Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)
"Curtain!" Law manifests his blue dome barrier from his palm and projects it a few meters around himself.
Standing within his personal training ground at UA, he's surrounded by city blocks of rubble, formerly concrete buildings.
Currently, there were two more of Nezu's robots ahead of him, battering the shield with rubber bullets.
Behind the shield, he was currently wearing just his pair of UA's PE Uniform, leaving his top exposed, and using his new sword.
The new sword was an exact copy of his previous blade. A long katana with a white blade and blue edge, along with a matching scabbard and hilt.
After taking some time to get 'attuned' to it he can now use it with his Quirk, getting him access to all his abilities once more.
His visor was off to reveal himself drenched in sweat and with a constant trickle of blood running down from his nose and ears.
It was currently sunset, and he'd been training and studying himself here since sunrise...yesterday.
Taking breaks between sets of training to eat and get new robots, not that he needed much rest or food anymore, among other things he noticed about himself.
As the rubber bullets continue Law focuses on the Room he was currently in.
Only spanning the few hundred meters of this private training area.
The sudden influx of information floods his brain, as usual. Every piece of rubble and stray leaf. Every robot and all the rubber bullets in the air appear frozen as it is all filed into his mind.
His perfect spacial awareness once again shows how invaluable it is as he tracks exactly how he has to move his sword to deflect some bullets and rush forward.
But things aren't so simple since All For One.
Now the information is accompanied by a desynchronization of his Quirks.
His mind and 'heart' are being pulled apart to do conflicting tasks in a way he couldn't detect or understand.
His heart speeds up for just a moment as a thin blue fog begins emanating from his now glowing eyes, feeling the power flowing through him his shield glows brighter as the blue becomes less and less transparent, it too begins releasing the same Energy Vapor as he's unable to regulate his output.
But all of this happens in less than one-hundredth of a second, and a moment later.
"Argh!" a hail of rubber bullets slam into Law as his Quirk shuts off.
The sudden influx of information conflicts with his instincts and Quirks to hit like a white-hot stake being hammered into his skull.
The loud impacts of rubber bullets hitting his tough skin echo out once more, 23 shots to the chest and abs leave purplish-black welts and have him stumbling back.
Dropping to one knee he tries to focus his mind, hearing the constant clicking of the empty guns twenty meters away before the two robots begin walking forward.
Opening his eyes he looks at the ground, vision blurred from the sheer pain of what he just felt. As if his head was shoved into Endeavor's flames.
He sees more and more blood dripping down to the floor, feeling another fully flowing stream running down from his nose and out of his ears.
Feeling his lunch about to spill out he covers his mouth and forces it to stay down, rising to his feet, and swaying slightly as he does so.
Seeing both the robots slowly approaching he grits his teeth as the pain in his head diminishes quickly, just as it always does.
Then he takes a deep breath, filling his chest, and looks down to see all the rubber bullets that were stuck to him falling to the floor.
He creates a room 50 meters wide.
"Booster Shot," the blackish-purple welts on his chest where the bullets hit begins glowing with his usual blue Healing Energy, much brighter than before meeting All For One, and his skin immediately returns to normal.
The exact same routine as he'd been doing all day with his injuries.
Lowering his stance slightly he rockets forward in a full sprint.
Still keeping himself enhanced with Booster Shot he easily breaks past 60mph, -96km/h or -26m/s-, and closes the distance between him and the robots.
Ignoring the pain caused every time he has to move his body beyond the standard everyday movements.
The downside of Life Force, the Quirk which gives him double the vitality at the cost of making athletics severely limited.
Even now all his muscles constantly felt stiff and sore no matter what he did to alleviate it.
Arriving at the robots he swings at one with his sword.
Booster Shot + Incision!
His enhanced sword slash comes down harder than ever, it easily cleaves through the robot, slicing reinforced titanium alloy as if were nothing.
The usual training robots were built to be slow and fragile, but these are Nezu's Campus Defence robots...without the live munitions of course since this is training.
As his blade is about to exit he feels another jolt of pain. The same blue Energy Vapor had just barely begun manifesting around his blade before his Quirk shut off and everything went black.
Less than a second later he wakes up while rolling across the hard concrete floor, skidding to a stop and looking up just in time to see the other robot retracting its hand.
Reaching up he feels some blood at the back of his head where it had punched him the moment he lost focus.
"This is just embarrassing...I'm worse than Deku," Law grumbles as he struggles to get up, running at it with his tired body and empty hands. His sword was sent flying out of his grasp as he was knocked across the ground.
He creates a Room just big enough for both of them.
"Booster Shot!" He yells out while swinging with a strong right, embedding up to his shoulder in the robot as he punches it apart.
He pulls out his arm and the robot harmlessly falls to the floor, leaving him to look down at the cuts and bruises on his arm already glowing blue and healing up without any command from him.
"Ok, that's pretty useful. Reflexive healing isn't worth all this bullshit, but it's nothing to complain about," Law mutters as he looks around, seeing his sword on the floor a few meters away.
Done with his training for now, until he takes a break and gets some more robots, he takes a step forward to go collect his sword.
Then feels as if his legs are about to give out.
"Nope," he sits right where he is and just leans back against the robot, deciding this was as good a place as any to rest.
Closing his eyes and ignoring the blood running down his head and now dripping onto his chest, he tries to enjoy the cool evening breeze as the sun sets over the horizon.
"Ok Law, two days of training and studying...what do you know?" he asks himself, thinking aloud before he consciously decides to just think to himself, at least while on UA campus, since everything here can be assumed to be free data for Nezu.
'Ok. So I've still got Hand Of God, my original Quirk.
Then I've got Energy Saver, which lets me work on 1/8th of the food, sleep, and energy of a regular person for all my necessary functions.
And it lets me sleep on command and stay more alert during sleep...but that second part may just be because of Hand Of God...
Energy Dynamo, my body produces energy more efficiently...I basically just have more output for the same input. This also helps my stamina recovery a ton so I can just rest up quickly and get back into fights.
Then there's Energy Enhancer...kind of vague from the Quirk Database, but at least in my case it lets my body produce energy that's more easily usable, and optimizes it even further.
This is probably why my eyes and stuff are glowing and releasing that weird Energy Vapor...
And then the colossal pain in my ass, Life Force. Doubles my capacity...not that I can fully use it without having a seizure, but at least it doubled so one day I will be able to.
But the doubled lifespan did nothing for me since my Telomeres are perfect thanks to Hand Of God.
Not to mention the fact that my body is always so fucking stiff and sore makes doing anything but walking painful...I hate this fucking Quirk!'
Law takes a moment to calm down, warping his water bottle to him to take a drink.
'Ok, so I know Hand Of God is still fine, all my abilities work. The other Quirks should have integrated fine. And Life Force should have been fixed so the drawback of limited athletic ability is gone...so what the hell is going on?
My body is fine, my mind is fine. My Quirks...no, just Quirk. Since I more or less integrated them all into Hand Of God it's just one Quirk now. Plus they all just enhance my own Quirk anyway.
I even said it myself, one body cannot have multiple Quirks because once they're fully integrated it becomes a new Quirk.
I followed my own logic, the correct logic, and I feel like it's still trying to kill me.'
Law growls in frustration and slams his hand into the concrete floor.
And the moment his skin makes contact his Quirk activates a small room, just big enough for his body, automatically boosting his physical strength to crack the floor.
Looking at the damage he lifts up his hand, and notices it was healed instantly.
'Well...once I keep the information input to only what is absolutely necessary I should be fine. And I'll have to try to keep my adrenaline and heart rate down. The higher those get or the more into a fight I am then the more likely my Quirk is to just try and pull in as much information as possible.
If I do that in a big fight it could kill me. But I don't even know what's wrong with me to set a timeline for solving this. And if I can't solve it and school starts up in three weeks All For One is probably not gonna attack Tartarus.
Seeing me alive should be enough proof, but if he gets any hint that I'm not healthy it's all gone. Why would he bother with his part of the proposed contract when he knows I can't even hold up my end of the---'
Law stops his train of thought, realizing in his haste to pull himself together and understand what was going on he completely overlooked something.
"The spy," he mutters.
'I won't have to worry about him finding out anything if I just find the spy and ki--- hand them over to the cops...stupid hero bullshit.
And if I kill the spy then Nezu is probably gonna easily figure out it's me, then I would have voided my own contract like a dumbass.
But yeah, hand them over to the cops and give Nezu the credit, that way he doesn't think I did it just to hide my failure.
I completely forgot about his spy in all this chaos, but once I get rid of that person then All For One will just assume I'm healthy and attack Tartarus, he gets them out, I fix him up, then we leave Japan forever...easy.
Too bad I can't take credit for the spy, that would help me out a lot, and I could let Nezu say he ordered the investigation so UA looks better too, but I can't have my name anywhere near this mess.'
Law sits on the floor for a while longer, putting all the pieces he had together.
'All For One is old, damn ancient. 300 years old, his spy could be anyone, and I'm assuming they even know they're the spy. It could just be using Telepathy to rip information out of them when they leave school.
But no, they'd have to either be one of the teachers, but only Eraser, Nezu, Vlad, and All Might knew where the camp was. I know at least 3 of them are clean, and Vlad got hurt too badly to be the spy, he almost got put into retirement from that fight.
Then there would have to be an incentive...All For One can give people Quirks, the best incentive.
But among the remaining teachers, they've all got pretty good Quirks, and I don't think he would have used the Pussycats since even he couldn't predict Nezu asking them for help.
So then that leaves the students, and as a doctor and Nezu's favorite, I've got their medical records on my phone, just in case I had to perform any field medicine.
I guess it's about time I finally have a look at those...'
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