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3.77% Naruto: World of Warcraft / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - E

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1 - E

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreó


My name, my name… how many stories start like that… oh well, my name is or was Aaron. I was a programmer working for the government, and I died because of it, the how or why, I don't know, but I guess that's beyond the point, I died and that is the end of the story...or so I thought.

After being shot in the head, I expected… Well, nothingness, I expected my life and consciousness to fade, but alas I was wrong. I remained, my mind remained, and for a while, all I could do was wonder where I was going next.

Surprisingly this question was answered rather quickly, though not in the manner I or anyone would expect.




Status: Dead…


Welcome to the Resurrection Atlas, the state of the art in resurrection affairs! You are a very lucky individual, for you have been selected to have a second chance in life!]

Befuddlement was one of the many emotions I felt; I mean, how the hell was I supposed to react? Well, church or other people described dying. So I kind of expected little angels guiding me to heaven or hell, preferably heaven, not this….

[You must be confused! So allow me to explain!

Thanks for the Resurrection Atlas you! You will be resurrected in a new world, or perhaps even reality! Why? Well, every few billion years, the Atlas selects one individual to enjoy once again the wonderful journey organic beings call life!


I was speechless; what was I supposed to say or do… could I even talk without a body, "I… so I can talk, should've tried that earlier," I muttered, "So… I get to live again?"

[Precisely! Now! Onto the world selection!

Please know the Atlas doesn't select anything for you, nor will you. Instead, it lets a random algorithm select the world you will be place in; now wait a moment while our computer processes this request...


Was I excited I was getting a second chance? I wasn't really sure; in fact, I wasn't even sad I died… was that normal…? Or it was something dead people felt…

[You have been selected to be reincarnated in the world of Terra X-12679/D-N, also known as the Shinobi World, better known as the world of Naruto! ]

"Oh, then I choose death," I chuckled; there was no way I was going to fight fire breathing assholes, or coexist with them. Plus it was a world with a frankly frankly low mortality rate, where one had literally written actual books on the many, many creative ways a person could die.

[Your compliance isn't a factor! But don't worry! Here in Atlas, we know some worlds can raise some concerns, and make sure you have all the tools you need to grow and be safe!]

My compliance it's not a… fucking great. "So what then?"

[We have analyzed your life and, based on the information we have acquired, given you the power to overcome the challenges this world might throw at you!]

"That doesn't exactly explain anything…." I sighed at the almost comically vague description. Sounded like something off a lame motivational poster.

[My apologies! Allow me to explain! Based on your life, you dedicated a massive amount of time to online games, especially the one known as World of Warcraft. Thus,Atlas has given you something akin to a game system to acquire the powers and skills from that game!

Please note this system is not an AI but a mere insert of the World of Warcraft system into your soul, giving you the ability to do what everyone in the World of Warcraft can do. ]

I suppose that's better than being thrown into the fray without knowing what to do, also; on another note; I'm a bit ashamed a fourth-dimensional being knows I played video games most of my life, "So… what now—-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence, because, in the blink of an eye, I wasn't… dead anymore? I mean, there was no transition, teleportation, flash of light or even some kind of segway. One moment I was speaking with what might as well be God, and the next I was standing in the middle of a big room with dozens of beds.

"Well… that was trippy," I muttered to myself, immediately noticing my voice being different.

[First and last message!

You have been reincarnated into the world known simply as Naruto! Also known as the world of Shinobi! Also known as Terra X-12679/D-N, thanks to Atlas!

Now before you go to explore this fabulous world, we need to clarify some points!

Here in Atlas. We know how hard and embarrassing it is for a sentient adult to be back in their baby stage, so we conveniently help our customers skip that part, hence why you are currently five years old. Through countless testing we've deduced this is the optimal age to adapt and learn about your environment! So that is probably why you are now wondering things like… why is my voice different? Why is my hand smaller? Why is my **** so small? And more!

Now with that little question out of the way,onto the next. Here in Atlas, we know how hard it is to fit in and replace loved ones once you die, so once again, we have conveniently helped! Making you our customer an orphan! No family, no need to explain or replace loved ones!

Last but not least! The power we have given you is like everything made in Atlas, the best of the best! Why did we give you this power? Well, based on your life and the amount of time you gave this game, our computers calculated you would be more comfortable with something you are already familiar with! As for the power… it is a bit different from what you remember.

There are no class limitations; you have access to all the skills in the game,though you'll need the proper level to access them. In simpler terms it means you are a Warlock, Warrior, Mage, Priest, Paladin, Monk, Demon Hunter, Death Knight, Hunter, Rogue, Druid and Shaman at the same time!

Now with all of this said! Enjoy!]

Needless to say, I was once again, speechless, "Well, at least I don't have to be a baby," I chuckled, taking a deep breath as I let the situation sink in. Though, if I was being honest, internally I was jumping and cheering like a proper five year old on his first sugar rush.


After two hours where I totally didn't cry over my situation, I accepted I had no other choice and started playing with the World of Warcraft UI I had embedded in my brain. Just like the Atlas thing had said, I had all the starting skills for each class, talk about versatility.

With the exclusion of two classes, the Demon Hunter and the Death Knight, possibly because in WOW, they start at a higher level than all the other classes. Though not a huge loss, still more than enough to work with.

I also noticed my name wasn't...well my name anymore. Now the obvious solution would be to simply change that only when I tried to remember my name, I just came up with a blank. Part of me wanted to consider that disconcerting, but also new identity so new name made sense. Plus it seemed like Atlas was a fan of Metal Gear since my new name according to my embedded UI was, Raiden —- no surname because, you know… orphan.

Looks like Atlas is a fan of irony. Go figure.

Looking things over further, I also noticed I had an odd patch of knowledge in my head I didn't have before. For example,I knew where I was, who the matron of the orphanage was, who the current Hokage was… and how to navigate the village. It was… strange knowing something you didn't know a few seconds ago, but welcomed… considering… my situation. Plus it's not like the actual Naruto series provided any of that information.

"Time to explore!" That came with less enthusiasm than I wanted, though it didn't seem I attracted any attention either.


I think it was high noon in Konoha when I decided to finally explore the not so fictional place that I had been shoved in. The streets were busy, booming with people and ninja alike. It was shocking, to say the least, not that the streets were busy, that was to be expected, but that it felt so real.

I think up to that point I was waiting for all of this to feel like a dream, or a video game, not like this. However, as the all-powerful being or pc, had said, I had no other choice, but to make the best out of it.

"Alright," I muttered under my breath, "You can do this, I mean… how hard can it be? Ino and Sakura, the definition of useless, survived this world; if they can, anyone can."

At this moment was when I realized I wasn't on the timeline I originally supposed I was. When I… was sent here, basic information about my surroundings was burned into my brain.

Now in my panic, I overlooked some of the information… but as soon as I said Ino and Sakura, my brain cordially reminded me, they were yet to be born, heck, even their parents weren't around yet. .

"Well… the good side of this, is that every second of my current existence is a gift," I chuckled under my breath, I had already died, this was supposed to be a gift. "Okay so if my info is correct, then Tobirama Senju is the Hokage.,"

Okay, while that at least gave me a timeline to work with that also meant war was on the horizon...probably. Truth is I only watched about half of Shippuden, and I barely remembered a quarter of that. Not like I was exactly a super fan or anything.

With trepidation and a greater sense of fear, I swallowed my uncertainty and continued to explore the place where I had been sent.

It was… big, granted I was essentially a preschooler so everything looked big by default. Thankfully it was also pretty quiet as there didn't seem to be anyone around for the moment, the only source of noise being people outside. I was thankful for the peace since it gave me some more time to collect my thoughts. And that left me with one single question. What did I want?

What would I do now in this world? Did I want to be a Ninja? Risking my life in the field, or did I want to be a civilian, avoiding unnecessary danger.

On one hand, if I became a Ninja, I'd most likely get crazy strong thanks to my boon on top of all the cool ninja stuff I could learn. Though that would also mean risking my life constantly and essentially agreeing to become a soldier.

So guess it came down to whether I wanted cool ninja powers or chose a safe, quiet life as an everyday person.

"Haha, that's a stupid question, I don't have much of a choice," I muttered, walking passed the Konoha market.

Sure on paper being a civilian seemed logical, since I wouldn't be sent on life or death missions and likely avoid a lot of conflict. However, one thing I did remember about Naruto was the world was pretty much in perpetual war, this era especially. Meaning it was very likely for civilians to be attacked or simply caught in the crossfire. So, unless I had some level of strength to protect myself, any peaceful civilian life I'd have would likely be very brief.

So ultimately, there really was no choice. In this world it was either get strong or die.

Now the question was, how to enroll in the academy? According to the embedded memories I was a civilian orphan, meaning I lacked both the means and knowledge on how to enroll in the academy.

"Meh, I'll just ask the first Ninja I see," I sighed, as my eyes caught a ninja buying some fruit from the market, "Well, that was easy,"

"Excuse me, sir," I said, tugging his shirt with no care for the possible anger it might invoke. I was a kid, and I was going to exploit the powers that came with it. "I have a question."

The yet to be named ninja looked at me and smiled. "Sure, kiddo, what's the question?" he inquired, ruffling my hair as one would expect.

"How do I enroll in the academy?" I asked the guy, who blinked in surprise for a brief moment.

"Are you sure you want to enroll?" No, I am not, but in a world where Voldemort is attracted to kids, one has to learn how to fight. Granted that particular snake in the grass was likely still in diapers right now, but he was hardly the only threat out there.

"Yes," I nodded, giving him a fake eager smile and playing up my childish innocence.

"Very well," the ninja chuckled. "All you have to do is walk to the Academy, ask to be tested, and if you pass then you'll be enrolled. It's as easy as that."

Huh, I always thought kids needed an adult to sign something, a permission of sorts or at least pay some kind of entrance fee. I guess kids here can become killers without adult supervision, neat world.

"Thanks, sir!"


With the information I had acquired I headed towards the academy, which by the way, was like ten miles away from the fucking market. Which was obviously even more of a challenge when you have stubby, kiddy legs.

Still, I took the time to get accustomed to the place. Probably most important was having memories that didn't belong to me in my brain, and making those memories mine, which was what I was doing.

Another, slightly more interesting time waster was checking my skill list. Once again, to get a better feeling and understanding of what I had and how powerful I was.

I had played WOWall my life, it was the one game that stuck with me, and now I had powers from that world, powers I needed to get accustomed with.

In an entirely different level, "Skills," I muttered to myself, and in front of me the WOW UI appeared showing me the skills I had so far.



Slam LV 1 = Slams an opponent, with or without weapon causing (35% of STR) Physical damage.

--0 sec cooldown

--Cost: 20 Rage

--Melee Range

--Instant cast.

Crusader Strike LV 1 = Strike the target for (76.5% of STR) Physical damage. Generates 1 Holy Power.

--4.5 sec cooldown

--Cost: 3% of chakra

--Melee Range

--Instant Cast.

Steady Shot LV 1 = A steady shot that causes (60% of AGI) Physical damage.

--1.75 sec cast --0 sec cooldown

--No cost

--Range: 40 yards.

Sinister Strike LV 1 = Viciously strike an enemy, causing (21.762% of AGI) Physical damage.

--0 sec cooldown

--Cost: 45 Energy

--Melee Range

--Instant cast.

Smite LV 1 = Smites an enemy for (47% of INT) Holy damage.

--1.5 sec cast --0 sec cooldown

--Cost: 0.2% of chakra

--Range: 40 yards.

Lightning Bolt LV 1 = Hurls a bolt of lightning at the target, dealing (95% of INT) Nature damage.

--2.5 sec cast --0 sec cooldown

--Cost: 1% of chakra

--Range: 40 yards.

Frostbolt LV 1 = Launches a bolt of frost at the enemy, causing (51.1% of INT) Frost damage and slowing movement speed by 50% for 8 sec.

--2 sec cast --0 sec cooldown

--Cost: 2% of chakra

--Range: 40 yards.

Shadow Bolt LV1 = Sends a shadowy bolt at the enemy, causing (39% of INT) Shadow damage.

--2 sec cast --0 sec cooldown

--Cost: 2% of chakra

--Range: 40 yards.

Tiger Palm LV 1 = Strike with the palm of your hand, dealing (27.027% of AGI) Physical damage.

--0 sec cooldown

--Cost: 50 Energy

--Melee Range

--Instant cast.


Well, that was a vast array of attacks, and energy bars I need to keep track of. "Fury, I wonder how does that work in this world," I mumbled, going over my warrior skill


Name = Raiden --------

LV = 1

HP: 600/600

CHK: 960/960

ENERGY: 400/400

FURY: 0/200

EXP = 0/250


INT = 30

STR = 30

AGI = 30

STA = 30


That's good, I suppose, I don't have much to compare it to, but I suppose it will do. "Welcome to The Academy," I read the sign outside the school. "Here goes nothing,"

As I entered the academy, I noticed a bunch of kids running around, some sitting, others fighting, and very few, reading.,

"Hello there," someone greeted me, startling the heck out of me. Someone should put bells on these ninjas...oh right that's not until Kakashi.

"Hello," I greeted, trying to act cool and play off my sudden jolt."I am here to enroll in the academy," I told the speaker who immediately looked a bit confused and also disappointed with my response.

"Hate to tell you this kid, but the enrollment period ended a month ago."

So I walked ten miles for nothing, it's like college all over again. Sighing loudly enough to be heard by any passerby I turned to leave when the ninja I was speaking to touched my shoulder and looked at me with a smile.

"Probably should mention this, we don't turn away eager kids," he said with an even more glowing smile that reminded me all too well of an army recruiter ad.

Eager future assasins you mean. Obviously I kept that thought to myself and put on an eager smile. "Really?"

"Of course. So how about we go inside and test your levels. If you're good enough, you might get in, even though it quite late."

Yeah, somehow I'm pretty confident in my chances."Thanks, sir!"


Despite what the anime would have you believe,the test was surprisingly easy. They measured my chakra with a scroll, then made me run through an obstacle course, and finally take a written test. I was a bit nervous about that last part, but thankfully the implanted knowledge helped clear that last hurdle.

Honestly though, throughout the whole affair I was a little surprised. The whole thing felt so… mundane, but I won't complain. Plus I am only five so it's not like there was a whole lot I could do anyway.

"Congratulations, you passed. As of today, you are now a part of Class A!" the ninja who had tested me said, and I wasn't really sure why, but I felt class A was… different from other classes.


When I passed the test, I assumed they were going to let me go, you know, give me some time to get my affairs in order, alas I was outstandingly wrong. As soon as I passed the test, the ninja dragged me to my classroom... like he gave me no time to process shit, it was a test, and then class, again just like college

"Class, we have a new student today… I know he's starting late, but his tests show he is more than ready to be in the class."

What that hell did those test show, I did nothing out of the ordinary, and that is coming from me, a guy whose life prior to this was sedentary as fuck.

"Now, go ahead and introduce yourself to the class," the teacher ordered, with a tone of finality.

"My name is Raiden, I have no last name… and I like reading books." THIS is what happens when you don't give a man type to prepare before shoving him to class! An awkward introduction followed by an equally awkward silence. Outstanding first day.

"Perfect, now Raiden, take a seat beside Jiraiya, we are about to start the class."

And right when I heard that name, I immediately had a revelation. Oh… I knew there was a reason I felt… this class meant trouble, yeah...

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