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Capítulo 9: For Asgaaaaard!!!

[A Day ago, Puente Antiguo, New Mexcio]

A white van slowly moves down the main street that extends through a one-horse town, set amid endless flat, and arid scrubland. The Van quickly heads out of the town and made its way to the desert where a large storm can be seen brewing overhead.

After it reached its destination, which is the Mojave Desert, the roof panels of the van fold open, revealing the underside of the panel's which houses a variety of hand-built Astronomical devices, which now point at the sky.

Jane Foster, one of the world's leading astrophysicists, pops her head through the roof of the Van. With a tablet in her hand, she stared intently at the dark clouds as if she is looking for something.

Selvig: So what's this "anomaly" of yours supposed to look like?" Eric Selvig, a world-renowned astrophysicist and the teacher of Jane, asked her in curiosity.

Jane: "It's a little different each time. Once it looked like, I don't know, melted stars, pooling in a corner of the sky. But last week it was a rolling rainbow ribbon--" She replied while she continued to stare up at the sky covered with dark storm clouds.

Selvig: "I've always said you should have been a poet." The 60-year-old man teased his student.

Jane: "Hey, Darcy. Pass up the bubbly & my gloves, will you?" Jane ignored Selvig's teasing and shouted to get Darcy's attention, a former student of political science at Culver University who became an intern for Erik Selvig and Jane Foster's assistant.

Darcy obliged and hands Jane a bottle of Champagne & a pair of gloves through the window. Jane passes the champagne to Selvig to hold while she pulls on the old gloves.

Selvig didn't wait for his student's approval and starts to unwrap the foil. Jane on seeing this stops his hand with an excited grin.

Jane: "Not until you see it!" Selvig sighed before he grudgingly leaves the bottle aside. Then the pairs stared out at the sky expectantly.

Jane: "It's never taken this long before." She muttered under her breath after a few minutes of no activity in the sky.

Darcy: "Can I turn on the radio?" Darcy calls up from the front seat, but worried, Jane, heads back down into the vehicle. Jane clicked on a switch and powered up all the high-tech equipment and laptops mounted inside the van.

Jane: "It should appear today..." Jane opens a well-worn notebook of handwritten notes and calculations and fumbles through it while muttering to herself.

Selvig: "Jane..." Selvig watches the frustrated Jane with sympathy.

Jane: "The anomalies are always precipitated by geomagnetic storms." Jane mumbled and shows a complicated chart she has drawn in the notebook, tracking occurrences and patterns of the anomaly.

Jane: "The last seventeen occurrences have been predictable to the minute, I just don't understand." Something catches Darcy's eye out of the driver's side mirror. she adjusts it and In the distance, she saw odd glowing clouds form in the skies over the Northeastern end of the desert.

Darcy: "Jane?" Jane shushes her attempt to call her while she goes through her notes.

"DRR...!" The bottle of champagne begins to vibrate, the lights and the equipment in the van begin to flicker around them.

Darcy: "I don't think there's anything wrong with your equipment..." Darcy said as the computer monitors squelch with static, and the champagne bottle starts to rattle noisily now as it shakes more violently.

Darcy: "I think you want to see this." Darcy points out the window, Jane and Selvig turned over to the desert and found a massive cloud of rainbow light churn in the sky.

Jane: "Holy. Shatner!"

Selvig: "That's your anomaly aurora?!"

Jane: "yes! Let's go!" Darcy kicked the gas on herring her orders and maneuvered the van right into the massive thunderstorm.

Jane: "Wow..." Jane, amazed by the sight, stands with half her body out the roof, taking video of the lightning storm before them.

Jane: "Isn't this great?! You're seeing it too, right? I'm not crazy!" Jane grins, thrilled, pumped with adrenaline as she was finally able to show them the anomaly and proved to them that she is not some crazy woman.

Selvig: That's debatable. Put your seat belt on!" Selvig grabs her, yanks her back in because of the insane air current. Just then winds started to howl around the van, more violently. Suddenly from overhead, spiraling down from out of the clouds an enormous tornado suffuse with the strange rainbow light, touches down the ground.

Jane: "You've gotta get us closer so I can take a magnetic reading." Darcy looked at her as if she was insane.

Darcy: "Do you have a death wish?" Darcy asked her as she pointed at the massive tornado far up in the distance.

Selvig: "Jane, Darcy is right, we should leave..." Selvig voiced his concerns.

Jane: "You want those college credits or not?" Jane said with a threatening tone.

Darcy: 'This woman is crazy!' Darcy thought while she glared at Jane in disbelief for threatening her with some college credits.

Jane: "Keep the credits. I'll intern at Burger King!" Darcy's had enough of her boss crazy bullshit and without a second thought, she turns the wheel and starts to drive the fuck away from that piece of bad news.

Jane: "What are you doing?!" Jane demanded in anger.

Darcy: "Saving our lives!" Jane suddenly grabs the wheel and jerks it hard the other way. Poor Darcy struggle for control when the headlights fall on a man directly in their path, stumbling through the winds.

Darcy: "Shit!" Darcy slams on the brakes and with one hard yank, she frees jane's hands from the wheels and turns the wheel hard to avoid him, but it was too late as the side of their van slams into the man with a loud thud, sending him flying.

Darcy: "Are you crazy! You killed a man!" Darcy yells at Jane who is staring dumbly at her, unable to form any words.

Darcy: "I am done, with this shit!"


[A few days Later]

After seeing the arrival of Mjolnir on earth, Mark immediately dispatched one of his clones to keep an eye on its master, and the clone kept him updated about the events that happened around Thor in the past few days, things took place exactly like, in the movie. S.H.I.E.L.D arrives and takes over the site, setting up a temporary camp to study the hammer. Thor infiltrates the encampment for his trusty hammer while Foster huddles in safety in some bushes. After beating up many agents, and being targeted by Clint Barton, Thor finally reaches the hammer but is unable to lift it. He howls at his powerlessness and drops to the ground, putting up no fight as S.H.I.E.L.D. agents close in and take him.

Later Selvig came to Thor's rescue and was able to make Coulson believe that Thor is Jane Foster's ex-husband and is under the influence of steroids. Much to his shock Coulson believed his words and let Selvig take a miserable Thor back with him.

Mark now knew why Shield is so easily infiltrated by Hydra, Phil Coulson, the dude is one of the top dogs of the Shield, and instead of questioning the credibility of Selvig's story, the dude let him take Thor.

Even his clone can tell that Selvig is very bad at acting, but to Coulson, it looks believable enough to let him go, a man who entered their base and broke some bones of his fellow shield agents.

Mark couldn't able to suppress his urge to facepalm, even though he wanted the exact thing, he was still visibly left confused and disappointed by Coulson and shield's choices of actions.

Well, whatever let's move on, he was happy as long as Thor get his power back so that he can scan the dude, for his Godly physiology and get his hands on the sweet piece of celestial armor which will arrive in a day maybe.

So later that evening, after Thor was saved by the old man, they were again back in town, Selvig the 60-year old man takes Thor out for a drink while trying to convince Thor to leave Foster alone due to the complications he has and would continue to cause her.

After the two chug bears and bond with each other for hours, Thor finally left the bar with a drunk Selvig on his shoulder unknown to a pair of sharp golden eyes observing them from across a table.

???: "I have to contact, Boss." The black-haired young man muttered and dialed a number on his phone.


The next day, Thor was reunited with Sif and the warrior three, & later in the same day, with a loud earth-shattering rumbling sound, the Destroyer arrives in the New Mexico desert & starts blasting every fucking thing in its way with its heat ray.

While, Thor, Jane, Selvig, and Darcy start to herd the crowd of Townsfolk off the streets, the warriors three and Sif head across town, towards the mass destruction of a weapon, known as Destroyer to give a shot at defeating it.

Sif: "Keep him distracted!" She hurries off and disappeared inside a two-story building while the Warriors Three continue carefully towards the destroyer.

Thor looks anxiously back down the street, towards the Warriors Three as they get into position before the Destroyer

Thor: "My friends fight bravely, but they won't be able to hold it back much longer." Thor said in a grim tone.

Jane: "Why something like that attacking us?" Jane asked anxiously. Thor heaved a long sigh and stared at the destroyer with a sad look.

Thor: "Loki... My brother, it's his doing..." Thor replied as his face flush with an emotion of betrayal and extreme sadness.

Back at the battlefield Hogun and Fandral take off running towards the Destroyer, as Volstagg stands limbering up so that he can ready himself for their ultimate move.

Frandal: "You have done enough warm-up, Come on!" Volstagg nodded at his friend and takes off running at full speed. As he catches up to his two comrades, Hogun and Fandral grab him on either side, and with all their Asgardian strength, they hurl the large warrior into the air at the Destroyer.

Volstagg: "For Asgaaaaard!!! ARGHHH!!" Before Volstagg could even land a hit the Destroyer bitch slapped him across his face, smashing him down before its feet.

Hogun/Fandral: "Volstagg!!" The Destroyer stared at Volgstagg's fallen body for a mere few seconds before he grabbed the knocked-out Volstagg by his leg and savagely hurls the large dude towards his friends throwing them down on the ground.

Suddenly out of nowhere Lady Sif, Leaps off a nearby rooftop with her two-headed spear & plunges it deep into the back of the Destroyer.

The Destroyer stands there motionless, the fire slowly dimming in its faceplate, while Lady Sif stood atop its back.

Hogun: "Yes!" Thor cracked a proud smile on seeing this, but everyone's brief moment of hope and happiness was shattered when the destroyer stirs with life, its fire igniting once again.

Sif looks on with growing trepidation as the destroyer slowly and unnaturally spins its torso around 180 degrees to face her.

The Destroyer unleashes a blast at Sif, but she was barely able to dive off of the destroyer in time, dodging the blast in the process.

The Destroyer rises again to its full height, pulling free from Sif's weapons, it dropped the weapon and crushed them underneath his feet.

Sif and the Warriors Three try to regroup when the Destroyer unleashes another blast right in the middle of them, sending Sif and her comrades flying in all directions.

Thor's blood boiled in pure unadulterated rage on seeing his friends lying wounded and injured on the ground, even though he wanted nothing but to squeeze the life of that thing, he has to act fast and help them, but time is the only thing he doesn't have in his hand, as it fires in his direction and the beam tore through a storefront near him.

"KABOOOOOOM!!" Suddenly a loud explosion rocks the whole town, knocking Thor, Jane, & Selvig off their feet.

Thor quickly helps Jane to her feet and moved on to Selvig's direction, but they were horrified when they saw the old man lying on his back amidst the debris, impaled by a twisted piece of iron.

Jane/Thor: "Eric/Friend!!" She and Thor moved to his side.

Selvig: "Run, leave Me... Go save yourself..." Eric coughed out a mouthful of blood and with a voice filled with anguish, he told the couple to run.

Jane: "What are you saying! We can't leave you behind!" Out of the corner of his eyes, Thor spotted Hogun's pouch of healing stones lying in the middle of the street.

Without a second thought, Thor makes a break for it ignoring Janes's warning, dodging through the flaming wreckage, he grabs the pouch and then races back to Jane and Selvig.

He quickly opens the pouch to find the remains of crushed green stones.

Thor: "Come on... give me one!" He pours the contents out into his hands and amidst the powder of green rocks, he finally finds one glowing green stone still intact.

Jane: "What are you doing? What is that?" Jane asked. Thor crushes the stone as Jane stared in awe & amazement while the glowing powder of the crushed green stone falls upon the piece of twisted iron, dissolving it, the glowing powder reaches downwards, until it graced Selvig's wound.

In just a second the powder heals his wound completely, shocking Jane, while she stared dumbly at Selvig, he sits up in utter astonishment.

Thor looks down the street, sees his wounded friends still lying there, he made up his mind, he can't leave them there to die, he has to help them... he doesn't care if he dies in the process, they are his friends and today their lives were in danger because of him.

With fist clenched tight, he approached his injured friend. Sif who lies dazed, battered, & bloodied on the ground was pulled behind a burning vehicle by Thor to provide her some safety from that abomination.

Thor: "Go, while you can!" Thor tore his shirt and wrapped it around her bloodied hand to stop her bleeding.

Sif: "But the others..." Sif groaned out in pain.

Thor: "You can't help them now. Your job is to survive!" Thor ordered her while she struggles to sit up.

Sif: "No! I will die a warrior's death. Stories will be told of this day." Thor holds her hand gave a sad pleading look.

Thor: "Live and tell those stories yourself." He gently takes her shield from her and slowly makes his way towards warrior three. He quickly found Volstagg lying unconscious, with Hogun and Fandral lying nearby.

Thor: "Come on!" He groaned and tried to pull Volstagg to safety but the dude won't budge, seeing it's futile he tried to wake the other two up and it was successful, he quickly gave the same order to the two but they were adamant to help him like Sif.

Thor: "Don't worry, my friends. I have a plan." Thor cracked a fake grin and told them to leave with the unconscious Volstagg.

Reluctantly the two warriors grab their fallen friend and drag him away from the battlefield. Thor let a sigh and stood on his feet, Thor turns back to the Destroyer, then tosses Sif's shield aside.

With eyes filled with sadness, Thor with slow steps strides down the town street towards the abomination, without caring about the consequences.

Thor: "Brother... for whatever I have done to wrong you, whatever I have done to lead you to do this, I am sorry. But these people have done nothing to you. They are innocents." He said with a voice filled with emotions and continues towards the Destroyer.

Thor: "Take my life, and know I will never return to Asgard." Thor begged while he extends his arms.

The Destroyer hesitates for a moment, but moments later it savagely swats Thor with its enormous arm.

"Crack!" A sickening crack of breaking bones made its way to everyone's ears as Thor's body goes flying.

The wounded Asgardians watch helplessly from down the street, a look of horror on their faces as their prince's wounded body fell to the ground.

Jane tries to rush out to Thor's aid, but Selvig holds her back and he pulls her behind a wrecked car.

Selvig: "No, you can't!"

Thor's eyes close, slowly his last breath leaving his lips. The Destroyer stands over Thor's body and lifted its feet to pin Thor down to the ground.

The Destroyer then lowers its head towards the wounded Thor and It slowly opens its faceplate, and locks it at Thor's head, readying to unleash its fiery beam, when suddenly out of nowhere the wind starts to pick up at an insane rate, massive dark clouds started to form overhead, the cloud started to crackle with ominously blackish-purple lighting.

Sif & everyone present on the ground looked up at the sky and spotted a dark intimidating figure doused in that same ominous lighting is looking down at them, like a God staring at ants.

The figure wore primarily black armor, with a violet fade from his midriff to his upper thighs, a long cape with a starry pattern draft over his shoulder, his legs & both of his arms are covered by armor, complemented by a silver lining, and a violet diamond pattern where his kneecaps are and lastly a menacing mask covered the entirety of his face, the mask sport elongating longhorns and the face of the mask is featureless, save for a single purple eye.

The figure stretched its hands towards the Destroyer and they watched dumbly and in shock as the destroyer helplessly levitated off the ground and was yanked hard into the sky with a single gesture of the man's hands.

Hoosierdaddy Hoosierdaddy

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