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24.93% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 95: CHAPTER 091(New Plans)

Capítulo 95: CHAPTER 091(New Plans)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (30+ chapters ahead)


"What an unexpected outcome..." All For One's deep and shrill voice mutters quietly.

He was sitting in his dark room atop the large and comfortable chair, multiple life support devices plugged into him to help keep him stable.

And off to the side was a screen playing the final moments of Horizon's interview between himself and Chitose.

The entire interview took just over an hour, but for the future demon lord of Japan, it gave enough answers for a lifetime.

Standing beside All For One at the moment was Kurogiri, the most essential of all their Nomu, currently waiting patiently for any command his master gives.

"Call Ujiko," All For One commands, and the screen hears his voice and obeys.

"Master," Dr. Ujiko answers, his camera shut off so only his voice was coming through.

"I assume you saw that interview doctor..."

"Of course, and once again I must insist that we do away with those pathetic League Of Villain children. You only took control of the Paranormal Liberation Army weeks ago when this interview was announced, and look at how well they did with your instructions.

Perfectly executed, they got all the answers we needed out of Horizon, without alerting him of any villain involvement."

All For One sighs, once again having to deal with his friend being sick of sinking precious Nomu resources into Shigaraki's little games.

Kurogiri speaks up, "shall I transport Gigantomachi to terminate the League Of Villains master?"

All For One shakes his head, slightly annoyed that he seems to be the only person interested in keeping Shigaraki around. "No Kurogiri, I still have use for Tomura Shigaraki."

"Do you still intend to stick to your original plan?" Ujiko asks.

"No, we now have confirmation that the plan is unnecessary. I no longer need any successor, transferring my original Quirk into storage until Tomura is ready for it is pointless. And I certainly prefer using the superior original than the cloned version I would have had."

"Then why do we need the brat if you don't plan to pass everything down to him?"

"Because, my dear friend, I will live forever. But before that, I will use Tomura as an ace to wrench All Might's heart, my greatest heinous act to spite him, and Nana Shimura. Until then we shall keep Tomura in the dark about the Meta Liberation Army, so long as they don't clash we shall be fine."

"I shall inform Tomura of this new rule," Kurogiri says.

"Yes, now doctor, shall we discuss the exact contents of that interview? It seems Horizon is already lined up to the next Symbol Of Peace, I'd like to do something about that if possible, after I get healed."

"Hmm, do you still believe he can heal you?" Ujiko asks. "The risk is quite immense, exposing yourself to someone so close to All Might, it could be detrimental."

"Has he not proven his genius time and time again doctor?"

"Well, he has. Although I still believe my Quirk Singularity theory is correct, I can admit there is much merit in his analysis. His mind is wasted as a hero, just imagine all the things he could do without those silly things like 'Human Rights' and 'War Crimes' limiting him, nonsense ideals only made to hinder the progress of science...he could be truly great standing beside us."

"True. And he clearly has a deep understanding of Quirks and medicine. Not to mention his terrifying intellect and intuition, Aoyama was able to confirm many things, but listening to those many recordings of him talking in school is nothing compared to the way he so easily figured out our goals."

"He's a problem master."

"No Ujiko, he's the one and only solution. Because I now know that for certain he can heal me..."

"Hmm, perhaps we should sacrifice the spy and have him ask for some sort of confirmation. The moment you make contact they will surely find him, so it makes no difference. Not to mention the risk involved in revealing yourself is too great, they'll instantly be searching for you."

"A problem if I followed our backup plan. But now I shall retain my original Quirk, I have nothing to fear. But of course, this is assuming they'd ever find me. I have purposely kept crime low in this area since Horizon entered the scene. His omnipresence is quite problematic, I can't afford to have him anywhere near me."

"I see, and what exactly did he say that has you so sure that he can perform this operation?"

"Because he said he can."


"You still fail at understanding people Ujiko, Horizon is a being of arrogance and absolute certainty in himself. When asked if creating a perfected Nomu was possible, his exact words were, 'they can't do it...', so he must think that he can."

"And with his track record, it wouldn't be that far of a stretch. But rebuilding someone from the genes up, even with a century of practice I'm still working on the process."

"Yes, but as brilliant as you are my friend, you aren't Horizon. Do remember that he's a living miracle doctor, you should try to have some faith..."

"Sigh, alright, but only because this man is our only hope at fully healing you."

"Thank you."

"But that leaves an even bigger problem now," Dr. Ujiko says. "Now we know he can heal you, how do we make an appointment?"

"Hmm," All For One falls deep into thought, considering his hundreds of contacts in and out of Japan that had enough leverage to make most people in the world do whatever he wants. But none of them could affect people like Nezu or Horizon.

They were the kind of individuals that nations would have gone to war for just centuries ago, they cannot be pressured by political or financial means. And he knew physically threatening Horizon wouldn't work, it would be the same as if he was threatened, and it would end very poorly.

His usual offer in cases like this would be a Quirk. Giving someone a second Quirk, a minor one that wouldn't overload their brain. That was enough to make most people do whatever he wants.

'His arrogance would see that as an insult, and we'd get into a pointless fight...'

"We need leverage," All For One says. "Aoyama reported that Horizon has no family, and from what he said during the interview I detected no lies."

"Classmates?" Ujiko asks.

"He doesn't particularly care about them."

"What about Principal Nezu? With an army of Nomus, Gigantomachia, yourself, and Kurogiri, it's possible."

"But unlikely, not to mention holding a hostage doesn't work with Horizon. I believe the best plan is to wait. One of my friends in the Hero Public Safety Commission gave me some interesting information and I'm trying to make certain connections. But it will be a week or more before any answers are found."

"That would leave two weeks before he heads to the training camp to meet up with his classmates, a perfect place for an ambush."

"Not an ambush doctor, just a chat. I have nothing to gain from fighting him, but everything to gain from bringing him to our side."

"I see, Shakedown is almost ready for such an encounter, either way, that is, it should be ready in ten days."

"Good, but I'd like to have as much information as possible before going into a potentially dangerous situation, at least now that I'm not as powerful as I once was, how about we provide a little exercise to Horizon..."

"Hmm, what do you suggest?" Ujiko asks.

"Let's just send a few demolition squads of Nomu into Tokyo and see how he does. Such an intense situation should force him to show more of his cards."

"Standard Nomu?"

"Mmm, no, I think it's about time he had a rematch with the Brainless, let's see exactly how much stronger he has become since the USJ..."

"This should provide useful information," Ujiko says. "Kurogiri, warp all the Nomu from lab 17 into Shibuya, I'm sending them a command to destroy everything and kill everyone..."

"Understood," Kurogiri says before expanding his Warp Gate and leaving the room...

While these plans were being made, just above the Shoowaysha publishing building, standing on his hoverboard 100 meters above the city, was Horizon.

Currently, he was apparently looking out at the massive Tokyo area, the skyline expanding beyond the reach of his vision, brightly lit to the point where he couldn't see any stars in the night sky.

But an important conversation was taking place in his visor at the moment.

"And you're sure about this?" Nezu asks from the other side of the call.

"Of course," Horizon says. "Cloning takes a lot of power and requires these preservatives and chemicals in bulk, track those shipments and you'll be one step closer to finding the Nomu production facility."

"Hmm, alright, I'll forward this to the police, but how did you figure out that they were cloning."

"How else would they have so many copies of Super Regeneration? It's a one in 300 million Quirk but they've had multiple Nomu with it, seems fishy. Not to mention at the rate they're burning through genetic material it makes sense to invest in cloning.

Cloning sentient beings is against humanitarian law, but clearly they don't care about those laws. And since only around 5% of Quirks can be used offensively in any useful capacity they can't just destroy every useful Quirk when a Nomu dies, they need spares."

"Curate as many useful Quirks as possible for when they operate on terrifying."

"Pretty much."

"But I must ask, what if a person was born with multiple Quirks? Would all of this be necessary?"

"What? That's a weird question," Horizon says.

"I'm simply curious."

"Ok, well...if you were born with multiple Quirks your body would have a safeguard so all of this wouldn't be necessary, not at all. You'd just exist like that and be fine," Horizon shrugs. "But it's not like that's possible. The way Quirks work there can't be one person with multiple Quirks."

"What do you mean?"

"The best way to describe it is like this, Quirks aren't attachments onto a person, they're part of a person. It's like adding a scope to a gun, the scope is the Quirk. Then you add a laser sight, in a sense that's another Quirk.

But the entire thing, the entire person is still one weapon, with appropriate attachments. That's why it all works together. So suddenly instead of a scope and a laser sight, the Quirk is just 'attachments' or something like that."

"Like Todoroki?"

"Exactly. If he was a Nomu he'd have Endeavor's Hellflame Quirk, and his mom's ice Quirk. But since he was born like that his genetic structure made it into one Quirk, half-hot half-cold.

Compared to that, Nomu is like the gun but instead of proper connectors you use tape to hold it all together, that's why they aren't fully stable, because the tape is always falling apart.

A person cannot be born with multiple Quirks, because when you're being made from the genes up they'll be treated as one Quirk, even if you have multiple abilities."

"I suppose we've grown so accustomed to Quirks that we identify abilities as Quirks rather than the Quirks themselves," Nezu says.

"Yeah, that's why Shoto's Quirk name is so stupid, Endeavor was clearly thinking of it as his Quirk and his wife's being in one body, but it's an entirely new Quirk..."

"I suppose I should add this to your Quirk Specialist data, along with your breakdown of the Nomu structure."

"Yeah, that'll----"


A loud explosion rattles the area, reaching all the way to Horizon from nearly 20km away.

"What was that?!" Nezu's panicked voice asks.

"Check the news, I'll call you back later---"

Horizon hangs up and begins racing into the city on his hoverboard, moving 100km/h.

Toward a massive skyscraper that was on it was down, about to flatten the streets around it that were already on fire...


Capítulo 96: CHAPTER 092(King Of The Hill)


pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (30+ chapters ahead)


"Oh, you've got to be kidding me..." Horizon mutters, the image of a city on fire reflected on his visor.

Flying above everything on his hoverboard he sees dozens of pale green or blue Nomus running rampant, attacking anyone they can find and already engaged with a few Pro Heroes.

He could also see a few news helicopters and drones flying about.

At the epicenter of the attack is a massive skyscraper, 200m -650ft- tall, the upper fifty stories currently tilting over as it threatens to flatten the surrounding buildings, the bottom ten floors already an inferno burning away at the supports.


Horizon creates a ROOM 2km wide, as always with him in the middle, still hovering high above the city.

"Shambles," he swaps out Nomu by the pairs for rumble close to the epicenter of the attack.

Second by second he pulls them away from scared and panicking fleeing civilians and brings them back to the middle of the battlefield.

"Now I need to get people out of here," he draws his sword and turns his board, facing away from the hoard of Nomu that the Pro Heroes were currently trying and failing to take down.

"There, a deserted area," Horizon points the tip of his blade at a faraway building, located at a massive intersection that was already empty. "Amputate!" he casually swings out, slashing one of the ten-story buildings diagonally.

The building is immediately slashed, and the weight is enough to make it slide down to the streets below and shatter.

"That's enough rubble, now I can get these people out of here," he holds his sword to the side and focuses. "Find all the people close to the danger, then...Shambles, shambles, shambles, shambles..." dozens of times he repeats.

He's absolutely sure to narrate, because his visor was recording, and he wants everyone to know exactly how capable he is.

As he's almost finished evacuating the unfortunate people that got stuck on the battlefield Horizon feels a sudden annoyance behind him, "seriously..." he looks down and sees a flying pale blue Nomu with bird wings ascending toward him.

Looking past it he sees groups of up to ten Pro Heroes unable to even take down one Nomu at a time, thankfully more were arriving by the second.

"They can't even stall these things for me to warp the civilians out of here...Shambles," he swaps places with the Nomu in mid-air as it swings at him with massive talons.

Suddenly appearing behind it he turns in place and slashes its back, "Incision," he smoothly cleaves through the wings and bisects the Nomu, leaving it to fall to the streets below in two dead pieces.

"Ok, back to work," he shrugs off the minor annoyance, and returns his focus to warping everyone away.

Less than a minute later all the civilians are safely at the edge of the battlefield, and Horizon finally gets to turn his attention to the Nomu below.


The lower section of the leaning skyscraper suddenly explodes a gas line meets the flames.

Horizon now finds himself looking up as the building begins falling directly toward him.

"Yeah, of course that would happen..." he says in an annoyed voice.

Then closes his ROOM and flies toward the exact middle of the building.

Putting his sword away he extends both hands forward as if he could catch the building with them.


1km wide with him in the middle, his ROOM forms.

"Takt!" he makes a physical pushing motion with his hands, because he needs absolute focus on this.

Suddenly he's feeling his mind strain to stop the falling momentum of the entire building.

His room shrinks to 900 meters.

Then 800.

Then 600.

Then 300.

And at just barely 250 meters, the building stops falling, almost entirely horizontal to the floor it floats in the air.

His Quirk used to command the entire structure and everything within it to simply stop.

Currently, his hands were directly above him -as if he were physically holding it over his head,- almost touching a glass window. Looking up he and his camera sees all the furniture and items within, floating in place as if frozen in time.

Chairs and desks and even pieces of paper and computers, all floating in place instead of falling to the street below to cause more chaos in the fights.

"Ok, that's a first," he does his best not to let his exhaustion be obvious as he speaks. "How far away are you?" Horizon groans at the response he gets in his visor, his backup was minutes away at best, then turns to the city below, seeing almost every fight halted.

Heroes were staring up at him in horror and shock, amazed that he caught a skyscraper and is holding it above them.

And around them all the Nomu are staring at him, their damaged minds taking a few moments to process the new orders, an attempt to test him, sent directly from All For One.

'Kill Horizon, the one with the sword and glass mask...'

All the Nomu either begin flying, taking massive super-strength-enhanced leaps, or clawing at nearby buildings to climb them and reach Horizon. A few even begin throwing objects.

"Crap," Horizon uses his hoverboard and flies down, ready to join the battle.

Descending to the streets he faces a bat-winged thin Nomu head on, and points his sword forward.

"Injection shot!" he launches three bullet that destroy everything from the brain to the exit point in the back of the monster.

"Nope, can't do much of that," he says, feeling the strain on his energy nearly shrink his room even more. At this point, it was barely encircling the building and surrounding street.

"They want me to drop the building, let's take 'em down quick!" Horizon yells out to the other heroes as he reaches the street level, snapping them out of their daze and back to their senses.

As the fight begins Horizon hops off the hoverboard and puts his boots on the ground.

Partly because he didn't want to give the Nomu any incentive to fly about, that way all the heroes could actually affect them.

But mostly because he didn't want his hoverboard to break since at the moment he can't risk using his more energy-intensive abilities, Shambles, Amputate, and Booster Shot.

Horizon slashes through yet another Nomu before leaping backward, dodging a bodyslam from an obese grey Nomu.

"Seriously?" He rushes forward and pierces its head, before cleaving down and cutting it in two, "Incision."

He looks around to see all the random heroes struggling with these weak Nomu and gives an annoyed growl.

"Damn paper heroes..." He launches into a killing spree, slashing apart Nomu as fast as he could, growing more and more annoyed by the lack of support most of these Pro Heroes offered.

Eventually, however, Horizon began getting winded.

Slowing down, moving about the battlefield less.

Pausing more between kills.

"What the hell is taking them so long..." he mutters under his breath, seeing a few more Nomu charging at him only to get dogpiled by some nearby Pro Heroes.

"Damn it," Horizon rushes forward as they get knocked back, "if I could just drop this building I'd be fine," he kills one Nomu, splitting it down the middle with his blade, but his sword got stuck halfway through its tough body.

Its kinetic absorption Quirk ate away at the energy in his slash, leaving it somewhat stuck in the corpse.

Horizon takes a step back, dodging an extended spearlike tongue from another Nomu. Turning to look at it for a moment he reaches forward and grabs his sword, then hurls it at the new attacker, impaling its brain and killing it.

Pivoting on his heel he spins and lands a strong right fist against the skull of another Nomu, staggering it slightly as its thin and lanky frame is pushed back, Normally he'd use Booster Shot to enhance his strength and do much more damage, but that takes too much energy.

As it stumbles back a large and burly Pro Hero tackles it away from him and drags it to the floor, immediately joined by two other Pros to pin it down.

Taking a few quick steps away Horizon retrieves his sword and sprints over to them, executing the Nomu they'd been holding down.

Then he takes a step back, hearing the constant fighting all around, seeing buildings crumbling each minute, but out of his ROOM, out of his influence, he was stuck in this zone, with the remaining Nomu that were all coming after him.

His exhaustion begins showing as he takes a few breaths, leaving the Pros to stall for a moment.

One of the men approaches him, a look of fear and panic on his face.

'Pathetic,' was Horizon's only thought, someone that's expected to be a Pro Hero showing weakness this easily.

But this was the natural response on a bloody battlefield, filled with destruction and corpses from both sides.

"Do we have a plan?!" The man asks, and Horizon just sighs.

"If they take me out that building falls, then the subway below us collapses, a lot of gas lines go boom and this city starts burning...even more.

They clearly know that so just keep using me as bait, I've already evacuated most of the people from inside buildings, focus on the fight," Horizon says, "just stay close to me, and we'll win."

The man's expression shifts from fear, to one of relief, then confidence, "right...right!"

Horizon nods and walks back into the fight...

After just another two minutes of fighting, with Horizon being one of the few people present who can handle the Nomu with physical Quirks, he's already on his last leg.

To the news drones above he still appeared strong and confident, but the people present could feel it, he was slowing down, even more, they now had to stall the Nomu for much longer before he moved on to the next.


A nearby building outside his ROOM explodes into rubble as a handful of corpses, formerly Pro Heroes enter his room and splatter across the floor.

And a second later, Brainless, the USJ Nomu itself appears on the battlefield.

'I really don't have the energy to deal with this thing right now...and this room is too small to play cat and mouse...'

Horizon subtly gives a command to his visor which calls his hoverboard back to him.

Most of the volume of this ROOM was in mid-air, with only the very edge of it being at ground level since it was made at the middle of the building in the air, leaving that as the epicenter.

"Blind him," he orders the nearby Pro Heroes, and they obey like the sheep they are. Immediately throwing any attacks or devices they have at the USJ Nomu, causing it to freeze as its sense of sight was gone.

In these few seconds Horizon hops on his hoverboard and takes to the sky, 'all I have to do is stay in this ROOM so it doesn't close, this building falls and the chain reaction of gas lines and the collapsed subway tunnels below us will cause a lot more damage than these useless fucks dying...'

As the smoke and dust clears, the USJ Nomu is still standing there, then it immediately looks up and locks onto Horizon.

The Nomu immediately jumps, cratering the road at its feet and knocking all the nearby Pros and Nomu away by the sheer shockwave caused by the explosive burst of energy.

Seeing it coming Horizon stands confidently on his overboard, arms folded across his chest as it rockets toward him.

And almost at the very last moment...

"FLASHFIRE FIST!---" Endeavor slams into the side of the Nomu like a fiery meteor, the sheer heat from his presence causes Horizon to instinctively fly away from him as he carries it off to the side, out from under the building.

Horizon felt his skin begin to sear and pop, even beneath all the measures to deal with standard environmental heat and cold, standing beside a worked-up Burnin was a mild annoyance. But being within 15 meters of a worked-up Endeavor nearly made his blood begin boiling.

Endeavor takes Nomu just far enough away, then spins and throws him directly up into the air. All the while Nomu never once takes its eyes off Horizon, who was still standing on his hoverboard in the same pose, trying not to give the impression that his skin felt like it was in a microwave.

As Nomu begins falling back down, all the flames around Endeavor that aren't on his feet to keep him airborne gather into this right hand, and he punches directly up at the Nomu.

"---JET BURN!" A pillar of intense orange flames fires out of his fist, completely engulfing the Nomu.

Looking up Endeavor sees Nomu still falling toward him, super-regeneration fighting against the inferno, in only a few seconds it would be clawing at his face.

'This is that monster that attacked UA...built to kill All Might, a perfect counter to Power Types. Too strong for me to physically match, I can't let it get to the floor where it has leverage...but I've got the most firepower of all flame users. I am its ultimate counter...'

He grits his teeth and raises his temperature, even more, feeling his arm begin to burn and his skin starts drying out, a hint of fever begins creeping across him as his bodily functions begin to deteriorate as he starts overheating.

"They tried to kill All Might...with something this weak!" The entire attack becomes a bright blue flame for barely a second, completely incineration the Nomu, leaving only charred carbonized husk to fall to the street below.

Endeavor turns around to see Horizon hovering a few dozen meters away, then glances down at his Flaming Sidekicks already dealing with the Nomu below, arriving seconds after him since they were much closer when this attack happened.

Compared to them, he was twice as far away, he had to fly all the way from his agency after the police called him.

Hovering over to Horizon he looks up at the floating building, but puts the sense of wonder to the back of his mind and focuses. "Will you be alright to keep this thing up while we deal with them?"

"Yeah, I can do this all day...but still, make it quick..."

Endeavor immediately cuts off the flames on his feet and drops down, catching himself closer to the ground and joining the fight, which would now be over soon thanks to his involvement.

Horizon sighs in relief, "finally some backup arrives..."


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