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84.61% The legendary Saiyan in a fairy's world / Chapter 33: Chapter 33: Galuna Island Part 3

Capítulo 33: Chapter 33: Galuna Island Part 3

Beta read by Shigiya and Darklord331




--Galuna Island-


The topic had been a constant presence in Broly's life since meeting Natsu. He couldn't escape Natsu's tales of these mythical creatures. Lucy, too, often filled his ears with stories from her books revolving around them. He had even witnessed one on Earth, a fleeting glimpse during his battle against the blue-haired Saiyan. Even in his berserk state, that memory remained vivid—a majestic, serpentine creature, almost jade-like, gracefully soaring in the distant sky.

Its sheer presence cast a formidable shadow upon the earth as it loomed over the land. Broly had never seen anything like it before. Had it been back on Vampa, he might have tried to communicate with it. The enigmatic nature of the dragon puzzled him. Frieza's motives were shrouded in secrecy, and not even his father divulged the slightest detail. Most of the time, Broly found himself in the ship's cargo bay, keeping company with Chellai.

Dragons, in Broly's understanding, were beings of immense power—majestic and proud. They could shatter mountains with a mere flick of their tails and alter the weather with a single beat of their wings. Dominating the sky with their colossal bodies and roaring loud enough to induce earthquakes; was the essence of these creatures. At some point, he had started to admire them, drawn to their tales of possessing great power yet living carefree lives for the most part.

However, Broly's perception of dragons began to crumble as he watched the distant, beady, soulless white eyes fixated on him, brimming with an unbridled lust for battle and destruction. Enormous claws emerged from the mountaintop, demolishing everything in their path, accompanied by a deafening roar that shook the very foundations of the island. His gut churned with dread; this beast would come for them the moment it was free.

"A d-dragon?" Lucy muttered with trepidation, the girl's shaky hands covering her mouth, legs trembling at the unbelievable sight. "They're real!?" 

"Holy… was Natsu actually raised by a dragon!?" Broly's eyes twitched at Cana's response, she was worrying about the wrong thing here! "Wait, is that the dragon he is searching for?"

"No," Erza shot down her question. "Natsu described Igneel as a red dragon, this dragon is neither red nor does he seem friendly to humans." Her body flashed with white light as a pristine white feather-like armor appeared surrounded by blades on all sides. Yet even she couldn't hide the trepidation from Broly who could see her actually shaking with fear. The dragon's pressure affected even her who never had to deal with something like this. 

'Not good, no one is capable of facing that thing!' 

Why and how a dragon was here of all places was not something Broly cared about at this moment, his main priority was to keep these three safe and nothing else.

"Run! Everyone needs to get out of here immediately!" He shouted urgently, without hesitation, as he swiftly turned to grab the shocked trio of Lucy, Cana, and Erza. Just that initial burst of power told him all he needed to know about this dragon's power level and it being something none of the people here could handle. Erza was a capable wizard and so we're Lucy and Cana — but this was beyond them! 

"Wait! What about the villagers?" Lucy protested, her gaze fixed on the terror-stricken locals scurrying about in disbelief and fear as an entity long thought extinct emerged from the volcano. Broly's eyes darted toward the panicking populace, their faces etched with terror as they fled from the awakening horror. He hesitated for a moment, torn between the safety of his newfound friends and the lives of these innocent people.

"I can't bring everyone else with me!" He stated, looking at the hundreds of people looking at them. 

"Where are you wizards going!?" One of them shouted. "Y-You are Fairy Tail wizards, w-why are we running away!? Protect our village!" 

They wanted to stay here? He failed to understand why they would want to do such a dangerous thing. "Listen, with Lucy and her Celestial Spirits' help you can build a raft for everyone at the shore and use it to escape. My friends will keep you safe and make sure they don't fall apart." Honestly, he wasn't even sure those boats would even float in the first given how old they were but Broly just wanted them to get out of here as soon as possible.  

Unfortunately, his words elicited an outrage amongst the crowd, much to his surprise. "Are you out of your mind!?" Said a middle-aged man, followed by Moka the village chief who despite the circumstances, managed to keep a calm expression. 

"Galuna Island is our ancestral home where we spend generations and generations building our foundation and home. We faced countless challenges and buried all of our late loved ones beneath the soil, everything we know comes from here." Broly glanced at the determined faces of the villagers, their connection to this land evident in their unwavering resolve. He could not understand their sentiment, it seemed irrational in the face of such overwhelming danger. But then, the chief got on his knees and lowered his head to the ground — earning a confused reaction from the people around. "That is why for the first time in my life I will act selfish… please… take everyone here with you. You don't need to worry about a transportation vessel, there is an old fishing boat south of here hidden under the foliage, my people know its location. Take it and let me stay behind." 


"What are you saying!?" 

Even he was taken aback by the old man's words. The others on the other hand weren't having it, "We refuse to leave without you, Chief Moka! I was born here and I am prepared to die here." A young warrior said, refusing to leave his side. 

"And so am I!" 

"And me!" 

"Me too!"

One by one, every other warrior and elder came to his side, refusing to leave his side much to his dismay. "You idiots! I-I already lost a son, don't make me lose my family just for some pride! My soul won't rest in peace if you all stay with me—guh!" Moka's eyes widened as an intense flash of pain spread across his body, below, a tanned arm struck his guts hard enough for his body to enter a state of shock. With great effort, he turned his head above to find dark eyes glaring at him with clear impatience. 

"You will leave as well, don't waste everyone's time." In any other scenario, Broly never saw himself hitting anyone as weak and defenseless as the chief over here. But now, this ridiculous reasoning to stay behind endangered not only his own people due to their own stubbornness, but he could see how Erza was also starting to hesitate. That he could not accept, she was probably going to attempt to stay behind and confront the dragon. 

"Cana," he called out the brunette who flinched at his tone, probably not used to his sudden change of demeanor from his usual gentle and calm self. "Take them, and run as quick as possible, don't even stop to look back. I'll keep it distracted as long as I can." 


Another roar came from the dragon now free from the mountain, its dark wings with purple highlights on full display as it was preparing itself to fly over any second. 

"Go, NOW!" He urged Cana, who gathered her wits and started to move. 

"Everyone, let's go! Tell me where the boat is exactly, hurry!"

"Wait, Broly, you can't just stay behind and handle that thing on your own," Lucy urged, pleading with him to come along and not try to risk his life. She knew he was powerful in his own right, strong enough to fight the likes of Natsu and even an army of Vulcans by himself. But this was no mere creature who commonly inhabited the mountains or a Fairy Tail wizard, but a dragon! Even now, her legs kept shaking with a heavy sense of nausea mixed with dread that came along and threatened to swallow her. 

Never in her life did she feel such a sensation. And the thought of Broly going up against it was horrifying. "Hm?" She felt his hands on her hand, gently caressing it with a warm smile on his face. The same one he showed every time to soothe her worries. 

"I'll be fine," he said, showing enough confidence in his words that it created a sense of ease and even relieved some of those negative feelings building up inside her. "I promise I'll come back, now both you and Erza should… Erza?" He turned his head around to find the redhead missing. She hadn't left with Cana given both girls were standing behind him a second ago. "No…" 

This time, his head snapped towards the dragon and found a silver figure flying straight for it. 

"Damnit, Erza!" 


'How nostalgic,' thought the Arcane Dragon as he peered down the mountaintop towards the village. Nostalgia… could he even call it that? Perhaps not. 

When was the last time he made such an entrance, just to purely make his presence known to the world and instill fear into the heart of his opponent? A move he regularly used against dragons he hunted down throughout the centuries, from villages to villages, kingdoms, and even underground caves — he searched far and wide for any traces of those disgusting monsters to kill them. He did this for so long that at one point he even forgot his own name, taking on the name of the dragon he hated the most. 

Yet no matter how many he slaughtered, the man could never get rid of the ever-increasing need for more dragon blood. For carnage, destruction, and a stronger foe to kill. Zeref was an interesting case, despite having the advantage in power, Achnologia never managed to kill that cockroach. That immortality curse balanced out his superior magic power in every confrontation and their battle did not lead anywhere in the end. At some point, stop bothering attacking him on sight and just let that pitiful plaything of the gods come over to see him. But of course, those instances were rare and he still preferred just to crush that man again and again to satiate some of his battle lust. 

That person over there… was no human. 'He smells different, it's almost human but I can tell something isn't right.' At first, he suspected another dragon who came out of hiding, but even that possibility did not seem likely the more he paid attention to the energy within him. As a being sensitive to all forms of sorcery by the nature of his Dragon Slaying magic, he couldn't tell what kind of magic this person held. 

Regardless, he came here to experience that same sensation from before, that burst of power belonging to someone who picked his interest. "Hm?" 

Interestingly enough, the first one to approach him was not the man but rather the redheaded human girl. Using what looked like Requip magic with an armor surrounded by swords. His sensitive ears twitched as she glared at him while whispering, "I won't run away again."

Hoh, brave little girl she was, trying to protect a person who didn't even need it or just doing it out of pride. 

"Heaven's Wheel: Blumenblatt!" With a single shout, hundreds of swords rained down upon the sky, creating a beautiful scene with the sunlight glinting against the polished blades. Each weapon struck his scales at incredible speed, slicing through the stones and boulders near him — crushing the ground and everything around with ease. Yet as expected, each and every single one of the projectiles failed to even leave a scratch on his body.

"What?" Even she was taken aback at how he just ignored the attack, not even bothering to defend himself against any of it. Hmm, he couldn't remember if he fought any humans in the century using this particular magic, that orange-haired wizard did have an interesting magic, 'Crush' if he recalled correctly. "Purgatory Armor!" 

She wasn't giving up, changing into another set now holding a large club-like greatsword. He could sense the magic behind this armor, definitely stronger than the last one. But honestly, to his eyes, it was no different than just seeing an ant grow twice as strong. She threw the blade, using a secondary magic of telekinesis to give the blade that much more momentum to crush into his abdomen. 


The force was strong enough to crumble the mountain underneath him as it pushed his body downwards. Interestingly, he was almost impressed at her versatility and resourcefulness. Then, she changed armor again, into a bulkier one of yellow color, Titan armor she called it. 


The girl came crashing down with strength surpassing her previous self and pushed the spear that came along with the armor and pushed the butt of the weapon straight into the hilt of the black greatsword. This actually made him lose footing and further sink deeper back into the volcano. His eyes went to the ice beneath him housing the dead demon from the Book of Zeref, those people who were here before having run away by now with a few of their subordinates now laying dead — crushed beneath the many boulders. The curious dragon wondered what exactly this woman planned next, for all this effort didn't even create a single crack in his defense let alone stop him from wreaking havoc upon this island. The walls shook as an invisible force started to pull them towards him and fall on top of his body.

'Ah, I see, she's trying to bury me alive… entombed me with such a simple method. Noticing her magic could not hurt me, she preferred to trap me instead in order for those other demons and humans to run away.' Weak as she was, at least he could see how utterly hopeless her chances of winning were. 'Haha…Hahaha… HAHAHAHAHA!!!'


Strength coursed through his body as he easily pushed his body back up, a single flap of his wings pushing away all the debris and Erza. It was foolish enough for her to challenge a dragon without any Dragon Slaying magic, but trying to defeat him was worse than stupidity — it was pure delusional 'Enough of this nonsense,' with a single move of his tail, Achnologia generated a gust of wind strong enough to push Erza down to the ground with a loud crash. 

Ominous light blue magic gathered around his claws. Ready to end her in just one move alone, using a breath attack would be too good for her. 'Unfortunately for you, I have no interest in weaklings.'





It felt as if he was hit by a meteor, an impact that stunned him with enough force to push him away and nearly fall from the sky. If Achnologia was in his human form, a grin would have adorned his face as he watched the figure floating in front of him. Black eyes with hints of green flashing within them, barely hiding that anger from surfacing. 

'So you finally came!'

"Get out of here, Erza." He said while keeping his eyes on the dragon. "Let me take care of this." 

"No, I can still—"

"You'll be a nuisance here!" He snapped at her, something Erza wanted to deny but refrained, as he could not even look him in the eyes with the truth evident to everyone. "Go with Lucy and Cana, they need you more than I do." 

Achnologis who watched the scene hummed curiously, was the green magic supposed to be strength augmentation as his primary magic? Secondary was his ability to fly, or he was using some artifact hidden somewhere to do so. 


And so, the battle began with the Arcane Dragon moving at a greater speed than before and hitting the Saiyan with its giant tail, sending the latter through the mountains. 




"Gah!" The impact rattled his bones, for the first time he felt pain from something this strong ever since arriving on this planet. Getting up from the ground, his heart pounded with surprise at how much power that single attack packed. His hands went over his chest, feeling the place that sharp-edged tail tried to slice his skin apart — yet what followed was his heartbeat singing in anticipation. "Not good…" 

Was it this easy for him to get excited for a new fight? "I'm just imagining it, everything's fine…" he took a deep breath, choosing to believe the hours of training he invested to bring his powers under control. 


The air stirred as his vision was filled with pure white light before a pillar of condensed magic power hit him with enough force to cause a shockwave, flattening the area around him. "Aaaahhhhhh!!!" Instantly, emerald green Ki burst from his body, acting as a shield and rising up to break down the attack effortlessly. 

"Hah!" Another crater formed on the ground as Broly pushed himself, leaping into the air fast enough that his figure blurred, confusing the dragon as he lost track of the Saiyan for a split second. 

"Kah!" Once again, his head felt a jolting strike, this time his opponent struck his skull with his legs covered with that green energy, then twisted his body to deliver a devastating punch. "■■■■!!!"

Achnologia roared in response, a mix of surprise and frustration evident in his thunderous growl. The Saiyan had proven to be a formidable adversary, with the raw power and resilience to match the Arcane Dragon. The battle raged on, shaking the very foundations of the mountain with Broly's relentless assault continuing, and with each exchange of blows, the landscape suffered. Rocks shattered, trees were uprooted, and the air crackled with energy. Achnologia, despite his immense strength, found himself struggling to keep up with the Saiyan's attacks at first.

Yet he couldn't be anymore happier, but one little detail still irked him to no end. 

"Why are you holding back!?" 

"You can speak!?" Broly shouted with surprise but was answered by a ball of blue energy forming within the dragon's mouth before being released with an earthshaking roar. 

The massive blue energy blast streaked toward him, and for a moment, it seemed as though he might be overwhelmed. The Saiyan gritted his teeth, his green aura flaring to life in response to the imminent threat. With a roar of his own, Broly thrust his hands forward, creating a powerful wave of emerald Ki that collided with the oncoming energy blast.

The collision created a blinding explosion, sending shockwaves rippling across the landscape. The ground beneath them quaked, and the air crackled with the intensity of their clash. Both combatants were pushed back by the sheer force of the explosion, skidding along the ground as they struggled to maintain their footing.

As the smoke and dust cleared, both Broly and Achnologia stood their ground, the former panting heavily. "Why are you after me?" He asked, now wanting to know the reason why the dragon attacked him given it could communicate. "I never met you in my life."

"Do I even need a reason?" His opponent replied whilst shooting another blast of magic which Broly this time dodged, letting the beam travel far into the distance and destroy part of the island. "Careful, you'll end up killing them if you keep doing that." With a mocking tone, the dragon spoke, making him clench his hands in anger that slowly started to build up. "You want to protect them? Then why continue holding back? Only Dragon Slaying magic can hurt me, you'll need to do better!"

The battle between him and the Arcane Dragon had reached another juncture. One entity trying to push the other to his limits while the latter again and again kept getting pushed into a corner as Achnologia intentionally started to aim the area where Erza and the others had escaped to, resorting to desperate measures and blast those attacks with an array of multiple condensed Ki orbs which detonated upon impact. It was a clash of titanic forces, a duel that would be etched into the annals of history.

'I can't continue like this.' It took him a while to realize it, but the longer the battle continued the more powerful his attacks became. His heart beats like a drum, pushing back his sense of self and replacing it with a pure untamed desire for battle. It'd been so long since anyone pushed him so far, ever since his fight back on Earth. His blood boiled for this sensation once again, the unfiltered lust for battle — that just for a single moment… he could stop holding back. 

It wouldn't be so bad, right? Erza and the others were far away enough for him to just…

"No! Get out of my head!" He roared in anger at himself, disgusted that he was resorting to such thoughts once again, believing to have distanced himself from them. It didn't help that Achnologia did not just give up, continuing to come back over and over again and taunting him. 

It actually started to piss him off how persistent this little lizard was. "Just stay down!" 

Broly's emerald Ki flared brightly, and his attacks became more ferocious. He closed the gap between them with astonishing speed, striking Achnologia with a series of powerful blows that left the dragon reeling. Each punch felt no different from that of a titan, bypassing his scales with sheer power and cracking them even. Still, this only made the dragon crackle with joy. "Hahaha! You're having fun too, aren't you? But even now, you're not giving me your best. Where is that well of power I felt before? You're not showing it to me because of those humans, am I right? Then killing them is really my only option."

Broly's face turned ugly as the dragon once again aimed a breath attack towards the shore in the distance where the tiny shadow of a boat could be seen with the villagers and Fairy Tail wizards. Just like before, he rushed in front of the breath attack, but to his shock… nothing happened. 

"Huh?" Acnologia hadn't aimed at the others with his breath attack, merely using it as a distraction as a separate attack formed within its claws and was shot before he could even get to it. "NOOOO!!!" 

It was as if time slowed down, there was little chance for Erza or even Lucy's Celestial Spirits to stop that. Did he… once again fail… 




"Ice Make: Ice Canon!" 

"Dragon Slayer secret art, Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade." 

From the side, two opposing elements formed into one, white blue, and crimson intertwining into a beautiful magic power and struck the attack midair, strong enough to just momentarily change its trajectory, missing the others, and venture out deeper into the water below before erupting into a giant dome. 

"That magic…" Erza stood there in her adamantine armor, fully prepared to tank the blast with all of her might. Yet even she was not expecting two familiar boys to show up on a raft made of ice and debris with a pink-haired Dragon Slayer being held in the sky by his blue cat companion. "Natsu… Gray." 

She cried, so glad to see those two. Lucy behind her had already collapsed on the ground with Cana supporting her — having for a moment believed that death was imminent. 

"A dragon!" Natsu on the other hand watched the beast in the air with disbelief and anger. "Why did it try to attack them!?" From his memories, Igneel was always a benevolent and kind dragon who loved humans. He taught everything he learned so far and built a belief that the same would apply to other dragons. Yet here he was, having seen his friends nearly getting killed by the same creature. "What the heck is your problem!? I'll bash your face, you dirty drago—huh?" 

He didn't even get to finish his sentence as out of nowhere a suppressing force emerged all around him. Strong enough to have Happy get scared out of his mind and retreat back to Gray's handmade boat. 

"W-Wait! I-I-If you do that then I'll — hurgh!" As soon as his feet touched the ice, vertigo, and nausea hit him like a train. Instantly putting him down and vomiting everything he ate the entire day, he closed his eyes as a bright green light shined in the middle of the island. 

Erza who had witnessed the scene gasped as she recalled a memory of the past. A nightmarish day she cursed for years, always wondering if the outcome would have been different if she had just been stronger. "Broly!"


(A few seconds earlier.)

"Hm, a Dragon Slayer? How rare to find one so far away… he smells familiar." Achnologia muttered, impressed to see a couple of weaklings be able to slightly push his attack to the side. It was Dragon Slaying magic, but nothing close to having the capabilities of killing even a weak dragon let alone hurting him. 


Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat, and the whole world turned upside down out of nowhere. Wait, it wasn't the world that turned upside down, but rather his body getting forcefully pushed to the ground by a never-before tyrannical force. His beady white eyes squinted and nearly missed a shadow that instantly appeared on its head. 

Taller… for some reason the wizard from before looked bigger. Yet what drew the dragon's attention most were soul-shaking green eyes crazily glaring at him without a trace of sanity left within them aside from that of a beast. 


The battle raged on when a true monster appeared before him, a display of an indomitable force followed by an avalanche of Ki falling on top of his entire body. "▂▂▃▃▅▅ーーー!!" He tried to speak but all that came out was a roar of pain and misery.

As if a large mountain continued to press down upon him. 'I-I-I can't breathe!'

Trying to break free from this and regain some of his strength, he opened his jaw and started to absorb a large amount of Ki around him — only to end up regretting it soon after. "Kah!" Blood leaked from his jaws, the inside of his body at war with the energy that refused to be absorbed — wrecking every organ and muscle… shredding many to pieces. 

"Aaargh!" That thing grabbed his tail as he tried to fly away with as much strength as he could muster, feeling a sense of a fear that he hadn't felt fighting… it. 'This… this monster is going to kill me for real. Just like that monster from before!'

Why couldn't he absorb this magic!? 


With herculean strength, Broly pulled on the tail, lifting the dragon's body and smashing it against what little remained of the mountains. A single stomp of his feet upon Achnologia's wings shattered the scales and bones, having pained the beast with another guttural roar. 

"Aaaargh!!!!" The mountain trembled, the earth quaked, and the skies themselves bore witness to the slaughter before them, where all semblance of martial arts or technique was replaced by animalistic instinct to rip and the dragon. Broly, his aura ablaze with emerald green energy which grew by the second, threw himself into the battle with an intensity that matched the dragon's previous ferocity. Every punch, every kick, every energy blast he unleashed was met with utter helplessness by Achnologia. 

His relentless assault pushed the dragon to his limits. Unthinkable, despite his immense power, couldn't offer any sort of resistance against the Saiyan's moves and viciousness. Broly's attacks were like a storm, unrelenting and overwhelming. He hurled energy beams and unleashed devastating melee strikes, all while letting Achnologia's deadly claws reach his skin — only to not leave a mark.

He could not adapt no matter how hard he tried, unable to move or even spare any energy. His limbs were broken, his wings shattered, and unable to stop the constant river of blood seeping through his broken jaws. He, the mighty Achnologia, Dragon King whom even the Dragon Gods hesitated to confront, was now reduced to such a pathetic state in mere moments. 

But the suffering did not stop there, as the Wrath state Broly now hovered high up in the sky, his hands coming together to form a small bead of crystalline green Ki that shined brightly across the entire area around them. His savage expression was unchanging as more and more power kept getting pumped into the small bead which turned into a ball, then a sphere large enough to dwarf the dragon and inevitably becoming the size of the island itself. 

A deep rumble echoed through the desolate landscape as Achnologia lay battered and broken, the once invincible dragon now reduced to a mere shadow of his former self. He struggled to lift his head, his soulless white eyes narrowing as they locked onto the figure before him, bathed in an aura of unimaginable power.

"U-Urgh… that kind of power…" Achnologia's voice trembled with a mix of awe and fear, his words barely more than a whisper as he rasped, struggling to catch his breath. "How did you get it?" His shattered jaws clenched as he continued to defy the overwhelming despair that threatened to consume him. "That attack… you'll destroy more than this island."

This being, this force of nature standing before him, couldn't possibly be human. Achnologia refused to accept it, refusing to acknowledge any connection between this monstrous presence and the feeble creatures who had wielded such power before. The rage emanating from this figure was something far beyond the comprehension of mortals, a raw, untamed force that defied explanation.

Achnologia's defiant words, however, fell on deaf ears. The Saiyan, consumed by his own fury and determination, paid no heed to the dragon's feeble protestations. With a final, earth-shaking roar, the Saiyan thrust his hands downward, unleashing a colossal sphere of energy that crackled with raw, destructive power. The very air around them trembled as the sphere hurtled toward the ground, gathering an ominous momentum.

"Humph… in the end," Achnologia's voice quivered with resolve, "you are just a monster… but I refuse to die here!" Despite the hopelessness of his situation, the ancient dragon drew upon the last vestiges of his strength, refusing to yield to the inevitable.

As the seconds ticked away, the colossal sphere drew nearer to the earth, its approach marked by a deafening cacophony of energy. Achnologia's massive body began to glow with an ethereal, pure-white light, and that radiant brilliance extended to everything around him. It was as though the very fabric of reality itself was being consumed by the impending cataclysm.




Amidst the vast expanse of the ocean, Broly's massive frame lay adrift upon the tranquil waters. Not a single sound or trace of the island that had been his battleground remained as if he had been transported to an entirely different realm. His powerful Saiyan body was now limp, unconscious, and thoroughly exhausted, giving no indication of stirring from its deep slumber anytime soon.

A delicate, almost otherworldly presence graced the scene. A young child, her golden hair cascading down to her feet, gracefully stepped onto the water's surface as if it were solid ground. There was no fear or trepidation on her serene face, despite witnessing Broly's earlier cataclysmic display. Instead, she displayed a childlike curiosity, kneeling beside the unconscious Saiyan and gently poking at his face, though it was unlikely he would respond given she wasn't there physically.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that, child," she spoke with a soothing, almost motherly tone. "Now, Zeref has his eyes on you too, since you nearly vanquished the Dragon of Apocalypse."

Her gaze shifted towards the distant horizon, where the sun was beginning its descent, painting the sky with shades of deep orange. Her smile grew warmer. "Fortunately for you, Fairy Tail is your family now, and I know they will find a way to help you and shield you from your own darkness. You already have people who care about you more than their own safety."

In the distance, a blurry figure of a raft constructed from shimmering ice gradually materialized, bearing all the members of Fairy Tail who had journeyed here. They called out Broly's name desperately, their voices carrying across the tranquil ocean.

"We'll meet again," the ethereal child whispered, her touch lingering briefly on the back of Broly's hand, where the mark of the Fairy Tail guild symbol lay. And then, as if she had never been there, she disappeared into the ether.

"There he is!" Gray exclaimed, spotting Broly's massive form on the water.

"Broly!" Lucy cried out, her concern evident.

"Shit! He's unconscious. Get him quickly before he drowns! Happy!" Natsu's frantic voice rang out.

"Aye, I-I can't fly anymore… I had to carry Natsu all the way here!" Happy replied, his tiny wings unable to bear the burden of his fellow guild member.

"I'll go!" Erza declared, preparing to leap into the water, but was interrupted by Gray's warning.

"Wait, Erza! You're still wearing your armor—"

And with a splash, Erza was in the water, her armor dragging her down. Gray sighed in exasperation. "And she sank… I'm not jumping to save her this time. Just maintaining this boat with flames for a brain-vomiting fire now is hard enough."

Cana sighed and glanced around at the chaos unfolding. "Hah… I need some booze," she muttered, trying to find solace in humor amidst the urgency of the situation. "Also, how are we going to tell the Master that Galuna Island no longer exists without giving him a heart attack? Eh, we'll figure something out later."


The next 5 chapters of Snafu, and my other Fate fics (Fate Coiling Sword with 3 chapters, A Fake Familiar Reborn with 3 chapters, Steel Eyed Faker soon to be 3 chapters, Hound having 1 and To love a sword having 4 chapters) are already available on my P@treon. With 4 more Broly chapters at /NimtheWriter. Also, I post commissioned arts on each story, already posted a few on an Archer's Promise, Broly and Snafu.

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