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77.27% MHA : I Explode! / Chapter 16: Blast (Part 3)

Capítulo 16: Blast (Part 3)


Battle for the title


"You sure you want to do this? Deku."

Standing on top of a concrete platform, Viktor's blazer swayed along the shockwaves raging all around him. Cracking his neck, he gazed at his classmates, training their Quirk relentlessly.

'Unimaginative bastards.' The gangster thought condescendingly.

Bending down and stretching his legs, Midoriya Izuku focused his attention on his enemy. 'If I use my new move, then I'm certain I could beat Kachan!' After learning that humans have four limbs, Midoriya Izuku, also known as 'Deku', finally solved the problem that's been bogging his mind.

Before he couldn't use his arms due to injury, now, he discovered the use of his legs. After all, if you're arm is about to be broken, why not break your legs too?

And thus, his ultimate move;

'One for All: Full Cowling Shoot Style'

Was born.

"Yes. If I can't beat you, then I wouldn't be able to become the Symbol of Peace." He muttered the last part, but Viktor, who obviously isn't deaf, heard him.

"Symbol of Peace?" Viktor asked rhetorically. He was about to spew some condescending bullshit, but a sudden thought crossed his mind. 'Wait. What? He wants to be the Symbol of Peace?'

A shudder passed through his body.

'He's a villain! A hero doesn't kill Villains on purpose!'

'I don't know. He doesn't look like a hero to me...'

As if he was struck by a thunderbolt, Viktor paled. His ideas of World Domination, the populace's opinions of him, and how trashy Bakugo's personality is.

'Wait. Is it, perhaps...?'

Looking at Izuku's earnest expression, along with that 'I can do it pose.' Viktor suddenly felt lost.

'Am. I. Actually. The. Villain?'

Before he could dwell on the subject, a green blur dash towards his direction. Raising his head, he could see Izuku looking at him with a determined glare.

A sly smile appeared on his face.

"...That's right~."

Raising his fist, Viktor decided to test how thick his forearms are if they are strong enough to carry nuclear explosions.

"I'm the Villain."

Taking a step back, Viktor took the attack head-on. Izuku's legs crashed on his forearm, creating whirlwinds that ruffled both of their hairs. Viktor's uniform was torn, with the sleeves of his blazer destroyed to pieces, his flesh bruised under Izuku's continued pressure.

Gritting his teeth, Izuku increased the power on his legs.

'One for All: Full Cowling 15%!'

Green lighting crackled to life. With a green glow surrounding his body, Izuku kicked further. Viktor's feet slid across the ground, finally, after feeling his arms turning numb, he decided to use his secret weapon.


Viktor's bandages tore apart, red veins pulsating with energy were exposed. With a crazed glint in his eyes, he activated his Quirk.

'Hehe, face my bullshit move, Flashing Heat!'

A crimson glow enshrouded his figure. White smoke was continuously released from his palms, the only thing the spectators could see was the searing heat emanating from his limbs, forming some sort of cracked fissures trailing down his hands to his elbows.

His crimson eyes glowing in the white haze.

The rest of 1-A stopped their training for the time being and decided to watch the two strongest students of their class clash. With Bakugo's newly found powers vs Midoriya's latest technique.

"Say, who do you think is gonna win?" Kirishima asked while eyeing both Bakugo and Midoriya face-off mid-air.

"I think Midoriya would win," Kaminari said with a hand on his chin. "Bakugo is more of a villain, everybody knows heroes always win."

His classmates looked at him strangely. "What? I'm right!" They all decided to ignore his idiotic remarks and observe the match more closely.

The battle between Bakugo and Midoriya suddenly became bland. From their initial attack, they thought that they would throw earth-breaking moves, but after that first kick, Bakugo remained on the defensive while Midoriya continued his assault using his legs.

"Say... is it just me, or is Bakugo not using his explosions?" Mina mentioned. She could see Bakugo only using his brute strength to block, instead of his usual deafening explosions.

"Now that you mentioned it, since when was he able to release smoke from his palms?" Momo replied. She doesn't remember Bakugo having a Quirk that releases smoke from his hands, she was puzzled at how he was able to do it.

"He's using his Quirk to boil his sweat, consequently evaporating the sweat he produced," AllMight noted, secretly admiring Bakugo for the use of his Quirk.

"He can do that?" Sero gaped at how versatile Bakugo is. He then added, "Wait, doesn't that mean, he has like, two Quirks?"

"Yeah, isn't that unfair!" Mineta cried out.

"To produce smoke by evaporating his sweat...? That's not possible... unless..." Momo glanced at the red streaks gleaming ominously under the curtain covering their battle. "He can manipulate the heat his arms produce?" She asked subconsciously.

"Wait, so, not only does he have explosions, but he can also create smoke and fire!?" Kaminari cried out. "What the hell! Three Quirks!"


A sudden explosion of shockwave brought their attention back to the battle at hand. The smoke that was blocking their vision was cleared, with Izuku standing at the top of the platform, panting, and his shoes destroyed.

"K-Kachan...!" He cried out.

Aizawa became panicked, thinking that Bakugo got hurt, but a raspy shout caught his attention.


Golden lightning flickered. In a split second, Midoriya Izuku, who was standing still with a worried expression, got his face smashed by a barefooted Bakugo.

Zzzttt! BAM!

Izuku's head recoiled back, with blood dripping from his nose, and his eyes still welling from excess tears, he was mortified to see Bakugo standing at his previous spot. Both of his arms bent sideways.

"K-Kachan..." He barely whispered before another flash of golden lightning momentarily blinded his vision. The moment he opened his eyes, Bakugo had an axe kick deluxe prepared straight for his chest.


Raising his arms to block, green and golden met. Their bolts of lightning danced with each other, pushing the other away. Like a group of snakes, they bit at one another, making a beautiful display of colored glass cracking in the air.

As they fought in the air, the following shockwave sent them flying in opposite directions. Izuku tumbled on the ground before crashing on a wall, while Bakugo elegantly backflipped mid-air and did an over-the-top landing by spinning before his foot reached the ground.

"..." All Might's mouth became loose. His mind short-circuited at what he was seeing. The former Symbol of Peace gulped audibly before alternating his eyes between Bakugo and Midoriya.

'N-NANI!!!' He shouted in his mind. 'O-OH MY GOODNESS! Two AFO!? What the fuck!!' Blood accidentally spluttered out of his mouth. He wiped it reflexively and began walking towards his disciple's direction.

"Y-Young Midoriya... are you alright?" He asked. Before he could approach, he heard a sudden snapping sound behind him.


He turned his head and saw Bakugo biting his arm and forcefully pulling it. His broken arm straightened immediately. He waved it back and forth before pulling the other one.

"Y-Young Bakugo... you're not supposed to--"


"Get up," Bakugo ordered.

He looked at the wall where Izuku crashed. The dust covering his figure.

"What's up with you? I thought you were going serious so I took you seriously too. Now you're just gonna keep me hanging like that?" Bakugo said while glaring in Izuku's direction.

"Get up. Deku." He barked. Golden lightning flared. Slowly, it coated his entire form. With his blonde hair dancing wildly in the air, his broken forearms bulged, red veins flowed like magma, the golden lightning sparked. Like a beast of mass destruction, Viktor's deep-crimson pupils narrowed, a tinge of gold encircling the outline.

The ruthless killer marched towards Midoriya Izuku, the ninth holder of OFA.

Izuku stood up. He wiped the blood leaking from his mouth before he smiled nervously.

"Are you sure about it? Kachan." He asked. Red lines appeared all over his body, a green hue swallowed him whole.

"Yeah," Viktor replied. He noticed Midoriya Izuku's purple arm but dismissed it. He was only focused on beating the shit out of this arrogant little bastard. "Wanna go?" He asked arrogantly.

Izuku's mind flashed back to where he accidentally attacked Bakugo with One For All 100%. He didn't know what happened, the only thing he saw was golden lightning flashing between them before he accidentally poured more power on his left hand.

Luckily he pulled back, or else...

"If that's all you got, then you better just die." Bakugo said. His voice was cold. "Are you looking down on me, you piece of shit?" He asked with a dark expression. Golden flames wrapped around his right arm, lighting up the entire gym.

"N-No!" Izuku hurriedly shook his head. "It's just that... I don't want you to get hurt...!" He was worried. He knows the true power of One for All, there's no way Bakugo could take one of All Might's punches.

"What's this?" Bakugo gestured at Izuku. "You said you wanna be the Symbol of Peace right?"

Izuku nodded nervously.

"Then, if you do become one, which you will not, instead of calling you the Symbol of Peace," Bakugo smiled condescendingly. "How about Symbol of Shit instead?"


"What kind of Symbol of Peace holds back against his enemies? Are you saying, you would rather spare your enemies and let innocent people die?"

Izuku shut his mouth. His fingers trembled, hearing Bakugo mock him in front of his classmates.

"Well..." Bakugo's golden lightning dimmed down. He shrugged his shoulders and walked down the platform. "I guess you do you, Mr. Symbol of Shit."

"What kind of retarded hero would choose his morals over saving a life?" Bakugo stated. As if his words would make sense if he said it nonchalantly. "You said you wanted to fight but you want to hold back? Do you think I'm some kind of idiot or something?"

Feeling Izuku's burning gaze on his back, Viktor purposely slowed down his steps. With a ruthless smile, he whispered;

"You don't deserve to be a hero. Deku."

Izuku Midoriya clenched his jaw. He glared furiously at Bakugo before shouting. "Take that back!" In his anger, OFA crackled fiercely.

Viktor stopped. His eyes darted at the edge of his vision. With a devilish smile, he uttered. "Got you~."

Turning his body, his left eye morphed. A golden cross manifested in his pupils.

Before he could propel himself using his explosions, a vision of himself getting obliterated in a span of a second appeared. Under a single punch of Midoriya Izuku, his entire body was shred to pieces.

'Oh. Fuck.'

Despite seeing his death flashed before his eyes, he still decided to propel himself. In an instant, he appeared right above Izuku. With his body bathed in golden lightning, an arm coated with golden flames, his red veins pulsated ominously, pumping a red substance out of his skin.

'Fuck you!'

With an ecstatic smile, the red substance blazed. It took on a golden glow, before spinning around like a storm.

A ball of molten gold appeared on his palm.

The searing heat made him close his eyes, but he managed to squint at Izuku's surprised expression. He closed his fists, with the golden disc rotating silently above it.

A golden universe hovered on his fist.

Izuku's instincts flared. As if his body knew that if the golden disc touched his skin, he would die. Reaching that conclusion, his body tensed up. Instantaneously One For All roared with energy.

'One For All 1000000%!'

The ground beneath his feet shattered. A huge gale formed before him as his fist blitz through the air. Coupled with the green lightning, Izuku met Bakugo's attack head-on.

'Big Bang Series: Annihilation Ring!'

The sky howled. As if the world was ending, the atmosphere trembled. Eddies of wind were swept away, like a golden typhoon, the gold disc in his fist sucked all the air in his vicinity.

The feeling of impending doom washed over the spectators. They all instinctively stood behind All Might's buffed form, fearing the catastrophic event that was about to happen.

As their attacks were about to collide, a hoarse voice interrupted them.

"That's enough."

In the blink of an eye, both of their attacks vanished like illusions.

Viktor's molten gold fell abruptly on the ground. Without Viktor's heat, the golden liquid got evaporated into the earth like a dog's pee.

As if that wasn't enough, Viktor smashed his skull against Izuku's, their bodies were pressed against each other skeptically. Red scarlet met with dark green. They stared at each other's faces for a while before Viktor smacked the latter across the face.

"Pussy." He cussed while dusting his clothes. "Don't ask me for a fight to the death when you're going to hold back in the first place."

Izuku lowered his head meekly. "I-It wasn't a fight to the death though..."

"Did you say something?" Viktor asked nonchalantly.

"N-No!" Izuku shook his head repeatedly.

After cleaning his clothes, Viktor glanced at his almost melted hand. 'Damn bro,' pulling out his spare bandages, he wrapped it skillfully. 'You look fine.' He covered his lasagna hand with a strained smile. Small tears inadvertently fell from his eyes.

'You're fine, right? Right hand?'

He reminded himself to improve his heat resistance and not fuck his arms up even more unless he gets crippled.

Glancing to his side, he saw Izuku staring at his fist like he was contemplating something.

"Why did you ask me to fight in the first place?"

"Uh?" Snapping out of his flashbacks, Izuku looked at Viktor. "I-Its because... All Might said that I need to try harder to catch up to you." He said while closing his hand fiercely.

"Oh. So it's jealousy huh?" Viktor replied, turning his head away and meeting Aizawa's annoyed glare.

"J-Jealousy? I- No I'm not!!" Izuku denied hurriedly.

"Right... Just keep your emotions in check okay? You might kill yourself 'accidentally' one day." Viktor mentioned before walking away casually.

"Eh? Kill myself...?" Izuku repeated blankly. "Wait, what do you mean by that, Kachan?!"

Viktor ignored him and stared straight at Aizawa.

'Erasure... what a useful ability.'


Imagination. A powerful ability indeed.

Anyways, I just watched 'The detective is already dead' and the only thing I could say is...

Siesta best girl!

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