Chapter 84: Dragon Slayers
"What's with such an absent-minded expression?" Venomous asked.
She was looking at Michu with an inquisitive gaze, but happiness was what prevailed. An unrestrained smile lingered on Yumi's face after Michu's victory, so she couldn't understand why he would be so quiet.
Michu glanced at her, then shook his head, "I was thinking about something. How much did you see?" He asked while caressing his chin!
After Yumi said, "Everything." Michu nodded a few times then asked Venomous what she thought about his battle.
Of course, endless praises bypassed her soft lips, but Yumi also reminded Michu that he was just a little too reckless.
Nonetheless, the game was a show and the loss in the first survival game would've kicked him out of the tournament.
All in all, Michu did a splendid job. "You made Lil Karolin scream for you many times."
"Lil Karolin?" Michu scoured his mind, but no Lil Karolin appeared within.
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