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34.61% Reborn as a fallen angel in DXD / Chapter 9: Chapter 9: I hate mornings

Capítulo 9: Chapter 9: I hate mornings

(Mc POV)

I am not a morning person never was and never will be I hate morning more then Mondays but today I have experienced a new degree of hate for it

Anyway the reason why I'm so pissed today is because I had spent most of the last night fix my head so i'm not a tick time boom any more but I don't think I got everything so 50/50 but I can now operate without having any problems I think..... maybe

"wake up sephiroth it time for you to get up you have a busy day today" and this is why I hate this morning the most as grayfia has been trying to wake me up but to be honest I really don't want to move I'm to comfortable 'time to try a child's ultimate weapon puppy dog eyes' because grayfia is getting irritated and she tends to get violent when shes angry and I'm not a fan of pain

"gray the bed has me trapped I can't get out" I said in the most cutest way I now of as I put on the puppy dog eyes but

"breakfast is in an hour so get up we are going to take a bath and get you dressed and then you have three hours before your fight with akeno" she said totally disregard my puppy dog eyes

"huh fine gray but are going to focus clean me again if so I would like to mentally prepare myself oh and what's the time anyways" I said as I got out of the bed black circles around my eyes

"yes I must insure you are cleaned and its 8am right now breakfast is at 9am and I would like for us to not be late time please"

"let's go then and you teleport us instead I don't have the energy to walk for an hour just to get to the bathroom I mean there are only five people who live in this castle disregard the maid why is it so big" I said as a magic circle lit up and then we were at the pool I mean bath and grayfia cleaned me but this time without the seals as I was to tired mentally and physically to fight her or argue with her but as I dried myself up I got dressed in the same clothes as yesterday because as I said it is my official outfit until I get older

I ate breakfast which was the same amount as yesterday so no biggie 'Okey now to prepare for the fight because three hours is a long time for me but I think I will just try to get my blacklight under control and blacklight is the name I decided on for my darkness and holy magic not light mixed into one but it's still has it problems that I am going to use this time to find'

As gray took me to the training field

"sephiroth your fight is not until later today so what are we doing here"

" I'm glad you asked that gray I am going to try and make a shape with my power and see how strong my blacklight makes me "

"blacklight? Is that some sort of secret gear you have"

"no and don't compare my power to a secret gear anyways it's the fusion for my two magics" as I held up my hand as the blacklight flowed in to it as it glowed a purple and black color but the color was bright then it was when I only use my darkness

"I see but how were you able to combine two opposite elements so easily as this has never been done before because of the dangers of mixing the two"

"really because this came easy for me and it's really just about control or maybe it's because I'm just built different but that all doesn't matter as I still don't have any control and I have other abilities I to try before I am able to fight " I said as I sat down and closed my eyes as a ball the size of a tennis ball appeared in my hands but it was unstable and could only hold its shape for four seconds before it blew up but I have three hours so it fine

(time skip)

"sephiroth it's time for your fight with akeno" gray called as I come down from a tree and to see everyone was out waiting for me as I had finished my training an hour ago and decided on taking a nap on a tree 'what I'm smart as shit so learning everything was easy and I only need to do something once to get it down but I was not able to get my blacklight but I figured out how I can make weapons with my darkness it all in ones imagination well not all like 80% imagination 20% darkness control and I can make thing that don't exceed my body weight and if I make a shield it can take one hit from a mid high class attack so anyone below that is fucked and if you are asking how I now this... Gray helped by hitting me with magic of different levels and I was also able to get my full counter a try and it did not go the way I had hoped as I was only able to counter vanish but it's still a plus 'as I got closer

"why are you all here don't you have lives or are you so bored you have to watch children fig-"


"behave and everyone is here to make sure no one gets to hurt" gray said after she smacked me "whatever as long as I can get a feel for fighting with my powers I don't care about it and are you sure this is fair"

"what you scared that my queen is going to kick your butt" rias said as she pumped up her chest as she crossed her arms

"I was not saying that it was unfair for me no its unfair for her to fight with me" I said as she looked at me with anger

"then how about a deal"

"I'm listening"

"if you win you may ask anything of me but if she wins you become my servant"

"fine I don't mind" I said as I agreed to the deal but I got a lot of odd looks from everyone

"sephiroth are you sure about this" Venel said in a worried tone

"oh don't worry about it and I also won't hurt your daughters slave too much or maybe she will hurt me oh and don't stop the fight unless one of us is unable to fight please" I said as I put on my max puppy dog eyes as blood want down her nose and grayfia serafall and Rangiku 'fucking Shotacon'

"f f f fine but please don't take this to far"

"we will see but I doubt she will be able to do anything worthwhile don't you think and who's ref" I said as I looked a akeno as she fuming with rage 'haha so easy'

"that would be grayfia and please be careful both of you" Venel said as she brought everyone back as akeno and I wait to different side of the field

"now if you are both ready begin!" as gray said those words akeno created a magic circle

"I will end this in one shot and I'll make this as painful as possible for you so feel free to scream for me" as a bolt of lightning came out of the circle head straight for me 'another thing I hate fuckin sadism tch' I thought as I placed my hands in my pockets and closed my eyes

"what is he doing just standing there can he see the attack coming towards him"

"this may have been a mistake"

"he will be my servant soon"

And the were more but I did not pay much attention to them as they were all saying the same bullshit as I opened one of my eyes and looked at the lightning coming at me I noticed that it was moving way to slow to be lightning and even if it was lightning and was moving that slow the ground would have been burnt so that means that it was just devil energy shaped to look like lightning and it probably has the same effect as it

As I lifted my hand as the lightning hit my hand as a dust cloud covered me completely

"its over there's no way he have withstood akenos attack head on as expected of my queen"

"ara ara I was hoping you would scream for me but oh well" as she began walking away thinking the match was over

"is this all if it is then you may as well give up now as all hope for you winning just disappear weaklings" I said as I walked out of the dust cloud without a scratch as I looked at her with a tired expression

"how are you still able to walk after that attack it should have at least given you a scratch"

"yeah are you cheating or something"

"well to answer your questions it's simply you are just that weak as you lightning is weak as well and it was slow too it was like someone throw a ball at me so yeah not impressed 2 out of 100 but it was very educational" I said my darkness gathered in my hand to form a spear with a purple glow to it as I span it around as it discharge a little lightning and end by pointing the end at her

"I'll make this quick weakling" I said as she had angrier in her eyes as she charged up four more circles as they all fired at once "let's see if you can live through this fallen" 'she seems angry if I was one of those anime main characters what would I do hmm oh that's right I would let her win to make her feel better or do something along the lines of making her feel better but' I said as my spear turned into a black wall as the blast got deflected by it so I just sat down because she's a magic type and she's weaker then a high class so she can't get passed my darkness and even if she did counter will be waiting for her so I may as well do nothing let her tire herself out because I would be using too much energy and she's probably one of those "I must win for my master or friend's" types and those are the worst because they don't stay down when they are beaten so best option is to just let her tire herself off until she can't move

*yawn* 'man I really need coffee or something'

"ahh you see what I mean about unfair and that there is no way for you to win so save us the time and just give up" I said as I opened a hole in my darkness wall

"that black thing is cheating stop using it and fight properly" rias said from the sidelines

"of course I will stop using it"

"thank you" she said as a little hope came back to her eyes 'I'm about to ruin her whole career'

"if she stops using magic I'll stop " I said as the hope fall but a smile appeared as in the time i was talking to rias akeno was in the sky with her wings out as a giant magic circle appeared in the sky 'just as planned she probably going to use all her magic and say some stupid shit like" for my king I will win" or something'

"for my king I will win!" she said as I sent my darkness out to grabbed her and since I was not able to fly yet she was completely out of my reach or so they think

"so you somehow knew that I can't fly meaning you got some information on me and I'm sure you got it from rias and rias got it from her father since Venelana wanted this to be a test" I said as I looked to the side to see Venel giving Zeoticus the i'm going to kill you later look "but anyways I doubt you move will be as powerful or on the level of a high class move but since I'm in such a good mood today I won't ues my dark to block you so go ahead let's see how far you can push your little taser of yours and I also promise I won't move from this spot"

"I will defeat you with all my power and heart take this" she said as a giant lightning bolt came at me I looked at it with a smile on my face 'she said all her magic power so that means that this will be over without me landing a single hit on her hahahaha' as the bolt got closer I raised my hand

"as I said before you never had a chance against me FULL Counter VANISH" I said as the bolt disappeared and everyone expect gray wAS shooed and while rias looked terrible as akeno looked like she had lost all hope as she fell to earth out of magic

"oh right she's supposed to be knocked out" I as i made a spear with my darkness as I took aim of her but she disappeared

"I think you've won sephiroth there's not need to go that far" as a female voice from behind me as I looked to see serafall with akeno in her arms

"no I have not she is still conscious and I was not aiming to kill I'm not an idiot and also is she brainwashed or something?"

"well that was a very surprising fight you had there I didn't expect you to be able to do what you did with the lightning what was that anyway" sirzechs asked 'does this idiot think he can trick me into giving up my secret tch dick'

"to be honest I don't feel like giving you that kind of information on me like seriously what kind of idiot do you take me for " I said as he was about to reply

"theres no way you could have won and Sera stepped in before you could knock akeno out so it's a tie!" the annoying banshee screamed out and I would have fought her on this on a normal day but I want to get to bed as quickly as possible so

"you right the fake loli did step in and I was not able to knock her out so a tiebreaker is needed so how in your peerage am I fighting" I said as I almost vomited as u said those words

"Kiba" she said as he stepped forward

"I will win this for riass honor" he said as a sword appeared

"so you have one of those secret gear things that dad like talking about and I'm pretty sure you called it swordbirth and from what dad has told me you make sword out of magic yeah you should have been a bishop since the have a large amount of magic but whatever your face will be eating dirt by the end of this *yawn*"

"begin" as gray said those words kiba ran at me with a sword in hand as he jumped up and brought his sword down on me as I tried to block the struck with my arms but his sword went through it cutting my left arm and only stopping on my right and as the arm fell I kicked him toward a tree as he smashed into it

(grayfia POV)

"I believe that this fight is over as sephiroth has lost an arm and will be unable to continue so call the match grayfia" sirzechs said as we all watch as sephiroth arm got sliced of by Kiba and everyone had the same expression

"grayfia why didn't you stop the match now sephiroth has lost an arm and you know normal healing doesn't work on him!" lady gremory shouted and in any other case she would be right but this is sephiroth

"I understand your concerns but this is sephiroth you are talking about and he had plenty of time to use his darkness meaning he planned this why I have no idea" I said as I informed lady gremory as sephiroth had just kicked kiba away as he smashed into a tree

"didn't expect him to cut through my arm a deep cut yes but cutting it off no huh oh well" sephiroth said as his darkness shot out of his stump to his savored arm they connected and his arm was pulled into place and healed it self

"huh good as new I but I still have to train my body more can't have people cut my head off just for fun" he said as he walked towards Kiba

"grayfia did you know he could do that" serafall asked

"no I know he could heal but never that but I knew he at least had a plan he is as he says a genius and there was no blood when the cut was made" I said as I calmly looked at the fight as kiba had gotten back up and made another sword

"I didn't expect you to be able to heal but no matter I will still win" kiba said as he used his speed to disappear in front of the childrens eyes and reappeared behind sephiroth with a bigger sword as he swinged it down towards sephiroth head but at the least second sephiroth tilted he head to the side dodging the sword but it was still going to slice him in two I prepared a spell that would freeze them in place if the sword goes in to a certain point of the body

But as the blade was about to hit it was stopped by sephiroth using only two of his fingers

"you know you are starting to annoy me and there's nothing I hate more than weaklings saying some irritating bullshit when they done have the power to do so" sephiroth said as his voice become deeper and his aura had changed from his usual bright but irritated to a very dark and evil one thats far more darker than a devil

"the fact that you don't understand the difference between our powers but I guess I'll show you so don't die insect" he said as he shattered Kibas blade and so he was focused to jump back but as he was still in the air he's was grabbed by sephiroth as he smash him into the ground with so much force it created a spider web of cracks as sephiroth moved back and started walk toward us as I could see his eyes had changed from they normal green to a dark purple as he walked toward us the marks started to fade away as his aura and eye returned

"ahh that sucked" he said as he came toward me

"sephiroth what was that it was like you were a different person that never happened before" I said a bit worried

"oh yeah I figured it out that I had focue on my negative emotions they seem to be the key so yeah but it seems that darkness mode increases my power but also the negative emotions and suppress the positive ones but I still have control anyways is the match over"

"yes you are the wi-"

"no wait I can still fight" kiba said as blood came out of his head as he got back up "I said that I would win for my kings honor and I will do just that!" he said as he slowly made his way toward sephiroth but sephiroth paid him no mind

"this is another reason why I don't want to be a servant because it seems like this piece of your brainwashes you and I want no part in the brainwashing experience " sephiroth said

"that's not true the evil piece are only made to reincarnate only not brainwash people" serafall said as she spoke up to sephiroth as kiba got closer

"then explain these two fucking idiots anyway gray are you a servant" he asked me 'that's a weird question to ask someone but I guess it's fine'

"no I am not I am just as normal maid of the gremory house" I said as I smiled at him as I also at kiba who was almost at sephiroth

"normal maid my ass if I could guess I would say that you are on the same level or maybe slightly weaker then fake loli but still stronger than the elder so you are anything but a normal maid maybe an overpowered maid but normal you are not" he said as he stopped Kibas swing with the back of his hand but it was in darkness

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Since I know there is someone who's going to complain about this attitude again I'll say this read the first few lines and if you still don't understand why his like I don't know comment?

Anyways thank you all for reading but Saturdays and Sundays I'm off so see you all Monday and again thank you all

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