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75% Another Dimension The Ultimate Amalgam / Chapter 9: 7 FIGHTING IN THE FOREST


A battle opposing the Alliance to the villains was taking place in the forest. These combats started when the villains attacked Gohan and his companions as they travelled to the northern secret base. The Alliance helped them escape the clutches of Freeza and Wrath-Amon, and Saiyans and Earthlings took refuge in a cave where they met the five members of the Alliance: Rahan, Tarzan, Samba, Leuk and Conan. To put an end to the rebellion, which Wrath-Amon and Freeza started in the forest, the Alliance needed backup. They turned to their guest members Spider-Man, Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch and The Thing. At dawn, the heroes came out of the cave that served as their hideout for the night and faced the villains. These too had strengthened their ranks with Dr. Doom, Terrax, Raditz and Turles.

The first clashes began and the Fantastic 4 fought Dr. Doom. Spider-Man overcame Terrax while Goten and Gohan trounced Raditz and Turles. In another place, Conan was confronting Wrath-Amon and Windfang, his henchman.

Conan: "Always at your evil schemes, Wrath-Amon? I'll enjoy making you pay for what you've done to countless people."

Wrath-Amon: "You mean you care about those people, or is it revenge you're seeking?"

Conan: "I'm here to stop you. No other man will suffer from your wicked deeds anymore."

Wrath-Amon: "This thing you're in called Alliance can't make you a hero. No matter how hard you try, Conan, you'll always remain a brute. Once a barbarian, always a savage."

Ryan: "Don't listen to him, Conan. He prattles on to make you lose faith. I know you're a hero. I saw you like that on Earth."

Conan: "Wrath-Amon, you'd better retire or your disgrace will be total."

Wrath-Amon: "You worry about my reputation? I'm flattered. You should rather worry about your friend over there."

Windfang captured Zach, displayed his wings and took off. Ryan responded promptly by getting to a tall tree. He climbed it as if climbing a staircase and overtaking Windfang, he struck him with a leg and stopped him from going any higher. This attack brought Windfang back to the ground and as he was falling, his grip on Zach slackened and Zach made a swift move and freed himself. When all of them reached the ground, Ryan and Zach braced themselves to fight the winged creature.

Zach: "Let's show him there are also good fighters on Earth."

Ryan: "Conan, concentrate on Wrath-Amon. We'll deal with Windfang."

Conan: "My friends have more than one trick up their sleeves. Now, where were we, monster?"

Wrath-Amon: "I've had enough of you, barbarian. I'm going to show you something."

Conan: "Pretty good 'cause I too have something to show you."

Conan and Wrath-Amon came running towards each other and clashed noisily. Conan pulled out his magic sword to fight Wrath-Amon, but this one was smart enough to dodge the attacks. It happened that Wrath-Amon stripped Conan of his sword and tried to strike him, but Conan used his shield to defend himself. Slapping Wrath-Amon's hand, the sword fell aside, and then the two engaged in a close range combat without weapons. Wrath-Amon pushed Conan, who also dragged him along in his fall. That part of forest being slippery, they rolled a certain distance while continuing to exchange blows. Conan's blows were more on Wrath-Amon than the latter's blows were on him. Wrath-Amon could no longer resist the hero's fists so he called Windfang to take him away. So Conan defeated his foe.

As for Zach and Ryan, they were brilliant against Windfang. They used arms and legs to release punches and strikes. Zach retreated behind Windfang and Ryan remained in front of him. They did a combined attack, which Windfang didn't see coming. Zach jumped from the ground and smote Windfang with both feet while landing on his shoulders. This one caught him with his wings and tried to fling him away, but Ryan unleashed a series of swift fists in his stomach, which left Windfang breathless.

Windfang went one knee on the ground and Zach took advantage of his defenceless position to electrocute him with a gear, which was among Mr. Fantastic's gadgets. Before Windfang retaliated, Wrath-Amon called him to rescue him from the hands of Conan. He retreated to his master and carried him away from the zone. During this time, Rahan, Samba, Leuk and Krilin were fighting the ferocious animals.

Rahan: "This one is for me, Samba; it's Wrath-Amon's pet. I think I can handle it."

Samba: "Look out, Rahan! Its bites are poisonous."

Rahan: "It can't hurt me; I'm immune to their bites. Watch how I calm this one."

Leuk: "I wouldn't want to be in his place."

Rahan fought the beast and wounded it with his knife.

Rahan: "What did I tell you? My only regret is that those-who-walk-on-four-feet act under Wrath-Amon's manipulation and have to pay a high price for that."

Krilin: "There's no time for regrets, firehair. If you don't get rid of them, it's them who'll get rid of you."

Samba: The forest will heal them before sunset and the charm will disappear. Be watchful, comrades; I sense more coming. Look out, Leuk! Here comes another one!"

Leuk: "Oh, no; a whole lot of them. Who sent me here?"

Krilin: "Don't worry, friend; I've got your back."

Leuk: "When I think I should be quietly lying in bed!"

Rahan: "Samba, let's stand back to back and fight them."

Leuk: "And where do I stand?"

Krilin: "Leuk, we'll do the same as Samba and Rahan. These beasts can't be more than us. Leuk, do you hear me?"

Samba: "Have courage, friend and leave fear behind. Remember that you too belong to the Alliance. You're a hero, Leuk."

Leuk: "Samba is counting on me; everyone is counting on me and I won't let them down. Even the Earthlings are courageously fighting the villains. I can do it. Krilin, I'm with you."

Samba: "Welcome back, Leuk. At the signal, we go take all of them down. On your marks."

Leuk: "Get set."

Krilin: "Go!"

Rahan (yells): "Raaahaaan…"

Krilin, Leuk, Samba and Rahan went fighting the beasts, which Wrath-Amon sent against the Alliance, and they neutralized them. Three of the animals, however, escaped the fighters and reached the place where Noah and Alan were and threatened them. Luckily, Tarzan wasn't far away and he came to their rescue. He took them to safety on the branches of a tall tree. The beasts didn't give up, but continued to prowl around the tree and roar with such noise that frightened the children.

Tarzan: "Don't fear, Noah, Alan; they won't hurt you. I'm here to protect you and no one will touch any of your hair. You see that big tree over there? You'll get there in a snap; if you trust me, of course."

Noah: "Don't even doubt it for a second, Tarzan. We know you'll do everything to protect us."

Alan: "We trust you all right, but tell me how we're getting to that tree and escaping from this nightmare."

Tarzan caught a long dangling creeper and told Noah and Alan to hold it tight.

Noah: "Al, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Alan: "Oh, yes. I'm so going to enjoy this."

Tarzan: "Grip the creeper as tightly as you can, children. Whatever the case, don't stop holding until you get to the tree. Once you're there, let it go and cling to the branches. Have you copied?"

Alan: "Copied that, Tarzan. It's your turn to trust us. Noah, we're in for a ride."

Noah and Alan held the creeper tightly and Tarzan pushed them with all his strength to the tree on the other side. Noah and Alan swung in Tarzan's style, yelling as they traversed the hollow. On reaching the other side, they let go of the creeper, caught the branches, and stood on the tree. Tarzan was surprised to hear them yell like him and he shouted to them.

Tarzan: "Hey, who taught you that?"

But the beasts didn't allow him to hear the children's response. Two animals climbed on the tree and roared against him, showing off their claws. They pushed him to the ground and the three beasts encircled the jungle boy, and then fell voraciously on him. Noah and Alan had reached the other side safely and they watched from there. They howled with fear on seeing Tarzan in that situation. But Tarzan bravely fought the beasts and broke free from their grasp. He took them on a therapy, and looking into their eyes, talked to them, calmed them down and eventually tamed them. Tarzan then called out to the Earthlings.

Tarzan: "Noah, Alan, I would like you to meet some friends here."

Alan and Noah shouted with relief on seeing Tarzan safe. The beasts withdrew after being appeased and they no longer attacked the heroes. When Tarzan was fighting the beasts, Trunks, the Saiyan, was settling matters with Freeza.

Freeza: "Trunks, dare you attack me again? I'm not the same Freeza you defeated last time. I've become stronger since I came back from the Other Dimension. How I longed for the day to smash you like a little insect under my foot. And that day has finally come."

Trunks: "You should have remained in the Other Dimension for the likes of you don't have their place here. And will you leave the inhabitants of the forest in peace? Let them achieve self-realization and happiness in this sacred environment."

Freeza: "I refuse. I need them to achieve my goal. I will do everything to prevent them from undergoing that brainwashing you call illumination. But for now, my revenge alone matters. You frustrated my plans years ago and today, well, today somebody will have to suffer for what they did."

Trunks: "I don't remember exactly what I did to you, but it must have been fun. The Earthlings said something about Future Trunks and Mr. Fantastic confirmed that I once beat you. I'd be glad to do it again."

Freeza: "What; you don't remember? How dare you? Yes, yes, yes, I see. Everything is clear now. It was you from the future that came to my timeline and destroyed me. Hahaha! I guess you're not as strong as Future Trunks. Hahaha! It doesn't even matter; whether it was you or not, it changes nothing. I'm stronger than anybody now and I'll avenge myself on you."

Trunks: "It makes no difference to me either, though I can't understand how some people still take the same road that led them to destruction, even when they're given a second chance. Freeza, you should have behaved wisely in the forest and you would have been rehabilitated."

Freeza: "You think I want such thing as rehabilitation? I will conquer Nootra and all of you super losers will bow to me."

Trunks: "Never. Freeza, you shall be frozen by this sword, which my friend Tapion[1] entrusted to me."

Once Trunks drew his sword, Freeza targeted him with sharp fiery rays from his eyes. Trunks shifted, disappeared and appeared here and there and avoided them. He hid behind a tree and Freeza looked everywhere and didn't find him. When Freeza turned in the opposite direction, the Saiyan came behind him and raised his sword to strike him. Freeza sensed the attack and turned around just in time to stop the blade with both his palms. He continued to resist Trunks, who took a few steps back. Observing that Trunks couldn't stand firm, Freeza stretched out a leg and struck him and he fell down. Freeza formed a fire sword from his own energy, and both engaged a battle opposing one sword to another.

Trunks' fist soon became mightier than Freeza's as he wielded Tapion's sword, his lucky charm. He concentrated all his energy on his sword and came down on Freeza with one mighty strike, which consumed the energy in the villain's sword. Freeza's sword vanished and Trunks continued to strike him repeatedly until Freeza had no energy left. He finally went down and Trunks brought down his sword on him. Seeing that he was beaten, Freeza pleaded.

Freeza: "Mercy me. I promise not to trouble villains in the forest again. Only, spare me. This place is better to me than the Other Dimension."

Trunks: "What was that again; that you were stronger than me? And I didn't even transform into Super Saiyan! Face the fact, Freeza; whether future or present, Trunks is your weakness. But since I am Present Trunks, you won't be locked up in the Other Dimension. Keep your word and tell your gang to stand down, and disband immediately."

The allies of the villains fled after seeing that they were defeated. Freeza also called his band and they all shied away and dispersed in the forest. Before the sun had gone half its course, the determination and goodwill of the heroes prevailed. They were fighting for a good cause so they overpowered the villains, as good always overcame evil. They all punched the air and shouted out their victory. The heroes once again assembled in the cave to talk about their combats. Before parting from each other, the Alliance thanked the reinforcement for their assistance.

Mr. Fantastic: "You can always count on us. The forest will be quiet for a while now that this evil band is weakened."

Human Torch: "I doubt Freeza will keep his promise, but we'll be ready to crush them anytime."

Rahan: "Don't be pessimistic, Torch. Freeza sounded sincere when he answered Trunks."

Spider-Man: "Terrax fled after receiving a call. I'm sure he did that on purpose, knowing he couldn't beat me. If you only saw how my web shooters scared him."

Human Torch: "Show-off! Cut the cosmic guy some slack, web head. I think he really had an emergency."

Spider-Man: "Don't be jealous, Torch; you too weren't bad against Doom. Anyway, I finished my fight early enough to watch some of you. Zach and Ryan impressed me the most. Windfang couldn't predict any of their moves."

Conan: "And you say there are no superheroes on Earth!"

Gohan: "Spidey, FF, why did you help us when NSF is after the Terrians?"

The Thing: "It's a sacrilege to forsake a friend. Samba called, we answered; that's the Alliance. We're loyal to each other whatever the case."

Invisible Woman: "HQ may consider the Earthlings trespassers yet we couldn't just leave all of you suffer at the hands of those savages."

Mr. Fantastic: "These little ones can't be foes. The proof - they helped us defeat the enemies of Nootra. I'll testify about it to NSF."

The Thing: "Why not nominate them for the Nootra Award?"

Human Torch: "Extra-Nootrans winning the MAC? Impossible! If anyone has to win it, it must be me."

Invisible Woman: "You big-headed! Can't you think of anything apart from yourself?"

Human Torch: "What else is there besides me?"

Mr Fantastic: "Heroes, I'll dare say you were all fantastic. And Trunks, you amazed me. See, I told you that you would have Freeza. He can't do anything against you."

Trunks: "Thanks, Mr. Fantastic. So the plot the Earthlings told me about was true. It means before I was born, I came from the future and defeated Freeza? Did my parents know?"

The Thing: "Not your mother, but Vegeta. How could you possibly hide anything like that from him?"

Ryan: "Before you leave heroes, can anyone tell me where to find Agape? Fantastic 4, you're explorers and you travel to distant worlds. Have you got an idea?"

The Thing: "Kid, don't you know that Agape is invisible?"

Alan: "My friend's dream is to meet Him. Please, help us if you can."

Zach: "From what we heard from the Alliance, it's obvious Nootrans know a lot about Him."

Human Torch: "Didn't I hear Gohan say it was on your planet that He came? You're the ones to tell us more about Him, Earthies."

Ryan: "But He left long ago, even before I was born. I thought He might be on another planet."

Spider-Man: "What I know is that He's everywhere; that's why we can't see Him."

Tarzan: "I sometimes feel His presence when I'm in the forest in the quiet of the night, as a man senses the presence of another man."

Human Torch: "Never happened to me, jungle boy. It's only you who can sense the presence of a man when you don't see him."

Mr. Fantastic: "Agape is invisible yet if it wasn't for Him, no one would survive this life of ours, which is in jeopardy all the time. That's how I know He is."

Human Torch: "When I was growing up, my dad told me that He lives permanently in me; not so, Sue?"

Invisible Woman: "He lives in every man. I can see Him in Johnny, Ben, Reed and all of you."

Rahan: "I know He indwells us, but like Ryan, I'd like to see Him outside those-who-walk-on-two-feet. I'm confident I'll see Him when I get to the place where the sun sets."

Ryan: "The astonishing thing is that you know Him, you who are supposed to be cartoon characters."

The Thing: "Of course we know Him. What did you take us for; ignorant folks? It's not because you discover it now that it hasn't always been so. You act as someone who receives a revelation at a set time and is excited, thinking he's the first to grasp it when countless people knew it already."

Alan: "On Earth, talking about Him is a sensitive issue since people have different beliefs concerning Him. That's why we're surprised to hear you talk about Him freely without any complex."

Mr. Fantastic: "I saw that kind of attitude on a planet we visited. This led me to the conclusion that people fear what they don't know. Maybe your people react that way because they don't have the right knowledge of who Agape is. I have never seen anyone reject His grace once they have experienced it. It's impossible for a human to do so. There's absolute beauty in His person when He's known exactly as He is.

'Every man loves beauty. No man will refuse something beautiful when it's offered free; unless they're being proud, hypocritical, fearful or they haven't yet perceived the beauty of the thing. It's up to you, Earthlings to find out where you failed. Trace that point, which caused your people to misunderstand the message. Once you correct that, you'll fix everything."

The Thing: "By the way, how can a man reject himself? The only reason a man may think hostilely towards Agape is that he has failed to see that he is in Him and that there's nothing like a man outside of the union with Him. The essence of man is his oneness with Agape. Our incorporation into Him is what makes us men. Man is defined as that person who is joined to Agape and partakes of all that He is and all that is in Him. Outside of Him, there is no man."

Tarzan: "Ben is right. The secret of man's fulfilment is the knowledge that we're already perfect in Him. We had no part to play for this to be. He played our part by assuming every aspect of our life and giving us the crowning piece in His glorified body into which He incorporated us."

Invisible Woman: "Diversities of beliefs, opinions and attitudes can't stop people from being together and loving each other. These divisions are only in our minds for truth is, we're one people. This is what our ancestors saw when they founded this city. Living together doesn't necessarily mean agreeing with someone. It means accepting people as they are, though we may not believe the same thing. What we can't deny is that we're of one essence and whatever difference we acquire in this world can't outweigh our fundamental nature of human being. We mustn't fear difference, but see every man as part of us since we are all in the one body of the Son."

Mr. Fantastic: "I love your quest, Ryan; I encourage you to never give up. You'll learn a lot through it and one day, you'll see Him face-to-face just as you see me now. But don't be surprised if you find Him to be a man."

Ryan: "I knew cartoons were humans though it sounded like fantasy to many. This meeting with you is a confirmation. Having seen you face-to-face, I know I'll see Him face-to-face. He's my ultimate dream."

Spider-Man: "Is it just me or don't these guys disrespect us by calling us cartoons, as if we were some actors in a show?"

Human Torch: "That's how the entire Earth recognizes us, Spidey. In their world, people they know whom they've never met and who live on other planets are called cartoons."

The Thing: "I pretend I didn't hear that crap, Johnny."

Conan: "Ryan, your dream of meeting Agape is big. It's good to have big dreams; life becomes even more interesting with them."

Noah: "Yes, big dreams pay. They take you where you want, like us in Nootra and me swinging with Spider-Man. Spidey, do you remember my request?"

Spider-Man: "Sorry Noah, but that will be for another time. We're agents and assignments await us. What's important now is to keep you safe."

Mr. Fantastic: "Gohan, we trust you to take our visitors safely to the base."

Gohan: "Count on us, Mr. Fantastic. Farewell friends."

The reinforcement left and in his turn, Gohan showed his gratitude to Samba, Leuk, Rahan, Conan, and Tarzan.

Samba: "It was a pleasure, friend. We're honoured to help those-who-walk-on-two-feet whenever they're in trouble."

Conan: "Hey Samba, you're talking like Rahan there."

Krilin: "We have to be going now. These villains are tireless. You can't tell what they might be up to next."

Noah: "Will I see you again, Rahan?"

Rahan: "Certainly, friend; we doubtless shall meet again. When people love each other, they surely meet and meet again and again."

Noah: "You heard that, guys? Rahan called me his friend and said we'll meet again."

Zach: "Little wonder since you're an expert in making friends with whoever you meet."

Tarzan: "Our encounter with you, Earthlings made me see that men from every galaxy and dimension are the same. We live in this world in relationship and are here to be with one another. We're all from one stock, of one heart and are destined for a common happiness."

Goten: "People from different worlds getting along just fine. Terrific!"

Trunks: "Even more intriguing is that they know all of us. The people of planet Earth know the people of Nootra. I can't figure this out. It means information circulate among dimensions."

Conan: "Zach and Ryan proved to me that they knew me well and trusted me. What do you call them again? Those cartoonists are truly inspired by Agape to be able to portray the lives of people living in other worlds."

Leuk: "Beautiful words, but time is passing and I'm not sleeping here another night. Come on; you must leave now."

Samba: "Take the greetings of the Alliance to companions at L4."

Gohan: "You have our word, Samba. Goodbye friends."

Son Gohan, Son Goten, Krilin, Trunks bearing Zach, Noah, Alan and Ryan parted from Tarzan, Conan, Rahan, Samba and Leuk and headed for Secret Base L4.

[1] Tapion is the protagonist of Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon (1995), DBZ 13th movie.

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