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82.43% SPACE COLONIST: in the oceanic world ARK / Chapter 168: Chapter 166 - The Beast & The Machine part 2

Capítulo 168: Chapter 166 - The Beast & The Machine part 2

*(mood song: "Ashes Remain - On My Own")

The beast roars reverberated in the water as the first one finally emerged from the hole.

Its skin was pale grey and wrinkled, with two big black eyes on its sleek head, multiple serrated metallic bone teeth inside its mouth, and long webbed front claws driven by powerful arms, along with sturdy back legs, and a manatee like tail in the back. Serrated spikes also covering their entire spine, sharp like the spikes of a scorpion fish.

*Bang! BOOM!* Erik's bullet went right through the creature's head and exploded inside its body, in a storm of gore.

Erik: "FIRE!!!"

*Bang! Bang! Bang! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!*

It was their nest, their ancestral home for generations, and so the beasts swarmed out to protect it, but... they were met by explosions and the bloody pulp remains of their brothers and sisters. The beasts weren't picky though and snatched floating pieces of meat as they advanced.

Just as the enormous number of beasts was starting to almost reach the first line of bots...

*BANG BANG BANG!!!* The submarine cannons blasted the entrance, the explosion blowing the beasts back inside in pieces along with a massive cloud of mud and blood floating on the water.


Amanda: *understood commander*

The submarine quickly turned slightly and pointing one of its side propellers to the door and the other away, was able to keep in place, as it generated a big current that cleared the blood and mud away.

In front of them, the floor was full of chunks of meat along with claws, teeth, and bones.

Erik raised a fist and the fire stopped, there were no more roars heard, only an eerie silence like only the dark depths of the ocean can have.

Erik: "that should be most of them..."

Rose: "...we have a bigger problem" her finger pointed at the huge cloud of the blood being swept to the side "that must have been thousands of beasts... it's way too much bait, we need to get the submarine inside fast or we will surely lose it..."

Erik: " are right... Amanda, turn off all lights and park the submarine near the stone wall to the left, the bait was swept to the right so with some luck a can of metal like the submarine will be ignored... close all hatches too just in case though"

Amanda: *yes commander*

The submarine turned and delicately landed by their left side, lifting a massive cloud of mud that would engulf them soon.

Erik: "let's get inside!"

The drones crossed the threshold of the door first, followed by the bots and then the rest, inside was a similar gore as outside, pieces of the beasts blasted in all directions.

Timberly reeked: "it smells disgusting..."

Erik: "Oh? raw meat even you wouldn't eat?"

Timberly: "hmm..." she grabbed a piece of meat and squeezed it, the meat releasing black plumes of blood into the water "it smells and looks weird..."

Erik took some samples and placed them in containers on his belt: "I will take a look later, let's keep going-"

Rose: "wait..." she grabbed a piece of bone and scanned it, causing her to frown "...shit..."

Erik: "what is it?"

Rose: "their bones... are still porous..."

Erik's eyes dilated: "so you mean..."

Rose nodded: "yes... that means... they are still growing so... these were all pups, their adult parents should be much bigger..."

Erik clenched his hands: "that... is indeed a cause for concern... bots take the front! Rose... it's time to lead us"

Rose nodded: "we need to power up the place first... the power room is only two hundred meters away, so... it should be fine".

In front of them was a hallway big enough to allow a thirty meter tall giant to walk through it, illuminated by the lights of the drones, bots, and octopeople's helmet lights, their lights bouncing on the slightly shiny metallic walls, but never reaching the ceiling completely, while their feet sunk in the thick layer of mud and debris.

Erik: "this place's so creepy... why nothing grows on the walls at least... toxic alloys?"

Rose nodded: "indeed... extremely toxic to any form of life that intends to chew on them even a bit"

Erik: "what's it made of?"

Rose: "super dense metals, metals that can only be found in the cores of planets and stars, that's why... be careful of these beasts... if they can destroy that then... they are a huge threat"

Erik: "sigh... indeed... people stay sharp! threats could be everywhe-"

"AAARGH HELP- GURGH..." a shout was then heard from the back, followed by a gurgle and a woosh sound of moving water.

Erik: "ROSE! LIGHT!"

The drones then glowed intensely, revealing huge creatures stuck to the ceiling and now behind them, the biggest one of them chewing on a hunter octopeople, her eyes wide open in horror as her body fluids floated in the water.

Erik saw her face, her already dead eyes seemingly still pleading for help, her lower half already completely missing.

Erik felt it, his limbs felt hot, his chest and head hurt, and time seemed to slow down as plasma sparks sparked over his power armor, he could see them now, their nervous systems, as everything felt to happen slower.

Erik gritted his teeth: "you shall pay for that... OPEN FIRE!!!!"

*BANG BANG BANG !!! BOOM BOOM BOOM !!!!* bullets, explosives, and plasma shots quickly flew, pressing the monsters to retreat.

All the octopeople turned in rage, they were both a vengeful species and society by nature, and they would get their revenge.

Erik felt the same, the monsters were strong and fast, avoiding most of the shots but... they were slow to him "if the cannon won't hit them..." he threw one last salvo and let go of his cannon, his hand holding his big chainsword and springing forward like a torpedo, as his power armor propulsors roared to full throttle, his chainsword too roaring for blood.


Rose: "wha-" Rose couldn't stop him either but quickly sprang forward too, easily catching up.

The monsters gleefully launched themselves at him, but Erik easily sidestepped them, his chainsword avoiding their claws and painting clouds of blood on the water, as it ripped the beasts' necks open.

Rose: [retreat! I will face them!]

Erik: [no... we will!]

The water around Erik's power armor was bubbling with plasma, his steps like cannon balls blowing the mud away, a trail of bubbles and muddy clouds left behind.

Similarly, Rose's mace and power armor were glowing with energy.

A monster jumped at Erik to bite him, but Erik fell to his knees, effortlessly sliding under the creature and cutting its belly wide open.

The creatures couldn't stop avoiding the bullet onslaught, the moment one got distracted it was ripped apart.

Rose killed them in the dozens, her unrivaled strength catapulting her body forward and with her mace in the front right through the bodies of the creatures, like a living plasma cannon.

Meanwhile, Erik stood over the corpses of over a dozen beasts, if they got close he promptly slaughtered them, protecting the octopeople behind, as his head hurt more and more as time passed.

The battle continued, and the beasts got more and more cornered, making mistakes as bullets, explosives, and plasma shots hit their targets.

Soon, only the biggest beast remained, the one who had eaten an octopeople earlier.

The beast looked at the corpses and then at Erik as he slowly walked closer.

*GRRRRHHH!* the beast growled, but Erik didn't stop.

Erik: "Don't you worry~ I will be sure to eat you too!"

*KRAAARGH!* The beast launched itself forward, but Erik side stepped to the right, moving his left foot behind, and using his body rotation, along with the strength of both of his arms and power armor to bring his chainsword at the neck of the beast, but the beast blocked the attack with its claws, stopping the chainsword in place.

Before Erik could dodge, the other claw came quickly.

Erik's eyes dilated: 'dammit! I can't dodge it so close!'

*SWOOSH!* but the beast was cut short, as a huge spear then pierced the beast's head, throwing it off.

Timberly walked over in her huge power armor, stepping in the skull of the still breathing beast, the spear had gone through and severed the spine, but the beast was still alive.

Timberly increased her foot's weight, slowly crushing the beast's skull as it whimpered, finally killing it with a squelch.

Timberly retrieved the spear and decapitated the beast just in case: "no one touches my people!"

Erik quickly approached and tore open the beast's stomach, but inside was only a skeleton with barely any flesh on it remaining, most of the bones were also broken and starting to dissolve, a gruesome way to die.

Erik punched the muddy floor: "dammit!"

Timberly put a hand on his shoulder: "thanks for the sentiment but... we can't remain here, more monsters could-"

*BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!* loud footsteps were then heard from far away.

Rose: "those are footsteps! we gotta run!"

There were three paths in front and the sound came from the middle one, so everyone ran after Rose on the path to the left.

*BLAM!! BLAM!! BLAM!!* the footsteps became louder and faster at their backs as they ran.

Erik: "Rose! how much further? any place to hide?!"

Rose: "hmmm... according to the design there should be a maintenance room nearby... follow me!" and took a turn to the left.

Their heavy quick steps lifted big plumes of mud behind them, limiting their speed even using their power armor and armor propulsions.

Thankfully, they soon reached a crookedly open metal door.

Erik: "everyone get inside and be silent!"

Everyone quickly entered the muddy room, apparently full of pieces of decaying prey, from fish to crustaceans. They didn't have time to rest though, seeing Rose's hand signals everyone stuck to the walls on both sides just as the steps stopped outside.

A silence ensued for a moment and then...

*KRRRRHHH* Slowly the thick metal doors stuck in the mud were ripped apart, and thrown away.

Soon after a head, the size of a truck cabin snuck inside, seemingly smelling for something.

Erik looked at his bloody power armor, and regretted his decision for just a moment before shaking his head: 'if I hadn't held the line some other soldiers might have died, but... what to do now... I... can only try that...'

Erik: [Rose, I will distract the beast, take the soldiers to the generator room and close the door, this place should have defenses right? just reactivate them then]


Erik: [Rose... I don't know the way, but you do...]

Rose: [... then I will leave the bots!]

Erik: [that's fine and all but to repair the power source you will need them to act as your hands and feet, even if you explain to the octopeople I'm not sure how much they will be able to help...]

Rose: [then the octopeople-]

Erik: [you know I can't allow that Rose... they are family now...]

Rose looked at the sharp fangs of the beast, imagining Erik between them: [Erik... we are so close, I... I don't want... my friend to die like this...]

Erik: [...I don't plan on dying either, just tell me where the closest place to hide is, and I will lure the beast there, I'm covered in the blood of her young, it will follow me...]

Rose clenched her teeth: [run to the right and take the right path, should lead to a research lab, once the power is on... I should be able to use the security measures to help you but... Erik, it will take a while, why don't we just face the beast all together?]

Erik shook his head: [this beast is huge, but also fast, it caught up really quickly, we won't be able to run away, also...] he observed the skin full of spiky scales [this one is different, those scales... worry me... if it circles around us it would just kill everyone else as it pleases...]

Rose: [...please..., don't die Erik, I will leave six bots with you]


Erik whispered: "everyone, I will distract the beast, so wait till I drive the beast away before following and running to the left"

Timberly held his shoulder though: "I won't allow it, you are too valuable to my people, I... I shall be the bait"

Erik looked at her in the eye and saw determination: "our people Timberly, our people..., if you wish to help me, you better be able to keep up, no matter the armor, if that beast catches up... we are dead"

Timberly: "I was never slow to begin with, running at the front means you won't be able to protect those in the back, I won't be left behind by your speed"

Erik: "hah... we will see, then-"

Inky: "I... I will go too!"

Erik: ", go and protect the others, there might be other monsters, go and protect them, it's also a really important job"

Inky seemed disappointed, but nodded in the end : "...I understand, I won't disappoint you!"

AI 2137 then moved forward too: *I shall go too*

Erik and Rose were both surprised, looking at the usually quiet bot.

Erik: "why?"

AI 2137: *I've studied biological lifeforms in detail, so at least... I'm capable of providing you with medical assistance* it gave most of its gear to other bots as it take off all armor plates *also... this body is fast...*

Erik wasn't sure of the reason, but there were no problems anyway.

Erik: "alright, I shall allow it... ready, three... two... one!" Erik charged out with his chainsaw in hand and cut at the left eye of the beast, leaving a big gash, and started running down the hallway accompanied by six bots and Timberly.

Timberly despite her massive size, easily kept up with Erik, her steps launching her forward, her mind completely adapted to having a bipedal body by now.

AI 2137 was also keeping up, having taken off his armor plates he was now light enough, as armor wouldn't help against such a monster.

The beast was quick though.

*BOOOM!* the first bot was quickly caught, exploding in the jaws of the beast, Erik took a quick peek over his shoulder and could see the bleeding mouth and huge gash on its left eye.

*BOOOM!* the beast seemed smart though, as it quickly destroyed the second bot, their heavy armor plates offering little resistance.

Erik: "shit! we won't make it like this!" as the beast was about to reach the third bot, Erik turned and shot an explosive round at the face of the beast.

*BOOM!* the beast stopped as the explosion stung its face.

Erik: "bots shoot back as you run!"

bots: *command acknowledged, initiating fire and run command* their heads turned back as they started firing back with great precision, unfortunately, it only annoyed the beast.

They ran quickly as explosions sounded behind them, finally reaching the previous intersection, but two more explosions sounded from behind, the monster seemed to be ignoring the explosions now.

Erik: "quick, to the right path!"

The three bolted forward on the right path, when after one more explosion they heard something different, as Rose's voice came from the last bot.

bot(Rose): *keep running! 100 meters you should reach the door!, I will gain a bit more time, we are already running for the power generation room!*

They kept running on the thick muddy floor, but thirty seconds later, another explosion was heard.

Rose:[the beast is way too fast, be careful it can also claw back with its hind legs!]

Erik's face soured, but the door was already in sight, thankfully open enough for them but... their time had run out.

The quick stomps behind them a clear indicator of the incoming danger.

AI 2137: * nice knowing you two~* and sped up forward faster.

At that moment Timberly grabbed Erik and launched him forward.

Erik looked back and saw Timberly raise her tower shield, only for the beast to easily slap her aside, heavily impacting a wall and sliding down unconscious.

Erik: "TIMBERLY!!!" Erik clenched his teeth and stopped his momentum using his thrusters, he wouldn't be able to look the others in the eye if he left her behind.


He quickly shot three salvos, getting the beast's attention.

Erik: "COME AT ME YOU BEAST!!!" he took out his chainsword in his right hand, the sound reminded the beast of its left eye injury, making it pause.

Erik grit his teeth and dropped his rifle to the muddy floor, enveloping his left arm in all the explosives and explosive ammo he was carrying, murmuring to himself "all or nothing... this will hurt... if my body can't be faster than you... I can only be smarter..."

He set his left foot forward in a vertical position, while his right foot was horizontal behind, with one foot of distance. He would need to have a stable footing for his plan to work, his body lit with sparks as his brain accelerated once again, making it all feel like slow motion.

Erik took a deep breath and roared, startling the beast that had been analyzing him, keeping an eye on his sword: "TO THE DEATH!!!" he quickly advanced forward with big steps forward, a movement widely used in oriental martial arts, Tai Sabaki.

The beast went for a bite and Erik plunged his entire arm in, as the beast's jaw's closed in he felt it, his arm barely connected to his body as it only transmitted pain, thankfully the power armor's AI was quick to inject painkillers and patch the hole, his feet dragging on the mud as he stopped the momentum of the beast.

As the lizard was about to end Erik with a claw strike, Erik smiled and moved his left foot back, ripping off what was left of his arm and jumping back with his right foot, avoiding enough of the hit as it only left a clean gash in the front of his power armor.

The beast was about to gleefully swallow the arm but...

*BOOOOOM!!!* with a mental order dozens of powerful explosives set off on the throat of the beast, ripping its neck open. The beast desperately tried to use its sharp claws to patch the wound, but... it was useless, the blood continued to jet out of the huge mangled wound, its remaining right eye soon becoming glassy as it finally died.

Erik stumbled weakly and seated next to Timberly, her eyes were half open as a thin smile was on her face.

Erik: "think you can stand up?"

Timberly: "ha... ha... hnng... hah... maybe later... and you?"

Erik: "running to my death and ripping my arm off, I feel like my brain is on fire but... we will be fine... so-"

AI 2137 came back at that moment, calmly walking on the muddy floor: *well color me surprised, you two are alive hum?*

Erik: "hmph! quite the coward for an immortal machine"

AI 2137 shrugged: *it doesn't feel good to die and to be... reconstituted, but don't you worry, I will keep you both alive, feel free to take a nap...*

Erik: "wha? I won't..." without Erik realizing it, his body had no strength left, his brain once relaxed from the intense deadly effort felt sluggish and sleepy, and he couldn't avoid falling asleep.

Timberly: "hey... Erik... wake up..."

AI 2137: *oh don't you worry, he's just tired~ just take a nap too~*

NirvanaPenguin NirvanaPenguin




Twitter: @NirvanaPenguin

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