Elduine let go of Rowan’s hand and walked slowly away with the Elven King. He looked back to watch her, still holding her bow, walk up to her warhorse and give him a pat.
“The Queen wears a very unique necklace,” King Elinias began in the clear air.
Elduine swallowed nervously. He began to think of several reasons to defend his love of Rowan
“Do you think she would rather have a ring?”
Elduine stopped walking, “What? Father, what are you talking about?”
The King looked at his general, “Tell me, my son. Do you love her?”
The prince looked down, took a breath, and met his father’s gaze, “Yes. I’ve given her my heart.”
Elinias pursed his lips, nodded, and folding his hands behind his back, kept walking.
“I was thinking, perhaps a union with a member of the alliance would be beneficial.”
Elduine turned sharply and looked at his father.
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