scarlet proposed.

"Leave? You mean like running, or in your case, floating, to the outside of the town?"

[Not really. I'll just... leave.]

"I don't get it."

[Nevermind. What I'm trying to say is that you don't have to worry about me.]

"As long as you don't make a scene, I guess I can trust you."

[When did I ever make a scene?] Scarlet demanded, upset.

"Well, you almost did when we were at that restaurant. You should've let me reprimand those kids."

[I believe my method was more efficient in doing so.]

"By destroying their stuff and scaring them?"

[I don't know. Maybe so, maybe not.] She nonchalantly replied.

Facepalming, Max decided that it was futile to further argue with her. When they arrived in front of the town's entrance, the sun was already setting.

"I can't wait for our journey to get more exciting."

They then walked within the limits of the town. The place was modest and it was mostly a residential area, if not completely. A few houses were here and there, widely separated from each other. Traversing the place, Max noticed that the streets were almost empty, besides one or two persons staring at Scarlet from time to time. As they continued walking, one of the residents of the place, a man to be precise, that was resting his arms against the fence in front of his house called out to them; the man looked to be in his late forties or early fifties.

"Hey there, traveler! I'm guessing that you're a trainer," the man greeted.

"That's right, sir," Max responded while walking towards him, with Scarlet sighing behind him.

"Just call me Jake."

"No problem, Jake. Name's Max."

"A pleasure to meet you, Max. My, that's a lovely gardevoir you got there. Never seen one of that color. They must be rare." Jake commented.

"She's unique. Probably the only one of that color."

"I see. I hope you're taking good care of her."

"I sure am," Max proudly stated.

"That's really good to hear, especially from young men these days. So, what brings you to our humble little Coaltown?"

"I'm here for a gym battle. There is a gym leader here in Coaltown, right?" Max asked.

"That is correct. It's a bit further this way," the man told him while pointing at where they were going. "But it's closed for the day. You should go tomorrow."

"Okay. Thank you, Jake."

"No problem. The gym leader is a rock-type trainer, so be prepared," he warned.

"Will do. But may I ask, why is this town called Coaltown?"

"Easy question: this place was named Coaltown mainly because of the coal mines we have. A lot of residents here are miners working in those mines, the gym leader included."

"Oh. I see."

"But since a little while, this town has earned its name even more."

"With what?"

"You probably know that most rock-type pokemon can be made of different types of rock, right?"

"No, not really."

"Ah, a true beginner, I see."

Max wasn't sure if he liked those words, but he was quite right. He just started his journey and didn't know much about pokemon. What he learned about them when he was young was almost all forgotten.

"Well, rock-type pokemon, like geodude for example, can be made of different types of rock; limestone, sandstone, granite, etc. Since they're genderless, they are born from an unknown process with the compositions of the minerals in the ground, which explains their variety, depending on where they are born." Jake explained.

"Pokemon never cease to impress me. But what does that have to do with the town?"

"I'm getting to it. A few years ago, we found in a mine an onix made completely out of coal."

"Coal? Really?" Max queried, a bit surprised.

"It's kind of rare that rock pokemon are made of something else than conventional rock. But like you said, pokemon can be really amazing."

"Does that mean that that onix will be the only one being weak to fire-type attacks?"

"That would make sense. But maybe he has a resistance to balance it."

"Maybe... Hey, while we're on the subject: does the type of rock that they are made of make a difference in battles?"

"It does. Rock pokemon made out of granite are the most resistant while those made out of pumice are not very tough but are quicker, being the lightest."

"Huh, always nice to learn more about pokemon. Thanks for sharing that with me, Jake."

"You're welcome, young trainer. Good luck with your match."


After saying goodbye, Max continued his walk through the town. Several minutes later, he passed in front of a building with the word 'GYM' written in big bold letters above the front door.

"Rock-type, huh? I don't really have the type advantage with my current team."

[Type doesn't define everything, but I must admit that I don't know if Bonny and Dusk are ready for this challenge yet.]

"What should we do?" Max questioned, going thoughtful.

[There is no need to think about it at this moment. For now, we should find a place to sleep for tonight.]

"You're right."

They then moved away from the building to search for a place to spend the night. After moments of searching, they found an Inn.

[It's smaller than the other one.] Scarlet commented.

"That's because the last one we went to was a hotel, and this one is just an Inn. They are not all the same," Max explained while they were getting in.

[As long as I have a bed to lie on with you, I'm fine with anything.] Scarlet replied as they were walking towards the reception counter.

"Hello, mister, how can I…" the receptionist started but stopped when she left her gaze from her desk. "A… red gardevoir!" she exclaimed a bit too enthusiastically.


"Can I touch her?" she requested while standing up from her chair.

Scarlet backed up behind Max with an aggressive look, almost ready to attack.

"Not a good idea. She doesn't like strangers," Max warned the woman.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that gardevoirs are my favorite pokemon. They are so beautiful and gracious."

"Beautiful sure, but gracious…" Max teased.

Scarlet then punched the back of his shoulder.

"Ouch," Max growled, feigning his pain.

"You seem very close together. I'm so jealous."

"Yeah, I'm pretty lucky to have her. Now if you don't mind, I would like a room…"

"Oh, yeah, a thousand pardons. I really like pokemon and I can't control myself when I see my favorite ones," she apologized, trying to calm down while sitting back on her chair.

"I hope that doesn't scare customers."

"Oh, it rarely happens. Pokemon most of the time are in their trainer's pokeball when they come in."

"Do they set them free when inside the room?"

"I don't know, but we obviously don't recommend letting free a pokemon such as an onix inside the building."

"Good point."

"So a room for two?"

"We're sharing the same bed, so a room with one bed will do."

"Wow, you really are close. That's so amazing! Here's the key for Room 9."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome. Have a good night," she wished while waving at them as they headed towards their room.

[I think humans are becoming crazier and crazier.] Scarlet commented, a bit annoyed.

"That's the perk of traveling. We're gonna meet a lot of different people."

[Yippee, I can't wait.] She sarcastically replied while rolling her eyes.

"I'm sure it won't be that bad. We will probably meet someone as nice and handsome as me."

[Is that even possible?]

"Of course. The majority may be assholes but there are some nice people in this world, though pretty scarce."

[Yeaaah, sure.] She retorted with the most skeptical voice she was able to do.

"Ah, Room 9," Max said when they arrived in front of their room.

After unlocking it, they both went inside. The room was quite modest with a respectable-sized bed.

"I'm gonna hit the shower."

[Oh no, I was gonna say the same thing. Well, I guess we'll have to share it.] Scarlet remarked with an innocent voice.


In a split second, Scarlet began to drag Max inside the bathroom. Once in, she turned the water on with her psychic powers and began undressing her master.

"I can do it on my own, you know."

[I know, but it's more fun this way.]

Once he was naked, Scarlet dragged him inside the shower.

"There's not much space here. Good thing you have a small frame," Max commented.

[Guess we'll have to compact ourselves, then.] Scarlet softly replied while pressing her body against her master with her arms behind his neck.

For a few seconds, they remained in that position, not moving and staring at each other's eyes under the stream of hot water. Then, Max took the soap and started to wash Scarlet. When done, Scarlet took the soap to wash her master. Obviously, she saved the best part for last and was focusing too much on one particular place, washing it more than necessary. Feeling her soapy hands on his member, Max was unable to contain an erection.

[Sorry, master, there's not much place in here to do that properly.] She teased with a seductive smile.

"I-I know that. It's like this because of you."

[Really?] She said while releasing her grasp on it and started rubbing his hard member with her womanhood.

"S-stop it."

[Hihi, I guess I still can do something else.]

Scarlet then grabbed again Max's shaft. Next, she started stroking it in-between her hand and thighs, making it even more pleasurable for him with the soap.

[How's this?] She softly asked.

"G-great. Like everything you do," Max hardly spoke, enjoying it.

[How sweet of you. I think you deserve a little reward.] She said while looking at his hard shaft eagerly and increasing her pace.

Now that she was going faster, Max's pleasure was increasing with it. After more moments of stroking him, Max felt his climax coming.

[No need to tell me, I already know.]

Unable to hold on anymore, Max released all of his seeds on Scarlet's thighs and abdomen.

[Master! You made me all dirty. Now I need to be washed again.] She playfully commented.

"Sorry, Miss Scarlet."

After a kiss, Scarlet washed away Max's white goo stuck on her. After enjoying a bit more of the hot water, they left it, dried themselves, and returned to the main room, with Scarlet resting on the bed and Max sitting on the edge. Max grabbed his belt on his pants and grabbed Bonny and Dusk's pokeballs.

[What are you doing?]

"They probably want to sleep outside."

Scarlet then removed the pokeballs from Max's hand to put them on the ground gently with her psychic power.

[After we're finished.] She lustfully said while getting behind him and put a hand on his waist and the other one on his flaccid member.

Scarlet then played with it to get it hard again. When it was standing at its fullest, she proceeded to pump him with both of her hands. A few strokes later, she started to kiss and nibble Max's neck and shoulder, increasing the heat inside both of them. When she felt that it was enough, she used her power to place him on his back in the center of the bed. When done, she crawled on top of him and turned her body so that her face was merely an inch or two from his shaft. Instantly, she pushed it all the way inside her mouth, making Max flinch a bit. Above his head, was the cute and small wet entrance of Scarlet, drooling a bit on his face. As Scarlet was sucking and licking him eagerly, Max instinctively raised his head and gave it a rough lick.

"Ghnn!" Scarlet moaned with her mouth full.

[Don't surprise me like that.]

"It was right in my face, what else should I have done?" he playfully said, grinning.

[Good point. Then continue.]

"Certainly, milady."

Max then goes to eat her out once again, making her moan on his shaft, sending little vibrations. His stimulations on her were making her wetter, with Max gladly lapping up the overflowing love juice.

"Mmm, you taste very sweet."

Max then starts licking her a bit more roughly, increasing her moans. Feeling some kind of competition, Scarlet also increased her efforts. Unfortunately for Max, Scarlet knew more of his sensitive spots, as his orgasm was building up very quickly. Assaulting his tip with her dexterous tongue, Scarlet felt that he was about to burst. Then, Max finally came inside her mouth, to which she drank all of it, not leaving any drops to go to waste.

[You taste good, too.]

"Glad to hear." *pant* "Can you move now?" Max asked with her womanhood still on his face.

[Sure thing. But first...] Scarlet enticingly shook her rear. [ must finish what you started.] She urged him while firmly pressing her lower lips on his mouth.

Not wanting to disappoint her, Max started licking her once again eagerly. Focusing mostly on her sensitive little button, Scarlet was muffling her moans, not wanting to be heard.

[You're… getting… quite good… at that.] She hardly spoke, lost in the pleasure.

After a moment of intense licking on her snatch, Scarlet finally felt her own climax nearing.

[You better… not stop now!]

Seconds later, her orgasm hit her like a boulder.


Scarlet had to muffle her ecstatic screams. After what felt like forever, her body finally had a chance to relax.

"How was that?" Max arrogantly asked.

[Perfect as always. Now, let's get to the most fun part.]

Not waiting for his response, Scarlet turned her body again until her hips were at the right place. Seeing that her master's lust was depleted, she used her power to remedy that.

[Let's use 5% this time.] She said while Max's entire body was glowing blue.

Immediately, pleasure and lust rose again inside of Max, making him hard again in just a few seconds. Getting into position, Scarlet dropped herself on him, feeling his flesh rod piercing through her very narrow love tunnel.

"Ghaaa!" Scarlet cutely moaned, her eyes rolling to the back of her skull.

Being filled to the brim, she was not moving, wanting to feel and enjoy it as much as possible.

Then, she started to ride her master slowly. With Max's sensitivity from the last orgasm, Scarlet's power in play, and her incredible tightness, it was almost torturous for him at how much pleasure he was feeling. On Scarlet's side, she greatly enjoyed her master's shaft rubbing against all of her soft spots very easily.

Both of them had a hard time holding on for very long, but Max was about to cum first. Even though Scarlet wasn't far behind, she used her power to refrain her master's climax; a synchro-orgasm was the best for her, greedily wanting that.

As she was speeding up while her inner walls were contracting, she felt she was very close. When she was finally ready, she let go of Max's restraint, allowing him to immediately explode inside her, recoating her insides in white, quickly followed by Scarlet's orgasm, whose contractions were milking him horribly. When their ecstatic moment had passed, Scarlet put her hands on each side of her master's head, feeling his member softening inside her, panting a little.

"5%… is… enough," Max panted, exhausted by the powerful orgasm he just had.

[Yeah, but after some practice, we'll be able to go higher than that.]

"…Alright, I believe we can let the others out now," Max said after a restful moment.

[I'm sure they will enjoy a comfortable bed.] Scarlet told him while freeing his manhood.

"My thoughts exactly."

As Scarlet goes to the bathroom to clean herself, Max puts on his underwear and releases Bonny and Dusk from their pokeballs.

{Hi, master.} Bonny greeted.

{Hi, mast- Oh...} Dusk also greeted him but halted.

Bonny didn't notice at first, but Dusk did and looked away in embarrassment when she saw her master in his underwear. Max didn't think it through and he realized a bit too late that he should have at least covered himself before releasing them. He then hastily grabbed the bedsheets.

"S-sorry, girls."

{Did you just have some fun with Scarlet?} Bonny cheekily teased.

"What…? No-… H-how…?"

Max wasn't able to say anything, being utterly confused and a bit ashamed that Bonny was asking something like that.

(How does she even know we do that?) Max thought. "Well, it's something that a young girl like yourself shouldn't talk about."

{If you say so, master.} Bonny replied, knowing the answer, anyway.

"That aside, Scarlet and I are about to go to sleep, so I thought that maybe you two want to try to sleep on a nice comfy bed."

Bonny didn't hesitate and jumped onto the bed.

{Wow. It's really comfy.} She affirmed, lying on her back.

{Is that really okay with you, master?} Dusk timidly questioned.

"Yeah. It's not like you would take a lot of space, anyway," Max responded while petting her head, which she was appreciating more and more.

"Come on. Hop on."

Dusk then too jumped onto the bed, still being unsure about it, but bypassed her hesitation when she felt the bed.

{Woah, it feels better than the ground.} She expressed while pressing the mattress.

"It sure does."

Then, a moment later, Scarlet left the bathroom and joined the group, sitting next to Max.

[What were you guys talking about?] She asked after sticking to her master.

"About how there's a lot of space on the bed for all of us."

[Really?...] She queried, knowing he was lying.

"Yup. Only that."

[If you say so, master. I know you won't lie to me. Otherwise, I will have no choice but to punish you.] She playfully threatened while kissing him.

"I'm aware of that," Max retorted, almost challenging her.

[Well, I think it's best for all of us to go to sleep now.] She announced, feeling tempted to molest her master again.

"Agreed." Max got comfortable under the sheets along with Scarlet "Good night, everyone," Max wished to his companions.

{Good night, master.} Bonny and Dusk chorused.

With Max and Scarlet glued together on one edge of the bed, Bonny lies next to Scarlet with her head on the pillow while Dusk is at the end of the bed, curled up like a puppy. Soon enough, Max was already asleep, thanks to his previous love session which drained the last bit of his energy. Bonny then tugged Scarlet.

{Scarlet? Can we… do it again tonight?} Bonny whispered, talking about what they did with their master the other night.

{Not tonight, Bonny.} Scarlet denied while turning to look at her. {I exhausted him completely. Doing too much won't be good for him.}

{Oh. Okay then.} Bonny replied, disappointed.

{Don't worry. We'll have plenty of other occasions. We'll do it another time.} Scarlet assured, petting her head before returning to her previous position.

After those words, Bonny wasn't feeling a lot better, but she was right; she'll have plenty of opportunities. Closing her eyes, she let herself drift to sleep like the others.

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