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1.41% Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures / Chapter 5: CH5, Choices (3)

Capítulo 5: CH5, Choices (3)

Talent is the next point on my list.

I already decided to focus on psionics and aura first before I try increase anything else.

These powers were portrayed as versatile and capable of incredible feats in the media of my previous life.

The capabilities make sense to me and my wish should guarantee that I become a powerful psychic and aura guardian, even if I have to give up increasing my talent in anything else for them.

Because that is exactly what it is, an increase of the talents my future body will have, so hopefully I will be naturally gifted in some other areas.

Let's ask for some talent scale, so I can visualize the talent increase and it's effects better.

"Can you give me a talent scale, with an added description, please?

It does not have to fully accurate but should give an approximate."

He paused momentarily and gave me an answer.

"Sure, I can do that.

Let's say there are talent points that represent how talented an individual is at something.

In such a case, 0 to 9 talent points in something means, that the individual has no talent in this particular subject.

10 to 19 points are the minimum needed to even start, but the talent in this area is terrible.

No amount of hard work is going to ever amount to anything.

You may create a spark but no fire, if we use the fire element as an example.

20 to 39 points means low talent, which is enough to achieve at least some things with enough effort.

You may create a fireball, but that will be the most that can be achieved.

40 to 69 points indicate a medium talent.

You can use the fire element, but being average is the best you're ever going to be.

70 to 89 points represents a high talent.

You may never reach the top, but you are good and could even be great at it.

90 to 100 points indicate a top talent.

This is the limit for "normal" individuals.

You can reach the top percentile of a subject but you will most likely never be the best, because there are always geniuses out there trying hard as well.

100+ points represents supreme talent in a subject.

This is the realm of geniuses."

I interrupt him to ask some questions.

"Does the increase of talent points mean a linear increase in talent?

How are geniuses categorized?

Can a talent be increased in Terra?"

I received my answers immediately.

"No, the increase in talent is not linear.

I will give you an example, the numbers are not accurate and are just to help illustrate the situation.

A boost of 10 points from 70 to 80 may raise your talent by 15 percent, but an upgrade from 100 to 110 may improve your talent by 40 percent.

As for the categorization of geniuses, you may have heard of genius of the city, the region, the year, the world, the generation, the millennium, the history and many more.

I will give you 5 classifications as reference points.

120 points, biggest genius of the nearby cities.

160 points, star genius of the region.

190 points, best genius of the continent.

210 points, number one genius of the world.

240 points, greatest genius in history.

Don't forget that these points only represent the talent of an individual in a single subject, in this case towards the fire element.

This does not mean that someone can't be your equal through another subject even if you have reached the theoretical peak of your talent.

Now, for your last question.

Yes, talent can be increased on Terra, it's just really hard.

The lower the initial talent the harder it is to increase it, and such opportunities should not be wasted."

I can already see the exponential price increase the higher I want my talent to be.

That there are ways to increase the talent of an individual on Terra as well may have been obvious but I had to be sure.

"You said the point example only gave an approximate.

How much would it cost me to increase my talent in psionics and aura to about the level of someone with 240 points?

Where would be the initial talent level of my future body?"

I high balled my request on purpose to see by how much I have to go down.

Let's see what it ends up being.

"You can't afford such an increase.

The psionic and aura boost would cost you 60 percent of your karmic balance.

Psionics make up 36 percent of that, and aura the other 24 percent.

As for your initial talent, your future body has a high grade talent in psionics and a top grade talent in aura.

This is also the reason for the price difference."

The numbers surprised me, and with that I mean my initial talent.

The fact that my body was this gifted, inherently, was a pleasant surprise. That I didn't aim for a body with particularly high talents in my previous requests, which seems kind of neglectful now that I look back, only adds to my joy.

Back to the high priced talent increase.

"How much would it cost me to increase my talent in psionics and aura to about the level of someone with 190 points instead?"

The answer was instantaneous.

"The psionic and aura talent improvement would cost you 20 percent of your karmic balance.

Psionics make up 12 percent of that, and aura the other 8 percent."

Hmmm, that would have been fine if those to we're the only things I have to increase, but there is still comprehension and the others.

Let go down a bit more.

"How much would it cost me with 160 points instead?"

"The total would be 12.5 percent of your balance.

Psionics make up 7.5 percent of that, and aura the other 5 percent."

An uneven number.

How ugly it is.

I will still have to approve it, because I don't want to go any lower and the fee is acceptable.

That leaves me with 11.5 percent of the positive karma I have, since I previously allotted to 30 percent to the private space.

"Same scale as the talent one.

I am fine with it only being roughly accurate.

160 points in comprehension, give me a price."

He smiled at me, while answering me.

"It will cost you 11 percent."

Now I know why he smiled.

That's more than I planned for this one, but still a good price.

Comprehension acts across the board.

It is something you need in every subject compared to a talent in a single area, which is why it is more expensive.

I am definitely going to accept the 11 percent for comprehension.

Looks like I will have to cut into the balance I set aside for my private space, if I want to somewhat increase my talent across the board like I planned to.

"I accept the price for the increase in comprehension.

How much would it cost me, if I want to increase my talent across the board to be between a medium and a high one, somewhere between 60 and 80 points?

You have access to my memories, so use them to prioritize areas I would deem more important.

Anything that would be deemed useless in my memories doesn't have to be increased.

The areas where my talent is already in that range should be ignored as well."

Please don't be too expensive.


"I used your memories to make the selections like you wanted to and the best outcome was 4.5 percent."

*slowly exhales*

"I accept that price."

This leaves me with 26 percent of my balance for the private space.

I can live with that.

4.5 percent for the sheer number of areas that should have an increase in aptitude is already very good, since things like space and life should be amongst them.

Now for the last point on my wish list.

"I would like to know the price of the complete farm from "bringing the farm to live in another world".

I would also like to know the prices of the farm without any attacking function."

The answer came instantly.

"You can't afford either of those.

Both farm models are way out of even your full budget."

As expected, let's see if there's any chance to make it affordable.

"What if we take out the loyalty function too?"

"Still unaffordable."

Was all he said.

"How about limiting the evolution of the space as well?

Make the new limit the low grade cultivation space.

Does that make it affordable?"


Wow, single word replies.

Last try before I attempt to design my own space inspired by the farm and see if I can make something I can pay for.

"Take out all advanced science and technology civilization stuff as well."

"You made it barely affordable now.

The price is equal to 100 percent of your total karmic account."

I give up.

It was to be expected.

That farm is one of the most overpowered abilities, gifts or whatever you want to call it, ever.

Even after "nerfing" the hell out of it all I could do was lessen the price to my total budget.

Which practically still means I can not really afford it because I won't have any positive karma left to keep my memories or travel to another universe.

Private space it is.

"I want a private space that is only accessible to me and those I allow to enter.

Everything that enters my space is unable to harm me in any way from that point on.

Everything that enters my space acquires a friendly attitude towards me upon entry.

I want the initial size of the space to be big enough for a small single family home with a medium sized garden and a free space with up to a 5 meters radius around it.

The house should be simply furnished.

The size of the space, model of the house or the furniture quality should increase, when either the number, the strength of my Pokemon or my own strength increases.

I would like to know the price so far please."

The first three points are really "nerfed" version of the farm one but the price should still be small for now.

"The price is 8 percent right now."

That's a bit higher than expected but that is probably because no one can force their way inside without my permission.

Still, it is within my tolerance spectrum.

Let us add to the space.

"Outside of the main space I want my private space to have 4 sub spaces.

The sub spaces should be a tenth the size of the main space.

One sub space for all fauna living on land.

One sub space for all marine fauna.

One sub space for all flora.

One sub space for all kinds of minerals and materials.

Anything raised in the sub space should be unable to develop sentience and sapience."

"This adds 5 percent to the price, so it is 13 percent for now."


Less than I thought it would be.

"I want my space to analyze anything that enters it.

If it is a Pokemon it should be genetically optimized as much as possible.

This optimization should become stronger the bigger the space becomes.

The health of all Pokemon and fauna should be kept in an optimal state if possible and the space should inform me in case that it can't.

This process does not have to be instant.

Any Pokemon and fauna brought into the space has to procreate on its own, but any flora seed and material can be created and grown by the space for an energy cost.

The environment of the sub spaces get adjusted for its inhabitants.

This energy for use accumulates passively every day.

The amount of energy that the space receives come from two sources.

One is the pokeverse I will live in and the other depends on the strength and number of all Pokemon and fauna staying inside the space and myself."

"10 percent."

Too high for now.

Let's add some conditions.

"You can add stages to classify the growth of the space depending on its size and all analyzed data.

The genetic modification, the healing rate, the creation of floral seeds and of materials as well as their growth, and the adjustments of the sub space environment depends on the stage of the space.

The amount of energy the space can accumulate daily for use, increases with the spaces stage."

"8 percent.

The total cost for the space is 21 percent right now."

That's okay.

In don't think any more restrictions would be worth the price reduction it would create, since I added the environment adjustment for the sub spaces.

Let me add the finishing touches.

"Since the size of the main space increases with the strength and number of the Pokemon and myself, I want the created space to be adjusted for them as well.

Everyone should receive the most optimal environment possible after being analyzed.

If the type of a newly created area is identical to an already existing one, then an obvious border should be created, if the species is different.

They should be fused without borders if the species that will live there are identical.

So if the new addition is a forest, the forest should be divided into areas for the different species.

The borders should be obvious.

The quality of the created environment should increase with the stage of the space.

The space should also passively pass any energy it absorbs after meeting its daily quota of energy for use, into its environment to enrich its own energy density compared to the outside.

The maximum energy density difference can be dependent on the space level as well."

"That would be 5 percent.

The total cost is 26 percent of you karmic budget."


That is everything I can think of right now that is strictly necessary in my opinion and not optional.

Let me just go over everything again.

Okay, everything is satisfactory.

"I accept the price.

No need for any additional adjustments."

"You used 100 percent of your karmic balance.

If you don't want to make any further changes, then we can begin with your reincarnation process."

Came the question from the angel.

"I am ready, let's start."

Is what I said.

"Good luck, and I hope you still manage to qualify for Heaven after your second life ends."

Was the last thing I heard from the angel before I blacked out.

Azrail93 Azrail93

Thank you for reading.

Those that want access to advance chapters can find them on my patre*n.


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