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31.81% Douluo Dalu: Serpent's Legacy / Chapter 11: Ch.11: Academy Events

Capítulo 11: Ch.11: Academy Events

Sorry for the confusion caused, but this is the chapter that was supposed to be posted before Ch12.


At this moment, Ma Jun unleashed his martial soul. Two yellow spirit rings beneath his feet shimmered, and a fiery war horse, enveloped in flames, materialized behind him. Flames even spewed from its nostrils as he let out a fierce roar aimed at Li Shaojie. Ma Jun's hair became flames and his feet are covered in flames. He declared with fiery determination, "Meng Shu, level 23 Power Attack System, martial soul: Fire War Horse."

Li Shaojie, facing this imposing sight, clenched his teeth and replied, "Li Shaojie, level 19 Agility Attack System, martial soul: Moonlight Lone Wolf." First soul technique: Moonlight Claw!" His hands transformed into wolf-like claws, gleaming with a cold light, as he struck towards Ma Jun.

Ma Jun couldn't help but sneer inwardly, thinking, "Causing trouble with such weak strength. This kid is way too arrogant. It doesn't matter; this is a chance for me to showcase my abilities in front of boss Dugu." However, Li Shaojie's expression turned increasingly grim, and his martial soul fully possessed his body. His wolf-like features grew more pronounced as he unleashed his first soul technique, Moonlight Claw. The claws glinted with a sinister light as they closed in on Ma Jun.

Ma Jun smiled secretly and thought, 'Hahaha, I've got him now.' In a flash, his own martial soul took over, flames roaring beneath his feet. His eyes blazed red as he whispered, "First Soul Technique: Agni Fire Seal!" Flames erupted from his left foot as he delivered a fiery kick toward Li Shaojie. In an instant, the wolf claws clashed with the fiery hoof, triggering an explosion of soul power. Ma Jun's flaming aura pushed Li Shaojie into the air. Seizing the opportunity, Ma Jun's soul power surged again, charging towards Li Shaojie like a warhorse on a rampage. A trickle of blood escaped from the corner of Li Shaojie's mouth, and a burn mark marred his hand as he desperately tried to dodge. Despite Ma Jun's slower speed, Li Shaojie had sustained numerous injuries and was gradually losing his composure. Observing the intense fight in the field, Dugu Xin silently analyzed, 'Ma Jun possesses a potent martial soul attack enhanced by the element of fire, providing bursts of speed when necessary. In contrast, Li Shaojie, although weaker in raw strength, has a significant advantage in speed, despite the four-level difference between them. Ma Jun's attacks, while fierce, lack flexibility.'

Ma Jun maintained a smirk as he thought, 'He's quick, but I need to end this swiftly.' Ma Jun continued his analysis while engaging in combat, and suddenly his soul power erupted as he shouted, "Second Spirit Skill: Fire Body!" Deep-red scales covered his body like armor. Claws sprouted from his hands, and his size increased dramatically. And he sent a kick towards him. Li Shaojie, seeing this, panicked internally, realizing, "This isn't good. Ma Jun's attacking power has increased significantly."

Ma Jun's powerful kick landed squarely on Li Shaojie's chest, sending him tumbling through the air before crashing hard onto the ground. Li Shaojie attempted to rise, but his strength waned, causing him to fall once more. His 2 followers with Forest Wolves as their martial soul quickly appeared next to him to try and defend him.

Yao Chen's soul power surged, and his body transformed as a Black Lined Ghost Leopard manifested, complete with razor-sharp claws. Two yellow soul rings gleamed beneath his feet as he sneered, "First Soul Technique: Hell Decapitation!" His fingers merged into a blade, effectively doubling his speed. He swiftly dealt with the two individuals without causing them severe harm. 'Yao Chen's 1st spirit skill in stronger than expected. But I guess it isn't that surprising when considering the fact that he would become one of the elders of Spirit Hall, and a Titled Douluo.' Though Dugu Xin as he saw Yao Chen's prowess.

Yao Chen led Ma Jun back to Dugu Xin and proudly reported, "We've taken care of it, Boss Dugu."

Meanwhile, Chao Tianxiang clasped her fist in respect towards Dugu Xin and the others, saying, "I won't forget your kindness. We may cross paths again." Then she turned around ready to leave.

Yao Chen chimed in swiftly, "Hold on a moment, miss. You have the qualifications to join our group, considering your level of cultivation. It would be wise to join the Viper Gang."

Chao Tianxiang remained cautious and replied coldly, "I lack the necessary funds, and I have no desire to engage in activities that harm others. My sole aim is to cultivate." Ma Jun quickly added, "We're not that kind of organization. We band together for mutual support, and we don't charge membership fees. Besides, joining us will prevent incidents like this from disrupting your cultivation."

Dugu Xin also spoke earnestly, "The sect I intend to establish will prioritize equality. Nobles and powerful families won't hold more sway than common individuals. Everyone must rely on their strength to prove their worth and assist each other in acquiring suitable soul rings. Join us, Chao Tianxiang."

Chao Tianxiang sneered once more, "It won't be that simple," and turned to leave, leaving Dugu Xin and his group believing their recruitment efforts had failed. Yet, Chao Tianxiang's voice echoed back casually, "Since you helped me today, Chao Tianxiang is not one to forget kindness. I'll consider it."

Dugu Xin's eyes lit up with excitement when he heard that. "If the Dragon Snake couple joins me, not only will they bring the martial soul fusion technique Dragon and Snake Combined Attack that has combat power comparable to Title Douluo, safeguarding our sect, but with my guidance, they're bound to reach the level of Titled Douluo, and the strength of their soul fusion may even reach the level of a Limit Douluo."

During this year at the Hollow Beast Academy, Dugu Xin delved deeper into understanding the power dynamics of the Douluo Continent.

The Star Luo Empire, for instance, was led by the formidable level 95 White Tiger Douluo, Dai Tianxing, his brother, the level 93 Battle Tiger Douluo Dai Lin, and Dai Tianxing's wife, the level 91 Hell Civet Douluo Zhu Zhuyin. The other lower four sects in the empire were also headed by powerful individuals. These included the Fire Leopard Sect, ruled by the Level 91 Fire Leopard Douluo Meng Yan, the Wind Sword Sect, governed by the Level 92 Wind Sword Douluo Feng Qi, and the Elephant Armored Clan, led by the Level 79 Huyan Zhe, which was the weakest among them.

In contrast, the Heaven Dou Empire was under the leadership of the level 95 Ice Swan Douluo, Xue Qingyun, alongside the level 91 Light Sword Douluo Luo Qingyun, and the level 91 Light Swan Douluo Xueqing. The upper echelons of the empire were further supported by the Clear Sky Clan, represented by the Level 97 Clear Sky Douluo Tang Chen, the Level 94 Earth Hammer Tang Jie, and the Level 91 Warhammer Douluo Tang Jun. The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan was led by the Level 94 Lightning Dragon Douluo Yu Yuanzhen and the Level 85 Mad Dragon Douluo Yu Luomian. Lastly, there was the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect, where the sect master, Ning Yuanzhi, might not be a titled Douluo, but he was the world's first assistant with a level 79 Soul Saint. He had two guardian Douluos under him, namely the level 93 White Feather Douluo, Fu Lan Ke, and the level 97 Sword Douluo Chen Hao, who happened to be Chen Xin's father.

Heaven Dou Empire's overall strength surpassed that of Star Luo. However, it had not been annexed due to the intervention of a formidable force - the Martial Soul Hall. Led by the level 97 Angel Douluo Qian Daoliu, the Martial Soul Hall also boasted the level 91 Seraph Douluo Qian Xunji, the level 95 Golden Crocodile Douluo Jin Yang, the level 92 Green Luan Douluo Gao Xiang, the level 93 Lion Douluo Rudi, the level 91 Ghost Douluo Gui Mei, and the level 91 Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan.

In addition to these major forces, there were various other factions, including large and small families and hidden organizations. Like his Dugu Family, with his father, Dugu Bo now being a level 89, and is preparing to break through to Titled Douluo, and the 4 sub divisionary clans of the Clear Sky Clan: Breaking Clan, Defense Clan, Speed Clan and Strength Clan

While all this information was generally well-known, except the one about his father, Dugu Xin had little contact with this knowledge during his training under Dugu Bo, focusing primarily on pharmacology, soul beast types, and cultivation. As a result, he felt ill-prepared for this year. Dugu Xin knew of some of these Douluo but was completely unaware of others. Generally, the lifespan of a Titled Douluo was around 200 years. Considering the significant changes that had occurred on the continent, such as the shift in power from Heaven Dou Empire to Star Luo Empire, which caused the death of so many Titled Douluos leaving the Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire so weakened, Dugu Xin couldn't help but shudder when he contemplated the events that had unfolded.


The relationships between Dugu Xin, Ma Jun, Yao Chen, Meng Shu, and Chao Tianxiang had deepened significantly over the past year. Chao Tianxiang had even joined them due to the efforts of Ma Jun and Yao Chen, although Meng Shu had not yet joined. The Viper Gang now comprised 30 soul masters, with most of them being first-ring soul masters, but there were also ten spirit grandmasters among them, filling Dugu Xin with hope for the future.

One day, while Meng Shu was practicing as usual, a sudden eruption of soul power enveloped his body. The Dragon Staff transformed into an armored dragon, emitting a resounding roar as Meng Shu shouted, "Break!" His soul power surged to its limit, and he successfully broke through to level 30. His soul power remained stable, indicating the depth of Meng Shu's foundation. The following day, Meng Shu sought out Dugu Xin. Dugu Xin's soul power had reached level 40, and he was preparing to search for his fourth spirit ring. Meng Shu gazed at Dugu Xin and thought, "Dugu Xin's talent surpasses mine. If I can't defeat him this time, I might not get another chance in the future."

Dugu Xin smiled at Meng Shu and asked, "Brother Meng, would you like to join us?" Meng Shu grinned and replied, "You just wait until I win the battle." Ma Jun and Yao Chen joined in, saying, "Exactly, Brother Meng, we're all on your side."

Meng Shu continued with a smile, "Once Dugu Xin wins, we can talk about it, or maybe he'll join me." The group engaged in friendly banter for a while. Meng Shu eventually brought up the main topic, "Actually, I've reached level 30 now. I could find a teacher to help me hunt for a soul ring, but their strength isn't up to par."

Dugu Xin nodded in understanding, realizing the practicality of Meng Shu's request. "It would be quite trivial to trouble the dean for something like this. I'm ready to join you. Hunting a thousand-year-level soul beast shouldn't be a problem as long as we coordinate properly."

However, Dugu Xin suggested, "I'll stay out of the actual hunt. I can assist by tracking the spirit beast, but you and the others should handle the fight. My intervention would make it too easy."

Meng Shu readily agreed. He understood that if Dugu Xin joined the fight, it would end too quickly, and they would miss out on a valuable opportunity to gain combat experience. "Very well," he said, "We'll meet at the school gate in two days. And don't forget to invite Chao Tianxiang."

Dugu Xin and the others nodded. After Meng Shu left, Dugu Xin turned to Ma Jun and Yao Chen, asking, "Do you know of any auxiliary soul masters we could invite?" Ma Jun and Yao Chen appeared somewhat embarrassed as they replied, "Boss, auxiliary soul masters are quite sought after. Many talented ones have already been recruited by other teams. Finding one might be challenging."

Dugu Xin encouraged them, "Give it a try. As long as they've reached the level of Spirit Master, it's good enough. If you can't find one, it's alright."

With determination, Ma Jun and Yao Chen said together, "We'll do our best to find one, Boss Dugu." Then they left to start their search. Meanwhile, Dugu Xin prepared to approach Chao Tianxiang about the upcoming mission. She had gained quite a reputation at the Exotic Beast Academy within just a year.

Two days later, Ma Jun and Yao Chen managed to recruit a sweet-looking auxiliary female soul master named Li Jingying, who had the martial soul War Flag. Her first soul skill, Flag of Freedom, could recover allies' physical strength and health in a 50-meter radius. Ma Jun and Yao Chen proudly announced their achievement, claiming they had worked tirelessly to secure her. Dugu Xin congratulated them, saying, "I know you've put in a lot of effort. We'll celebrate with a good meal when we return."

With the team assembled, they made their preparations and set off towards the Star Dou Great Forest. After several days and nights of traveling, Dugu Xin and his party finally arrived at the border city of Suotuo City. Dugu Xin didn't rely on his family's special token but instead purchased a Spirit Rank Token for everyone and casually registered their information. Setting off towards the Star Dou Great Forest, Dugu Xin took precautions. He sprinkled medicinal powder on everyone while they were still on the forest's outskirts. This caused everyone to cough, and Dugu Xin couldn't help but chuckle at their reaction.

Seeing the resentful expressions on their faces, he quickly explained, "These medicinal powders might be a bit irritating, but they can confuse the sense of smell of soul beasts. Remember, everyone is still relatively weak at this point. Even on the forest's outskirts, we might encounter 10.000-year spirit beasts."

The group's initial resentment gradually faded as they understood the necessity of Dugu Xin's actions. Over the past two days, they had experienced unforgettable encounters, with hundred-year-old soul beasts posing little threat. The group's initial resentment gradually faded as they understood the necessity of Dugu Xin's actions. Over the past two days, they had experienced unforgettable encounters, with 100-year-old soul beasts posing little threat. However, a 5.000-year-old Vicious Scale Poisonous Lizard nearly discovered them if it weren't for Dugu Xin's medicinal powder. Another close call came when they encountered a 3.000-year-old Berserk Demon Ape. Dugu Xin had to step in again, this time to block the attack and teach them the importance of teamwork. However, a 2.500-year-old Shadow Soul Golden Tiger arrived and ambushed the Berserk Demon Ape.

Dugu Xin analyzed the situation "Yao Chen, this one's yours. The Shadow Soul Golden Tiger is about 4,000 years old and should be a good match for you." Yao Chen nodded excitedly. However, he couldn't help but inquire, "How do you know It'll win?"

Dugu Xin pointed out the obvious, "Look at the Berserk Demon Ape. It's battered and panting, while the Shadow Soul Golden Tiger seems relatively unharmed." Soon the Shadow Soul Golden Tiger killed the Berserk Demon Ape.

With newfound determination, Yao Chen prepared to face the Shadow Soul Golden Tiger. The rest of the team gathered around, summoning their martial souls. Li Jingying activated her first spirit ring, using "Flag of Freedom" to passively recover her allies' physical strength and health within a 50-meter radius. Meng Shu transformed his dragon staff into a silver, snake-like dragon, its scales sharp as knives. It stood at an imposing four meters long and launched an attack on the Shadow Soul Golden Tiger to distract it.

The Shadow Soul Golden Tiger, now alerted, faced Meng Shu's serpent dragon. Meanwhile, Yao Chen activated his second spirit ring, "Shadow Vajra Enhancement," which increased his physical strength, attack, and defense by 100%. His muscles compressed, and the surrounding smoke turned from gray to blackish-blue. A king-like symbol appeared on his forehead. Ma Jun also used his second spirit ring, "Fire Body," which covered his body in blazing hot, deep-red scales, effectively forming an armor. Together, Yao Chen and Ma Jun attacked the Shadow Soul Golden Tiger from behind. The tiger sensed their presence and dodged their attacks. In the midst of the battle, Meng Shu summoned his dragon staff back and joined the fray. He used his first spirit ring ability, "Dragon Strike," causing the staff to produce a roar that disrupted the opponent's mind and increased its destructive power by 50% for ten minutes. As the intense battle raged on, Chao Tianxiang contributed to the team's effort, launching attacks alongside Meng Shu.

After two exhausting hours, everyone was panting heavily. However, the Shadow Soul Golden Tiger remained standing, its fierce demeanor unwavering. Sensing the danger, Dugu Xin released his soul power, poisoning the spirit beast and causing it to collapse. Dugu Xin turned to Yao Chen, instructing him to recover his soul power before dealing the final blow and absorbing the spirit ring. Yao Chen spent an hour recuperating before finally finishing the task. The rest of the team eagerly inquired about Yao Chen's third spirit skill. Yao Chen nodded and released his martial soul, which exhibited three soul rings—two yellow and one purple. As he activated his third spirit ring, he attacked a nearby tree with his claws. Immediately, nine shadow clones appeared, all striking the same spot.

With enthusiasm, Yao Chen explained, "My third spirit skill is called 'Shadow Connected Clones.' It creates nine clones, each possessing 90% of my original power. Once my opponent is hit by my main body, they won't be able to avoid the attacks from the clones." 

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