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98.14% Is it wrong to be a girl in a dungeon? / Chapter 51: Dare

Capítulo 51: Dare

English is not my first language, so you might find some mistakes in the translation of the chapter.

This chapter has been translated by various means in order to obtain the best result so that you may find some simple or regular wordings.

If you find any grammatical errors or misspelled words, please feel free to correct them or write a recommendation to improve the story. Your support would be appreciated.

Enjoy the chapter.


"..." - Dialogues.

'...' - Thoughts.

<...> - Spells


I will upload a chapter in Webnovel when I finish the draft of the next chapter in Spanish, something that clearly did not happen recently. I was without Internet for two weeks without the opportunity to look for references for my chapter and every time I opened Word, I didn't feel like writing, so it took me a while... yes, a while.

Likewise, I barely finished, and I must say that it was hard for me to finish it, not because I don't feel like writing, but because of the mood of being a long time without anything to do and not having ideas because I was not able to see anything on Social Networks. My cell phone data was finished, so I suffered not knowing anything.

Let's leave my ugly life and the excuse I gave you. Enjoy the chapter.


*Clank!* *Clank!* *Clank!* *Clank!*

The clash of weaponry echoed off the wall of Orario, more precisely on the northwest wall of the city. A dagger and a rapier constantly clashed loudly, with one employing more intensity than the other.

Front, left, right, and either side, was where Bell received Ais' attacks. Trying to show him how to maintain a good position, Ais attacked him from multiple directions.

No matter how many times Bell would block with his dagger, Ais simply send another attack, which most of the time hit Bell and the other times, which were few, were blocked.

Ais held back enough to give Bell a chance. In an instant, Bell was hit in the side of his body making him hold up where he was struck by the pain, however, Ais did not stop with the training.

Luckily for Bell, what Ais used in training was her Desperate's holster and not the Desperate itself. If not, Bell could have been seriously injured by receiving an attack.

Quickly Bell raised his dagger again, blocking Ais's attack, stepping backward, Bell attacked with a slash towards Ais, but the blonde easily dodged it.

Ais struck Bell's shoulder, causing the boy to hiss in pain, then Ais delivered another attack to Bell's abdomen, sending him flying. Bell coughed several times and rolled on the ground as Ais attacked him again.

When the training began, Ais didn't have many ways to teach another person, so the best she could do was to teach Bell how to fight with his dagger, demonstrating moves and making him learn others.

Bell's agility and dexterity gave him a good bonus for training. Ais took advantage of Bell's agility and attacked him with quick attacks. Bell was constantly falling, but he kept getting back up again and again.

Clashing the dagger with the sheath again, Ais couldn't help but compare Bell to Riku. They were very similar, yet Ais was mindful of many of the differences between them.

"Gah!" Bell was sent flying, falling backward against the ground.

Ais stopped and left her battle pose, noticing that Bell had fallen to the ground, probably unconscious. She nodded and walked over to Bell, only to stop when the boy got back up with determination.

However, Ais in her mind was pouting because she had not been able to make Bell a lap pillow since training began like the other days.

The reason was an easy one to explain.

"Again?" a voice commented in awe and full of praise "Does Bell really faint, Ais? I see him full of energy and determination"

Yes, Bell had not slipped into unconsciousness because his sister was watching him train. Bell wanted to look cool and not weak while Riku watched the training and from what Bell heard everything went great.

Likewise, Riku was impressed by Bell. She knows from Hestia that Bell had only been an adventurer for about a month and a half, so Riku was amazed by Bell's skill level.

Riku was sitting on one of the edges of the wall that connected to the city, that way she would see Bell and not be distracted by anything else.

Riku also contemplated Bell's equipment and smiled internally. She recognized that armor, she had seen a design like that a while ago when she went to ask Tsubaki for some magic swords.

The Dagger in Bell's hand was a reminder to Riku of when she used to be a novice adventurer, however, in Bell it was seen as a primary weapon in comparison to Riku who abandoned the dagger and switched to employing a sword.

"How are you feeling, Bell? Can you still fight?"

"Of course" Bell smiled self-assuredly "I can still continue sister. Please Miss Ais"

Ais nodded and raised her Desperate along with a thrust towards Bell, who instinctively raised his Dagger blocking the incoming attack, however Ais, like the other times, continued and sent another attack.

Ducking, Bell dodged an attack to his face and moved with a leap to the side when Ais reached him. Bell got up quickly, because being on the ground was a distinct disadvantage, and tried to hit Ais.

With footwork, Bell takes several steps back while receiving head-on attacks from Ais. Immediately switching from defensive to offensive mode was the best course of action for Bell.

Like the other times, Ais kicked Bell's face sending the boy flying as he spun a few times and fell to the ground. Riku grimaced as she watched her brother fall, at least Ais had consideration in not continuing to attack when Bell had completely collapsed.

"Are you okay Bell?" Riku got up from where she was sitting and walked over to help her brother "Are you in any pain? Do you need a potion?"

"Uh, n-no. I'm fine" Bell accepted Riku's help and took a seat leaning his back against the edge of the wall "Thanks"

"No problem"

Unlike most of the time Riku was smiling, her surroundings had a calm aura about them and ever since she had commented on the training she had been attentive to Bell checking to see if he needed help.

Nevertheless, Ais knew about the change. She was confused by how Riku was acting, however, Ais quickly understood when she noticed that Riku softened whenever he was near Bell.

Ais didn't fully understand what a sibling relationship was like, but she could glimpse the small reflexes in Riku that showed she was a little nervous. Only someone experienced could notice those changes.

"Uhm, sister"

"What's going on Bell?"

"D-Do you think I'm getting better?" Bell asked curiously "Lately I got knocked out by Miss Ais' attacks, but now it didn't happen like the other times"

Ais with her expression full of indifference, rolled her eyes knowing the reason for that.

"Well, there are many reasons" Riku explained "The first one why you get knocked out is because Ais doesn't know how to control her strength" Ais nodded "The other thing is that you have been improving, and also that dodging the attacks didn't hit you completely"

"I-It's like this..." Bell blushed, looked at his dagger, and then at Ais "What do you say, Miss Ais?"

Ais nodded with a small smile "I think you are growing very well, at an incredible rate" she was indeed impressed by that.

Looking at Riku and then at Bell, Ais definitely knew that between the two of them, there was something that increased their growth.

For one thing, Ais knew about Riku's growth because she once talked about it in an executive meeting and apparently it didn't make much sense. What Riku said was that one simply had to put oneself in constant mortal danger to grow and overcome those battles.

Riveria frowned and scolded Riku for doing that, however, Riku retorted that it was true. Ever since Riku was young, she took risks against strong enemies and stood behind her companions supporting others stronger than her.

A girl who always made an effort without caring about the pain she got from fighting. Even on the brink of death, she would not stop, for according to Riku, she would die when she herself decided to do so.

However, looking at Bell, Ais could not understand him. With a simple glance, it was possible to tell that Bell was not fit to be an adventurer.

Ais glanced sideways at Riku and guessed that the white-haired girl had a similar thought or also that Riku deliberately ignored it just to be near Bell.

Rephrasing Ais's thinking. Bell did not have physical or mental problems with being an adventurer, but Bell lacks that ambition, desire, eagerness, risking his life for his goals. That's what a true adventurer was like.

Even Riku had greedy thoughts from time to time, creating plans and techniques to get a lot of resources from the dungeon and spend it wherever he likes best.

Ais knew that all adventurers had a distortion in them, something that allowed them to endure and overcome the dismay of being an adventurer, yet Bell showed none of that.

Contrary to all expectations, Bell would get nervous when something troubling happened, get depressed if he was sad, blush and smile when he was happy, and Bell would push himself as if it were a great challenge to overcome.

Bell was a boy who must have lived surrounded by kindness and happiness. Somewhere in the world where there was no conflict. Looking sideways at Riku, Ais wondered what Riku would be like if she hadn't appeared several years ago.

Would the twins be the same in that sense or not?

Ais at first tried to understand the secret of Bell's growth, but then she remembered her past with Riku. Ais then endeavored to help Bell by teaching him how to be an adventurer and also how to fight.

"Can I ask you something...?" Ais asked the twins "Both of you"

Riku and Bell shared a look and blinked together. Riku shrugged and Bell nodded saying it was okay.

"How are you able to become stronger?" Ais asked earnestly "What drives you to that?"

"M-More... stronger?" Bell was confused and Riku just cocked her head to the side.

If Riku had been alone with Ais and the blonde had asked the same question, then Riku would squint with suspicion and a bit of adversity, however, Riku acted more mellow with Bell around.

"I have taken risks from the beginning, so my strength comes from danger" Riku commented "What about you Bell? What say you?"

"Uhm..." Bell blushed and scratched his head "There is someone I want to reach. As I chase that person I end up where I am" Bell clenched his fist with determination "I think it's because there's a place I want to reach no matter what"

Ais opened her eyes slightly "I see..." she also knew that feeling of reaching for something with all her being "I get it"

For her part, Riku was left pondering Bell's words. Someone to reach out to? Riku figured she would be that person, but then she denied it, as Bell's determination looked like it had more time than when they first met.

What Riku didn't know was that inside her there was a hint of jealousy in case she wasn't that person, however, Riku was also amazed by Bell's resolve with being stronger.


Quickly, Ais covered her mouth after yawning, getting a curious look from Bell and an amused one from Riku. Ais's training with Bell and Lefiya had taken its toll on Ais.

"Why don't we practice taking a nap?"


"An adventurer needs to be able to sleep wherever and whenever in the dungeon" Ais said seriously without sharing a glance with Bell because she sounded a bit silly "It's important to restore lost stamina..."

"Miss Ais... Are you sleepy?" Ais preferred to stand her ground, so Bell looked at his sister "Is that true?"

"Indeed, fundamental" Riku became serious, leaving Bell a little astonished at the change of attitude in his sister "You have to learn to fall asleep quickly and anywhere. Learn fast"

Riku lay on her side and closed her eyes. Bell watched and his eyes widened in amazement as he noticed how his sister was already asleep. It was a few seconds that Riku fell asleep easily.

"It's training" Ais repeated looking at Bell.

"Y-Yes" Bell nodded a little nervously, but he went along with the lesson anyway. If his sister said it too and demonstrated it, then it worked.


Eating something after training is normally a common thing for some people to replenish their energy. Bell was hungry after a long time of training, so the group headed out to get simple food.

Riku wasn't hungry because she saw more in training than exercising her body, that way she couldn't have a say in someone else's food. It was also early for Riku to take Bell to eat at the Hostess of Fertility, according to her, so another time she would visit him.

Ais was the one who led the group to a Jagamarukun stall on the north main street. A simple Orario food that was cheap and very delicious.

What no one expected was that Bell's Goddess, Hestia, was the one working at Jagamarukun's post so there was a small altercation between Bell and Hestia.

Hestia also showed some discomfort at the presence of Ais with Bell, which led the blonde to explain that she was training Bell. Likewise, Hestia asked Riku about what was going on.

Riku simply replied that it was not her obligation to decide something about what Bell did. Even if she was his sister Riku could not force her brother to do certain things or tell secrets.

A discussion was held with the aim of resolving Bell's training with Hestia agreeing only if she could monitor the training, something that Ais and Bell agreed to.

Riku shrugged her shoulders because she was fine after watching the training Ais took. The blonde was teaching Bell a lot of things and from the looks of the boy, the training was going great.

In fact, Riku just wanted to know if Ais was treating Bell well because she preferred to share time with Bell without anyone else, but her lousy social interaction wasn't helping her with that, and now with an expedition even less.

"By the way Bell. Aren't you just getting beaten up?"

Bell grimaced "It's not like that Goddess. Miss Ais is helping me with the training"

"Hm" Hestia narrowed her eyes and looked for help "What do you think Riku? Don't you think she hurt Bell too much?"

"As a sister, I worry and that's why I brought him potions to heal him, but as an adventurer, I consider it best" Riku gave her opinion "An adventurer can't be gentle when it's a battle. Pain is tomorrow's gain"

"That doesn't help..." Hestia muttered crossing her arms.

"Goddess, Miss Ais, and my sister know a lot about being an adventurer" Bell clenched his fist with determination "I need to be stronger"

Hestia sighed "Even so, I still see it as you being used as a punching bag" Hestia shook her head and smiled brightly as she moved closer to Bell.

"Uhm, Goddess, could you let go of my hand already..."

"No, no, because it's dark in here" Hestia was amused "Isn't it Riku? A clerk's duty is to make sure his Deity is safe, isn't it?"

"In theory, yes" Riku commented leaving Bell to suffer more with his Goddess, however, she suddenly changed her pose and began to look around.

Ais likewise did the same, noticing the area a bit dull and quieter than usual.

Bell felt a shiver and stopped watching Ais and Riku do the same. Hestia bumped into Bell, for some reason, the white-haired boy felt the atmosphere heavy.

It was there when coming out of a corner of a building, a man with cat ears, black armor and a spear appeared mysteriously.



Instinctively, Bell felt his body scream out in danger and that was resolved when Ais in an instant deflected an attack aimed at Bell.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Hestia yelled holding Bell's arm.

Ais stood in front of Bell with her Desperate drawn while the Cat man had his spear in position. Bell caught a glimpse of how his sister also stood in front of him with her sword in hand.

With speed, Ais and the Cat Man began their close-range combat. The skill displayed was impressive. Every time Ais attacked the man deflected him with the spear shaft and Ais also deflected the incoming attacks.

What was also visible, if only for a little bit, is that Ais moved the fight away from Bell and Goddess Hestia. She relied on Riku to protect them in case anyone else approached.

Also, Ais knew how dangerous Riku got if someone hurt a person dear to her. That was only if some person attacked them because, in another sense, in the dungeon, everyone was aware of the danger, so Riku couldn't get angry about it.

Only if it was an attack by monsters and not an attack by adventurers because in the second case, the situation would already be very different.

Ais jumped back taking distance, but instantly four figures descended from the adjacent rooftops with weapons in hand. These figures were small, so they were Pallums and their appearances looked similar, including their armor.

It seemed that Ais had lost her balance as she walked away, however, she only took a step attracting the enemy's gaze.

Leaving her brother and the Goddess behind, Riku leaped towards the four figures that fell from the sky. Riku threw her sword at a target, her skills trained with spontaneous moments were impeccable.

Riku's sword collided with a Pallum's sword countering the attack. Riku clenched her fist and hit the other Pallum's hammer, nullifying the attack. With the same movement, Riku deflected the spear and made it collide with the axe, thus finishing off the four of them.

As a spectator, Bell only caught a glimpse of his sister jumping and in the blink of an eye, the four descending Pallums were easily repelled. In mid-air, Riku retrieved her sword which, from the shock, would have returned to its original direction.

"She lured us into a position!" the cat man "She acted too!"

"Of course I did!" Riku stood next to Ais "Come cat with a craving for the love you'll never get for simp!"

The expression of the now familiar Allen darkened for having insulted his devotion to his Goddess, while the group of Pallums called [Bringar] also recovered.

"B-Bell!" Hestia exclaimed in panic as she looked at the scene of adventurers fighting.

"You know what to do!" Allen ordered and the [Bringar] moved behind him.

"You get the simp, leave the Pallums to me!"

Ais didn't respond verbally, she too didn't quite know what simp was, but she did understand about the Pallums. Ais lifted her Desperate and jumped at the same time as Riku went towards the [Bringar].

Again, combat happened one more time with Ais fighting against Allen Fromel and Riku keeping [Bringar] at bay, four Pallum brothers forming a unique team.

Riku stood firm in the face of [Bringar]'s joint attack. They were known to act united, even making it seem as if they were acting as one mind.

[Bringar] are capable of getting level 6 adventurers into trouble with their teamwork and Riku was a level 5 however she was not like the other adventurers.

With Riku's dexterity and agility that she took or almost took to the maximum in her previous levels, she was able to stand aside against [Bringar]. No matter if she deflected one attack, another would come from behind, blocking and defending was the best thing to do.

Riku didn't stop moving for an instant, that could cost her everything. Her footwork had to be impeccable as she dodged, attacked, and defended, all at the same time.

The [Bringar] were a force to be feared, just looking at the fact that all four share the same Alias defines a lot about them.


A flare of fire fell on the Freya Familia. Ais and Riku watched Bell with his hand outstretched and a slightly nervous look on his face. The fire stopped the Freya Familia keeping them on the sidelines.

"He throw it without singing" Allen said "We should report that person, she will be pleased. We've achieved our goal, let's retire"

In the blink of an eye, the Freya Familia disappeared from the alley as if they were never there. The fire was also extinguished without having damaged the surrounding buildings.

"Are you all right?" Riku asked Bell and his Goddess.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine" Bell quickly replied "After watching you defend me I thought I couldn't stand to stare at you. What about you?"

"We're fine" Riku replied with Ais nodding behind her.

"Who were those people? They attacked us out of nowhere"

"Surprise attacks are quite common"

"Really?!" Bell exclaimed upon hearing Ais' words.

"Indeed, it's common" Riku nodded "What's not common is for them to do it outside the dungeon"

"Do you have any idea who they were?" Hestia asked the two girls.

"..." Ais didn't answer and from the way Riku looked she didn't wish to give an answer either "There are too many possible options..."

"Loki's house is a pretty dangerous place" Hestia said with a roll of her eyes placing all the blame on Loki.

Riku and Ais looked at each other, both nodded internally as if their eyes were sharing a conversation. They were not to know what had happened, in other words, they were not to be involved.

The Freya Familia did not fight seriously, nor did Ais and Riku. A battle of those proportions could destroy many buildings. They had to make sure there was no big fight.

"Is something wrong?" Ais asked Bell ignoring Hestia who was hugging him.

"Uhm, it's nothing" Bell shook his head shifting his gaze from the Tower of Babel to somewhere else.

Riku did catch where Bell was looking and narrowed her eyes in annoyance. Apparently, there was a bitch bothering Bell and Riku had to hit her simps to tell her to go fuck herself.

She couldn't ask Bell for time because she would be busy organizing the expedition that was coming soon. After training, Riku planned to take Bell out for a bite to eat at the Hostess of Fertility, but it all went down the drain.


[The night before the day of the expedition].


A very irritated voice was heard coming from a room at the same time as one person left the room and another entered.

"I'm next. Goddess Loki"

A woman commented as she entered the chambers of her Deity to have her status updated. It was a common event when adventurers headed out on an expedition to update their status to be as prepared as possible.

Loki every time she saw another one of her dependents enter the room became more irritated and annoyed because it seemed that everyone had left it to the last minute, something the Goddess warned them not to do.

"Thank you very much!" the woman said with joy and a piece of state paper in hand.

"How many of you are there?!" Loki shouted watching another one come in "There are too many who want to update their status! Since everyone is training until the night before the expedition! I don't have time to take advantage of them!"

Loki enjoyed harassing her dependents, especially the girls. What commonly happened was that Loki's hand would wander, so having to update multiple statuses she could not do that.

For a long time, Loki had to be updated states without stopping. Her finger ached from the pinpricks of blood she made herself open and close the falna.

"Thank you so much!" a Cat Girl, Anakitty Autumn, said goodbye to her Goddess with a grateful smile.

"I... I'm done?" Loki took a deep breath, feeling like she was almost collapsing.

"Hey, Loki! Update my status!"

"Huh... Bete..." Loki muttered hearing Bete's voice enter her room "I'm done... I can't anymore... I'm done"

"Come on just do it!" Bete exclaimed mildly annoyed by his Goddess' attitude.

"If only you were Ais-tan" Loki murmured remembering Ais' beautiful skin "Sit down and show me your back"

"Loki!" a white blur entered Loki's room "I've come for an update! Huh...?"

Riku walked in unconcerned and found Bete shirtless and a tired Loki. She, just like Bete, waited until the end so no one would bother her with her status update.

"Oh, nice body. Come here let me caress you" Loki stretched out her hands towards Riku with a lascivious smile "Let me get my energy back"

"Pervert" Riku commented dryly "First Bete and then me" she walked to a chair and waited for Bete to finish.

The status is a secret for an adventurer. Normally, among Familia, they would also hide it from each other, or if they wished they would tell another Familia member how they were doing regarding their status.

Bete and Riku were not part of this group. Usually, only Riku, compared and said they were stronger than each other. Bete only accepted the rivalry to keep showing off his strength and because it was entertaining.

The Werewolf wouldn't say he was proud to see the brat dragging behind him in the past. By dragging Bete meant that Riku was running after him to catch up until she made it.

"Shut up and hurry up!" Bete shouted.

"Uhm, my dependents don't respect me..." Loki muttered with a depressive aura as she swiped her finger across Bete's back "You coming after everyone is done. Are you trying to keep your training a secret?"

"How do you know about that?"

"Fufufufu. It's a secret!" Loki chuckled mischievously "If the others found out you were training, they'd stop being afraid of you and get to know you better. Like Riku does! You'd be in a better mood!"

"Heh!" Bete snorted "What's the point of being friends with the weak?"

Riku, who was sitting in the chair, smiled because she always heard those words from Bete.

"What all the strong must do is to look down on the weak. Who else is going to ridicule them if we don't? Otherwise, we would only make the number of idiots increase"

Loki smiled satisfied that she understood the true meaning of Bete's words.

"Or you could just tell them not to put themselves in danger because it's hard to save them" Riku commented causing Bete's face to scrunch up "You know, honesty is good"

"Bullshit! Shut up rabbit!"


"Hey Bete, your skills went up quite a bit" Loki praised the Werewolf as she pulled out the Werewolf's status sheet.

"How much?"

"As in 7"

"That's not good enough!" Bete picked up his status sheet that Loki had pulled out.


"Stop laughing! If you really think you're so much, update your status!" Bete exclaimed to Riku who stood up proudly and took a seat where Bete used to be.

Riku took off her shirt and covered her breasts with one arm. Loki simply drooled, but Bete didn't take any notice and neither did Riku, it wasn't the first time that had happened.

They were not prudes to be uptight, however neither did Riku wish to show her breasts and so she covered them with her arm that also held her shirt increasing the coverage.

By the way, Riku did not wear a bra. In fact, many women did not because it became uncomfortable and for reasons like that certain clothes were created that prevented certain details from showing. Some magicians did wear bras, as they kept to themselves and were usually still reciting their spells.

"Fuehehehe, what curves" Loki licked her lips "Get me that over here. I need my daily dose of tenderness"

"As yes, hurry up and update my status" Riku said to the Goddess who sighed and did so.

"Hm let's see..." Loki muttered wiggling her fingers as Bete did his best not to miss any details "You've gotten pretty big. Did you train with Bete?"

"Eh, it's been a while since that" Riku muttered, Bete just snorted.

"Well, girl, you're my fastest-growing dependent. Even faster than Ais-tan!" Loki exclaimed enthusiastically "It's bad that you're putting yourself in danger, though"

"Only morons think that being an adventurer is child's play" Riku commented dryly "My way is special because I want to grow up and I don't plan to take the same time as others"

"Heh, if you die it was no use" Bete laughed in his own way making Riku smile.

"Uhu, as expected of you. You increased several points" Loki took out Riku's status sheet and handed it to the girl "Big numbers as always. Well, it's to be expected if this is the third time you've updated your status since you've been level 5"

Riku looked at Bete with a smug smile. Bete's eyebrow twitched and she moved closer to look.


Riku Cranel

Level: 5

Strength: H 116 -> H 142

Resistance: H 134 -> H 175

Dexterity: H 141 -> H 157

Agility: H 129 -> H 158

Magic: H 167 -> G 203

Hunter: F

Abnormal Resistance: F

Spirit Healing: G

Luck: I


[Satanas Verion]

Super short chanting magic that hits enemies with blocks of sound. Can also explode magic power by chanting "Lugio".


[Silentium Eden]

Super short chanting enchantment magic that covers the user's body with an armor that negates magic and diminishes physical attacks.


[Art of Transcription]

The contemplated magic can be replicated in a near perfect or superior manner depending on how it has been employed, taking different factors to use the magic correctly or much better.

"Reality is an illusion, it develops and manifests."



The user increases his capabilities depending on the conditions of the situation when facing an enemy of greater power, offering the opportunity to fight in similar limits.

Increases regeneration to compensate for the load to which the body is placed. Pain caused by increased power can be detrimental in combat.

[Silent spirit]

When the user is in a dying or irrational state, regeneration increases, but reason decreases. The body enters a state of survival with the goal of eliminating what causes that state and surviving.


"Oho, looks like I got over a little" Riku's smile got bigger "What's the matter Bete, scared?"

Bete snorts "At least I am in the final stretch of a level 5 adventurer. On this expedition I will level up"

Riku smiled and nodded. If Bete was getting stronger, that meant more would too and everyone would feel safer with much stronger members in the Familia.

"I guys are strong" Loki smiled softly "Would you do me a favor? Could you protect everyone during the expedition?"

"Hah?" Bete growled "Weaklings are weak, but they are not cowards. The members you've gathered aren't slow, you don't have to worry"

"As long as my body can move, you can trust me to defeat the enemy and bring my Familia to safety"

Loki smiled mischievously. The most mischievous and reserved children ended up being the most protective.

"You know Riku your words reminded me of when you were still a little flower" Loki commented nostalgically "A flower full of blood, but you were a flower"

Loki's words referred to the fact that as a little girl, Riku looked beautiful, but in the dungeon, she was a killing machine who always ended up bloodstained from carelessness.

"Then one day I suddenly realize that you lost your purity and completely became a woman" Loki shook her head in disappointment "I missed my dependent's moment when she grew up"

Riku's face soured "Goddess Loki, it's not more than a year since that happened. And it's not like it's anything special anyway. The life of an adventurer is full of ambition and opulence"

Loki snorted "As if. I wished to maintain the purity of my snowflake and then I see someone else took it! It's been a long time coming and so far I realize I didn't ask you who was responsible for that"


"Oh, we get serious" Loki chuckled mischievously as she folded her hands "Who was, Riku?"

"Nobody" Riku put on her clothes and got up to leave.

"Anyone from the Familia?"


"Oh, I hit it," Loki smiled shrewdly.

Riku cursed internally. She couldn't lie to a Deity and the best way to avoid that kind of situation was not to answer the Deity's question.

Unfortunately, this occasion was not one in which Riku could remain silent so as not to give an answer and Loki was the Goddess of lies, so any lie was useless before Loki.

"Was it Bete?" Loki said the first name that came to mind for multiple reasons.


"Wait, Was it really Bete?" Loki opened her eyes showing her red irises that showed disbelief at the rudeness Bete muttered "Did you really do it? You two? Did you? Really? Here in my house?"

"... yes" Riku couldn't help but reveal it and it wasn't something to make a fuss about anyway.

"How did it happen?" Loki asked very curiously ignoring that it was a very big gossip "What made you do it? I thought you would be a big brother taking care of his little sister?"

"Puaj!" Bete was instantly disgusted "Don't say that shit again! It's disgusting!"

"Please don't" Riku had the same opinion as Bete "I thought the same thing in the past, but after that, it all went down the drain and when I consider things that way it makes my face bitter"

"Ah... sorry"

"Whatever" Riku sighed "If you want to know why just remember that party where we all got drunk"

"Almost all the time"

"Yeah... "Riku rolled her eyes, almost at every party things like that happened "That time when your personal stash was looted"

Loki's eyes widened again in surprise.

"The stash hidden under the tile under your bed" Bete replied with a smile "The old man told us to take it and not tell you anything"

"Was it you?!" Loki exclaimed skeptically "I spent many years saving that wine! It was mine!"

"It was" Riku scoffed along with Bete who also had a wicked grin.

Loki was depressed, but suddenly she remembered what she used to be in "Right. So that's what got you drunk?"

"In fact, when I least expected it, I woke up on top of Bete with no clothes on. He was also puzzled by what was going on. We simply swore not to say anything and that was that"

"And that's it?" Loki blinked and looked at them suspiciously " You literally had sex and you just say that. What about your friendship? Are you two dating? Do you have a life after that planned or what?"

"What the fuck are you saying?" Bete spat and pointed at Riku "I may see her as a woman now, but that won't change anything. Whatever happened, don't bother anymore" with that Bete walked away, however, before leaving, Bete turned to look at Loki "With the expedition thing... trust my words"

Loki blinked and an amused smile showed on her face. Apparently, her wolf Tsundere could show his true feelings.

"What about you?"


"Come on Riku. What do you think about Bete?" Loki asked with intrigue "Did that happen didn't it? So how did your relationship with him turn out?"

Riku shrugged "I won't lie that doing that opened up a new taste for me, however, it was just that. Bete is a great friend, but neither he nor I see each other that way. Besides, it's better for us not to have a relationship with our problems. See you, Goddess, nice night"

Loki hummed as she said goodbye to Riku. Loki's mood changed throughout, but at least she had fun.


Bell nodded as he checked that all was well before heading out for another day's journey to the dungeon. His armor and daggers in possession were of importance, the rest was checked by Liliruca, his backup.

"I'm leaving Goddess!" Bell shouted with a smile.

"Take care Bell!" Hestia exclaimed wishing her only dependent well.

With his usual cheerfulness, Bell used the stairs and exited the basement of his Church. Like all the other times, Bell got up early and got ready to go to the dungeon to improve his Familia's condition.

Thanks to Lili's help, Bell's dungeon raids became easier as he no longer had to carry luggage. Bell emerged from his headquarters, a deteriorated Church, and looked up at the sky ready for another day in Orario.

What Bell did not expect was the seated figure of a person on top of a structure as she fiddled with her fingers, showing some nervousness.

"Sis?" Bell called out to Riku causing her to startle because she ignored her senses and her brother approached her unnoticed "What are you doing here? Didn't you have an expedition coming up?"

Bell knew about it from Ais, however, he didn't know until near the end of training. So now that Bell understood he was curious as to why his sister was there.

"Bell..." Riku got up and walked over to her brother with a slightly nervous and happy look on her face "It's good to see you. Sorry I didn't make it to the last training, but I was a little busy"

"No problem. You're someone important in your Familia and also as an adventurer" Bell smiled softly not feeling upset about not seeing his sister "Although I'm glad to see you too"

"I would like to share time with you, however there are always unforeseen events" Riku cursed internally "When I first met you I didn't know what to do, but I guess it's a start"

"I get it, I didn't know about having a sister either" Bell smiled wistfully "Grandpa always told me stories of heroes, I think he took a little advantage of my naivety and kept it a secret about you"

"In fact, it's good. Orario was not as secure in the past as it is today"

"My Goddess told me about being careful with you because of your past" Bell commented sadly "She told me you didn't have an easy life and to go easy on you, however, I am curious to know more about you"

"I think it's best to keep that a secret" Riku sighed "Bell, I knew about you for a long time and I want to share time with you...wasted time, but I don't see the best possible way to do that"

"I understand" Bell said softly "My Goddess explained about your behavior. That's exactly why I think when you get back what do you say we go grab a bite to eat together, just you and me. Share a few anecdotes"

Riku considered Bell's words and nodded " It's the best thing to do. My expedition is going to take a while to get down and then back from the dungeon. Monsters aren't easy, but we'll manage as usual"

"I-Incredible" Bell exclaimed in awe of his sister "H-How is the dungeon? I've only gone down to the tenth floor with my supporter. What do I need to do to get better?"

Riku looked at Bell and then checked him over. His armor, weapons, accessories, clothing, and anything else that is important to an adventurer. Even a ring, an enchanted one, is good for the dungeon.

"Your weapons are good. A dagger and a baserald, both hands in combat, excellent. Armor is good for someone with agility like you and also allows you to employ melee attacks in battle"

Bell smiled happily that his sister praised his equipment, proving that he was on the right track.

"Your arm guard brings extra defense. It's not part of the armor set, so an extra you got, I guess it's okay. If you ask me I'd say for a rookie you're well prepared"

"T-Thank you!" Bell exclaimed gratefully.

"Don't get too excited, it's hardly a beginner set for a novice, but if I have anything to add it would be about your armor. That armor is some of the best quality I've seen for a level 1. It fits you well"

"Do you know who made it?" Bell touched his armor with a smile "It cost me almost ten thousand valis. It was my savings, it's served me well enough"

"A blacksmith of the Hephaestus Familia, I think it was Welf Crozzo. You got it at a good price, I'd say. They usually sell parts separately or the whole set like you did"

"A light armor..." Bell muttered and then looked at his sister's scarf realizing something "Is your scarf some kind of attire or what is it?"

"Right my scarf" Riku held up one end of the deep black scarf "This scarf is my extra. It serves better than a lot of armor and if I use it right it helps as a weapon"

"What is it made of?"

"[Balor's Skin]"

"Uh, excuse my ignorance, What floor is Balor on?" Bell I ask with intrigue.

"On the 49th floor of the dungeon. It's a Monster Rex"


"Are you okay, Bell?" Riku helped her brother who looked pale and looked like he was choking "What happened to you?"

"N-No, nothing" Bell shook his head slowly "I was just surprised. My advisor told me that to go down you needed certain specific parameters and level. To think you could take on a Floor Boss"

Riku denied it "It's with help from my Familia. That Boss is impossible to fight one on one unless you're a level 7 with good skills or a level 8. You know the common"

Bell swallowed hard. He barely knew the principles of the dungeon and that was thanks to Eina, his advisor, who gave him arduous lessons, about everything related to the dungeon.

Listening to his sister made Bell wonder how much Riku has seen in the dungeon to casually talk about very powerful monsters.

'The scarf looks great...'

"Uhm" Riku looked at the sky and frowned "I have to go Bell. My expedition will soon begin and I can't be away. Even if I have to do my job, I want to stay with you..."

"Don't worry!" Bell exclaimed comforting his sister "When you come back we can spend time together, really!"

"Of course" Riku chuckled "Take care Bell. I know you're not weak but be careful in the dungeon. There are times when all your knowledge stops working, so... take care of yourself. Remember to never give up"

Bell opened his eyes and smiled softly "You too. Be careful down there, sister"

For an instant, Riku felt comforted and appreciated hearing those words from her brother. She always heard that from her companions when she was fighting a monster, usually not with the same words.

In battle everyone knew the danger, so they all supported each other more with actions and not so much with words. Anyway, Riku is always on the lookout for others so as not to lose anyone.

Bell knows his sister is strong, however, as a brother and family, Bell wish his sister well and that she takes care of herself in the dungeon.

"I will have it Bell" Riku walked over to her brother and gave him a hug which Bell reciprocated "Thanks for your words"

"A-Ah, yes," Bell, stammered in surprise to receive a hug from his sister.

Bell did some research on his sister, he asked his advisor. From that Bell learned that Riku was known to be very serious and a serene adventurer in what she did, however, since Bell met Riku she seemed to be very different.

Riku looked more nervous, kind, happy and considerate when she was with Bell, making the boy think that what they said about his sister were rumors. Bell was half right.

With a blush that Riku took care to hide, she broke away from the embrace while coughing and adjusting her scarf hiding half of her face. Bell laughed like other times.

"So, I'll see you soon Bell"

"Yes. See you later sister"

Riku made a further farewell and continued on her way to the tower of Babel. The expedition would show more than she had witnessed so far and Riku had to return not only because she is an adventurer, but because she wanted to see her brother again and spend time with him.

Even if an entire Familia stands in her way, Riku will prevail and claim victory.


I think I got Bell's interaction with Riku right. As you know, Bell gets nervous around women, especially if they are pretty, however, Bell doesn't do the same with Riku because she is his sister and she is not someone Bell sees in the same way as he does with the women he knows.

Riku's behavior is respectful and impolite at the same time, it was shown on many occasions. She has matured enough to leave her childish behavior behind, but so far I can bring out what she used to be, before the souls happened, and put her together with Bell as an ordinary girl.

I won't let Riku watch Bell fight the Minotaur. I think it's better for her to be inspired by the moment she is told that her brother defeated a Minotaur and that inspires her to fight against the Demi Spirit.

Gareth didn't see Bell fight either and he struggled just the same. In fact, I have something prepared for the Dwarf. Anyway, thanks for reading and see you next time with the next chapter.

Lacrima_de_Sal Lacrima_de_Sal

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