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92.3% Mass Effect: Project Hybrid / Chapter 24: Ch.24 - Patriarch Awakens

Capítulo 24: Ch.24 - Patriarch Awakens

- Jane Shepard POV - Normandy -

"Sooo…should we talk about how Neo's apparently the King of Space Spiders?" Ashley somewhat awkwardly brought up the topic that was possibly on everyone's mind since we got back onto the ship.

Talking with the Rachni Queen had been an interesting experience. Apparently when Neo was eye locked with it, they had been 'singing' to each other, meaning sharing information in a way only he could have thanks to some of his unique abilities actually coming from Rachni DNA.

The Queen grew to understand some things and Neo had freed Benezia and her Commandos from being brainwashed by what she called the Silencers, otherwise known as Reapers, something that had happened during the Prothean extinction. During that time Neo had supposedly taken control from the Reapers, at the same time asserting his dominance over the giant Rachni to become its ruler.

Thus Neo become the King of Rachni.

The only being that could command them, or at least those naturally born and properly raised from now on, theoretically meaning as long as he lived they wouldn't have to worry about a new Rachni War. Something Shepard thought wasn't too likely with how the Queen spoke of learning from past mistakes, but you could never be too sure.

Garrus had been on the fence about the whole issue, mostly because he trusted me and knew more about just how weird Neo was on a biological level after what Cerberus did to him. Wrex wasn't too pleased, for very understandable reasons, but chose to actually trust Neo would be able to handle things, also making some lewd jokes about him getting a bunch of females. Liara was incredibly grateful for the live capture and saving of her mother, no matter how strained their relationship had become, especially once Dr. Chakwas had found that the Asari had many oddities in their brains hampering higher thought functions, decision making and emotions, meaning they had been brainwashed somehow.

Those findings gave a lot more credence to the Rachni Queen's words as more than just things said to save her existence. It also raised a lot of question I had to grapple with when it came to just how something like that was possible and if Saren was even the one responsible for all this.

Once we grouped back up with Kaiden and Tali, their reactions had been mixed, but the Lieutenant chose to trust in my decision even if a bit hesitant, whilst Tali was too worried about Neo to really listen. The Quarian hadn't left his side except for this meeting because it was important.

The worst overall had been Ash though.

She had noted xenophobic behavior and beliefs, and a giant chip on her shoulder because of the Willams name. It made her dislike the freeing of the Queen and distrust Neo for being able to communicate with her like he had, and his seeming control over others didn't help.

"Alright, listen up! This is a breach of Neo's privacy, but since a few on board are aware of more information allowing us to understand what happened in those labs and this is something that needs to be cleared up, I'm making an executive decision to reveal some things." I decided to do my best to nip future issues in the bud. "Like Corporal Toombs, Neo has been captured and experimented on in the past by Cerberus.

Because of it he doesn't actually have any memories from before his time with them. Files recovered and his own account tell of genetic experiments involving DNA from everything between Krogan to Quarian to see if they could improve humans using certain traits found in other species and races in the Galaxy. At one point, Cerberus apparently got their hands on Rachni DNA, but no one knew that, receiving orders to try and graft it into Neo, the only survivor of their experiments, succeeding through blind luck at this point.

I won't give full details on what they did to him because that's for Neo to say, but suffice to say he wasn't exactly thankful to Cerberus, breaking out once he got the chance and encountering us in the process."

"Garrus and I, as well as Dr. Chakwas, have been aware of this, with Wrex knowing he had been experimented on more than others." Liara chimed in supportively. "We trust Neo and he has done nothing to show he was not deserving of this trust. Especially if he could undo whatever Saren has done to my own mother and people."

"And it doesn't bother anyone that Neo, the man who can out-punch Krogans and out-tech Quarians, was basically a Cerberus experiment?" Ashley questioned, looking at everyone who mostly shrugged or didn't seem bothered at all.

"Neo's a caring person who's just trying to find his way, like all of us." Tali responded firmly and with great care in her voice.

Totally crushing on her hunky dorm mate with the innocence of a school girl. Which was as cute as it was irritating for some reason.

"Fine! But if he suddenly turns Terminator on us it'll be on your heads!" The only other human woman present scowled, but let the issue go.

For now at least.

"What now then?" Garrus asked with crossed hands. "Head for the Mu Relay? After all the unconscious people downstairs wake up anyway."

"My mother might be able to provide more information once she wakes up. She has been with Saren for some time and would likely know something we have not found yet." Liara suggested, but even she knew that we couldn't wait around for that.

"Without knowing exactly where Saren is aiming for, we can't jump blindly into this. The Mu Relay could link to dozens of systems, meaning we'd just waste our time until we got lucky or lose any chance at finding him before it's too late." I shook my head with a sigh. "We need to find more information on what he's been up to."

"Eden Prime, Feros and Noveria, not a lot in common beyond the fact that he's been hunting for something specific left being by the Prothean." Kaiden frowned thoughtfully as he spoke. "At this point it's either we try to find some way to help you look into whatever the Eden Prime Beacon stuffed into your head , Commander, or hunt for another lead on where's he's been."

"For now, I think everyone deserves some rest. A lot's happened and the last mission took its toll. We can look at things with a fresh pair of eyes and some coffee in the morning." I decided to shelf that for now, seeing as everyone needed to really go through everything they had learnt and experienced during our time on that corporate hellhole. "Crew Dismissed."

"Well, now that you're done with that, want to get to the fun stuff with the Council, Commander?" Joker sarcastically offered through the intercom, making me sigh at the upcoming headache.

Sure I hadn't mentioned Neo being declared a King by the Rachni Queen, but I had reported the return of the species after letting her go and the capture of Matriarch Benezia and her retinue. Two points I knew the Councilors would poke at until they had something to use.

I knew the Rachni thing was a no win. They would have not liked losing the opportunity to 'study' them, mainly from the Salarians, or rendering them extinct again if the Asari spoke up, and now they would argue over unleashing a Galactic threat and losing a chance to study them in a different way.

Benezia was a whole other kind of powder keg. One the Asari had almost complete claim over due to her being a high ranking member of their government, hence why I was expecting a lot of demands over releasing her into the custody of Asari judicial forces for either judgement or treatment. Something that I couldn't allow just yet simply because we didn't know what Neo had really done and if they were ok yet.

"Patch 'em through Joker." I sighed again before straightening myself out and getting my game face on.

I'd made decisions and I would stand by those decisions. So it was time to get stubborn like only a woman in the military could be.

But why did being in charge have to be so annoying?

I was totally going to make Neo spoil me next time we're alone!

Last time's foot massages were heavenly and him being around literally keeps nightmares away. And every soldier has nightmares, it just depending on how hard it is to not have them and how intense they are, so someone you could help with those was a godsend.

- Neo POV -

"Hello Doctor." I greeted, raising from the medical bed I had been placed on.

Time seemed to have passed since I lost consciousness. Freeing 7 Asari at once had been far too trying for an application of my freshly discovered and unpracticed ability.

"Jeezus, Neo!" I had not realized she hadn't noticed my movements and startled her.

"Apologies. I had thought an alarm was set to be triggered with an increase in brain activity." I bowed my head slightly, which she waved away after calming herself quickly.

Doctor Chakwas then moved to my side with scanners already on. I let her do as needed. She was trusted.

"I would have if your brainwaves hadn't been all over the place." She informed passing over data she knew I would understand.

"So this is how it looked like, hmmm. This is good information." The way my brain was operating at such a rate that it required to shut down all non-essential functions was fascinating. So was identifying developments in the area of my brain where my empathic abilities were localized in and a few new developments as I was actively hyper-adapting to what melding with the Rachni Queen triggered within me.

This data would be very useful for some of my projects, especially the recordings of me processing immense amounts of information. Information obtained from the genetic memory of the Queen, which was beyond words in amount passed down, all of which was being organized and now contained within my own mind and DNA.


Must find out how information can be stored like this. It could be a way to introduce knowledge through DNA donation. Thoughts for later though.

More immediate a concern was the link I could feel with the Asari Matriarch beside me and the Commandos below as my song played to heal their minds.

"How are the Asari?" I asked the Doctor as my focus changed to them.

I did not want to have worsened their stats through my actions, but time was of the essence. Only subjects nearby having been bound by the Notes of the Reapers. Emotionally relevant to my friend. Alive and bound to a friendly force a better alternative to slavery and death.

"We were hoping you could tell us frankly." Dr. Chakwas passed over a different data pad. "They fell into a comma alongside you and from what we can tell, a number of their brain functions had been significantly stunted but are now gradually recovering.

The only issue with this is how they appear to synchronize with your own unique brainwaves. Like their minds are being healed by them."

"Had no choice. Reaper Indoctrination which breaks down a being's mind the more control is exerted or my own natural dominance over Asari. A choice had to be made. So I learnt what was needed from the Queen to overwhelm the Reaper influence and replace it my own to then help undo the damage down during Indoctrination." I…anxiously explained. "Their minds, they would have collapsed.

Suicidal attempts to escape control. Reaper termination of Indoctrinated subject. Renewed loss of control.

All undesirable.

Suppressed psyches are not equipped to operate with hampered and damaged brains. Machine control does not mix well with fully organic minds, as such a stopgap measure had to be formed. Used my own mind to maintain certain pressure, but now to stimulate growth and renewal instead of destruction and change.

It is a similar process used by Rachni Queens to help nurture their children. Part of why madness ensues without it. Same principal, different application."

"That is admittedly brilliant." The Doctor admitted with a nod of approval. "I'll need to adjust their IVs and medication to help support the regrowth of neurons and grey matter.

Certain types of stimuli could also help. If we could try and find sounds or smells which trigger memories, it could help hasten the rebuilding of neural pathways within their brains."

"Agreed. For now, I need to sing to them. Help cleanse away the weighing noise." Standing from the medical bed, I felt my reserves of nutrients and hydration to be very low, meaning my brain's rapid development had require a lot of energy. "It would be ideal if the Matriarch could be placed with the other Asari. I will also require a large amount of calories and water.

Please inform the Quartermaster and Mess Hall of the medical need for such. I shall pay for the supplies I will be consuming."

Swiftly dressing myself, I then gently lifted the comatose Benezia with my much smoother biotics, surprising the few in the Mess Hall with my actions as I summoned the lift.

"I did not give you permission to leave young man!" Dr. Chakwas loudly stated from the open door of her infirmary.

"Apologies. Time is of the essence. The sooner I can aid the Asari, the better they shall recover." I replied, thankful the lift had been on this level to save me the wait and possible earful.

Entering, I found that the Doctor had rushed in with a scowl.

"I will not have you abscond with my patient without me being there." She huffed with an exceptional display of professionalism towards her duties.

"I welcome your aid in any form, Doctor." My gratitude for such being true.

Although knowledgable, I was not a trained physician or medical practitioner. My knowledge was nearly completely theoretical or inherited.

"You better or I will create an anesthetic just to render you unconscious and then strap you down with the Krogan restraint I've recently installed." She threatened, but i felt only worry, care and some annoyance.

Such a nice woman.

Reaching the Cargo Hold, the half dozen cots were easily noticeable with some low tech IVs attached to them, a number of crew members on guard in case the dangerous Asari awoke as hostiles, but this was less of a worry with Wrex, Garrus and Ashley usually occupying this space as well.

"Kid, you're awake! About damn time!" My Krogan friend happily cheered at the sight of it, a smile most found intimidating on his face, but one which made me smile back.

"Hopefully we can get some answers on the Million Credit Question: What do we do with unconscious Asari?" Garrus smirked at his attempt at humor, sharing a nod between us as greetings.

One reaction I would need to address later would be the heavy distrust and suspicion I could feel from Ashley. Likely stemming from her xenophobia. But for another time.

Prioritization was critical.

"Wrex, please bring my cot over. I will need it for Matriarch Benezia." I asked of my friend who shrugged and did so without any question.

He knew they would be answered shortly.

"What's going on?" Although Garrus couldn't help but ask.

"My efforts to undo what has allowed them to be controlled is unfinished. They require more support to at least regain consciousness. The longer they stay in this state, the longer the recovery." I answered, earning a more serious nod of understanding as Wrex returned with my cot…and Tali.

"Keelah, Neo! You're ok!" Her worries and weariness vanishing as she rushed to hug me. Only elation, care and relief remained.

"My apologies for worrying you, Tali." I gently responded, wrapping an arm around her back as she snuggled in deeper. "I must help these Asari before I can comfort you however. Time is of the essence."

"O-oh! Ok! But be careful!" My close Quarian friend seemed hesitant to let go, reluctant even, signs of…lust and attraction were sensed and recognized, which would need to be discussed as well, but she understood I needed to act and trusted me implicitly.

Such trust would not be betrayed and protected at all cost.

Setting down Benezia, I moved to the relative center of the two rows of cots and closed my eyes in focus.

I had to listen.

Hear the songs.

Hear how the sounds and colors flow, and how individuals formed their own orchestral rhythms.

I knew how Asari should be.

Shiala had taught me that intimately from our own melding, thus I recognized the discordant notes throwing off their songs, with some even having the songs almost completely replaced even. But I could help.

My song would strengthen their own.

My guidance nurture what had been smothered back to prominence.

Linking them as part of a whole, building them up to aid in becoming better together. Something they NEEDED. Because they were no longer whole themselves. Building off of existing loyalties to Benezia and then my own presence to hold everything together.

Sticking, seeping notes of the Reapers replaced with the warm uplifting of the songs of soothing and care. Comfort brought by making a whole together. Sisterhood and loyalty enforced under my tones.

I did not know how long this process took.

My mind focusing only on understanding the damage and fixing it as best I could with the tools and abilities at my disposal. Only stopping my singing to their minds, bodies and spirits once they were at a stage to allow for passive healing.

They were not whole, but no longer were they held by the Reaper tones nor dependent on them to hold their minds together. They would be able to recover with each other, their link to me only needing passive support as it acts as a pillar.

So I awoke from the near trance, gasping and sweating over what I had done, mainly due to my already low reserves straining under rapidly aiding seven powerful beings with centuries of life, but thankfully a large jug of water was given to me by…Wrex?

My immediate instincts drove me to lift and drain it. Taking in the life supporting liquid as if a man parched by a desert.

Nutrient rich military rations were soon presented and eating as well.

Followed by more water.

Then more rations.

"Heh! Told you the kid needed starving Krogan portions." I heard Wrex smugly boast.

"Yes well, I had forgotten his physiology would require such in that…display." Dr. Chakwas admitted her oversight somewhat reluctantly, but her words indicated my actions had an impact visible to others.


I hope someone recorded it or that the ship's cameras managed to catch some angle of it.

"How are you feeling, Neo?" Tali gently asked, stepping over the remains of the two 18L water jugs and ration wrappers to place a hand on my own.

"Better now that I can refill my reserves." A small smile forming on my lips, causing her to relax. "It is the first time I've used so much in some time though. It is good to know such strenuous biotic and mental activities can be more draining than physical ones.

Perhaps this is due to not having adapted to them yet. Highly likely in fact. A new set of skills to train, some which can counter Reaper Indoctrination, they must be well honed."

"Do you think we could try to see if we could find a way to block it? At least make something that could help resist it?" Tali's mind spun into action as we had worked to measure my abilities through home made sensors and the likes before, and if one can register and measure the kinds of wavelengths used, then one can find a way to block them.

An excellent idea.

One which will be incredibly useful. Indoctrination is the most dangerous aspect of the Reapers beyond their firepower. Their main tool to reach the places sentients, who generally are not the size of starships, can hide and fortify themselves in.

I could likely already create a means of detecting Indoctrinated individuals simply from my understanding of the effects of such on a being's mind. Although it would only currently work with certainty on Asari due to them being my only real sample so far.

"I believe prioritizing a means of detecting Indoctrinated individuals and Indoctrination are paramount. Wonderful thought Tali." I praised earnestly, causing my close friend's happiness to soar as she fidgeted slightly in giddiness.

Now being aware of pheromones and their meaning was more than enough to inform me of sexual attraction and a heightened desire to mate. Something I was not certain about how to handle.

Advice will need to be sought.

"That's all well and good, but what of my patients?" Dr. Chakwas inquired, breaking Tali out of her happiness to recompose herself.

"The Commandos will require some more time due to how extensively they had been influenced. Their individuality has likely been deemed less important, thus more securely Indoctrinated compared to Matriarch Benezia." I reported openly. "She will be waking for a short period of time soon though.

I can feel her mind stirring.

She is a strong one and had been kept relatively whole."

Everyone turned to tensely watch the stirring Matriarch. Most ready to draw their side arms and a good number actually moving to the weapon lockers for something heavier. Only myself, Tali who seemed to have complete trust in me, Dr. Chakwas with her medical professionalism and Wrex, his reason was mostly absolute confidence in himself, remained close and passive.

Finally, Benezia did awaken. Her indigo eyes much clearer than before as she looked at those around her, mainly her Commandos as her being spoke of relief, joy and care.

Elation of freedom.

It would seem the Matriarch had managed to maintain some form of awareness and resistance from within. Fascinating, if likely horrifying an experience for her.

But then, she snapped in my direction, with confusion turned enlightenment.

She stood, most tensing at such, her modest medical gown having replaced her black clothing, and then she knelt in reverent gratitude.

"I am eternally grateful for the freedom you have granted us." Benezia stated as her biotics flashed throughout her body. "I swear to serve as recompense for not only my life, but the lives of those I brought into such a terrible mistake.

To do all I must to undo the harm I have done due to my hubris and failure.

I am yours. This I swear, my Patriarch."



Mainly a general after mission bit for the first half discussing the 'big decision' of the mission and what Neo did.

Basically Wrex had a less outright genocidal reaction because he does really like and trust Neo and Shepard. This is a minor change, and slightly more significant later. Liara now really trusts and believes in Neo for having saved her mother, actually impacting a number of things later that I think people will enjoy. Garrus is pretty much the same, not being enthused about the Rachni but still against re-extinction. Kaiden and Tali weren't there but one is basically like Garrus and the other is very kind and believes in her crush.

Ash is still being the xenophobic cunt we all know and somewhat tolerate because she got hotter in ME3. So favorability on that front goes down massively.

But now everyone's aware that Neo isn't fully human and the general source of his unique abilities, so that happened.

Beyond that, I think I handled 'fixing' Indoctrination well and my logic for feasibility is relatively sound. There will be interesting side effects beyond Neo turning in the Asari Race's Big Daddy, but that's a bit later. I also think detecting the Indoctrinated is possible through some specially designed brainwave scanner, and that one could theoretically use Rachni understanding of Indoctrination to create something to defend against it.

Trying not to just pull things out of my ass here and use what i can while meshing it with what my characters know at this point and their own intelligence.

As for the Patriarch thing, well it makes sense as a title for what he is to Asari. A natural male leader. Like how to Rachni he'd be a King.

Decided to have Benezia sort of make an oath like Samara could with her code through her biotics. I think Justicars wouldn't be the only capable of using such things and that it could be an aspect we just hadn't gotten to really see about Asari culture.

And if you want to understand what Neo basically did with the Asari to bind everyone together, he sort of made Benezia into something akin to a Brood Warrior and her Commandos as Warriors whilst he is the Queen, just without the absolute authority over them.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed.

Gonna have a bit of side stuff and then Virmire.

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