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50% Limitless Infinity in MHA / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Capítulo 5: Chapter 5

            Until the end of the school day, classes are pretty much like a normal class except of higher quality and that they are taught by heroes. It makes sense seeing as they are in a school still, but Satoru can't help but be a little bit disappointed. He prefers an action-packed day, but there isn't anything he can do about it unless he wants to get into trouble.

For now, he can question his teacher's fashion choices, question how one teacher got hired at a high school, and chill with his classmates to keep him busy.

Speaking of his classmates, Satoru can comfortably say that he is making a few friends. He easily made friends with the extroverts in the class.

Logically, he first made friends with the classmates that shared one braincell just like him. Satoru has no clue how it happened, but one moment he was at his desk, and the next he was talking to the two of them about which hero is most likely to meme during a fight.

The first of the two, that Satoru is pretty sure started the whole conversation, is Kaminari, a blonde boy with a lightning strike through his hair. The best way to describe him is that if Vine was a person, it would be him. Satoru took note that though the boy may struggle in the classroom, he at least can he can socialize. That's a more important skill than math anyway, so not a big deal for Satoru. That academic issue may have something to do with his quirk that allows him to generate electricity. Satoru considers that pretty useful. Overall, Kaminari seems to be a good ally to have.

The second is a pink girl that he recognizes from the entrance exam due to the seemingly careless use of her quirk. Satoru learns that her name is Ashido, who is pretty similar to Karminari with the social abilities and academic struggles. If Karminari is Vine, Ashido is Tik Tok as she has displayed some wonderful dance moves in the back of the classroom while the three were bored and waiting for the next teacher to arrive. She also showed Satoru that she has more control of her quirk than he thought. He was right about her using acid, but apparently she can control it after release and how corrosive it is.

Overall, Satoru has them to entertain him even though they should focus on their studies. However, he can't blame them. There are others like the red hair rockboy Kirishima and black hair tapeboy Sero, but they are good boys unlike them.

At lunch, Satoru makes more friends.

He is looking for a table to eat at when Uraraka calls him over, "Hey, Gojo! You want to sit with us?" With her would be Midoriya and the Strict Boy.

Satoru grins, "Sure!" He comes over and sits beside Uraraka while Midoriya and Strict Boy take the other side.

The Strict Boy stops eating to introduce himself, "I'm Iida Tenya of the Somei academy! It is a pleasure to meet you!" Wait, didn't he say his name earlier? Satoru thinks he might of said his name before class, but it slipped his mind due to all the drama going on.

Midoriya stutters, "I'm Midoriya! It's nice to meet you."

"I'm Gojo. Nice to meet you two. How are you liking the school so far?"

Surprisingly, Satoru manages to have conversation with everyone including Iida despite his uptight mannerisms. Of course, the boy manages to lecture him a couple of times for what Satoru considers random things anytime he makes a joke, but he is sort of bearable otherwise.

After lunch, it is finally time for what Satoru has been looking forward to: hero lessons.

Mostly everyone sits in their class, vibrating in their seats as they know who is coming to teach them.

"I AM HERE COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" The man of the hour suddenly exclaims as he practically throws himself through the doorway.

Before them stands All Might: the number one hero in Japan and the symbol of peace. He is the reason why the crime rate is so low here compared to other countries. This is only by presence too, showing just how immense his power is.

All Might stands strong and tall before them. His quirk, though never mentioned, is basically super strength. It allows him to demonstrate strength to the point of changing the weather with a single punch. This is shown in his prominent muscles through his hero suit. Despite the man being Japanese, he holds a more United States aesthetic as his suit is red, white, and blue. His blonde hair looks like two bunny ears popping up.

However, the most prominent thing about All Might is his smile. No matter what is happening, whether it is scary to him or not, he always holds a smile that comforts civilians and scares villains. It's quite impressive what a simple smile can do to everyone around him.

Satoru's classmates watch All Might with awe in their eyes as this was their teacher. Of course, there were the calm people like Satoru himself. He can only think about his excited his little sister would be if she was here.

"Today, you will be taking the first step of being heroes!" All Might presses a button on a remote from his pocket, and shelving units pull out of the wall holding suitcases with numbers on them, "Hero costumes! Put these on and meet me at Grounds B! Oh, and the numbers are based on your seat number!" With that, the man zooms out of the classroom.

Everyone grabs their costume quickly and runs to the changing room to try them on. Clearly, everyone is excited, even if they are not showing it.

Satoru is more than happy to get out of his school uniform. They may look nice, but they are not comfortable at all.

While most students went with more extravagant wear for their costumes, Satoru decided to go with an all-black costume. He didn't really care to stand out more than he is already going to. He chose to go with a black jacket, pants, and shoes. Honestly, that's it. He doesn't need anything beyond that at the moment besides his mask, but he wears that all the time anyway. Of course, he did request a back-up just in case, but that was it. He isn't going to waste his time changing one black mask for another.

Satoru is the first to come out, though he does wait for his classmates to come along so that they can all go together. He has a feeling that it's going to be far away anyway.

One by one, the students come out revealing their costumes. The other's costumes are bright and flashy (in more ways than one) as that's what is expected in the hero field. Satoru doesn't know why, thinking about it, but it is a trend. Most of the students are complimenting one another's outfit.

When Kaminari and Ashido group up to talk to him, they certainly have interesting things to say.

"Wow, you don't have much in the creativity department, do you?" Ashido points out as she looks over his outfit.

Satoru scoffs, "Excuse me, but why do I need an extravagant outfit when I have my wonderful personality? Maybe everyone is compensating for the personality they don't have compared to me," He teases by the end.

"OOOOOOOOH!" Kaminari screams.

Iida interrupts him with some classic air chopping, "Please use your inside voice in a building!"

"Yes, sir!" Iida just facepalms.

Once those two settle their mini dispute, Ashido looks back at Satoru with a smirk, "Or maybe we are going beyond what you are willing to provide."

Kaminari whispers, "Ooooooooh."

Satoru puts a hand over his heart and collapses, "You wound me, Ashido."

"You deserve it for your little comment," Ashido rightfully tells him.

Iida rushes to Satoru's side, "Please get off the floor! We have everyone here, so we should be heading to Ground B now!'

Satoru looks up at Iida and pouts, "But it's comfy here."

"But we have class!"

"OY, LEAVE THE BLINDFOLD IDIOT BEHIND! COME ON!" Bakugo suddenly yells as he storms out towards the field.

Now that captures Satoru's attention in the wrong way.

Satoru smoothly jumps on his feet and runs over to Bakugo's side while casually ignoring Iida's complaints, "Aww, you won't miss me?"

"OF COURSE I WON'T! YOU'RE JUST ANOTHER EXTRA IN MY WAY!" At this point, Iida stays right behind them to try and calm them down with no avail.

"Ow, my soul!"


"But Bakugooooo! I'll miss your explosive anger issues if you leave me! You won't miss my charming personality?"

"NO!" Bakugo tries to shove Satoru back with explosions going off only to freeze in place before he hits him, "HUH?! WHAT IS GOING ON, BLINDY?!" Everyone else seemed to be shocked as well, though Satoru has no clue if it is because of his quirk or Bakugo's attack.

Satoru grins, "Oh, that's just part of my quirk! Now can you please drop the firearms? You might want to save it for the field, you know!"

"OH, FUCK OFF!" Bakugo storms ahead once more, but Satoru doesn't follow him this time.

Iida looks at Satoru unamused, "Can you please not provoke your classmates?"

"I was not provoking him! I was trying to have a mere conversation with him! I don't like these accusations, Iida," Satoru responds as he walks side by side with him now.

Iida sighs, but he doesn't say anything else. Behind him, Satoru can hear his classmates chattering (or mumbling in Midoriya's case, though he doesn't know what about) about what just happened, though it doesn't take long for it to switch back to the topic of costumes.

Finally, after a long walk, they arrive to Ground B. It looks pretty similar to the field that they were on for the entrance exam. Once again, they are in a fake city. Satoru wouldn't be surprised if this is one of those grounds, and they just fixed it up. The school seems to have the money for that. When they arrive together, All Might stands in the middle of the road with that signature smile on his face.

"You zygotes look amazing! You have the looks of a hero! Now, you must act like a hero!" All Might exclaims with a laugh as he looks across the students.

As he looks across, Satoru notices how he stops for a moment when he sees Midoriya and nearly laughs. Satoru has to peer over at his classmate to realize why the All Might is close to laughing. Midoriya's costume obviously shows some All Might in it. His suit is a green and black body suit with a hood on top. The hood has what looks like bunny ears, though if you look at All Might, you realize that those are supposed to be All Might's bangs. Then, Midoriya has a silver mask with teeth drawn on them to represent his smile.

Midoriya was not subtle in the slightest about his contribution to All Might. Satoru gives him credit for trying.

Iida interrupts All Might's investigation, "Mister All Might Sensei Sir! This seems to be the same grounds that the entrance exam took place at! Are we going to be fighting robots, sir?!"

All Might shakes his head, "Nope! I'm going to be taking you two steps ahead and starting you with a villain situation!"

Uh, what? Satoru can't help but question his decision. Shouldn't they be trained in fighting or what-not so they know what to do instead of sending them straight in? Satoru would say it out loud, but Iida does it for him.

"Are you sure we should be doing that, sir?!" Iida asks, as he should.

"Of course! Learning takes experience, after all! Now, today-" All Might pulls out flashcards from his pocket, "Villains have placed a bomb inside the building beside me, and it is the heroes' job to either capture the villains or the weapon. The villains' job is to protect the bomb or capture the heroes. Despite what the media may portray, most fights take place indoors! Each team will have two members, having four participating in each round. Teams will be pulled at random. You have fifteen minutes to do your designated jobs. Any questions?"

Satoru doesn't have any as he is questioning why the number one hero needs flashcards to explain a simple exercise. However, that doesn't stop his other classmates from asking their questions all at once, overwhelming the teacher. Some of the questions are relevant, while some just don't make sense, such as "is my cape fabulous?"

All Might raises his hands helplessly, "Everyone please settle down! I don't have a hearing quirk! I can only answer one at a time! Now, if you have a question, can you please raise your hand and I'll call on you to answer it?"

That stops practically everyone in their tracks except one.

Obviously, even before school started, it is going to be Iida, "Isn't there a better way for people to pair, sir?!"

One girl (if Satoru remembers correctly, she was second place during the quirk test) answers for All Might, "We're not always going to be working with people from our agency. It's common for heroes to pair up with other agencies." Satoru agrees with her.

Iida nods, "I see! Sorry for questioning it, sir!"

All Might shakes his head, "Not a problem, young Iida! Now, everyone come and pull a letter from the box! There is two of each letter, and whoever has the same letter as you is your teammate!" All Might says while pulling a box out of nowhere.

One by one, everyone pulls a letter from the box. Eventually, it is Satoru's turn, and he pulls the letter C.

"Hey, who is my matching C?" Satoru calls amongst his classmates.

The girl who answered the question raises her hand, "I am!"

Satoru makes his way over to the girl. Finally having a closer look at her, her black high-ponytail is the first thing to stand out for him. Other than that, there are, well, other parts he could mention, but he is having to keep eye-to-eye contact with her due to her costume. At first glance, he thought she was wearing a shirt and short skirt with an interesting design. However, upon closer inspection, Satoru realizes that she is wearing a bathing suit with two belts that look like a skirt.

Satoru has no idea how to react to that, so he doesn't.

Despite the outfit, the girl introduces herself in a formal manner, "Hello, I am Yaoyorozu. Pleasure to meet you." Satoru appreciates the fact that she isn't as insane as Iida.

"I'm Gojo! Nice to meet you! Want to share our quirks? That way, we can figure out a strategy," Gojo introduces himself before hopping straight into business.

"Yes. My quirk is Creation. It allows me create anything I want with my body fat as long as I know the molecular structure of what I want to create. I also can't create anything living."

Gojo whistles, "That's pretty impressive. Do you have to memorize them or do you have a system where you can look up whatever you need?"

Yaoyorozu pulls a book from behind her, "I know a lot, but if I can't remember, I can look it up in the book."

"That's pretty useful! Your quirk is like mine in a way."

"Really? It doesn't seem like it."

"We both mess with molecules in our own way. My quirk allows me to control space down to the molecular level. You know, like protons, neutrons, electrons, and other stuff like that. By messing with the molecules to make a fault, I can do things like what I did at the test."

"That makes sense…kind of."

"It's complicated, trust me. Let's put it this way: I can create a vacuum, a repulsive force, destroy surroundings, and make it so nothing can hit me."

"Thank you. We would probably be here all day if you explained everything, huh?"

"Well, duh. Oh, and I can see pretty good."

"Is that a joke?"

"Don't assume things just because I am wearing a mask, ma'am."

"Got it!"

By this point, All Might finishes his distribution of letters, "Everyone should be paired up by now! Without further ado, it's time to start!" All Might pulls out two more boxes and pulls out a letter from each one, "Team A versus Team D! Team A is the hero team while Team D are the villains!"

Satoru is quick to find that Midoriya and Uraraka are the hero team while Bakugo and Iida are the villain team. When he figures it out, he prays for the safety of everyone because he knows this is not going to go well.

The villain team gets ten minutes to set up while the hero team comes up with a strategy. Then, it begins.

Let's just say that there were injuries as Satoru had expected. Midoriya ended up getting blasted by a should-be-illegal weapon of Bakugo's and breaking his arm. But somehow, the hero team won. Even if Midoriya is sent to Recovery Girl due to his injuries.

Bakugo was not a happy camper about it.

During the match, Satoru asks All Might, "Uh, should Bakugo have a weapon like that?"

"It's fine, young Gojo!" All Might responds with no consideration to safety.

That was the moment Satoru decided that All Might is not a good teacher. He should have stuck to the hero field, but it's too late for anybody to change that decision now.

Satoru's point was proven as Bakugo's weapon blew out half of the building.

However, that's all in the past! After transferring to a new building after the destruction in the old one, it is time for the next time match: Team B versus Team I! Team B is the hero team while Team I is the villain team!

On Team B is Todoroki and Shoji.

Todoroki is a boy with half red half white hair, a scar over one eye, and a seemingly cold personality. However, half of his body is covered with fake ice. Satoru has no idea what he is trying to accomplish with that costume, but he doesn't say anything out loud. His quirk allows him to produce ice.

It took Satoru a hot second to realize that Todoroki is the family name of the number two hero Endeavor, a man well known for his temper and being a pretty horrible person. This is going to be interesting.

Meanwhile, Shoji has white hair, a blue mask hiding his face, and six buff arms. His quirk allows him to create appendages at the end of each arm, making him not only strong but a good searcher as well.

Team I consists of Ojiro and Hagakure.

Ojiro is a blonde with a tail. Satoru honestly does not have much else to add onto his description.

Satoru can't even describe Hagakure because she is invisible. She has gloves and shoes on, implying she is naked otherwise. Satoru doesn't know how to feel about that either.

Satoru can't describe the match either because it lasts five seconds literally. The Todoroki boy just freezes the whole building, immobilizing them. He doesn't think that is the best method, especially if it was a real-life scene, but it got the job done and that's all that is needed to satisfy All Might.

Once again, Satoru is concerned about All Might's teaching abilities.

Satoru doesn't pay much attention to the next fight, if he may be honest. It just doesn't spark his attention. Besides, he just wants to fight already.

Somebody above must have heard him because his team is next.

"Team G versus Team C! Team G are the heroes while Team C are the villains!"

Peering over at Team G, Satoru is hurt to know that he is going against his friend Kaminari. He didn't want to beat him so early on, but he does as he must. His teammate is Jirou, a girl with purple hair and the quirk Earjacks. Her earlobes have headphone jacks instead of what one would expect. If Satoru may be honest, he doesn't know what her quirk specifically does. It wasn't demonstrated well in the quirk apprehension test earlier. They could be just aesthetic, but he has a feeling there is more to it, especially if she made it into the hero course with it.

Not that he is denying someone without quirk use can't make it. It's just unlikely. That's why he is excluding it from the equation for now.

Satoru and Yaoyorozu enters the building with the fake bomb at hand.

"You're more of a supportive combatant, huh? Of course, you can go anywhere, but I think you would shine there," Satoru questions as he leads the way through the maze of walls.

"I agree with you on that sentiment. Would you like me to act of that position? You're definitely a hand-to-hand fighter," Yaoyorozu asks.

Satoru hums, "Maybe. How much can you make before you are at risk?"

"Depends on the size. The smaller the item, the more I can make. The bigger, the less. Does that give you an idea?"

"I have to experience it to understand probably, but I get what you are saying. So say we are to set the bomb down in a room and intend to leave it, how much can you do to the room to prevent the other team from getting it if they have the chance?"

"Quite a bit, but if you want me to fight, the less I should use."

"Ah, gotcha, gotcha. Are you good with us setting it on the second floor?"

"I do not mind at all."

The two make their way to the second floor in search of the perfect room. It takes a couple of minutes to find it, but they decide on a relatively small room in the middle of the floor. That way, it is in the most stable part of the structure should their enemies try to destroy the building. The middle also prevents them from climbing walls to get to it through a window. The size is decided to prevent Yaoyorozu from overusing her quirk. If they were to go with a larger room, Yaoyorozu would have to use her quirk more. That's not something Satoru wants.

Yaoyorozu starts setting up intricate traps while Satoru thinks aloud.

"With how small this place is, I think it is best for you to stay here just in case something happens. Make sure you have something to protect yourself from Kaminari's quirk. However, I'm not sure he can use it, to be honest. It depends if they split or not," Satoru tells Yaoyorozu.

Yaoyorozu nods, "You're right. Do you want me to make you something if you're going to face them?"

"Can you make me a net shooter gun please?" Yaoyorozu easily makes him one and hands it to him, "Thank you!"

"No problem! Just be careful and tell me what is going on, alright?" Yaoyorozu requests with a smile.

"Of course, no need to worry! I got this!"

"I'm sure you do."

The intercoms go off with All Might's voice,

"The round is officially beginning!"

It's like a flip of the switch. One moment, Satoru is chill. As soon as the announcement is made, he becomes serious. Not overly so like he is about to die, but enough to understand how the exercise is supposed to be taken. He nods to Yaoyorozu as he makes his way to the first floor to find the so-called heroes.

It doesn't take long to find Jirou and Kaminari.

"Jirou, stay back! I can handle him!" Kaminari announces as he rushes at Satoru with no hesitation and sparks flying from him.

Satoru doesn't move, simply letting the boy come his way until he is an inch away. Then, Satoru stops him from getting any closer. Behind Kaminari, he can see Jirou stepping back.

"Huh? Wait, so it works on humans too?! I thought it only worked on quirks!" Kaminari whines.

Satoru decides to take some amusement with the situation as he dramatically says, "I'm sorry it must come this way, my friend, but I am already too far in the dark side. Oh, and Yaoyorozu, both of them are with me."

"Got it!" Yaoyorozu responds over the intercom.

With that said, Satoru lifts his weapon of choice, the net gun Yaoyorozu made him, drops the barrier, and shoots Kaminari. It traps the boy in the net with no issue.

"Oh man!" Kaminari complains as he lies on the floor in his net.

"Kaminari has be restrained!" All Might announcements through the speakers.

Satoru peers past his capture to Jirou to find her thinking.

Then, she runs from him. That's a bad choice on her part.

Satoru rushes after Jirou and easily catches up with only a couple of turns later. When he gets close, he shoots his net gun at her, capturing her the same way he caught her partner. She crashes to the ground and rolls once before stopping.

"Jirou has been restrained! The villain team has won! Please return back to hear your evaluations!"

Satoru ignores All Might in exchange of helping Jirou out of the next, "Sorry about that! I didn't mean to make your landing so rough!" Satoru apologizes with an awkward smile.

"It's not a problem. You did what you had to do. Good game," Jirou mumbles.

"You did good too! Losing just means you have more room to grow!"

"Ha. That's true. Thanks."

"No problem!"

Satoru and Jirou return to Kaminari to find Yaoyorozu there already freeing him. The two quickly help her out, and they are off on their merry way.

When they join their class once more, Jirou and Kaminari deal with all the lectures while Satoru and Yaoyorozu are complimented for their work. Satoru feels bad that the two are getting hit with the faults while they are in the glory, but there isn't much he can do about that. Besides, they have to learn from their mistakes. There's no easier way to put it.

After that, there is one more fight, but Satoru doesn't really pay attention to that one much either. It just wasn't interesting. They do their evaluation of that battle, and then they can finally return home for the day.

Satoru makes his way home fast so he can spend as much time with his little sister before the day is over.

What Satoru doesn't notice is how All Might is looking at him.


After school, All Might knocks on the door to the Principal's office.

"Come in!" A small yet formal voice hollers through the door.

All Might enters the large office and approaches the desk where a small animal in a suit sits with papers scatter all over it. It's hard to tell what he is, with his size, white fur, and facial structures obviously not resembling one single animal, but it works for him. It gives the animal entertainment as people try to figure out what he is.

"Principal Nezu," All Might starts with as he sits in one of the chairs across from the small one, though for being the number one hero, he seems nervous.

The little animal looks up with a constant smile, "Ah, All Might. It's rather peculiar for you to be here. May I ask if there is a problem?"

"Uh, I wouldn't call it a problem now, but it could be later. I came here to talk to you about one of the students." Nezu's ears perk up out of interesting.

"Oh? Do you mean your successor?"

"Well, no. He's good."

"I would not consider it good when your successor has broken a finger and an arm today alone but proceed," While Nezu stills hold his smile, he holds a threatening aura over the man before him, causing him to quiver.

All Might gulps, "It's about young Gojo, sir."

Nezu is well-aware of Gojo. While him being in first place in the entrance could be part of the reason, it's beyond that makes the boy interesting to Nezu. Gojo has a complicated quirk that would take years to master due to how long it would take a normal person to even understand it, let alone perform with it. Yet, Gojo seems to have perfect control of it. He knows what he can do with it. Beyond his quirk, he also is aware of how to strategize unlike most students entering. During the entrance exam, Nezu noticed how Gojo would gather the bots together before crashing them against one another or a wall away from other students. He even switched techniques when he got closers to the others. The whole time, unlike most other students with flashy quirks, Gojo kept damage to a minimum while protecting those around him.

Overall, Gojo showed high intelligence both academically and in fight. Nezu would not be surprised if he comes out as the top student even with All Might's successor there. He expects a lot from him.

"Gojo in class 1-A, correct?" Nezu questions. While he may like Gojo, he must wonder why All Might is bringing him up.

All Might nods, "Yes. I knew the boy was powerful, but I didn't know how until the battle stimulation. You know he can stop something from hitting him as well?"

"It's certainly impressive." When Nezu saw that, he was excited. He didn't even think of that possibility when he was looking over his quirk. Gojo is certainly a smart boy.

"Um, yes, especially with the destructive power he has."

"May I ask why you are bringing this up, All Might?"

"Well, I'm worried if Gojo should become a villain that we would have difficulty taking him down….if we can even take him down."

Nezu hums. He understands what All Might is saying: if, for some off reason, Gojo becomes a villain, it would take a lot of help to take him down. However, he doesn't see how this is an issue. Gojo is in a hero school for a reason. If he wanted to do something villainous, he would have done so already. He's more than capable.

However, Nezu decides to entertain All Might for the time being, "What do you expect me to do, All Might?"

All Might becomes more nervous, "I just want to know how to take him down should the need arise."

Despite Nezu's consistent smile, it shrinks just a little. If Gojo wanted to be a villain, he would have already become one. But he is here at UA to become a hero, and All Might is questioning it?

There's a lot he must teach this man.

Nezu reaches over and sips his tea before responding, "Every student has the capability of being a powerful villain, All Might. While Gojo would be troublesome if he is to become one, I deny that it is going to happen. He is more than capable of becoming one now based on what he does have, but he isn't in a villain hideout now is he, All Might? He is at UA to become a hero just like the rest of the students in his class. I am disappointed in you, All Might. I believe I need you to listen to one of my lessons."

Before the number one hero can stop him, Nezu starts his long-winded lesson to teach All Might how to treat all of his students, no matter how powerful they may be.








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