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100% Caspian the Great / Chapter 26: Chapter 20 (b)

Capítulo 26: Chapter 20 (b)

"I am not certain about this," Ser Barristan said warily.

It was a few hours later and the sun had long since set while the three men had sat in Orius's study with a plate of food each discussing their plans. Of the many individuals

Caspian had seen and met that day Malazza had the most potential of coming to the side of the queen.

Caspian was secretly glad that she had fallen into their lap because she and the queen had many things in common. They had a love for their people as well as the disadvantage of people underestimating them because of their gender. She also had a strategic mind it seemed and was very irritated by the way the men and lords of the city constantly degraded her.

She was also rather pretty all things considered, short and with generous curves and long black hair framing a surprisingly attractive face and dark eyes. She had a lot of pride from what Caspian could tell but perhaps it was something that could be put to good use. She and Daenerys might have some common ground between them and that could prove useful.

Caspian also had his own ideas of how to sweeten the pot and bring Malazza to the dragon queen's side.

Daenerys needed loyal people in every part and the city of Essos and Malazza might be one of those elite few. If they gave her command of Yunkai then she would be indebted to them and her loyalty would be bought.

Loyalty went a long way with those who were given something. Caspian was reminded of how the Tyrells had fought for the Targaryen's simply because Aegon had raised their house in the station to the rulers of the Reach after the line of Gardener Kings had failed. Their loyalty to the Targaryen's was three centuries long. If they placed Malazza in charge of Yunkai Caspian had no doubt that she would be bought and paid for in the decades to come. And that was necessary if they were to invade Yunkai and soon.

Thus, Caspian had suggested the idea of a private meeting with Malazza where they came to terms and offered to bring her into their plan. Orius was all for it, but Barristan was being cautious, to say the least.

"What are you not certain of Ser Barristan?" Caspian asked.

"With respect your grace, this is a rather large gamble. You have no idea whether or not the Girl General will agree to this plan and I wonder if you are sticking your hand out farther than you can draw it back."

"Wise council Ser Barristan," Caspian said in acknowledgment, "but Malazza will not refuse this offer."

"And how can you be so certain?"

"Because power is a tempting seductress. Offer someone even a taste of it and they will cut off the hand of anyone else who reaches for it. After seeing Malazza today when

Orius tended to one of her slave soldiers, I realized she has a lot to prove and hates being mocked which is what I have heard many of the Wise Masters of Yunkai do in their cups while we were in their presence today. It would be a gamble, yes, but the great reward is not accomplished without great risk."

"A notion worthy of Tywin Lannister."

"I had to inherit something from him, didn't I?"

"And how would you meet with her, your grace?" Orius asked looking up from some of the books on his desk. "There are eyes and ears everywhere in Yunkai much like there are in your King's Landing. Arranging a meeting in broad daylight would be difficult."

"It would," Caspian said. "But if the message to meet is passed at night when all eyes are closed and all ears are paying attention to nothing more than the sound of their dreams then no one will be the wiser."

"What do you mean?" Barristan asked with a frown.

"No one is going to take notice of one small boy in the streets of Yunkai at night. That boy will be carrying an unsigned message from myself to Malazza wishing to discuss the future of Yunkai from a representative on behalf of Daenerys Stormborn. If that is not enough to pique anyone's interest then I don't know what will. I will designate a place to meet in the letter that is public but where no one will notice us."

"The marketplace." Orius was quick to catch on.

"Aye, the marketplace," Caspian nodded. "We will meet there on the day that I will designate in the letter at an appointed time that I will also designate."

"And if she does not come?" Barristan asked.

"Then we are none the worse for wear," Caspian shrugged. "If she does not come then we are no better or worse off than we are now. She will not know who sent the letter and I will specify to come alone. If she is smart and I believe she is, she will have some of her soldiers watching every alley and street to the marketplace in disguise as she comes in."

"For her safety."

"And because of the nature of the situation. The letter will be a tempting one that would be difficult to refuse as being put in power over Yunkai and the men who mock her is not something that she will refuse. We are appealing to her ego and her desire for power. Malazza is Yunkai nobility but we are going to make her an offer to be far greater than that. Second to myself and the queen, she would control Yunkai and answer only to the queen and myself. I don't know if she would like the title of magister, but she would be the first female one in Essos."

"And you will go alone?" Barristan asked.

"Aye, I am the representative of the queen am I not? I will disguise myself as some sort of bystander watching the proceedings."

"And how will you know when she arrives?" Barristan asked still not completely on board.

Caspian smirked, "Malazza may be able to disguise herself when she comes to meet me, but she cannot hide her stature. That alone will make her recognizable no matter what she is wearing."

Orius nodded. "Very well then. When shall we send the letter your grace?"

"Now," Caspian said. "I will write it and then have Orin deliver it. We have wasted enough time planning. Now the time has come for action."

"And how will the boy get into her keep?" Barristan asked.

Caspian smirked. "I have seen Orin scurry up the riggings and ropes of a ship on the high seas as fast and as sure as a spider climbs the walls of a brothel in King's Landing. I have the utmost confidence in him."

"If you are certain."

"I am."

"Good, then come let us do what we have set about to do."


The following afternoon Caspian stood in the marketplace dressed in the traditional clothes of Yunkai with a black cloak about his shoulders and a hood over his head. StormBreaker was on his back and his face was covered by shadow.

As he had already known, Orin had no trouble taking his letter and smuggling it into Malazza's chambers in her own private hovel. Caspian still marveled at the boy's ability to get in and out of place without anyone knowing he was there.

He would have been Lord Varys' chief servant if he had been in King's Landing, the prince thought absently.

Orin had returned no more than a quarter-hour later with a cheerful smile on his face saying the deed was done.

Caspian had kept the letter vague but to the point, detailing to Malazza that a representative of Queen Daenerys Targaryen wished to meet with her to discuss the future of Yunkai of which she may play a unique role. He would be waiting to meet with her in the marketplace the following afternoon. The words come alone were the last ones he had written on the page before he had sent the letter off with Orin sealed in simple wax.

He knew she wouldn't abide by them though which was why he had also had some of the Unsullied he had brought with him disguised and standing at the entrances to the alleyways all within his view. If he gave the signal, they would attack.

But Caspian hoped it wouldn't come to blows. He only wanted to talk.

Knowing Malazza for the limited time that he had, her own curiosity would compel her to come especially from the words he had written on the page detailing her unique role in the future of Yunkai and her desire for power and ambition would make her stay.

Caspian hadn't written to the queen with this new plan as there was little time and Yunkai needed to be given new leadership. From what he could see the place was rife with corruption and greed.

Malazza was a part of the system but if all went well then perhaps, she could help him and Daenerys break it.

He also had a few plans for the Iron Bank in Braavos as well but that would come at a later time.

First, he had to secure Malazza's help.

As Caspian gazed out over the sun-drenched market, he couldn't help but consider how far he had come from the shipwrecked prince who had washed ashore in that cave in Old Valyria months earlier. He was now the Hand of the Queen, had four dragons, and was on a political mission to conquer a city from the inside.

How the fates changed.

Tessarion was still back at the house with Orin and Missandei as Caspian had no intention of using her just yet.

He glanced around the marketplace again and stifled a yawn with his fist. He had been there for almost fifteen minutes and the sun was beginning to get hot. Essos was far too warm to be wearing too many clothes but the patrons of the marketplace around him seemed to be well used to it by now.

There was a low hum as people walked back and forth speaking to vendors and selling wares along with the occasional shout from a vendor to vendor about the weather and the merchandise.

In a way, it was like the marketplace of King's Landing but much quieter than the Street of Steel.

Caspian had only been to that place once about a year ago when he had gone with Ser Barristan to have a new sword made.

It was there that he had discovered something interesting.

The man he had gone to by the name of Mott had an interesting apprentice. Caspian had seen him at the forge when he had come in to commission the new sword and had been struck by the similarities between them.

The boy had only turned around once but the two of them had locked eyes for a second and that had been enough.

Caspian had felt the ice water in his veins when he saw the shock of black hair, the familiar stormy blue eyes, and lean but strong build.

Baratheon had always been tall and even though he was younger than Joffrey, Caspian had been taller, something which had always annoyed his older brother.

The boy looked a little older than he was but not by much and Caspian was suddenly possessed of an insane desire to know his name. He had a terrible certainty about him but he was unwilling to entertain it until he had more information.

Afterward, he made an effort to keep his ears open for information about that forge and had learned that his uncle Stannis and Lord Jon Arryn had made it a habit to go by that forge as well, and through his uncle had learned the youth's name.

It was Gendry, and from Caspian's guess, he had a feeling as to his last name. No one had told him anything else however and he had been left with his own wit and his own imagination.

But the boy Gendry had looked exactly like him and exactly like his late brother Edric may the gods have mercy on his soul which had led Caspian to come to some terrible conclusions.

How many bastards had his father sired? How many were in Westeros, the capital no less?

Caspian knew that his father had never been faithful to his mother and the man had worn out half the whores when he came to Winterfell while his uncle wore out the other half leaving Caspian both irritated and amused.

How many half brothers and sisters do I have? He wondered to himself as he stood in the corner of the alley looking out. I've only ever met one and he was taken from me before he had even begun to live. I don't want that to happen to my other siblings, but if the mother has her way, they might all be dead by now. I can only hope that she doesn't know who they are. Uncle Stannis might know…if he is still alive that is.

It was that last ominous thought that went through Caspian's mind when he suddenly felt a hand reach out and seize his arm.

A million things passed through his mind at that moment, but the only one that made sense was the idea to reach out and pull StormBreaker from its sheath.

So, he did.

In the next instant, he yanked the sword from the scabbard on his back and brought it up as fast as he could to rest against the neck of the person who had seized him by the arm. He pushed the hooded figure who grabbed him up against the wall.

In the following instant, he felt something sharp against his side.

Caspian blinked and glanced down only to see a small figure standing in front of him. It was at least a head shorter than and dressed all in black like he was.

There was a moment of tense silence until the figure before him chuckled and pushed its hood back from its head to reveal a pile of long black hair and sparkling dark almond-shaped eyes framed in an olive-toned face.

There was a long silence where she looked him over as if he were a prize ox waiting to be bought and then gave a small smile before licking her lips. "As a representative of Daenerys Stormborn whose head would fetch the highest price in Yunkai you were not that difficult to find."

Caspian smirked. "I wasn't hiding."

"Good," Malazza said. "You were terrible at it. Anyone would know that you are not from Yunkai."

Caspian raised an eyebrow. "Really and how would they know that?"

Malazza looked him over again with one eyebrow raised. "The number of people who are fair-skinned and blue-eyed in this city are few. When Master Orius came to treat one of my slaves yesterday I assumed you were a servant of his that he had acquired but after I received the message apparently sent by you in the night, I realized the truth."

"Good," Caspian said, making no move to remove StormBreaker from her neck. "Then I won't have to explain it."

"Perhaps not," Malazza said. And she twisted one of her hands slightly. Caspian barely controlled a wince as he felt the point of a blade against his stomach. He would need to be careful around her.

"But I can only assume that you are going to tell me why the dragon queen has sent a representative to Yunkai to meet with me."

"Contrary to what you might think, you were not the entire purpose of my coming here," Caspian returned.

"Oh, and just when I was beginning to feel flattered."

"Well, perhaps that feeling will return when I say what I need to say."

"And that is?"

Caspian looked her over carefully. He knew they were beginning to look somewhat suspicious with blades resting against each other and knew he would need to lower StormBreaker soon.

So, to show her that he meant no harm he did just that.

She raised an eyebrow at him but after a moment removed her own smaller knife from his stomach causing him to exhale deeply.

"What do you know of Daenerys Targaryen?" he asked and Malazza chuckled. "Only that every noble in this city is piss scared of her. They've heard of her dragons and what she did to Kraznys and are terrified that she's going to bring the beasts here and to the same thing to them. Personally, I think some of these idiots could use some roasting."

"Good," Caspian said. "Because if Yunkai is to be taken then nearly all of the nobles in this city will need to be put down or be taken out of the political equation. And that is where I hope you can help me."

Malazza looked at him. "Does the dragon queen think to insult me by sending a pretty face with pretty words and hoping that I will agree to whatever she demands?"

Caspian rubbed the side of his face wryly. "Not at all, although I do think that that is the first time I've ever been called pretty."

"Arrogant too, aren't you?"

Caspian chose to ignore that. "Will, you at least hear my terms?"

Malazza eyed him for a long moment, her eyes alight with amusement as if she were about to watch a child perform an interesting trick. After a moment, she brought the knife back into the folds of her cloak and nodded at him. "Very well."

"Good," Caspian said lowering his voice. "Within half a moon's turn, the queen will be at the gates of Yunkai with her armies ready to take the city. If the gates are not opened for her, she will mount a siege in which men outside and inside the city will die. I wish to minimize the loss of life on both sides. The taking of the city has to be as efficient as possible."

"How diplomatic of you," Malazza said. "What does this have to do with me?"

Caspian's smirk widened until it was almost feral. "How would you like to become Yunkai's leader?"

Judging from the way her eyes gleamed he had her full attention now. "How is something like that yours to give? You are only a representation of the queen."

"Yes and no," Caspian replied waving his hand dismissively. "I am a representative of the queen…but I am also her Hand which means that I have nearly as much power as she does. So yes, something like this is in my power to grant."

He hadn't sent word to Daenerys about what he was planning to do but Caspian had a feeling she would agree with him when she did find out however as Malazza would be more useful to her than the rest of the nobles in Yunkai.

Caspian could tell that she was considering the idea. Finally, she looked back at him, her dark eyes daring him to look away and call him a liar.

"What would I have to do?" she asked finally and Caspian grinned. He had her.

"Firstly, I need information," he said. "Who is paying the Second Sons who are sitting outside the city walls?"

Yezzen zo Qaggaz," she replied with a slight curl in her lower lip indicating her disgust and Caspian smiled.


"So, if he were to be…dispatched with their source of money would be cut off."

Malazza saw where he was going immediately and shook her dark head at him. "Not so fast. Rayzal mo Eraz would immediately take up the task of paying them. They are all terrified of the dragon queen."

"Fear is a powerful motivator," Caspian muttered.

"It is. Which is why there is a network of coin that makes its way down to the Second Sons by the gates. If one part of that network is taken out the whole thing is none the worse for wear."

"I see," Caspian muttered. "This is going to take some more planning."

"I should think so. You can't conquer a city overnight."

"Not yet," Caspian muttered and she gave him a wicked smile. "You're ambitious, aren't you?"

"I find in Essos you have to be," the prince shot back. "You rise and fall on your own merit here."

"Yes, you do," Malazza said still looking at him strangely. "What is your name? You didn't tell me."

The young Hand gave her a slight smile. "Caspian, Caspian Storm."

For a moment Malazza stared at him. Then she threw back her head and laughed long and loud, white teeth flashing against tan skin.

"That is rich," she said when she had ceased laughing. "Well, then you are an example of rising on your own merit here. How does a bastard from Westeros come to be in Essos as the Hand of the Dragon Queen?"

"A long story," Caspian replied.

"I like stories," Malazza said, her tone turning lower as she looked him over once more. "Perhaps you'll tell it to me."

"Perhaps I will."

There was a moment of silence between them before Malazza spoke again. "Very well Caspian Storm, I will do what I can to help you…as long as your queen holds up her end of the bargain and Yunkai is mine when she comes."

"As long as you agree to submit to her authority, I am certain that we will get what we want out of this arrangement," Caspian said easily.

"Good," Malazza replied before pulling out her knife and twirling it absently back and forth between her fingers. "But you still have one more problem."

"And that is?"

"It's not going to be enough to have my men and whatever you've brought with you stationed at the right doors to open them when your queen comes. You're going to need to open them all at the same time and you need a quick way to do that."

"Like some sort of explosive?" Caspian asked, the gears in his mind turning.

"Something like that," Malazza replied almost in a sing-song voice.

"And am I correct in assuming you might know where something like that would be?" the prince asked.

"Again, you are correct. And I will tell you, but there is one thing I want first," the girl general said eyeing him up and down.

"And this is?" Caspian asked folding his arms across his broad chest.

Her eyes gleamed with amusement and suddenly he knew. A rather strange smile wound its way slowly across his lips and her own grew. "I see."

"You catch on quick," she said. "Call it a sign of good faith. You want information about how to open the city gates and I want information about you. We're both getting what we want out of this bargain."

"Is that so?" Caspian asked. "It's a strange deal to agree to."

Malazza shrugged. "No stranger than some of the other deals I've made in my life. I would think you would be flattered. People have come to this city from all over Essos, but I've never had a Westerosi before."

Caspian raised an eyebrow, suddenly feeling a little more amused than he probably should have. "And I am your first then?"

"You are."

The sable-haired young man looked the girl general over for a long moment. It was a small price to pay for the information he wanted, and who knows…Malazza certainly seemed to be the confident sort. Maybe that would make it easier.

A part of him couldn't deny that he wanted to try her as well. She certainly was pretty and had the alluring sort of feline nature that most of the women in the Free Cities possessed.

Would it really be that bad?

His eyes swept over her again and then he decided it wouldn't be. The moment he decided this, the smile returned.

"Very well," he said. "But I'll expect the information I am seeking directly after."

Malazza shrugged. "As you wish. But you might be too out of breath to ask your questions."

Caspian's smile became one of challenge. "We'll see about that."


DaSalvatore DaSalvatore

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