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21.04% [Random Novel Ideas] / Chapter 88: Magic and Symbiote (#1) [Slightly Edited]

Capítulo 88: Magic and Symbiote (#1) [Slightly Edited]

(OC (Male) x Eddie Brock x Venom, Magic System, Magic, Shameless Smut, and Some Kinky Threesomes, Raging Inferno)

[Congratulations, you received a free magic draw!]

[Congratulations, you received {Symbol Magic}: Capable of imitating any type of magic, as long as you know the symbol to use it. You can freely write the symbol, and activating it will active the magic stored on the symbol.]

[Equipping magic... Magic slot equipped.]

[Symbol Magic:

Known Symbols:

Protective Magic: [Shield]

Offensive Magic: [Arrow]

Utility Magic: [String]

He sighed, it took years to finally receive his system! He was now 22 years old, his name was Derek Vermillion Di'Angelo, reincarnated into the Marvel Cinematografic Universe, the MCU... How does he know that? Because he spent these 22 years of his life training himself to survive this world and also getting information about this world, such as the existence of Steve Rogers- aka Captain America, the Howling Commandos, and so many existing proofs that this was indeed the MCU. Tony Stark recently revealed to the world that he was Iron Man, his existence already confirmed it to him that he was indeed in the Marvel Universe- Then he knew, his existence would lead to a butterfly effect, which would then alert the TVA of his existence- If he is on one of the "Sacred Timelines" but there's the possibility that maybe he isn't, then he wouldn't need to be worried about that.

Derek was a tall man, 6'4 feet tall to be specific, his body was very fit- He worked out a lot! He was a professional in Boxing and Karate, two different forms of martial arts, but they were a way to defend himself from mundane things- now, after 22 years waiting, he finally received his system!

How did he know that he would receive one?

Simple, he knew because the ROB that sent him here said he would, but the system would be the one he needed the most- And Magic will definetly help him! Why did it take 22 years? Because it was downloading, he could hear it when it was at 10%, 20%, 30%, and so on.

"Finally..." He whispered, his muscles relaxing when he noticed the [Information] button on the corner of his vision as floating screens in front of him. "Information." He whispered, his back to the sheets of his bed, his eyes widened as he read the information:

[Magic System: You'll receive random types of magic from this system, they are categorize in: [Chanted Magic], [Imagined Magic], and [Item/Focus Magic].

[Chanted Magic]: Magic that needs chanting to cast.

[Imagined Magic]: Magic that needs strong will and imagination to cast.

[Item/Focus Magic]: Magic that needs an item or focus to cast.

Each magic can have [Offensive], [Protective], [Utility], and [Support] spells. There are special cases, when one spell can be of several categories at the same time, or be of none of them.

You also have [Magic Slots], which are the ones you need to equip magic on to use them, limiting the amount of magics you can use. Depending on your rank of magic user, your [Magic Slots] will increase.

You start at the [Apprentice Magician] ranking, having [3] Slots that you can equip different types of magic, on the [Apprentice Magician] ranking you can learn magic 50% faster.

You'll receive quests depending on events, the world around you, and your career. You also have status, and a MP bar to accurately show you how much magic energy you still have to use.]

'Huh' Derek hummed, his mind soon focused on the word [Status], and soon enough, a floating screen appeared in front of his eyes, it read:


Name: Derek vermillion Di'Angelo.

Age: 22 (46= Died at 24)

Sex: Male

Titles: None

Magic Ranking: Apprentice Magician (Apprentice Magician, Novice magician, Magician, Expert Magician, Archmage, Supreme Mage, Ancient Mage)

Magic Knows: [Symbol Magic]

Magic Mastered: None

Magic Slots:

[Symbol Magic]



MP (magic Points): [1000/1000]

Special Perk:

[Anti-Magic Immunity]: No magic cast by you can be canceled by Anti-Magic or be resisted.]

Derek was surely impressed by this, he had 1000 magic points already? Surprising, but a welcomed surprise. "So i can learn magic 50% faster now? But where could i learn it- Oh yeah, Kamar-Taj..." Thinking about that place put a sour taste on his mouth, since he searched for that place for two whole years without rest, only to find it and be rejected. He also searched for the existence of Mutants or Inhumans on this universe, but he did not find anything about them at all, which really put him on edge since he could not know if they simply didn'texist or were hiding.

And being rejected by Kamar-Taj? Yeah, sour taste. Maybe the Ancient One knew that in the future he would learn magic by himself and would be fine? Maybe, but he still wants to learn Eldritch Magic, since it could possibly be really good!

"Let's see..." He focused on his [Symbol Magic] and a symbol appeared on his head- A simple arrow, but somewhat translucent, a sharp-looking little thing that could kill someone if hit on the right spot. HIs fingers moved, he watched in wonder as a pale blue light was left behind, mid-air, as he drew that symbol in the air. Once it was done, it stayed there, floating. "Let's see... Fire in the hole?" he said, his voice carrying a tiny bit of his anxiety, trying to know if he could really do it- A glowing blue arrow exploded out of the floating symbol, into the wall of his apartment, a hole was left behind as it made no sound after hitting the wall. "That was awsome." His smirk grew wider as he imagined himself, waving his hands and watching as fire rained from the sky, as lightning hit the ground, water exploded from the ground alongside llife, blooming flowers and trees.

"That would be awsome." He smiled, knowing that if he survived, he could be able to do that. "Oh..." He sighed as he looked at his alarm clock that started- It's 6 AM, it's time for his daily workout session.

-Scene Break-

His muscles relaxed as his leg lowered, he was practicing Kick-Boxing, another martial art that he was mastering, he was not exactly a professional at it, since he had a Dojo that taught mostly both Box and Karate sprinkling some other martial arts that Derek was great enough at to teach, which were many. He was sweaty, his hair was wet- He looked like a wet dog with his eyes covered by his brown hair- It was moderately short, but even so it could cover his eyes if it wet.

It was now 9 AM, the Dojo normally opens at 10 AM and he would be here till it closed, at 15 PM, most of his students were children, there were the ocasional adults on the afternoon classes, but most of them were teens and kids, which he would teach self-defense only. "I should go take a bath..." He lived close to his apartment, only five minutes walk to go there, his sweaty white shirt was close on his body, pressing against his muscles and making him look rather delicious to the eye... He was hot, and it's not him being a Narcissistic Bastard here! He really is hot, several men and women said so, his strong grey eyes could stare at you and make you feel like you're naked, his voice could make you weak to your knees, and his hands then- Oh, his hands could drag you to hell or bring you to heaven, depends on what you're into.

His steps weren't that fast, in his eyes he was calmly walking, well, calmly for a queer person! Everyone know gay people are as twice as fast as straight people- That's a fact.

He was dsitracted by the morning light and accidentally hit a man who was wearing a baggy grey sweater, large black bags under his eyes and a stubble beard that was not trimmed at all, it looked like he hasn't taken a shower since it was invented, and he knows for a fact that someone who looks like this isn't mentally well (Well, he has seens his fsir share of people who aren't mentally well), This man certainly needed help, because when he acidentally hit him, the men fell to the floor because his body was very weak- Like he hasn't eaten in day, it made Derek felt bad for him- "Sorry." He quickly apologized and offered a hand to the man, who only looked at him for a few seconds, unblinking, just staring. "Uh..." feeling a little awkward, Derek thought that maybe he couldn't speak? Or maybe he couldn't hear? Okay, okay, he took his hand back and quickly signed: [I'm sorry for bumping on you, can i do something for you? DO you need help? you look lost.] The man's eyes betrayed his confusion, making Derek sigh: "Are you okay... Dude?" Unsure at what to call him, he decided to stick with dude.

"Yeah?" The man's voice was weak, he coughed before shaking his head, it was clear to Derek that he wasn't fine and he needed help. "Okay dude... Do you need medical assistance?" He had to ask this, even though it would probably put the guy on life debt, he looked like a homeless man- Oh no, he will help him because ever since he came to this world some situations happened to him on completely random days, people desperately needing help and him being the only one there to help them.

It was like the universe wanted him to receive good karma by helping them, and who was him to not help some people that he judged were good? He had a good heart- Even though he would not hesitate to kill a bitch who hurt someone he liked, his heart was indeed good. "Okay... i'm going to help, okay?" He took the man's hand, who looked disoriented, and led him back to his apartment- it was fine, since he was physically stronger, and if the man had some sort of supernatural gift, he could very well get rid of him by using his magic. That would work, right?

Did he raise a flag¿?

When they got to his apartment, Derek was holding the man, his symptons looked extremely familiar to his eyes- That was when it hit him, he was having some sort of Sugar Deficiency Attack, right? His limbs were shaking and trembling, his lips were quivering, and his eyes darted around, as if he was dizzy. And his body was really weak, so Derek gave him a chocklate bar he had, he knew about Sugar Deficiency because he had a roommate on the orphanage he grew up on who had sugar deficiency- He would always give candies to him, to keep his sugar levels stable to keep him alive- Sadly he died a few years ago.

The man began eating the sugary bar of chocolate with gusto, making some weirdly hor moaning noises, but who is he to judge, right? "Hmm..." The man sighed with a hum, before his hands rested on his forehead as he trembled- Damn, this must've been a trip to hell and back right? After a few seconds, his trembling stopped and he looked up, saying: "'M sorry... For troublin' you." He sounded legitimately apologetic, like he was waiting for Derek to say something to him- Well: "It's no problem, i like to help people... And you look like you needed help from someone, so i did just that, but are you okay though?" The man raised his eyebrows, as if he did not expect this outcome. "Do you have Sugar Deficiency? Well, regardless- Here, you can have this." He quickly went to his kitchen drawer and took out another three identical chocolate bars, he had bought a few- He loved chocolate okay!? It is one of his benign addictions, just like sex! "I... Thank you."

"You're welcome dude." Derek chuckled, noticing the small redness of the man's cheeks, which were cute. Derek has a lot of experience on sex, with men and women, but his experience with love were close to none- He dated a girl once, but she was a bitch, so he dumped her and moved on with his life. Is the universe throwing him some random men to be his little boyfriend as a reward for being such a great person? Because several of the men he helped showed interest in him, including the women, but none of them were interesting enough that he would pursue them- Well, most of them were really boring people, one of them didn't like sweets at all so he and Derek could never be! This man though? He looked clumsy, was wearing clothes that looked to be out of a garbage can, and looked like he hadn't showered in a long time! But he had a cute blush, that's more than some people he met had to offer.

"So, the name's Derek. And you?" Derek smiled, trying to look friendly to the man, but his smile was a killing machine, which made many people discover a side of themselves that they did not know they had- Bisexuality. "I, ergh... I'm Eddie, Eddie Brock, and i am from San Francisco... Random Question but can you tell me which year is it?" Derek smiled at the man, thoughts racing through his head as he analyzed each and every posibility- This man could be a time traveler, or maybe someone from another timeline that somehow got pulled into this one, or maybe, just maybe, he wasn't in the Sacred Timeline! "Oh, it's August 21th, 2002." He himselg was born on the 80s, on August 21th.

So yes, today was his birthday, and aparently, his gift was a homeless man... No, Eddie Brock, the host of Venom. Which shouldn't exist on this timeline because Derek knows- Knows thatthe Eddie Brock of this universe is long dead, which means he was brought here by someone or he accidentaly stumbledd into a wormhole that brought him here- Wait, does he have Venom already? "Well, Eddie- can i call you that?" receiving a hesitant nod from the man and sending a killer smile back at him, Derek continued: "Well, you seemed lost when stumbledon you- Did something happened to you? Do you need any help? Is everything okay? You're not high, are you? I can help you, i can answer your questions if you have any and I can take you to a shelter- If that's what you wish."

"Ergh... Thanks?" Eddie smiled weakly at him not knowing if he should feel offended or touched that someone was offering him help while comparing him to a crack head, Dererk was also unable to know how to react and felt like this was a low blow to him because the smile Eddie gave him was weirdly adorable and his taste in men is more... Presentable. But here he is, his heart skipping a beat for fucking Eddie Brock! Who looked like a homeless guy! Well, could be worse, he has Monsterfucker tendencies after all. "Can i ask you a wierd question...?" Eddie hesitantly spoke.

"Sure, go ahead."

"Have you ever heard the an organization named Life Foundation before?"

"No?" Derek tilted his head to the side, his eyes following the host of Venom and also cutie, which- okay, weird, he is here, thinking a Hobo is cute. But oh well, he is. "Never heard of it, is that some kind of pharmacy industry? No, let me guess, it's an evil organization that makes experiments on humans?" The sarcasm on his voice clearly made Eddie chuckle weakly, as if he was thinking 'if only you knew' or something like that. "Yeah... Thanks for answering my question, seriously." He nodded to Derek, whose smile never broke apart from his lips, his beautiful, beautiful lips... Wait, what? [EDDIE!] The familiar voice of Venom shouted on his head suddenly, startling Eddie for a second- The symbiote was asleep ever since he fell trhough that dark hole on the ground- It was sudden, a hole appeared before him out of nowhere, he tried calling for Venom, but the symbiote did not answer.

And now, he woke up.

"[Hi Venom...]" Eddie whispered as lowly as he could, then he remembered that Derek, the man who helped him after he simply appeared from nowhere, was looking at him with a mix of worry and doubt on his eyes- Like he was wondering if he was tired or needed a Doctor- how could he tell him that he fell through a hole and suddenly was there- On another place, where Life Association does not exist? Is this another universe? [Eddie, where are we?] Venom's voice carried on his head and the feeling of curiosity made Eddie humm in thought. "Hey, Derek..."


"Can i, like, use your bathroom...?" Eddie cringed, he just met the man and was asking him for things- Ever since his "Fiancé" became his Ex-Fiancé and he was kicked out of his job (Again, for the 10th time that year), his confidence lowered (He never had a strong confidence, and neither self-esteem), he became a loser (As Venom did not stop calling him that) and he also seemingly became a powerful host for a parasi- [SYMBIOTE!] Screamed Venom, breaking Eddie out of his thoughts as he closed the bathroom door behind him, hearing Derek saying from behind the door: "Well, you look like you need a bath, please take one... Not to be rude or anything, but you kinda smell? Oh my Gods, i was really rude now, sorry. I'll leave a change of clothes here and a towel too, do you need underwear- Who am i kidding, you looked like you just came from Wonderland! Lost and suffering of Sugar Deficienct, i'll leave underwear too." He walked away, talking to himself about something, which Eddie could not hear without entering his Venom form- Said form increased his senses of smell, hearing, sight, and taste. Suddenly, a black head with fully white pupiless eyes left his right shoulder and said: "Eddie... Who was that?" his voice was deep, and Eddie was a little ashamed to say that he was slightly aroused whenever he heard Venom talking, because his damn little Bi heart couldn't take it.

"A good guy- i think- who offered to help me... i think we're in another universe Venom." Eddie's voice was barely a whisper, but Venom's large red tongue moved out of his mouth and began licking Eddie's cheek. "Okay." Eddie was a little shocked by how quickly the symbiote accepted what was happening- But again, he was an alien, which wasn't all that common, so probably he adapts faster to things? Eddie is still shocked that the Multiverse Theory is real.

"We need more information... I guess we could ask Derek? Do you think we can trust him, Venom?"

"If anything, we eat him.


"Well, i agree this time... If anything, we eat him." Eddie began taking his dirty clothes off- It's not his fault that they were dirty, he was fighting against someone before he fell on the hole, Carnage was a pain to deal with, but he died anyway! Venom said he tasted like chicken, considering Venom doesn't know how chicken tastes like- Oh, they left their two chickens behind! It was so sudden, they defeated Carnage, their relationship went through a new phase, and suddenly they were here!

Venom didn't even get to put his toes in the sand yet.

Sadly his clothes were tattered and full of dust on the end, and now he smells- "Oh, this smells great..." grabbing a shampoo bottle, Eddie took a sniff and it smelled really great! That was when he heard the door of the bathroom open, thankfully the shower was isolated, so you could not see what was happening inside other than hear the water running down the drain. "Hey Eddie." Derek's voice called out to him, making sure he knew he was there, before he entered: "I'm leaving this behind-" Eddie heard something hitting the floor, a basket? "-Clothes, Underwear- I hope you're my size, sorry you had to wear mine." Eddie sighed, he did not mind it at all, he was being considerate and a gentlemen to someone he just met. "And also, because i don't want you to faint, i'm leaving some chocolate here as well... Can't be too careful... oh, you can use the perfume too! It's the purple bottle with a cat's head, it's great."

Eddie looked down, and sure enough, there was a purple bottle with a purple cat's head as well. He sniffed it and it smelled great, Venom, however, was extending a black tendril after Derek left to take the chocolate. [I love him, can we keep him!?] Venom used their connection to speak to him, since his mouth was full of chocolate. "You say that about everyone who gives us chocolate."

Eddie chuckled, not realizing that maybe...

Just maybe...

Venom would get what he wanted.

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