It took exactly 13 minutes and 13 seconds before the black sky returned to normal.
The weird part was that no matter how many investigations were done, there was no new information.
Everyone knew where it had happened, but they still had no clue what the purpose of it had been. Plus, getting a witness to talk proved to be impossible for some reason.
The event was finally ruled harmless, and the MTA insisted people forget about it. But, many still considered it an omen of destruction.
Of course, the news didn't stop at Metropolis-C. Metropolis-D and E began to discuss it, too, even trying to come up with possible measures if something similar happened on their territory.
Then it quickly became a worldwide sensation:
"News Flash! Day turned to night in Metropolis-C!"
"Signs of the apocalypse? Stay tuned for a complete analysis!"
"Today, we have an expert on astronomical phenomenons to discuss the topic."
Was it wise to suddenly start faking my results? I mean technically it was more of a loophole. It didn't say anywhere that I couldn't just ask my "victims" to follow me nicely. That grandpa just gave me a good feeling, must have been the smile.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)