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95.2% Just Saiyan (DBZ/DC) / Chapter 118: The last few days

Capítulo 118: The last few days

It was beautiful to look at. Even after all this time training at his side and sparring with him, it was marvelous to see him move. The way his attacks flowed and chained into ingenious combinations. Although it wasn't something one couldn't think of, just having to apply it on the fly though was something completely different. 

One could see that his foundations were rock solid, which made him able to think about other approaches to overcome his enemy in an instant. Just the way he slapped my hand just slightly out of the way with his tail as he spun away wasn't something easily done despite it appearing to be simple. Just the fact that our tail was an inherent weakness, one he had experienced himself, to then overcome and even use in battle was worthy of applause.

I could perfectly see why Kakarot in the original series was able to master something even the gods couldn't in millennia. Although this version of Kakarot didn't achieve it to the same extent, he didn't seem to want to either. It looked like instead of mastering Ultra Instinct, he wanted to integrate it into his already formidable martial arts.

Instead of dodging my attacks completely, he borrowed the power instead to deliver powerful counterattacks. Although it seemed simple and not like something that would increase his strength by a lot, due to the mysteriousness of the Ultra Instinct technique his strength increased exponentially. The divine aura around him when he entered the Primal Saiyan transformation only grew, and it gained a silver taint.

I raised my hand and pointed my palm at him and fired several ki blasts at him. The way he weaved through them even as he approached was mesmerizing, like an illusional display that captivated one's attention. When he was in arms reach, his fist was loaded to his waist and seemingly without moving I felt the attacks coming my way. 

I dodged and blocked what I could. He was fast, but he lacked power. It didn't take me long until I adapted to his enormous speed, and I could see his fist move. His movements got clearer as I adjusted to the explosion of speed that he was now capable of. However, despite this when I weaved under his straight right and aimed a punch at his side, he simply intercepted it with his palm and moved with my punch, pulling me in front of him. His leg snapped up and kicked me into the air.

The storm bristled against my back as I shot through the dark clouds. It was dark, the surrounding clouds illuminated by the lighting striking my form. This 'heavenly tribulation' had long lost its threat against me, so I simply ignored it even when its power grew with my ascend. My eyes focused on my sparring partner as he burst through the clouds.

His form was surrounded by an oppressive power, bringing a contrast to the dark clouds with a red-purple aura with silver accents. I straightened my form and raised my hand before chopping down. There was no grand attack that traveled the distance. No. After my hand stopped again, the clouds and the lightning were already split.

Perhaps it was because of his incomplete mastery of Ultra Instinct or because my attack had exceeded his dodging speed, but he was unable to do anything other than accept the weight of this attack. Kakarot's aura fluctuated greatly as he raised his arms to protect himself from the slash. His ascend stopped in its tracks, and he remained in that position for a moment before he dropped out of his transformation. 

He lowered his arms with a frown on his face, inspecting the thin line where blood was leaking out. At this point, I knew he decided to end today's session at that. I wasn't arrogant enough to think I knocked him out of his state. After learning from these Saiyan's I knew they weren't this easily beaten. I descended until we were at the same level. He shook his head. "I'm missing something, but I don't know what." 

"You'll figure it out." I simply said as I had full confidence in him. Initially, it was even difficult for him to instinctively dodge my attacks when I attacked him straight on and with my aura flaring up as I moved into attack, clearly indicating my intent of attacking. Now even sneak attacks and illusionary stuff didn't easily land on him and this was even when we weren't fighting.

We had taken it upon ourselves to ambush him whenever we felt like it, though it was more because fights easily broke out among Saiyans that some just took a shot at him just for fun than to help him if we were being honest. He benefited from it though and quite quickly at that. It didn't take long for him to achieve some initial success and then devise a future plan for himself.

Just the way he was talking and behaving himself made me realize that he was quite mature compared to what I had seen from his counterpart in the Dragon Ball Super series. This was the guy who figured out how to master Super Saiyan. He was methodical with it and deliberately left some things out to just 'feel'. There was also deliberation about his weaknesses and strengths.

Either way, I knew if someone could achieve some success with this technique, then it was him and not just because his counterpart had done it. This was the second thing he had tackled to master before we would exit the barrier. The first one, my method of breaking down the body with chaotic ki was already something he had managed to emulate.

Of course, it wasn't something he could master to the same degree and its usage was more something he could use for training than in fighting improvements, but if he kept it at a controllable range, he could use it to accelerate his growth during battle. Vegeta had mastered it to an even higher degree as he seemed to have a natural affinity to it, but that had only revealed itself when he integrated his insights into the Death Force from the Tear of Extinction.

Kakarot sighed slightly as we descended back onto the ground. I looked over at where Vegeta should be. There was a red-purplish aura piercing through the dark clouds in a certain area. The fluctuations were immense, and I could already imagine him being enveloped by lightning as his power interacted with the destructive force inside this 'heavenly tribulation'.

To the side, Shallot and Cumber were duking it out, violently dispersing the storm with each clash. Cumber had finally achieved the Primal Saiyan transformation, which caused his strength to skyrocket unbelievably. If I had to guess he might have an edge over even a Primal Saiyan Broly, well Z Broly, at least. Shallot had made considerable progress with our bloodline as well.

He was now constantly in the state of a Saiyan God, and I could already guess that he was going to make this form his natural state soon, mastering it completely. Although it didn't seem to be a huge increase as there was no flashy new transformation or aura surrounding him, his divine ki though was so much thicker and dense that it easily bridged the gap between any of us.

It was truly astonishing to see how much strength was hidden in a Saiyan God's power as he didn't seem to be close to his limit. I shook my head slightly, maybe he had already broken the limits of a Saiyan God a long time ago. This was the usual trend with our race, after all. Limits were broken time and time again.

It also made me lament his luck for choosing this place to train in. The pressure this mountain had on him certainly helped with his progress. Hell, I could feel the benefits just from standing on the peak.

The pressure seemed to work our bloodline 'muscle'. For some reason, it was getting easier and easier to just pull more out of it. Vegeta and Kakarot said it was because it was condensing our ki, making it 'more' divine, but Giblet and I weren't sure about that.

We theorized that it might have something to do with the spiritual and mental pressure exerted on us all the time. Given that I took a couple of breaks during our long training sessions, it seemed to give Giblet quite the edge, so the theory did hold some weight to it. 

It made it more plausible when he started training his psychic powers, which worked to increase his power by quite a bit. However, I wasn't really convinced. If that had been the deciding factor then I would have him beat by miles. My psychic abilities were by far the strongest and most skillful among the group. 

Although they all had the raw ability and innate talent for it, they didn't deem it the same attention I had. They only used it for some supplementary training to a technique they were developing or the like, which seemed to work for them quite well, but this kind of training didn't bridge the gap between them and me concerning psychic power.

Giblet didn't seem too concerned about finding out the exact reason as long as he grew in power, but I had already delved a bit into it and figured some things out. It did have something to do with the mind...

I stretched a bit and exited my transformation before I sat down crosslegged and thought about what I had done today, what flaws I had, and how to rectify them. Although it was basically meaningless now as I knew what I was missing, I did it anyway on the off chance that I missed something.

We also discussed some things, that had improved the group's level by quite a bit, especially the trio that wasn't that keen on learning from others. To put their sensation during certain attacks, techniques, or transformations into thoughts and words put things into perspective for them.

I wasn't sure whether they were just warming up to each other, but it also seemed like these talking sessions coupled with the sparring was something they were thoroughly enjoying. Of course, sparring and improving was something every Saiyan enjoyed, but it appeared to me that they were enjoying the company the most.

I glanced at Giblet and Cumber, who were descending to the ground completely exhausted and quite battered. They were talking and swinging their arms as if to relive the fight that they had just now. Vegeta on the other hand had a frown on his face before he looked at Kakarot, who had a similar expression on his face. 

He swiftly walked up to his resting rival and they started chatting about their newest insight. Actually, now that I think about it, perhaps it was these discussions that made their techniques distinctly different from the pure version their counterparts had developed.

Didn't really matter though. After I kipped up, the eyes fell on me as their chatting died down. It almost looked like they were expecting something from me. I wasn't going to hold a speech though. Keep it simple, keep it short. "Don't be late for the day after tomorrow." When they heard me, they adopted a nonchalant attitude and waved me off.

The weird turn in their attitude left me a bit puzzled, but I shrugged it off. They sometimes had quite the temper about the most inane things, it was quite funny to see them throw a tantrum about some small stuff. I gave them a salute before teleporting away toward my bedroom.

I looked at the squirming figure beneath the sheets and I could feel the corner of my eye twitching. I shook my head and reached out to grab a corner before pulling it away only to reveal a redhead burying her face into my pillow. A sigh escaped me as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Maxima, what are you doing?" My action of pulling away the sheet coupled with my question froze the warrior queen in the bed. It took a moment of silence before she lifted her face out of the pillow.

A yawn escaped her. "I was sleeping. What else?" She then propped up her head with one arm as she turned to lie on her side to look at me with a neutral expression. 

"I see and why were you moving so much?" Of course, there were other questions I should have been asking like why she was sleeping in my bed in the first place or why Shayera and Diana were off to the city despite the fact that they knew I was coming at this time.

Besides that, I had already made up my mind after Shayera. It's a bit late and I kind of regret not doing what I was going to do not sooner, but better late than never. After all, I was playing in the big leagues now, and with one mishap there was no coming back, so I might just throw my caution and overthinking to the wind.

"I felt too lazy to get up, but I knew I had to, so I was struggling with what to do." A line that she had obviously thought about before I had come here and asked. Not to mention that we both knew she wasn't a morning grouch.

"I see. I would never think someone as active as you would consider themselves as lazy." I grabbed her thigh as I said this, making her tense up. Her eyes opened wide as she stared at me before looking at my hand firmly grabbing onto her thighs only to wander up to her behind.

"Has the cat got your tongue?" I asked as I pulled down her pants, leaving her just in her underwear. She was starstruck, not knowing what to do at the sudden change in actions, though her mind quickly recovered as she turned to me. Her legs wrapped around my waist pulling me toward her as she grabbed onto my t-shirt.

Her grip was tight as she pulled me close to her face. "Finally, horny enough, or did you find your courage?" She spat a bit violently. Her breathing quickened and I wasn't sure whether it was because of excitement or because of something else.

In a smooth motion, I got a hold of her hands and pinned them above her. "You tell me," I responded jokingly. Even in this position, she was glaring at me, though I didn't miss the underlying insecurities I could see in her eyes. 

"I was here because tomorrow will be the last day- the last night before we go out there... I thought since I might not make it, why not go all out? This might be my last chance." She still stared at me for a moment as if to dare me to say something to her.

"I know," I said calmly as I removed our clothes, piece by piece. She let it happen, just watching me with thinned lips.

"So, it's out of pity? Out of empathy? Why now?" She asked, turning her head away to not look at me, but that didn't make me stop though and she realized that too. She squirmed slightly, trying to get out of my grasp, but quickly stopped when I overpowered her.

"Does it matter?" Her head snapped toward me with a frown. "The simple fact is, I am here with you and I want you." I leaned down and whispered into her ear. "Didn't you always fantasize about doing it on your throne?" I asked as we teleported to her throne room and I pushed her into her seat of power.

There was no one around but the guard that was just outside of the door. "Wha-what are you dommhhm?" I pressed my palm onto her mouth as I teased her entrance with my tip, which made her tense up even more.

"You don't want the guard to hear you, do you?" I asked her as I moved my hand from her mouth, giving her the opportunity to say something, but she just glared at me. I couldn't help but smile as I started rubbing my dick between her lips, while her hands struggled out of my grasp.

I gave her some wriggling room and she successfully freed her hands. Her fist thudded against my chest repeatedly as she bit her lip while her hits were getting weaker by the second. "Why now?" She asked again.

I leaned down, giving her a kiss, which earned me a bite to the lip. I smiled, which set her off even more. She pulled away, drawing a bit of blood from my lips, messily staining hers blood-red as she continued to glare at me. "You know, when I saw you fight against Darkseid reborn... do you know what I thought?" I whispery asked and demonstrated the answer with a flex of my cock, causing it to audible slap on her clit as it fell down, which caused her to pull her legs in as if lightning shot through her body.

"Ieehk-" She clasped her hands over her mouth to muffle the tone she just made. "Y-you are really an asshole." She said as she looked to the side with her face blushing red. My hand ran over her body. 

"A well-toned body with feminine curves. A feisty attitude and a hell of a lot of power." My hand drifted over her body before I pinched her chin and turned her face to look at me. "You are a Saiyan's wet dream." Her face turned even redder at this point and I could see her struggling internally.

"I really like you. I find you sexy as hell and other than the others who had long given me free reign. Even your claims of just wanting powerful heirs seemed to be a lie when one considered that you could have just found someone else. Hell, even my brother would have been someone you should have shown some interest in, no? I don't see any arguments against making you mine." I said as I teased her with the tip of my hardened dick.

"Then do it instead of just talking about it." She said with a growl. I couldn't help but smirk at her words, which only seemed to irritate her more. "Just fuck me alreadyyyy~" Her insides were tight and she was incredibly tense. Only for a moment, I gave her the opportunity to adapt as I rested inside her after pushing it in all the way.

My hips started to accelerate as I fucked her into the throne. "Fuuuck, c-could you s-slow down a bit?"

"Shouldn't you be more quiet?" I asked as I heard the bewilderment from outside of the throne. A contemplative expression appeared on her face as she looked over to the door. Her expression turned smug as she started to moan freely and loudly, uncaring about the guard outside.

"D-don't tell me you are going to chicken out?" She asked breathily as she relaxed. I just snorted at her provocation and continued unbothered. I even rubbed her clit as I rested my hand on the little red triangle pubes she had going on. She shrieked slightly as I pushed her buttons.

"Your majesty?" The guard's voice sounded out from beyond the door, which turned Maxima's face completely red and her insides clenched even harder, though her voice quieted down.

Her eyes moved back and forth between me and the door and I could see the beginning of her panic rising. "I-I am fiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnee~" She hollered as she came all over the both of us. Another voice, Sazu's, joined the guard as she sent her away. 

I pulled out and sat down on her throne before I smacked her ass while her legs were quite shaky. "Come one ride me," I told her telepathically, prompting her to glare at me over her shoulder, though I could tell she was playing up her feistiness for my pleasure. I appreciated the enthusiasm in her attempt to stand out.

"Maxima, you okay?" Sazu asked still standing in front of the throne's doors. 

"Yes!" Maxima shouted followed by another smack to her ass, leaving behind an imprint on it. Afterward, she guided it inside her and started to shake her ass up and down my shaft with quite the grip. I fondled her butt before I held onto her hip, assisting her in her movements, causing the claps to resound in the otherwise empty throne room.

"I-" Sazu clearly hesitated for a moment as she seemed to realize something. "I see. H-have fun." Maxima's assistant proceeded to flee the scene, clearly guessing what was happening inside or at least guessing something in that vein.

After the ones that might be able to hear us moved away, I stood up, forcing her to tiptoe. Her hand grabbed onto my wrist as she looked over her shoulder pleadingly. "Please, give me mercy." I couldn't contain myself as I saw her pitiful look and went primal. My tail curled around her leg, as I fucked her in the air before pulling her back into me.

"I'll give you a broken back," I growled as I didn't hold anything back, fucking her absolutely wild that would leave her throne in shambles.


I looked over at the passed-out Maxima, who was now lying in my bed. After the audience left, I quickly moved over to a more comfortable atmosphere. She was sprawled across the bed with sweaty skin and other fluids she was covered in. The cum was gushing out of her pussy.

I was still nasty as well and went to shower. The hot water rinsed my body from the filth and for a moment I enjoyed the warmth as it cleansed me. Diana was quiet when she appeared behind me in the shower. If it wasn't because I could sense her, I would have been surprised by her sudden appearance.

She didn't say anything and just hugged me from behind, kissing me on the shoulder as her hands reached around and jerked me off. Diana suddenly turned me around and pushed me against the shower wall, cracking a few tiles. Her hand guided my erect cock into her waiting hole.

While maintaining eye contact, she started to fuck me before she went to kiss me. It was almost able to distract me from Shayera walking into the bathroom as well. If this were going to be my last days, they sure made it sweet.


I woke up and stared at the ceiling. A glance around the big bed revealed the naked forms of the three women I had intercourse with last day, but I just stared at the ceiling for another moment, though what I was looking at wasn't the ceiling of this room.

I looked beyond it and sensed the barrier slowly deteriorating. It wouldn't be long until it completely dissipated, which was why we would take the initiative to move out tomorrow. With a sigh, I wriggled myself out of the heap of bodies and started to get dressed.

The three weren't going to wake up anytime soon, so after I was dressed, I flew out into the sky. I glanced over at Portland, just enjoying the flight. There were new buildings and streets under construction, while the people just continued on with their day unbeknownst to the incoming battle that would decide their fate.

I knew that the Justice League and some other heroes were preparing themselves. Some had already gathered around Shazam's headquarters. After flying around the city for a while, I returned to my home as I wasn't sure what exactly I was doing. Ifound the three to be chatting, lying on their sides on the couch.

"You guys alright?" I asked as I walked to the fridge to grab myself something to eat. 

"Alright? I will probably have a permanent imprint on my ass because you slapped it so hard!" Maxima exclaimed.

"Did you enjoy it though?"

"T-that's beside the point!" She argued, glaring at me to save her dignity.

"You three made quite some progress," I commented as I looked over them, especially Diana's aura had grown even more after the few months of becoming a goddess.

I sat down between them and started to stroke Diana's thighs while guiding Maxima's head toward my crotch, making her give me a blowjob while I ate and caressed Diana's thighs. Shayera walked behind me and started to massage my shoulders.

"You nervous?" She asked me and I shook my head, which caused her to snort. "Sure, because fucking right after a previous session instead of going to train is completely normal for you."

"I am not fucking. I am getting head. Besides I have been training for too long already." She didn't seem to want to hear any excuse anymore and pulled my head back for a kiss. Diana crawled next to Maxima and the two started licking. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed it while Shayera continued kissing me.

Despite the treatment I got, I couldn't completely relax, which they seemed to notice and tried to rectify with increased effort. At one point, I realized that wasn't how I could vent some anxiousness, so my legendary ki boiled up. My body grew to their surprise. Their eyes widened as they looked at my enhanced dick, gulping nervously as I conjured Diana's lasso.

"Let me borrow your bodies for the rest of the day." With my telekinetic powers, I rearranged them into a tower with their pussies exposed and otherwise bound by the lasso much to Diana's excitement. I wasn't going to spend this day sulking in memories or being bored or anxious. No, I would do it by fucking these three unconscious. Again.

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