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45.23% NINJA GAMER / Chapter 19: New Beginnings and Old Wounds

Capítulo 19: New Beginnings and Old Wounds

Chapter 17:New Beginnings and Old Wounds

I let out a small sigh as I sat with my hands folded across my lap as I allowed my mother fuss over the last minute changes to my makeup. "Mom," I said firmly, giving her a firm look. "I'm ready, stop fussing, you're making me nervous with it."

My mother stepped back taking a calming breath before making minute adjustments to the white wedding dress I was wearing. "Mom," I said again, shaking my head. "Please."

"You're right," she breathed again as she stepped back. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good," I assured honestly as my hand drifted to my slightly swollen stomach, my pregnancy finally starting to show itself three months in. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

My mother smiled at me as she smoothed out her own dress, allowing me to look at myself in the mirror in the room.

Honestly, if I didn't know it was me I would've had a hard time recognizing myself in the reflection, artfully done makeup removed any possible blemish from my face, my lips were painted a deep red color, my eyes somehow stood out with the eyeliner surrounding them. In addition, my hair had been carefully combed and styled into ringlets that were pulled over both of my shoulders, allowing them to fall down my front, contrasting the white sleeveless dress I wore.

A knock on the door brought our attention to it as Sarutobi-sama stepped in, decked out in his full Hokage regalia. "It's time," he told me with a small smile, getting one from me in return as I smoothly got to my feet, accepting the bouquet my mother handed me.

"Well, time to face the crowd then I guess," I commented dryly, getting chuckles from the two as I slid my hand into the crook to Sarutobi-sama's elbow. "I am honestly surprised at how calm I am right now." Was [Gamer's Mind] the reason for it? Oh well.

Music started playing as soon as we stepped into the main hall where the ceremony was being held, keeping my head bowed slightly my eyes darted across the crowd, noting the various clan heads of both Konoha and Iwa in attendance along with the Tsuchikage, this was the first recorded marriage between the villages after all, and a Clan head to a Jinchuriki no less, my eyes finally settled on Roshi, clad in a tuxedo with Han-san at his side standing at the front of the hall and the world seemed to fade away.

Honestly… I can't really say I remembered much of the ceremony, I remembered meeting eyes with an honestly stunned looking Roshi as he looked at me as the monk from the Fire Temple began to speak, I remember reciting our vows to one another, our oaths to always stand by and support each other no matter what.

And then, the kiss.

Physically, it wasn't anything special, symbolically on the other hand, it was the start of our new lives, hell, afterwards some of the newspapers heralded it as the real start for the alliance between Konoha and Iwa, some of the less… reputable papers stating that I used my sharingan to convince Roshi to marry me, I just ignored them like so many other did.

The reception was an interesting event in the end, Han-san providing a rather… embarrassing story about the two of them when they were younger and talking about marriage of all things. Both of the Kages present also stood and gave, thankfully, short speeches about the union.

"I have had the pleasure of seeing many shinobi careers progress, some exceeding all expectations while others were cut woefully short," Sarutobi-sama announced as he stood up to speak, the crowd paying attention. "And Yuriko Uchiha's… was one that had the attention of many since her first day in the war, an Iryo-nin to equal Tsunade's skill, even if she is too humble to believe it," he smiled at me as I tried to hide my blush. "And every time that I speak with her, I am always left struck by the strength she carries within herself as a kunoichi of Konohagakure, she has seen the death of her family members, of her loved ones, of people she could never replace, and all it has served to do is to make her more determined than ever to protect the people that remain. So I say this to you, Yuriko Uchiha, I look forward to seeing your, hopefully, long and bright future."

I smiling brightly at him, fighting back a few tears as he raised his cup to me, nodding my head in acknowledgement as he took his seat with Onoki raising himself into the air with his [Earth Release: Light-Weight Rock] jutsu.

"I will admit, when I first met Yuriko, I was not in the best of moods," Onoki announced, garnering chuckles from everyone. "And I probably didn't make the best first impression by threatening her, but, to her credit, she gave as good as she got, and that was when I first gained some respect for her. The following years, and several idiots removed from the genepool, that respect had been reinforced because with every letter she wrote, instead of spitting accusations and threats, she was without fail, polite. Never assuming the worst, but simply accepting what had happened, I quite honestly doubt that I will ever meet another kunoichi like her," he gave me a nod, grinning a bit at my wide-eyed expression of surprise. "As for Roshi… while many would see him marrying into Konohagakure as a loss, I do not, I see it as a strengthening, as a promise. Because of our new union, and of the union before us now, Konoha and Iwa are united strongly, and while one of our finest and most underrated shinobi may have left the village, he has done so in way that ensures we have an ally to call upon when we have need of them, as we will aid them. So I salute the new couple, and the union of our once enemy villages, may this be the precursor to a new age of peace!"

The crowd applauded the diminutive kage's speech, joined by myself and Roshi as the servers took that as their cue to bring out the meal for the evening, allowing us all to break out into conversations with our tables.

The night was a fun one, dancing with Roshi, the two Kage, Roshi even managing to convince Han-san to step out into the floor. I made sure that the photographer for the entire thing got a picture of Naruto-kun dancing with Hinata-chan, the two of them blushing a bit in embarrassment at the attention I gave them. I remember Chika-chan catching the bouquet I threw out into the crowd before Roshi escorted me away with our honor guard to the Uchiha building for our night, Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun both staying the night at the Hyuuga compound to give us some time together.

The night itself was… different, there was a feeling to it like I hadn't felt before with Roshi, maybe it was the fact that we were now husband and wife, maybe it was just the charge from the wedding, maybe it was just coincidence, but… that night was a night I would always remember with my husband.

All I knew, that at that moment, I didn't care about the changes that I was making, I didn't care about what the future would hold, I just simply embraced my husband and enjoyed the moment for what it was.

Okay, since my reincarnation, I have been stabbed, electrocuted, burnt, attacked by killer rabbits, had my bones broken more than once, and in general, I thought I had known pain.

Giving birth trumped all of that.

The scream that tore through my throat as I tried to push my child out of me was loud enough that Roshi was wincing from more than just me crushing his hand with mine. And this had been going on for two hours now, not including the rush to the hospital that happened 12 hours ago when my water broke, nor does it count the twelve hours of enduring contractions as my body prepared itself for birth.

I could honestly say… this is the worst pain I ever experienced… and I am a kami-damn kunoichi!

"Keep pushing!" Saya-taicho shouted encouragingly, honestly, she was about one of the only women I would trust down their with my child when I'm giving birth. "I can see the head, the baby's coming out now!"

Sucking in a lungful of air I gritted my teeth as I squeezed my husband's hand even harder as I did my best to follow her instructions. "Dammit I hope this child understands just how much this freaking hurts!" I shouted as I pushed my child out of my body before giving Roshi a glare with what was no doubt my Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan from the flinch he gave. "And if you dare to tell me to start 'breathing deeply,' I will crush your balls and see how well you breathe!"

Roshi nodded quickly signalling that he understood what he was saying. "Yes dear," he replied quickly, a bit wide eyed in response. Smart man.

"Don't worry honey, you're doing fine," my mother told me from where she was assisting Saya-taicho. "The head is coming out now!"

Sucking in another lungful I ignored a fresh wave of agonizing pain to instead grit my teeth and push again with my full might as the doctors assisted by gently pulling the child out. "The baby is out!" Saya-sensei announced as wails were heard. "It's a girl!"

I gasped for air, feeling weaker than any other point in my life beforehand, as they cleaned my baby girl from the placenta covering her and quickly wrapped her in a soft pink blanket before handing her off to me, I mustered up enough strength to hold my daughter in my arms as she was placed there by Saya-taicho, allowing me to look down at her as she began to calm a bit.

Her hair was red, a shade darker than Roshi's own with coal black eyes as she weakly opened them up to see me and Roshi, a pair of small white scars rested above her eyes, in the same place Goku-san had his eye ridges, no doubt the mark of her father's status as a jinchuuriki. "Oh… she's got your nose," I commented, a sob of joy welling up within me as we looked down at our daughter in awe.

"Your eyes though, which is probably a good thing," Roshi breathed into my ear, placing an arm around my shoulders. "She's gorgeous."

"Nee-chan?" Naruto-kun called out nervous, getting my attention to the door where he looked in nervously with Sasuke-kun, Han-san peaking in with a raised eyebrow.

"Come in, you two… met your niece," I told my adopted little brother's, sharing a knowing look with Roshi who nodded as the two rushed over to climb up onto my bed to get a better look. "Meet Madoka-chan," I told them as my daughter turned her gaze to the two faces entering her faces with a gurgle. "Madoka-chan, these are your uncles, Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun, they will be helping protect you from now on."

"Mhm!" Naruto-kun nodded eagerly, making sure not to let out his usual exuberant shouts when he was excited, we had been very clear that it would upset the baby, as Sasuke-kun nodded in agreement, his face looking rather shocked.

"Also… the big guy in the back… he's your godfather, Han-san," I continued, smiling at the nervous looking jinchuriki, seriously, had enough power to take on an army by himself, and he was petrified about being a godfather, it was funny in its own way. "Don't worry, he only looks scary… he's a big softy at heart."

A click was heard, making us look over to our mother who had just taken a picture of all of us, with a warm smile that I returned to her.

I had my family around me, my husband beside me, and my daughter in my arms, all was right in the world.

Thank god I had experience with raising Naruto-kun, if I didn't I would have been completely at a loss and overwhelmed by little Madoka-chan.

Roshi himself had been at a complete loss with how to care for a child, making me chuckle in amusement as I showed him how to change diapers and burp Madoka-chan properly.

Thankfully, I wasn't alone in raising her, Roshi was putting everything he could into raising her, my mother doted on her granddaughter and was more than willing to babysit when we were pulled away for missions, apparently even though the Daimyo sent me a nice congratulatory letter for my newborn, he still wanted me to do missions.

Thankfully my responsibilities had lessened beforehand, with me delegating most of my non critical paperwork to one of the other surviving Jonin Uchiha, a couple of the chunin had been promoted themselves over the last few years. Little Madoka-chan took up a lot of attention as she grew, loving the attention everyone gave her, especially that of her uncles who seemed to hover over her in wonder and a wish to protect her.

Madoka-chan squealed happily as I picked her up from her playpen as I finally finished my paperwork for the day, catching up from the mission I had been on with Roshi last week. "Well, aren't you a happy one today, Madoka-chan!" I cheered at her happily as picked her up.

My daughter squealed happily as she smiled at me, gabbing away in her formless words. I giggled as I placed her on my hip and walked out of my office into the main apartment, the boys away at the Academy while Roshi was assisting some of the genin with their fire manipulation training.

A knock on the window brought my attention to the window where a cat masked ANBU was standing. "Hokage-sama requests your presence, Yuriko-sama," the ANBU informed before vanishing with a [Body Flicker], making me sigh as I looked down at Madoka-chan.

"Well… want to visit jiji?" I asked her, getting baby babble in return, unfortunately my mother was busy at the hospital and the usual mothers had their own hands full.

Grabbing her baby bag, I stepped out of the house and began making my way to the Hokage's Tower, the path very familiar for me by now as I walked through the streets, politely excusing myself from conversation with the assorted mothers and grandmothers who greeted me.

"Hokage-sama is waiting for you, Uchiha-sama," the secretary informed me as I strode in, garnering a nod from me in return.

"Thank you, Retsu-san," I replied, smiling at her briefly before stepping into the office. "You called for me, Hokage-sama?"

"Indeed, thank you for coming so promptly." Sarutobi-sama greeted with a fond smile as Madoka-chan babbled happily at him. "Hello to you as well, Madoka-chan," he said cheerfully to my daughter. He really was a grandfather to everyone in Konoha. He had even kept an eye on her when I got rushed into an A-Rank mission for the Daimyo at extremely short notice and none of my usual babysitters were available.

"I just wanted to inform you about some of the movements we've secured about Itachi," Sarutobi-sama informed seriously. "He was recently spotted in Tsuchi no Kuni in the company of Kisame Hoshigaki wearing black cloaks with red clouds, it seems he's joined an organization of some kind."

My eyes narrowed in response, ice filling my voice as I spoke. "Do we know anything about the organization?" I questioned him, Madoka-chan squirming a bit in response to the anger radiating off me, making me bounce her a bit in comfort.

"This is an S-Class secret for the time being," Sarutobi-sama replied firmly. "And we are only informing you because of your connection to the organization's goals. They are called the Akatsuki, and the only goal we have been able to find out so far, is hunting down and acquiring the Jinchuriki of the nine bijuu."

A growl ripped from my throat. "So… the clan wasn't enough for him?" I muttered angrily, getting a strange look from Sarutobi-sama.

"Because of this, I have pulled Kakashi from ANBU and I am going to have him assigned as Naruto-kun's Jonin-sensei," Sarutobi-sama informed me.

My lips thinned in response. "Are you sure you can trust the coward with it?" I snarled, unable to stop the words from coming out. "Chances are he'll just run off when Naruto-kun needs him the most again."

Sarutobi-sama winced a bit at the words I spoke. "You weren't exactly in the best state afterwards yourself, Yuriko-chan," he replied, garnering a shamed wince from myself. "I know that you have… opinions on his actions after the death of Minato and Kushina, but he watched over Naruto-kun in his own way."

I looked away, my face heating up with some shame. "I don't remember him being there when Naruto-kun was teething, I don't remember him being there when Naruto-kun was getting teased by some of the older students for his chakra control issues, I don't remember him being there when I was trying to comfort Naruto-kun when I was still grieving for Sakaki-nii-san," I knew my voice was shaking but I didn't care as I ranted. "So if he was watching, then where was he when Naruto-kun had tripped while training, cutting his hand with the kunai he was training with? If he was watching, where was he when Naruto-kun was learning how to control the Kyuubi's chakra from Roshi and Han-san?"

Sarutobi-sama gave me a knowing look as he seemed to look even older before me. "Yuriko-chan," he spoke, cutting through the anger I was feeling. "Kakashi was just as lost as you were after Minato and Kushina's death, unfortunately we weren't able to give him the support he needed, and he would not have been equipped at all to raise Naruto-kun. I allowed him to enter ANBU because that was the only place he could recover."

I looked down at Madoka-chan as she began to play with my hair, looking like she adjusted to the heavy atmosphere the conversation was created. "I'm sorry, Sarutobi-sama," I whispered with a small frown as I gently ran a finger along her cheek. "It's just…"

"You are only human," Sarutobi-sama assured me with a calm smile. "Yuriko-chan, I know how you feel, but please remember, he is going to be there to protect Naruto-kun."

I let out a small sigh and nodded. "Of course, Sarutobi-sama." I replied. "I will keep your words in mind."

"That is all I ask for, Yuriko-chan," Sarutobi-sama assured me with a small smile. "Now, you mind if I spend some time with Madoka-chan as well?"

I couldn't help the smile that came over my face as I chuckle. "Of course I don't mind," I assured him as I stepped forward, allowing him to take the now happily gurgling Madoka-chan from my arms.

I watched with a worried look as Roshi and Naruto-kun were meditating in a clearing of the [Blackwood Forest] keeping an eye out for any of the chakra mutations that would try and attack them.

The pair were currently within their minds, speaking with their bijuu, Roshi and Goku-san trying to help Naruto-kun with convincing the Kyuubi to share his chakra with him.

I twitched minutely as a new chakra signature entered the field and made its way towards us. Glancing over I spotted a head of silver hair as Kakashi strode forward, his face unreadable under the half-face mask and only one visible eye.

"Hatake-san," I greeted neutrally as he entered the clearing.

Hatake-san blinked as he looked over at me with a lazy look, his entire body stiff. "Uchiha-san," he replied back, nodding ever so slightly. "What are they doing?"

"Communing with their Bijuu," I replied evenly. "Roshi and Goku-san are trying to convince the Kyuubi to lend him some chakra."

"Ah, so we are trusting an Iwa shinobi for this?" he questioned.

"We are trusting an ally and now Konohagakure shinobi for this, yes," I shot back coldly, glaring at him briefly. I knew why he was suspicious and distrustful of Iwa Shinobi; it had been a trap by them that had 'killed' one Obito Uchiha. Regardless of that, there was no way in hell I was going to let him imply treachery on the part of my husband and my child's godfather.

Hatake-san stared back at me blankly as I met his stare for several moments before shrugging carelessly. "Well… I suppose you would trust others to do the hard work," he said bluntly. "After all, it didn't turn out all that well the last time you were supposed to guard someone."

My eyes narrowed as my hand twitched at the reminder of the night of Naruto-kun's birth. "Well, at least I didn't abandon the child of my mentor to run and hide," I shot back, my voice growing even colder.

Hatake-san twitched in response as he turned a cyclopean glare on me. "Considering that you failed twice to protect the people you care for, I don't need to hear that from you," Hatake-san growled in response.

I knew my sharingan flared to life as I glared at him in response, my jaw tightening. "Better than your track record, at least I was there to try," I snapped at him, anger coloring my tone.

A larger twitch spasmed Hatake-san's hand as his eye narrowed. "I am honestly surprised Naruto didn't die under your watch considering how everyone else ended up," he snarled angrily.


I didn't care if it could be considered insubordination, but if felt good to punch him across the face at his words. "Watch yourself, Hatake," I growled as he staggered back from the strike. "My patience has its own limits, and you are pushing them severely."

Hatake snorted as he rubbed his covered jaw, no doubt it would have an impressive bruise in the morning. "And the fact that you just attacked your superior won't help you," he said in a smug manner.

"Superior, hardly," I replied with narrowed eyes. "We're the same rank, Hatake-san. You may be the overly vaunted 'Hero of the Sharingan' but I am the 'Equal of the Clan Killer'. In my opinion you're just wasting my cousin's eye."

Kakashi's eye widened and I barely managed to block his strike with my active sharingan as he glared furiously at me. "You dare?" he snarled angrily.

"I do," I snarled back, equally angry. "I wonder what he would think of your decision to abandon Minato-sama's son after he died, what is it that he vaunted all the time? 'Those who abandon their mission are trash, but those that abandon their comrades are worse than trash'? What would that make you then Hatake?"

He let out a strangled shout of rage as he struck at me again with his opposite hand that I barely leaned out of the way of only for him to headbutt me on the bridge of my nose, pain searing through me as it broke under his hitai-ate.

I stepped away, my hand reached up, alight with green chakra to fix the damage as Hatake reached up and pushed his hitai-ate up to reveal his three-tomoe sharingan. "You're really going to try and use my cousin's eye against me, Hatake?" I questioned tauntingly as I fixed my nose, my own sharingan spinning. "How arrogant can you get, Hatake? No-one with an implanted Sharingan can defeat an Uchiha with it."

Kakashi snarled in response as he began forming hand seals, my own hands coming up to mimic his seals. "You…"

"What's wrong? Don't like someone stealing your schtick?" I asked tauntingly, a smirk coming onto my face as we continued to form the seals. "You really think you're the only one to use this trick against people?"

Hatake snarled as we finished forming the seals, about to release it before something stepped between us, cloaked in magma red chakra as we were suddenly pushed away from one another. "ENOUGH!" Roshi roared with his bijuu chakra enhanced voice. "You are both allies, why the fuck are you fighting to kill!?"

I blinked several times as I shook my head in disorientation, my husband's words feeling like someone dumped cold water down my back. "Dammit…" I grunted, shaking my head. "You're right… Roshi…"

I looked off to the side to see Naruto-kun looking between the two of us in worried concern. "Nee-chan?" he called out questioningly, making me slump a bit as I sighed, running my hand along my face as my sharingan faded.

"It's alright Naruto-kun, we were just having an argument that got out of hand," I admitted, smilingly comfortingly at him. "Isn't that right, Hatake-san?"

"Ah… yeah," Hatake-san agreed sheepishly, seeming like he also realized what had been about to happen between the two of us. "Thank you for stopping us… Roshi-san."

Roshi nodded as his [Lava Release: Chakra Mode] faded. "No worries," he replied, sending a look between the two of us. "Just be glad Kurama pointed out what was happening while we were conversing with him."

"Kurama?" I questioned, remembering that I wasn't supposed to know the Kyuubi's name. "Is that the Kyuubi?"

"Yeah!" Naruto-kun confirmed with an eager nod. "He was really grumpy at first, but he seemed to calm down after Goku-san talked with him for a bit. He's being really stingy with his chakra though, won't let me do anything cool like Roshi-nii and Han-nii can do with their partners!"

I smiled at him warmly as I jumped down and patted his sunny blond hair affectionally. "Don't worry too much about it," I told him softly. "It is his chakra after all, he will only share it when he wants to, kinda like how you and Sasuke-kun share your toys."

Naruto-kun screwed his face up in an adorable manner as he thought about it before nodding. "Then I have to be friends with him in order for him to share?" he asked for confirmation, getting a nod in response from me.

"Exactly," I confirmed with a giggle. "If anyone can befriend him, than it's you, Naruto-kun."

My little brother smiled brightly at me before hugging me tightly in response. "I'll make you proud, Nee-san," he told me confidently.

"I always am," I assured him with a smile as I stroked his head gently. "Now, let me introduce you to Kakashi Hatake-san, he is an… acquaintance of mine."

Naruto-kun looked over to the silver-haired man who had recovered his poise and covered up Obito's sharingan. "Why were you two fighting?" he asked, looking up at me suspiciously, before glancing at Hatake-san with the same suspicion.

"Ah… I think that may be my fault," Hatake-san admitted. "I mentioned some things that were… sore points for your sister."

"Unfortunately, I didn't help it very much either," I pitched in, owning up to my own responsibility with the situation. "But… I think we have gotten out of our systems now," I looked over to Hatake-san with a raised eyebrow.

"I think so as well," Hatake-san nodded in agreement. "It won't be happening again."

"Well… alright then," Naruto-kun nodded in agreement as he stepped away and looked up at Hatake-san with a bright smile. "Nice to meet you! I'm Naruto Uzumaki!"

A flash of a deep pain flashed through Hatake-san's eyes briefly before he covered it with an eye smile. "It is nice to meet you, Naruto-kun," he replied cheerfully, a cheer that was only a little forced. "I've heard some good things about you."

I smiled as Naruto-kun chatted with Hatake-san, looking over as Roshi stepped up next to me and slid his arm around my waist, allowing me to lean against him a bit, it was rough for me, to look at Hatake-san and see the reminder of my own failures, but… for Naruto-kun, I think the two of us could get along.


Yuriko's Stats

Name: Yuriko

Level: 75

EXP: 4,875/35,000

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Title: Uchiha Clan head (+50% to all reputation gains, command of the Uchiha Clan)

Secondary Title: Equal to the Clan Killer (+50% to all stats, +200 HP & CP per level, Reputation with Konohagakure and Uchiha Clan is set to [Exalted])

STATS - Current - Former

HP - 9,125 - 7,725

CP - 37,900 - 35,000

STR - 95 (166) - 85 (127)

INT - 140 (210) - 132 (198)

DEX - 160 (280) - 152 (266)

VIT - 90 (135) - 85 (127)

WIS -135 (202) -125 (187)

LUK - 41 (61) - 41 (61)

Ryo - 36,578,254 - 25,542,153

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