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16.77% Elania, Arachne in a different world [GL] / Chapter 25: A cry to the heavens

Capítulo 25: A cry to the heavens

Allina and I got involved in an argument over the goblins' fate. She was planning to simply dispatch the goblins that had surrendered but my morals had stopped her, for now. She didn't seem to want to listen to what I had to say and I was currently reduced to pleading. I understood that we could not simply set them free as they would obviously regroup with the rest of their kin in the forest and likely attack again someday, but I felt like killing enemies that had surrendered was a war crime. I was pretty sure it was, back on Earth.

It appeared Earth logic did not seem to apply to these people, as the guard officer had joined our conversation and suggested the same thing Allina had: extermination.

''Isn't there anything they can be used for? Labor? Pest control?'' I pleaded.

''They are pests themselves.'' The ranking guard spat on the ground.

''But they've surrendered, you can't simply kill them.''

''Sure we can.'' He replied in a far too serious manner.

A flash of light and a wave of heat that followed it interrupted our talks.

Fear, disgust and anger shot through me as all three of us looked in the direction of the source. Orange flames rose up from where the goblins were kneeled as they awaited their fate. Their bodies were reduced to ash and coal as the entirety of the ground where they had been waiting was suddenly set ablaze.

I was left horrified.

They had surrendered.

They had fucking surrendered.


I felt my heart sink and my stomach twist as I looked at the raging inferno. A large patch of grass had disappeared and the lives of the figures that were scared to death had simply ceased to exist. How could anyone ever do this? Who had done this?

Of course, I couldn't call the goblin from before a friend in any way, shape or form. But, my trade with him a few days ago had given me a much-needed head start to survive in this world. Now, he had simply been erased from this world by whoever did this.

I looked around and saw the guards and archers with the same shocked expressions. It couldn't have been them; they didn't possess such power in the first place.

''That's most of the monsters dealt with, just one more to go.'' An overly confident male voice came from behind me.

I turned around to see a human man in black robes approaching us. He held a luxurious golden staff with a red orb in one hand and I could see a fiery ball growing in his other. From this distance I could see he had a shining blue adventurer's tag, much like Valtheril's. I couldn't, however, make out his tier.

Wait, was he talking about me?

He was.

His eyes were fixated on me as the ball of fire in his hand grew.

I was so screwed.

I felt hopeless. I wanted to speak, but no words left my mouth. I gazed into his fiery eyes and knew there would be no negotiating.

I dropped to the grass and prayed in my mind.

I didn't want to die...

A glimmer of hope sparked within me when Velariah stepped in front of me with her sword drawn, but I knew she would be no match for this monstrosity of a human being that was coming for me.

She looked heroic but this was futile.

Don't die for me Vel...

Velariah held her sword in front of her horizontally, pointing at the human's head.

''State your name and business, stranger!''

How could she remain so cool in face of such overwhelming power? I was crippled by fear.

''Oh, you know, just some simple monster slaying, it seems I've missed one, I'll take care of it now.'' He shrugged, the fireball in his hand grew slightly weaker when he did so.

The human spoke with nonchalance and complete and utter disregard for me. It really seemed he saw me as nothing more than a monster. I had known some people may not like me, but this was quite extreme, I'd done nothing to offend him. What was worse, this guy actually had more power than all of us combined, that was not hard to take notice of.

Was it even legal to attack other guild members? Part of the reason I joined was so that this wouldn't happen...

''She has a name.'' Velariah stated. ''And she is part of the Dawnleaf guild. Attacking her carries the death penalty.'' She still held her sword up.

Oh. So, it was illegal.

''I'm Ken Stonefort, also known as Crimson Fury. I care little for your guild in this backwater hamlet. Monsters are monsters and they exist only to be cleansed.'' The blazing ball in his hand light up again.

''And I am Velariah Leafguard, daughter of Valtheril Leafguard, High general of the royal elven army. If you value your life, stand down.''

Holy shit, Velariah was getting serious. She might just save my ass.

The human mage laughed in a wicked way.

''Smoke and mirrors, nice try, but it won't fool me. This spider ''friend'' of yours is an abomination that can't be allowed to live. She'll meet her end here'' The fire in his hand grew to the size of a basketball and changed into a light blue color.

Maybe not.

Farewell Vel.

''So, you have chosen death.''

A familiar authoritative voice spoke.

At the same time an immense pressure pressed down on my shoulders. All soldiers that were present were forced to their knees as well. Velariah was the only one still standing. For the rest of us, it was as if an entire ocean suddenly weighed down on us. I had only experienced this once and I felt hope return where I had felt despair the previous time I experienced this.

Valtheril approached the man from behind until he was about two meters out.

And he looked pissed.

His long white hair waved to the side as he had his sword drawn and in front of him, much in the same manner as Velariah's. His sword glowed with a hot, white light as he came closer to the mage who had his spell disappear into nothingness. The human turned around.

He and I both stared into Valtheril's green eyes. Oh, was he pissed. Even from this distance it was painstakingly clear.

The human mage's cocky attitude was replaced with fear as I could hear him stumble to put together a coherent sentence.

''M-m-m-mister general. S-sorry. Didn't kno-''


Valtheril's shout had enough energy behind it to cause a shockwave of sound to ripple over the grass around us. It also scattered the last of the smoke from his spell into the wind.

''You committed an act of treason...'' His sword changed into a pure white blade made of light.

''The penalty for treason...'' His blade extended into double the length it was before.

''Is death!'' He shouted with conviction.

He brought his blade over his shoulder and swung.

I wanted to look away, but my eyes were forced to look at the scene playing out in front of me. I tried to move my head, but my muscles were locked in place.

The moment Valtheril's sword hit the man in went straight through him seemingly without doing anything at all.

An unearthly scream came from the human's throat, indicating that the sword had done at least something. I wanted to cover my ears but couldn't move my arms.

The man's black robes started to unravel into particles of light. Faster and faster, it disintegrated into small pieces and flew off with the light breeze in the air. His scream continued and came to a sudden halt.

A massive pillar of white light from the heavens enveloped the victim of Valtheril's attack. The light was so concentrated that I couldn't see the man's figure anymore. The light was so bright that I feared I'd go blind. It was like looking into the sun tenfold, but it didn't seem to go accompanied with the pain that looking into the star's light would normally bring.

The pillar collapsed upon itself as the white ray came crashing down. An explosion followed before the beam flickered and dimmed. The last of the light was dispelled and the wizard was nowhere to be seen.

A black patch of burnt ground with blackened tendrils at its side was all that was left where he once stood.

The suppressive aura disappeared, but I still couldn't stand.

What the hell was that power?

I was flabbergasted.

Valtheril's sword shrunk to its original size and the light around it disappeared. He sheathed it once more as he slowly walked to us.

Velariah had already sheathed hers as well and turned to face me.

''You okay Elania?'' She asked as she knelt down before me.

My mind was playing out the attack over and over again. The light, the strength, the beauty of it was seared into my soul. I couldn't utter a word until Velariah actually shook my shoulders.

''Elania?'' She looked a bit worried.

''I'm fine. I think?'' I signed in relief, thankful for Valtheril's timely intervention. I'd be one dead spider if it wasn't for him.

''What did I just see?''

''That.'' She paused for a second. ''Was my father's full strength unleashed. You're privileged to have seen it, not many get to observe it. He calls it ''Heavenly Flare''.''

''That's the result of years of training and evolving of one's inherity.'' Valtheril added as he reached out a hand to help me get up.

I awkwardly accepted the gesture and got up.

''I felt a huge surge of magic in the area and decided to investigate.'' He spoke. ''Seems I got here just in time.''

Yeah, no kidding. I still shuddered at my near-death experience.

I thanked him from the bottom of my heart and he turned to the other soldiers.

''Allina, Ithilestis, I expect your squads' witness reports with the Lore keeper before dusk. Seems the guy was a mid-tier diamond adventurer, we need to handle this properly.''

''Yes, general.'' Both Allina and the officer guardsman saluted Valtheril.

I found my rationality returning as the danger had dissipated.

Witness reports? Guess it made sense, he had just executed another man for treason, after all.

Would he have done the same if I hadn't joined the guild?

Also, didn't Velariah have the same inherity as her father? Would that mean that with experience she would be able to do that too?

Holy crap. I had no idea they would work like that. Evolving he said? How did that work?

That brought me back to the dream I had before. The spider had mentioned evolving as well and someone called an ''Ancient One''. I had to brush the thought aside as Valtheril approached us again.

Without warning he took Velariah in for a hug. I wasn't actually expecting that and neither was she, apparently, judging from the small yelp that escaped her lips.

''Thank you Vel, for keeping that scoundrel occupied but please be more careful in the future.'' He patted her back.

Well, would you look at that, he knew how to parent, after all.

Also, what did he mean with ''please be more careful in the future''? What was she supposed to do? Could he be referring to her using her sword? That seemed plausible, if she used her sword like that, she could just anger somebody and make them attack her because of the shown defiance.

She looked hella cool doing it, though.

Velariah eventually returned the hug.

''I'm sorry father, I'll try.''

Yeah, ''try'' seemed about right. There was no way she was going to be careful.

''Elania.'' Valtheril turned to me mid hug.


''Please ensure she stays safe.''

How was I going to do that?

''Sure.'' I replied.


''By the way.'' I started a question and they separated. ''Sir Valtheril, have you ever heard of something called an ''Ancient One?''

He shook his head.


''Never heard of anything specifically being called that. There is a dragon located at the Searing Peak that is incredibly old, though. I believe... four thousand years? Would that answer the question?''

Four thousand years? What? Actually, how long was a year here?

''I have no idea...''

''Why did you want to know anyway if I may ask?'' He politely asked.

Should I tell him? Ah, what the heck.

''I had a dream that felt awfully real, it mentioned me evolving and then mentioned I should seek out someone called an ''Ancient One'' for more information.''

Velariah looked at me with large eyes. I guessed I hadn't told her yet, oops.

''Sounds like it was more than just a dream, maybe it referred to Ember, you could try with her, otherwise she might know more.''

''Ember?'' I inquired.

''The dragon, she would like the company too.''

Wait, dragons were not majestic powerful fearsome creatures hellbent on destroying everything in their wake in this world? That was a welcome surprise. Moreover, they actually liked company? Interesting indeed.

It wasn't much, but it was worth a shot. A friendly dragon was actually something I'd like to see for myself, weird as that may sound.

''Where, and how far is it? If I may ask.''

He pointed in the direction of where we had gone to complete the spider nest extermination quest.

''If you walk over to that hill, you should see volcanic mountains in the distance. You can find Ember at the highest peak of the ridge. That mountain is called the Searing Peak and is generally one of the easier ones to climb, but be careful of the Ashclaw scorpions, their venom is qui-, actually never mind.''

Heh, venom. This was going to be easy.

Hold on, did he just say scorpions?

I shuddered. 'More creepy crawlies... I hate this world.'

''It's about a three day's walk to the foot of the mountain, the mountain itself depends on the circumstances at the time. Mostly on how many scorpions you have to fight on the way up, it's one of the reasons why Ember doesn't get many visitors.''

Wait a second.

You actually have to fight scorpions? How big were these things?

This was getting worse by the minute.

''If you collect their stingers, the guild pays good money for those.''

Finally, some good news.

That should at least make up for some of the downtime we would have to experience from not being able to do quests. Though, I guess, you could technically consider this some sort of a quest as well. I wonder what they used those stingers for?

Draco appeared to have been listening in to the conversation too because up next came a question from him.

''So, when we going?''

''Dude, I just molted, give me a break.'' I said before I realized what I had just said.

Immediately after I could feel my cheeks flush red. I covered my face with as many hands as possible.

It didn't stop their laughter. Their far too blatant laughter.

I turned around in shame.

''Hey Elania, seems you got an arrow up your butt.'' Velariah's voice called out.

That really didn't help to change the mood I was in right now. My embarrassment only grew because of that comment.

I'd completely forgotten about that.

Pain shot from my abdomen through my body. It was as if somebody had stuck a needle in my behind. It wasn't terribly painful in any way but still! Fortunately, the pain went away as quickly as it came, when realization of what the elven knight had just done struck me.

''Ouch!" I let out.

I turned around to see Velariah hold up the arrow with a nasty smile on her face.

''What did you do that for?'' I asked with feigned anger.

I really couldn't be that angry, I didn't feel the pain anymore, after all.

This is where I would have grabbed my butt and stroke it with my hands, if I could reach it...

''Dunno, figured I'd relieve you of it.'' She smirked.

This elf was evil. Evil I tell you.

I looked over to my abdomen and noticed a very small spot of blood where the arrow had been. It did appear that this carapace was tougher than before. The last time I had arrows lodged into it, they penetrated quite a bit deeper, it only seemed very superficial right now.

I guessed that this Evolution wasn't a nothingburger, after all.

If I were to guess, I'd say that would be part of my inherity?

It seemed like a reasonable explanation for now, so I would just roll with it. I could find out exactly how it worked once I'd gotten the money to pay for the ritual.

''Well, thanks'' I replied at last, with more than a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

''You're welcome.'' She replied with glee.

I swear...

I quickly tried to change the topic.

''Sir Valtheril, do you have anything like carts in the village?'' I asked. I had somewhat of an idea in my mind.

''The guild has a couple in the warehouse. Why, you need them for something?'' he crossed his arms.

They had them in the warehouse? I didn't see any when I was there. Maybe because the place had been so dark...

''I was thinking we could take one with us if we were to go to the Searing Peak. We could use it to make transport faster and take more items with us.''

There were bound to be some interesting things to find on and near a volcano. Besides the possibility of sulfur that would have plenty of uses, there could also be gems and certain stones that could be used to craft goods. Besides that, if these scorpions were truly as big as I expected, we could also bring quite a few more of their stingers with us on the way back. More stingers meant more money.

Valtheril thought for a moment.

''If you promise them a share of the goods you bring back, I don't think they would mind.''

That seemed fair.

''Thanks a lot for the info.''

''No problem, if that's all, I'll be off. There's a lot of paperwork that I'll have to get done.'' he sighed.

I could imagine.

I shook my head. I had all the info I needed for now.

''Thank you for your service to Dawnleaf, Elania.''

With that, he walked off to the village again.

''So, tomorrow?'' Velariah asked, finishing what Draco started, though in a much more demanding fashion.

I facepalmed.

''I doubt that's a good idea, miss Velariah. Usually after molting, I need at least a day or two of rest and a lot of food. It would be unwise to set out so soon.''

Thank you, Draco.

Also, boom! It seemed I was right about him having to molt as well.

''So, food?'' Velariah then asked.

''Sounds good to me.'' Draco replied.

I simply nodded. I didn't want to admit it but I was getting rather hungry myself. This whole molting thing turned out to be more complicated that I had initially thought.

''Good thing we still have that discount at the guild.'' Velariah spoke cheerfully.

Damn, there was that still. I'd lost two days of discount on food.

Stupid ''Evolution''.

I was going to make up for that for sure.

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