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2.27% Demons Are Venomous / Chapter 1: Venomous Origins...
Demons Are Venomous Demons Are Venomous original

Demons Are Venomous

Autor: X3nr0x_Starfield

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Venomous Origins...

Chapter 1 - Venomous Origins...

The sky was clear and blue as any sky can be. Birds chirped as they flew around in the air.

One of the birds suddenly went off-course when it "hit" something in the air with quack escaping its mouth.

In normal cases it would be weird for a bird to suddenly hit something in clear blue sky. But the sky was anything but clear. Thanks to advanced retro-reflective panels developed by S.H.I.E.L.D., nothing and no one was able to see the advanced highly advanced aircraft vehicle.

But the personnel onboard knew the aircraft as the Helicarrier.

Inside of the advanced aircraft was thousands of agents sitting by computers, looking at the schematics for the aircraft, making sure nothing is malfunctioning. On another line of computer screens were another line of agents keeping watch over the Helicarrier's four turbine engines.

On a platform that stood at the center of station, it stood a level above the computers. Standing on it was another agent, a brunette female in the standard S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform catsuit. She was watching over the other agents. Agent Maria Hill was a high-ranked agent amongst them all which is why she was given the task to overwatch. With time she had now gotten her current title, Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

She watched over the other agents, keeping her eyes on specific guy for special reasons. Her eyes shifted when she heard something.


The entire station heard a crashing followed by a vicious shaking, almost as if it was a quake happening in the sky.

The agents and Hill herself took hold of the nearest object to keep themselves steady and keep them from falling down to the ground. Some of the other agents were more worried about keeping the aircraft airborne than keeping themselves from falling.

"Damn it, not again." Agent Hill muttered under her breath when she got herself steady again before she heard her name being called.

"Agent Hill!" She turned around seeing her boss walking towards. The sight of the dark-skinned man walking towards her with his long dark trench coat. She should be used to it by now, but seeing the one eye and the eye-patch over the other one still made her shiver.

"Director?" She addressed the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. as she took her formal stance.

"What's with the damn shaking? We didn't bring Doctor Banner onboard did we? Or is this another of Stark's pranks?" he asked

"No sir, it's neither." Hill answered. "It's…. him." She added with a hateful tone.

"Him?" he asked angrily, he knew full that Hill knew who it was but she despised the man. "Now I'm gonna ask you again Agent Hill," he stepped closer to her till they stood face to face. "and this time, I want a better answer than "him"" he said.

Agent Hill gulped at the voice the director used, she knew he hated when she referred to the man in question that way.

"I think she wants to say the raging, psychotic, gigantic, demon-faced, snake-tongued, elemental mutant with an alien parasite inside them."

The agent and director turned and saw the pale-as-ghost skinned blue-eyed young woman of 24, her body covered in her signature black catsuit that highlighted her well-endowed curves, walking in her full height of 5'2, with her long magenta-colored hair flowing down to her lower back area.

She smiled smugly at Agent Hill. "But you know Hilly," the agent narrowing her eyes hatefully at the younger woman, who noticed the eyes at her but ignored them. "you could just call him my brother you know, since he actually is."

Fury chuckled one of his rare chuckles that he only directed at few selects. He really loved how this woman would always push Hill's buttons. "Agent Rogers, think you could give your brother the talk on how to actually use the training room." Fury said before he tilted to the side as another quake came.

Everyone returned to their normal standing before speaking again. "Sorry Dad, not this time. And I told you to call me Olivia or Liv. Calling me agent sounds too much "business"-y, you know." She said with a smile.

The older man rolled his eyes at his "daughter." He turned his eyes to the young woman again and saw her eyes watering a bit. "Besides, some wounds need more time to heal than others. Especially him. He's still grieving." She said with a sad voice.

Fury casted his eyes downwards, trying to mask the sadness on his face. "I'll talk to him later." The director said as brought the younger woman closer into a hug.

Fury knew what her brother, his son, had gone through in the past and now recently. With every that had happened to the young man from a young to now, it's been anything but happy. Calling his life a nightmare would be an understatement. The right word for his life would be….


"Thanks Dad. Means a lot." Olivia Heather Rogers said, Hill still stood silently but she knew of what happened to her brother's bother in the past.

"I'll talk to him." They turned their eyes back to see Matthew Connors Almond walking in from the hallway. His dark-red hair and his green eyes peered to the three agents. He was wearing a standard SHIELD tactical suit for missions. "I'll go and talk to him, anyone else and he might end up ripping them apart…after he have burned them… among other things." He added grimly, remembering the sight of the state of his previous victims.

"Thanks babe." Olivia said as she walked over to him and kissed her boyfriend on the cheek. "You're the best Matt. And you're right, my Big Bro tends to overreact, when people interrupt his sessions."

Matt smiled before turning to walk away. "Only for you Livia." he added before walking down the hallway to find Liv's brother.

Olivia watched her boyfriend walk away before she remembered something.

She turned her eyes to the same man Hill kept her eyes on before. "Oh yeah Hilly, that guy's still playing Galaga, you know." She said, the agent in question switching back to his work quickly but was caught red-handed.


The training room on the Helicarrier was a large dome-like area. SHIELD got the idea for this training room when they saw the training room at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. The training was filled around with blue panels around. The operatives used this area to fight against Life Model Decoys or LMDs for short.

Matt walked into the training dome and immediately ducked down as something came flying towards him. "What the…" he let out when he saw the object was the burned head of an LMD with holes in it.

The SHIELD agent gulped as this confirmed his worries. "Oh boy, this is gonna be a pain." He said grimly.

Matt took small steps inside the room, walking into the training dome he looked around and saw pieces of LMDs on the floor.

Some of the pieces were ripped legs, charcoal-burned heads, frozen arms, slashed chest pieces, entire bodies with smoking coming out of giant holes in their chests, crumbled LMDs all around the floor, some of them were even ridden with multiple wet holes.

The agent turned to the center of the training dome and saw him. His form covered in a hulking black mass. Standing on top of a gigantic pile of destroyed LMDs, all of them destroyed of various reasons. Both sets of his razor-sharp claws were lodged into the skulls of LMDs, one on each hand.


Mat heard a crunching sound causing him to back away. His eyes shifted back to the black giant who turned around to let the agent's green eyes meet his white flame-shaped eyes.

Matt's eyes widened when he saw an LMD head inside of the giant's mouth, its teeth piercing straight through the head. Its mouth opened up, stretching out far beyond any normal measures. The head fell out of his mouth, revealing the dozen dagger-like teeth that were wetted with an oil-like substance from LMD. His giant serpent-tongue licked the oil off while fire sparks went off in his mouth.

The giant squatted down to a seating, placing him down on top of the pile while he kept his eyes on the agent. "What. Do. You. Want?" he asked.

"Well promised your dad and your sister to tell you that you should stop making earthquakes in here, which kinda makes life harder around here. And especially since we're in the air, so we don't end up at bottom of the China Sea, right buddy?" Matt answered. "Now get out of that suit, I want speak to your real ugly-ass face, not your ugly-ass demon face."

The giant cocked his head to the side at the information he was told. The suit around his body began moving, contracting itself. The suit had slithered itself back into its host, revealing the host to be Olivia's elder brother of 26, Seth Daniel Rogers.

He remained sitting on the pile of destroyed LMDs in a SHIELD tactical suit with a long black leather trench coat over it. His brown spiked hair stood proud and his blue eyes looked as cold as ever… almost lifeless.

"Thought training sessions meant no interruption whatsoever?" he asked he jumped down to the floor from his former spot on top of the hill of destruction.

"Normally yes, but when you make earthquakes in a confined space, the quakes tend to spread. Which changes the rules a bit." Matt answered with shrug.

"Told you we should choose our abilities wisely." His "other" pitched in.

"It is a training room, right? Hoped it would be able handle training me." He told both his "other" and Matt.

Matt sighed in response. His eyes went back to the top of the pile, seeing five LMDs standing on top with blades out their arms. The five robots jumped forward, going to stab Seth in the back. Matt widened his eyes and then small orbs of metal came out of his hands and formed two guns.

Seth sighed almost as if he was bored and when he took his next step, he made his move.

Five black tendrils shot out of his clothed back going for the LMDS, their tips turned red for a second before they hardened and flames burst out of them. The flame-headed tendrils shot through the LMDs' heads, their bodies going limb before their heads exploded.

The bodies fell onto the pile, adding more on to the pile. Matt looked surprised by that. "Did you feel them coming?" he asked curiously.

"No, I'm used to them trying to backstab me." He walked to Matt, till they stood side by side. "…Never works for them though." He said coldly.

Matt sweatdropped at the cold tone of his friend. Seth had really changed after what had happened. He was completely different from how he was, like a whole new person… not sure if this one was better.

Seth turned his cold blue eyes turned to the guns in his friend's hands. "You've gotten slower." He walked out of the training room, stopping when he saw his father, Nick Fury standing there looking angry. "Piss."


The two of them went to a separate room, away from the others. it was a room used for interrogation used for enhanced individuals, soundproof and able to take on any powers.

"You're gonna give me the talk here?" Seth gestured to the room. "In an interrogation room of all the rooms in the world. Really dad?"

Nick didn't say anything but took a seat. Seth waited for his adoptive father to say anything, but he just looked towards the other seat on the side of the table.

Seth took the hint with a sigh and took a seat on the other chair.

None of them said anything before Nick took of his eye-patch, letting his glazed eye with the big scar running through it, letting both of his eyes peer into his son's eyes.

"Remember what I always say." The Director asked.

Seth knew what he meant. "One man can accomplish anything once he realizes he is apart of something bigger."

"Exactly. You are apart of something bigger now, son. You, you alien roommate, your sister and Matt. All of you are part something bigger now, and I hope that's something you keep close to your heart and remember from now on." Seth nodded. "And now I want a story."

Seth perked his that. "Which one do you want then? The story of the Little Red Riding Hood? Or perhaps of the Three Little Pigs? I got a ton of them, dad." Seth asked mockingly, his "other" smiled mentally.

Nick didn't react to his son's unserious tone but he wasn't gonna have any of it. "Gotta love the old classics. Maybe another time. But now…" he leaned forward. "I want the story"

"Shit not again." Seth exhaled a long breath before he began. "Cold."




To call life in Hell…. Cold. That seems appropriate

Seth Daniel Rogers was sitting in the corner of a metal cell, the same one he had been since he was kidnapped by the human military he was 15. He was 16 now, or at least that's what he thinks he is now. Time's always been the last thing on his mind, ever since he was brought here… Since he, his baby sister and their friend Matt was kidnapped.

He was barely wearing anything clothes now, while he had a metal bracelet on his left wrist. The bracelet was to keep him from using his abilities. The one thing keeping him from getting out, from saving his sister and his friend… and from ripping every last human in this facility to shreds.

His thoughts went to his baby sister and Matt. His sister was 13 back then, Matt was 14. Both of them are a year older now

Seth was shivering in dread as he recalled why the three of them were captured, why the three of them specifically captured.

Their abilities. Because of their abilities, they were kidnapped. Because the humans wanted weapons of mass destructions.

Back then Seth was only able to absorb an element and generate it too. His one and only element back then was fire. But the humans wanted more of him. They spent days cutting him open to inject drugs directly into his heart, strengthening his bones and his organs.

This was all to for the next phase of his operations. Where they injected elements directly into his heart, that way the elements spread to every single area of his body.

His baby sister Olivia was able to use telekinesis, something she loved to use, to have fun with. Her telepathy was slowly developing, she even showed small signs of teleportation. But when humans witnessed another powerful telekinetic by the name of Jean Grey, they did everything in their power to make their own Jean Grey…using Olivia Rogers and strengthen her mind with various drugs.

Each and every last injected drug, bringing more pain to the suffering 13-year-old.

Their friend Matt had an unusual ability. He was able to generate what looked to be nanites out of his body. He used to create small toys to help cheer Liv up whenever she got sad. But the humans didn't want toys, they wanted him to make weapons. And like Seth, they cut him open. Injecting anything but drugs in his body.

An entire year of never-ending experimentations. On all of them, not a second gone without experimentations, without being in constant pain. A year of torture at every second.

Seth reached down the front of his chest with his hand. Feeling the Y-cut on his chest. He remembered the day dreadfully.

The day he was put on operation table and was injected with a drug, hydrochlorothiazide, a drug that slowed down their heartbeats. Because of his age he would have died from getting such a cut, just so they could inject more elements into his directly into his body. All of them worse than the other.

And it was all hell because he could hear his sister screaming, begging them to stop hurting her while her big brother was going through his own hellish experience. While he was powerless to help her escape this hell.

All because that man wanted mutant weapons, that bastard. As if on cue the cell door opened up, Seth looking up to see the devil himself.

Walking into the cell all high and mighty because of the title he wore. General William Stryker. The man who came to Seth and the rest of them, and told them "We thank you for your cooperation." Speaking as if they had a say in this fucking matter.

He was wearing the same uniform, even showing off the medals he had earned. All of them he had brought shame upon when he started this rogue operation.

Seth remained sitting on the ground as he looked the general in the eyes. Stryker smiled an unusual smile as looked at boy. "Hiya Seth. Beautiful day today."

"Not that I would know now would I, you bastard. Since there's no fucking windows in here." The young boy sneered out. "So, to what do I owe this visit? New torture procedure? Or are we finally gonna talk about the haircut that makes you look like grade A pedophile?"

Stryker chuckled at boy's humor. "Glad see your humor is as lively as ever." He said before squatting down to look at the boy in his eyes. "You see, Seth I got a proposition for you."

"I'm listening." The boy answered immediately.

"You see, me and my team, we found something interesting a while back. Something out of this world. And it likes humans apparently." Stryker added.

"And you want me to be your guinea pig. And the answer is yes." Seth made his choice.

The general was unsurprised by the boy's immediate decision. Seth knew that he would go to his sister if he were to refuse. "Then let's get to it."


Seth was then escorted to giant metal room while he was blindfolded. He was told to stand there for a minute, he heard a door close as he left to stand there. "You can take off the blindfold now, Seth." He heard Stryker announcer over the speakers.

The young boy obliged and looked around to see that he was alone on side of the room there two things. One was a two-way mirror on upper-level of the wall, near the ceiling. He knew Stryker and some of those sadistic scientists were behind it. The other thing he noticed were a metal container.

The container contained a black goo-like substance inside of it, and it looked like it was moving?

"Move closer to the container, Seth." He glared at the two-way, knowing Stryker saw the young boy's glare. "If you're not up for it, then perhaps your sister would be more than cooperative."

The young Rogers boy hated the bracelet on his wrist, the thing keeping him from burning Stryker to ashes. Knowing he had no other choice he stepped towards the metallic container. He looked at the black goo inside, feeling strange when he saw it. Feeling almost as if the goo was looking back at him.

"The container will open in three… two… one." Stryker finished the countdown, as the container opened up.

The black goo lunged at Seth, forcing him to the ground as the young boy's world turned black.


"The hell is this!" Seth shouted as he now found himself standing but in an empty black space. "Where am I? Anyone here?" he asked out loudly.

Nothing happened as he looked around, hoping to get an answer of this. "What do you desire?"

Seth looked around for the voice. "Who said that?!" he asked before he remembered something. "Stryker said you're not from this world. You're that black goo that attacked me, aren't you?" the young boy asked as he pieced everything together. "You're an alien."

"We are a symbiote, a creature from another world, from amongst the stars beyond. We need a host to survive. We are the clone of another symbiote had have taken home on this planet. The humans took us and used us for their own experiments." The "symbiote" explained to the young boy.

"You're like me." Seth said grimly.

"We feel your pain Seth Rogers, your anguish… your hate for the humans."

"You're wrong." Seth felt like the symbiote was curious for some reason. "Just because some humans are bad… worse even, doesn't mean that all humans are horrible sadists. There are even more good people out there in the world."

Neither the symbiote nor the mutant said anything for the moment. "Intriguing. I would like see these humans then."

"You would like them. But one thing you're right about." He glared into the empty black space. "I hate the humans in here, for hell they put me and my sister and our friend through. We didn't deserve this."

"Your sister? She is here too?" The boy nodded. "Do you want you to save her and your friend Matt, Seth?"

"More than anything. These humans wanted soldiers, they wanted weapons of mass destruction. They put us all through hell because of their own selfish reasons. I don't want that for me, not for Matt, and certainly not for my own little sister." Seth sneered out. "I want to kill all of the humans in this facility to die."

"We can help with that." The black space suddenly enclosed itself on Seth.


The metal room was silent, and out of fear of what might have happened to the young boy, Stryker had sent out five soldiers to check on the mutant boy. All of them were armed with tactical gear and automatic fire weapons.

Stryker watched with narrowed eyes, hoping that this experiment would success. "Come on. Come on, Seth." The general muttered under his breath.

The five soldiers in the metal room looked to each other for guidance, but they shrugged with no answer. One soldier stepped forward towards the young unconscious boy, his weapon ready. When he got near the boy he poked him with his weapon and got no response. The soldier did it again and same result.

He turned to the other soldiers. "The mutie is de-"

He was cut off when a clawed black hand pierced through his skull. Seth leaned his head over the pierced soldier. "We hate that word."

His morphed voice sent shivers down the remaining soldiers as they and Stryker and the scientists took in the sight of the horrifying boy. His right arm was covered in black, with razor-sharp claws, blood dripping off them as they pierced the soldier's head. His left leg was pitch black, the ground breaking from the pressure he put into it.

But what frightened the everyone else was the sight of his face. His left eye was pitch black strand that ran over his face, white veins shone over his black covered parts. Seth shifted his eyes to the pierced soldier then to the others. "Here catch." he threw the soldier off his hand at the other soldiers.

The other soldiers jumped out of the way before taking aim at the mutant boy. Their eyes widened in horror when they couldn't find him. "FIND HIM!" Stryker shouted to the soldiers who looked around for their target.

Two soldiers went back-to-back, while their weapons pointed around them. Their tactic didn't work as Seth jumped down to their side, instantly cutting off both soldier's heads with swipe from right hand. The bodies dropped down to the floor, blood spilling out of them.

"SETH STOP THIS AT ONCE!" The General shouted over the speakers. The two remaining soldiers trained their weapons on the mutant.

Seth turned his eyes to mirror up on the wall. "You're next general." Seth sneered out as he sent out two black tendrils from his right hand and grabbed both soldiers by the head. One tendril wrapped around the soldier's neck, while the other tendril speared through the other soldier, right through his heart.

The young mutant brought the last living soldier closer to him, till they saw eye-to-eye. "Sorry gonna need your spine." The soldier was confused by that request. His eyes widened in horror when Seth pierced his stomach and tore the soldier in half.

The general and the scientists watched in horror as Seth threw the lower half away carelessly, before reaching into the back of the upper half. They watched as he carelessly pulled out the blood-smeared spine of the soldier.

Seth twirled the spine around in his hand like it was a sword. "Why did I need this again?" he thought to himself. "Why not show them your training from this last year?"

The young mutant knew what the symbiote meant by its words. He looked at the bracelet on his wrist before taking the spine and smashed the bracelet to pieces. Seth exhaled a breath of relief as he felt the elements rush through his nerves.

He felt the fire sparking between his fingers, the electricity running through him, the cold ice spikes that struck out his back, the wind gathering around him, the ground shaking, even the water gathering at his feet. His eyes went back to the mirror, smiling darkly as he knew the general was watching him.

His eyes widened as he recalled something. "Liv!" "Liv as in your sister?" the symbiote asked. "Yeah she's here. Matt too. Gotta find them and get them out of this hellhole."

"Then let's find them and kill every last one here." The symbiote added before it slithered around the young mutant, letting him take on a new form. "We will bear the same name that of the one before us, but we will use that name to fight and protect innocents. We are Venom."

(Flashback end)


"And that was the story of how I became a killer. And became Venom." Seth told his adoptive father. His "other" smiling mentally at the memory of their bonding.

"You left out the good parts. Like when you got you and your friends out, and were met by a SHIELD rescue party, led by yours truly." The Director gestured to himself.

The young mutant chuckled at that. "Yeah, definitely the best day of my life. Can't believe that you and Professor X are old friends though. Even more that he contacted you immediately of our kidnapping, which is still crazy."

"Well me and Xavier have helped each other back then a lot, so it's no surprise that he went to me before. Plus, we both love playing chess." Fury then pointed Seth. "And best off all, I got two amazing kids out of that rescue, who later on wanted to become SHIELD agents, both of them now giving the Avengers a run for their money."

"Yeah. Can't thank you enough for adopting us right after you found us dad. Meant the world to me and Liv." Seth expressed his feelings.

"Well you guys are the little angels, devils when you need to be, that I've always wanted before. Speaking of your baby sister, she's a little worried about you. You've been training non-stop for a while now, Seth." Fury put his hands up before continuing. "Now I admire any good agent who wants to surpass themselves and become better agents, but I think my own son now, needs to be a better brother to his sister, my daughter."

Seth chuckled at his father's words. "You really love calling us your children." Fury nodded. "I will speak to her, I promise."

The Director was happy with that answer and put eyepatch on before leaving. Seth remained seated as he took in everything that have happened.

Reaching into his back pocket, he produced a photo. On the photo was a little 3-year-old boy with short blonde hair and brown eyes. On each side of the boy was a two young people. On the right side was Seth, smiling warmly at the boy. On the left side was a young woman, not much older than Seth, with blonde hair and smiling her own warm smile to the young boy beside her. Her green eyes shone beautifully on photo.

Seth felt tears threatening to fall from his eyes, but he held them back. He turned the photo over to see the backside. He read the words warmly repeatedly in his mind as he felt his partner soothing him with calming waves.

The light from the lamps illuminated the words on the backside.

Stefanie Panes & Bucky and Seth Rogers, Trip to Hawaii.

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