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84.61% The Guild of Gamers: The Supervillain / Chapter 22: Master of Puppets

Capítulo 22: Master of Puppets

— Rose Wilson (Ravager) —

Rose wasn't sure about all this. She knew Thinkers, and while Oracle thought she'd figured out Midas's game, Rose didn't buy it.

Midas had access to countless villains, including her father, and she wasn't sure they could count on him being so easily outmanoeuvred.

But she also wasn't going to let the ABB force a bunch of new girls into their brothels, even if she was pretty sure Midas just wanted to get rid of the competition.

With the Merchants gone, the ABB and the Golden Syndicate had the monopoly on prostitution, and if they interrupted the ABB's sex trade then Midas could take over entirely.

But Midas's brothels were full of happy and willing girls, getting paid well and treated better, according to Black Canary's report, while the ABB's brothels were full of kidnapped sex slaves, or girls whose families fell into debt.

Sure, Midas was using them, but she wasn't going to complain about a chance to strike a blow to the ABB's sex trade.

Waiting in position, she smiled slightly as she heard Oracle warn them about the trucks carrying the girls into ABB territory. The new girl, Starfire had blown up their main brothel when she triggered (with massive casualties, both ABB and civilian). The ABB had needed to resort to getting girls from outside Brockton to replace their whores.

She didn't want to think about how they'd gathered so many, but Oracle suspected Lung had paid another gang to procure girls for him.

Seeing the two trucks heading down the road they were watching, she nodded towards Cass and Black Canary. This would be easier with Huntress, but she was probably riding a massive golden cock right now and had bigger things to worry about.

Heh, at least judging from the video of Midas dicking down Black Canary, big was definitely the right word for it.

They couldn't risk doing anything too dangerous to the trucks, not with the girls still inside them, but stopping a truck wasn't even a challenge for her after all the training she had gone through with her father. Leaping down from her hiding place, she easily landed on the hood of the first truck, giving the Asian man in the driver's seat a cocky grin as she plunged her sword through the windscreen, kicking the glass in as she reached in and grabbed the man. Her grin widened as she spotted an ABB tattoo on his neck, and she pulled him out and tossed him off to the side as the truck started to slow. She jumped in through the broken windscreen, kicking the man in the passenger seat in the head before he could even react, as she seated herself on the driver's seat and slammed the brakes.

Opening the driver's door, she jumped out and smirked, seeing Cass do the same to the second truck, giving the younger girl a nod.

She was almost certain Cass had very similar training to her, which was definitely something she needed to talk to her about.

Things were going pretty well, especially as she got in the back of her truck and opened it up, seeing dozens of bound women staring back at her in fear (and some with growing hope), ranging from middle-aged to girls who probably hadn't even hit puberty yet. Not a single ABB thug in sight, but it wasn't that surprising. Having a bunch of armed men following you meant you had something you needed to protect after all, so security through obscurity was a common tactic.

Things were going so well she wasn't even remotely surprised when everything went to shit.

Her well-honed danger senses screamed at her to move as she barely dodged the large and extremely nasty looking knife thrusting towards her neck, turning to face the all-too-familiar red demon mask.

Slicing at Oni Lee with her sword, she could only thank her lucky stars that he apparently understood the fact that his gang needed the girls in the truck because she knew Oni Lee's usual tactic would be to just blow her up as he teleported again, even as she plunged her sword into his chest, watching him turn to ash.

Apparently the ABB hadn't entirely relied on obscurity as a few cars filled with ABB thugs arrived, they were probably taking a different path that would keep them close to the trucks.

Of course, before they could get out of the cars Black Canary unleashed a Cry and sent one of the cars flying back down the road, even as Cass rushed towards the others, which left her to fight Lee.

Well, she'd never been one to back down from a challenge.

— Dinah Lance (Black Canary) —

The ABB had numbers, but they were mostly untrained thugs who relied on brute force to win their fights, and as she threw another one over her shoulder she turned towards where Ravager was fighting Oni Lee, and actually holding her own.

It was easy to forget she was Deathstroke's apprentice when she was being laid back and snarky, but watching Ravager decapitate one of Lee's clones reminded her real fast.

As Oni Lee reappeared once more, she let out a Cry and sent the suicide bomber flying, hopefully actually hitting the real one as Ravager immediately pounced onto him, slashing at the belt holding his grenades and tossing it away.

Lee immediately teleported again, but they knew about his power and as he reappeared he was missing his grenade belt, she could almost feel his glare beneath the mask.

She didn't think Oni Lee would risk blowing up the girls, but he was also borderline insane at best.

As Cass proved that a hero with League of Assassins training was more than a match for a bunch of untrained thugs, she smirked.

Now they just had to take down Oni Lee, no pressure, right?

Rising, Lee paused as he tilted his head for a moment, before turning to ash again as he vanished, leaving the three of them looking around in caution.

Oni Lee didn't just run away.

Spotting something out of the corner of her eye, she dodged out of the way as a fireball flew past her, smashing into the building behind her as she froze as she watched a shirtless man in an ornate steel mask walk towards her, anger in his eyes.

"Burn," Lung said with an uncharacteristically calm tone, and as she was so focused on the incredible threat in front of her, she failed to hear the footsteps behind her.

Feeling a sharp pain in her side, she turned in shock, seeing a floating knife covered in her blood.

"I'm sorry," a quiet feminine voice whispered, even as the knife slashed at her again, making her stumble back in pain.

She'd heard that the ABB had an invisible Cape but they'd never confirmed it beyond rumours. At least they can confirm it now, she just wished the evidence was less painful.

Turning back to see Lung, already rapidly growing as he charged towards Ravager and Cassandra, she clutched her bleeding side and let out a Cry, striking the dragon and sending him flying into one of the surrounding buildings that she could only pray was empty, fires already starting to spread as Lung roared in anger.

As Lung, already a foot taller, pried himself out of the wreckage, she silently admitted they'd bitten off more than they could chew.

In the back of her mind, she wondered if this was all a part of Midas's scheme, to get rid of them before they could get in his way.

"Gunna kill 'ou," Lung growled, his transforming mouth warping his words as he created a ball of fire in each hand, glaring at them, scales already starting to form on his body.

Clutching her side, she spotted the knife on the floor, abandoned by the invisible cape who was probably still lurking around here somewhere.

Three of them against Lee seemed winnable, but against Lung, when she was injured? That certainly didn't seem so possible.

As Lung tossed one of the fireballs at her, she winced as she tried to dodge, her wound hindering her movement.

Watching the ground in front of her rise to form a barricade, black energy radiating off it, her eyes widened as she looked around, none of them could do that.

Spotting a figure floating above them, cloaked in a deep purple cape she frowned in confusion, not recognising the newcomer.

"Oracle sent me, get the girls and get out of here. You'll just get in my way," the girl said, her tone completely flat as her arms rose, black energy coating her grey hands.

"Listen to Raven, extract the girls so they aren't caught in the crossfire, plus you need to get that wound bandaged," Oracle ordered in her ear, even as Dinah heard the worry she was trying to suppress.

She didn't blame the younger girl, after all…

Why the hell was Lung protecting the shipment himself?

Looking back at the other Birds, they nodded as Ravager jumped into the first truck and started it up; they needed to get the girls away from Lung asap.

Glancing back at the hooded figure, the grey-skinned girl nodded to her briefly before she went back to fighting Lung, wrapping him in black energy and flinging him down the road, away from them.

It didn't feel good, but she knew her limits and Lung was so far beyond them it wasn't even funny.

— Barabara Gordon (Oracle) —

She'd anticipated the risk of Oni Lee or any of the ABB's newer capes trying to protect the shipment, but none of her plans counted on Lung himself showing up.

The Dragon of Brockton Bay had been laying low lately, and he didn't usually play protection for his shipments, especially not something as replaceable as girls, horrible as that sentence was. Poor people were a resource of which America had entirely too many, after all. He could replace these, it'd just take time and money.

Did Midas predict this? That was the problem she was faced with, she was a combat thinker going against a possible pre-cog, she'd always be at the disadvantage.

She needed Raven to buy the others time to get away, but it might be too much to ask Raven to fight Lung alone, even just for a while.

She needed to get Wonder Woman to assist, which meant risking letting Midas's men accomplish whatever it was they were trying to achieve.

She'd recruited the help of New Wave to assist Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl, but she didn't want to take any chances against Midas, not when he had the League of Villains under his control.

Changing her camera to see if Midas's men had shown up yet, her eyes widened as she saw the fighting ongoing.

She was right about someone trying to take advantage of the chaos they'd cause to make a move on the ABB territory, but why in Scion's name was the Empire 88 getting involved?

Watching Wonder Woman fight Kaiser himself as Glory Girl and a Wonder Girl battled Fenja and Menja, she realised she'd been severely outplayed.

She could also see Cricket, Rune, Alabaster and Stormtiger in the mix, fighting ten various members of New Wave.

To make things worse, Oni Lee had somehow gotten there already, with Red Kitsune and Dabi following behind as they attacked both the heroes and villains intruding on their territory.

If the Empire had shown up there, where the hell was Midas and his men?

Quickly checking every traffic cam around his territory, she frowned as she found nothing. Not so much as a single unmarked van, Midas and the Golden Syndicate didn't seem to be doing anything.

"Oracle, Lung is getting too big for me to handle," Raven reported, her tone still entirely calm as she fought the dragon, who was growing at an alarming rate. "At least not without some serious collateral damage."

"Can you get away?" Barbara asked immediately, Raven paused briefly.

The general strategy to deal with Lung was to either blitz him before he could grow too much, or run when he had. It was too late to take him down now, he'd grown too much, so she needed to get out of there.

"Yes, but he'd go after the others," Raven said finally as she winced, that was right. They'd had to drive deeper into Lung's territory, and they hadn't managed to escape yet. "I'll keep him busy, but I'm going to need help soon."

"Understood. Everyone else is already fighting but I'll get Wonder Woman to—" Barbara started before the camera Raven was wearing caught a flash of green, and the now easily ten-foot-tall Lung was blasted off his feet by several bolts of emerald light.

— Rachel Roth (Raven) —

If she'd known repaying her favour to Oracle would require fighting Lung, she might have been less willing to help out.

Not because she was worried for herself, she hadn't even been touched yet as she dodged another wave of flames, a black energy barrier around her protecting her from the fires radiating off the dragon, but because of the sheer collateral damage.

Lung wasn't even trying to not destroy the surroundings at this point, uncaring that it was his own territory he was burning to the ground. She tried not to think about how many people were inside the burning buildings, she didn't have time to think about that when she had to dodge the enraged dragon's attacks, hopefully everyone had already fled the area when the fighting started.

The occasional scream or cry for help shot that hope down, but as she threw more black bolts at him, a small voice in the back of her head pointed out that Lung, even ramped up like this, was far weaker than her father, and she couldn't even take him down.

She was keeping him at bay, but her blasts were barely even scratching his scales anymore, and anything stronger he healed from in seconds at most.

So when the green bolts of energy sent him flying, blasting some of his scales off, her eyes widened slightly in surprise, glancing at where they were coming from.

Spotting the frowning girl with orange skin and glowing green eyes, she momentarily made eye contact with the other girl, making her smile briefly.

"Hello, friend! We have come to assist!" the girl in the short purple skirt and top said cheerfully, making her blink.

"We?" Raven asked, looking around as she spotted a masculine figure in a black and white outfit approaching, the white hood of his coat pulled up over a black skin-tight face mask, a purple emblem with a white eye in the middle of it on his forehead.

As the man gestured for her to come to him, she paused for a moment before she flew down to him. She was pretty sure they weren't sent here by Oracle, but she wasn't in a position to turn her nose up at reinforcements.

"We don't have much time, every second wasted let's Lung get stronger. I'm Prophet, and I have a plan to stop Lung," the stranger said, making her pause before she nodded.

"Fine, what do you need me to do?" Raven asked, she'd vaguely heard of Prophet but she didn't think he was the type of cape to take to the field himself.

"I can stop his growth, and hopefully even make him shrink, but I need to get close enough to touch him," Prophet claimed, making her nod.

"I can hold him in place, for a moment at least." Raven agreed, turning back to where the Orange skinned girl was flying around Lung, seemingly untouched by the flames even as they licked her body, her outfit catching fire.

"A moment is all I need," Prophet said, and she could hear the smirk in his tone as he turned to the fight himself. "But I'm not made for combat, I can withstand the flames but Lung could swat me like a fly. I'll need you and Starfire for that,"

"I'll get you that opening," Raven said. She didn't know if he could do what he said he could, but he was supposed to be some major thinker/trump and no thinker would willingly come this close to a raging Lung without a plan.

She was willing to trust him, simply because his plan put him in far more danger than it did anyone else.

Flying back to Lung, she watched as he swung at Starfire, missing thanks to her speed as she literally flew circles around him.

Calling on her telekinesis, she grabbed the rubble of the surrounding buildings and pulled, sending them all flying at Lung as Starfire flew up and away, Prophet following behind at a more human pace.

He had to have some kind of Brute power, he wouldn't survive the heat Lung was currently putting off otherwise, but he didn't seem to be particularly fast and from his words, he wasn't supernaturally tough either.

If she messed up, he'd probably die. Anyone else might have panicked from that, but she'd long since learnt to control her emotions.

As Lung burst out of the rubble, flames blasting in every direction, she decided to go a little further and simply pulled an entire building on top of him, using her telekinesis to push it down on him even harder as he roared, sending rubble flying.

She was just making him angry, not hurting him and barely inconveniencing him, but as he turned to her, she smiled ever so slightly under her hood.

Because he wasn't paying attention to Prophet, waiting in the wings and as she nodded to Prophet, he started to move forwards.

Starfire flew back down, surprising her as Starfire decided to fly directly into Lung, with enough speed and force to send even the giant tumbling forwards as she landed on his back and stopped using her energy bolts and just started to pummel Lung until his tail lashed out and sent her flying backwards.

Rising with a roar of rage, Lung turned to Starfire even as she stopped herself in midair, but this was their chance.

She wouldn't be able to hold him for long, but she didn't need to, and as her telekinesis briefly froze him in place, Prophet charged forwards and placed his hand on the frozen Lung's chest.

Her control on the rampaging dragon didn't last long, and as he burst free he swung at the cloaked man, Raven's eyes widening as a clawed hand lashed out at Prophet sending him flying back with a scream of pain, the front of his outfit torn open as he smashed into one of the ruined, burning buildings, unmoving as she and Starfire froze.

"Gunna uckin kill ouu!" Lung roared, his face distorted as she paused, tilting her head at him.

Was he… shrinking?

Lung froze as well, looking down at himself in confusion and unless she was imagining it, fear.

Starfire flew past him, heading to the unmoving Prophet as she watched Lung look at himself in fear, alternating between looking at himself and Prophet.

"Prophet!" another new voice screamed, drawing both their attention towards the newcomer as she rocketed towards Lung, a white and gold meteor smashing into the dragon with zero regard for her own safety as Lung was sent flying, Glory Girl's rage obvious as she flew after him, smashing her fists into Lung's scaled body.

"Vicky, calm down!" Brandish shouted, two swords of light in each hand.

— Carol Dallon (Brandish) —

If she ever needed more proof of Vicky's relationship with the mysterious Prophet, seeing her daughter go berserk at the sight of the injured Thinker/Trump would be it.

Her shout made Vicky pull back slightly as Lung glared at them, rising to his feet as he looked over the approaching heroes.

Wonder Woman already had her sword drawn and ready but as Lung looked at them all, she paused.

There were plenty of combatants around, Lung should be growing.

He wasn't.

And he knew it.

For the first time in years, she looked at Lung and saw fear, and just as she was about to rush him, eager to take down one of the biggest threats in Brockton Bay, a purple mist appeared behind Lung making her pause.

The same mist had helped Dabi and the Red Kitsune get away from them after the Empire Capes had retreated into their territory, and with a roar of anger, Lung jumped back into it and vanished.

Despite the biggest threats getting away tonight, seeing Lung run away made a cheer run through the assorted heroes, as Vicky rushed over to Prophet, Starfire helping him to his feet.

She could see some civilians starting to show up, displaying the lack of common sense and self-preservation that was so prevalent in Brockton, which meant she had another problem to deal with as Vicky hugged Prophet tightly, before she lifted the bottom of his skintight black face mask and kissed him.


"Friend Glory Girl, I believe Friend Prophet needs to breathe!" Starfire helpfully added as Vicky finally broke the kiss, making Prophet chuckle.

"I'm fine, Vicky, really. Look," Prophet said, gesturing to his torso, his black bodysuit torn enough to reveal his unblemished skin. "I'm not as strong as you, but I can take a hit or two," Prophet said calmly, Vicky visibly calming down as Prophet stroked her hair.

Hmm, at least he seemed to be able to handle her mood swings, that was a minor mercy onto this shitshow.

Vicky dating an older cape would probably be a complete PR nightmare. Maybe Prophet could think of a way to help fix it, since it was half his fault.

"What were you even doing here? I thought you didn't do fieldwork," Vicky said, making him chuckle before wincing.

"I think we all want to know that," Lady Photon added, giving Prophet a worried look. Sarah seemed genuinely worried for Prophet's safety, and while she knew that Sarah had met with him for that photoshoot, there was something more there.

"Hmm, I think he knocked something out of place," Prophet muttered, rubbing his chest. "I normally don't, but this was a special situation. I only found out about this while it was already ongoing, and didn't have time to make a proper plan or get reinforcements," Prophet admitted, shrugging. "Luckily, Starfire was open to hitting the ABB even with such short notice and very little intel so I didn't have to come alone,"

"Why would you put yourself in danger in the first place?" Vicky asked angrily as he chuckled fondly, placing a light kiss on her forehead. "Damnit, where the hell is Amy?"

"My most optimistic prediction suggested Lung's rampage would have a fatality count in the high four digits numbers, so sitting in my office watching the city burn wasn't a viable option," Prophet deadpanned. "And don't worry, I don't need healing. The advantage to being me is that I'm smart enough to know exactly what is wrong with my body," Prophet chuckled.

"The PRT is on their way, they'll have questions," Sarah said, making Prophet laugh darkly.

"So do I, starting with 'why do they always show up after the fighting is over?' I'm heading home, if they don't like it they have my number. I'm sure I'll find time in my busy schedule for them, I think I have a slot sometime next month," Prophet said as he gave Vicky one final kiss. "I'll call you tomorrow, but right now I have work to do, there's going to be consequences from this shitshow and I need to prepare. Plus, I really need a nap," Prophet said calmly as he started to walk away.

"Friend Prophet, I will fly you to your place of planning!" Starfire said, not waiting for an answer as she flew over him and easily lifted the larger man.

"Hey, wait for me!" Vicky shouted, immediately flying after them, ignoring the shouts from her family.

"I don't suppose you're going to stick around?" Laserdream asked, turning to the still silent grey-skinned girl. "You're kinda the only one who fought Lung that hasn't left…"

Instead of answering, the caped girl simply flew up into the air herself, setting off in a different direction.

Well, the PRT was going to love this, but none of the heroes here worked for them so they'd just have to deal with it.

But this did prove one thing: she needed to fix the situation with Amy, because she wasn't even answering her phone and suddenly fights had taken a more dangerous edge without their healer.

The saying 'You don't know what you have until it's gone' had never felt more potent.

— Kenta (Lung) —

He'd heard that Prophet could alter powers just like Midas could, he'd even talked with Kurogiri about the possibility of kidnapping him and making him upgrade all the ABB capes but they decided to put it off. Prophet had too much attention and the other gangs wouldn't sit around and wait for them to break him.

If he can upgrade powers, he can downgrade them. That seemed so painfully obvious in hindsight, and he could swear he could feel his power laughing at him.

He'd been so focused on the two heavy hitters that he'd barely given the Thinker a second thought, even knowing how dangerous Thinkers could be, though Prophet was no match for the likes of her.

"You were shrinking," Kurogiri said calmly, his tone exposing nothing of what he was thinking, and his mist-like face revealing even less.

As Lung glared at him, Kurogiri raised his hands soothingly.

"We need to work out what has happened to your power, and fast. I have no interest in your position but…" Kurogiri trailed off.

The ABB worked on a simple mindset of might made right, he ruled because he was the strongest. If he wasn't the strongest anymore…

"And the Empire will hear about this sooner rather than later, there were too many witnesses, and we can't predict what the Syndicate will do," Kurogiri continued, making Lung growl.

"Leave," Lung ordered, sitting at his desk as Kurogiri paused.

"There is one more thing I need to discuss with you," Kurogiri said, making Lung glare at him. "Bakuda is dead, killed in her sleep, and the men we stationed near her home were also killed, shot by Tinkertech weaponry, judging by the wounds. It appears they flooded her house with some kind of knockout gas. Her family were unharmed, they were definitely there for her."

Tinkertech weapons?


"LEAVE!" Lung roared, smashing his hand against his desk. He'd been played like a damn fool, he had to have moles in his gang,

"As you wish," Kurogiri said calmly, disappearing as his mist covered him.

He'd been played, had his power weakened and a powerful asset stolen from under him, and he knew who to blame.

That snake bastard would regret challenging him.

— Thomas Calvert (Coil) —

As quickly as it started working again, his power had stopped functioning again, his timelines becoming increasingly nonsensical and outlandish.

With his power failing, he had little option but to remain in his bunker, unwilling to risk his life without a safe timeline he could rely on.

So, if he was safely hiding in his bunker, why did he feel a sense of impending doom?

— Kori (Starfire) —

"Thank you again for your help, Starfire," Prophet said calmly as Glory Girl fussed over him.

"It was my pleasure, friend! Many girls have escaped a terrible fate and a villain has been defeated, this was a wonderful day!" Starfire said cheerfully, making him laugh.

Apparently he'd gotten her number from Glory Girl, and while she hadn't met him before there wasn't much that could get her attention more than 'do you want to hurt the ABB's sex trade?'.

"But you said you had something you wished to discuss with me?" Starfire continued, making him nod seriously.

"I know this isn't my business, but I want to give you some advice," Prophet said, making her tilt her head in curiosity. "The PRT won't help you take down your sister."

"What? but Blackfire is a villain-"

"Who fights in every Endbringer battle, effectively at that, and now has the League at her back. I advised Weaver to join the PRT because I thought she'd find what she wanted there, but you won't," Midas said calmly, his tone almost apologetic as she stared at him.

"Then where do you think I will find what I want?" Starfire asked, making Prophet chuckle.

"As it happens, I want to take my brother down. It's going to be hard, but I plan to bring his little secret clubhouse of villains crashing down on his head. I even have an idea how to even the playing field, and I could use some help," Prophet said, making her pause. "Of course, the ABB want me dead now so I'll have to deal with them as well, but I suppose that's more of a benefit than an issue for you."

"I'll help, Midas needs to be taken down," Glory Girl offered immediately as he smiled at her, giving her a light kiss in response.

"May I have some time to think about it?" Starfire asked, making Midas smile gently at her.

"Of course, take all the time you need, though I'd avoid signing anything with the PRT until you decide, if there's one thing they're good at it's wrapping you in so much red tape even superstrength can't help you break free," Prophet said with a chuckle before he turned to Glory Girl. "Now, I think we need to discuss the repercussions of you exposing our relationship," Prophet deadpanned, making Glory Girl blink before turning slightly.

"Well, okay so my family definitely saw, and so did a bunch of other heroes but maybe-"

"The PHO thread already has 400 posts on it," Prophet deadpanned, making her freeze before she sighed.


"Friend Glory Girl, I believe that's what got you into this mess," Starfire added helpfully, unable to resist.

There were some advantages to everyone thinking you were oblivious.

— PHO —

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Topic: Lungs Rampage?

In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay

All-Seeing Eye (Original Poster)

Posted On Mar 24th 2011:

So, anyone with eyes and ears has probably noticed that half of the city is currently on fire, courtesy of our unfriendly neighbourhood dragon.

Since Bagrat and the 'official' sources have been awfully quiet lately, I've decided to gather as much information as I could on the situation and see what everyone else knows. Thankfully, the good people of Brockton Bay have once more demonstrated to the world that they have literally zero self preservation because some crazy fuckers actually stuck around long enough to get a video of the fight.

Be warned, it gets kinda graphic, and there's some pretty horrific background noises.


So, from what I've been able to gather things went like this

The ABB tried smuggling girls from out of town to fill their new brothels (Starfire kinda trashed their old ones and Midas has been pushing into that monopoly hard)

A new group of independent heroes (Birds of Prey?) attacked the convoy, and while I understand the desire to free the girls it proved to be… not so good an idea as Lung showed up, very annoyed at heroes intruding in his territory then everything was on fire.

Some new girl showed up, grey skin, a black leotard and a purple cape. She went one on one with Lung long enough for the Birds and the 'goods' to get away, but Lung kept growing.

Then Starfire showed up, with Prophet following behind, the first time he's actually taken part in cape-combat unless I'm mistaken.

Starfire and the other girl fought Lung and distracted him, and Prophet got close enough to touch him.

Then Prophet got fucked up, because Lung was already massive, and then apparently Lung started shrinking?

In the middle of battle.

Turns out while this was happening, New Wave and Wonder Woman were fighting the Empire who were trying to push into the ABBs territory while some of the new ABB capes fought both sides. That battle wrapped up when the Empire decided to cut their losses, so the heroes went to help with the ramp again dragon.

Glory Girl showed up first and she was pissed, (apparently because Lung injured Prophet?) attacking Lung and actually pushing him back.

Then the others showed up and Lung ran away. Lung. Ran. Away.

So, I think I speak for everyone when I say… what the fuck?

(Showing page 1 of 1)


Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

You know, I knew things had been too quiet lately.

In hindsight, we've spent ages talking about Prophet and Midas's ability to upgrade powers, but it makes sense that they'd be able to downgrade powers as well.


Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Told you Midas and Prophet are the same person


Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Damnit Void, we've been over this a hundred times

There's been plenty of times where both Midas and Prophet can be accounted for, and if you claim Midas is a robot one more time I'm gonna scream

You'll make La Brava angry again, and last time you literally ran away from PHO for a week. It was a good week to be honest, so actually continue

Much more importantly, ProphetxGloryGirl confirmed?

He's older than her but eh, they're capes and they don't have the best life expectancy so it's dumb to hold them to the same standards.

Her family obviously knew, or at least Lady Photon, Laserdream and Brandish judging by their expressions, and GG seemed legitimately worried for Prophet

►Vista (Wards ENE) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Huh, Glory Girl and Prophet?

Didn't see that coming. Is that why Gallant has been brooding so much?

►Clockblocker (Wards ENE) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

I thought he was just taking over for Shadow Stalker

►Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Every time Prophet or Midas show up they have a new power, keeping the wiki updated has been hell.

I'll make a new thread about Prophet and his power/powers, maybe we can finally work something out about him.

Also, cute couple.

►TheOracleofBrockton (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

You won't, but that's not your fault.

Okay, to help quell rumours that me and my brother are the same person, I'll explain a bit about my power.

I'm basically Butcher-adjacent, I link to one person and gain a copy of their powers. I linked to Midas when we were both much younger, and I haven't been able to break the link.

I have a theory that if I killed Midas I'd keep his powers and be able to link to another person, gaining more and more powers, but I don't plan on testing that.

Midas himself is a bullshit Trump, and that's all I'll say on that matter.

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Oh please, feel free to try you parasite


Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Okay but why were the heroes helping the ABB defend their territory from the Empire?

►TheOracleofBrockton (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

That's incredibly simple

The Empire has better PR than the ABB, but do remember that they are still white supremacists, and that the ABB territory is primarily Asian with a large Hispanic and Black population.

Now ask yourself if you'd like to see what would happen when a white supremacist group takes over a very much not white territory

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Too many gangs focus on race or even religion, it's entirely shortsighted

All races, religions and genders are treated the same in my territory

►TheOracleofBrockton (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Please just shut the fuck up

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Don't you have a barely legal flying brick to be comforting?

Still, you have decent taste at least, but I think the entire internet has seen that.

Hm, well there's an idea. I've always enjoyed taking your toys.

►GloryGirl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Ugh, you are so fucking creepy.


Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Okay yeah, definitely the right decision to stop the Empire then, also it wasn't that the heroes were helping the ABB, it was a three way fight

The ABB capes had to retreat, that wasn't an alliance

Does anyone know who the grey-skinned cape was? I haven't seen her before and you'd think we'd have heard of someone who can hold her own against Lung, or at least heard of someone with legs like those because damn.


Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Nope, can't say I've ever seen her before, but Scion I wish I had.

Does anyone know what Prophet did to Lung? No love lost for the overgrown lizard but like Prophet said, it won't be pretty if the Empire take Lung's territory

►TheOracleofBrockton (Verified Cape)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

I know, but my best prediction out the fatalities in the high four digit numbers, no point trying to protect the people in Lungs territory in the long term if he was going to incinerate them all today

But I kept that in mind, I could have destroyed Lungs power completely. Instead I changed how he grows, before he just grew as long as there was a fight (though he did grow faster when he had stronger opponents).

Now I've made it so that his power will only register the strongest opponent around, growing to match (and somewhat surpass) that one opponent before he stops growing

It's not quite a downgrade, more of a sidegrade really

Against a single powerful opponent, he'll actually be more effective since he'll grow faster to match them, but against groups he's less powerful

If he fights something incredibly powerful, like an Endbringer, he'll be far more effective than before since my adjustment also removed his former power cap


Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Making Lung, who already fought Leviathan on almost even terms, more effective against Endbringers?

An interesting tactic, but Lung has avoided fighting Endbringers ever since. It'll certainly be interesting to see how he reacts to his altered powers, but I'm guessing 'angrily'.


Replied On Mar 24th 2011:


As someone living in ABB territory, massive thanks for actually stopping Lung's rampage

It takes balls of titanium to actually rush a raging Lung who's had time to grow.

►Space Zombie

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Why the fuck did these Birds decide to piss off Lung in the first place? Don't poke the dragon is common fucking sense

Yeah, I get that they wanted to save the girls, don't get me wrong, but what's the point if you get them all killed in the process?


Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

And where was the PRT during all this?

I heard they showed up, but only long after Lung had left.

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

Standard Opportunity Procedure with Lung is to not engage at all when possible, because the more people in the fight, the faster he grows

Plus Armsmaster still hasn't managed to replace all his gear

►TheGoldenKing (Verified Cape) (Verified League of Villains Member)

Replied On Mar 24th 2011:

I'd offer to return them… but they make such a wonderful exhibit in my trophy room.

Also I just don't like him.

Bonus Scene — Katsumi Bakugo (Bakuda)

Waking up to a bright light shining down on her, she went to sit up before her eyes shot open, feeling the cold metal around her wrists and ankles.

Looking away from the bright light above her, almost like spotlights shining down on her, she looked around the sterile, and utterly empty room, the only fixture being the metal chair she was bound to.

It was almost like the chairs you sat in at the dentist, if dentists strapped you down with heavy metal restraints.

She also noticed something that sent a shiver of fear through her, for the first time since she got her power.

She was completely naked, they'd even taken her underwear, and more importantly, the toe-ring she could use to activate her bombs.

Looking around again as she adjusted to the light, she spotted the small cameras scattered around the room, tiny little things. Somebody was watching her.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!? Do you have any idea who you've grabbed?!" Katsumi shouted, glaring at the camera.

"Yes, I do," a voice replied, making her eyes widen as she recognised the unique accent.


"I've got a bomb inside me, asshole. Let me go now and I won't blow everything in a ten-mile radius to pieces!" Katsumi screamed out, a cold chuckle coming through the speakers.

"No, you don't. No bombs, no deadman's switch. You have nothing, Katsumi," Midas replied calmly, his tone utterly confident as she flinched ever so slightly.

Okay, so bluffing a Thinker wasn't the best idea.

"…what do you want?" Katsumi asked after what seemed like several minutes of utter silence.

"To decide what to do with you," Midas finally replied. "Frankly, my dear, you might just be the biggest threat in Brockton Bay, maybe even America. I'm trying to decide whether I want you on my side or if I want a more permanent solution to the problem you represent," Midas answered, making her eyes widen.

A part of her was immensely proud, some major Thinker saw her as the biggest threat around, he understood how powerful she was, but the teenage girl in her heard 'permanent solution' and shuddered in terror and despair.

She might die here, bound and powerless.


"Lung already thinks you're dead, and let's just say the fake body is extremely convincing," Midas drawled, as the light above her head turned off, plunging her into complete darkness.

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