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98.28% HP: I Have "Pure" Magic / Chapter 171: Recap and Chapter 167: Is He Also An...?

Capítulo 171: Recap and Chapter 167: Is He Also An...?

Before we begin the new chapters, I'd like to request one thing, Don't skip A.N.s at the beginning and end of the chapter. There's some important information there.


A.N.: Am I back?


Though I am currently stocking up chapters on the Patreon. So the regular updates would come after a few days. I'VE ALSO STARTED A NEW FANFIC, whose synopsis is posted at the end of the chapter. I'll start uploading both novels here when I've stocked at least 10 chapters of each novel.

A LITTLE BIT OF SUMMARY: Chris can sense magic and can do OP magic due to it. He's also an Exalted Vampire, the kind that gets unique Powers. Other Vampires are called noble vampires, special powers but no unique OP magics for these. Vamps are under secrecy pact made by Merlin and Vamp Progenitor and can't attack other intelligent species. Those who break the pact are turned into undead wild Vampires and their powers taken away. The wizardkind knows the existence of these undeads. Exalted are exception to this pact.

CURRENTLY: Chris has just started his third year at Hogwarts, and since Harry unknowingly brought Sirius in his dog form to the train, the dementors went wild. So Chris had to use his Patronus, the white dragon. But, he put too much power and also cast the spell with his unique method. So the unkillable dementors were kinda... Vaporized... killed. Though no one saw him casting it and now it's turned into an urban Lengend.

Chapter Continued:


Sirius PoV:

At night, Sirius Black, after being fed a sumptuous dinner under the table by Harry, was brought to the Griffindor tower under the invisibility cloak, while the whole time, he had his attention fixed on one redhead boy.

Don't misunderstand him, he's not into male kids, he's only paying attention to him because he has a rat with whom Sirius has a deep obsession with.

Again, don't misunderstand him, he's not into rats, or any animals for that matter. Ok, maybe he's into hot bitches while he's in his animagus form, but that remains a secret that would go to the grave with him, along with what he did in his drunk animagus state with those bitches that one time.

Nope, he'll never tell anyone that he had doggy style with actual female dogs.

Anyways, Sirius was getting very impatient now that the revenge against the rat was so near. But, he can't be impatient. His last few days with his godson were so good that they almost felt like a dream.

Harry has grown up to be so much like his father! It was like he was back with James. But, he has Lily's kindness and stubbornness in him.

He felt that it was the best decision to first see Harry before leaving to find Pettigrew. It made him realize that there are more important things in life than revenge.

Thus, he waited patiently until everyone in the Dorm room was asleep before finally making his move.

Still under the Invisibility cloak, he transformed back into his human form without a sound. Then, he slowly approached his target who was sleeping in a small cage by the red head's side.

Picking up the boy's wand, he first stunned everyone in the room starting with the rat.

"Blimey," he murmured while laughing in a hoarse voice. It felt good to finally do magic after so long. The boy's wand wasn't a match for his, but it'll have to do for now.

He closed the door and put up some privacy charms so that he won't be disturbed.

"Haha, You can't escape this time!" he exclaimed, his voice rough.

He opened the cage and brought out the big fat rat with its one toe missing. It looked older, but the rest was the same.

He cast the Animagus reversing spell, to finally see the person whose betrayal had ruined everything.


But nothing happened.

It seemed that the wand wasn't working. Or the power wasn't enough. He tried again but to no avail.

After trying for some time, Sirius just fired a Transfiguration reversal spell, which can also be used to reverse the animagus form, though the target has a high chance of dying a painful death. Of course, this was, by no means, a problem for Sirius.


The spell hit the rat, and finally, he saw it starting to change!

"Finally..." he muttered, but his sudden excitement was momentary.

Because... instead of turning into a human, the rat turned into another rat, about the same size. Only... it was of a different breed. Its fur was of different color and, none of its fingers was missing.

It didn't take long for him to realize just what had happened. 'That rat!... Did he escape again?!'

12 years... he'd waited 12 long years!

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" He roared to the sky as he fell to his knees.


At breakfast the next morning—

The discussion about the powerful Patronus was still fresh, though the main belief was that, it was Dumbledore's phoenix.

Though the old man himself was left scratching his beard, trying to figure out what the mysterious creature obscured in light was and who the hell was the person who cast it.

'Another person with a magical creature as his Patronus. And it's a creature who produces flames,'

Chris's Patronus had really overdone it last night. Its job was to just come, tackle away the Dementors, and leave. But now Chris can't show off his dragon Patronus without arising suspicions.

Today, Chris was having breakfast with his Ravenclaw friends but people from all over were coming to greet him and also ask about showing/teaching them the spell that he used to defend against the Dementors.

'Damn, I forgot to ask them to keep their mouths shut,' thought Chris as he looked towards Susan, who was still excitedly talking about yesterday's events, as if she was the one who cast the magic.

Of course, some blokes like Malfoy weren't willing to believe it. Draco Malfoy has decided that he hates Chris Martin the former mudblood and Potter's best friend. But somehow, he's never once been able to show his hate.

Whenever there's a chance, he always finds himself remembering some other things to do or finds himself unable to speak.

Chris dusted off his hands as he made Malfoy retreat again. He looked to his friends who were quite eager to ask him about the spell as well, but feeling hesitant after seeing just how many people had already asked for it and saw Chris dodging their requests expertly.

He sighed, "Alright, I'll show you guys sometime... But don't expect me to teach you. It's family Magic,"

Family Magic.

His new favorite excuse. Though he'll always remember Grandma in his heart.

"So," said Terry, looking around the table, "Has everyone here has taken Ancient Runes and Arithmancy?"

There were nods all around the table. Very few Ravens actually leave any of these two nerdy subjects. Only the exceptions like Luna take Care of Magical Creatures.

"I wanted to take more, but the timetables were clashing!" Complained Padma and the other agreed.

This got everyone agreeing. Complaining about not being able to study more and you're getting unanimous agreement instead of getting smacked... this can only happen in the house of nerds.

'These poor people,'

Meanwhile, Chris looked at them in pity.

He had, of course, chosen everything. Though that doesn't mean he'll attend all the classes. He just took them to get the time turner.

In the first place, he doesn't even need to attend them. He can take exams for everything except Divination and History anytime without even having to study.

"Ah, Mr. Martin..." called out Flitwick cheerfully as he reached Chris while ruffling through a stack of parchments.

"It seems you have a busy year ahead of you!" he said, handing out his schedule which had all of the subjects selected.

Chris nodded, "Yes professor. I'd like to thank you for making this possible," he said, referring to the time-turner.

Flitwick waved his hand dismissively, "Oh, no need to thank me. I didn't do much at all! Whenever 'it' has been issued to a student, it's always due to the student's own academic brilliance and trustworthiness!" he said as he started to move one,

"Please collect it from my office after breakfast as I'll also have to teach you the necessary Knowledge..."


"What's this?" Chris frowned as looked at the piece of parchment in his hands.

"It's a binding contract that every student needs to sign before taking the time turner," explained Flitwick, "Mr. Martil you didn't think that Hogwarts hands out potentially disastrous items to students without proper fail-safes, did you?"


'I, uh... I kinda did,' thought as he thought that it was indeed quite foolish to hand out a Time-Turner to a kid.

Though he had just attributed it to another one of the hundreds of plot holes or just Dumbledore being foolish again. And he was thinking of taking advantage of this! But turns out, it's not as easy as expected.

Chris looked at the piece of parchment which would make it impossible for him to consciously try and change anything from the past or interact with anyone from the past. He also can't use it for anything other than studies.

He can't even try making the time turner go further than 5 hours nor can he disclose the information of take the time turner. Otherwise, the binding magic of the contract would effect and forcefully stop his actions.

These were the conditions written in the contract along with the fact that these could be bypassed with the Headmaster's permission.

Chris sighed. As expected, the world wouldn't let him use legal and civil methods to achieve his goals. In the end, he has to depend on his old rule-breaking ways for getting the things he wasn't allowed to have.

Chris nodded to Flitwick as he signed the parchment without much of a fuzz. The terms were fair and it's only normal that they'll do this. Of course, it's nothing he can't bypass if he decides to cheat.

After working with Ted and Gringotts, he knew pretty well how a contract works.

When a person, magical or muggle signs it, the contract glows for a second, showing that it's active, and when you break the contract, the parchment would show a reaction, like burning up to signify the breach.

Chris signed the contract and it glowed for a second, signifying the contract establishment. Nothing looked out of the ordinary, but he'd already tricked Flitwick.

As soon as he signed the contract, magic tried to invade his body. He simply made the contract glow by casting a spell under Stealth.

Now, the contract seems to have been established, but he can break it right now and the paper would remain intact since there's no connection.

This was the simplest and most efficient way since he knew the correct way to make it glow and stealth magic. He still has a few more ways that are a bit more troublesome, all of them which only he can do.

After he was done, Flitwick finally gave him the time-turner he'd been waiting to have.

"Here it is, Mr. Martin. The Headmaster gave it to me only yesterday!" he said, handing him a very fine golden chain at the end of which, hung a small sparkling hourglass.


Chris took it in his slightly trembling hands. This is the key to time magic.

"Now, let me tell you how to handle it and how to use it. Let's see, we have about five minutes..."

For the next five minutes, Flitwick told him about what to do, and what not to do, and stuff and had him repeat it for him.

After getting the time turner, Chris wanted to give quickly give it a spin, but he only had one class right now, so it would be quite pointless. Thus, he simply headed to his class, which was the defense against the dark arts with Slytherins.

When he reached the class with Nyxie on his shoulder, he was a few minutes late. But, peeking inside, he found his classmates talking boisterously while the teacher was nowhere to be seen.

"Mr. Martin," he heard a voice from behind him over the noise of the students.

Chris turned around to see Lupin who seemed to have run here, judging by his out-of-breath state, "Oh, good morning, Professor. How come you're late on the very first day?" He asked.

Lupin laughed, "Well, I was planning something special for the very first class, and it took some time to find what I was looking for," he said as his eyes went to Nyxie who was looking at curiously, wandering why does daddy seem to hate this person so much.

Lupin smiled, "And that must be the famous Mini-Dragon. I must say, she's beautiful," he said as he tried to pet Nyxie. It seems he knew a bit about Chris. Might have just asked a professor.

But Chris was already entering the class even before Lupin raised his hand, so his hand ended up awkwardly hanging in the air.

"I believe you're late for the class, professor," he said with his mother's fake smile. He was averse to the idea of Lupin touching any of his things.

'It's hard to be a dragon,' he sighed. He used to be much more easy going back in the days, but this was a part of his character now, and he doesn't hate it.


As it turned out, the surprise was indeed the boggart. Lupin took everyone to the same classroom, though there was no chewing gum in the keyhole this time since Peeves was no more.

Speaking of Peeves, many students have started to take about his disappearance now. Everyone's happy... except for Fred and George, who were saying they lost a comrade.

Anyways, the students were excited when Lupin told them that the cupboard in front of them contained a Boggart.

"So, can anyone tell me what's a boggart?" Asked Lupin. And since Raven and Slytherin were either homeschooled or smart, many hands were raised, though Chris just stood with his hands in his pockets.

He never did anything more than what he was asked for in his other classes, so far chance he'll even move a muscle in Lupin's class.

While the class went on, Chris was lost in his own thoughts. What shape would the Boggart take for him? What does he fear the most?

Currently, it doesn't seem like he or his family's in any danger, so the Boggart shouldn't need to show him his dead family members.

Besides, he doesn't have any bullshit psychological problem related to his complicated transmigration. He died and reincarnated and now is living a happy life here. What's so difficult to believe? So no meaningless existential crisis or questioning reality for him.

Voldemort and Dementors aren't scary enough as well. So that's also out.

At that moment, Lupin announced for everyone to make a line so that everyone can reveal their worst fears and weakness to everyone.

It was then did he figure out his Boggart.

"Professor," he said, raising his hand, "I'd sit this one out," he announced.

Lupin's brows raised in question. He was curious to know the fears of the boy who can face Dementors without flinching.

And, everyone else in the room, who have seen all the facts, and heard of all of the stories and rumors about Chris, was also curious. Thus, their disappointment was also immense.

Though someone was excited.

It was Draco Malfoy!

Just like in memes, his eyes glowed as if they were going to shoot laser beams.

'This is my chance!'

He was finally going to be able to antagonize Chris and fulfill his duty as the mob young master.

"Are you scared, Martin?" He asked while trying to smirk. Though, even he knew the one who was scared right now was him. Like he was trying to get attention of a dangerous beast.

"..?.." x (whole class+Chris+Lupin)

Not one person in the class found it funny, though they did look at Draco weirdly. Asking Chris if he was afraid? It's like asking Merlin if he didn't know magic.

Chris turned his looked at Malfoy, and his head was a bit tilted to the side.


Malfoy flinched instantly. He was suddenly feeling the urge to apologize.

Chris suddenly pointed his two fingers at Malfoy,

"Boo," he called out casually.


Instantly, Malfoy got so scared that he hid behind Goyle.

This made the whole class laugh at Malfoy, who got almost shat his pants with just one gesture from Chris.

While everyone was laughing, a cold female voice spoke up.

"I'll also refrain from participating,"

It was Daphne Greengrass. And everyone slowly stopped laughing. The class's 1st and 3rd place who are the most mysterious have already quit.

Lupin cleared his throat, "Then, the two of you can stand aside and watch," he was a bit disappointed but there was nothing he could do, then he turned to the rest, "It's alright if anyone wants to quit. Let me assure you, the ones who quit will be missing out a lot,"

The rest of the students didn't quit and Chris and Daphne sat aside.

Daphne found the ability to smile when Nyxie mewed hi to her. Nyxie has many friends in Hogwarts by now. Chris feels inferior when faced with her ability to make friends without speech.

Chris and Daphne sat to as they observed. "Why didn't you participate?" Asked Daphne as she stroked Nyxie. She could already guess the reason.

Chris took in a deep breath. Daphne always has this amazing perfume whose fragrance seems nice to him. He shrugged as he answered, "My boggart is not something I'd like to show to anyone... anyone,"

Daphne nodded in understanding. Her Boggart was the same.

He sniffed again. Its fragrance is much stronger compared to the last time he remembers a few months ago, "What perfume are you wearing?" He asked finally. He'd like to buy one for Dora.

Daphne stopped petting Nyxie. She felt that something was wrong, "I don't use perfume," she muttered.

She never did use any perfume and her even bathing soap and shampoo aren't particularly fragrant.

but then she realized what was wrong.


There's a reason why she's also expressionless and her emotions are weak...and why she has a characteristic smell. It's due to her special abilities which would start developing in a few years.

But, no one here should be able to detect it... unless...

'Unless he's also a...'


A.N.: So, its like this. The Exalted have a characteristic fragrance.

Only Noble vampires and fellow Exalted can detect the characteristic fragrance of the Exalted....

(Recap: Exalted blood=Very delicious=Gives powers to the drinker=Exalted always in danger=Daphne currently scared shitless.)

What's Chris's fear?

Ans: I also forgot 😬. I wrote this months ago. Hope I've written it in the next chapter. Otherwise I'll guess what I wrote and invent a new one.

I'll post a summary soon since everyone must have forgotten stuff after my break.


I just read the future chapters to recap and Damn, I'm impressed with my writing. A new country! A World Dueling Competition! New Characters from different countries! Exploring the Vampiric Side of the Wizarding World!

Spoiler: Some Vampires are fucking scary strong.


Cornelius Fudge never became the Minister of Magic. The new minister of magic was someone who's strong, smart, and progressive. She's changed the whole Wizarding World in the last decade. But, somehow, the wizarding world and Human world are predicted to be destroyed due to countless wars.

Thus, someone has been chosen by the all-powerful Entity which has predicted everything, and yet can't interfere due to the world laws, to work in it's stead. And that chosen one happens to be Axel, an 11 year old mudblood. What's so special about him?


Well, that is the temporary synopsis. You guys read the story and suggest me a better synopsis. And also, I still haven't named this novel. I'll give $5 to the one who gives out the right name and I choose it. Same for the synopsis. Though these offers are only for patrons since you can't name it well and write the synopsis if you haven't read the chapters.


(Remove space)

Don't worry, everything will be posted here soon enough for free access. Just wait.

Also, the reason of my absence is posted at Patreon, it's public, so it's FrEE to access. I can't write it here since this chapter is too long now.

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