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27.58% Naruto Fanfiction CopyWrite / Chapter 8: Chapter 13-14

Capítulo 8: Chapter 13-14

My day with the bandits turned test subjects ended with little success.

I couldn't figure out a way to enhance the nerves.

Though I did find a way to dull or deaden the sensations the sensory nerves received.

That done I looked back to my first test subject.


I blew a breath out of my nose…

Going with the theme I named my new Muscle Strengthening technique Kinryoku kyōka meaning muscular enhancement.

I was still a bit of a weeb, even death couldn't stop my descent into weeb-hood...


I woke the bandit I used the Kinryoku kyōka on and had him punch a tree.

I had wanted to see how well the muscle enhancement worked before I offed him…

But his arm crumpled, and he started screaming.


I guess the bones need to be able to handle the new strength of the muscles…

It wasn't something I had thought about earlier, but something my test subject made apparent.

I knocked the bandit out and placed him on the ground.

Although my bones are plenty sturdy if I want to do this on someone else ill have to learn to strengthen the bones.

A Stamina enhancement needed to be considered as well though it could be put off for a while.

It seems my day is not over yet…

I began my new final experiment of the day.

Endochondral ossification is the process in which most of the body's bones are made.

It was basically bone cells forming the shape of the bones and then being calcified by other bone cells that deposit calcium to the area.

So, I needed to speed this process up, and use it to thicken the bones.

How could I do it?

Oh, I got it!

Hello there Mr. stem cell I need your help again…


With my final experiment of the day done, I killed the bandits with a Gentle Fist strike to the heart and started on my way to the camp.

I heard Minato and Kakashi following from the trees.


I wish I had planned better, I could have gotten more done then I did…

I probably won't get to do this often…

I after all don't want any Orochimaru comparisons…

Well, I guess it's good to learn from your mistakes.

We had arrived at the camp and had gathered at the fire, we were sitting in silence until Minato spoke.



"Did you accomplish what you wanted to?"


Minato raised an eyebrow.

"It looked successful."

Time to lie.

"Strengthening the muscles like that shortens your life significantly."

I paused and took a breath.

"And you have to strengthen the bones as well, which further shortens your lifespan."

I didn't want to be doing this all day to other ninjas after all.

"So not very successful?"


"It's considered successful if the person strengthened also doesn't plan on living for long."

Minato Hmm'ed and dropped the topic.

Morning came, we packed up our supplies and set off on our trip.

The trip going back was the same as the trip there.

That being painful and long.

We passed a merchant.

He smiled and waved at us.

I gave him the finger and continued on.

Keep that cheerfulness and goodwill to yourself.


Finally, we arrived back at Konoha.

We checked in with the gate guards and got through the gate fine.

Minato said we had a week-long break and that he'd expected the mission report to be handed in tomorrow with my experiment included within.

That was annoying but fine.

I was done with being dirty, so I rushed home as fast as possible completely ignoring the rest of the team.

I had a date with my shower.

I said hello to my mother and rushed past her not waiting for a response.

"Here I come shower-sama!"

I heard my mother sigh behind me but ignored her in favor of my long-desired shower.

With my shower done, I laid down on my bed and thought about Kinryoku kyōka.

I wanted to improve my muscles and free up training time for some other activities.

The problem which wasn't really a problem was food consumption.

My appetite would be massively increased.

My bones wouldn't be a problem, they seemed to get stronger the more chakra I had.

I'd also have to tone down my shows of strength so Minato doesn't catch on to the fact I suddenly got stronger.

Or maybe I'd just need to have my Gravity Seal active all the time.

That might be the way to go.

I decided that I'd think about it tomorrow.

I rolled around in my blankets and turned my self into a human burrito, and fell asleep soon after.

Morning came and I forced myself out of bed.

I did my morning routine, got dressed, and promptly jumped back into bed.

Time to put Kinryoku kyōka to use...


I finished up Kinryoku kyōka and headed to the kitchen for a snack.

I was feeling hungry.

Food alone probably wouldn't make up for using Kinryoku kyōka, I might have to look into vitamin and mineral supplements, hopefully, they exist in this world.

I was in the third training ground experimenting with my strength.

It had improved, though not by a huge amount.

It was still almost a week's worth of normal training.

Though I probably couldn't use Kinryoku kyōka more then three times a week it was good enough.

Now I had more time to pursue other disciplines.

I could finally get going on my Nature Transformation.

Ninja wizardry here I come!

I was headed to Gai's.

I wanted to ask about supplements and figured that Gai and Duy would be the people that would know about them.

That and I wanted to see how they were doing…

Turns out there were supplements…

Though they were created by Duy.

They were little brown balls that were made from rice, various flours, dried vegetables and fruits, seeds, and various other ingredients.

Duy gave me a few as well as the recipe.

I popped one into my mouth.


They tasted like mud.

Maybe this is the secret to Gai and Duy's Youthful energy

I thanked Duy for his generosity and headed on my way.

I had to visit Kushina before she came to visit me.

I wasn't interested in having my home invaded when I didn't expect it.

I arrived at the door to Minato's apartment and knocked.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I waited and received no answer.

I looked up at the sun and realized it was about dinner time…

Time to go check the ramen stand.

I arrived at ichiraku ramen and saw Kushina almost immediately.

She was sitting next to a tower of ramen bowls.

I approached and gave a cheerful greeting.

"Hello Kushina!"

Nothing happened for a moment.

I figured I was ignored and was about to say hello again when Kushina's hand shot out and grabbed me.

I was promptly smothered by Kushina's one hand while she continued to eat her ramen with the other.

"…" I struggled to free myself for a moment but eventually surrendered to my fate.

Eventually, Kushina was sated and returned my hello.

"Hello Shiro, I missed you!"

I just nodded, I had already accepted my fate and was hoping I could get some free food out of this.

My body was promptly turned to face a black-haired young woman.

"Shiro, this is my friend Mikoto, say hi!"

Alright then…


I gave a small wave to complete the greeting.

"Kushina was right you are cute!"

Spread the word of my cuteness!

"Feel his hair, it so soft!"

Uh oh.

Mikoto ran a hand through my hair.

"Yes, it is! Can I braid it?"

What, why?

"Yes, you can, Shiro doesn't mind."

She smiled at me

"Right Shiro?"


"Go ahead Mikoto-sama."

Was what left my mouth instead.

I should have sent a clone…

Eventually, Mikoto and Kushina headed home, leavening me at the ramen stand.

I never got my free food…

I sighed and left in a hurry.

I wanted to get home and wash away the feeling of human interaction anyway…

The next day I and three of my clones were Henged and wandering around Konoha.

I was wandering around the outside of the Nara compound Byakugan active looking for unprotected buildings.

There were almost no buildings protected, only the clan heads house and the library being protected from Hyuga snooping…


There were still probably books and scroll's outside the library inside some clan members houses' but I didn't want to comb through all the houses for books that likely weren't useful.

I was on my way to the Yamanaka compound when one of my clones dispelled…

He was enjoying his time snooping around the Uchiha and decided that he needed a closer look at the inside of the compound.

It didn't end well, a guard called him out on being a clone and dispelled him with a punch.

Both the clan head's house and the library were blocked from sight…

So, no easy books for me…

More clones dispelled as I made my way around Konoha.

Most of the important buildings were protected from the Byakugan.

So, no easy loot for me.

The Akimichi are oddly the most protected in the village.

I had a chuckle at the thought that the Akimichi were probably just protecting their recipes.

I wondered why they might need that many anti-Hyuga barriers but decided to leave it.

I had other things I wanted to do before my break was over anyway, no need to waste time.

With five days left in my week-long break, I was once again in the third training ground.

I was seated with my back to a tree and running lighting chakra down both my arms at the same time.

It was pretty painful.

I stopped the flow of lightning chakra along my arms and took a break.

After my arms healed my next order of business was to see If using lightning chakra outside of the body was more effective.

I was healed up enough and ready to try again.

I gathered chakra on my palms and started to convert it into lightning chakra.

I looked at my hands.

Blue lightning was jumping from finger to finger.

It was much easier to create lightning chakra inside the body.

But I can handle more of it outside the body.

I stopped supplying chakra to my hand.


Using your element on a weapon was considered one of the most basic uses of nature transformation…

So, having it outside the body was easier?

I think it's time to look into some actual lightning jutsu…

Off to the library, I go...

I was sat in the library under a Henge and was reading some scrolls on lightning ninjutsu.

It seems I have been making some blunders…

Most of the techniques say that lightning chakra is made outside the body.


I moved a few of the useless techniques to the side.

I was against anything that required touch to activate.

I wanted more ranged attacks.

I was reading a scroll about a technique called Lightning Strike.

'The user creates an electric current that can hit multiple individuals at the same time, the lightning

can extend incredible distances and can avoid obstacles.'

It only used three hand seals as well…

What a lovely technique.

Shame it wasn't named Chain Lightning, that would have been more fitting.

I activated Kokoro no Kyoka and burned it into memory.

A grin split my face.

I was close to using ninja magic, just a little more…

Turns out it was still going to take a long time to learn ninja magic.

I couldn't control the lightning when it left my body…

If it was on my hand it was fine but as soon as I went through the hand seals and tried to 'throw' the lightning it went towards the nearest metallic object.

The first being my kunai pouch…

And the second being my headband…

I'm lucky I started small…


Ninjutsu was a huge time sink…

Maybe I lack talent in it or something…

I'll keep trying hopefully it gets easier the more experience I get with it…

Soon my week of freedom was over and it was time to do more missions…

I was starting to despise missions, I enjoyed them at first, but lately, I've been hating them.


I met Kakashi at training ground seven, 30 minutes early as per usual.

"Want to spar?"

Kakashi responded with a bland "No"


Obligatory offer made, I went over to the other side of the training ground, sat at the base of a tree, and began to practice my nature transformation.

Soon Minato arrived and brought good news.

"Ok boys no missions this week, we are going to spar, and then you can go and do your own thing."

Minato made the seal of confrontation, Kakashi and I made the same signaling the start of the spar.

I activated Chikaku no kyōka and the world around me slowed.

I started this spar with Shunshin and a One For All enhanced kick to Minato's back.

My kick met a log.

Said log exploded.

Minato had used Kawarimi to swap with the log.

Was that Sealless or did he do that before the match started?


These spars were never fun…

I hated being outsmarted at every turn.

I looked to where Kakashi was and saw him engaging with Minato.

They met in repeated clashes of blades, Kunai Vs Short Sword.

Let's try this again

I used Shunshin again and sent another One For All enhanced kick to Minato's back.

I got kicked in the chin and sent flying.


I rolled to my feet and looked back at where Minato and Kakashi were.

Minato and Kakashi seemed to be enjoying their fight.

I'm feeling a little left out…

I threw a kunai at Minato.

And he backhanded it out of the air without even turning around.

"Sigh." I sighed again before activating my Byakugan and jumping into the fight.

The spar ended with Kakashi and I laying on the ground soundly defeated, and Minato standing a distance away looking unruffled.

"Well done, you both improved a lot."

Here comes the criticism.

"Shiro, you need more ranged attacks. You also need to take less damage, even with your healing you shouldn't allow yourself to be hit."

Fair enough.

"Kakashi, you also need some ranged attacks, and you need to work on your teamwork, and ability to coordinate your attacks with Shiro."

Kakashi generally got similar advice about teamwork every time we spared.

It never seemed to stick, and probably wouldn't change until everyone he knew and loved died.

I can't wait until I can get off this team.

Two more months passed.

We had been out of the academy for around eight and a half months total.

The war drew closer as did the ninetails attack.

I wasn't feeling as pressured as I once was, surviving seemed doable and not too far out of my reach.

Minato said I was at Chunin level and that I was only lacking experience and people skills.

People skills didn't matter in your consideration for promotion, but it did help when you wanted to lead a team.

My people skills being called into question came from a C-ranked escort mission that we did a week ago.

We were escorting an affluent female noble to her family's house that she had planned to visit.

She had decided that I was cute and was touching me and talking to me in baby speak.

And just generally invading my personal space.

"Aww your so cute! Yes, you are!"

Why are you doing this to me?

"Aww I bet all the girls in Konoha just adore you!"

They do, but I think it's about time you fuck off.


She smiled at me.

"Yes, Shiro-kun?"

Time to use my secrete move.

"When's the baby due?"

She looked confused.

"What Baby?"

Time for the conversation killer.

"Your baby?"

I tried my best to sound confused while I reached over and patted her stomach.

Pat* Pat* Pat*

"Oh… Uhh… I'm not expecting…"


"Ohh… Ummm… I thought you were pregnant, sorry."

I bowed my head.

"Oh… It's alright Shiro-kun…"

I heard Kakashi stifle his laughter.

The woman didn't speak for the rest of the trip.

My secret technique did critical damage!

The conversation killer has yet to fail me!

And that was about the gist of the incident.

I received no actual trouble from it.

Though I did get a talking-to from Minato telling me to improve my people skills.

Other then that nothing noteworthy happened.

We didn't go on any more B-ranked missions.

I continued Practising my nature transformation.

I used Kinryoku kyōka a good amount and now have my gravity seal active at level 2 all the time.

Life was good and I wasn't feeling the shadow of death hanging over me all the time.

I had a lot of free time nowadays.

Anything I needed to learn was burnt into my mind with Kokoro no kyōka.

And with Kinryoku kyōka my training time was cut down a lot.

This gave me more time to practice nature transformation.

I was making progress.

I had gotten the technique down to one hand-seal and could now somewhat control the direction of the lightning and guide it around trees.

But once it got past a certain strength, I could no longer control it.

It wasn't a problem, strength would come with experience.

I also wanted to drop that final hand-seal.

The last hand-seal was used to control the lightning once it left my body.

I had amazing chakra control but it didn't extend past a foot around my body.

So, what technique did people use that controlled stuff at a distance?

Chakra strings.

I hoped they were the answer to my current problem.

So now I walked around the house and used chakra strings to pick-up things and make my meals.

At first my chakra strings were misshaped and clumsy, but the more I used them the better I got.

When I figured out how to make my chakra strings invisible, I'd be walking around looking cool when my tea seemingly made itself.

It would make quite an impression on future guests.

But until then I'd continue to walk around hand outstretched, misshapen strings coming from my fingers and a look of concentration on my face.

I was doing some youthful training with Gat when I had a sudden but terrible epiphany.

I hadn't been doing much youthful training on my own.

Could I even consider myself youthful?

Do I even deserve to wear this jumpsuit?


I'm not training youthfully anymore!


And I no longer try to get people to wear a youthful jumpsuit!

"I've started behaving unyouthfully and I don't think I can change my ways!"

My eyes met Gai's.

"Shiro! I shall fan my flames of Youth twice as hard for both of us!"

Tears started streaming down my face.

"Gai! You're the most youthful friend I could ask for!"

Gai had tears streaming down his face as well.

"Shiro! Let's ignite your flames of youth by running 1000 laps around Konoha on our hands!"

I gave my nice guy pose.

"That's a great idea Gai!"

Gai gave his nice guy pose.

We had another B-Ranked mission.

This time it was an escort mission.

We had to escort some rich heir to his mansion and make sure he doesn't die on the road.

His mansion was located in the Keshi which was the capital of The Land Of Fire.

I was packed and at the south gate waiting for my teammates.

Kakashi had yet to arrive, which was unusual as he usually arrived before I did.

Eventually Minato and Kakashi came into view bringing with them a green-haired, green-eyed teen.

I placed the teen at 18ish, just at the cusp of adulthood.

They got closer and I figured I'd not beat around the bush.

"So, who wants him dead?"

Minato sent me an admonishing look.


What? He knows someone wants him dead.

"His cousin wants to be the heir and hired some ninja from Tangakure to kill him."

The Village Hidden in The Valleys?

Never heard of them.

"Tangakure? What are they Known for?"

Kakashi chimed in.

"Being ninja."

Very useful Kakashi.

"They Known for anything else?"

Minato chimed in this time.

"About 18 years ago they destroyed Kagerō village."

Heat Haze village?

More nobodies.


Anything useful?

"As Kakashi said, they are known for being ninja, they don't have any clans or special bloodlines"

So, canon fodder ninja, I guess?

I looked at our client, he had been silent and was watching us converse.

"So, got anything to say meat-bag?"

The look of disbelief on our client's face was delicious.


I think this might be my new thing.

Eventually, we set off.

I figured that our client would ride in a cart or palanquin as that's how most rich folks seemed to travel.

But I guess he was walking.

"Can our client not afford a cart?"


We hadn't even gotten halfway through our trip and I was bored.

I had been activating my Byakugan every couple of minutes hoping to spot a possible ambush.

Sadly, it was not my day, there was no ambush.

I looked at our client who was walking between me and Minato.

What was his name again?

"What's your name meat-bag?"

He gave a soft effeminate reply.

"Ida Kichirou."

I looked a little closer at Ida.

Was he a trap?

Or a woman dressed as a man?

I had no idea…

But I guess it also didn't matter

We were about done the mission, we had about four hours until we reached the capitol.


Minato turned his head to look at me.


Where's the action?

"Are we going to encounter any enemy ninja?"

Minato shook his head.

"Maybe not"

When we were about an hour away from the capital, we finally encountered the Tanga-nin.

Minato seemed to have detected them awhile ago, but it wasn't until now they entered my range.

They were both hiding underground.

"Two Tanga-Chunin 120 meters ahead."

Kakashi and Minato both nodded, our client looked frightened.

"Kakashi protect the client, Shiro you're with me."

Minato veered off to the right and into the trees.

And I followed behind.

We were about 40 meters from the Tanga-nin when Minato stopped.


I raised an eyebrow at him.


What's up?

"You should use this opportunity to fight and gain some experience fighting opponents around your level."

I made a get on with its gesture.

"You should let your fight last longer than ten seconds."

Ah, gotcha, I gave Minato a thumbs up.

"Yes, sensei."

I do try to end fights as fast as possible, I don't want my enemies to have the time to out-think me after all.

"Alright let's go."

I activated Chikaku no kyōka at a low level.

We continued our approach.

Eventually, we were right on top of them.

Too bad they didn't have a sensor with them.

I deactivated my Byakugan.

And Eyed the ground they were hidden under.

If I hadn't seen them with my Byakugan I wouldn't have known they were there.

Should I be learning skills like this?

No, I'm not interested…

I took a silent breath through my nose and stepped off my branch, charging a One For All enhanced kick.

My heel hit the ground and the earth shattered.


The two ninjas emerged from the ground looking shaken.

Minato jumped in and kicked his opponent away, he followed his opponent off into the distance...

I and my opponent spared the flying Tanga-nin a look.


The Tanga-nin nodded.

"Shall we start?"

The Tanga-nin didn't waste words and jumped towards me, kunai in hand.

I met his kunai with one of my own.

I snaked my left hand towards his face hoping to poke him in the eyes, but was blocked.

I jumped back and he followed me.

We engaged in a few more clashes of kunai.

I tried to sweep his feet out from under him but he jumped and threw a handful of kunai at me.

I used Shunshin on my left arm and snatched the closest kunai.

He took this time to put some distance between us.

I used both my kunai and the one I caught to deflect the rest of the weapons.

We stared at each other and my opponent started running through hand seals.

Tiger, Ox, Snake.

'Oh, the hiding like a mole jutsu…'

The second I had the thought he disappeared underground.

"Huh! Where'd he go!"

'I hope that was convincing enough.'

When using the hiding like a mole technique the user can tell where their target is by sensing magnetic forces.

I had no idea how that was done but that's what the scroll had said.

So, he would likely come to me.

I stood still, a One For All enhanced kick at the ready.

The second his hands started to exit the earth I hit the ground with my heel.


The ground cratered before giving way, my foot went through the earth like butter and hit his head.

The hands spasmed before going limp.


I pulled my leg and foot from the ground.

I sighed…

I deactivated Chikaku no kyōka and then activated my Byakugan.

I took a second to register that Minato had already subdued his opponent and had been watching my fight.

I ignored him and focused on my ex-opponent.

The Tanga-nin's head had caved in.

When one uses the Hiding Like A Mole Jutsu the earth around them changes into fine sand, allowing them to move…

Sadly, it also allowed me to stomp him.

"Sensei, I accidentally killed him."

I nudged a limp hand with my foot for emphasis.

"Sigh… I can see that Shiro."

Minato threw his opponent over his shoulder and started on his way back towards Kakashi and our client.

I focused back on my opponent.

I decided that he was a good opponent.

I bowed my head clasped my hands and said a prayer.

"We may not know each other, but may you be blessed in your next life."

Afterall how many opponents burry themselves and save you the cleanup?

I made my way back to Kakashi and Ida.

Minato split off from me and told me to send Kakashi to him.

I bet Minato was going to do an Interrogation.

I could see Kakashi and Ida in the distance, they both looked fine.

It seems there was no trouble on Kakashi's end.

I gave them a friendly wave as I approached.

"Kakashi, Minato-Sensei wants you for an interrogation."

I felt a bit disappointed that Kakashi would be learning integration before me but figured that it was fair as I had gotten to fight the Tanga-nin.

The look of terror on the client's face at the word interrogation was also welcome.

I wasn't supposed to use the word interrogation around our client.

But how else would I entertain myself?

I watched Kakashi disappear into the forest.

"I wonder if we will hear the screams."

The whimper the client let-out was music to my ears.

Sadly, no screams were heard.

Minato and Kakashi returned, Minato had his usual smile and Kakashi looked a bit ill.

But other than that they both looked normal.


I figured there'd be more blood involved…

Minato nodded at me and Ida.

"Alright let's get you home, Ida."

Ida looked overjoyed at the thought.

"Anything to worry about sensei?"

Meaning, what did the interrogation yield?

"No, nothing new."

A little more combat wouldn't have hurt…

We arrived at the capitol's northern gate.

We gave the guards our ninja licenses and we were allowed to pass.

Ida had some papers of his own that he showed as well.

"Sensei, can I go look around?"



We made our way down the streets following Ida.

Eventually, we reached his mansion.

The guards recognized him and let us pass.

Ida signed our mission scroll and bolted into his mansion slamming the door behind him.

Minato looked at me.

"Wasn't me!"

He continued looking at me.

Minato rubbed his temple.

"Alright, let's get back to Konoha."

We would be back before nightfall.


Shower-sama here I come!

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