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0.7% A Reincarnated Tale : Pokémon / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 : Death
A Reincarnated Tale : Pokémon A Reincarnated Tale : Pokémon original

A Reincarnated Tale : Pokémon

Autor: Aht

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1 : Death

I died.

What. Isn't that what people say first when starting one of those fantasy stories? If I recall correctly, those youngsters called those stories, Isekai, right? It's been a bit of an increasing fad here in our modern world.

Well, that all appeared to be a bunch of baloney to me at first, if I'm speaking honestly here. Sure I was a nerd, but I was realistic. Such fantasy worlds simply do not exist in reality.

Or that's what I used to think. Why you may ask is probably what you're thinking right now, right?

Well, as I just said, I died.

Probably cause my boss was such a slave driver, working all of our company workers to the bone each day just to meet our quota. Being in the manufacturing business wasn't easy, but at least it gave me ample wages enough to live on my own and splurge here and there in my thirty years of life.

But to think my life would unexpectedly come to an end so quickly. Or should I say, it was expected?

Constantly working long hours in that sort of environment spells trouble to one's health...Guess I should have paid attention to that, haha! It just came so suddenly!

Normally speaking of such fantasy, one would think one would usually die from getting hit by the famous Truck-kun while saving a young girl, or getting struck by a bolt of lightning or airplane-kun randomly crashing into your house.

Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but those ways to go out are unrealistic here in the cold hard real life. Being worked to death is much more common here, and do people care if you die? If you want the truth, no they don't. Your boss would feel pity for a bit sure, but they'd eventually find someone else to replace your shoes.

The only ones who would care about you are your family, your spouse, your girlfriend, or whoever you have a close bond with. At least they'll grieve for you, but eventually they'd move on with their lives too.

And what about me you ask?

Well, sadly, I'm the last of my family line. Grandparents died several years back. Parents died of old age recently. I got no siblings and my parents were only children too. I was interested in going to my circles again which I haven't been to in a while cause of work to find a lovely girlfriend to settle down with. But I guess that won't happen now.

Well, that's one less worry I need to have, haha!

But seriously man, what's with this melancholic atmosphere? Let's brighten it!

Some of you may be asking how the hell I'm even talking to myself right now. Well, turns out, there is an afterlife when one passes away. It seems death truly is not the end.

And at this very moment I'm surrounded in a completely white space. Not a speck of another color existed here, it was pure white. In the distance I could see a fancy golden gate, which I presume is the gate to Heaven. Heaven was a place depicted in many different religions we had where souls of the dead could go to enjoy the rest of their time in a land of paradise after death.

And those who didn't get permitted either get directly reincarnated because of good karma, or get sent straight to hell to repent for the sins they could have caused.

Well, me personally, I was a good Samaritan most of my life, often helping others if they needed it, so I don't think I would be sent to hell, but who knows. The society I lived in was cruel after all.

Speaking of which, I'm not alone either. I was a couple balls of light away from a large pedestal with an old man with a white beard standing behind it, giving judgement to those in front of me. Wait, that's not you is it, Gandalf?

Cough, enough joking around. As you currently see I'm currently a ball of light. That's right, a ball of light. My human body was nowhere to be found, I can only assume this is my soul and my dead body is rotting in a grave somewhere now. I hope my funeral was attended by at least a couple of people I was acquainted with.

On that note, it is oddly quiet around here. One would typically hear lots of panicking in a situation like this, do they have noise cancelling installed somewhere or something? At least it's allowing my own thoughts to run freely.

As for me, I'm surprised I'm calm myself. Well, I guess I'm already starting to accept the situation at hand. Surviving till thirty years of age in that place is a feat in itself.

I guess if I had one regret, is that I died a virgin. But what's wrong with dying as a virgin? I'm a true man to my heart. A type who wouldn't date till their soul mate was found. Otherwise I would have probably gone to one of those fancy bars to lose my virginity there before setting down with someone i took a fancy with.

Well, dying as a thirty year old virgin, does that mean I'm a wizard now? Haha! Probably not, but since the afterlife and reincarnation do exist, perhaps I'd get the chance to go to one of those magical worlds?

As I was lost in my thoughts, the line before me to get judged did not stop at all. It seems my turn was fast approaching. And just like that, a voice sudden reached the depth of my very soul. No pun intended there.


Hearing this voice, I no longer saw any souls in front of me. Weird, how did they just vanish like that? Or was I too absorbed in my thoughts that I failed to notice?

Either way, I didn't want to keep this omnipotent being waiting, or else I could have my soul destroyed, and that could be the end of me, and I didn't want that! I scurried along to the large pedestal in front of me. The old man seemed giant as I looked up to him, even though as a ball of light I didn't actually do anything.

Seeing the omnipotent being look down at me for a moment, he then opened a white scroll. He then read off my name.

"Itsuki Minamoto. Oh? That's a name you don't see very often.", the being said, who appeared to be an old man of sorts, musing to himself.

"Yes sir.", I responded to him.

Oh, right. Did I forget to say I'm a full blooded Japanese? Props to me being born in Japan in such a chaotic time. But ironically enough, English became my primary language during my work life, Japanese became secondary.

"Hoh? Now this is rare. A soul with a unique name and one that didn't even lose its consciousness. Typically when souls come here to the Heavenly Gate to be judged, they don't even know that they are being judged, and when they regain their consciousness, they're already back with their loved ones in Heaven or burning away in Hell."

"I see. So I'm a special case is it? But what is this about a unique name? I didn't think my family would be tied to an important person."

"You are, Young One. And I wouldn't say you're tied to a specific person, but that of an ancient clan. Though with bloodlines being so diluted nowadays, I doubt your blood actually pertains to them. The Minamoto Clan that is."

"The Minamoto Clan? Didn't I hear about them in a history class during my school days? But that was several years ago so I've forgotten it."

"Mmm. Indeed the Minamoto Clan. They were one of the four retainer families, who eventually founded the Kamakura Shogunate in ancient Japan during the Heian Period. They do go by the name Genji too. Though looking at your family tree here, I do not see anyone with a surname for Genji. It is unfortunate to say, but you are not royalty."

"Well damn. So I'm just a random nobody then?", I said, letting out rare curse. I then realized I cursed, and apologized to the old man. "Oh, I'm sorry for saying it like that."

Rubbing his beard like a certain old wizard, the old man let out a chuckle.

"Hoho, none taken, Young One. Even I let slip out a curse every so often, despite being God. And aren't you the polite one?"

"So you really are God?", I asked with interest.

"Indeed. I may not be God that is part of the religion you practice, but I am indeed a God. One that governs over souls and ferries them into the afterlife or to their next one after they cross the River of Forgetfulness and enter the Cycle of Reincarnation.", God said, enlightening me as he spoke about the situation at hand. He then continued to speak.

"And on that topic. I am regretting to say, but unfortunately, young Itsuki Minamoto, you have died."

"I see. I kind of figured that out since I was able to retain my consciousness during this bizarre experience."

"Hoho, from your eyes, this might truly be a bizarre experience. But it is not unaccounted for. Albeit rare, we do get souls coming in like you. When we do, they typically have a strong desire to live, or that their time was not due yet."

"Hmm....I don't think its the latter for me, sadly." , I said. If I had shoulders to shrug, I would have shrugged them.

"Unfortunately not. You've used up your remaining lifespan from overworking too much. Cause of death : excess strain to the heart."

"Urk...Well, at least when I bid it, it happened while I was asleep."

"Mmm. And now you are here, waiting to be judged by me."

"Let's get on with it! Where will you be sending me away to, doc?"


"Hoho, eager, aren't we? Well we use karma here. And from your file you've earned quite a bit. You're a good person deep down."

"Haha, my friends always told me that, before my hell of a work life began."

"Well, since you're eager to start, then let the judging begin. Souls typically can earn up to 1000 karma points in their lifetime, and you did pretty good in yours, Young One.", the old man declared. I couldn't help get excited hearing that, and was looking forward.

"Itsuki Minamoto, Age 30. Cause of death : excess strain to the heart. Option to reincarnate: Yes. Karma points : 690.", the omnipotent being declared his judgment.

I sat there unmoving for a good moment, especially hearing how high my karma points were! It 1000 was the typical max, then 690 was fairly above average! Go me!

But seriously, 690? If I was on the internet posting this, I'd definitely see a bunch of Nice being spammed. However this ain't no internet. I'm at the Heavenly Gate!

What's more, he said I do have the option to reincarnate! Score! I also decided to ask the old man more about that.

"Say, what's with this option to reincarnate? I got interested by this. Is it an option for anyone that comes here?"

Asking that, the old man shook his head left to right.

"No, not everyone. Only those who receive 500 or more karma points that they are automatically given this option. Those who earn under only get the option to go into Heaven or descend into Hell. They don't get the ability to earn wishes either."

"Eh? Did you just say wishes? People who decide to reincarnate can receive wishes?"

"Yes. Each wish typically ranges from two to four hundred karma points. It can be a unique system, ancient bloodlines, powerful weapons or armors, you name it."

"Huh. If that's the case I'll pass on the granting wishes part.", I immediately decided, not wanting to take any part in that.

It was now the old man's turn to blink in surprise.

"So I'm guessing you decided to go with the option to reincarnate? But you are a unique one alright, not wanting to let my wishes influence you. You're not the first soul to do this, but every single one I see that does they tend to grow stronger than those who do obtain wishes, or die trying. Are you willing to take that risk?"

"I am.", I responded with a confident voice.

"Hmm...typically I would let one choose their wishes then spin the Wheel of Reincarnation to see where they would end up at random, but how about this. Since you don't want to use any wish, how about I let you choose the world which you will start your next life in?"

"Eh? You're fine with doing that?"

"Of course. Like I said, Young One, you aren't the first nor will you be the last. Do you have a place in mind?'

"I definitely do! Sure I didn't really think this shit would exist, but just in case it actually did, I had a plan for myself. I grew to love Pokémon as a kid and even as an adult, please send me to the world of Pokémon!"

"You just cursed again you know." God replied with another report.

"Ahh, I apologize again for that. I probably shouldn't do that in front of God, huh? I just got a bit excited.", I apologized once again.

"Hoho, that was just a tease, Young One. Despite dying from over-exhaustion, you still show enthusiasm. So Pokémon is the world you decided?"

"Yes. Please send me to the world of Pokémon."

"Then your choice is decided. But as I mentioned previously, you still have 690 karma points to use. Since you do not want to convert them into wishes, they can be spent another way."

"I see. Would you have any recommendations then? As long as they don't give me any insane power ups or broken abilities. Every time I read one of those stories they got old fast, or dropped."

"Hmm. Might just be a suggestion but we can use 500 points to let you reincarnate with a rare Pokémon egg to be your first partner alongside your starter Pokémon. Another 100 points will be used to give you a good starting background. I know the Pokémon world can be quite cruel, similar to your world actually."

I ponder over these two suggestions for a moment. I like the sound of that. I don't want any powerups, systems, or the likes, so getting a Pokémon egg and a good background don't fall in those lines. I like it.

"Sure. That sounds good to me. With that, I've only 90 points left right?"

"Yes. You won't be able to carry them over to your next death should you happen to die again, so they need to be spent now. How about using 50 points to make it easier for you to befriend Pokémon? It would be similar to the ability that Iris girl has, who can sense the emotions of Pokémon with her heart. This might sound like a power up to you but you'd still have to strive to get them. If a Pokémon wants a challenge, you'd still have to fight them, etc."

"An easier time to befriend Pokémon. It's not terrible, but what I was referring to for powerups and the likes is bringing sources from another anime or novel and bringing it to the world you'd be going to next. Those are just no fun man."

"I see where you're going with that. This would definitely be in your interest then. I'll take this as a yes?"

"Yep! That leaves us with 40 points now huh? Any recommendations?"

"A good physique for your new body so it won't struck with sickness or ailments too often - 25 points. Having your Pokémon retain all its learned moves and capable of using more than four moves in battle - 10 points. The remaining 5 points can be converted into Pokedollars."

If I could, I would raise my eyebrows at God.

"Why do I get the feeling you've done this before?", I retorted.

"Hoho, these are more common rewards of karma points I've seen past souls use if they desire the Pokémon world. I suggested them to you too, and you took it. The main difference between is you have a lot more points to use, so the more benefits you get."

"I see. So others have chosen the Pokémon world before. Will I be going to the same place as them?"

"No. That always creates a hassle on my end, so each soul that decides to reincarnate gets sent to their own individual world. I don't want fellow reincarnators fighting among each other."

"That's good. But what if someone decides to break free of their world should they decide to explore others? They could potentially find another reincarnator."

"Such a thing is unprecedented, but should it happen, I personally would take action."

"I see. I should be fine then once I'm on my way. But I do have another question, what will happen to my current memory?"

"Hoho, you lucked out there, Young One. Anyone who gains 500 karma is automatically given the choice to reincarnate. Anyone who earns 600 or higher automatically grants them the option to retain their current memory. Will you retain yours?", God asked me after answering my question.

"100% yes! I can see why some wouldn't want to in case they had painful memories they wanted to get rid of. But I've not much of those thankfully besides my family passing on."

"Then it's settled. It's been a while since I last talked to a conscious soul like this, I thank you, Young Itsuki. But it is time for you to move on."

"It was a pleasure meeting God as well."

"Any final question for me?"

"None than I can think of. Thank you for letting me earn this chance to reincarnate."

"Hoho, you're welcome."

"Then how will I know what to do next?"

"Nothing. Your soul is about to enter the cycle of reincarnation. You will lose consciousness for a brief moment before your next life begins."

"I see. Thank you!", I inwardly bowed. I would bow if I could in person. Us Japanese express our thanks by bowing. It's part of our culture.

"Then off you go. As a parting gift for this conversation and being so polite with me, I will have you adopted into the Oak Family.", God smiled back at me.

"Eh?" I tried to retort back in surprise. But I felt my vision drift away, and before long I lost consciousness. My soul just vanished from the long line of souls before God's pedestal.

My soul entered the Cycle of Reincarnation!

Aht Aht

Hi guys Aht here. Here is first of six chapters as a first release!

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