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80% Sung Traveling Universes / Chapter 8: You lost the minute you decided to fight me...

Capítulo 8: You lost the minute you decided to fight me...

(pov sung Jin-woo)

Right now I was running around the hospital doing the last part of my daily quest. It has been 5 days since I found out about my system. I've been messing around with it and let's just say the prices for the things in the shop are fucking insane!!!

Right now I'm against a tree taking a breath, I just finished my daily quest, now let see the rewards.


[you have completed daily quest]


[you have been rewarded]


[ D-rank class, dungeon key]

It seems Siri has given me a dungeon key now I can finally become stronger, also I forgot to mention that I named my system Siri because of her voice, she seemed to like it.

I also received the title immortal human for being immortal.

After I finished my work out I went towards the hospital to change my clothe and get ready to do this dungeon. I walk out of my hospital room wearing a grey and black hoodie with black joggers.

I went to the front desk and asked "can I take a leave for today" the young woman at the front desk looked at me and said "yea of course but where are you going". I replied "I'm going to take care of some business" then I left.


I found myself in a dark alley you're probably wondering why well because...

[D-rank, dungeon key]

[to open the instant dungeon you need to find a dark alley]

The key on my hands starts to glow then it disappears, next moment a gate opens up in front of me." finally let the fun begin" I say with a smirk on my face as I enter the instant dungeon.


I open my eyes to see that I am in the same valley but the sky is purple, I also see a forcefield around the area, it must be to not let other people inside.


[You have entered zombie dungeon]


[For entering your first dungeon, you have received a gift from the system]

`i wonder what it is ` I say in my head


[Sasuke Uchiha's chokuto: referred to as a Sword of Kusanagi was his personal weapon throughout the entirety of Part II. It had a black scabbard and matching hilt, and was a larger size than a normal chokutō.]

(image here)


[the sword has bonded with your soul]


[you have to name your chokuto]

`hmm I'm going to name it Ace` i said in my mind

[you have named your chokuto Ace]

I dismissed the system and looked at the chokuto, it fit perfectly in my hands, it seems when it bonded with my soul it changes to the size that fits me. I start walking down the alley towards the streets when start hearing noises that sound like...zombies?

when I finally got to the end of the alley, I looked at the road and what I saw made me swallow my saliva, I saw the road filled with zombies there were at least hundreds of them, some of them were walking, others were eating each other and it was a mess while I was looking I felt something was wrong.

I suddenly hear a groan behind me, I jumped to the right dodging the attack the zombie behind me threw at me, I flipped through the air and landed, I now find myself looking at the zombie in front of me, it didn't take long until he ran towards me with the intent to kill.

I ran towards my enemy tightly holding my chokuto with my right hand, the zombie jumped towards me but before he manages to grab me, I jumped to the side and quickly turned around and slashed the zombie's neck off.


[you have leveled up]


[you have earned the skill sword mastery]


[sword mastery level 1]

I now felt myself already stronger and getting filled with knowledge about how to use the sword, I've been putting points in strength and speed a little on the others as well, but just a single level up felt insane, I then took a breath but my moment of peace didn't last long.

I hear a couple of groans behind me, I turn around and I see a group of zombies coming towards me and I see not too far behind more coming, and then I thought to myself,` this is only the first step towards becoming the strongest in the future I'll face an enemy that can destroy the universe itself`.

I looked at the group in front of me with a smirk, I then ran towards the group of zombies who were also running towards me, I felt my blood boil and the adrenaline running through my body,` so this is what excitement feels like, the excitement of fighting knowing you might die, I gotta say...THIS FEELS AMAZING` i thought while my smirk was getting bigger.

I jumped towards the group of zombies and impaled one through his head, I took out my chokuto from his head and jumped backward while I slashed half a zombie's face. I then ran towards the tallest in the group because he was the biggest threat and I couldn't leave him alive or he might catch me off guard while I'm fighting another zombie.

I was now in front of his face, I was about to slash his chest until I see one of his legs aiming for the right side of my waist I jumped over the kick, and then I noticed that out of all the zombies this one had some little intelligence left.

I flipped while in the air and kicked his head but it didn't do much damage it seemed the only way to kill him was by cutting him into fucking pieces!

I landed on the ground and noticed that this guy was barely moving from his spot, wait was he...UNDERESTIMATING ME!!!!!!

I clenched the hilt of my chokuto and ran towards my enemy, I was running low on the ground so he couldn't hit me, the zombie tried to once again kick me but this time a slide off the ground, I went under him and cut off both of his feet, he fell on the ground, I then immediately turn around and cut every single piece of him, using every energy I could gather.

once I was done with him I was tired I used most of my energy on the zombie, but then I hear a bunch of system notifications I must have leveled up. I then didn't feel tired anymore actually I felt twice as strong, the more I kill my opponents the stronger I get, or should I say defeat?

After thinking if you level up for killing or defeating my enemies, my sense went off, it was basically screaming for me to turn around, so what did I do I turned around of course. I saw about a hundred zombies running towards me they were far but they were running fast.

Honestly, I had nothing to fear because I was immortal so I looked at them, I started to slowly walk towards them then I start to walk faster and faster I then full-on started running towards, I didn't think about anything, my head was blank, the only thought going through my head was how exciting this would then once I was about one foot from the guy in the front of this army of zombies I said"Die for me you human waste" I smirked, then it turned into a full-on massacre".







There were at least hundreds of notifications I was receiving, I was sitting on top of a mountain of corpses, my chokuto was leaning on my chest, I killed every single zombie in this dungeon it got to the point I was the one hunting. Anyway, forget about that let's see what I've earned from the system.


[you have earned the title slaughterer: A title given to those who kill without mercy]


[sword mastery level 24/100]


[you have earned new skill acrobatics: The skill acrobatics makes your body more flexible]


[you have mastered the skill acrobatics]

`i did do a lot of weird stunts while I was fighting the zombies` i thought


[you have earned the title grandmaster of acrobatics]


[you have earned the skill absorb: when you kill your enemy you can absorb their skills and life force to become stronger, this skill does not need level up]

(A/N: he won't use the skill on the zombies because they were strong but they hold no skill)

`...omg I just earned an overpower skill` i thought with excitement


[you have been rewarded undead box]

A creepy box then appeared in my hands, it was black but a hand was covering it, it looked and felt weird, next moment the box opened up.


[you have received cursed bow]

(image here)


[you have received infinite cursed arrows]


[the cursed bow has bonded with your soul]

I Then summoned the bow it looked beautiful, it was black with some purple parts, I also summoned the arrows it gave me and I could feel the bloodlust coming out of both of them, they really are cursed items.


[name your bow]

`hmmmmm I'm going to name you kanji` i thought

[you have named your bow kanji]


[you have received a quest from the system]


[kill the dungeon boss 0/1 to leave the dungeon]

I Then sense something about a mile away, my sense has gotten extremely good and my eyesight as well, I start walking down the road with my bow in hand, I'm going to try and kill this motherfucker with the bow or at least get the skill archery.

I then go up a building to try and get a clear sight of the boss.

[you have earned the skill parkour]


I then made it to the top of the building I could see everything from up here, I then look around to find the boss and I found him, he was in the middle of the street, wait is that...Ken kaneki?

`system, why the actual fuck am I seeing ken kaneki` i asked the system through my mind

[that monster your looking at isn't Ken kaneki, what that is a bunch of zombies combining and turning into ken kaneki]

`i see` i said

I then pointed my bow at him while summoning an arrow I Alined the Arrow to his head I then pulled on the string as hard as I can and then I fired. The arrow zoomed through the air and in less than 2 seconds the arrow hit his face and exploded.



[you have received the skill Archery]


[The skill Archery has leveled up 5 times]


[Archery level 5/10]


[you have received the skill Aim]


[Aim level 5/20]

I received all this skill and notifications but the real question is...why haven't I receive the message for defeating the boss?

I then jumped down the building and landed on the street a few meters away from the cloud of black smoke...when I landed it hurt like hell fuckkkkkk.


[you have earned the skill pain endurance]


[pain endurance level 2/100]


[you have earned the skill pillow landing: this skill allows you to jump at any height and land extremely soft and not cause any damage not you or your surrounding]

thank god I got these skills, I feel like pain endurance is going to level up a lot in the future. Wait why am I talking to myself when I shou-

I then felt a massive amount of pain in my right cheek then I was sent flying across the street. How????? how did I not sense him, did he completely hidden his presence. You know what questions later, I need to pay attention to the boss.

I got up then I looked at the boss of this dungeon his not only strong but he is also extremely fast, I put away my bow. I looked at the final boss of this dungeon and I smirked, this clearly made the boss mad because not even 3 seconds later he appeared in front of me.

He went for a right hook but I blocked it, I then grabbed his arm and threw him across the street just like he did to me but I didn't stop there. I ran towards him and while he was midair I jumped and grabbed his face and I applied all my strength and crush him to the ground creating a crater.


I thought I won until I felt my arm being grabbed, he then punched me in the face, which sent me back flying through the air, he then ran towards me and punched me in the stomach while I was in midair which sent me to the ground, once I hit the ground I spit out blood, it hurt like hell, my back must have broken.




he then proceeded to sit on top of me beating the absolute shit out of me I heard the system notifications going off each punch he threw at me hurt less and less and less. After about 30 minutes of beating the absolute shit out of me, he got up and tried to, keyword "tried" to walk away but I then got up he turned around and his face was priceless, even though he spent half an hour beating the absolute shit out of me, I look completely fine matter of fact I feel better than ever.

I then proceeded to take out my bow, then I summoned an arrow, he was trying to run away out of fear, it seems even a monster can feel fear. I pulled on the string and added all my mana and strength into it, then I let it go.

Not even a second later the arrow was right behind his face but before the arrow hit him I said, "you lost the minute you decided to fight me" then it hit him creating a giant explosion.



[you have completed the quest kill the dungeon boss]

I then heard a whole lot of notifications but I didn't care, I walked up to what was left of the bosses body and I extended my arm towards the bosses body and used the new skill I earned a few hours ago, I muttered, "Absorb" his body then turn into a mist that was absorbed by my hand in which surprisingly the palm turned into a mouth.


[you have received the skill berserker: this skill lets you become two times stronger until you defeat your opponent.]


[you have become part ghoul: becoming part ghoul You are also resistant to Iron anything stronger than iron can hurt you]


[you have become apart zombie: zombie lets you customize your body like for instance, you can add a mouth to the palm of your hand or you can change where your heart is, etc.]


[you have received kagune]

I then proceed to pull out my kagune, it looks exactly like ken kaneki's but instead, it's black and purple. My eyes also change but if I want, I can turn one eye ghoul-like but keep the other normal.


[Archery level 8/10]


[Aim level 10/20]


[you have received the dagger scorpion tail}

(image here)

I proceed to take out my dagger it's mostly black with a red line in the middle the cool part is that you can detach the edge. I took a couple of swings until...


[you have earned the skill dagger mastery]


[dagger mastery level 1/50]

The dungeon then started disappearing, I then found myself back in the alley, I was covered in dirt all over, the dirt thankfully was covering the blood, walk out the alley and I sense a monster nearby, it seemed a gate opened. it was at least a mile away, I start going up the tallest building nearby with the skill parkour.

[you have mastered the skill Parkour level 10/10]


[you have earned the title, The creator of parkour]

I made it all the way to the top of the building, I could barely see the monster from here, it was fighting a couple of hunters, I could see Ju-hee there she was having a hard time, I summoned my bow and aligned it to the rocky monster, I then summon an arrow I pulled on the string and fire it with just a bit of power and 2 seconds the arrow hit the monster in the face and killed it with an explosion.



[you have mastered archery the skill archery 10/10]


[you have earned the skill advance archery]


[advance archery level 1/20]


[Aim level 13/20]

`I might have put too much power behind it` i thought

I then jump out of the building and start to walk back to the hospital.


Name: Sung Jin-Woo


Race/bloodlines: Human, Ghoul, zombie

level: 26

Job: None

titles: Slaughterer, Grandmaster of acrobatics, immortal human, Creator of parkour



Agility: 44



Remaining points:0



[Advance archery level 1/20]

[sword mastery 49/100]

[Aim 13/20]

[parkour 10/10]

[pillow landing]

[Pain endurance 48/100]

[dagger mastery level 1/50]

Lord_Banned Lord_Banned

This chapter was very exciting for me to write! it was totally awesome writing the fight scene! if there's any problem tell me and I'll learn and do better! Also, the system is different from the original one so the level-ups are just like that, and like I said in one of the earlier chapters This sung Jin-woo is 2 to 3 times stronger than the other one so each level gives him a big boost in power! If you want only if you won't give me your power stones they encourage me to do better and add me to your library cause you know this FAN-Fic is only going to get better and better and I hope you have a wonderful day! Also, i might upload today again and the rest of the week two times a day so look forward to those chapters and now you can have a wonderful day.

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