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88.46% Possessor in Naruto / Chapter 69: Chapter-68: Apprehension and Combat!

Capítulo 69: Chapter-68: Apprehension and Combat!

As Shuji entered UA, he was stared at because he came in a limousine but he didn't spare any attention to those side characters.

He walked to the class along with Shoto.

He entered the class and sat in the seat which was at the center of the class.

Shoto sat on the seat next to Shuji, on his right.

Others were also slowly coming in the class and it filled up in a while.

It was a little surprising to see everyone including Shuji.

He talked to nearly everyone so as to collect more information about their quirks and their character.

It was a big influence in the fights and their future steps, in case he needs to know.

He was writing a little diary on everyone's character as well trying to guess their fighting style as he cocked his legs on the desk. He wanted to be sure, just in case some characters show abnormality.





(Shuji POV)

I thought I'd be replacing someone in the UA but turns out I didn't.

Everyone is there and with myself as an addition.

There were 21 seats, instead of 20.

"Please put your feet down from the desk!" A wild Iida appeared out of nowhere.

"Why though?" I asked.

I was writing and didn't want him to interrupt my thinking process.

"Blah blah blah blah...Blah." Iida said as he explained.





"Yeah, I am done. What were you saying again?" I asked him.

"How rude! Didn't you listen to me?" Iida said as he eyed me.

"Yeah I didn't. By the way, I am Shuji Todoroki. Homeschooled." I said as I talked to him.

"I am Tenya Iida. Somei Private academy." He said with robotic hand gestures.

"Hmmm...Nice. Maybe you should help to that green head that's standing awkwardly at the door who is getting jumped by that blonde over there." I said as I pointed out to the door as where Izuku was getting jumped by Bakugo.

Tenya Iida immediately saw it and went ahead, trying to separate them and try to talk to Izuku while I completed the little list.

According to this, only real threat would be Momo and Mezo.

They will be quite annoying as Momo has creation quirk which grants her strength proportional to her knowledge and modern weapons are no joke and Mezo has really high physical strength and extra sensory organs, making him a perfect ninja in case he tries but I guess he won't possess any danger in future, if he doesn't make any significant breakthrough in his techniques or quirks.

Midoriya and others are not as dangerous as these as their abilities can be easily countered after some thinking.

"It's kind of sudden, but put this on and get out onto the field." Aizawa said as he showed us the uniform.

A small robot came in and distributed the uniforms and told us the way to locker room.

I went in the locker room and started changing my clothes.

As I removed my shirt, everyone suddenly started looking at me...?

"What are those scars from?" Kirishima asked me.

"Combat training." I replied.

The current body I had many scars as my fights with Endeavor were getting more and more heated.

We both were improving at a rapid pace and he was using more flashfire fist skills against me.

Some cuts, nicks, flesh wounds and scars were normally all over my body but they were slowly disappearing so it didn't look disgusting, I'd say.

"So manly!" Kirishima said.

Others were sort of interested as well but I quickly put on the uniform and went out.

After we entered the field, Aizawa explained us that the details about the Quirk apprehension test and we started off with Bakugo.

"Die..!" He screamed as the ball blasted into the air.

"Know your own maximum first. This is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero." He said as he showed us the result.

The result was around 705.2 metres.

After that, a little gossip started and Mina said how fun it is.

"'It's fun', huh? You have three years to become a hero. Will you have that attitude like that the whole time? All right. Whoever comes last in the test will be expunged out from UA hero course. Welcome to UA, where we are free judge students regardless of their circumstances." Aizawa said with a sadistic grin.

After that everyone started complaining but Aizawa began the tests regardless. He didn't have enough fucks to give.

"First test- 50 metre dash."

"Ready. Set. Go!"

I immediately started by using my ice side to create a path for me as I used the fire side to accelerate myself.

"3.76 metres!"

"Second test- Grip strength!"

I grabbed the grip test thing and pressed it as hard as I could without holding back. I could do more just in case but I decided against it. It was obviously not worth doing it right now and finishing my advantage.

"201 kg!"

"Third test- Standing long jump!"

I used both Ice and Fire side simultaneously to accelerate myself as I flew in the air. I could easily fly in the air because I didn't need to cool down naturally like Endeavor.

"Out of sandbox."

"Fourth test- Repeated side jumps!"

I just gave my best here. This wasn't my forte. I mainly relied on my insane battle experience to dodge and fight, so this isn't really useful.

"128 jumps in a minute."

"Fifth test- Ball throw!"

I first froze the ball, then I added a lot of fire to accelerate it as I threw it.

"1406 metres!"

"Test over!"

I had first position along with Momo.

She could directly use all the machinery to do work for her, so I'd say I won in terms of pure physical prowess and quirk capability.

My quirk was rather simple and spontaneous but hers required a lot of thinking in order to activate, putting me a notch above her.

Izuku also garnered some attention from everyone as he broke his fingers in order to somehow put up a last resistance but he still failed.

He was on 20th position, the lowest.

"By the way, I was lying about the expulsion. It was a rational decision to draw out the upper limit of your quirks." Aizawa said as he gave a sh*teating grin.

Suddenly, I felt a jolt as if someone was watching me and turned around but I couldn't spot anyone.

It must be all might or other teachers watching the results of the class.

I didn't mind the stare as I went into the class and attended the rest of regular classes.

I score relatively high because of using Rinnegan while I was studying.

It grants you amazing vision, photographic memory with pattern recognition and hence, I can remember and understand nearly anything within a glance, to the point I'd have no problems replicating it in real life.

In simpler words, I was scoring nearly 100s effortlessly.

In the evening, we had a combat class which was organized by all might.

It was the class I was waiting for.

I can draw out proper limits of the quirks everyone has and prepare good measures against them.

I dropped my shirt in my bag and directly headed to the combat field as I denied the usage of costume and support tools.

They were for weaklings who couldn't control their powers properly and needed external help. I would use them only if I wanted to feel fancy and HeRoIc.

I had boots made up of light weight metal with high heat resistance.

I wore a belt with some medic equipment because I wanted to be a HeRo and shots of pain relief right now.

I instantly used my ice side to made light armor, the one from Warring states era which grants some protection and focuses on mobility. I used it mainly because it looked cool and could grant immense protection in case I rapidly reinforced it with ice while fighting.

"Are ya ready, You zygotes? Plus Ultra!" All might said with enthusiasm as he started explaining us the rules.

The teams were divided in two types. some had 2 members and others had 3.

Teams were as follows:

Team A- Shuji and Mineta.

Team-B- Momo, and Jiro.

Team-C- Shoto and Aoyama.

Team-D- Bakugo, Sero and Sato.

Team-E- Denki and Iida.

Team-F- Tsuyu, Midoriya and Uraraka.

Team-H- Mezo and Mina.

Team-I- Ojiro, Toru and Kirishima.

Team-J-Tokoyami and Koji.

It was randomized.

But before the fights could happen, I went to All might and discussed something.

First battle was team A vs Team F.

Team A was responsible for being heroes and F were supposed to protect the bomb.

"Mineta. What is your quirk?" I asked.

I didn't remember powers of such side characters so I needed something to work with.

"It's pop off. I can create sticky balls from my hair which are incredibly adhesive. However, if I pluck out too many, my scalp bleeds." He said.

"My quirk is Fire and Ice. I can create fire from one side and Ice from the other." I said.

"Our plan will be quite simple. I think that according to the situation Midoriya and Asui will be coming to fight us while Ochako protects the bomb. Ochako will be useless in such space so we can directly ignore her. Midoriya and Asui may be a bit troublesome but if we work together, we can trap Asui while you go and capture the bomb by yourself. Your goal is to keep Asui away while I take care of Midoriya. Understood?" I asked him.

"Yes sir!" He said as he saluted me.

"I'll start off by freezing the building." I said as I touched the building and froze it, trapping everyone inside.

"Then why'd you discuss a strategy?!" He said as he jumped up and threw a tantrum.

He thinks we won if I just freeze, eh?

"Problem still isn't completely-" I said as I heard heard Ice breaking sound coming from the top floor.

"-dealt with. Midoriya has super strength but after some uses, he will be useless. The strat remains the same. Head in and go crazy. I know you have it in you." I said as I ran inside while I dragged him inside.

As I rushed inside and saw that Asui and Midoriya were doing a pincer attack against us.

"I choose you Mineta! Go!" I said as I threw him on the roof.


He adjusted his trajectory as he crazily threw the purple balls towards her and trapped her in one place and landed on the other side of the room, without any injuries or troubles whatsoever.

He was shaking the entire time but he could be counted on when it matters.

Asui tried avoiding and even tried to take in Mineta with her so she doesn't end up dragging the team down but Mineta's purple balls were too spread out and she had no room to even move or she would've been trapped.

As a desperate attempt, she released her tongue towards him and tried capturing him but it also failed because Mineta pointed his head towards her tongue's edge, making her tongue stick in his hair as he released those purple balls and made the situation even worse for her.

I was facing Midoriya currently.

He was incredibly amateur in everything. His only good point was that he had super strength that could blow someone apart in a moment.

I rushed towards him as I compressed some flames.

"Snap of Helios."

Instantly, a small flame wall built up and headed towards him, which countered by using One for All using his finger as he flicked it, dispersing it altogether.

But that was just smokescreen.

I immediately rushed through the flames as I sent a roundhouse kick towards him while I made an ice hammer.

He blocked the kick successfully but was his other side was totally open because of that.

I instantly flung the hammer to him, which broke on impact, creating a big mark on his face. He almost fainted from that but somehow managed to resist it. Perhaps he used One for all to reinforce himself?

"You are so predictable, even simplest moves can be used to take you out." I said as I retreated as I created some ice senbons and threw it towards him.

These Ice senbons had some of Ice side's power inside it and hence, if they touched the opponent, the body part that was touched will be frozen.

Midoriya was panicking a lot as he evaded some of the senbons and some got through, piercing him and hindering his movement while I closed the distance between us.

"Weak. Do not waste my time and stay down." I said as went ahead to knock him out but suddenly, I felt danger creeping up my spine.

I trusted my intuition and headed in with a hammer and struck him with it as I reinforced my armor and prepared my fire side to use the next attack. I was prepared for a one for all strike which I thought to be on par with Prominence burn, Endeavor's signature move.

The reinforcement I did to the ice was crazy enough to resist Endeavor without any troubles.

Instantly, he directed a punch towards me which he redirected to the room.

"Ochako! Now!" He screamed as a few giant pillars of stone were headed towards me.

"Useless." I said as I instantly raged my flames to the maximum to obscure their vision as I used ice side to create a resistance to the giant pillar Ochako swung at me as I retreated.

The tower broke down against my ice as I flew towards Ochako and froze her.

After I took care of her, I retreated and froze Midoriya as well, who used his two fingers on left hand as well as the left hand getting heavily injured in the process.

He tried to resist by using his remaining fingers to somehow prevent himself from being frozen but I just regenerated ice, covering his entire body after a few attempts. His desperate attempts were useless.

"Team A wins! Mineta captured the bomb!" I heard the announcement being made.

Mineta gave me a thumbs up as I gave him a thumbs up as well. I unfroze both of them and Asui was also freed by Mineta as we came down and went to All might.

"That was a splendid battle, Team A! Holy shit!" All might said as he flexed.

"If you consider recklessness as splendid, then yes it was rather amazing." I said.

"Now! Who was the MVP in this little battle? Anyone?" All might asked the group and Momo started off by explaining.

"I think the MVP should be Mineta. His role was the most essential to the mission as he was the one responsible for capturing the bomb. Shuji's skills were impressive but he was focused on battle rather than neutralizing the opponent. MIdoriya and Ochako on the other hand were really reckless while we didn't get to see Tsuyu in action because she was restricted early on." Momo said as she gave a little breakdown.

"You are completely-" All might was about to say but I interrupted him.

"Well, you are half-right, half-wrong. First, you need to include this plan was made on the fly. Secondly, there is no better way than this possible." I said as I corrected Momo.

"You could've flown over the building and directly captured the bomb or frozen the entire building yet again, though." Momo said.

"Flying isn't always a good choice. In this case, Ochako could've thrown projectiles at me as she undid the gravity to engage me while Mineta would be isolated and hence, neutralized by Asui and Midoriya. It'd be a loss. Midoriya also could've been upstairs and jumped at me to punch me and take me down so it'd be way easier to deal with Mineta, another loss for us. I could've frozen the entire building a few times but it would've been useless as well. The villains have someone with super strength who could breakthrough my ice. Midoriya could've broken the ice repeatedly and come at me while the group just wasted more time to win and detonate the bomb." I said.

"It doesn't explain why you didn't rush past them if you were so skillful compared to them." Momo shot back.

"Well, Midoriya's super strength has 4 shots and with one, he could easily destroy the building as we can see here. Do you really think we would've survived? He could've collapsed the entrance, nearly killing both of us. Another loss. Moreover, Ochako and Asui would've created a trap like putting heavy stuff over the entrance and dropped it while Asui distracted us. An unwanted fatality would've occurred." I said.

"Then Mineta would've fallen for it." She said.

"Nope. It wouldn't have happened as Asui was trapped by Mineta and his small stature and quirk allows him to quickly escape and avoid any of the gravity related traps Ochako would've made, if he is careful. In a one vs one, he might've lost but I cannot baby him and get him a free victory. Sometimes, you need to trust others' abilities. If he was neutralized in that situation as well, then he wouldn't have past the academy and become a pro hero." I said.

"I see." Momo said as she started thinking.

"I believe there is no better way than that. Others would've probably resulted in bomb detonation or a fatality that could've been avoided. In a realistic situation, your ideas would be even more reckless as some survivor might be in there, trapped in the building or a hostage must've been there in order to ward off the heroes to make sure bomb detonates. Some insane villains would even go as far as committing suicidal moves to take heroes with them, just like Midoriya did. This is also one of the reasons I didn't repeatedly freeze the building or flew up there." I said.

"All in all, it was total domination. The perfect victory."

"I was wrong then..." Momo said as she admitted and backed out.

All might was looking a bit baffled as well as everyone.

Wasn't it a simple battle analysis, though?

"Ahem! Anyway! Let's continue the battle! Next is team..." All might said as I started noting the battles.

I was mainly analyzing everyone's strengths and weaknesses but they weren't anything special. Only Momo, Shoto and Bakugo had some threat. Otherwise, everyone was...mediocre.

It was an okay day.






(A/N: Another chapter.

Opinion and questions here.

Gimme powerstones and sweet reviews.

ignore any dumb errors, it was around 3k words and it's festive season for me rn.

Thanks for reading!)

xX_Overlord_N_Xx xX_Overlord_N_Xx

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