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86.66% The Bone Hero, Jokara / Chapter 65: Chapter 46: Proven

Capítulo 65: Chapter 46: Proven

(Daily Music: How To Save A Life- The Fray)

Unknown to Jokara, some heroes, as well as classmates from his school were also planning to raid Shie Hassaikai.

Midoriya, Mirio, Kirishima, Nejire, Uraraka and Tsuyu were the students who were going to be part of it.

Nighteye, Rock Lock, Fatgum, Gran Torino, Ryukyu, Eraser Head. Those were just some of the heroes who were part of the raid. There were lots, lots more.

The raid would take place today. There were giving the participants of the raid the necessary time to prepare for it.

When they were all ready, they made their way toward the area where it was agreed they would all meet before commencing the raid.

Similarly, Jokara was about to arrive at the base of Shie Hassaikai.

Today was the day commonly referred to nowadays as "The Day Of The White Chrysanthemum"

(Take a guess why. It makes a lot of sense if you know. If no one gets it within a day or two, I'll tell y'all straight up.)

-Jokara POV-

I had been following the neon footprints of Chisaki. They lead me directly to their base.

I gave no care for stealth, and melted the entrance by covering my hand in fire. Not the whole arm, just the hand. Something interesting about the Quirk, which I had resorted to calling Fire Coat, was that the smaller the area of coverage of the flames, the hotter they were.

For example, if I cover one whole arm, it's still hot enough to give third degree burns.

Just ask the test criminals.

However, if I limited it to, say, my palm, it could easily melt through a good few metals. For example, steel and iron, the materials the entrance in front of me was made of.

Going through the now molten slag, I spotted my first few victims.

Two people who I assumed were meant to be guards. They had just noticed me right now.

I dashed towards the first one. I jumped towards him and kicked him in the ribs.

I could hear a crack, and he was sent flying, slamming into the wall on the left of the long corridor we were currently in. When he impacted with the wall, his body burst from the force, covering the floor around him in shattered bones, crushed organs and blood.

The second one didn't get to react to his partner's death before Ryujin sprung out from my sleeves and biting his head.

The power of the jaws and the sharpness of the teeth made for a devastating combination. The teeth pierced deep into his skin, cutting into muscle and flesh. The sheer power of the jaws crushed the head and pulverized the bone into dust. Combined, the guard's head squashed and burst like confetti, painting the floor with blood and viscera.

With the two fodder quickly having been taken care of, me and Ryujin continued into the base.

-With the Shie Hassaikai raiding party-

Everyone that was a part of the raid had all arrived. Students and Pro Heroes alike.

Izuku Midoriya, Mirio Togata, Ochaco Uraraka, Tsuyu Asui, Nejire Hado, Ejiro Kirishima, Tamaki Amajiki. The students.

Nighteye. Rock Lock. Ryukyu. Gran Torino. Fatgum. Eraser Head. Just some of the heroes present at the raid, ready to fight.

Those with support gear and/or other gadgets were making sure all of their equipment was ready for use and at top condition.

Those without gear as well as those with it who had already confirmed it's functionality being at top condition were all mentally preparing for the attack.

Thinking of strategies for scenarios that were likely to happen, how to get out of said scenario, how to support each other to the best of their abilities to ensure that casualties are lessened, preferably for there to be none at all.

Plans were being revised one last time, to completely ensure that everyone was fully aware of what their roles were, what they would have to do, when they would have to do it, how they do so, etcetera. Room for error was nearly non-existent. Shie Hassaikai was an extremely powerful villain group, especially if it warranted a gathering of heroes, in learning and professional, this large just to have a likely chance of winning. Even then, they knew that problems could happen that could make their chances much lower, so they were thoroughly revising it one last time so that it was fresh in everyone's minds.

When all was done, the raid began.

Heroes ran at full charge towards the residence of the yakuza group. Loud, thundering footsteps resounded around the area, most definitely loud enough to alert even a very inattentive and regular person.

So why was no one coming out of the building to defend it? They absolutely heard it, and it wouldn't be smart to wait for the heroes to breach the inside of the building, and it was known that the Shie Hassaikai knew their tactics, so this couldn't be chalked up to lack of knowledge on their part.

Something had to have happened to them.

As the storm of heroes approached the building, not being called attention to by any watchers, they all swiftly began thinking on that. That something must have happened.

Lo and behold, something had happened.

The first heroes to make their way into the building saw a large corridor extending very far ahead. Occasionally, there would be a space with a door for another room, but the spacing for the doors were inconsistent.

But that wasn't what drew their attention instantly.

It was the two dead bodies of Shie Hassaikai members near the entrance.

The first body was located near a wall.

His corpse looked it had been blown up from inside with small explosives. Organs scattered the floor around him atop dried rivers of blood. Brain matter was splayed around his dead body like decorations of the reaper.

The second body's head was but a mere suggestion.

Pieces of skin encompassed the floor like grass of a garden. Two eyes once belonging to a breathing person lay on the cold floor. Teeth were randomly scattered around the body. Once again, brain matter adorned the ground like sawdust from the aftermath of a woodwork project. But the strangest of details was that there were no bones. At least, no intact ones. There was a white dust around the body, which was quickly identified by the viewers of the site as bone dust from what used to be the bones in his body being completely pulverized to dust.

Obviously, the second death was caused by something with incredible power in cutting and crushing, that much was obvious, but it was good information to have, since it actually narrowed down quite a bit. For one, it definitely meant that it wasn't the work of a commonly known weapon, since, discounting guns, which definitely wasn't the cause for the death of the second person, there were only two choices: Sharp weapon or blunt one. There were some weapons that tried to have both over the course of history, but pretty much all of them were failures and no remotely smart person would think to use them.

Stomaching the horrid sight, they continued on. As they continued on, they found more atrocities that disgusted even the most hardened heroes present.

Bodies that were completely skinned. Bodies that looked like they had died internally from what was most likely either a poison or a venom, judging by the two bite marks such bodies had on different areas of the body. Bodies hung from the ceiling by their own guts. The horrific viscera came in all sorts of horrifying and twisted forms.

The worst one was a body that had been cut into and used as artwork. Cuts were painted across the body to paint the image of a specific flower. Some heroes with either knowledge in plants or the general knowledge recognized it as a tansy.

Many were confused on why it was such a specific choice of flower. Until a hero with a plant quirk who knew a lot about them said why.

Every flower had some sort of symbolism. Some sort of message. There were many, many different ones. Ones for love, hate, betrayal, innocence, etcetera. But the tansy had a very, very specific message. One specific thing that it was meant to say to the one gifted it.

"I declare war on you."

-Jokara POV-

And that's the 20th victim. He was a good test for how effective an Acid bone is from the inside.

Continuing the path of slaughter, I made my way further into the base, constantly using the scanning quirk to find more things of interest, be they enemies or things of similar importance.

I once again used it to scan the area, and it picked up something different from the fodder that I was going through easily. The white haired girl that Chisaki was dragging last I saw him. She was being watched by another piece of trash. The two of them were located in the room to my right,.

I manifested a bone bullet with the property of Lightning, giving it even more piercing power, and shot it at the outline of his head through the wall shown to me upon using the scan quirk.

The bastard's head was pierced through the back of the head with the bone bullet, giving him a considerably large hole in his head. He died instantly.

I opened the door to the room. The girl looked terrified at the body, crying at the sight of it. Obviously tears borne from fear of what happened in front of her.

I would save her, but I'm not going to change my methods to do it. She was just unlucky to get someone with my methods of taking care of scum.

"Leave. You are free to go. You won't be pursued by anyone.", I simply told her. I know it's not soothing or comforting to say to someone who is scared, but I'm a good killer, not a therapist.

She was too fearful to move, She just stumbled away from me, knowing I was the one who did what killed the person who was watching her. I know it's not because she has some sort of emotional connection with him, but just because of her exposure to death. Well, at least, that's apparently what it's like for these city dwellers to see it for the first time. In the tribe, most people see it plenty of times even before their first birthday, so it's not shocking to any of us at all.

I'm not going to give her some motivating speech to get her to flee. She can do it if she wants to, I have to kill all the scum here to make sure it doesn't happen again or to anyone else in the first place.

I left her to make her own choice, and to continue on my escapade.

Using the scanning quirk once again, I got back to my slaughter. At some point, I detected two people who I was informed weren't part of Shie Hassaikai.

Wait a minute.

They were a part of the attack on my home when the villains raided it?!

Looks like I found two priorities.

-3rd POV-

Toga and Twice were making their way around the base of the Shie Hassaikai as their part of Shigaraki's plan. Things were going rather smoothly.

Until now.

Out of seemingly nowhere, Twice was charged by a fast force, and was slammed into a wall with a sharp and crushing force attacking the sides of his chest, digging into him.

It was Ryujin, his teeth clamped on both sides of Twice's chest. He was only still alive because Jokara told him that he wanted to make the two of them suffer.

Toga didn't even get to react to the unseen attack on her companion before getting her head slammed into the ground by another fast force that seemingly came out of nowhere. The force was incredibly strong, and she couldn't even begin to try and get herself out of whatever held it's grip on her before it made sure she wouldn't be able to do anything at all.

A claw-like finger cut into her arms, seemingly in random spots, but this wasn't the case. It was cutting very specific areas.

Her tendons.

With her tendons in her arms cut, she couldn't move them at all, and she was completely paralyzed in terms of her arms. But the force that held her wasn't content with just this, so it did the same with her legs.

Now, she was completely incapable of defending herself.

With her defensive capability completely taken away, her attacker revealed himself.

Small boy. Grey hair. Dark grey skin. Black sclera. Yellow irises. Sharp teeth. Six large bones protruding out of his back. A long, bone-spiked tail. Two dark black curved like markings under his eyes — one under each eye and two as elongated eyebrows — one above each eye.

(Image here)

"You most likely don't know me. But I certainly know who you are. And there's nothing I want more than to give you what you deserve. And I have the opportunity, right here in front of me. So I'm going to take full advantage of it. You'll die in confusion and fear, with the sight of your companion in suffering.", Jokara taunted.

Hearing Jokara's subtle command at the end of his taunt, Ryujin began putting more pressure on Twice's ribs, digging his teeth further and further into the villain's flesh, crushing bones and cutting flesh.

Toga desperately tried to move to help out her companion. But no matter how much she tried to make something happen, it was all for nought. She was no better than a statue at this point.

Just like the boy taunted, she was confused, terrified and devastated at watching what her companion was being put through.

However, it suddenly clicked to her.

Before the raid on the forest, every villain in the raid was given a list of UA students that they might find in the forest. One of them was a boy who looked almost exactly like the boy attacking her, but with a terrifying transformation. She knew it was him, though. It couldn't be anyone else. And what he said about wanting nothing more than her to suffer would make sense with that, since she was part of the raid. She just didn't know how he knew she and Twice were a part of it if neither of them even met him during the raid. But that was the least of her concerns right now.

"A-aren't you supposed to be a hero?! T-this is stuff that would make you villainous, even by actual villain standards!", she yelled in confusion.

The boy grabbed her by the neck, lifting her off the ground.

"You share the thoughts of the foolish. All of you throw around titles, labels, frames to classify people into one group. But you all are too simple minded to comprehend that not everything is so black and white. If a man has to resort to crime to save his loved ones, he's still referred to as a villain, a title that will ruin any chance at a good life he might have had beforehand. Even if a hero ends up causing death, injury and destruction, it's seen as fine because of their title.", he started.

He started squeezing on her neck, choking her.

"Hero society is just a cesspit of lies, hypocrisy and bias where people label other's worth with such arbitrary titles. And the masses of sheep follow their labelling as complete truth, not bothering to look beyond what they are called by authority. Two titles control whether anyone gets to live a good life, or be hunted to the ends of the earth by assholes looking for public recognition.", he continued.

Toga began turning blue, losing air as well as life.

"I will kill that era using my most powerful tool: Fear. I will be the boogeyman to heroes and villains alike, constantly in their mind, making them think several times over the smallest of actions, paranoid about when I will find them. When they'll face repercussions.", he went on.

"Starting with you."

And with that, it was over for her. Her body went completely limp, her body failed with the lack of oxygen, and she went to the eternal abyss.

Toga was dead.

Shortly after, Twice had suffered the same fate of meeting the abyss. His broken ribs had ended up piercing some of his organs, killing him.

With two of the participants of the raid on his home dead, he returned to what he came to do.

-With the heroes-

The heroes had been finding nothing but more and more gore. Every time they advanced a few steps, new bodies would be found to be killed in extremely brutal ways.

But it all came to a head when they reached one of the deeper parts. There were still bodies strewn about, but the biggest uncovering happened when they reached a large, open area of the base.

There, were the clawed and torn bodies of the top members of Shie Hassaikai. such as Chronostasis.

But there was also the perpetrator. Holding onto the dead body of the leader of the Yakuza group. The leader, Chisaki, was later found after autopsy to have had Botulinum Toxin in his body before his death. This meant that he wasn't able to move at all, and that it was an easy kill. The perpetrator got a sneak attack on him to do this. And he was right in front of them.

The boy who killed All For One on live television across all of Japan. The boy who won the year's Sports Festival easily.

Jokara Kowai.

Amidst the shock, he had left at max speed. He wasn't going to waste time fighting them, when he could just leave during their pause.

(Sorry if this feels like a cop-out, it's literally two in the morning as I'm writing this, I started 3 hours ago, I need to sleep. I'm not going to write another 900 words on that part when I could just save it for later chapters when I'm not so tired. Besides, this is gonna be one of the longest chapters anyways.)

And so marked the Day Of The White Chrysanthemum.

And the new Symbol Of Fear.

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