As the evening wore on, the wine flowed freely, and all the ladies relaxed, including Amy, who had now loosened up and joined in the conversations.
"No phones allowed, Amy. Girls' time is girls' time," Andy announced when she caught Amy on her phone chatting with Lucas.
"Sorry," Amy said, flashing them an apologetic smile as she put away her phone.
"So, I've been thinking about something for a while now. Why don't we make this like a club?" Jade suggested, and all eyes turned to her.
"A club?"
"What do you mean?"
"Do you mean our hangouts?" Candace, Amy, and Sonia asked at the same time.
"Yeah. I mean, this thing here," Jade said, gesturing at them all with her hand.
"Funny that the thought crossed my mind earlier," Aurora chipped in.
"It's more like a sisterhood thingy. Or should we call it a cult?" Andy asked with a grin, and they all laughed.
"I think it sounds like a brilliant idea…"
"Yes!" Andy clapped.
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