The cruise ship continued to sail along the sea, in a half an hour they managed to meet up with the reinforcement team, after informing them about what went on, a few groups of people were still sent to go and investigate the battle field.
The ride to vermillion city was calming and peaceful, even so the atmosphere wasn't as bright as it was before the pirate attack.
But even so Leo had some fun with Alissa and the others, they were also somehow respectful to him, although he didn't notice it at first, after a while it became obvious.
"Is this a world like those cultivation worlds, the stronger you are the more respect you get" Leo thought, back on earth strength didn't matter due to the limits of the human body, even if you were the strongest person in the world lifting hundreds and hundreds of pounds, one gun shot from a weak teenager who hadn't even grown hair would be enough kill you and end your life.
It made sense, afterall Leo was able to save the life of so many people, although he didn't view himself as a hero, if he had the strength to help, why not help?
"I guess this is where we part ways" Alissa, cynthia and Stephan both looked to Leo, they had previously asked Leo to Join them on their journey after knowing that he was alone, but Leo could only reject their invitation, he was used to doing things on his own, bringing people along would only slow him down.
"Yea, who knows, we might meet each other another time" Leo said as he waved before getting off the ramp, the situation of the pirates had been concealed, but it wouldn't stop those who were on it from spreading rumors and other shit.
When they made it back to vermillion city, the sky was dark and filled with many stars, Leo felt a warm feeling in his heart as he gazed at those stars.
Leo then immediately returned to his inn, as it was already night time the gym was most likely closed, Leo felt like his journey in this city would come to an end after the Pokémon gym battle, but so what? He had to keep moving no matter what.
After listening to a urgent and caring talk about the dangers of his world Leo played a few games to calm his mind, the danger of that gun was still in his mind.
"I rlly hope I can gain some powers to protect myself, otherwise I'll be killed if my Pokémon aren't near me, wouldn't I be a disgrace to transmigrated people?" He sighed as he layed down, his eyes landing on the starry sky which could be seen outside his window.
The next day Leo went out to a small restaurant and bought something to eat, as today he was planning on going against the vermillion city gym.
Leo sat on a wooden chair as he drank some tea, as it was pretty early, the restaurant wasn't filed with many people.
A figure suddenly entered his eyes, it was LT. Surge, he was dressed in some military pants and boots and wore a green tank top with some sunglasses as he ordered food.
Coincidently, the buff LT.Surge day right across from Leo and began to eat.
The food in the Pokémon world was also strangely different, but at the same time resembled food from earth, but it tasted 100x better than earth food, Leo thought to himself in an exaggerated way.
Leo immediately retracted his gaze, after finishing his food he left towards the gym location.
He would have to wait a while since LT.Surge wasn't there yet.
After touring the city aimlessly for half and hour, Leo decided to head to the gym location, LT.Surge was probably there now.
The location was actually hard to find slightly as there was a volcano in vermillion city, but after asking around a few trainers, Leo immediately got the location, although it was supposed to be hidden, he saved himself some time and went immediately.
"Oh a trainer?" LT.Surge raised his eyebrows as he noticed Leo walking through the door, he momentarily stopped sipping the juice in his hands.
"Yes of course, im here to challenge the gym" Leo smiled calmly, he wasn't planning on dragging this battle, There was no point in that.
"Haha good, I was getting pretty bored lately" Lt.Surge laughed before throwing the juice cup into the trash before flexing his muscles, he seemed really excited.
"Why does this guy look like he wants to fight my Pokémon with his own body" Leo was slightly shocked, it's okay to be huge, but did he really have to flex everywhere he went.
Lt. Surge then explained the rules of the battle and how many Pokémon they could each use.
The battle area was pretty normal, there were no props, just the ground was blue with yellow lightning symbols across it.
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