He was searching for the fish all this time only to be slapped on the face that Seraphina had one all along!
Seraphina sat as well, surprised at Ryu's reaction. "Well, it's one of the best-tasting fish in the entire realm and also one of my favorite. It even ripped my heart and put a tear into my eyes when I placed it in the storage."
Ryu was the first to offer his food, while Seraphina was the last. He didn't get the chance to see what she gave since he was not really interested in those kinds of stuff. And now, he thoroughly regretted it.
"Do you want it?"
Ryu nodded his head so fast it blurred. "Yes. I'm actually looking for one."
"They're hard to acquire since most don't appear unless the moons are glowing brighter than normal. And they're extremely hard to catch."
Ryu wasn't the least bit disheartened. "Where can I find one?"
I wanted to expand this story to group wars but seeing the situation and with the way my characters are thinking and interacting, i think it wont be approproate anymore given their circumstances.
Who wants to wage wars when your resources is already deplted and a much bigger threat is looming outside?
I'm just writting their story guys and see where it leads me . . . Though i already have a mid and ending.
T o T
I wonder if thats a good idea? XD