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22.64% Friendship is a Game / Chapter 24: Chapter 24 - First Panty Dungeon Raid

Capítulo 24: Chapter 24 - First Panty Dungeon Raid

"So you think the first batch is ready?" Micro asked one of his clones.

"We used all the ingots you first gave us and while some metals caused complications we were able to make a number of them into altered bots," the first clone said.

"First we made regular bots from the wakandan vibranium you bought," another said holding up one of them. "More durable, and we tested it. They can absorb kinetic energy and redirect it with ease."

"Antarctic vibranium was harder to work with and we had to use some of it for the wiring," another clone took over. "It vibrates and can easily weaken any other metal. Keep it away from the others."

"We ran into a lot of issues with adamantium," a fourth stated. "Since it is incredibly rigid, we couldn't get the joints to work right with what we have now. Instead we made these."

The clone held up a small double sided spike of metal. With a flick of the fingers he threw it toward a dartboard that had been set up for demonstration and the group watched it pierce through it and out the back.

"We call them stingers," the clone ended.

"And the control bands?" Micro asked. The clones all held up sensors. With a smile he gave them the Kabuki mask. "Attach then to this. I want to be able to switch between them on a whim. And order more vibranium. I think we are good on adamantium. Also..." hands them a notebook. "Start work on this."

The clones nodded and began getting to work.

Your Marvel fanboy is showing.

'Hey! I have plans for DC material to. I just thought these would be relatively simple to alter to my needs.'

Well. What's the plan now?

'You seem a lot friendlier all of a sudden.'

Not so much that. I just have nothing to do in here so watching you do stuff is all I can do for entertainment. When you tried to sleep me away I nearly went nuts from boredom.

'Well, I have something in mind.' He pulled Rainbow Dash's sky blue panties from his inventory and twirled them on one finger.

...I wish I didn't have to watch this…

Micro turned crimson at the implication.

"I'm not doing that!...At least...not until I get you out of my head.'


'Says the girl who told me I'm well hung!'

Micro ignored her following response. He thought for a moment and decided to let his female form do some fighting this time. In a few seconds, she looked at the panties thoughtfully.

'Do you think I would look cute in these?'

Why are is your color…

Micro giggles before a screen pops up.

Would you like to enter Rainbow Dash's dungeon?


Grinning, she hit yes. Suddenly, the fabric started glowing until it was blinding, forcing her to shut her eyes. When she opened them, she and Chara gasped.

She was on a beautiful grassy plateau. A clear blue sky above her and a wonderful breeze blowing past.

'This is beautiful…'

On that we can agree...what's that sound?

Micro heard it to. The sound of flapping wings. Spinning around she saw a flock of creatures flying in. They were half human, half avian. Their arms ended in claws and had wings attached to them. Their legs were that of birds while their torsos were human. The only thing covering their decency were sports bras and athletic shorts. That wasn't the weirdest thing for Micro though.

Their faces were those of the track team girls. She saw one with Scootaloo's face and gulped.


Lv 17

HP 1500/1500

MP 500/500

A creature of the air known in Greek myths. They are vicious with their claws.

Well at least they are low leveled

'I really wish they didn't look so much like them…'

The first one chose that moment to dive bomb.

Background Music Start

Eternal Sonata Leap off the Precipice

Rolling out of the way, Micro drew her dagger and smirked at the track harpies.

"You girls want a shot at me to?"

The other harpies stopped circling and began shooting out of the sky towards her. When one that looking like the one girl Gilda swooped down, she sidestepped and slashed with the blade. A bird like cry escaped the harpy's throat as she lost most of one wing.

A group of three tried to swoop down only to slam face first into a wall of stone. Micro smirked and knocked the wall over, crushing the creatures and taking them to about 230 health. They looked up at Micro and she smirked at them.

"You girls like roast chicken?" With a finger snap, fire covered them and cries escaped their throats before they vanished.

I kinda like this dark humor side of you

'Oh Chara. If you want to flirt…'

Shut up! On your left!

A quick burst of air launched Micro above the Scootaloo harpy and with a elegant flip she landed and sent a Magic Arrow into its back, causing it to crash into the ground.

'I don't want to hurt her!' Micro cried in her mind.

Why?! It's not like it's actually her!

'But she's so cute! It's like a Scootaloo version of Papi from Monster Musume!'

Just focus!

Micro dodged a swipe from Gilda harpy, who couldn't fly anymore and was desperately trying to attack with her talons. Micro felt claws rake her stomach and even a few scratches to her chest.

"Hey! Just because your jealous I have a bigger chest than you doesn't mean you can...oh gosh!"

She dropped to the ground to dodge a swipe at her face and plunged the dagger into her stomach. As Gilda doubled over Micro delivered a knee to the face. When the harpy snapped back up straight the Gamer girl spun and slashed its throat.

"Just a few left," she said. A burst of wind shot her to the side and she cartwheeled out of the way of two more harpies. They crashed into each other and found themselves being beaten down by billy club wielding clones. "Just Scootaloo left."

Speaking of the girl, she gripped Micro's shoulders in her foot talons and shot into the air.

"Is this your way of saying you want to join the mile high club?" Micro asked the harpy version of the girl she just dated.

Will you focus on the fight! How are you even more perverted in this form!?

'I guess since I'm more bubbly I'm just more open about it all.'

As she finished the thought she twisted and gripped the legs holding her. Micro began climbing up the harpy who was trying to kick her off before the Gamer wrapped her arms around the wings, holding them down and preventing her from flying. The Scootaloo harpy struggled as they fell from the sky toward the plateau.

"Sorry about this my dear," Micro said as she pulled moisture from the air and froze the wings. As the harpy struggled she pushed away and began bending the air around her to slow her own descent.

It was hard to watch but as Scootaloo hart fell to the earth, her wings shattered and with a final cry of pain she faded. Micro landed with a smirk at her level up screen before a wince of pain took over her features and she began massaging her breasts.

Is now really the time for that!?

'Hey! I have no support on under my shirt so they just keep bouncing and it hurts!'

Oh grow up! You try running around and playing war games with your brother in a place that doesn't understand the concepts of bras and then come talk to me about pain! I'm just lucky no one there found humans attractive in that way or things would've been so much worse after the first few years.

'But still had big boobs?' She could feel Chara "blush" at that.

Shut up! Don't you feel that presence!

Micro did feel it even if her danger sense didn't have the range yet to detect it. The wind picked up and she turn to see a figure approaching fast. When it stopped, Micro took in the elegant yet threatening form.

She had wings sprouting from her back, each almost as big as Micro. Long, flowing, rainbow colored hair stretched the length of her back. She wore a gold breast plate that was pressed almost flat against her torso and a cloth skirt that stretched down to her knees. Sandals adorned her feet and the straps climbed halfway up her calves. A sword was in its scabbard at her side.

Her face mirrored Rainbow's



HP 10000/10000

MP 1000/1000

The goddess of victory in Greek mythology. As such she is very competitive.

She views herself as the goddess of victory? Egotistical much?

'Well ego or not, I don't think we should hold back at all!'

"Hard Drive Divinity!"

One transformation sequence later and the busty goddess Neon Heart stood across from Nike. Her theory from last time was proven right as since she was holding the dagger when she shifted, it changed to. Now it was a blazing short sword.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Neon Heart cheered. 'Jealous Chara?'

Just ram it down that bitch's throat already!

'Woah!' Neon thought. 'Chara did you change to?'

Of course I did dumbass! Now get to fighting! I want to see her bleed!

Even as sadistic as Neon Heart was, the sudden shift in Chara from calm and (for the most part) nice yet teasing (albeit a bit cruel sometimes) to a vulgar bloodthirsty beast was enough to make her shudder.

"Sonic sword!"

Neon looked back just in time to have a blade of air slam into her and send her sprawling.

HP 983/1150

Come on! Did all your brain mass get transferred to you tits when you transformed!

Neon ignored the voice in her head and stood up, staring Nike down. After a moment of sizing each other up the two charged.

Swords sparked as they clashed and Neon was struggling to just keep up with the goddess' speed.

Hey dumbass! Blink behind her already!

Wanting to smack herself for not thinking of that, Neon vanished in the middle of a sword clash causing Nike to stumble forward. This gave plenty of time for the blue haired warrior to slash the burning blade across her exposed back, cutting into one of the wings.


A scream tore from Nike as she beat her I damaged wing and pushed herself away. Using airboost to keep up, Neon kept her on defense and began battering her with blows. Nike deftly blocked each one but it was clearly getting harder with the pain.

Aiming for the same type of attack, Neon Blinked again, but this time Nike spun and delivered an elbow strike to her nose.


"That was cheap," Neon spat. Nike ignored her words and swung her sword around. Ducking beneath it, Neon delivered a kick to her opponent's knees, causing her to stumble.

Whip this sorry excuse for a goddess so she know who the true top bitch here is!

'Who's the one fighting right now!?'

But Neon took her advice and lashed out with her braid.


The goddess of victory cried out as she took the beating.


"You aren't looking so victorious now," Neon mocked. "That's at least two areas I have you beat."

She laughed and bounced her double d rack as Nike looked down at her own small chest and growled.

Pay attention Bimbo Heart!

'What did you just…'

Before the thought could be finished a kick to the chin sent her flying back. She flipped in the air and glared at Nike who was glowing with rage.


"Ok then. Let's get serious. Time to try something I haven't used in this form yet. Come Arsene!"

Blue flame erupted around the goddess and towering over her when they faded was the Pillager of Twilight himself, now at about twice his normal height.


Dark energy surrounded Nike who tried to dash away, but the area of effect was larger than normal and Neon saw the damage was greater as well.


"Was that Eigaon!?" She questioned excitedly.

"It would appear as you have transformed, your Increase in power has increased my own," Arsene replies.

"Good to know. Now, let's see how this chick likes bondage."

It was hard to tell but it seemed as if Arsene sweat dropped at that. Nevertheless he flung his chains out and they wrapped around Nike. She tried to struggle free but the blue flames licked at her.

"Perfect. Now, Cross Combination!"

Neon shot forward and began her seven hit combo, with the final blow knocking Nike free of the chains. Before she could recover though, she felt something wrap around her ankle. Looking down she saw Arsene fade away as Neon held her braid in her hands, the end gripping Nike's ankle.

"Let's try another move. Fighting Viper!"

With Nike still attached to her braid, Neon Heart whipped around and slammed her into the ground. Before she could recover, Nike found herself slammed down again and again before finally being flung away.


Skill Created!

Fighting Viper (Lv1)

Active (MP Cost 100)

The signature move of the goddess Iris Heart.


-Whip like weapon

Letting go of her braid and sticking the short sword back into her inventory, Neon Heart flexed her clawed gloves.

"Time to try something original."

Bought time you stopped ripping people off thunder tits!

'Says the one who just stole that insult from White Heart.'

Nike struggled to her feet and glared, her sword lost somewhere during the beating. She raised her fists up and stared down Neon.

"Has your courage shrunken to the size of our chest?" Neon taunted. Nike growled and charged, just like Neon wanted.

As Nike tried to deliver a devastating right hook, Neon caught the blow and delivered one of her own. The force spun Nike around and revealed her back to Neon.

"Let's do this! Catastrophe!"

Like a cat on a scratching post, Neon began clawing Nike's back. The wings gave way first and fell away before the nails found bare flesh. With one final grunt of effort, Neon spun and dragged her claw down from shoulder to hip.

Skill Created!

Catastrophe (Lv1)

Active (MP cost 100)

A devastating series of claw like attacks that tear into opponents.


-Claw like weapon


Nike felt to the ground on her knees, inches from the edge of the plateau. Looking down at the ground far below, she went wide eyed with fear now that her wings were gone. She spun just in time to see Neon kick her off the edge. Neon sighed in relief that it was over and light surrounded her and she returned to her normal female form.

'I really wish they didn't look like the real ones,' she thought.

...what the heck happened to me?

Micro couldn't help herself and she burst out laughing.

It's not funny!

'Is so!'

Before the argument could continue, the dungeon began fading, leaving Micro standing in her lab while clones worked around her. A screen appeared in front of her with the panties floating in the air

Panty Power unlocked!

By completing the dungeon, you will gain the following perks by keeping these panties on your person on in your inventory.

-50% Boost to DEX

A loud whoop sounded from Micro as she cheered.

"That's awesome! I can't wait to see what other Panty Powers I can get! If they are anything like this I will be insanely strong!"

You have to get them first.

'You were in my head when Frida showed me her panty stealing technique. And with my DEX increased I will have an even better chance! Oh! I need to level up my Pickpocket skill!"

Chara sighed in their head as Micro rambled on. She would've said something snarky but…

She is so cute when she rambles like this.

'What was that?'


{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}

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