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10% Don't Cross My Vampire Girlfriend / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: A Normal Day With My Vampire Lover

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2: A Normal Day With My Vampire Lover

"You…look terrible," The sound of his voice bounced off the walls of the small office. Rose's boss sat across from her, weighing his arms on the small workbench that he called his lectern. Perhaps in his mind, he imagined owning an office with a large solid wooden desk to embellish his assumed power, but the cheap plastic table almost looked pathetic.

His office was a small closet tucked away near the back of the building, a cinder block room given a rather poor shade of white paint. Its walls held few decorations, and rather than use the annoying luminescence fixture on the ceiling, he chose to light the room with a simple brass lamp. Its Edison bulb burned a soft amber glow, casting Rose's shadow across the small enclosure towards the door.

A single cork board hanged on the wall nearby, pinned to it were calendars, sticky notes, and an odd assortment of caps pinned over each of the employee names. Rose wondered what the caps represented, and begrudgingly came to the conclusion they were a favorability rating for who got the next promotion. The fact he felt it was ok to openly display it so shamelessly spoke volume.

Rose's boss seemed an ordinary man of mid height and weight. His chestnut hair was brushed back to give him a handsome, almost patrician, appearance. Senior manager Samual Gunn had gained a little weight over the past year, enough or Rose to notice, but not enough to be considered overweight. She didn't say anything, but couldn't help but worry that her boss was indulging a little too much.

"Long night?" He asked.

"Early morning," Rose kept her explanation short, and did her best to ignore the smell of cigarette smoke lingering in the air. She had never seen her boss actually smoke before, and there was an abundance of air freshener trying to mask the scent, but the stink of tobacco was impossible to ignore.

She felt there was no need to describe how she let her vampire girlfriend engorge on her savory essence that night. Generally speaking, It was against vampire custom to drink from a human, barring emergency. To get around their need for blood, vampire's munched on blood donations or plasma. They didn't require much, a single tablespoon would sate their hunger every few days. But since they first met, Rose had allowed Reby to bite her quite often.

When a vampire bit into a human host directly, their fangs injected a special venom in exchange for human blood. The vampiric toxin had a remarkable effect on people. This exchange was often referred to as 'A Vampire's Kiss', and always conjured a rush of emotions.

The first time Rose let Reby drink from her, the vampire found her blood utterly intoxicating. Thinking back, that night on the cruise ship, Reby drank enough of Rose's blood to make her seem pale the following morning. After two years of practice, they had gotten use to a daily routine, but occasionally Reby got a little selfish, and sipped a little too much. Rose knew it was partly her fault, she never complained as her girlfriends venom magnified the pleasure synapses of her human brain. It jolted a massive release of endorphins, serotonin, and other chemicals that drove her wild. Just thinking about how it felt made Rose pine for Reby's attention again.

Samual Gunn sat back in his creaking seat with a grunt. He took a passive glance at the picture on his desk, Rose knew it was a picture of his family. "I see, well I can't have you dragging your feet in the main lobby. You'll frighten the hell out of all the donors."

He wasn't wrong, the blood clinic was there to support the vampire community. If the human's who came to donate saw someone drained of vitality, they would suspect the worst. Rose rubbed her forehead before responding, "I know…I'm embarrassed."

Samual sighed, "Well your track record has been impressive, but I can't have you stumbling to work with pale skin and that haunting look in your eyes." He paused a moment to let that settle in. He then cleared his throat before continuing, "We're trying to present a positive image to all the people of Miami that Vampires aren't monsters. If they see you, they'll think you were sucked dry!"

"It's not like they know I'm with—" Rose began.

Her boss quickly cut her off, "Everyone know's your girlfriend is a vampire, hell four others on my staff have girlfriends that are vampires. Not to mention Maxine at the front desk who has a vampire boyfriend. But so far, you're the only one that has me seriously worried."

Rose didn't like being cut off. She grinned while offering him a curt reply, "I think you're overreacting. Sometimes Reby gets a little carried away, thats all. And…it's not like it isn't consensual." She rolled her eyes feeling slightly embarrassed.

Samual just rubbed his eyes in frustration. His desk groaned from the weight of his elbows pressing against the surface. "So you both have control issues?"

Rose just sat there in quiet reflection, there was a long pause between them. The sounds of the plastic desk creaking underneath Samual's weight grew more audible amid the foreboding silence. Eventually Samual finally spoke, "I'm referring you to someone I think you both should talk to."

"I'm fine," Rose grunted.

"No your not," He held up a hand, "trust me, it's for both of your own good. If this is a serious relationship then it could only help." He pulled out his phone, scrolled in search of a number and wrote it down on a slip of paper before handing it to her. The name on the slip was that of a couples counselor.

Rose looked down at the card, then back up at her boss. "You're sending me to a therapist."

"She's a specialist in human-vampire relationships, I think she'll really help you both find a healthy medium."

Rose rolled her eyes, "And you just had this on your phone?" She spoke with a dry tone.

"Didn't I just say four others on the staff have vampire girlfriends, your not the first I've had to give this too." He leaned back and rolled his eyes, "And damnit, it probably won't be the last…"

"I don't know," Rose grumbled.

"I'll give you the rest of the day off if you call the number right now." Samual Gunn's offer drew Rose's instant attention.

Rose shot up in her seat, "Really?" She asked.

"Call the number right now, set up an appointment, and I'll let you walk out with paid leave," Samual sounded completely serious. "Just please show up for the appointment."

"You want me to call this number right now…in front of you? What do you have a fetish for watching girls on the phone or something?" Rose meant it as a joke, but Samual clearly wasn't amused. She found she couldn't stop tapping her feet and was reluctant to accept his offer, but knew it would be foolish not too.

"No of course not, just please promise me you'll make the call."

Rose supposed offering a false promise wasn't the worst way to get out of work.

"Ok," her answer sounded hollow. Rose didn't intent to sound disingenuous but she always was sucked at lying. Reby often told her that her lips twitched every time she tried. "So can I leave?"

Her boss nodded, "Yeah, oh and I approved your vacation time by the way."

"Thank you! Sorry about the late notice," Rose got up from her seat. She nearly forgot the paper slip, and quickly scooped it up from the plastic table.

"Just take your girlfriend to the appointment, and please don't come back here looking like you just had your soul sucked out again." Judging by his tone, Samual wasn't joking.

Rose simply returned a wink before leaving, "I'll do my best."

Later That Afternoon

"Yummy," Rebecca licked her lips as she withdrew her fangs from Rose's wrist. Her venom surged through Rose's veins, sinking into the heartstrings and causing her to feel a surge of euphoria build up deep within the pit of her stomach. It was enough to make her moan with pleasure, her breasts heaved in the air with each pant of breath. She could feel her nipples perking up, scratching at the fabric of her bra. A thick bead of sweat strolled between the soft mounds of her cleavage as she arched her back. Very quickly, Rose found her loins were sobbing for attention.

It was a warm sunny day in Homestead Florida, a suburb just a stone throw away from the metropolis of Miami, and a light breeze helped to make the heat more tolerable. Rose Sexton struggled to remain still, her entire body was shivering from the toxins in her system. Her long auburn hair was disheveled and sticking to her scalp. She had been wearing a padded bustier underneath a loose tank top along with a pair of short pants. Her bra was still attached, mostly, but the rest of her clothing was scattered on the floor.

Rose fought the temptation to chew her lip as she looked at the cute blonde woman in front of her. This wasn't how she planned on spending her afternoon off, but they were so narrowly close to an obscene argument after Rose saw the plume of smoke billowing out of their apartment on the way home, that her girlfriend was quick to distract her with a small moment of pleasure. When she saw the smoke, Rose rushed inside, and found the fire alarms still sounding. Rebecca was sheepishly standing at the center of their apartment, as if expecting Rose at that exact second, and answered her demands by quickly stripping off her clothes.

After thirty minutes of passionate carnal ecstasy, and a lasting exchange of bodily fluids, Rose felt it necessary to address the elephant in the room.

"What did you do," Rose asked as politely as she could given the circumstances.

"Now, here me out," Rebecca Seraphine couldn't feign ignorance no matter how hard she tried, and Rose knew the woman really liked to try. The vampire rested her head against her partners stomach while a hand felt up her human's thigh. Her blue eyes seemed to reflect the afternoon sunlight to cast a serene glare.

Rose took in a deep breathe before asking the question again, "What…did you do."

"Now hold on a second," Rebecca sounded skittish, "Ok so first, I was minding my own business."

"Bullshit!" Rose stammered.

"I was," Rebecca answered swiftly.

"The kitchen was on fire!" As if to emphasize her point, the fire extinguisher returned a short hiss in the kitchen. It only lasted a second but it successfully agitated Rose even further.

The fire alarm shut off some time ago, but the kitchen stove was burnt to a crisp. Soot caked over the stove light, and the smell of burnt cheese dominated the entire apartment. Rose feared for her girlfriends life when she saw the smoke pouring from the kitchen window. She only now realized how foolish that was.

"Only a little bit," Rebecca sounded almost childish.

Only a little bit, Rose just rolled her eyes at the though. "I swear, this is worse then when I came home to find a priest blessing the place."

"There was a ghost! I saw it!" Rebecca jumped up on her feet and quickly scanned the room as if expecting to spot something lingering in the corner.

"They're no such things as ghosts Reby!" Rose slammed the palm of her hand into her forehead.

"Tell that to the ghost, why don't cha?" Rebecca motioned with her finger in the air.

This is unbelievable, Rose almost said it out loud. She instead groaned in response, and rubbed her eyelids for several seconds before restarting the conversation. "You can't keep doing this."

"Doing…what?" Rebecca cocked her head to ht side.

Rose pounded her foot, "Doing crazy shit! First it was the random Crypts and Wyverns tournament you hosted without my permission."

"To which you totally had a lot of fun," The vampire was correct, they both did have a lot of fun with the role players club. The problem was, it happened on a Friday night when Rose was planning on taking Rebecca to a Kizumba party.

Rose decided not to bring that last part up, fearing another fight. "Ok yes, but that's not the point. Also don't forget about last month, when you hosted a workout in our living room."

Seeing thirteen men and women sweating in the cramped living space was not a pleasing sight. Rebecca nodded in agreement, "Going to the gym is way more fun, so I'll give you that."

It was rare for her to actually win an argument, but Rose was smart enough not to mention that. "What were you cooking anyway?" Rose asked.

"I was trying to make a cheese omelet, the whole thing went up in flames!" Rebecca sat up on the bed, her hand continued to stroll up and down her girlfriends bare thigh.

That was an understatement, again Rose kept her opinion to herself. "You need to be more careful. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you." Rose spoke while slipping the strap of her bra over her shoulder.

Rebecca chuckled in amusement, "Ah, so you're not mad Rosie?"

"Oh I'm furious," Rose scoffed, "I just wish you weren't so careless."

Rebecca leaned forward, her soft tear drop shaped breasts squeezed against Rose's arm. "You think I'm careless?"

"The kitchen's still smoking," Rose tried to keep her eyes forward.

"Yeah it is…" There was something in the vampire's tone that made Rose feel her heart skip a beat.

"Is that a tease?" Rose didn't need to ask.

"Maybe…" The vampires finger strolled down Rose's leg to the base of her groin.

"You could do better," A beam of light shot through the clouds as Rose felt the vampires digit reach its target. She planted her hands in the bedsheets and arched her chest forward with delight.

The vampire's other hand gracefully played with the padding of her human's brazier. Poking and prodding it to slip from her chest. The loose strappings came undone, and Rose's cleavage was fully exposed to the sunlight.

"How about now," Rebecca grinned as her hand cupped Rose's right breast.

"Do be gentle," Rose gasped with delight.

Rebecca chuckled before kissing her on the lips.

Later That Night

"Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!" The vampire cried out as she jumped onto the kitchen table, her long blonde hair was still damp from her late afternoon shower. Her crystal blue eyes were squarely focused on the speck with eight legs on the floor beneath her.

"Calm down Reby, it's just a spider!" Rose Sexton scanned the room for anything that could be used to smash it. The arachnid was one of the largest she had seen in a while, a single glance told her it was a brown recluse. Rose didn't tell her girlfriend that, while she did find the overreaction humorous, she wasn't planning on giving her lover a heart attack.

Rose was surprised to see the spider in the middle of the kitchen floor, almost as if it were begging to die. She rushed into the living room, grabbed the first sandal she could find, and swiftly returned to see her girlfriend still clinging onto the table. "What are you doing babe! Not my sandal!" Rebecca's eyes rarely left the floor, but she noticed the open topped sandal in Rose's hand. Her attention jolted back and forth as if expecting the spider to lunge at her at any second.

Rose just shot her a 'what is wrong with you' glare. To which her girlfriend protested vigorously. "I don't want that things guts all over my new shoes…" Rebecca's complaints were almost childish in nature.

Rose found her girlfriend's pouting incorrigible. She groaned, this wasn't the first time Rebecca had an episode around spiders. "Do you want me to kill it or not?"

"Slaughter it! Send it back to the gates of hades! Purge it! Its very existence is blasphemy!" Rebecca's ludicrous outcry made Rose burst into laughter. Clearly her girlfriend had been playing way too many video games.

Rose walked over to the spider, it hadn't moved since they discovered it. "Shall I bring out the guillotine love?"

"YES! Off with its head!" Rebecca jumped up so fast she nearly fell off the table. "Hurry before it calls for help!"

"Relax," Just as Rose said it, the spider moved an inch to the left.

"IT'S ESCAPING!" Rebecca shrieked.

Rose slammed down the shoe so hard that the dog in the neighboring apartment could hear it. It started barking loud enough to be heard through the walls.

"My sandal!" Rebecca leaned forward on the table, her cleavage weight heavily in her loose tank top. Having just taken a shower, the blonde beauty had yet to fully adorn herself.

Rose couldn't help but hold her gaze, she stared down the valley of two voluptuous mounds. Her cheeks were blushing. "Chill, I'll wash it. Its just a spider after all."

"Bleach…use bleach." Rebecca couldn't help but notice where Roses eyes were focused, she returned a sharp grin of delight.

"Bleach! Are you kidding, that'll ruin it!"

"Then alcohol, cleanse the stain of its existence," Rebecca adjusted her position on the kitchen table, but she remained hesitant to get off.

"Alcohol? kinda dramatic don't you think?" Rose carried the shoe with her to the bathroom down the hall. Their apartment was a single story condo in Homestead, right next door to Miami. It was on the third story, providing an excellent view of the nearby pond. Inside they had just repainted the living room to match the inner hallways, the light blue shade made the entire condo seem warmer. Together they shared a single bedroom, and while most of furniture belonged to Rebecca, the king sized bed belonged to Rose. That and its pink comforter and soft pillows.

Her girlfriend breathed a sigh of relief but refused to get off the table until Rose had flushed the spiders remains down the drain. Rose took a moment to look at herself in the mirror. A narrow face with a pointed nose and gentle chin looked back at her. Her cheekbones were slightly pronounced; giving her a pleasant expression, the kind that runway models had on the front of magazines. Her olive skin was rather tan after the long summer, and her green eyes seemed sharper thanks to the new eyeliner.

"Hey Rosie," Her girlfriend called out to her, "Is it safe?"

Rose sighed, "Yes Reby it's safe to get down." She strolled out of the bathroom and watched her girlfriend slowly get off the table. Rebecca seemed hesitant, her eyes studied every square inch of the floor with suspicion.

When Rebecca felt satisfied that it was safe, she lunged herself at Rose. "My hero!" Rebecca wrapped her arms around Rose's torso while snuggling her cheek into her soft bussoms. Two fangs poked through her supple lips as she looked up into Rose's eyes.

"You're hungry again aren't you?" Rose spoke with a soothing voice, one that spurred her lovers attention.

"I could use a sip…" Rebecca rubbed her cheek into Rose's shirt as she spoke.

"Ok, but just a quick one…we have to hurry if we're going to make it before sunset." Rose had planned for the pair of them to enjoy the beach at sunset. She smiled as she extended her arm, exposing the base of her wrist.

Rebecca didn't need any motivation, she leaned in and delicately suckled onto Rose's flesh. Her tongue massaged the soft skin along the wrist to numb the nerves. When her needle sharp fangs pierced the skin there was no pain, only a warm sting which immediately proceeded an uplifting surge of euphoria.

This would be the third time the vampire got a drink from her today. It wasn't the first time Rose let the vampire feast so often. She would be lying if she claimed she didn't enjoy it, the euphoria that shot through her nerves each time was almost as pleasant as sex…almost.

As Rebecca unlatched herself, Rose bit her lip in frustration. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her limbs shivered from the rush of endorphins. It took a moment for Rose to collect herself, during which her vampire just licked her lips

"Deeeelicious," Rebecca hopped on her feet in satisfaction. Her wavy blonde hair flew in the air with each jump. A silver cross dangled from a thin necklace around her neck, bouncing off her voluptuous chest. "I really, really love…your blood Rosie."

"Uh huh," Rose laughed at her girlfriends silly remark.

"I mean it!" Suddenly the vampires demeanor betrayed her own anxiety, Rebecca struggled to keep a straight face, "I really love it."

Rose simply returned a 'I know how much you love it' look and bit her lip. She did her best to ignore the tingle between her legs as vampiric venom continued to lurk in her veins. "Glad you liked it, now lets get moving."

"You should wear that outfit, you know the one." Of course Rose knew the outfit her girlfriend was talking about. The silk blouse Reby had purchased for her was tight around her stomach, and extending from her neckline to just below the hips. It was completely open in the back, exposing the muscle from her shoulder blades all the way down to the arch of her rear. Rebecca purchased it for Rose during a shopping escapade only a month ago, and she loved seeing her wear it whenever possible.

Rose just rolled her eyes, "Nah ha, I'll save that for tonight."

"Ooooh, can't wait!" Rebecca played with her fingers to emphasize just what she was thinking about as the duo exited their apartment.

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