William smiled, "I know you very well son, I know when you lie to me. Moreover, I know how strong is your bond with Roselyn and I am sure she would have never let you fight on your own unless you have a good reason to."
John smiled, he took a breath of relief, "I am sorry if I didn't tell you. I promised to Roselyn to keep the secret and recently I trust people way less."
"I understand your reasons. I will keep your secret, I promise." William said his eyes were filled with tears and emotion it was like he could barely believe such great news.
"Congratulations!" He said hugging John so tightly that he almost hurt him. He had always wanted John to give him an heir and since he had met Roselyn, William had got his hopes tied up to them.
"Thank you. I can't believe I will have a family with her but I couldn't be happier." John whispered back to his father as he tried to drive away from the tears that had filled his eyes.
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