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19.23% Invincible Me / Chapter 5: Ginger Lemonade

Capítulo 5: Ginger Lemonade

Obligatory Disclaimer : I do not own anything (except maybe OC characters) all characters, places, worlds, universes…etc mentioned here belong to their respective owners and/or companies. 

This is purely a work of fiction. Not meant to offend or incite, but to entertain and (maybe) inspire.




"That's enough for today." He said, a tender patch on his chest being his only discernible injury. 

I was worse for wear; a swiftly healing blue eye limited my vision, cracked ribs made each breath as painful as birthing a basketball. A sprained ankle, a shifted shoulder blade, a very bruised back that made standing straight an Olympic task, and clothes—ragged, muddied and bloodied that clung onto my skin was my takeaway from the training. 

He came around, rested a hand on my painful shoulder, igniting the vicious ache on my back, and looked me in the eye, "You're doing great son, I mean it. For you to be this good in one week is astronomical progress, and I couldn't be prouder. I know it's very difficult and seems downright sadistic even, but know that I love you, and this is all for your sake."

"I know dad." I smiled, the chipped piece of my premolar rolling around my tongue meant I didn't show teeth. 

"Mark, we can stop at any time you want to."

"That'll be the day I beat you, old man." I said, changing into my other clothes.

"Hahaha! That's the spirit." He laughed from the belly up, rubbing my hair. "Follow me, I have something for you." He beckoned, ascending into the clouds like a messianic figure. I followed like a fanatical soul reaching the pearly gates. 

He broke through the clouds at speeds that would put F15s to shame, and there I was on his tail like a baby fighter jet, using all my effort to not get left in the proverbial dust. 

"Wait, I have to deal with this." He banked downwards.

I saw what 'this' was, and I felt sorry for the rockman and his bank robbing associates. It was absolutely overkill. He dusted the rock pieces off his knuckles and flew back up. Gesturing with his head for me to follow still. 


"Yes son."

"Can you tell Spiderman to stop being a menace?"

"Who's spiderman?"

What was I even going for here? 

"Eh, never mind."

By the time we landed in the empty parking lot, I knew where I was or rather where I was going. The Art's Tailor Shop sign board on the building certainly gave it away.

We entered the building, walked past rows of clothed mannequins and sewing equipment to reach a door that said storage. He typed in a code on the keypad and with a ring and a mechanical click and whir sound, the door slid open, revealing steps to a basement like space. 

The basement was, well, a basement, except this one had transparent glass pods with mannequins clothed in vibrant skin tight gear. High powered mechanical machines ran surprisingly quietly in the back, I only noticed the things were on from the whispering hum they produced and the scent of motor lubricant.

Sitting behind a metal work desk was a gray haired man whose hands were busy driving pins through brightly colored fabric, he raised his gaze to Omni man, delight blooming on his face as he stood, stretching his hand out for a shake.

"No Art we weren't seen." Omni man said, matching Art's look.

"I didn't say anything."

"You were about to."

They laughed and shook hands.

"And you must be Mark. I've heard so much about you."

"Pleasure to meet you Mr."

"Name's Art, I make prom dresses by day, superhero suits by night."

"Must be quite the occupation."

"What can I say; it keeps these old hands young." He laughed, shaking my hand.

"Wait, you said superhero suits right?" 

"That I did."

"Am I getting my super suit?" I faced Omni man, asking with an artificial hint of excitement in my voice. It wasn't exactly a surprise for me.

He smiled, "As soon as you tell Art what you want. After all you've earned it son."

"Cool, cool, cool."

"Wanna see the merchandise before you decide, kid?"

"Nope. I've got something in mind already."

"Really? That was fast. People usually take their time with this." He said with folded arms. "Tell me the name you want to go by and we can get to work."

"Let's see what you have son."

"The name is..." 

"Is what son?" There goes my title card moment. 



Apparently, I still had to go to work while waiting for my super suit, that was if I didn't want to stay broke, or at home all day with those promiscuous two. Once I start my super heroics, I'm sure I'll be occupied enough with saving the world and making ridiculous amounts of money doing it. 

"You're one funny kid." Said the fat man, generously tipping me as I cleared his table with a smile on my face.

"You can come around whenever Mr. Henry." I saluted, earning me one in return. He was a good guy going through a tough time, but still a good guy. Maybe this world isn't as bad as I think it is, maybe I've just been seeing things through dark lenses. 

I carried the trays to the kitchen, deposited them next to the washer and gave a compliment to a pretty blond with supermodel legs, washing the dishes. Earning me a smile from her. 

"Don't you have other tables to attend to?" She said, adjusting a lock of her straight hair.

"But I want to be with my girlfriend."

"Get out, I told you I'm not your girlfriend." She chuckled, spraying me with water. 

"Right, we haven't gone on a date yet." I wiped the fluid and leaned against the sink right next to her.

"Pfft yeah right."

"Don't think it's that easy to get me to like you." I snorted.

"Oh really?" She raised a brow playfully.

"Yeah, you'll have to take me somewhere very expensive and buy me fine wine and lobster."

"Ah of course, how can I forget, you're such a classy man."

"You working tomorrow?"

"Hell no."

"Come join me then."


"It's a surprise."

"I don't like surprises."

"Tsk tsk Angela, now I can't go out with you anymore." I sighed, shaking my head and in the motion of walking away. 

"Ok, chill, I'll make an exception for you." She laughed, tugging at my uniform.



"Well, I'm thinking of how to reach you."

"Right, you don't have my number." 

I pulled out my phone and handed it to her. She smiled and tapped in it, handing it back to me. I dialed the number and a phone in her pocket rang. 

"Really, 'Angel' is what you stored your name as."

"Aren't I one?"

"Don't flatter yourself lady."

"You're such an asshole." She laughed again, punching my shoulder. 

"Y'know Candice said the same thing"

"Who's Candice?"

….HehehehehHAHAHA! You have fallen for my trap card.

"Candice D—"

"Grayson! You've got customers waiting!" A pot bellied man in an orange and white striped long sleeve roared.

"Told you" Angela muttered quietly at the side.

It was too powerful an attack to use on her anyway. Another day then.

"Yes sir! Right on it." I said like a soldier. Walking briskly out the kitchen, and into the eatery. 

"Welcome to Burger Mart, what would you and your beautiful family like today sir?" I showed them my pearly whites, and they showed me theirs too…ok no, the dad looked clearly pissed, the mom looked like she'd rather be anywhere else and their teen daughter barely even acknowledged my existence. 

"Do you know how long we had to wait?"

"I apologize for that sir, how about you let me take extra special care of you?"


"See there on number sixteen." I pointed, "It's today's secret special, you get extra of everything for the price of half."

"You mean it?"

"Yes sir. If you add $4.99 on the order I could even get you premium milkshakes, of course at no added costs for the beautiful ladies with you."

"What a polite young man." The lady beamed at the compliment; the teen still had her head buried in her phone. 

"We'll have the number sixteen with the premium shakes." He ordered, ordered, me. this guy wouldn't even be able to look me in the eye in my past life. 

"Noted." I smiled, writing it down. "And you miss?" I asked the mom, who I knew was the mom, but pretended wasn't the mom.

"Miss?" He interjected.

"Oh, I'm sorry isn't she your daughter?" I said, catching the blushing lady's eye.

"Pfft" The teen let out a laugh.

"Kid, just get us the fucking food."

"Of course sir." I replied. Women see more details, much more than men do. So, when I grinned at her with an 'I do want to fuck you' look on my face, I'm certain she knew.

Here's another fun fact; there's no secret special or no premium shake. He's just paying slightly more for the same thing. How will it get past him? Something called rationalization and larger cups and trays will do the trick. 

Man, how hard would my real Dad laugh if he saw me in here. He'd burn the place down and get to laughing at me even harder. I miss you Dad.

I grabbed the large trays of food and carried it along to the table of the family of three. Placing it down, I offered to pour their ketchup and mayo like a loyal servant. Getting back into the man's good graces, and for the lady I left a heart shape design over her fries. The teen I didn't care about.

I then brought them their shakes while they busily ate. Leaving them for now, I left to attend to others and clear tables. I then sent over their checks while they The pot-bellied man in the striped suit gave me a nod of approval like I needed it. 

"Excuse me." Someone tapped me on the shoulder while I wiped a table clean.

"Yes, oh, hi miss." It was the mom. A natural redhead with freckles sprinkled across her face that made her look a lot like Julian Moore, except she had that Disney cartoon mom body; big curves, thick thighs, wide hips, and a moderate bust. 

She adjusted her glasses, squinting a bit to read my name tag. "Mark." She was pleased at the discovery. "Would you mind showing me the way to the restroom?"

"Sure, it's right at the bend past the soda machine."

"I really am bad with directions; I couldn't find hay in a haystack. I know you're busy, but I'll make it up to you." When she said I'll make it up to you I assumed she meant tips. Yes, I've been flirting with her but that's all been playful.

"Sure, why not."

I walked to the back of the eatery with her following behind, we went past the soda machine and a passage presented itself on the right. I pointed at the door she should enter and was ready to leave. She held my arm and nudged me into the female restroom, down to the last stall where she drew me in still and closed the door behind us. 

I only followed because my brain had yet to catch up to what was happening here. Did she not realize where we were? Did she forget that her family was still at the table? How was this even possible in reality? Am I really that attractive or is this lady just that much of a perv?

And then it hit me. This wasn't my reality. This was a place with superheroes and villains, common sense went out the window as soon as my ten toes hit the floor.

"Do you want this?" At least she asked. 

"You've brought me this far, what would you do if I said no?"

"This." She said, planting soft, moist cherry flavored lips on mine. "How old are you?" She asked, pulling back, a strand of sticky saliva bridging our lips. Man, I was loving the physics of this universe. 

If the genders were reversed, this wouldn't be as fantastical. 

Just let me enjoy this brain, despite how questionable it seemed.

"Old enough." I grabbed her waist and drew her in. She yelped in surprise at my power. Her hands explored my body beneath my shirt. My hands found their way into her black sweater and squeezed her ridiculously soft mounds, I rounded her hardened nipples with a thumb, earning me a soft moan while our lips were still together. 

This is where things would normally fade to black, but apparently my life was real and the setting was graphic. 

With my other hand I explored deeper, easily separating the button of her jeans and sliding fingers over her silk lingerie. Moist fluid seeped through said fabric to soak my fingers in her juices. Up, down, I caressed with a finger, up, down I nudged into the slit. The underwear fabric being the only barrier between us. 

"Ahh~~" She moaned in my ear, "Give it to me you stud" We've got a dirty talker. Sweet. 

I easily tore her panties through her jeans, an act that seemed to fill her with even more lust. She found my belt, unbuckled it and slid my trousers and boxers down, reaching to stroke my member. She offered fellatio with an otherworldly serpentine tongue. 

I raised her head, directed her up by the chin, locked my hands under her thighs and hefted her up, her weight barely even registered to me.

She yelped, surprised at my strength. I found my way into her and an explosion of pleasure hit me. She was vice tight and peach soft, slippery sweet, adequately wet and burning hot.

I pushed in deep and her head fell back, mouth wide open and spine arched, her pelvis grinding on mine. I pushed deeper still and a throaty moan escaped through fingers she clamped over her mouth. I would soon touch her soul, accompanied by the sound of wet slaps and stifled moans.


Well, it's probably the longest chapter yet, I wonder why that is. Heh. Wishing you lovely citizens a lovely day.

Stay safe. Spread love. To that one person who promised to, I'm waiting for my nudes. Hehehe...

The Piper and The Huntsman:

Big thanks to my Patrons, you do not realize the magnitude of good your support does. Thank you very, very much;

Andreas Samuelsson (Slade Killson)

Clinton (Titan Breaker)

David J (Celestial Devastator)

King_Reaper ( Kaiser Raiser )

PbookR (Infinity's Librarian)

Ido Gormizo (Gravity's Tyrant)

Godkingash (Heavenly Overlord)

Frodo the fourth (Eternal Emperor)

Belduim (Moon Maker)

Justlovereadin (Diamond Duke)

Robert Jefferson (Notorious BFG)

Simply Invincible (Onepunch Lord)

Scott Shar (Fade Lord)

Zack Crum (Master Z)

Douglas Bernard (Atom Smasher)

Douglas Pilkington (Storming Sword)

Rebek (Radioactive Knife) 

Xedex (Kill Billie Jean)

Joseph Bipp (Bad Prince)

Cultivating Reader (Bomber Kane)

Turtle (Slow Die) 

Aaron Kay (Mean Keyz)

Karam (Fightzone)

Ahmed Ayub (Alt+f4)

Jeffery McClurg(Chief)

Julius Cain (Void Surfer)

Well, I'll leave you all to enjoy your day/night with me on your mind.

Till next time, Rain (the best ever) away!

You can come find me, 

ON TWITTER: @Rainreider



On INSTA (Where I post memes): @rainnmaine

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