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1.78% The Mermaid 'life of Mia' / Chapter 1: New life
The Mermaid 'life of Mia' The Mermaid 'life of Mia' original

The Mermaid 'life of Mia'

Autor: Puederashi

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: New life

Olive swim around his royal chamber restlessly, a large and beautiful room embedded with magic. It entails the magical realm of the people. It is the only room where royal meetings are held and also where the king solve the problems of his people.

Lustrous braziers half encompassing each of the sixteen marble columns light up the lower levels of the throne hall and paint the hall a range of yellows and oranges.

The illustrations of a kingdom in the sky on the domed ceiling dance in the flickering light while carved images and gargoyles look down upon the porcelain floor of this extravagant hall.

A cardinal rug splits the entire room in half from the doors to the throne while burgee banners with burnished tracery droop from the walls. Between each banner hangs a magical lantern, which have been lit to illuminate the artistic portrayals of royalty long gone below them.

Extensive, stained glass windows with symmetric designs are concealed by draperies colored the same cardinal as the banners. The curtains have been adorned with embellished borders and fine patterns.

A pompous throne of jade sits at the center of a small platform and is adjoined by five equally impressive seats for those aiding the royal highness in all affairs.

The throne is covered in simple crests and fixed on each of the front legs is an abstract dragon. The dense pillows are a light cardinal and these too have been adorned with emblazoned tufts.

This castle is an epitome of magic cast by the royal families. It is a saying in Mer Kingdom that if the royal members fought or got separated from each other, the magic will wane away without trace.

And it might not return easily even if the members reunited, it will take decades. This is the punishment for disunity and to worsen the situation, the family loses their powers gradually along with the kingdom. So, with this advancement the royal members try their best to live in unity at all times.

He swims around the room in a fast pace making his magic spread with every move he makes. His anxiousness and worrisome makes his long shoulder- length light ash gray hair wave in disarray. His deep silver eyes were both sparkling like jade, he has thick and angled brows and a well pointed nose making his cheeks fluffy.

His face was very smooth, no sign that he was shaving it. This is very obvious and common in all sea creatures. Every Merman is beardless and never grow old or become weak. They only die when they lose their powers and losing powers is a punishment for the wicked and heartless creatures.

His luscious lips were pink like a girl's and he is six feet tall with crystal silver flukes embedded with seashells and pearls around his waist down to the middle of his flukes. His whitish skin is the symbol of royalty and confidence. Every creatures has this same skin colour.

It is a blessing from the goddess which imply that any Merman can be a king if chosen by the goddess. If the recent king has only daughters, the first daughter's husband becomes next king. Or, if the king committed any crime, he might be dethroned by the goddess and a new king is chosen from another family, even if the dethroned king have sons. The goddess might not chose any of them.

He wonder how long it will take the Queen to deliver the baby, he was now very worried. Suddenly, a mermaid swims inside the room.

Olive stopped flapping his flukes and turned to her, he hoped she brought good news.

"Your majesty, the Queen has two daughters, very pretty ones at that." The Queen's personal maid, Lekin said and smiled.

Immediately, his mood changed and he hugged her. But he parted ways quickly and smiled. He is a king and must not do anything that will make his people suspicious of him.

"Really?" He asked, still smiling.

"Yes your majesty." She said and bow her head.

"This calls for celebration, I want to welcome my children in a grand style. Call the seer, I want to learn everything about their present and also predict the future." He said and laughed.

"Of course your majesty, I know very well that their future will be bright and it will bring a lot of success to this kingdom. Also your majesty, they have a very silent face. This implies that their presence brings a lot of health and wealth to this kingdom. They are truly gems of blessings." She beamed.

"I like what I hear and I'm really thankful to you for saying it." He approved.

"Yes your majesty." Bubbled Lekin as she excitedly swim out of the chamber.

"My beautiful daughters will be the pride of this kingdom. Yes!" He exulted, pumping his fist in the air in delight.

Every creatures received the message from the king and were excited about the good news. They swam to the palace one after the other to celebrate with the royal family.

In Mer Kingdom, magic is used to deliver messages from place to place. Anybody who want to send a message speaks into his palm, the information and name of receiver.

He will release his hand into the air after speaking and some crystals fly out of his palm to the receiver. The magic always knows the location of the receiver even without being told.

All creatures were gathered in the royal chamber, waiting for the seer's prediction. The seer is seen in the middle, squatting with his eyes closed. He was meditating. The king is still not present, neither is the royal family.

Olive was busy convincing his wife not to go out but she hasn't agreed to it. She delivered four hours ago and was supposed to be resting but she don't want to. She want to hear the prediction from its source, not stories to be told later.

"You are just stubborn. What if you develop pain sooner or later?" Olive asked.

"I will be fine. I'm healed already, nothing will happen to me." She confirmed.

He sigh deeply and looked at her, he can't stop her anymore. He was tired and besides, they are waiting for him.

"Fine. Do what you want, I can't persist you against it anymore. I'm going out." He confessed and swim out without her reply.

She smiled and called onto Lekin who was with the children in the other room.

"Yes, your highness." She answered and swim out, carrying one child.

"Give her to me. We are going to the chamber together." Queen Analse said. Lekin was very surprised, why will she go there? She was suppose to rest.

"But, your highness. You should rest." Lekin protested.

"Don't discourage me. I'm going no matter what." She said and carried the baby from Lekin.

Lekin watched her in amazement and wondered if the king allowed it. What if he gets angry? What if he scolds her? What...

"Lekin, what are you still doing here?" Queen Analse asked, interrupting her thoughts.

"Sorry your highness." She apologized and swim inside. She brought out the baby within few minutes and they went to the royal chamber without discussing.

"Tell us seer, we want to know the fate of my daughters. The beautiful princesses of this kingdom." King Olive said and smiled.

"Your majesty, their blue eyes signifies purity. Surely these two will bring nothing but peace to our kingdom." A servant standing by the king's throne, said and smiled.

"Yes, I agree your majesty. Today is one of those rare days we dance around in harmony. It is a blessed day indeed." Calcus, a youth from the kingdom, said grinning from ear to ear as if looking for compliments.

"And of course, the beats will commence once their fate is determined." A young maiden said.

"I can't wait to dance today." Another maiden said.

"Yes, my subjects. Today, every maiden will dance to her satisfaction and the young men shouldn't forget to pick their brides without wasting time." King Olive said and smiled. While the elders among them, laughed.

"Yes, your majesty. You really understands what these fellows want. You are the true king of this kingdom." An elder said and the youths laughed.

"Thank you for all your compliments, I must say your words flatter me." King Olive said and smiled.

The seer stood up and swim around the room, emitting magical crystals. He stood and turned to the king.

"Your majesty, they have different destines." The seer said and let out a seal from his palm.

"We are not expecting them to have the same destiny seer. Everybody is born with his or her own destiny. The fact they are twins, will not make their issue different." Lekin said and smiled.

"Yes, you are right dear. My daughters will bring different fortunes but I pray that no one brings bad luck." Queen Analse said and look at her child's face.

"What are their names?" The seer asked in a low voice, as he controlled his seal.

"Celine and Dior" Queen Analse answered.

"Celine is the prettiest, the calmest and the most beautiful. She will bring great fortunes, riches and fame to this kingdom." The seer praised and the people cheers in happiness.

"I know they are just perfect." Lekin grinned.

"Your majesty, she will become the apple of your eyes. Your most valued treasure and the one you will cherish most." The seer gurgled with laughter.

"I don't want any partiality in their upbringing. I want you to love them equally your majesty. Treasure both and not one." Queen Analse said in a low voice. She knows partiality will bring about disunity among the children.

"You are scared lady Analse. Don't worry, there won't be any partiality in their upbringing." King Olive promised.

"I'm just telling you what's on my mind. If you don't treat them equally, there will be a lot of troubles in the nearest future and this will not be good for anyone." Queen Analse said, with a worried look on her face.

"It's okay, my lady. I promise to do just as you want. No partiality." King Olive promised.

"But seer. You are just talking about Celine, what of Dior? We want to know her future as well." Lekin beamed.

"Mrs predictor, you want to hear everything so you can prove me wrong, right? It seems you forgot patience is a virtue." Analse said softly.

"Of course, your highness. I really don't want to lose and I must hear everything so I can celebrate my victory." Lekin said and bow her head.

"Her future is mysterious, she is full of adventure. She will go beyond the unimaginable, she will cause chaos. She will bring doom to this kingdom, she is a problem we must eradicate now before it's too late." The seer blurted out and everyone stared at each other shocked.

Murmurs were heard from every corners as the creatures wondered why the princess's destiny is so bellicose.

"What do you mean by that, seer? How can you say that?" King Olive asked furiously.

"Your majesty, I only said what I saw. I am not lying about it." The seer said and bow his head.

"How can you say that? You have the guts to say it in my presence." King Olive yelled.

"Your majesty. The goddess won't reveal such a pathetic future without any reason. We have to eradicate her before it's too late." The seer said confidently.

"You want to kill the child I suffered to have, you want to make me childless. You want to ruin me completely." Queen Analse said, as tears dropped from her eyes.

"Your highness, you can't do that. It's forbidden for you to cry in front of your subjects. They mustn't see your tears else they will be blind." Lekin said worried, as she saw everyone covering their eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry." Queen Analse said as more tears ran down her cheeks. She can't control her sobbing state.

"No one dares make the Queen cry, Seer. It seems you have forgotten that" Lekin yelled.

"Forgive me, your highness. I was just saying the truth, I don't want to lie about anything. The goddess will strike me dead if I do."

The seer said in a low voice.

"Shut up." King Olive yelled in anger.

"The goddess will not only strike you dead. She will also destroy your corpse, if you say anything bad about my daughter again." He added.

"I'm sorry, your majesty." The seer apologized.

"Do you even know what you are saying? How can you speak against the great princess of this kingdom? It seems you have grown wings to fly." An elder criticized.

"Your majesty, it's true that twins don't have the same future, but this seer can't tell us that our princess is so bad to bring doom to this kingdom. I can't agree with that, it's too rude." Lekin protested.

"It's true, your majesty. Why would I lie about it? The goddess revealed the future to me. And I said exactly what I saw. You can't argue with the prediction of the goddess." The seer defended himself.

"You still have the guts to speak. I will punish you dearly for it." King Olive yelled.

"Sorry your majesty, but it's the truth. The goddess instructs me to bring the princess to her. She has to be killed and only the goddess will do that since she's royalty. We have to obey the goddess." The seer said and bow his head.

"Shut up. My daughter won't go to the goddess." King Olive yelled.

"Servants take this animal and feed him to the fishes. Let them also celebrate with me for my daughters' birth. Tell them it's the gift I sent to welcome my beautiful princesses to this kingdom." He added.

"No, your majesty. Don't make a mistake that will made the goddess despise you. Obey her commands, your majesty. Dior is evil, she will ruin this kingdom." The seer yelled in agony.

"What are you waiting for? Take him away now." King Olive shouted at the servants.

"Yes, your majesty." Two servants chorused and they began to drag the seer.

"No, your majesty. You are making a terrible mistake, this is wrong. She is evil, she will ruin you. She will go beyond this kingdom and cause doom. Obey the goddess, your majesty. She will punish the kingdom for your disobedience." The seer shouted till they are out of sight.

Olive looked at everyone and saw worried faces around. He can't imagine his child bringing doom to him or the kingdom. Could the seer be right? Is the message truly from the goddess? He sigh deeply and relaxed on the throne, thinking of the consequences of disobeying the goddess.

"Let's forget what happened, this celebration can't be ruined like this. We should smile and forget our sorrows." Lekin said and smiled.

But the creatures were silent, they started murmuring among themselves. Everyone was scared of what happened, the seer can't lie with the goddess's name. He will be strike dead immediately by the powerful goddess.

What if the king was wrong? What will happen to them? The king disobeyed without thinking of the consequences. The goddess won't spare him for this.

"You are right, we must continue this celebration in happiness not agony. We have to forget the blabbering of the seer, why will the goddess be harsh to the Queen? I'm sure the seer is lying." A servant agreed with Lekin.

"Yes, my subjects. The goddess can't punish my lady in such a harsh way. In fact, the goddess could have taken the princess herself even before birth but she didn't. That seer will be punished dearly for twisting my daughter's future." King Olive reassured.

"I want everyone to forget the lies of the seer and concentrate on the celebration. We still have to celebrate and welcome my daughters to our kingdom. So, I want you all to eat, drink and celebrate to your satisfaction. Let the maidens dance to their heart content and don't forget to pick your brides. The celebration continues." King Olive added.

The creatures yelled in happiness and different colour of magical crystals filled the air. The maidens started dancing immediately the magic music was playing. King Olive smiled and looked at Queen Analse, who was still worried. He smiled and nod his head, indicating she needs to forget everything. She smiled in return and later laughed because of his facial expressions, he always does that to make her happy.

Puederashi Puederashi

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