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46.87% Polaris Black / Chapter 15: 15

Capítulo 15: 15

1975, 23 December.

The first term was good. It was fine. He didn't exactly have anything to complain about. He was practically at the top of his classes, so now, with them going home for Yule break, there would be nothing his mother nor father could complain about, at least with him. He was sure Regulus did well as well this term, so he was safe from disappointment. Although just because their good work would guarantee them a lack of yelling at them, it didn't mean there wouldn't be criticized.

He was sat in a carriage with Corvus and Aaron as they were on the train back to England.

Polaris was still unsure of the exact grades he would be receiving for the Yule term grades. Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Muggle Studies and Herbology. All subjects that were compulsory.

With Transfiguration, he liked the classes but not the teacher. Perhaps the whole 'hex' situation and him getting in trouble with Corvus earlier in the year had put him in her 'bad graces'. He made sure to do well in her classes to get back a clean slate. The classes weren't difficult, but there were moments he did make mistakes to his annoyance.

Other than that, he liked the class and wished to learn more, which was why the 'room of requirement came into play. He had used the room to help him with transfiguration by reading the books it provided. The instruction and detailed explanations helped shape his skills, which seemed to be lacking compared to how he was able to perform now. There was no way after learning about this room. He wasn't going to use it to his advantage. The book he had taken from the room was so helpful that they were able to finish the project ahead of time.

Of course, there was still much to learn. He was just glad he was better than expected. At first, he was expecting perhaps, an Acceptable with the practical work, but perhaps his performance after he started using the room of requirement would push the practical grade to an Outstanding.

He hadn't been worried about the written test. He found them easy. All that was needed was to study, which he did. He flew through the questions, memorising precisely what was written. He didn't have time to use his own definitions, which his professor might deem insufficient, or perhaps what he said may be right, but not what they would be looking for.

He did it for all the classes he had a written exam in. Memorised everything that was needed to be learnt, all they had taught them. It was easy. All that was needed was a schedule, designating each day for a different subject, some days sharing subjects. He studied every day, and with the weekends, he designated the mornings and evening for studying while the afternoon was his time, where he did what he wanted. Thankfully, two weeks before the exams, they ceased handing out homework.

Transfiguration grade was based on assessments and a written exam. He was expecting an Outstanding overall.

Charms were solely based on your performance during the term assessments. Charms were his favourite class, it was the easiest, and after finding out about the room of requirement, he would practice the spells by using his wand. He was starting to get better at controlling it.

Potions were just a written exam, so you really had to make you were prepared. Some people usually just rely on assessments to help them pass but not with Potions. Potions was an interesting class. He did use some books from that 'room' and also had some tips from his brothers, Regulus' friend.

At first, the friend Snape was reluctant to help but decided to do it as a favour for Regulus. He wasn't all that bad for a half-blood.

History of Magic was his least favourite class. It wasn't because he was bad at it. It was because it was boring, all that information, it just went on and on. He was certainly not the only one to think so, with half the class dozing off or doodling. It was always amusing to watch Corvus write notes on their professor's spoke.

They weren't exactly 'notes' it looked nothing like English but rather Russian. He was pretending to write notes by just scribbling rubbish. It was funny, especially when Aaron followed along and did the same thing, saying, 'that's brilliant! It makes us look like we're paying attention!' which was right…. which was why eventually he joined in.

Defence Against the Dark Arts was his second favourite class. The duelling was fun and exhilarating. The professor was decent enough, but he could be better. He was expecting an Outstanding for it, seeing as he won nearly all his duels. The ones he did lose to was just fate allowing his opponents a chance.

Astronomy was interesting but not high on the list of favourites. He didn't really care for the class. Perhaps he'll get an E, Exceeding Expectations.

Muggle Studies… there wasn't anything he could really say about this class. It was boring and pointless. The Slytherins shared the class with the Gryffindors, who had a good few muggle-borns. It was no surprise at all that the Slytherins never put their hands to answer questions. It was always the muggle-born Gryffindors answering them, and correcting the professor, showing off their 'knowledge'.

He didn't care at all about the subject. As long as he passed it, his parents wouldn't care. It wasn't as though he would be choosing it as an elective for his third year. An acceptable would be fine.

Then there was Herbology which the grade would be based solely on their group project and assessments. He was really proud of the project. They had to present it, too, with Travers not happy about how he stuttered as he spoke. Thankfully, it would be counted in his grade. They would be graded differently on their presentation and the way to address the class.

Travers, was… okay? Better at least, he was annoying anymore with how he took the beatings. He had started to stand up for himself, not taking anyone looking down at him lightly. These moments were they did attack him, but it was amusing that was Travers actually fighting back. Sure he lost some of those fights, but he was doing better, which had him in a different mood when they worked on their project.

He talked more, contributing more to it, which Polaris was glad for. He was expecting an Outstanding for in the class.

Polaris looked out of the window, staring at the scenery. His attention was broken when their carriage door was opened. It was the trolly. Unlike the ride to Hogwarts, this time, on their ride back for the Yule break, they bought more than before. It was the Yule break, might as well.

Aaron waved a card in the air from his chocolate frog. "Who did you get?" Corvus asked curiously, looking away from the card he himself had gotten.

Aaron hummed, looking at the name, "Magenta Comstock." He readout. Corvus snorted, "Com..Stock?" Corvus repeated before laughing this time.

"What's funny?" Aaron asked with a raised brow. "Nothing…" Corvus responded.

"What does it say about her?" Polaris asked, leaning forward, trying to see with Aaron sitting across him. "Experimental artist whose portraits' eyes follow the viewer," Polaris readout after Aaron had given him the card. He gave it back.

"I got Dumbledore", Polaris drawled, waving the card. Aaron's eyes widened, "Really? Apparently, he's rare or something." Aaron said.

Polaris dropped the Dumbledore in Aaron's lap, "Here, have it. I don't need it. I'm not one of those collectors." He told the other boy.

"Thanks!" Aaron said, "Wait- No! I want it." Corvus exclaimed.

"Well, you should have asked," Polaris told him. "I didn't think you'd actually give it to me if I asked! I would have sold it. There are suckers out there who would pay for that crap." Corvus spoke, trying to brag about the card from Aaron; he held onto it for dear life.

Aaron gave him a smug smile, "That's exactly what I was planning on doing."

Polaris watched in amusement as they acted like barbarians trying to get it. Polaris looked down, wondering whether or not he should tell them he had gotten another Dumbledore from his other chocolate frog.

Eventually, he did, at the end of the train ride. They weren't too happy about it but still found it funny, just as he did when he burst out laughing at the faces they made when he threw it at them as the train stopped.

His brothers and himself were collected by Kreacher, to Sirius' annoyance. He wasn't sure what Sirius was annoyed about. It would never be a win-win situation with him. He would still get annoyed if it had been their mother or father who had come instead. Polaris was surprised Sirius was actually coming home this Yule. He hadn't the last Yule or the one before that, preferring to spend it with the Potters.

Once they arrived home, the first thing they heard was their mother's loud voice sounding around the house, making Sirius cover his ears in instinct with a scowl on his face.

'It would seem we're back home.'

Regulus both huffed at the sound of her voice. Their things had been taken by Kreature, and they headed towards the lounge where they knew their parents were, as Kreacher had told them.

There they were. His father, Orion Black, and his mother, Walburga Black. Surprisingly enough, his grandfathers were there too, Grandfather Arcturus and Grandfather Pollux.

The room wasn't large or small. It was the perfect size for their family. The colours of the room are neutral, providing a comfortable setting. There were two long couches which are faced opposite each other with a long coffee table between them. On both ends of the coffee table sat two armchairs.

They walked into the room, standing close to the long couch on the left, where his mother and father were sitting. On the other long couch was his grandfather Arcturus, while his grandfather Pollux was seated on the armchair furthest away from them.

"Ah, Sirius, it would seem you're here this year." grandfather Pollux mused at the sight of his eldest grandson. Sirius gave a pinched smile, "Of course I am. Where else would I be if not for my family, grandfather." Sirius responded nonchalantly as he walked through the room. He stood at the armchair closest to them and rested his arms on his, his back hunched.

Their mother scowled at the way he was presenting himself but said nothing, looking towards her youngest.

"At the Potters?" Regulus mused, receiving a glare from Sirius.

Regulus waker over to his father, inclining his head, then to his mother, kissing her cheek, "Father, Mother, grandfathers. It's been a while, and I am glad to see you all again for this holiday. I hope you're all well." Regulus politely greeted them, inclining his head to his grandfathers, showing respect, ignoring the glare Sirius was still sending his way.

"Yes, well met. Pleasant morning it is, and it seems to have become even lovelier being in the presence of my favourite grandfather," Polaris beamed as he, too, pecked his mother's cheek politely.

He sat down in between his father and mother while Regulus sat on the further end of the couch close to grandfather Pollux. His mother began to pester over his hair, "You better not have walked around the school with your hair like this", she hissed quietly. He didn't bother answering, knowing it was more than a statement than a question.

"Favourite grandfather? Well, don't just stand there, boy, tell me, it is I is it not?" His grandfather Pollux spoke. Polaris just smiled.

"Alright, you three should get comfortable. I'm sure the train ride was a long and exhausting one." grandfather Arcturus spoke. "And perhaps while you're getting comfortable, you can teach your older brother, Sirius, how to greet his elders." grandfather Pollux commented lightly.

"Why do I need to do that?" Sirius snapped.

'What a wonderful family reunion.'

"What your tone, boy!" Orion directed at Sirus.

"What tone?! I didn't use a tone. I was simply asking a simple question." Sirius responded, pushing himself off the back of the chair, his arms now crossed, daring his father to say something else.

"Your room now!" Walburga shouted at Sirius, "And don't leave it unless it is to apologise, you ungrateful brat." She hissed.

Sirius's jaw clenched, walking off as he scoffed.

"I'll be off now. Will grandfather Arcturus and grandfather Pollux be staying long?" Polaris asked as he stood, "Yes, they will. They'll be having lunch with us." Orion responded.

"Then, I'll surely have to bother grandfather Arcturus with chess later," Polaris spoke again, receiving amused looks. He headed out with Regulus himself, excusing himself.

"It wouldn't kill Sirius to have manners", Regulus groaned, appalled at their elder brother's behaviour, "What were you expecting? He's Sirius. He goes by his own rules, ones that don't make sense." Polaris answered as they took different turns in the hallway.

A few hours later, Polaris came down to find his grandfather and was now seated in front of his grandfather Arcturus; it had been a while since they had played a game of chess. It was strange to be home once again, away from Hogwarts. It hasn't even been a full day back, and he could safely say he didn't miss hearing his mother's voice.

"How do you find Hogwarts so far, Polaris" Polaris heard from behind him. It was his other grandfather, grandfather Pollux.

Arcturus grumbled lightly at the interruption, "It was alright, Grandfather Pollux", Polaris replied.

The man snorted at his simple reply and cast a spell, which resulted in a chair moving towards him, and he sat at the side of the chessboard and watched in a bored manner.

"Don't you have anything better to do, Pollux" Polaris heard his grandfather Arcturus drawl.

He could never understand the dynamics between the two. It was either hot or cold. Although he did find their random arguments to be quite amusing- he missed it.

"Ah? So, you're calling me being concerned with my grandson's time at Hogwarts nothing of importance?" Pollux snapped.

Arcturus clenched his jaw and turned his attention back to the chessboard, deciding which was the best move to take.

"Just alright?" Pollux continued his conversation with his youngest grandchild.

Polaris hummed lightly, "It wasn't what I expected. I expected a bit more- the headmaster's blatant favouritism towards the Gryffindors was definitely a disappointment might I add." Polaris spoke.

Pollux burst out laughing, "What did you expect from the muggle loving fool." Pollux muttered out as his laughter dialled down.

Arcturus let a small smile appear on his face.

1975, 25 December.

The whole family was seated around the large dining table in the Black manor- although not every single family member was there, such as Andromeda, as she was no longer thought of as family.

The Malfoy family were in attendance, including Lucius and Polaris's cousin, who was no longer Narcissa Black but Narcissa Malfoy. Along with the Malfoys was Lord Malfoy, Lucius's father, Abraxas Malfoy- to who the Blacks extended the invitation.

The Lestrange's were in attendance as well, which included the new Lord of the family, Rodolphus Lestrange, and his Lady, Polaris's least favourite cousin Bellatrix Lestrange and Rodolphus's brother, Rabastan Lestrange.

His aunt Cassiopeia Black, his uncle Cygnus and, of course, both his grandfathers were all gathered around the table for the Yule dinner.

Surprisingly enough, his uncle Alphard had actually made an appearance and was the only person Sirius actually wanted to sit beside, but he was stuck beside their mother. Polaris was stuck between both his brothers, Sirius on his right and Regulus on his left. Their father was on the other side of Regulus.

Polaris just knew Sirius was going to get another reprimanding once they got home after he disrespectfully decided not to greet anyone as he should have done. He is both their junior and an heir to a noble and ancient house and had failed to perform his duties- Sirius could care less. He didn't exactly want to be there in the first place.

"This is ridiculous", Sirius muttered under his breath after Walburga had told him to sit properly. It was ridiculous. Polaris would rather be at home. He was the youngest there. He didn't like it that much.

Polaris thrummed his fingers lightly against the table as conversation flowed between the adults present. He hadn't said much since the dinner had started neither had Regulus himself… but Sirius, on the other hand, the boy spoke when it really wasn't necessary. He just wished Sirius could shut up for once in his life.

Polaris was thrumming his fingers against the table in a bored manner until it came to a stop when a hand covered his. It was Regulus. Polaris glanced up at Regulus, who was seated on his left and raised a brow.

"Stop it. You're giving me a headache," Regulus whispered with a glare. Polaris huffed and looked away while he put both his hands under the table to prevent himself from doing the opposite of what his brother had told him.

'How was that giving you a headache? You would think the constant talking of Bellatrix would do that, not me barely touching the table.'

His father, along with both his grandparents, Arcturus and Pollux, had both excused themselves not too long ago from the dining room, as well as Lord Malfoy, Abraxas Malfoy. The four of them had headed straight towards Arcturus's office.

"Polaris", he heard someone call from across the table. He looked up at his uncle, who was directly in front of him. He was staring at Polaris with a curious gaze, "Uncle Alphard?" Polaris responded.

"How do you like Hogwarts so far?" Alphard asked his youngest nephew. As this question was asked, it drew the attention of the rest of the guests who were seated in the dining room. With the exception of the rest of the Malfoys and Lestrange's, seeing as they were having a very intense conversation with their hushed whispers.

Polaris groaned inwardly at the unwanted attention. He was hoping to get through this 'family dinner' without having to contribute whatsoever, so his mother wouldn't be able to find anything to criticise once they were home, but that was now inevitable.

He could feel his mother's gaze burning at the side of his head as she awaited her son's answer. The woman was already embarrassed by Sirius's presence. She didn't want another son of hers to make a fool of himself, although she expected nothing but perfection from Polaris, which Polaris had taken notice of over the years and come to hate, knowing at some point he would make a mistake and wasn't sure what type of reaction his mother would have.

"I suppose I can say I'm enjoying my time at Hogwarts so far", Polaris replied politely, hoping that would be the end of the attention.

"What of friends? Have you made any friends? Of course, other than that, Avery boy," His uncle questioned further, only making Polaris like him slightly less than he actually did, even if the man was his favourite uncle out of the two.

Before he could respond, his other uncle, uncle Cygnus, interrupted with a scoff, "Friends? Brother, I think you mean allies. What need is there for friends."

Alphard rolled his eyes. "Well, 'brother', I wasn't exactly asking you anything now, was I? what happened to respecting your elders?" Alphard responded back towards Cygnus, who scowled in return.

Polaris wasn't all too sure why there was an emphasis on the word brother, but he could only assume that they have only grown more apart. It wasn't as though they were close in the first place.

He knew the brothers weren't exactly on good terms, with his uncle Alphard being the way he was, which his mother would describe as rebellious, and his uncle Cygnus being more… traditional in a sense.

Polaris toned them out as they continued to argue with one another, which then involved the other adults once his uncle Alphard of course, said something to offend them all, which Sirius couldn't help but laugh at in amusement while Regulus stared at his glass cup as it was the most interesting thing, he had ever laid eyes on, wishing he was anywhere but there.

"Polaris, back to the question of friends, I am curious myself. Have you made any other than that Avery boy?" Polaris heard. He looked over towards the owner of the voice, which belonged to his great aunt Cassiopeia.

He could tell how fed up she was with her nephews Alphard and Cygnus. With Alphard being the oldest of the pair, you would think he would act more mature.

"I suppose I have Aunt Cassie", he responded straight away. He then continued seeing her waiting.

"I suppose I've made a friend in Aaron Flint, Elias Blecher, Erwin Robbe and others, I guess. I've recently befriended Nathaniel Sayre, too. He was annoying at first but not; I just tolerate it." Polaris responded as his head tilted in thought.

His aunt hummed in interest, "Ah, Edwin Flint's second son. I am assuming they are all Slytherins as their families have usually been sorted into Slytherins. I've heard of the Blecher's and am friends with Robbe."

"The Sayre heir? I wasn't aware of this 'friendship'" Polaris heard his mother drawl, involving herself in the conversation.

"Do you really need to keep tabs on everyone we befriend 'mother'?" Sirius asked, emphasising the word 'mother' just as Walburga had emphasised the word 'friendship'.

"Well, there are more friends he's made, of course," Regulus mentioned with a teasing tone that had Polaris raise his brow before his brother continued.

"Oh, what other friends would that be," said an amused Alphard Black as he looked onto Regulus. "… He's been friendly with Amelia Bones, uncle", Regulus answered. Polaris just raised a brow, "Friends? I mean, we did do the Herbology project together, but we never went as far as to call ourselves friends…."Polaris responded which Alphard completely ignored and began teasing him. Polaris was beyond confused.

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