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5.66% Naruto: World of Warcraft / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - E

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2 - E

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreó

Got deleted for some reason, but this gave me the chance to post the fully edited version.


All too ready to start my first day of ninja school, I immediately took my seat, immediately earning the attention of my white haired neighbor.

Said future Sanin seemed excited by the company. "Hey, wanna see something cool?"

Knowing the character from the show, I fully expected him to show me something like an erotic drawing, or something along those lines. Then I remember he's around the same age as me, namely five, so I highly doubted he'd be a massive horndog even this early on.

Surprisingly, it seemed my thoughts were confirmed when instead of something perverted like a pair of panties or a porn book, he instead pulled out what appeared to be some kind of comic. The pint sized future pervert immediately flipped the pages in the book to reveal the image of some kind of female barbarian, clad in a fur jacket and shirt, which showed off her rather full and muscular physique.

Jiraiya's eyes focused solely on the woman's image seemingly entranced despite the fact that with the exception of the woman having a slightly noticeable bust, she was otherwise completely clothed.

"Huh, so you're really into this book I take it?"

My voice managed to snap the looking ninja out of his brief pause, nodding in acknowledgment of the question. "Kind of, the story isn't anything to write home about, but the art is awesome. Especially this picture, there's something about it that makes me wanna look at it for hours. Can't figure out why though."

"Wait a few years for your hormones to kick in, you'll get it then." I thought but didn't vocalize. Always kind of funny how something seemingly so innocent would eventually lead to a life of debauchery. "Well, well. Look who's still got his face stuck in those crappy comics. I don't see how you can enjoy that garbage."

Both mine and Jiraiya's eyes immediately shot up at the sound of a rather snide and rude female voice, Jiraiya in particular looking especially annoyed, having likely expected such a thing.

"Shows what you know. You're just jealous that the characters in these books are way better girls than you'll ever be, you flat faced ogre!"

Jiraiya's insult earned an immediate roar of anger from their insulter, a short girl with amber eyes and light blonde hair. Ironically enough her rage fueled face actually helped her match Jiraiya's description of her. Though that was clearly not an especially good thing, given she was stomping over to the pair with murder in her eyes.

"What'd you say to me you dumb toad. How about I shove your face into that book, give you a real nice close up look."

Thankfully, before a fight could break out, the rather angry blonde finally noticed me. "Oh, hey there. Name's Tsunade Senju, and word to the wise, stay away from this weirdo." She pointed at the visibly offended future sage. "He's going to be trouble in the future, mark my words on that."

"Well, I didn't sit here because I wanted to," I replied, eyeing the teacher who was patiently waiting for us to finish our conversation, while also sweating mentally at the fact the Sanin, famous for her short temper and violent attitude, was standing right in front of me.

"True," Tsunade sighed, going back to her seat, thankfully not aiming to start a fight.

"Thank you for returning back to your seat, Tsunade…" The teacher sighed, "I will have a talk with your great uncle after class. Please try to refrain from any more arguments for the moment."

Despite the situation it was a fairly enjoyable situation to watch when considering who these two children would eventually become. Then again, I guess you could say that about any famous figure.

"Now, back to class," the teacher sighed, going back to the board. "To start things off we have a new student with us today, Raiden. I expect all of you to treat him properly."

Immediately all eyes were on me, making me wish I knew the Replacement Technique to avoid all the eyes. Thankfully the sound of the teacher writing on the chalkboard gained everyone's attention.

"Now then, for today we are going to learn how the village was founded, and how that impacted the political tides of other nations."

[--Quest acquired!---

--So you entered the academy--

---Answer three question in class.---

0/3 Questions answered.


So you entered the academy, eh? Well, good for you, it's the start of a new journey adventurer, now it's time to show your genius, answer the questions your teacher will ask about Konoha, and show the class you are the bee's knees!

You will receive: Draenei Racial Traits, Racial Traits Quest Line.

You will also receive: 400xp and 500ryo]

"Alright, who here knows who founded the village?" The teacher asked, and the entire class raised their hands, except me. I was too occupied reading the quest. Unfortunately as over a decade of school has taught me, not raising your hand in class is essentially the equivalent to putting a massive bullseye above your head.

"Raiden, are you paying attention?"

"I am," I was not, but I was hoping maybe I could bullshit my way out.

"Then answer the question, if you don't mind," the teacher said with a smile, and what a condescending smile it was. It was one that said, I know you weren't paying attention and now you're gonna pay for it.

"Well…" Naruto wiki, don't fail me now. "Well, I guess that question has two answers.or one, the main ones responsible behind the founding of the village were Senju Hashirama, the First Hokage, and Uchiha Madara. Though if you want to be more specific with who it was, it was both the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan founded the village, not just their leaders."

[1/3 Questions answered.]

"Very good," the teacher nodded, with a satisfied smile. "Now, can you tell me how many chakra natures there are?" So still asking me? Can't say I'm a fan of the attention, but this one is way easier.

"There are five in total. They are earth, fire, wind, water, and lightning," I answered, with a smirk, happy to get another over on the teacher.

[2/3 Questions answered.]

"Good," The teacher nodded, looking just a little less smug. "Now…. who here knows what chakra nature the first Hokage had?"

"All of them?" I answered, not entirely sure of my answer.

[3/3 Questions answered!~

Quest completed!

Level UP!

Draenei Racial Traits Unlocked!

Racial traits quest line unlocked!

New skills have been added to your skill book!



After the little starting interrogation, Classes were pretty normal, there was history, language, math and geography. Granted you normally don't start learning this kind of thing until middle school, but a different world, a different system. Really the most unusual thing was the taijutsu class.

While we weren't learning anything crazy like what Might Gai might pull off, it was basic hand to hand training. And sadly for my classmates, I decided to use the time to practice my warrior skills to essentially slam my opponent all over the ground.

Turns out the class proved useful in yielding some new information. Every time I introduced my opponent to the ground my display read out 12p or 12 points of damage. Yep, turns out the world really had become one big video game, health bars included, which seemed to be about 100p per the average student.

Suddenly this felt less like Naruto and more like Pokemon.

That isn't to say I was complaining about this,I mean, WOW had that feature, and surprise surprise, I could, and surprisingly my hp was higher than most in the class, with the exception of Tsunade Senju, and the all too familiar pale face of Orochimaru.

Turns out, Tsunade had a whooping 1200HP and Orochimaru had 900HP, after that, I was the one with the biggest health pool, followed by Jiraiya of course. Bigger surprise, besides their HP and CHK bars, I could also see their levels. Granted everyone was still pretty low level with Jiraiya beingfour, Tsunade seven, and Orochimaru eight, while everyone else in the class was between level one and two.

If nothing else gave me a nice little measuring stick to work towards.

Still though, I had so much to learn about the UI in my brain, that I had no idea where to begin. Thankfully, I'd have some time to figure it out since class was ending.

"Well that's all for today's class. Remember to be here tomorrow before six o'clock!"

And with that, my first day of ninja school ended. Hurray.


When I arrived back at the orphanage, the matron of the place had already been informed of my situation, and that I was going to be attending the academy from now on. It was quite a proactive move from the school, needless to say, though the matron simply brushed it off, said she had no say in shinobi business.

It was for the best I suppose, less questions and less hassle.

It also helped, I was given a private room. Turns out that's actually a pretty common practice since academy students are given weapons, poisons and other things to practice, things that should not be within reach of civilian kids. Granted I'd only get to keep the room until my graduation, after which I would have to rent my own shit, according to the matron.

Thankfully I literally had about a decade before I had to worry about that so for now, I had my own private workspace to practice and develop my new skills.

"Well, looks like things are getting better for dear old Raiden. Now let's see what skills I got."

Truth was, despite the somewhat cocky attitude I was a bit worried. With how many abilities there were in WOWI figured I'd lose track of the skills I was getting. If I recall correctly, all classes would get one skill per level, meaning I would have tons of skills until level 10.

"Skills." I muttered, going over whatever new abilities I had.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------[I will create a doc will the list of all the skills he has]

Charge LV 1 = Charge to an enemy, dealing (11.466% of STR) Physical damage, rooting it for 1 sec.

--20 sec cooldown

--No cost

--Range: 0-25 yards

--Instant cast.

Shield of the Righteous LV 1 = Slams enemies in front of you with a shield made out of chakra, causing (42.5% of STR) Holy damage.

--1 sec cooldown

--Cost: 3 holy power

--Melee range

--Instant cast.

Arcane Shot LV 1 = A quick shot that causes (57% of AGI) Arcane damage.

--0 sec cooldown

--Cost: 40 Energy

--Range: 40 yards.

--Instant Cast.

Eviscerate LV 1 = Finishing move that disembowels the target, causing damage per combo point. Targets with Find Weakness suffer an additional 50% damage as Shadow.

1 point : [(17.6% of AGI) * 1] damage

2 points: [(17.6% of AGI) * 2] damage

3 points: [(17.6% of AGI) * 3] damage

4 points: [(17.6% of AGI) * 4] damage

5 points: [(17.6% of AGI) * 5] damage

--0 sec cooldown

--No cost

--Melee range

-Instant cast.

Shadow Word: Pain LV 1 = A word of darkness that causes (12.92% of INT) Shadow damage instantly, and an additional (57.528% of INT) Shadow damage over 12 sec.

--0 sec cooldown

--0.3% of chakra

--Range: 40 yards

--Instant cast.

Primal Strike LV 1 = An instant weapon strike that causes (34% of STR) Physical damage.

--12 sec cooldown

--9.4% of chakra

--Melee Range

--Instant cast.

Fire Blast LV 1 = Blasts the enemy for (79.2% of INT) Fire damage.

--12 sec cooldown

--1% of chakra

--Range: 40 yards

--Instant cast.

Corruption LV 1 = Corrupts the target, causing (12% of Spell INT) Shadow damage and an additional (78.75% of INT) Shadow damage over 14 sec.

--No cooldown

--1% of chakra

--Range: 40 yards

--2 sec cast.

Blackout Kick LV 1 = Kick with a blast of energy, dealing [(84.7% of AGI) Physical damage.

--3 sec cooldown

--Cost: 3 energy

--Melee range

--Instant cast.

Moonfire LV 1 = A quick beam of lunar light burns the enemy for (20% of INT) Arcane damage and then an additional (104.4% of INT) Arcane damage over 12 sec.

--No cooldown

--9% of chakra

--Range: 40 yards

--Instant cast.


Draenei Traits--

Gift of the Naaru: Heals the target for 20% of the caster's total health over 5 sec.

Heroic Presence - Passive: Increases your Strength, Agility, and Intellect by 10%

Gem Cutting - Passive: Jewelcrafting skill increased by 10.

Shadow Resistance - Passive: Reduces Shadow damage taken by 1%.


Well, that's a lot of shit to work with, I might need to make a journal or something to keep track of them all.Now let's see how much my stats increased.


[Name: Raiden -----

LV 2

HP: 680/680

CHK: 1197/1197

ENERGY: 400/400

FURY: 0/200

EXP = 150/655


INT = 37

STR = 37

AGI = 37

STA = 34]

"Well shit, that a nice increase," I chuckled, perhaps this power would be enough to keep me out of trouble. Still paid to be cautious since I didn't know too much about this particular era. "Now, let's check how can I unlocked the other racial traits,"

Opening my quest menu, I immediately noticed I had actually twenty-two individual quests, one for each race and had their respective traits listed. Fuck…. That was going to take a while to finish, and some were worth the time more than others.

"Well… I suppose the question now, is which one of these babies, I want to do first,"


After a long process of deliberation, I opted to take the Gnome Trait quest, ~Gnome Worry, Be Happy~

Why did I pick that out of all the other possible skills and quests? Well, in a world where everyone can basically stun or trap you, either physically or with genjutsu, then having the active trait Escape Artist, would pretty much be a divine blessing.

The quest itself actually didn't seem too difficult. I had to help at least twenty people with their technological problems, things like fixing their radios… assuming they even had radios. Naruto was always very weird about what kind of technology they had. Computers and phones weren't a thing but TV's, radios and AC were? It was complete madness.

Regardless, all I needed to do was help 20 or so people, the only catch being it had to be completely free. Really should be simple enough.

And as it turned out, there were more than a few people in need of some tech support around the orphanage. Nothing too crazy, a few clocks, some light fixtures, along with one or two toys.

By the time I was done I'd managed to help around eight people, which was when my display decided to chime in.

[~Gnome Worry, Be Happy~

---Fix twenty gadgets, be it a chair or a gun, everything it's a gadget in the hands of a Gnome---

8/20 Gadgets fixed.


So you want to be a gnome?! Well, show us you have the genius needed to be part of our people! Help the citizens with your high intellect!

You will receive: Gnome Racial Traits.

You will also receive: 500xp and 500ryo]


Part of me wanted to keep going until I was at least halfway done, but a quick glance outside showing night had already fallen, plus my rumbling stomach stopped me in my tracks.

"Right, still a five year old, meaning I've still got the constitution of one." Ah, the joys of biology, until I aged up a bit there was only so much energy I could expand before my still weak body gave out on me. So for now, I just need to pace myself.

"Eh, no big deal, I can work on it tomorrow after class. After all, I've got plenty of time."

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