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94.44% Ghost Rider Through the Multiverse / Chapter 50: Ch 48 "Down where it's wetter~" R18

Capítulo 50: Ch 48 "Down where it's wetter~" R18

(...Have I been saying his healing flames are blue, when they should be silver...? I just checked 'A good day turned bad' and I said they were blue... I'm an idiot.

Speaking of that chapter, I fucked up. I was gonna give him the Toki Toki no Mi when he destroyed the celestial dickbags, but messed up and now have to do it some other way... Fml.)

(I didn't proofread.)

After leaving Sabaody, Franky inflated the bubble coating that Rayleigh did for them and got rid of the buoyancy bag that was beneath the ship. With the bag gone, the ship started to decend into the sea and they were officially on their way to Fishman Island.

As they safely sank into the sea, as bizarre as it sounds, the crew was looking around in amazement and appreciation of the unseen world below. The girls were no exception, as although they had been to Fishman Island a number of times, they hadn't went the in the conventional method.

Even Leo was enjoying the scenery, having not taken the opportunity two years ago, when he first swam through to deliver the freed slaves home.

Using his ability to create light, courtesy of Kizaru, Leo made it possible for them to clearly see their surroundings. While making their way down, they got to admire the beautiful sea life with all their different colours. Though, Luffy was drooling and thinking of eating them.

The further down they went, the more unique and strange the passing schools of fish became. But, to someone that knew what they were, like Sanji, it was surprise that you would never have expected.

During the two year gap they took, Leo had broke multiple sections of the Red Line. All around the world, in each direction of the compass, the Red Line had been broken through and connected the four seas. At the East and West particularly, where the Grandline and Red Line intersect, the Oceans have mixed together and different species of fish flooded in to make a new home.

In other words, he created what every chef like Sanji dreamed of, The All Blue. Seeing this before him, a bright smile formed on Sanji's face and joy radiated off him.

Eventually, the ship got so deep that the temperature began to drop, but once again, Leo found himself acting as a heater and feeling depressed that his flames were being used for such things.

Oddly enough, not a single Sea King bothered them as they continued to sink. They would pass by and eye the ship, but nothing more.

Not that any of those on the ship knew why, but this was because they instinctually knew their King was aboard and didn't dare to attack. Their King is naturally Leo, the one who almost owns their world and most importantly, the spouse of their Queen, the Mermaid rarely born with the ability to command them, Shirahoshi.

With this being the case, the crews trip to the bottom of the ocean was a peaceful one. The only bit of bother they had to deal with, was when they were passing over underwater volcanic vents that started to erupt, but Leo just telekinetically moved the ship past it and down a chasm.

Upon reaching the bottom of the chasm, the ship was bathed in light, but not from Leo and rather thanks to the natural phenomena that is the Eve tree, which carries light from the surface where the archipelago is and down to the tree roots, where they lit up the sea floor and brought day to the underwater Ryugu Kingdom.

Realising that they had reached the bottom and were able to see Fishman Island just ahead of them in all its splendor.

With his eyes practically shining in excitement, Luffy stretched his arms up to the ships lion figurehead and jumped on top of it. "Alright! We're finally here!"

Everyone smiled, either because they are just as excited or because they are amused by the reactions of the others. Leo shook his head mirthfully and started moving the ship in the direction of the official entrance to the island.

While going round to the entrance, the others were looking into the bubbles that surrounded the island and kept air inside.

It didn't take long to get over to the entrance, where they were met by some soldiers that were there for guarding the checkpoint and keeping order. When they saw a new ship had come, they swam over and were about to go through the normal procedure, but they saw Leo and immediately forgot about that.

Swimming up, they were smiling as they greeted him in a manner that confused the others. "Your Highness! Welcome back!"

Hearing the title, Leo smacked his hand on his forehead and shouted over. "I told you not to call me that!"

The guards just laughed in response. "Yes, we're sorry, your Highness!" Complete ignoring his request, the began to turn around. "Seen as it is you, we will open the gates." They then swam up and started getting the gates open.

Being blatantly ignored for what had to the thousandth time, Leo sat down and started grumbling in annoyance. Meanwhile, besides his girls, who were giggling at his misery, the others were all looking confused.

It was Franky that decided to enquire about the odd event as the ship started to make its way inside. "So, uh... What was that about?" The others nodded their heads, wanting to know the answer to the question.

Leo sighed and shook his head. "Nothing, they just are just doing it to mess with me..."

His answer didn't really clear anything up, but given a moment, other than Zoro, they all came to a sudden realisation and ran over to him, grabbing him by his coat and yelling. "DID YOU COME HERE WITHOUT US!?!?" To this, Leo looked away and started whistling innocently, causing them to shout again. "YOU DID!!!"

With this discovery, they let go of him and fell to the ground in a corner, a dramatic depression oozing off them. "The betrayal... So unfair..."

They then looked back at him while crying and started childishly insulting him. "Stupid skeleton!" "Bone head!" "Skull face!" "Fire boy!" Etc.

Looking at them with a blank expression, Leo answered with indifference. "Ok."

Seeing his indifference to their sadness, they shouted exaggeratedly. "SO CRUEL!!"


After entering the the inner bubble to the island, they were able to surface from the water and then went over to the docks where they disembarked to go explore.

As they made their way on to the island, the people around saw Leo with them and greeted him, constantly referring to him as "Your Highness."

This caused him to have a scowl on his face as he trudged along, much to the amusement of everyone else, including those greeting him. Even kids, as they run past the group, would greet him in the same manner, before running away laughing.

Having enough of their torment, Leo growled and yelled out. "Next person to call me by 'that' name is getting their ass beat!"

Like intended, the surrounding people stopped speaking, but there was a noticeable amount of sniggering going on, especially from his supposed friends and girlfriend.

The only one on his side was his beloved daughter. Naga was rubbing her cheek against his as he pretended to cry. "Thank you Naga, your the only one I have on my side. Even my girlfriends are picking on me..."

Because of this sentence, one of said girlfriends, Nami, rolled her eyes and nudged him with her elbow. "Don't be so dramatic, it's not that bad being treated like royalty."

Robin however, laughed into her hand in amusement as she reached up and petted Leo on his head, like he often does to them. "There there. You should be more understanding Nami, after all, Leo is just a humble man from low beginnings and isn't accustomed to such treatment."

Having too much fun, Nami played along. "Ah, of course. The great Spirit of Vengeance is just embarrassed and doesn't know how to act with all this attention. Poor Leo~"

Because of their teasing, the others began laughing at Leo, finding it funny to the point their stomachs were hurting and they were falling over.

In retaliation to their teasing, Leo smacked the two on the ass, getting a surprised "Eep" from them as he whispered to them. "I hope you two are ready to be punished later for this."

Hearing this and feeling the sting on their butt's, Nami and Robin blushed while biting at their lower lips in anticipation. Leo saw this and grinned evilly, having similar plans to what they are thinking, but not exactly as they are wanting.

Once the guys stopped laughing at Leo, courtesy of slight beating from him, the group got on their way again. Leading them, Leo decided to take to the islands famous Mermaid Cafe.


Upon arriving at the Mermaid Cafe and entering inside, they were cheerfully greeted by a couple of gorgeous Mermaids with bubbles around their lower bodies, so they can move through the air. When they saw Leo, they were going to mess with him, but they stopped themselves when they saw him smiling at them with an eerie smile, which was a warning for them not to.

So, with nervous chuckles, they greeted the group normally. "Hello and welcome to the Mermaid Cafe!" One of them then floated over with a smile and gestured to guide them. "Please come with me to your table."

They followed the Mermaid to an empty table, meanwhile the other Mermaid made her way to the backroom, going to inform Shyarley about Leo's arrival.

Leo and the crew didn't pay much attention to this, instead choosing to give their waitress their order. Once she'd taken their full order, the Mermaid waitress left to the kitchen.

While they waited for their order to arrive, the group was just chatting and enjoying the atmosphere of the cafe. It was a couple minute into this that a mature and teasing voice sounded out and a beautiful shark Mermaid coming into view. "My~ Your 'Highness', why didn't you tell me you were coming." It was Madam Sharley, or just Sharley, the Marmaid from two years ago with the ability to predict the future. After getting to know Leo and getting over her fear of him, she ended up becoming friends with him and Shirahoshi, who frequently enjoyed a visit from Sharley.

Immediately after hearing her, Leo's eye began to twitch. Seeing this, Nami and the other girls scooted away from him, while the Mermaids that greet the crew had wry smiles on their faces as they said. "Uh oh..."

Standing up, Leo walked through the table and grew to the same size as Sharley, who was momentarily confused by what was happening, but then she saw the eerily happy smile on Leo's face and it was this point she knew, she fucked up.

She was about to try and reason with him, but he had already grabbed her shoulder and started leading her to the backroom. His grip wasn't painful, but it was still tight enough to prevent her from escaping, despite her efforts.

Everyone watched as Sharley was dragged away and the backrooms door was shut. There was then a series of slapping sounds and a few seconds later, Leo walked out with a bright smile, soon being followed by a heavily blushing Sharley.

As Leo sat back down, Nami stared at with her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What did you do to her?" She asked quietly.

Turning his head to her, he answered with a sultry whisper. "Exactly what I said I would, I 'beat' her ass~"

Nami's eyes widened slightly as she gasped, but then began pouting and turned her head away, pinching his side even though it wouldn't hurt him.

With a sly laughed, Leo leaned into her ear and detached one of his hands with the Chop Chop power, sneaking it down the back of her jeans as he teasingly asked. "What's wrong kitty? Are you jealous~?" His hand started to massage her butt, making her have to suppress her moans.

Backing away, he discreetly formed a new hand and placed it on the table for her to see. She watched as his thumb began making slow and gentle circular movements, along with the occasional prodding.

Her face was bright red as she felt him play with her asshole in front of everybody, having to bring her hand up and cover her mouth so that nobody would hear her. Even with her embarrassment and nervousness though, she felt her arousal grow, not that she would admit to her voyeur kinks.

Of course, Leo wouldn't allow others to admired the lustful appearance of his beloved Nami, so he was manipulating them to ignore Nami at the moment. Though he left his other girlfriends fully aware of their what was happening.

Soon though, Nami couldn't handle it anymore and stood up, making her way to the bathroom with an awkward gait. All the while, the rest of Leo's girlfriend were watching her with slightly intense gazes, jealous of the 'attention' she was being given.

When she got to the toilet, she couldn't hold herself back any longer and started getting to work relieving herself. Fortunately, Leo had soundproofed the toilet, knowing full well that she is a screamer. His hand was still at work as well, but never to the point that she would really be satisfied from it.

While he waited for Nami to finish, Leo started to talk with Sharley. "So, Sharley, how have you been in the last couple of months? You never came up to the Palace during any of my visits."

Pausing for a moment as she went to smoke her pipe. Smiling calmly, she answered. "Oh, well you know, I was busy running the Cafe and just never found the time... Sorry, I hope I didn't disappoint the Princess?" As she said this, the Mermaids working around her, looked over at her sympathetically.

Leo himself, along with his girls, could clearly see that he smile wasn't real and neither was her excuse, but they said nothing about it. Instead, he smiled at her charmingly. "Don't worry about it, Shirahoshi understands that you have your own responsibilities here, so she doesn't mind. Though, we will be heading to the Palace after this, how about coming with me?"

Sharley seemed hesitant, having tried to avoid Leo in the recent months, but with him here in front of her and even the way he specified joining 'him' rather than the group, it left her only able to smile in defeat. "Sure. I am currently free of any work for the day, so I can join you."

Hearing her accept, the Mermaid waitresses in the surroundings smile happily for their employer.

Soon, a waitress came with their order and a little bit after that, a frustrated Nami returned and sat down grumpily as she started eating some of Leo's food. He on the other hand, was chuckling to himself as he patted her head.


When they were done at the Cafe, the crew, now accompanied by Sharley. Rather than heading straight to the Palace, they did a bit of sightseeing first, meeting Camie and Hatchi at one point.

Once they'd had their fill of the sights, it was finally time to go to the Palace. Due to it being above the island, it is necessary to fly up there, so Leo simply lifted them with telekinesis and went up that way.

Arriving at the connecting tunnel, they were again met by some guards, who quickly opened called for the gate to be opened and when it was, Leo continued on up and they finally arrived at the front door.

Stopping in front of it, Leo could already feel a few souls heading their way. With a wry smile, he shook his head. 'Well, I better get big before she gets here.' Thinking this, he started increasing his size, much to the confusion of the guys, while the girls laughed in response. Naga knew what was to come, so she jumped off Leo and over to Robin.

Walking forwards, Leo grabbed the handles for the giant doors and with a pull, he opened then and was immediately met by a pink torpedo that happily shouted. "Leo!!"

Shirahoshi dived into Leo and hugged him as he started started stroking her head with a smile. "Hey Shirahoshi, how are you?"

Looking up at him, she smiled cutely and giggled. "I missed you the last few days, but you're here now!" Her childish glee shone through her smile, making some of them exaggeratedly cover their eyes as if it suddenly got brighter.

Chuckling, Leo gave her head another pat and lifted her off him. "Sorry about that, but like I told you, I've brought my friends to visit before continuing our journey."

Suddenly realising that they aren't alone, Shirahoshi looked down at the others embarrassedly. This was also when the rest of her family arrived and her mother, Otohime, lightly reprimanded her. "Now, Shirahoshi dear, what have I told you about your manners?"

Blushing from embarrassment, Shirahoshi apologised. "Sorry Mother." She then turned to the crew and slightly bowed. "Sorry for my rudeness. My name is Shirahoshi and I'm Leo's fiance, it's a pleasure to meet you." She then smiled brightly at them, slightly stunning them.

In response to her greeting, the crew just nodded their heads in a daze while the girls greeted her back. A moment later though, their brains caught up with what she said and realised that she said she was Leo's fiance, leading them to shout in surprise. "WHAAAAAT?"


After calming down from the bomb that was dropped at the entrance, they all entered the Palace and got better acquainted. While they talked, a small feast was being prepared for them and a party was was being arranged for later.

Of course, Leo was asked about how he came to be engaged to Shirahoshi and he had to explain all the details on how that came about.

There was a couple questions about the fact that Shirahoshi was still only sixteen(Au) and how Leo, Shirahoshi herself and her parents felt about the whole thing. It was Otohime who answered this with a simple explanation about how royal marriages can sometimes be at even younger ages and with no prior relationship being had. But, with how Leo had been very gentlemanly about the whole situation and treated Shirahoshi better than they could ever hope, along with the fact that Shirahoshi came to truly love him after the past two years, Otohime had no reason to be dissatisfied and neither did her husband, despite his initial apprehensions about 'losing' his precious daughter.

When the food was done, for the duration of the feast, Shirahoshi sat in Leo's lap while happily bobbing her head side to side. Even though she was no longer stuck in her room and being treated like a fragile doll, she still maintained her child like innocence and pure soul.

The thing is, even with her mother and the girls 'teaching' her about impure thing, such as sex and masturbation, Shirahoshi's soul hasn't lost any of its purity. Leo was confused by this at first, but when he thought about it, despite all the things he and the girls had done since coming together, none of their souls had gotten more sinful. Their sins from before still existed, but they didn't have anymore no matter what.

He eventually came to the conclusion that either their sins were 'burned' thanks to their soul connection or they were passed on to himself and eradicated that way. Unless they do something truly bad, they should be fine. Either way, it was nice that Shirahoshi remained pure, so he wasn't going to complain.

Once the feast was finished and everyone had filled their stomachs, it was decided that they would go back down to the kingdom and enjoy the beach for a bit while waiting for the party to be set up.

They were accompanied by Shirahoshi and the Prince's, though Shirahoshi was shrunk down to the height of everyone else, courtesy of one of two abilities Leo gave. The first is obviously a size altering ability and the second is the ability to have a human legs, though they look like they have beautiful pink scale tattoos on them.

The whole 'human legs' thing isn't so they can do anything sexual, as Mermaids do in fact have vaginas, they are just more hidden. It's the same with their anus. But anyways, the reason he gave her legs is so that she can balk around and not rely on a bubble.

He offered the rest of her family this ability, but they declined. Though, Neptune did ask for the size alteration ability at the time, wanting to be able to hold his wife in his arms better. Even with these abilities, both Shirahoshi and Neptune generally prefer to remain in their true form, finding it to be more comfortable.

Anyways, heading to the beach with four members of the Royal family obviously caught people's attention, so quite a crowd formed at the beach and a mini party started before the main one.

While at the beach, they played some games, swam around a bit and enjoyed the transferred sunlight from the Eve tree. Then, when the light started to fade, it was time for the group to return to the Palace for the main event.

When they got back to the Palace, they were surprise with welcoming cheers as the party had already begun for some and the alcohol was flowing. There was a singer and the Mermaids from Sharley's cafe. Seeing this, the others quickly ran in and joined in festivities.

Leo decided to go with Zoro and sat down out of the way to have a drink with him. "Hey, Zoro, let's get a drink!"

"Why are you drinking? It won't even get you drunk..."Zoro was confused, because as far as he knew, Leo couldn't get drunk.

Leo just grinned in response. What Zoro didn't know, was that Leo wasn't going to drink the same stuff as him.

Holding his hand out, a bottle appeared in his hand, the ruby red liquid within glowing slightly. Popping the cork, Leo brought the bottle to his lips and gulped down a few mouthfuls, leading to a redness appearing on his face as he said in a loudish voice. "That why I made this! Magic booze even capable of getting the dead drunk!"

Yes, rather than going to a cultivation world as he originally thought he'd have to, Leo made his own alcohol. It was all thanks to the Magic he'd gotten from Vanessa.

By infusing various different plants with magic and accelerating time, he created magical ingredients. Then, through the use of clones, more magic and a few hundred years of fermentation, he made Magic Alcohol.

Seeing the new type of alcohol before him, Zoro's curiosity was peaked. "Can I try?"

Hearing the request, a weird grin crept on to Leo's face and he took the mug Zoro was currently hold, dropping a single drop into the contents inside, the drink immediately gained a glow to it.

Handing the mug back to Zoro, who was giving him a sceptical look about the amount, Leo just kept smiling and awaited the results. With the mug in hand, Zoro nonchalantly brought it to his lips and then chugged it back without hesitation.

Leo immediately started laughing at him, because a second later, Zoro's whole face was red and even though he was sitting down, his body started swaying all over the place.

With just that drop, Zoro was already drunk to the point he was seeing eight of everything, which was exactly what Leo knew would happen.

It was a drink designed specifically for him and if not for Zoro's strong constitution, his liver would have exploded. He know this because he gave some to the Hancocks subordinates on Amazon Lily when asked and they were too weak to handle it. For anyone strong enough, a single drop is all it takes and they are pretty much down for the count and even then, it I bad to down it like Zoro had and should be slowly sipped at.

Throwing some silver flames at Zoro, Leo healed any damage and slightly sobered him up to the point he could at least talk.

Grinning knowingly, Leo asked him. "How you feeling there bud?"

Zoro looked at him still red faced and seeing multiple. He spoke with a drunken slur. "What ya talking about? I'm fiiiiine."

Laughing at his stubborn friend, Leo hit his back in amusement. "Sure you are." He took another swig of his booze, before getting up strolling over to the girls to dance.

Like this the party continued, people sang, danced and got drunk together. Before long, Leo and the girls were fairly drunk, with even Shirahoshi not being exempt and on the verge of passing out.

Leo saw this and decided to take to her room while a swaying as he walked. 'Stealthily' stalking him from behind, the girls followed them with their own unstable movements and while pulling along another, but slightly less drunk figure.

Soon arriving at Shirahoshi's room, Leo had to jump a few metres up to get on her bed, seen as it was built with her original size in mind. When he landed, they bounced on the bed a bit, making them laugh.

When they got over their intoxicated laughing, they crawled over to the pillow and collapsed into the softness. Leo laughed a bit more and pushed himself up to his knees.

Grabbing the massive blanket, he pulled it and covered the already passed out Shirahoshi with it. He stroked her head and then stood up, pulling a bottle of Magic Alcohol from his inventory, taking a few swigs as he tried to make his way back across the bed.

Before he could reach half way however, he was tackled by Nami as she hungrily began sucking on his tongue. Leo fell back and somehow managed to save his booze, meanwhile Nami was already grinding on him and removing his clothes.

Given a moment, his brain caught up with the situation and he began reciprocating the tongue sucking, putting his hand on her butt and squeezing it.

While those two were getting things started, Nami's three conspirators and their hesitant accomplice began undressing themselves.

When she had her clothes off, Robin went behind Nami and wrapped her arms around her orange haired sister, placing her hands on distracted girls breasts as she began to massage them sensually. As she played with Nami's pink nipples, her tongue slowly slid up her neck while she gave the occasional kiss and sucked gently, leaving love marks on her.

Once Nami had Leo's upper clothing off, she pulled away, sitting up as she continued to grind up against him. Turning her head to the side, towards Robin, the two's mouths met and they began kissing each other lewdly.

Even in his drunkenness, Leo was greatly enjoying the show before him, along with Nami's passionate moving of her hips. However, he wasn't one to be passive in such moments.

Bringing his bottle of booze to his mouth, he drank half the contents in one go and then put the bottle back in his inventory. A grin appearing on his face, he tore Nami's jeans apart and simultaneously got rid of his own.

Feeling Leo's cock against her bare pussy, Nami's movements became more vigorous. This was too little for her though, so even as she made out with Robin, she lifted her hips and as she felt his gland against her opening, she dropped down with fervor.

But, the stiff and hot rod her quivering lower body had been anticipating never came. Instead, hungry and drooling cunt only met the bed beneath her.

Confused by this, she broke the kiss between her and Robin, looking down at where Leo should have been, but found nothing as even his hand was gone from her rear.

Robin also notice the peculiarity and the two of them began looking around in confusion. Upon looking behind them, they saw that Leo was now standing behind the horned twins, Mary and Anna, leaning down as he passionately kissed Mary while his arms were draped over their shoulders and groping their breasts.

Nami pouted discontentedly at this and whined out in drunken protest. "Leoooo~! What are you doiiiing~?! I want you inside me~!!"

Glancing over to her mid kiss, Leo saw her pitiful appearance and felt his arousal grow. Separating from the kiss, he left Mary panting with a red face as he smirked at the beauties only a short distance away. "Ah ah ah, neither you or Robin are getting any, any time soon~" He pointed a finger at them and shot flames that wrapped around them, moving the bodies and turning into rope, tying their arms behind their backs and their leg spread into an 'M" position, while also gagging them. "It's time for that punishment I mentioned~"

Leo watched as the two of them shifted around and tried to free themselves, but it was a fruitless endeavour. They both looked at him, Nami with a pleading expression and Robin with defiant, slightly cocky one.

Knowing why Robin had such an expression, Leo quirked an eyebrow with amusement and provocation. Seeing this, Robin confidently went to use her powers, only for a panicked look to appear on her face as Leo's smirk grew wider. "What's wrong Robin~ Can't use your power? We're you planning to make a hand to pleasure yourself? Did you think I wouldn't account for that, my little devil~?"

Robin's eyes widened and she started to struggle in her binds, giving Leo quite a show as he breasts swayed and bounced, while she bucked her hips, perfectly displaying her glistening pussy.

Licking his lip at the delicious meal before him, he had to tear his eyes away so as not to pounce on her and ruin the punishment. Looking at Anna, he saw that as he was groping her, she was fingerings herself.

He was going to kiss her, but just he moved his head down, Anna suddenly pulled her fingers from vagina stuck them into his mouth. This made him raise an eyebrow curiously, but he didn't have any reservations about sucking and licking her love juice coated fingers as though they were a delicacy.

Turning her body around, Anna pushed herself up against him and removed her fingers from his mouth, giving him a brief kiss before seductively biting her lower lip. "I want you to fuck me~ But Mary and I can wait until after you've had fun with the new girl." Both her and Mary then separated from him.

Leo was too drunk to understand what she meant though and tilted his head in confusion. To this, Anna grinned and pointed behind him, making him turn to see what she was pointing at.

When he turned around, he was surprised to see Sharley was there, gently fingering a slit two inches below where her human and fish section connect that wasn't there before. This is how Mermaid bodies are, during any time they want to relieve themselves, there is a soft spot the will open up.

In most cases, it is below the centre most top scale, in between the two just beneath. The two scales will seemingly separate and their vaginas open for insertion. In Sharley's case, as a shark type, her scales aren't so obvious, but it's not hard to find the spot your looking for.

The biggest difference between human women and Mermaids, is that Mermaids don't have a clitoris, instead just having a fleshy hole that is their vagina, which is more sensitive than a humans.

As for their rectums, they are in a similar place, but on the backsides. If that wasn't obvious.

Anyways, as Leo watched this uniquely alluring scene, even though drunk, he still had the sense to check with the others for assurance. When he turned to them, he saw that Anna was sticking her tongue into deepest parts of Mary's vagina. So, he looked to the other two, who even though tied up, gave him a nod, their nipples erect with excitement.

Though he wasn't just jumping in without a care, he was still pretty drunk, so this was all needed as confirmation that they were okay with it. Considering they are the ones who brought her, that should have been obvious, but whatever.

He started making his way over to Sharley, who was heavily immersed in her masturbation, her purple blouse open as pale breasts heaved with each steaming breath.

When he arrived in front of her, he had grown to be a head taller than her and gently pushed her on to her back, making her look at him with a healthy blush as he loomed over her with a heated gaze.

"I, I... I just-" She tried to speak and explain herself, but all she could do was stutter, her eyes wandering up and down his muscular body.

Seeing her unable to collect herself, Leo slowly leaned down and kissed, placing his a hand on the side of her face affectionately. He made sure to go slow and with little strength so that she could push him away if she wanted. But, although she hesitated at first and didn't know how to react, she soon ended up embracing not only the kiss, but also her feelings.

She wrapped an arm around his neck and kissed him more passionately, while the hand that was previously used for pleasuring herself, shifted over to his cock as she carefully stroked it and rubbed the tip against her vagina.

After a moment, Leo slowly separated from her and asked. "Are you ready?"

Rather that answering verbally, she pulled his head back down and re-engaged in their kissing session. As she kissed him, her tail came up from between his legs and her tail fin pressed against his lower back, pushing his hips to tell him her answer.

Answer recieved, Leo pushed his hips forward and his penis slid into her tight, slippery hole and immediately made Sharley orgasm. The sensitivity of a Mermaid was no joke, especially when they are in love.

The hand that she was using to direct his penis had quick found its place on his back, her purple painted tails trying to dig into him.

Unfortunately or fortunately for Sharley, depending on how you look at it, the new sensation of having his dick inside a Mermaids pussy and the fact that he is inebriated, Leo didn't give her any time to recover from her orgasm and began thrusting without mercy.

"Mmmmmm!!!" A loud moan was all that could escape from the shark Mermaid, as her mind was overcome with the pleasure she felt from her overly sensitive pussy. With every thrust from Leo, Sharley tried to compare it with any of the times she masturbated before this and found all her previous experiences to fall way more than short in comparison.

As Leo continued to thrust, Sharley found her body moving on it's own, her tail no longer on his back, as it initially relaxed before starting to repeatedly hit off the bed as her hips bounced and pushed her up against him, letting him smash into her cervix with each thrust.

Off to the side, the moans and slapping of flesh served only to invigorate Anna as she devoted herself to pleasuring her soul sister, happily slurping up the juice that sprayed out of her. For Nami and Robin though, this truly was a punishment.

The two had an itch that they were dying to scratch, but their binds prevented any king of attempts to so much as alleviate it. After all, the only thing that would truly get rid of their itches, was currently balls deep in Mermaid pussy and it was by their own design.

If they had known they would be put in the situation, where they would have to wait even longer for their punishment to be over, then they might not have brought an extra person. Currently, all they could be happy about, is that Shirahoshi is sleeping and that means they won't have to wait for her as well.

Meanwhile, after constant thrusting and getting to enjoy his shark girl lovers pussy, Leo was close to cumming. As for Sharley, she had already come multiple times and if not for her body being stronger than a humans, she'd likely have passed out.

Feeling his ejaculation approaching, Leo suddenly lifted himself and Sharley up so that he was on his knees. His hands were on her ass and holding her up, as he began thrusting harder and faster, pushing against her cervix, but not quite penetrating inside.

With a strong final thrust, he came straight inside her womb, making her vagina practically suck on him in joy and try to get every drop it could.

Once he had completely finished ejaculating, Leo pulled out of her vagina, going against the wanting pull that it gave. He continued to kiss her for a moment longer and then removed his mouth from hers, letting fall into him as she tiredly panted with a very satisfied expression.

Carefully, he lowered her down to the bed and leaned over her, admiring her post orgasm beauty, before leaning in and giving one last kiss. He wouldn't mind lying down beside her and cuddling together, but he still had his other girls to satisfy.

So, with that kiss being the end of their fun, he moved on to the next of his ladies. He stood up and turned to Anna, going behind her as he shrank to normal size and sticking his dick inside without hesitation. His dick was still covered with Sharley's sticky juices and Anna was soaking wet, so there was no need for foreplay.

Happy squeals were produced by Anna when she felt her one and only penetrate her to her depths. Leo didn't wait for her to ask and immediately started pistoning into her like a machine, quickly making her mind go fuzzy with a swift climax.

Seeing that she'd already came didn't make Leo let up, instead, he began thrusting harder and made her face become buried in Mary's pristine, puffy little pussy.

The two sisters moaned out in pleasure, Anna, because of the pounding she was getting. And Mary, because with each thrust of Leo's made Anna's tongue, which she was subconsciously twirling around, vibrate in her pussy with every moan.

As Leo went at it from behind, he spread her ass and got a full view of Anna twitching hole, an arousing sight that prompted him to insert his thumb inside.

Feeling the sudden insertion in her rectum, Anna gasped and her body shivered in delight, her vagina constricting around him and trembling as she sprayed her lewd pussy juice on the bed below her. No matter how many times she experiences it, no matter how much she expects it, she always cums so easily when her ass is played with.

Usually, after making her squirt for the first time of the night, Leo would slow down some and let her get her wits together so that she could last longer. But, with him currently being quite drunk, his mind was more focused on what he was feeling and his body just kept thrusting.

Feeling her insides being ravaged, Anna's eyes rolled back and her mind went blank. Being dominated made her her body melt and fully act in the interest of pleasing Leo's lustful desires.

The constant and merciless pounding of pussy had Anna in a state of near constant state of orgasm, with her tongue no longer being able to please Mary and simply serving as space filler for her aching snatch.

Fortunately for Mary, Leo was soon about to cum and started speeding up, his dick kissing the entrance to of Anna's womb, which latched on to him to take the incoming sperm to her deepest parts. Suddenly and without hesitation, metaphorical dam burst for the second time and the contents were blew straight into her, all while he continued to piston fuck her spasming cunt.

Only when his prolonged orgasm finished did Leo stop his movement and pull his cock out of her pussy, his cum spewing out as a result.

Without pause, his eyes moved to the seemingly innocent Mary, as she not so innocently rubbed and pinched her clit, while she greedily sucked on her own nipple with an extremely perverted expression.

The scene made Leo's cock twitch excitedly and he quickly found himself going over, picking her up and making Anna's tongue fall out of her pussy, it being swiftly replaced and outdone by his dick. As he penetrated into her and was already on the cusp of breaching into her womb, he brought his head down and capture her mouth, joining in sucking her nipple.

This is how it goes at times like these. At any other time, Mary is the sweetest and most caring person you'll meet. But when her switch is flipped, she becomes a slutty girl that would even beg for Leo to fuck her. Of course, this only applies to Leo, as she will burn others to ash if they try anything.

Held in Leo's arms, Mary aggressively bounced herself on Leo's cock, giving both of them a greater pleasure than if he was just thrusting into her.

While they were sucking on her puffy nipple together, a sweet liquid began leaking from both that and her other nipple. This wasn't a surprise by any means, unlike when it first happened and shocked screams of defeat rang across Amazon Lily.

When Mary first lactated during sex, everyone thought she was pregnant, even Leo. This made no sense though, because from what they've discovered through constant unprotected sex, he can't get them pregnant. For some it was of no consequence, as they don't want to get pregnant any time soon. But for a few, who had at least thought about it, it was a disappointing revelation.

For the girls that were disappointed, Leo didn't do something stupid, like telling them they should find someone else that can fulfil their dreams. (I hate that cliche.) No, instead he hugged and comforted them, telling that will someday find a way to fix his body and give them what they want. There was then happy wholesome lovey dovey cuddling afterwards.

But anyways, as her milk seeped into their mouths, they drank it and continued to exchange saliva passionately.

As he held Mary by her butt, Leo squeezed her marshmallowy cheeks and gave an extra strong thrust as he dropped her down on his pole, finally breaking into her womb. Mary screamed out in delight, her reddened nipple fell free from her and Leo's mouth as her spine arched back.

Even with her tongue hanging out and her face red with perverted euphoria, Leo still saw her as being more cute than anything. This lead him to start thrust vigorously as he buried his face into her cleavage and enjoyed her wonderfully soft fun bags.

Wrapping around her waist and holding her tightly, Mary was like a doll in his grasp, but a silly grin was spread across her face from him hugging her like this. She felt her heart pound with love, her womb and vagina tightened around him and her eyes shone with devotion that gave off hints of obsession.

Since the start, Mary had been cumming nonstop, but now that things were reaching the climax, so was she and it was going to be her best one yet.

With a few final thrusts, Leo finally gave her what she need to teeter over the edge and his semen exploded into her, making her body stiffen before turning to jelly as she fell unconscious, her pussy still spraying her juices on Leo's crotch and soaking the bed below.

Seeing that Mary had passed out and feeling significantly more sober, Leo removed himself while releasing a satisfied groan. He then stood up and kissed Mary's head, before taking her and the other two up to Shirahoshi's pillow, lying them down and putting the blanket over them.

Smiling at them as they slept cutely, Leo felt warmth in his soul, but he still hadn't enjoyed dessert. So, as his smile turned into a smirk, he turned to the two bound ladies he was punishing and saw them breathing heavily with red faces while their eye were foggy.

Bringing his booze out again, Leo walked over to them while taking small swigs of his drink. When he arrived in front of them, he saw that their vaginas were drenched, their clits and nipple, stiff and twitching. They had drool seeping down their chins through their gags.

Not to be a lier, Leo thought they looked incredibly hot and alluring like this, but he also felt a bit bad for leaving them to suffer like this.

Crouching down, he put his bottle away and looked at them with a small grin. "So, have my little kitty and devil learned their lesson about teasing me?"

The two of them nodded in a bit of a daze, all their thoughts being about getting the dicking they desired.

Leo chuckled at them, stood and flicked his wrist, dispelling the ropes that bound them. With the ropes gone, Nami and Robin went on their sides, shadows covering their face forebodingly.

Suddenly, the two of them sprung at Leo as if to knock him down, like to have their revenge and dominate him. But, Leo stood still as they jumped at him, not even being surprised when instead of any sort of revenge, they pushed their faces into his crotch.

Placing his hands on their heads, he looked down at them and smiled seeing their slutty expressions as they licked his dick. True to his nicknames for them, Robin, as she licked his tip of any of the girls juices and his cum, now has two black devil horns on the side of her head, beneath which is her now pointed ears, with a long, slender and flexible black tail with an arrow like tip coming from her lower back. As for Nami, she was licking around the base, while she now has fluffy white, black tipped tiger ears with her normal ones gone, and a tail with black stripes on them, while her hair had gained a few black and white streaks throughout. Both now have slit pupils, but were difficult to see through the lust that clouded them.

Soon they decided to switch, Nami running her tongue up his shaft to his tip, while Robin dragged her own down to his balls. They took the next step and took him into their mouths, Nami filling her mouth as Robin stuffed her cheeks with his testicles.

Leo's hands were still on their head and were stroking their hair, playing with Robin's horns and Nami's ears.

Although he was greatly enjoying the double blowjob, Leo decided that he should give them what they want. "Alright, you two have waited long enough. Nami, lie on your back and spread your legs. Robin, you get on top of Nami and do the same."

Perking up, they both let go of his cock and excitedly got into position. When the delicious meal was set before him, Leo licked his lips and went down for a taste, running his tongue from entrance of Nami's vagina, up over her urethra and passing from her clitoris to Robin's, where he went over her urethra and stopped at her opening.

The moment he got to Robin's quivering womanhood, he pushed his tongue inside her. From there, he lifted her lower body up and continued his meal, while he brought his hip forward, lining his cock up with Nami's pussy and then slamming into her with one strong thrust, followed by many more.

As Robin had her arched and was eaten out, Nami was having pussy pounded, all while their hard nipples rubbed against each other. The two of them were moaning into the one another's mouths, having re-engaged their kiss from before.

While she had her vagina devoured by Leo, even with the awkward position, she entrusted everything to him and brought her hands behind her, placing them on her ass and parting her cheeks to give him a full view of her twitching anus.

The sight of her pink little asshole was arousing enough, but she added to it by controlling her tail and making I wrap around Leo's head, before playfully teasing her asshole with the tip and then inserting it inside. This made Leo's arousal spike and he began thrusting harder.

When Leo went harder, Nami's eyes lit up with joy and even through the kiss she was sharing with Robin, she tried to scream out how much she was enjoying it. "MmmmMm!!! Yeeeesh! Leo! Fuhk me harder!!"

Not one to disappoint, Leo did what she wanted and more. With Nami's strong body and mythical creature inheritance, Leo could go much harder and faster, so he did.

Thrusting his hip with practiced skill from the last few years, he started going at such speeds and strength that it was almost possible to hear the bed creaking, regardless of how big it is.

The suddenness of the extreme fucking put Nami in a stunned silence as Robin became the only active member in their face sucking competition.

Enjoying himself like this, Leo came inside her quickly, not bothering to hold out and just doing it when he felt like it. He has an infinite amount of stamina and with their strength, one round isn't enough when they are frustrated.

Because he had finished with Nami for the time being, he took his tongue out of Robin's vagina and lowered her body down on to Nami's. But, that was just for he rear, as he reach up and grabbed her horns, making her body spasm.

He showed no mercy despite the mini orgasm from her sensitive horns and thrusted his member it her. Her upper body arched back this time, her breast bouncing with each thrust Leo gave.

The bouncing and swaying of her breasts soon stopped, as Leo made another pair of arms and started groping the fantastic balls of delight.

As he fucked her pussy, he could feel her tail that was still in her ass, but it was unmoving. So, he made a third arm that immediately grabbed her tail and began pushing and pulling it, using it as a toy to fuck her ass with. And as an added benefit for Robin, her tail can also act as erogenous spot, so she was feeling even more pleasure as a result.

Again, Leo started thrusting harder and faster, quickly sending her into a daze and then later ejaculating inside, suddenly pulling her tail out of her ass at the same time. He then gently lowered Robin back on to Nami, before slowly removing his dick from her as he got rid of the extra arms.

So now, he was left with two daze, but conscious beauties and a desire to keep going. He looked at them and saw Robin's slightly gaping asshole, instantly getting the idea for what he was going to do next.

Taking his dick, he positioned it at the entrance of Robin's asshole and slowly slid on inside, bringing her back to her senses as she moaned sexily and tightened her rectum while looking back him with a sultry smile, now fully lucid and eager for more.

Leo grinned back at her and leaned in, capturing her lips as he began to slowly move his hips. Their nightly fun really only just begun.

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