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47.91% Re: Infinite attempts‎‏‏‎ / Chapter 23: Past Life, B 05

Capítulo 23: Past Life, B 05

How did I get into this trouble?

Because being Leonora is difficult, I just want a quiet life, but problems don't stop chasing me.

The courtroom was full of people who had come to see the trial, my trial... what's my crime? Ruining the dress of the judge's wife who is judging me right now.

The judge banged the table to silence the crowd.

(Judge) Miss Leonora Monique Pau...

(Leonora) sorry to interrupt your honor, but my family has disinherited me, I only have my first name.

(Judge) Well, then Miss Leonora, how do you declare yourself?

(Leonora) Your Honor, if you will allow me to explain.

(Judge) Miss Leonora, did you spill paint or not on the madam I presented here?

(Leonora) Technically yes, but I was working...

At that moment the judge stood up and raised his voice while pointing his finger at me.

(Judge) the defendant has admitted her crime!!

No point in trying, I realized it late, but this was an event of the game, the protagonist ruined the dress of a noblewoman, and was taken to a parody of a trial, where she was found guilty without being able to defend herself, but before the sentence was passed, Maxwell, the crown prince appeared and saved her by exposing the corruption of the judge and his wife by arranging the trials.

But there was no one to come and save me.

(Judge) Well Miss Leonora, can you pay a figure equivalent to twice the value of the dress, plus compensation for psychological damages?

(Leonora) eh no....

(Judge) I had it, then you will be sentenced to a life in the coal mines until you raise the money to pay your debt, plus the interest generated by it.

No, no, no, no, think Leonora, no one will come to save you, think, think, anything, anything to get out of this.

(Leonora) trial by combat!!

(Judge) Excuse me?

(Leonora) trial by combat, according to the law imposed by the 14th monarch of the Karris kingdom, an accused may challenge his accusers to combat to prove his innocence.

(Judge) Do you agree that the winner of the combat has the right to decide on the life of the loser?

Yes, but I didn't remember...

(Leonora) ah this.. me...

He hit the table with his gavel and declared.

(Judge) Well, then this is how it will be, in a week from today, a duel will be held to decide the result of this trial in the central square of the city, in which the accuser and the accused will face each other or the representatives that they choose, I consider today's trial finished.

The trial is over and I don't know if I will win a week or sign my death sentence, there is no one who wants to be my representative.


I'm Leonora, I died in my original world and reincarnated in an otome game world as the villain of the game, but every time I die, I revive, turning this into some kind of punishment rather than the fantasy that my earth self could imagine.

It took many attempts so I started to list them, being this the B 05, that's the 5th of the B series, the A series came 47 lives, but ended with a traumatic event that left me stunned for several lives, until finally I could recover enough to be functional again, but leaving me a severe trauma to honey...

Anyway, I've long since learned that following the events of the game brings me no good, so I avoid them as best I can, which is why right now I'm a complete stranger to the protagonist and have only spoken a couple of times to the capture targets.

After getting my family to disinherit me, and hide the fact that I am the witch, I thought I could live a quiet life as a commoner accepting all kinds of odd jobs, after having failed as a seamstress, cook, gardener, maid and so on, it could only occur to me, to devote this life to accept work in the field of construction.

But while painting the facade of a store, I ended up throwing paint on a noblewoman who turned out to be the wife of the judge, this couple existed in the game and were dedicated to defraud people.

And I had no better idea than to request a trial by combat to a couple who must have some elite guard or the money to hire one, instead I have neither the one nor the other.

If I lose I'm going to be executed, and I don't want to die, it hurts so much, maybe a life in the coal mines wouldn't have been so bad, what the hell was I thinking?

What can I do?

The only thing I have is the knowledge of the game, which hasn't helped me much, and about coffee because of my original life in which I was a waitress in my parents' cafeteria, which also doesn't help me much because in this world there is no coffee.

I racked my brain looking for anything in the game that could help me, until I finally came across something that could help me, Eris.

She was a character in the game and the mother of one of the capture targets, in the game she was a sort of super human, who helped the protagonist master her powers, to deal with the events of the sequel.

Although it isn't said in the game, I have dreams with the woman who was the witch before Leonora, and in them it seems that she met Eris, and I don't judge her for being the witch.

Yes Eris, she is my hope, in the game she was a bit obsessed with her children, but she was a good person and if she also met the previous witch, I'm sure she will help me, but she is the wife of the marquis and I don't know if I will be able to have an audience with her.


(Leonora) the marquise still can't attend me?

(Guard) the marquise is a busy woman.

(Leonora) please deliver my message to her.

(Guard) I will deliver it, but I make no promises.

The guard took the letter I gave him, and continued at his post, I have been standing at the doors of the Marquis's mansion for 5 days requesting an audience with Eris, but he has not answered me and I am running out of time.

Since the third day, I gave up going back to my house and I stand in front of the guards hoping that at least they will take pity on me, and not throw away my messages, but it doesn't seem to be working.

I didn't know what to do, I was about to beg the guards again, but at that moment a carriage entered the mansion.

(Leonora) Is that the Marquise? Can you deliver my message?

(Guard) For the last time miss, the Marquise is in her office busy with her work, in that carriage travels the third son of the Johansen family who is returning from....

At that moment the carriage stopped abruptly, and before it stopped, someone jumped out of the carriage.

I wanted to hide my face, but it was obvious that he had recognized me, that person who got out of the carriage was none other than Johan, who upon seeing me approached where I was.

(Johan) Leonora? Is that you?

I wanted to deny it, but I wouldn't gain anything, so I answered him.

(Leonora) Hi Johan.

He examined me from top to bottom, my clothes were ragged and I hadn't bathed for days because I was waiting to see Eris, so I don't blame him for being surprised.

(Johan) By the gods Leonora, what happened to you?

(Leonora) Things haven't been going very well for me.

(Johan) One day you just disappeared from the academy, and when we asked about you, your family said that they had disinherited you, but they didn't give any more explanations.

(Leonora) Yes well, it's a bit of a complicated story.

From inside the carriage a voice called Johan, and finally the protagonist, Celes, came out of the carriage.

(Celes) Johan, what happened? You rushed out of the carriage.

I hid behind Johan, I didn't want her to see me, I didn't want anyone to see me, once I tried to do horrible things to them and now I can't see their faces.

(Johan) is Leonora, do you remember her? She was with us at the academy until she disappeared.

(Celes) Which Leonora?

She didn't remember me and I thought it was for the best, while Johan tried to make her remember, I tried to sneak away, I don't want to involve them with me, but out of nowhere even though I could have sworn she wasn't there before, Eris was behind me.

(Eris) hmm what's going on here?

I was silent, I finally had her in front of me, but now I had lost my desire to ask her for help, but for better or worse, one of the guards spoke.

(Guard) the young lady here I presented, has been seeing you every day to request an audience with you Marquise.

(Eris) Is that true dear?

I just nodded my head slightly.

(Johan) Mother, she is a friend of mine, please listen to what she has to say.

(Eris) Okay, Celes dear, wait for me in the courtyard, when I finish talking to the young lady, I will come so we can have our lesson.

Celes and Johan got back into the carriage, and I followed Eris to her office in the mansion.

Upon entering she invited me to take a seat, I was happy to finally have her in front of me so I hurried to speak.

(Leonora) Good afternoon Marquise, I am...

(Eris) the witch, I know.

Until recently, Eris spoke with a cheerful and childish tone, which I knew well from the game, but now, her tone became monotonous and boring, that made me keep quiet, besides, I thought no one knew that I was the witch, the only thing I asked my parents was to hide the fact.

She as if reading my mind simply answered me.

(Eris) even if you try to hide the mark with your hair, it's too obvious for people who know what to look for, I would recommend a tattoo or a bigger scar to hide it.

(Leonora) despite being the witch, I don't want to do anything to anyone.

(Eris) you don't even have the ability, so I don't understand why people see you as a danger, but it doesn't matter, now, if you come for help for your trial by combat, I ask you to leave, I have no intention of getting involved.

(Leonora) How do you know?

(Eris) I saw you the first day, and I took a few minutes of my tea time to investigate you, and it was not very difficult to understand everything.

I didn't know what to do, Eris was always very good with the main character, and she never interacted with Leonora so I didn't know how she would treat her, but I still had the fact that she knew the previous witch, in the dreams I heard that she wanted to help her, I can be worth me of that.

(Leonora) I have dreams in which...

(Eris) You dream about the previous witch, don't you? Yes, she told me that she could do that, that was the reason why you came to ask for my help?

(Leonora) Yes, in the dreams you said you wanted to help her.

(Eris) yes it's true, I wanted to help her, but she never wanted my help, she refused to accept her destiny.

(Leonora) No, I don't understand.

She got up from her chair and looked out of the window that overlooked the courtyard, there she could see Celes and Johan.

(Eris) Leonora, I understand that you know my son Johan, don't you?

(Leonora) We were never close friends, but we studied together.

(Eris) And what is your opinion of him?

(Leonora) Excuse me?

(Eris) Yes, what do you think of the way he is.

(Leonora) He always gave me the impression that he is the type of person who works hard to achieve what he wants.

(Eris) And what has she achieved?

(Leonora) Excuse me?

(Eris) Yes, what did all your effort bring you? I'll tell you, misery, my poor son is miserable because he is not able to accept that he has no talent for anything, and he doesn't stop trying, that makes him miserable, if he would give up and stop trying his life would be much better.

(Leonora) I don't understand what you mean.

(Eris) You see honey, in this world we all have a destiny marked with the talent we are born with, it was the same thing I tried to explain to Kiara, but some heartless people lied to her and ruined her life by making her believe that she could defy destiny, that made her miserable, and I regretted me every day for not being able to help her.

(Leonora) But I...

(Eris) just give up honey, you live a meaningless life, you can't change what people think of you, you have no abilities, you have no allies, you have nothing, why do you even keep trying? You're just wasting your time and I can't stand people who waste time.

(Leonora) I... I... I don't want to die...

(Eris) we are all going to die sooner or later honey, it would also do you good to accept it, now if you excuse me, there is a very interesting girl that I want to see, she has a lot of talent and I want to help her to develop it, I hope our little conversation has helped you, and you accept the reality.

She rang a bell and two house guards appeared.

(Eris) the lady is about to leave, please escort her, and by the way, make sure she doesn't go near my son for the next few days, it won't matter after that.

They took me out of the mansion and forbade me to approach again, she must know that Johan will help me and Celes by association, I for my part could only cry, even if I wanted to, I could not give up, they would not let me, every time I died I came back to life and everything started all over again.

I cried and cried and when I thought I could not cry anymore, I just kept crying, I was tired, I do not know what I did to deserve this, but I wanted it to end once and for all, it was then that he appeared.

A man in rusty armor, with a sun drawn on his breastplate and an exaggerated toupee, he offered me a handkerchief.

(Knight) my young lady, what sorrows do you have in your heart to afflict you in this way, tell me your problems and this humble knight will do everything in his power to help you.

(Leonora) Nevermind, it's a hopeless case.

(Knight) my young lady, there are no lost or impossible cases in this world, with a little more effort and a little more perseverance, you can turn what seemed an irremediable failure into a glorious success, tell me your problems and you will see how everything in this world has a solution if we keep trying.

I didn't lose anything in telling him, and I wanted someone to talk to, so I told him all about the judge and his wife and the trial by combat, he listened to me attentively until I finished.

(Knight) Just as I imagined it my young lady, there aren't any problems who don't have a solution, it is enough that I represent you in the duel?

(Leonora) I have nothing to pay you with.

(Knight) a thank you and a smile are enough for me, my young lady, now go back home and on the day of morning present yourself with your head held high, I will appear, but for now there is something I need to check.

(Leonora) you will not abandon me?

(Knight) Never my young lady.

(Leonora) Why?

(Knight) Because that's what heroes do my young lady, and I who will be the greatest hero in history, I couldn't leave a poor lady in trouble.

I didn't know what to think, this strange man, could he really help me? And if so, what would he gain? My situation isn't going to change, no matter what, I showed up at the duel.

I saw that woman and her husband surrounded by armed men who should be their guards, among them should be their representative.

The judge stepped forward and spoke to the crowd.

(Judge) Miss Leonora, I see that you have presented yourself, I was about to send the guard for you, but tell me where is your representative or do you plan to participate yourself?

(Leonora) I...

(Knight) I'm her representative my good sir, I will stand up for the young lady in this duel.

(Judge) Well, the duel will begin at noon.

He returned with his people and I stayed by that man's side.

(Leonora) You came.

(Knight) Oh my young lady, I am offended by the fact that you thought I would not show up for the duel, I told you I would come, I just had to settle a matter.

(Leonora) you know that the representative shares the destiny?

(Knight) Of course my young lady, that's why I humbly request you to spare my opponent's life.

After I don't know how long I could laugh honestly, I don't know where he gets his confidence from but it was starting to rub off on me.

The appointed time came and the judge spoke.

(Judge) Very well we can begin the trial by combat, I hope that both sides have all their representatives.

(Leonora) their representatives? was it possible to have more than one?

(Judge) Of course Miss Leonora, the conditions of the duel were not declared, so there was no limit for the representatives, that's why the madam here has chosen these gentlemen here present, and as far as I can see you only brought one.

(Leonora) I... I...

(Knight) No problem my good sir, we can begin the duel.

He just smiled and entered the arena to the laughter of those present.

(Knight) Remember my request my young lady, spare the lives of my opponents, they should only be following orders.

He stood on his side of the arena and a burly man who surpassed him in size stood in front of him, the judge gave the signal and I closed my eyes instinctively, but to the incredulous cries of the crowd I opened them again.

That giant lay on the ground and the knight was standing, he looked at the judge and asked the next one, one by one his opponents were falling with a single blow of his sword, the judge became desperate and made the last 10 enter the arena together, but the result was the same, the knight defeated them with a single blow without receiving a scratch.

The judge and his wife collapsed, and the knight approached them.

(Knight) That's all, now my young lady has the right to choose her life.

(Judge) No, there must be a mistake, you must have cheated, if that's it, you cheated, as judge I declare this duel invalid and my wife the winner.

(Man) You are no longer a judge, you can't invalidate anything.

Everyone turned to see who had said those words and the supreme judge of the court made his appearance.

(Supreme Judge) I have been informed of your abuses of power, at first I didn't want to believe it, but now that I see it with my own eyes, I have no doubts, by the power granted to me by his majesty I retire you from your charge.

Guards arrested him and his wife but before taking them away, the chief judge asked me.

(Supreme Judge) young lady, you are the winner of the trial by combat, for what you can say about the lives of your opponents, both have a long list of charges for abuse of power and the law will take care of it, but if you request their immediate execution, I will not oppose.

I did not want them dead, I knew more than anyone that death was a rest and the greatest torture was to stay alive.

(Leonora) Let the law take care of it, I give the supreme judge take the right to say.

(Supreme Judge) I knew your decision young lady.

Before they were taken away, that gentleman interrupted.

(Knight) Excuse me my good sir, but this matter is not finished, originally the accusing party requested the value of 2 times the dress plus an indemnity, I request 10 times that amount for the inconvenience caused to my young lady.

(Supreme Judge) your fortune will be seized, and will be used to help the victims of their abuses, for your help in catching them your share will be greater.

(Knight) I thank you my good sir, it was a good idea to go with you.

(Supreme Judge) I also thank you for your help, and ask you to forgive me for not believing you at first.

The guards took them away and the crowd dispersed, I for my part did not know what to do.

That gentleman approached me and smiled.

(Knight) believe me now my young lady, that all the problems have solution as long as one believes that they had them.

I didn't know what to do and I could only cry, cry and cry and when I thought I could not cry anymore, I continued crying, but that gentleman did not leave my side.

The next day I was called by the supreme judge to receive my compensation for what happened, but when I wanted to pay the Knight he refused.

(Knight) it's not necessary my young lady, I said that my reward would be a thank you and a smile, and I will not accept less than that, since the smile of a lady is worth more than all the gold in the world.

(Leonora) thank you, you don't know how grateful I am, thank you very much.

(Knight) No problem my young lady, now that I have been paid I will retire, there are still people in the world who need me and we heroes are always where we are needed.

(Leonora) You haven't told me your name.

(Luztukru) oh, what happened to my manners? I am the great knight Luztukru, the man who will be the greatest hero in history, and now my young lady I retire, reminding you to never lose hope, that as long as you have the will, there is nothing impossible.

That was the time I met Luztukru, and the first time I could have a long life in which I could be very happy, if that had been the end of my story I would have been satisfied, but things wouldn't be so easy for me.

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