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85.71% NINJA GAMER / Chapter 36: Slug Princess Tsunade

Capítulo 36: Slug Princess Tsunade

Chapter 32: Slug Princess Tsunade


Seriously, thanks guys, 2k reviews and climbing!

There were many things that Hiruzen Sarutobi had missed about the regular shinobi life when he took up the mantle of Hokage, and one of the biggest things was being able to freely travel the land as he pleased, something that most Hokage are unable to do, as the village needed their oversight.

"You look like you're enjoying yourself, Sensei," Jiraiya commented with an amused grin from next to him, keeping an eye on Naruto behind them as the blond focused on the water balloon in his hand.

"Jiraiya-kun, the last time I left Konoha, it was to visit the Fire Daimyo to inform him of my second retirement. The time before that, it was to meet Onoki in the Land of Iron." the now-former Hokage reminded him. "I haven't had any kind of holiday in over a decade. Give an old man some time to relax and enjoy the scenery in his last mission for the village, hm?"

Jiraiya snorted in response. "Right, last mission," he chuckled in amusement. "I know you sensei, you'll be bored within the week and bugging Yuriko until she sends you off on some kind of mission."

Hiruzen huffed in response to his student's accusation. "I will do no such thing," he replied in a dignified manner. "Now I actually have time to work on some of my own personal projects and maybe even find a student who will respect me as is proper."

The Toad Sage barked out a laugh in response. "Right, respect you, you mean like how I taught you my [Transparent Escape] jutsu so that you could do some peeping yourself?" he questioned tauntingly.

"Stubborn brat," the former kage scowled at his student good naturedly before a pop and a splash caught their attention.

"Got it!" Naruto announced, sounding pleased with himself, making Jiraiya look back at him in surprise.

"Already?" the man questioned. "It too me at least two weeks to get that part down."

Naruto grinned at him as he shook off his wet hand. "Nee-san had me working on Chakra control exercises since I was entered into the Academy," he stated proudly. "This is kinda like some of the ones she came up with to help me better my control."

Jiraiya blinked as he stared at Naruto, several things clicking into place in his mind. "Of course she would start you on it," he sighed in response before looking at his teacher. "Neither me nor him taught her how to use it, and yet she managed to reverse engineer the entire thing to teach him, that girl is such a genius it scares me."

Hiruzen chuckled in response. "Indeed, it is rather amazing her progress, especially when you consider, she didn't exactly have the training most Academy Students or even Genin have," he commented in amusement. "I hope you have the items for the second step of the jutsu."

Jiraiya rolled his eyes in response as he pulled a rubber ball out of a seal in his bag and tossed it to Naruto. "This step is similar to the first one, but you need to exert enough for to explode the rubber ball," he explained to the blond who was studying the ball. "This one is less about control and more about power, but you still need the multi-axis rotation of the first step to complete it properly."

Naruto nodded in consideration as he studied the ball in his hand for a few more moments before he began to channel his chakra through it.

"Hopefully that will keep him busy for a bit longer this time," Jiraiya sighed as he scratched his scalp.

Hiruzen chuckled a bit as they started walking again. "He is rather quick on the uptake, is he not?" he agreed proudly. "You know, if you didn't, I would have been tempted to claim him as my own apprentice."

Jiraiya raised an eyebrow at his sensei. "Now there's a scary thought, an Uzumaki Jinchuriki being trained by two 'God's of Shinobi', I don't think the world would remain standing," he commented jokingly, drawing a laugh from his teacher.

"Indeed, but, I think I know of another who could benefit from my training, perhaps a little more than Naruto-kun would," the former Kage stated contemplatively.

"You mean that Sasuke kid, right?" Jiraiya grunted out in thought, drawing a nod from Hiruzen. "He is a cunning little bastard like you are, that's for sure."

"That he is," Hiruzen confirmed with a nod. "It should be interesting to see their development, because if I know Tsunade-chan, I know their teammate will catch her eye for certain."

"Perfect Control, an uncanny knack for Medical technique, an Eidetic Memory, yeah, she's a shoe in for Tsunade's dream apprentice," Jiraiya nodded in agreement, glancing over his shoulder as he heard a popping sound to see Naruto grimacing at the deflated ball in his hand and tossed him a new one. "Damn, Yuriko's really got an eye for talent."

Hiruzen nodded in agreement. "That she does, she'll do well in the seat, despite her misgivings about taking up the mantle," he sighed in contentment. "While Tsunade-chan would do a fine job when she got her act together, Yuriko-chan is the best choice for the hat by far, at least, until a certain someone is ready," he murmured, glancing back at the focused Naruto.

Jiraiya grinned in response. "On that, there is no doubt whatsoever," he agreed easily, making the two older shinobi laugh with each other in amusement.

"There is a problem with your plan, Leader-sama," Zetsu announced as he rose from the ground near the Rinnegan-bearing body of Yahiko.

"What is it, Zetsu," the Deva Path questioned, turning to look at the two-toned plant man.

"The Kyuubi Jinchuuriki has indeed left the village, but he is accompanied not by his team, but rather, Jiraiya of the Sannin and the Third Hokage," Zetsu reported cautiously, knowing that the temperament of Madara's tool to be… unstable at best.

"This… is not good," the body finally replied after several moments.

Had it either been one, or the other, he would have still continued forward with his plan to capture the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki as soon as he left the village and hold him in Ame until it was time to extract the Kyuubi, but with both of them, the Toad Sage and the Third Shinobi God together, the plan wouldn't work, not unless Akatsuki made more overt movements, like bringing more teams in to deal with the pair, but that would destroy any anonymity they had left.

Add to that the yet to be confirmed reports of Yuriko Uchiha knowing the Hiraishin, and that left them in an uncertain position as to the capture of the Kyuubi.

"Tell Konan to stand down," the corpse of Yahiko said, closing his eyes. "We shall put off capturing the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki for now, as it stands he is too well protected to capture without revealing ourselves and our intentions."

"Yes, Leader-sama," Zetsu replied before melting back into the ground.

"A smart move," a voice decreed nearby as the being calling themself Madara appeared from the shadows. "I just got back from looking into it, and it turns out, she did learn the Hiraishin," he explained with a sigh. "And on top of that, she has claimed the title of 'God of Shinobi' for herself."

The Rinnegan-bearing corpse paused as it turned to face the masked man. "She has?" he questioned, a mix of apprehension and rage filling his voice, it wasn't the first time someone made a play for the title since Hiruzen Sarutobi's claim, but they each fell rather quickly and were killed, the only one who possibly came close was Hanzo the Salamander, but even he fell from a mixture of his own paranoia and Pein's might.

"And I doubt there are going to be many challengers to the title," the masked man confirmed. "Not once during the invasion did she use the Sharingan or any of its evolutions, even the Hiraishin was only used for an opening psychological attack. She is the Fourth 'God of Shinobi'."

Anger rippled through Pein's being as he glared at nothing in particular at the news. Despite his own power, he didn't wish to lay claim to the title of 'God of Shinobi' but he knew that he was a 'God' nonetheless, the fact that what he saw as a lesser being laying claim to the title rankled him fiercely. "Then when the time comes to make our move, I shall prove myself to the the true God by slaying this false one," he announced. "In two years, when we start our attack, our first target shall be Konohagakure."

The masked man shrugged in response. "Fine, do as you wish," he commented, knowing there was no way to talk him out of it as the space around him began to twist. "Just to come crawling back to me when you lay broken and bleeding on the ground."

It had been a bad week for Tsunade Senju, not that she's had any good ones since leaving Konoha behind her, having to deal with debt collectors, Yakuza wishing to exploit her and the odd shinobi hoping to claim her bounty made sure of that.

But this week had been something special, with her losing almost everything with only Shizune's quick action of plying her medical skills to some influential people keeping them out of the red for travelling funds and having to dodge some rather persistent collectors that she just couldn't smash without drawing the ire of the local peacekeepers and guards, even if she was the famed 'Medical Princess'.

Although she has heard less and less people calling her that since the Kirigakure Rebellion came to a close with some even saying some other person surpassed her, not that she cared about it, not that she really cared about anything since the death of both her brother, Nawaki and her lover, Dan.

Which led to now, sitting at a Pachinko machine, slotting in coin after coin, trying to feel something other than the soul crushing sadness that chased after her every step that only the ever present Sake at her side helped keep at bay.

She was so lost in her own woes that she barely even registered with the flashing lights and cheery sounds that announced a grand prize winner, nor the excited sounds of Shizune next to her, holding their pet pig Tonton excitedly shouting out about clearing their debt away.

She lifted her sake jug to her lips to take a drink only to find it empty. "Come, Shizune," she announced. "We're going to the bar."

"Eh!? Huh!? Wait, Tsunade-sama!" Shizune requested panickly as she quickly collected their winnings and quickly caught up with her mentor, not that she taught much anymore, not like she had when they started out.

When they had started their journey, Tsunade had said it would only be for a few years, some time away from the memories, only… 'just one more year' kept coming out, and Tsunade's instructions had dropped slowly as she withdrew more and more into the bottle until, they just stopped with Shizune having to attempt to develop her own skills on her own.

And unlike Tsunade, she paid attention to the rumors. At first they started off as an Uchiha who was being compared to Tsunade in terms of medical skills, an up and coming, but, from there, things began to change, from her being almost as good as Tsunade, to some wondering she was better, and now, when people talked about medical ninja, it was Yuriko Uchiha who was touted as the best, not Tsunade.

Not that Shizune could blame them, as she followed after her 'teacher's' had rarely used any of her skills as a kunoichi or Med-nin save for her special Chakra Enhanced Strength Technique and a detoxifying jutsu that purged her body of any alcohol when she needed to be sober, unless she was very much down on her luck and needed to use them to earn some cash in between towns with banks. A small (very small) part of Shizune resented Tsunade for allowing her life to sink so low, but the rest of her knew that her mentor had lost two people that had meant the world to her and had lost her spirit as a result. It couldn't be helped.

They walked into the bar, and Shizune, who had her eyes closed as a sigh escaped her lips, was shocked as she bumped into the back of Tsunade who was frozen stiff.

"Eh? Tsunade-sama?" Shizune questioned as she looked around her mentor to see what caused her freeze, only for her eyes to widen in shock at the sight before her in a booth, with two pairs of eyes settling on the pair of them.

"Well, well, it certainly has been a while, hasn't it, Tsunade-chan," Hiruzen greeted warmly as he shifted slightly in his seat to make some room. "Come, sit, let's catch up." Despite his kind voice and welcoming demeanor, it was obvious, it wasn't a suggestion, it was an order.

Tsunade jerked slightly before stiffly moving to sit next to her teacher, Jiraiya making room for Shizune next to a blond genin that the pair hadn't noticed when they first entered.

He looked at the pair with curious blue eyes as he tilted his head, studying them for a moment before turning back to a scroll in his hand, that Shizune noted had a complex seal formula in it.

"W-What are you doing here… sensei?" Tsunade managed to get out, slowly recovering from her shock. "Shouldn't you be in Konoha?"

"Hmm, you haven't been keeping up with the news?" Hiruzen questioned with a smile as he gave a note to a passing waitress who quickly read it and nodded before bustling off. "I am retired now, I passed the hat off to our new Godaime."

Tsunade swallowed tightly, suddenly, her belief of Hokage's dying miserable deaths being challenged by the fact that one retired. "And.. why are you here, sensei?" she questioned again.

"I can't check in on my student?" Sarutobi questioned in reply as the waitress returned, bearing plates of food for them. "Thank you dear," he told the waitress with a smile before she hurried off to her next table. "And Tsunade, I must say, I am horribly disappointed," he announced casually as he began to eat, his demeanor changing completely from welcoming to commanding.

"W-what?" the medic-ninja stammered, her eyes wide as she remained frozen in her seat. "I…"

"Be quiet, and listen," Hiruzen said, causing Tsunade's mouth to click shut. "When I allowed you the travelling status, so that you may clear your mind, it was not an allowance to ruin yourself and your reputation. I am so disappointed, I was hoping that the rumours I heard about you were just that, rumours, but seeing you now, I can tell that you haven't even tried to deal with your grief."

Despite the fact that she was a ninja in her fifties, despite the fact that she was a proud and independent woman and despite the fact that she considered herself to be very cynical, these words from her sensei cut into Tsunade deeper and more profoundly than she could have imagined possible. Shame rose up in her for what had to be the first time in nearly a decade.

"It is time for you to come home," Hiruzen continued. "The Godaime has put an end to your travelling status, something that should have expired years ago."

Tsunade swallowed in response. "And… what do they want from me?" she questioned nervously.

"She wants you to run the Hospital," Hiruzen explained. "And she also wants to work with you to develop the medic-ninja program that you wanted to introduce during the Third War."

That got Tsunade's attention as she looked at Hiruzen hopefully. "She does?" she questioned. "Wait… who is the Godaime?"

"Yuriko Uchiha," her former teacher told her. "She was the only one I could trust to take up the mantle," he informed, giving her a significant look that cut deep into her. "Something she's grown to really dislike."

"Which is kind of ironic," Jiraiya commented, speaking for the first time since they arrived. "Since she was originally compared to you when she was starting out, now… they're comparing you to her."

Tsunade's eyes snapped over to Jiraiya, her pride stinging in response to that. "What do you mean by that?" she demanded hotly.

"The fact that she has surpassed you," Jiraiya countered, meeting her glare evenly. "When was the last time you put in any effort in training, Tsunade-hime? I can answer that for you, you haven't. Yuriko, on the other no point does she not put her whole effort to train herself further."

Tsunade recoiled slightly from the accusation, her eyes falling to the blond genin, seeing another face overlaid over his own, hauntingly familiar face.

"Come home, Tsunade-chan," Hiruzen prompted gently. "The Yamanaka can help you move past your grief, and you can help a new generation learn the skills that can save them and their comrades."

Tsunade slumped a bit as she looked away from her teacher. "But…" she stammered out hesitantly.

"Tsunade-chan, would they really be happy, seeing you like this?" Hiruzen pressed. "Come home, let us help you."

The Slug Sannin let out a long, shuddering sigh as she nodded. "Okay," she relented, getting a smile from Hiruzen and Jiraiya while Shizune mentally cheered.

"Eat up," Hiruzen prompted gently. "We can rest here tonight, and head out tomorrow."

"Orochimaru-sama," Kabuto greeted as he entered the laboratory of his master. "I have found her, but… there is a complication."

Orochimaru turned his gaze to Kabuto, his serpentine eyes narrowing as he glared at his assistant. "And what, is this 'complication' Kabuto?" he hissed out angrily.

"Both Jiraiya and Sarutobi were with her," Kabuto countered with no sign of fear. "They were on the road that leads to Konoha, it looks like Tsunade of the Sannin is out of our reach."

A shout of rage filled the chamber as Orochimaru flung a jar of chemicals at a wall, the chemicals eating away at the brickwork as the splashed on it. "Again, again they ruin my plans!" he hissed out. "First sensei, then that woman killing over three-quarters of my men, and now this!"

'It has more to do with the fact your reach was longer than your strength, Orochimaru-sama.' Kabuto thought as the Snake Sannin fumed. 'You dismissed Yuriko Uchiha because you bested her with a trick, and look where it got you? I wonder if this will finally wake you up to the threat she poses or not…'

Orochimaru paused as a thought seemed to strike him. "Maybe, I just need more pawns," he murmured to himself. "Kabuto! I have a job for you."

'Oh, this will be good,' Kabuto sighed mentally as he prepared himself.

"Mama, look!" Madoka-chan called out to me from her little playpen nearby as she held up a picture for me to see. "It family!"

I smiled at my daughter from my desk as I looked her picture over, it wasn't anything spectacular, just a bunch of different colored stick figures, Sasuke and myself were represented with black crayon while Madoka-chan and Roshi were red, finally with Naruto as a yellow crayon. "It looks great, Madoka-chan!" I praised her, getting a happy smile and a giggle in response. "We'll have to show papa it when we get home!"

"'Kay~!" Madoka sang out happily as she went back to her playing, letting me turn back to my paperwork.

I had decided to set up a little playpen in the Kage's Office so that I could bring Madoka-chan with me occasionally, it was important that she knew I wanted to be with her, but I did tell her that she couldn't interrupt me when I was talking with someone while in the office.

A knock on the door, pulled our attention to it as Naruto-kun came strolling in with Jiraiya-sama, Hiruzen-sama, Tsunade and Shizune-san. "We're back, Nee-chan!" Naruto called out cheerfully, pulling a smile from me.

"Welcome back, Naruto-kun," I greeted.

"Nii-chan!" Madoka-chan called out happily, waving at Naruto-kun who went over and began playing with her.

I turned back my gaze to the others, smile still on my face. "Welcome home," I called out to them. "A pleasure to finally meet you, Tsunade-san."

"Hokage-sama," Tsunade replied stiffly, looking rather uncomfortable.

"Were there any complications, Hiruzen-sama, Jiraiya-sama?" I questioned, looking at the pair.

"Not really, but, we did catch a glimpse of Kabuto on our way back," Jiraiya reported, getting a scowl from me. After learning he attempted to abduct Madoka-chan during the invasion, I placed him even higher on my 'to kill' list, moving him up to just under Black Zetsu and above Obito. "He disengaged pretty quickly so we weren't able to chase him down."

I nodded my acceptance. "Right, I guess that means Orochimaru knows Tsunade-san is here now," I commented idly before shaking my head of those thoughts. "Tsunade-san, I take it they told you what I would like of you?"

Tsunade jerked her head briefly in a nod. "Yeah, taking over the hospital and setting up a Medic-nin program, right?" she questioned tersely.

I nodded in confirmation, noting how uncomfortable she seemed to be back in Konoha. "Yes, although, before that happens I would like you to speak with a Yamanaka," I told her firmly. "They can help you with your loss, and work through your mental state with you."

"Need to make sure I'm still loyal?" she questioned me bitterly.

"No," I replied shaking my head as she looked at me in surprise. "I believe you are still loyal, you wouldn't have returned if you weren't. I need you at your best, Tsunade-san, that includes mentally and emotionally, and you can't exactly do your job as a doctor with your haemophobia."

The sannin flinched in response. "Tsunade-san, it is normal to be traumatized from your experience," I told her firmly. "Just as it is normal to seek help with your trauma, you speaking with the Yamanaka isn't a sign of weakness. It is a sign of strength."

Tsunade let out a sigh before nodding. "Fine, I'll talk to this head doctor," she relented.

"Thank you," I replied. "Your 'head doctor' as it were, will be Inoichi Yamanaka, he agreed to take the time to help you with your trauma."

Tsunade nodded stiffly in response as I turned my gaze to Shizune-san who stiffened as my gaze landed on her. "Hello Shizune-san. As I understand it, you have been learning under Tsunade-san while you were travelling, correct?" I questioned the girl who nodded quickly.

"Yes, I did, Hokage-sama!" she replied anxiously.

"I won't bite, Shizune-san," I told her humorously. "I believe you are not a certified shinobi, correct?" she nodded quickly, looking a bit ashamed. "Would you like to be a shinobi?"

Shizune blinked in response, her flush of embarrassment vanishing as she looked up at me. "Eh?" she stammered out for a moment. "Oh! Yes, yes I do!"

I nodded. "Alright, please see Aoichi-san in on the second floor, he will evaluate you and send the results to me to assign you a rank," I instructed her as I pulled out a paper and quickly wrote out some instructions on it. "Although I do have faith you are at least Chunin level, we must follow procedure on this. Once you are ranked, you will be going to the Hospital ahead of Tsunade-san and I would like you to start making notes about things that need improvement to your eyes or things that could be changed. Saya Takamachi will be the one to speak to in the hospital if you have any questions."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama," Shizune-san said gratefully as I handed her the page. "If you'll excuse me."

I nodded, allowing her to leave the room to speak with Aoichi-san.

"I better go and see to the state of the compound, I guess," Tsunade-san said with a small sigh.

"It shouldn't be too bad, I assigned a team to clean the compound last week, they reported their completion of the task yesterday," I told her. "Tsunade-san, it is good to have you home."

Tsunade blinked in surprise before sighed. "Thank you," she replied before leaving the office.

Slumping in my seat slightly once the door was closed, I eyed the two smirking men standing to one side and snorted. "She isn't going to like my opinions of her rules, is she?"

"She and you are both quite alike in being fairly hard-headed, Hokage-sama." Hiruzen told me. "A clash of personalities will be inevitable in this case."

"Lovely." I deadpanned. "Well, at least I can certify that you have indeed completed the mission. Well done, gentlemen."

The two chuckled in amusement at that as they relaxed. "What is next on the docket then?" Jiraiya questioned in amusement.

"Well, I do have something I would like you to look into, Jiraiya-sama," I told him, getting a raised eyebrow from the Sannin. "When you get a chance, can you look into the Nanabi Jinchuuriki? I haven't heard anything about her as of late, even though she is a registered shinobi of Takigakure, and that concerns me."

"You think it might be the Akatsuki making a move?" Jiraiya questioned solemnly.

"Maybe, I am not certain, hence, why I would like you to look into it," I told him, grimacing a bit.

"Huh, Kurama just said that Chomei is a loner," Naruto-kun commented from where he was playing with Madoka-chan. "The Nanabi, that is, he's saying she might just be wanting to be alone."

Jiraiya shrugged in response. "I got a few friends in Taki that I can reach out to," he said casually. "I was planning on making a little tour to check in with my contacts around anyways, so it wouldn't be too far out of that way."

My eyebrow rose as his gaze slid over to Naruto-kun. "That would be up to him," I told the Toad Sage straightly, getting a chuckle from him and a confused look from Naruto-kun. "He wants you to go with him," I clarified for my brother.

"Oh, um, what about Sasuke and Sakura though?" he questioned, grimacing a bit. "If I'm not around, they can't take missions, right?"

"Not necessarily," I reassured him. "There are a bunch of genin without teams who rotate between them, so they will still be under Kakashi, just with a third team member that rotates out."

"Plus, I was thinking of talking to Sasuke-kun about an apprenticeship under me if he was interested," Hiruzen-sama commented, getting a surprise look from me, chuckling as he winked at me.

"And Sakura-chan has been training plenty with Saya-san," I sighed, shaking my head. "But, even if you do go with Jiraiya, I would have the three of you take the next chunin exams in… Iwa, yeah Iwa is holding them next, together."

Naruto-kun hummed in thought as he considered it. "I guess," he sighed. "How long will we be gone for?"

"A few years at least," Jiraiya informed him. "But we won't leave right away, got some stuff to take care of here in Konoha first before we head out, so, you'll have your chance to say goodbye to everyone and take a few more missions with Kakashi and your team."

That put a smile on Naruto-kun's face as he nodded before looking to me. "Go ahead," I told him with a chuckle, jerking my head towards the window prompting a smile from him as he leapt out and made his way towards his friends.

With Naruto-kun gone, I turned my gaze towards the new notification popped up next to me.

Tsunade Senju successfully retrieved!

50,000 EXP Gained!

Tsunade Senju now resides within Konohagakure as a loyal shinobi!

+100% Effectiveness from the Hospital

Potential Medical Ninja Training now available.

I dismissed the pop-up and turned to the other two. "What do you think Orochimaru is going to do now that he's failed again?" I questioned them carefully.

The two shared a look and grimace. "One of two things," Jiraiya said with a sigh. "Either lash out at us in anger, or go to ground and start scheming."

I sighed in response as I leaned back. Unfortunately Orochimaru's bases are spread out all over the continent, with no singular location he regularly visited that we were aware of, so taking the fight to him was out of the question. "Damn," I grunted in frustration.

"One possible item we could consider is dealing with the bases we know about in the Land of Rice Paddies, I suppose, but it's doubtful that they're anything more than traps." Hiruzen said unhappily.

I nodded in agreement. "Alright, keep your ear to the ground then," I told Jiraiya. "He may be looking for more allies after all of his losses here," I paused for a moment in thought. "Land of Rice Paddies, isn't that where the Fuhma Clan lives? The chakra thread specialists?"

Jiraiya nodded in confirmation. "They are, you think he might be looking to recruit them?" he questioned.

"Possibly, but if what you told me before was correct his current body also should be reaching its limit, correct?" I suggested.

"That is true, I'll take a look into it when we leave," Jiraiya confirmed with a nod.

"I'll send a squad of ANBU to support you for this mission," I told him, meeting his gaze firmly. "If they need it, offer them sanctuary here in Konoha."

Jiraiya nodded again in confirmation. "Will do," he said confidently. "Anything else?"

I shook my head in response. "No, not at this time," I told him, sighing as I leaned back into my chair and sent a playful glare to Hiruzen-sama. "I'm still upset with you shoving this job into my lap."

Hiruzen-sama laughed in amusement to my statement as he relaxed on a couch. "Oh don't worry Yuriko-chan, you're still in the easy part of the job," he teased me getting a grumble out of me as I looked at the papers I had to deal with. "Screw it," I sighed and formed a Shadow Clone to start working on them as I played with Madoka-chan, remaining in the room, because even if the clone could do everything I could, it still wasn't 'me'.

Tsunade sighed as she looked out of the window of the sitting room of the main building inside of the Senju compound, a small saucer of Sake in her hand. "I still can't believe that I'm home," she murmured more to herself, than to Shizune who was sitting next to her, writing into a notebook.

Even if it wasn't spoken directly to her assistant, the girl still heard her clearly. "I will be honest Tsunade-sama, I am glad to be home," the dark haired medic told her. "And, even if you don't see it yet, Tsunade-sama, it will be good for you to be here."

Tsunade turned to look at her student with a raised eyebrow. "And why is that, all that is here is painful memories and death," she muttered out bitterly.

"True, they are here, but, there is also good memories, I remember some of the stories you used to tell me of Jiraiya-sama and Orochimaru when you three were still a team under Sarutobi-sama," Shizune countered. "Plus, with you here and if you teach more future medical ninja, then there will be less people dying as a result."

Tsunade lowered her head a bit in response. "Who knows," she muttered out finally, taking a sip of her sake, glancing at Shizune from the corner of her eye. "How did your test go?"

Shizune smiled brightly in response. "Hokage-sama told me that with my results I was to be inducted as a Special Jonin," she explained. "She wants me to go on a few missions and gain some experience before she fully promotes me to jonin."

"She did, huh?" Tsunade commented, glaring at the cup in her hand.

"Tsunade-sama, is there something wrong?" Shizune questioned nervously.

"Nothing," the sannin replied, knocking the sake back. "I'm going to bed."

"Eh? Oh, goodnight then, Tsunade-sama," Shizune called out after her.

Shizune sighed as she looked down at Tonton next to her. "I really hope Inoichi-sama can help her," she admitted to the pig who oinked at her in response, butting up against her comfortingly. "I want the Tsunade-sama that I remember back, not the drunk that's driving her body."

Unknown to the black haired kunoichi, Tsunade was paused outside of the door to the room, a frown on her face as she heard Shizune's admission before silently stepping away towards her room. "Shizune…" she murmured out as she walked.


Yuriko's Stats

Name: Yuriko

Level: 105

EXP: 96,582/650,000

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Title: Godaime Hokage (+100% Reputation with allied Shinobi, Command of Konohagakure Shinobi, you can 25% of experience given out for missions completed by loyal shinobi)

Secondary Title: God of Shinobi (+50% to all stats +100% Reputation with all allied Shinobi +10% Damage with all ninja arts. Skill [Aura of Absolute Command] active)

Fated Title: Fatechanger (+100% to all stats.)


HP - 20,025

CP - 95,800

STR - 120 (300)

INT - 160 (400)

DEX - 200 (500)

VIT - 120 (300)

WIS -160 (400)

LUK - 55 (137)

Ryo - 342,761,998

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