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74.41% Quest Maker of Soul Land / Chapter 276: The Beast God's Territory!

Capítulo 276: The Beast God's Territory!

Ja Sun had many 'good' things, that much was undeniable. His fortunes could be divided into categories of befitting attributes. For instance, a lamia like Violet, despite her mutation, still had a heart scale and a nadian— the core of her poison. Of course, the nadian cannot be mistaken as a spirit core since it was a part of her innate biology but there was no questioning that her nadian could turn into a spirit core.

This nadian was awfully similar to a pseudo-core that had formed within Oscar, which Qian Daoliu predicted to be naturally formed into a completion once the tofu fest-man reaches the rank of Spirit Sage.

This Nadian could be nourished by various toxins.

Presently, due to the Million-year-old Death Spider Exoskeleton, Ja Sun's body held toxins similar to that very level of a Death Spider Emperor. As a teacher, he had a choice to just give it or integrate the daily nourishment of her nadian into a part of the training model.

This was different than providing things he had no use for his teammate. Though Ja Sun had no need for responsibilities, he couldn't help but feel that Violet's growth as an 'existence' may help him confirm many theories. So, he stood to gain just as much she did and he made it clear in one of their discussions.

A master always searched for the talented.

These words from Daoliu had a different meaning to Ja Sun at this point. Previously, Ja Sun figured that it was the act of nurturing the talented that would be satisfying, however, as Ja Sun had taken his first steps on this path, his expectations for Violet had increased explosively.

As wild as it was, Ja Sun wanted his... 'seed' to be as competent as possible not for something as unstructured as reputation but for his own gain. Just as he himself represented a possible partner to converse cultivation and inspirations with Qian Daoliu, Ja Sun expected the same thing from Violet if not higher.

He may, one day, face a block. Wouldn't it be amazing if Violet is there to assist him through it?

So, Ja Sun decided to not 'give' her anything. Instead, he adopted the same model as his quest maker trait, and laid down daily objectives for her that integrated with the core teachings he wanted to pass on to Violet so that she may increase her cultivation on her own instead of relying on him.

What else could he say?

Ja Sun found a mentally capable and strong woman far more reliant than... well...

His gaze fell on Ja Yin who idly paddled her paws into the pond. Sensing his gaze, Ja Yin instantly turned to look at him with a toothy grin. But before she could spout some nonsense... as he himself would in this situation, he turned away, making her ears droop alongside her recently stiffened tail as he could hear her murmuring something about being unfair.

"So... if I achieve all these within 24 hours, I am capable of earning these nourishments?" Violet looked at the scroll in her hands as her hold trembled violently. She was ecstatic!

Being more human and relatively powerless in the forest, Violet craved power. Despite her nature that had mellowed down slowly, Lamias are born violent. Just the fact that she would have a breezy smile almost all the time, playfully spend time with Ja Sun, and even chat with Ja Yin and Zi Ji to a great extent that might even border brown-nosing, deep down, Violet craved the things Ja Sun presented to her more than anything.

However, waiting for a little over 25 years after gaining sentience had also made her a lot more patient. Forcefully heaving a deep sigh, Violet closed her yellow eyes that could petrify weaker spirit beasts and humans alike. For a moment, the naked Lamia seemed at peace and a perfectly still artwork of nature. Her violet eyelashes trembled for a brief moment as if she was undergoing a monumental struggle.

Although Ja Sun was a little unsure of this reaction, expecting immediate acceptance, he resisted the urge to read her emotions using his martial soul that made him an empath for almost all the beasts.

Finally, Violet opened her eyes and looked at the contents of her scroll once again.

"I'm... afraid that if I cannot complete—"

"You aren't meant to complete all these objectives," Ja Sun interjected. His words surprised the distant Zi Ji and the idle Ja Yin. Unintentionally gaining their interest, Ja Sun calmly responded to Violet's fear.

"First, I am hardly disappointed with failures. Look at Ja Yin... I'm still here with her so that should ease your worries."

Not willing to let such abject insults slide, Ja Yin rose to her own defense, "Hey—"

Only to be interjected.

"Second," Ja Sun raised his middle and index finger, "These four objectives will grow in difficulty as you master them daily. However, these four objectives are designed in a way that, including receiving the nourishment as rewards for the completion of these tasks, will only allow you to complete the cycle for three objectives only."

"I... don't understand."

"It's simple really," Ja Sun smiled, "If you manage to accomplish one task, digest the rewards, and have some time for rest to start the next day, you will be considered above average in learning, performing, and receiving the gifts I have to offer.

If you complete the cycle twice, daily, then even I will be impressed because the continuation of such a task load would mean your aptitude is indeed at the cusp of being a threat.

Complete three different tasks and digest their rewards in return and keep that routine the entire time... then congratulations. Di Tian was right to fear you..."

He waited for Violet to digest his words as she gulped softly and whispered her inquiry, "What about... the fourth task..."


Violet winced, misunderstanding Ja Sun accusing her of something yet he added without care, "Monsters are hard to come by. Some are born so talented that they don't need evaluations as I have formed... some are kicked in the head, made to believe that if they aren't monsters, they are nothing.

And some... some of us love the risks that come with being a monster. It's the high that we believe is worth chasing after."

Feeling ever so intimidated by her new master's invasive gaze, Violet heard him speak, "The four tasks and accepting their rewards will be a tad bit too much for your body. The risks will be evident. You will feel like dying every day. But I will consider you a monster with all their accompanying rights. Not in strength, of course.

I'm not deluded enough to find opponents for fights at every point of my life but if you make the routine of completing four tasks your daily goal... I won't promise that you'll be without the risk of injuries. Or worse, spiritual fatigue.

But like I said, a monster will find a way, or newfound will to push through it... or enjoy the tortures that follow such routine. It would be up to you what kind of monster you are."

Violet clenched her fists and resisted the urge to question Ja Sun about what kind he was himself, not expecting his next words to admit his nature quite openly.

"Personally, I love it. The accompanying hardships, I mean. Once, I almost blinded myself while training, and that very technique is also in the section of your tasks.

There was also the time where I willingly gave up my arm for the sake of it..."

As he said so, Ja Sun revoked his spirit transformation for the first time in a long time. Nature around him, in response, fell a little dull, as if his presence was needed to uplift their spirits but Ja Sun's left arm was clearly made of some synthetic silver material compared to his human right arm.

With a devilish grin, Ja Sun regarded Violet as if eyeing the most wondrous prey to be found, well, more recently, "So? Ready for your lessons?"

The routine was simple, or as Ja Sun emphasized— the quests were rather straightforward.

1) Learning Array— something entirely upon Ja Sun's discretion as he would teach the material based on Violet's comprehension and skills in performing the said arrays. If she is successful, Ja Sun would 'reward' her appropriately by using the Mental Acupuncture Technique to raise her mental competence.

2) Defeating a 1000-year-old spirit beast. Every time she does so, the next day, she must kick things up a notch by 100 years of cultivation. She doesn't need to necessarily kill the beasts but incapacitate them. In return, Ja Sun would nourish her nadian with the toxic sludge right under his skin.

3) Performing feats of spirit energy manipulation by using any of her spirit skills until she is fully exhausted. By right, this objective was certainly... circumstantial and could be easy or hard based on the efficiency of her previous two accomplishments. In return, Ja Sun would open all his domains related to increasing comprehension while lending Violet one of his Evil Sage's Third Eye. This was, by far, the most worthwhile reward in Ja Sun's eyes because he had begun to step on the path of understanding the laws through the spirit skills as the medium and if Violet could have similar experiences, it would be better.

4) And finally, Violet has to stay conscious under the onslaught of his bloodlust for the time he allots at his discretion. In return, she can be granted any wish she desires as long as he is willing to fulfill it, too.

The tasks must be taken in the same order as listed so first, she would be thoroughly mentally fatigued by learning the concepts of arrays, understanding the most basic runes and structure of the arrays before receiving the cruel treatment of the Mental Acupuncture Technique. But Ja Sun knew it was a tolerable experience. After all, even Tang Yuehua could bear it and she received great benefits in the form of taming her enlightened martial soul.

The second task aimed to increase her lethality. Ja Sun had no delusions that Violet only needed to be scholarly. No, she needed to be her wildest self and still be in control. Thus, she would most certainly fight every day with her opponents growing stronger by the day. The reward, in return, would increase her toxicity and Ja Sun knew full well that increase in toxin within Violet would also increase her physical attributes. It was similar to the poisonous baths Bibi Dong would inflict on the ground back then when she was their teacher and her group turned out just fine.

Besides, it would be a lie if Ja Sun didn't imagine Violet's features turning even better after this toxic therapy...

The third objective was easier to achieve based on her previous two goals. If she is already spent, Violet would most certainly quickly exhaust her spirit energy but in time, she would start getting a better control of it and even gain a realm of self. With the rewards being Ja Sun's special domains that serve to increase comprehension, and the Evil Sage's Third Eye, Ja Sun was almost sure that she would reach the realm of self in the same frame he did or even quicker.

The fourth one was a biased, and insurmountable quest. Ja Sun has had first-hand experience with how his opponents would flinch when facing his bloodlust. It would be fine if he was the only one with such a freakishly terrifying intent... sadly, that wasn't true.

Asura had a pretty similar killing intent and Ja Sun wanted his first disciple of sorts to be able to resist it. Of course, this fourth quest meant that Violet, for the time being, wouldn't be getting considered a 'monster' anytime soon but then again, those who could truly resist his killing intent entirely boring in on them were worthy of the title.

The days of training began that very moment as Violet was eager to learn and grow. Even now, none of the rewards included Ja Sun directly increasing her cultivation. That, he wanted Violet to do on her own. It would simply be more satisfying to her that way.

Of course, things would be different if she somehow manages to accomplish the fourth objective and asks for him to increase her cultivation. But that would be fine, too.

What made Ja Sun roll his eyes, however, was Ja Yin jumping in on the tutelage, too. Her excuse was quite simple— she desired to learn, too. But he was well aware that Ja Yin, like Ah Yin, was almost obsessive in terms of sharing him with 'one of their kind.'

Of course, even if Ja Sun relented to Ah Yin's emotions... that didn't mean he would be as kind to Ja Yin. As he stated long before, in terms of their beastly social ladder, he was on top. Beasts considered this position in the species as Alpha.

With Ja Yin being the only one on the lower ladder, she was quite certainly the 'bitch.' Not a metaphorically catty one, that Ja Sun was a little happy about because no one wants someone to whine and complain all day long... even when there are days he himself would do so. No.

With how Ja Yin would openly try to entice him by moving her purposely crafted humanoid body... Ja Sun was sure she took her position 'at the bottom' quite seriously. And it was getting worse by the day for all of them since one of them acting as a literal bitch in heat would only serve to entice others...


Yu Xiaogang and his team were in a bit of 'snatch.'

Well, calling it a 'bit' would be quite an understatement.

The once impressive spirit master of the Spirit Hall, who even though couldn't compare to the current glory of the top disciples, had his own valorous reputation, lay strung in a forest. His body bloodied and naked. His teammates were the same. Whether male or female... old or young.

Strangely, many other human spirit masters were being beaten unconscious by rather 'gracious' spirit beasts and then strung around the outer region of the Star Dou Great Forest that shared its boundaries with the Spirit City, Heaven Dou Empire, and Star Luo Empire. Currently, these were the three renowned super forces of the continent.

"I think... we went too far," the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear muttered with a sheepish expression. One of the strongest beasts to ever have walked on the continent, it still couldn't help but sigh deeply, "We all agree to not kill so that we don't cross any lines, as ordered by the Beast God but..."

"Hmm? I think this looks nice. Not to mention that bastard's Dragon Martial Soul has its own consciousness and was passively affecting the spirit master in the head," compared to the gigantic golden bear, a pale figure tapped on his forehead indicating where Yu Xiaogang was being affected.

"Heeeehhh... really? Never noticed it."

"That's why we make a good team, bro," the humanoid figure was a 100000-year-old Golden Goblin that recently migrated to the King's Lair after being recruited by the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear. Although the Golden Goblin had confidence he would be able to have the Beast God see his way and give him greater territory...

The reality, or in this case, Ja Sun slapped the beast quite literally and beat him until the beast begged to stop before agreeing to the demands of the beast!

What a power move! The Golden Goblin and his tribe from the Extreme North were instantly left in awe by the Beast God. Anyway, the Golden Goblin's tiny property in the King's Lair was adjacent to the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear's usually empty territory which the bear leased out to the Goblin since they propagated like rabbits amongst one another and became a dynamite pair.

Both the beasts admired their work.

"Oh, we almost forgot to leave the mark," the bear exclaimed.

Only for the temporarily human transformed Goblin to tease, "Way ahead of you. What does this look like?"

The Golden Goblin took out a giant log layered with a threat—

"Be Fortunate that the Beast God didn't bless you."

"Perfect," the bear nodded.

"Hmm, now, all I have to do is bring a few of my descendants here and let them do their things. Too bad, despite our number, there are barely ten 10000-year-old descendants under my rule... can't let any of them out of King's Lair. Again, thank you for inviting me."

"Don't worry," The Golden bear chuckled, "I got an immortal herb in return so all is well... although, I still can't figure out why the Beast God wants to increase our number and diversity."

"Maybe he always planned a war against humans. Anyway, we cannot possibly imagine his thoughts," the Golden Goblin said with a hint of reverence in his tone.

A similar situation could be seen all around the forest.

The entirety of the continent was still flabbergasted by the sudden 'warning' from the beasts but what truly stopped the spirit masters from entering was when the news of Bone Douluo, a well-known Titled Douluo elder of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan attempted to enter using his spatial attribute only to be yanked out by a mysterious force and then forced to retreat on foot as three 100000-year-old beasts chased after him like rabid mutts.

Since then, even the weakest spirit master hoping to sneak a spirit ring by the edge of the forest had stopped visiting the danger zone entirely.

What made many people sigh in relief, was that other forests didn't show similar symptoms.


Shoutout to Richard, Musakhulu_, CiekawyNick, joao goncalves, MasterClass007, DENSYS BRATANI, and Xolone M!!

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